My Kinda Guy

Published on Aug 24, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

Author's Note: Love at First Sight belongs to Kylie Minogue and it's respectful writers. I don't own it nor did I sing it. Author's Note: My Funny Valentine belongs to Chaka Khan and whoever that wrote it. I didn't write it nor do I own it.

"Twilight in Paris...City of lights, its everything I hoped it would be..." by JEM and the Holograms

My Kinda Guy -- Twilight in Paris Chapter -- 7B by JT Poole and Nicole Brown

// Molokai, HI -- Kaluakoi Villas -- Later that Night -- JT and Kevin's Room //

--- JT's POV ---

We have just gotten back to our room after calming Nikki and Howie down after the stunt JC, Joey and Phyllis pulled at the reception. I don't know what got into them, I wish they would have waited until some other time. Her special day...she will always remember this day, remember the day that three people argued after her wedding. I am just glad it didn't happen during the wedding itself, I don't know what Nikki would have done to JC.

"I wish I could kick JC's ass for what he did earlier!" I scream out slamming the door as Kevin walked into the room.

"Baby calm down, she's going to be okay. They are both going to be okay." He says, sitting next to me. "Howie is going to keep her calm."

"Yeah, but she's hurt Kevin, she's really hurt, more than when her husband was causing problems for her. I can see it in her eyes, she's really saddened by this." I tell him, getting up and pacing back and forth. "This little matter isn't over yet, I can feel it."

"I don't think it will go pass tonight. It's all said and done with." He says, walking over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing a kiss to my lips. "You slapped him baby, don't you think that was enough?"

"Maybe he needed more than a slapping. I just feel like this isn't over yet." I tell him, hugging him, lying my head on his chest.

"Baby why don't we just forget about that and think about us." He says, raising my chin and placing a kiss to my lips. "I love you JT, and I want to make love to you."

"Oh baby, what do you want to do to me?" I ask him, moving my hands down to his ass and squeezing.

"I can start off with some oral motions." He says, kissing me on the lips, trailing kisses down my jaw and then down to my neck.

"Is that all I'm gonna get?" I ask him, as he starts, unbuttoning my shirt, undoing my tie, running his fingers teasingly across my chest and then tweaking my nipples.

"Nah, you are gonna get more than that baby." He says, smirking and grabbing his crotch. "I think I have a little bit more to give you."

"Oh please man, that's not enough, I need more than that." I say to him teasingly, causing his smirk to disappear.

"What?" He asks, looking much like he was going to cry or something. "I'm not enough for you?"

"I was only joking man, stop looking at me like that." I say to him, as he pulls away from me. "Kevin come on, I was only joking. Don't be mad."

"I'm not mad John." He says to me.

"John? You never call me John, you are mad with me." I say to him as he walks back into the bedroom and closes the door.

"Oh yeah, I guess I went to far on this one." I say walking towards the door and knocking, not getting an answer. "Kevin honey please, I'm sorry, I was only teasing."

What's the matter with me? Why do I do stupid shit at moments like this? In my mind, I was only teasing, but I guess he didn't see it that way. Lydia always said I was screw up when it came to matters of the heart, I guess she's right again. I have to do something to fix this, but what?

"Kevin honey can I come in?" I say, tapping on the door again.

"Come in JT, it's your room too." He says as I enter the room.

"I'm sorry baby, I was only teasing. I didn't think it would hurt you like this." I say to him as I walk over and sit besides him on the bed. "Please baby forgive me. I'm really sorry."

"JT shut up." He says, turning to face me.

"What?" I ask, not expecting him to say that to me.

"I said shut up. Now listen to what I have to say." He says, grabbing my hand.

"Okay." I say, feeling a little hurt.

"You have your faults, I have mine. But all that really matters is that we love each other. You tease me, I tease you. We are two fucking jokers, and that's ok... as long as we are not joking about how we feel." He says, caressing the side of my face.

"Kevin..." I say as he places a finger to my lips.

"What I am saying is that, we love each other and I think we should get married tomorrow while everyone is still here." He says, placing a kiss on my hand.

"Are you sure?" I ask, looking into his eyes.

"Yeah I am sure, everything is already set up. All we need to do is tell everyone." He tells me wrapping his arms around me, placing kisses along my neck.

"Oh Kevin, you are an animal." I say as we lay back into the bed kissing.

// The Next Afternoon //

"Well it's your day bro, are you ready for this moment?" Lydia asked, hugging JT as she walked into the room.

"I don't know Lydie. My heart is saying yes, but the rest of me is telling me to run for the hills." JT says, sitting down in the nearest chair in the room.

"Boy stop, you are just nervous that's all." Lydia say just as someone knocks on the door.

"Come in." JT says, standing up as Craig walks in with Nick and Justin.

"Hey man, are you ready for your big day?" Justin asked.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" JT asked, walking back over to the chair he was sitting in.

"Well guy it is your day. Your wedding day." Nick said, walking over and hugging him. "Just think, in a day or two, we will all be back in Paris celebrating our love."

"Yeah right, I have to get married first." JT said, picking up the glass of water and taking a sip.

"You are going to be okay JT, just think of it this way, you are going to be with the man you love." Craig stated, patting JT on the back.

"Yeah I will." JT said, standing up again. "Thanks Craig."

"No problem you big ole geek." Craig said, laughing as JT, punched him playfully in the arm.

// In Howie and Nikki's Room //

"Calm down Kevin, you are acting like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs." Howie said, grabbing Kevin by the arms and stopping him from pacing.

"I...I'm scared D." Kevin spoke, finally.

"Why are you scared Kev, this is your big day." Howie stated. "This is the day you have been waiting for. You are going to marry the man of your dreams. That's the best feeling in the world."

"Yeah he's the man of my dreams. What if he backs out and doesn't want to marry me? What will I do then?" Kevin asked, sitting down, tears running down his face.

"Kev, man you need to pull it together." Howie said as Nikki walked into the room with one of the babies in her arms.

"What's going on in here?" Nikki asked, walking over to Kevin and rubbing his back.

"He's just a little nervous about the wedding is all." Howie answered her.

"Well the wedding is going to go okay. Wait, make sure that damn JC isn't there and everything will go fine." Nikki stated, burping little Joshua. "He fucked up our reception, he might fuck up yours too."

"Baby don't tell him that, he will get upset about that too." Howie stated, standing up and pulling Nikki to the other side of the room.

"Well I was just telling the truth Howie." Nikki spoke, making little Joshua giggle, as she played with his feet.

"I know baby, but don't upset him more. When he gets to the altar he's going to be a complete wreck." Howie said, crossing his arms across his chest. "I'm going to go and try to calm him down, will you please not say anything that could upset him more."

"Oh alright, but I did warn him." Nikki stated, walking over to the sofa with the baby in on her shoulder, trying to put him to sleep.

// Down in Joey and JC's Room //

"Owwwwww." JC moaned out. "What's that loud noise?"

"It's okay baby, it's only someone at the door." Joey stated.

"Tell them to stop. My head hurts and I want to just lay here and sleep." JC replied, rolling over in the bed.

"You stay right here, I will go get the door." Joey said, getting up and going to the door. "Hi JT, congratulations."

"Where's JC?" JT asked, walking into the room. "JC! JC get your narra ass out hur right now!"

"JT could you keep it down, he's not feeling well right now." Joey stated.

"I don't care how he feels! I want to see him right now, now go in there and tell him to get his ass out here right now!" JT shouted.

"Owww man, what the hell is all the racket man?" JC asked, stumbling into the room.

"Just the person I wanted to speak to." JT stated. "JC I am only going to say this once and once only."

"Say what?" Joey asked.

"You shut up Mr. Fatone, this is for your boyfriend." JT stated, raising his hand up to Joey's face.

"What do you have to say JT?" JC asked.

"You are welcomed to come to my wedding today, but if you cause any kind of scene, by God, I will strike you down!" JT shouted. "No, I am not going to hit you, I am going to shoot you!"

"JT!" Joey screamed.

"Shut up Joey!" JT shouted again. "You are not going to cause problems for me like you did at Howie and Nikki's wedding, I will not allow it. If I have to I will stop the preacher and pull out my fucking gun."

"JT we get the picture." Joey stated, backing away from JT with a scared look on his face.

"Good, I don't want to have to shoot either of you." JT stated, walking to the door, stopping and then turning around. "I do hope you feel better!"

"Owww." JC moaned out, covering his ears and sliding down to the floor.

"Bye now." JT stated, walking out of the door, letting it slam behind him.

"I'm sorry that happened to you baby." Joey spoke, wrapping his arms around JC. "I know you feel bad. Come on, let me get you back into the bed."

// Down on the Beach -- The Wedding //

--- JT's POV ---

Oh my God, I don't believe this, it's time, it's finally time. Soon I will be Mr. JT Richardson. Damn that sounds good. I have waited so long for this moment and it's finally here. I am so happy and scared all at the same time, I don't know how to act right now. Damn man get a grip, I am so nervous that I am sweating buckets and it's not even hot out here. If I don 't calm down right now, I might not be able to go through with this. Here I am, standing at the back of the reception area, waiting to walk down the aisle to become Mr. Richardson. Lydie walks up next to me and kisses me on the cheek. I am glad she's next to me. We are standing here waiting on the wedding music to start when I see Justin and Nick walk up to the stage and pick up microphones. I look at them strange, wondering what they are about to do when Justin starts singing. Lydie is surprised as well as I am when the music to Kylie Minogue's `Love at First Sight' starts playing and Nick joins in.

"Thought that I was going crazy Just having one of those days yeah Didn't know what to do Then there was you..." Justin sang.

"And everything went from wrong to right And the stars came out and filled up the sky The music you were playing really blew my mind It was love at first sight..." Nick sang, getting next to Justin.

Oh God that's my favorite song. I can't believe they remembered this. I bet Kevin told them that I wanted to have that as our song. I will thank him for that later.

"'Cos baby when I heard you For the first time I knew We were meant to be as one." Nick and Justin sang in unison.

"Was tired of running out of luck Thinking 'bout giving up yeah Didn't know what to do Then there was you." Nick sang, blowing a kiss at Justin.

"And everything went from wrong to right And the stars came out and filled up the sky The music you were playing really blew my mind It was love at first sight..." Justin sang as he and Nick started moving to the music.

I looked over to the other end of the reception hall and there stood Kevin with Howie, looking all nervous. I can't wait until I am able to touch him to reassure him that this isn't a dream. Damn he looks hottttt in that tux, I see role playing in our future.

"'Cos baby when I heard you For the first time I knew We were meant to be as one

'Cos baby when I heard you For the first time I knew We were meant to be as one. " Nick and Justin sang in unison.

"And everything went from wrong to right And the stars came out and filled up the sky The music you were playing really blew my mind It was love at first sight." Nick sang as Justin got up behind him, wrapping his arm around his waist.

"Love at first sight Love at first sight Love at first sight

Baby when I heard you For the first time I knew We were meant to be as one

Baby when I heard you For the first time I knew We were meant to be as one

It was love, it was love, it was love, it was love

It was love, it was love, it was love, it was love..." Justin and Nick sang together as the song ended and we all clapped.

"Bro that was so nice they sang for you and Kevin." Lydia says to me, grabbing my hand and squeezing it gently for support. "Come on Bro let's get you hitched."

"Oh God, this is really it." I say as the wedding march music start and Lydia and me take off walking down the aisle.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Kevin and Howie walking as well and it seems like Howie is somehow holding Kevin up.

"Lydie look." I say motioning with my head in Kevin and Howie's direction. "It looks like there's something wrong with Kevin."

"He looks fine to me." Lydia says, patting my shoulder as we all end up in front of the man that married Nikki and Howie just the day before, Reverend James.

"Friends, we come together in this beautiful place to share with John Timothy Poole and Kevin Scott Richardson a most important moment in their lives." Reverend James states, looking around the room, waiting for someone to approach.

"Oh God, it's happening." I say as Lydia nudges me in the side.

"Marriage was instituted by God in the Garden of Eden when He saw that it was not good for man to be alone. Christ beautified marriage with His presence in Cana of Galilee when He wrought His first miracle. It is commended by the Apostle Paul who likened it to the holy union which exists between Christ and His Church, in which our Lord Jesus is called the Bridegroom and His Church, the Bride." Reverend James speaks, looking at the two of us in front of him.

This is all so beautiful, I can barely contain myself.

"We have been invited to hear John and Kevin promise to face the future together as husband and husband. John and Kevin, you must recognize that this covenant is more than a legal contract. This is a bond of union made in heaven. It is to be entered into with reverence. You are about to assume mutual relationships and responsibilities and to promise undying devotions. Nothing is easier than saying words, nothing harder than living them day-by-day.

Love between two beings means caring as much about the welfare and happiness of your marriage partner as about yourself. You will be looking in the same direction together. Burdens will be lighter because you divide them. Joys will be more intense because you share them. No other human tie is more tender, no other vows more sacred than these you are about to assume. Now as you stand in the presence of God, myself and all your friends and family, you must remember the responsibilities of a true loving relationship." The Reverend states, closing the book in front of him and walking around the altar to stand directly in front of us.

"John, you are to love Kevin as Christ loves you. You are to be the head, heart and soul to your partner. You are to respect and comfort him. Will you take Kevin as your partner in life?" The Reverend asks.

"I will." I say, smiling widely.

"Kevin, you are to love John as Christ loves you. You are to be the head, heart, and soul to your partner. You are to respect and comfort him. Will you take John as your partner in life?" The Reverend asks.

"I do." Kevin says, blushing and sweating profusely.

"Alright who brings John to be united with Kevin?" The Reverend asks.

"I do." Lydia says, stepping up behind me.

"Ms. Blair are you willing now and always to support and strengthen this partnership by upholding John and Kevin with your concern?" The Reverend asks.

"Yes I am." Lydia says smiling at the two of us.

"Who brings Kevin to be united with John?" The Reverend asks.

"I do." Howie says, stepping up behind Kevin.

"Mr. Dorough are you willing now and always to support and strengthen this partnership by upholding Kevin and John with your concern?" The Reverend asks.

"Yes I am." Howie answers, patting Kevin on the back.

"Good good. John and Kevin, do you have tokens of the sincerity of your love for each other and these vows?" The Reverend asks.

"Yes we do sir." Both Kevin and JT speak up.

"John what token do you give of your love and your vows to your mate?" The Reverend asks.

"I give this ring." JT says, holding up the ring in front of Reverend James.

"Bless this ring, O Lord, that he who gives it and he who wears it may abide in thy peace, and continue in thy favor, unto their life's end. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen." The Reverend says, holding my hand that held the ring.

"Kevin I give you this ring as a pledge of the sincerity of my love and my vows to you." I say, placing the ring on his finger.

"Kevin, what token do you give of your love and vows to your mate?" The Reverend asks.

"I give him this ring." Kevin says, holding up the ring in front of Reverend James.

"Bless this ring, O Lord, that he who gives it and he who wears it may abide in thy peace, and continue in thy favor, unto their life's end. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen." The Reverend says, holding Kevin's hand that held the ring.

"John I give you this ring as a pledge of the sincerity of my love and my vows to you." He says, placing the ring on my finger.

"You, John and Kevin have pledged your devotion to each other. It is not these words that have bound you together, but the love you share for each other and the love of God, who has welded your hearts together as one. He has said, "'For this cause shall a man leave his family and shall be joined unto his mate and the two shall become one flesh'." The Reverend speaks, pulling up his robe a little as he started to kneel. "Everyone please kneel. Let us pray."

As we kneel down in front of Reverend James, he touches my forehead, then he touches Kevin's and then he begins to speak.

"May your days and years to come be filled with the kind of integrity and joy, that will enable you to live through those times ahead which may be tough. May your affection for each other grow, thus enriching and strengthening all of us. Blessed are you, God, Creator of the Universe. Grant the love, which unites you two John and Kevin together. May the two of you grow in abiding happiness. May there be peace in the home, quietness and confidence in their hearts. May they be sustained in their love by finding a place in their hearts for all people in this lovely world.

Go now in peace in love, and may these things touch your hearts, and be with you through the days of your life together.

May the blessing that rests upon all who love, rest also upon you, and fill you with all spiritual grace. May the bond that unites you ever be strengthened. May you so love and work together in the days that are to come, that your lives will be enriched and ennobled by a true and deepening union of mind and heart.

This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. If any person is in Christ, that person is a new creation; the old has passed away; behold, the new has come. Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God, and whoever loves is born of God and knows God. Whom, therefore, God has joined together, let no one put asunder.

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace, both now and forever. Amen.

Ministering in the name of the Lord Jesus, I now pronounce you partners in life. May Christ be the Head of your home. May He be the unseen Guest at every meal, the Listener to every conversation. May Christ's love rule your hearts and lives.

You may now greet your partner.

As soon as Reverend James said those words Kevin was all over me, it was like he was ready to attack me at that very moment. We kissed and I heard everyone behind us clapping and doing catcalls.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you: Mr. John Timothy Poole-Richardson and Mr. Kevin Scott Richardson-Poole." The Reverend states, raising his hands as everyone clapped again.

"Congratulations Mr. Richardson, I bet you are happy now." Nikki says hugging me.

"Yes I am happy. I am the happiest person on the planet." I say as Kevin grabs me by the hand and he pulls me close as we share another kiss.

// Later that Evening //

"Hello everyone, we would like to thank you all for being here to share this beautiful day with the two of us." Kevin stated, walking over to the front of the room. "To start, I am very happy that JT is mine now, too late, you can't run now."

"Who's running?" JT stated, as everyone started laughing.

"Well good, I am not going to let you run. I am going to hold you forever and ever." Kevin stated, as JT got up and walked over to where he was standing.

"Oh you say the sweetest things." JT said, kissing Kevin on the cheek.

"Well we want some more of that, but first. I have something else I would like to say, but I think I will say it in a special way." Kevin stated, walking over to the altar and picking up one of the microphones. "JT this is for you.

My funny valentine Sweet, comic valentine You make me smile with my heart Oooh, mmm

Your looks are laughable Un-photographable Yet, you're my favorite work of art Is your figure less than Greek? Is your mouth a little bit weak? When you open it to speak, are you smart?

Don't, baby don't, don't you change your hair for me Not if you care for me Stay, stay little valentine, stay Each day is Valentine's... Each day is Valentine's Day

Stay, little valentine, stay Stay, stay, yeah yeah Each day is Valentine's... Each day is Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day." Kevin sang, as everyone started clapping as JT sat there tears streaming down his face.

"I love you baby." JT says.

"I love you JT." Kevin says as JT stands up and they embrace and share a kiss.

"Isn't that sweet." Nick states, walking over to the two men and hugging them.

"It sure is." Justin spoke, walking over to them and hugging them too.

"I have a question." Nick stated.

"What is it Nick?" JT asked, turning to face Nick.

"Who is Florida Evans?" Nick asked, as he and Justin stared at us and JT and Kevin burst out laughing.

"What?" Nick asked. holding up his hands in confusion. "It's a simple question. Who's Florida Evans?"

"Why do you ask?" JT asked, giggling along with Kevin.

"Well Kevin said he didn't know your name was Florida Evans last night at Nikki's reception right before he ran after you." Justin explained. "Is your name Florida Evans?"

"No my name isn't Florida Evans." JT stated, bursting into more laughter, bending over holding his sides.

"Then what's going on?" Nick asked, getting an angry look on his face. "Damn Damn Damn!"

Hearing those words, both JT and Kevin cracked up laughing holding on to each other, as they both turned around holding their sides.

"Damn Nicky I didn't know you were Florida Evans too." Kevin stated, still laughing as Nick looked at him confused still.

"Baby we better tell them now." JT stated, sitting in the nearest chair trying to control his outburst.

"Would one of you please tell us what's so funny?" Justin asked, pulling up a chair and sitting in front of me as Nick sat in his lap.

"Well to answer your question, Florida Evans is a character from a 70's TV show called Good Times'." Kevin stated, standing behind JT, wrapping his arms around his neck. "On the show, Florida Evans had her moment after her husband funeral. In a fit of sadness, Florida screamed out Damn Damn Damn' and thus that's how that joke came about."

"What?" Nick asked, standing up now. "This has all been about some television show?"

"Basically yeah." JT stated as he and Kevin started laughing again.

"I don't believe this. This has been all about a fucking TV show!" Nick stated, walking away.

"Nick? Nick come on man, don't be mad." JT stated, as Justin got up and ran behind Nick.

// Down on the Beach //

"Nicky baby calm down, they didn't mean any harm." Justin stated, stopping Nick from walking. "It was harmless baby."

"I feel like they made a fool of us." Nick said, melting into Justin's arms.

"I don't feel that way. I am glad in a way. That's something they share, something that they knew about." Justin spoke, placing a kiss on Nick's cheek. "I must admit that I was starting to think strange things about JT."

"Well I was too baby, I was starting to think something bad was going on." Nick admitted, wrapping his arms around Justin's waist.

"Well it was all a joke to them, it's their day, we can get them for that later." Justin stated smiling into the kiss that he and Nick shared. "Come on baby, we need to get back. We have an announcement to make."

// Back at the Reception //

"Ladies and Gentlemen may we have your attention please." Justin spoke into the microphone., standing into front of the altar as Nick joined him.

"Wonder what's up now?" JT asks, kissing Kevin one more time before turning his attention to Justin and Nick speaking.

"Well as you all know, yesterday Howie and Nikki got married, and today Kevin and JT got married. As out gift to them, we are all going to Paris for our honeymoon for a month." Justin announces to the room as everyone starts clapping.

"Congratulations you guys and girl." Nick states, clapping and whistling.

"Oh my God, we are going to Paris for our honeymoon baby." Nikki says, wrapping her arms around Howie. "Thank you, Thank you, I always wanted to go to Paris."

"Well I am glad you can share that first time with me." Howie says, kissing her as she continues to jump around.

"Come on up here guys and girl." Justin says, waving Kevin, JT, Howie and Nikki up to the altar.

"Thank you Justin." JT says, hugging him.

"Welcome Mr. Richardson." Justin says, smiling at JT. "That sounds good on you."

"It does doesn't it." JT states, hugging Nick. "Nick, we are sorry, we didn 't mean to hurt you in any way."

"It's okay, I just didn't know it was something funny." Nick replies, hugging Kevin. "You two need to get on, we leave early in the morning."

"Early in the morning? We don't get to sleep in?" Kevin asks, hugging Justin.

"No, our plane leaves at ten o'clock and we need to be at the airport a little after nine or so." Justin says, waving his finger. "Have your fun, because we don't need anyone else joining the mile high club."

"So you say." Nikki says, kissing Howie again as Nick and Justin both laughs. "I've never had a good chance to join that club, but I am going to try one of these days."

"Baby..." Howie says, grabbing Nikki by her hands, pulling her away towards their room.

"Good night you two." Justin and Nick say, still laughing.

"Yeah night." Nikki says, disappearing down the hall.

"Okay, what are you two waiting for?" Nick asks, tapping JT and then Kevin on the shoulder. "We told you to leave a few minutes ago, why are you still here?"

"We were enjoying ourselves here with everyone. The night is still young." JT says.

"That's right, the night is still young, you two should be using it wisely." Justin says, winking at the two of them. "Go on, it will be nine before you know it."

"Yeah, you're right, I'm going to take my partner in and ravish him, I don't know if we have enough time to do everything tonight." Kevin says, grabbing JT by the hand and pulling him up. "Come on baby, let's go keep everyone else up."

"Don't go disturbing the rest of us, some of us will be sleeping." Nick says, laughing as JT and Kevin kissed yet again and walked out of the room. "I bet they are going to rival Howie and Nikki."

"Probably so." Justin replies, kissing Nick as the two start dancing to the music that was playing. "I love you Nick."

"I love you Justin." Nick answers, kissing Justin and then dipping him. "Let's get going too, we have to be up early too."

"We sure do baby." Justin answers him, as the two of them walk out as well.


Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: gayboyjt2001 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 63: Twilight in Paris 7c

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