My Kinda Guy

Published on Sep 28, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

Author's Note: This takes place the night of Nikki and Howie's wedding. This is the part after the reception.

"Twilight in Paris...City of lights, its everything I hoped it would be..." by JEM and the Holograms

My Kinda Guy -- Twilight in Paris

Chapter -- 7C by Nicole Brown and JT Poole

// The Ladies Room... Nikki & Howie's Reception //

"How could he do this?" Nikki repeated over and over as she sat on the couch in the luxurious bathroom/changing room. She could hear Howie outside begging her to open the door, but she wasn't about up to facing him yet.

"D, just go away!" she yelled, crying harder as she buried her face in a pillow.

"Nikki... open the door!" Howie yelled back, trying the doorknob again. He turned around as Kevin and JT came running up.

"Where is she?" JT asked, showing concern for his friend.

"In there... she's locked herself in there and she won't come out," Howie replied, pounding on the door again. "Nikki, please open the door!"

"Leave me alone!" she shouted, flinging her veil and headpiece away. "Just go away Howie!"

"Nikki? Girl come out that damned bathroom!" JT yelled grinning at the look Howie was giving him. "I figure since the nice guy approach isn't working might as well try making her angry."

"Is she in there?" Lydia asked as she and Craig walked up hand in hand. At Howie's nod, she stepped up to the door and knocked softly. "Nikki? Hey girl, it's me. Let me in for a minute. I need to use the bathroom."

"Okay, but just you... nobody else," Nikki replied, opening the door and snatching Lydia inside and locking it again. She collapsed into Lydia's arms, crying her heart out. "How could he ruin my day like this? I gave Tony up! What more does he want from me?"

"Girl JC is just drunk and jealous," Lydia replied, hugging her friend close. "He's probably getting cursed out right this minute!"

"This is so screwed up!" Nikki replied, wiping her face on a tissue. "This is my wedding day! I'm supposed to be happy!"

"But we are happy!" Lydia replied, checking her make-up in the mirror.

"I am not happy damn it!" Nikki shouted while Lydia added more lip-gloss. "My reception is ruined all because JC is a jealous bastard who can't hold his alcohol!"

"But we're still happy!" Lydia replied, a sly grin covering her face as she looked at Nikki. "But we'd be even happier if we go out there and beat his punk ass down!"

"Let's do this!" Nikki replied with a smile, stopping long enough to fix her hair and reapply her own lip-gloss before she flung open the door, storming past the guys. "Get out of my way! I got something I gots ta take care of!"

"Nikki no!" Howie yelled, running to catch up with her. He grabbed her arm, swinging her around. "Baby you can't be fighting JC in your wedding dress!"

"Oh yeah? Watch me!" Nikki replied, pulling free and walking back onto the veranda... and making a beeline for where JC and Joey stood next to Phyllis. Joey saw the look in her eyes and stepped up to grab her before she could hurt JC.

"Nikki, don't!" he shouted as she drew back a fist. JT caught her arm, pulling her back towards him. He brought his hands up, playing pattycake with her for a minute like in The Color Purple.

Me and you us never part makedada Me and you us have one heart makedada Ain't no ocean ain't no sea makedada Keep my sistah way from me makedada

"Nikki stop," he said softly when she pulled away again to attack JC. When she turned to try to release herself from his grip, he whispered, "Today is not the day. Don't worry, we'll get his ass another time!"

Nikki froze, looking around at the faces of her family and friends. Most of them knew her temper well enough to know something was about to jump off, so they were all shocked when she slowly lowered her arm. She turned back to Joey, the anger overflowing again as she looked at an obviously drunken JC.

"You get him the fuck out of my reception and don't let him come back!" she hissed between clinched teeth, smiling sweetly for the benefit of the guests. "If I see him before tomorrow, I won't be held responsible for what I do!"

"I'm sorry Nikki," Joey said softly, grabbing JC by the arm and leading him back into the hotel.

--- Nikki's POV ---

I watched the two of them leaving, glad to be done with both of them. I'll admit it, I do still love Tony, but JC is another matter completely. I know I should at least try to get along with him since he is Tony's man, but he's making that really, really difficult to do. I looked around at all of the family and friends who had come to see Howie and I get married. My eyes filled with tears again at the compassion on most of their faces.

"Awww baby don't," Howie said softly, hugging me to him. I put my head on his shoulder, trying to stop the tears.

"He-he... ruined it D," I sobbed, holding him tight as I cried.

He began to walk us back towards the hotel, stopping to talk to his mother. "Ma, tell everybody I'm sorry. I need to take her upstairs."

"It's okay mijo," Paula replied, rubbing my back. She kissed him then me softly before allowing us to leave. "Go take care of your wife."

D walked me to the elevators, whispering how much he loved me. It helped to calm me down a little, but my heart was still hurting for the mess that JC had just made. I knew D was just as upset as I was, but he was more concerned about me than about himself. I held on to my lifeline... allowing his physical closeness to tell me everything would be all right again.

By the time we got upstairs, Joey and JC were nowhere to be found, for which I am eternally grateful. Howie opened the suite door, dismissing the nanny before he led me over to the sofa and sat me down. He fixed me a glass of wine from the bar, holding my hands as I sipped it and tried to relax. When the knock at the door came, Howie went to answer it, smiling at me before he threw open the door.

Joey stood in the doorway, looking uncomfortable as he entered the room. My welcoming smile died as Howie backed away from him, closing the door and coming to sit next to me again. I just sat there staring at him impassively, waiting to see what he would say to try to make this right.

"I'm sorry Nikki," Joey said softly, touching my hand. I snatched it away, my face revealing my renewed emotional upheaval. On one hand, I knew it wasn 't really his fault that JC decided to act an ass tonight. But another, stronger part of me wanted to kill him for not clarifying his feelings for me to JC before my wedding turned into a fiasco.

"Nikki... please," he begged, trying to take my hands in his again. But damn it, I refuse to have my anger defused. JC hurt me more than I can say tonight, and I can't forgive him right now. I stood up, walking across the room, stopping to face him and Howie.

"Just leave Anthony... I can't... no, I won't deal with you tonight," I said coldly before I walked to the bedroom door, needing to be alone. "Just leave and go back to JC or wherever the hell you came from."

I was lying on my side facing the wall when Howie came into the room a few minutes later. He sat on the bed next to me, fingers skating teasingly over my exposed arms. I giggled and squirmed away from him, peeking up at him. I smirked when I saw that he'd untied his hair. I have to tell you, I love to see him with it down... especially when we're making love, which is what I'm hoping will be happening very, very soon.

Just as D was about to make his move, there was another knock at the door. I could sense his frustration cause mine was just as high. I was dying to get out of this dress and let him make love to me until I forgot everything but name, rank and serial number, so my irritation meter crept up a notch too. With shared sighs of chagrin, we went back into the living room hand in hand to see who our latest visitors were.

JT, Kevin, and Lydia all stood in the doorway, their faces wearing matching expressions of a cross between pity and anger that made my eyes well up yet again. Lydia came to me, hugging me and whispering meaningless words of comfort to me. I felt another hand on my shoulder and looked up into JT's eyes. He took me in his arms for one of those powerful brother/friend hugs, letting me know how sorry he was that my day had gone from divine to insane, all in the time it took JC to stand up and let his bitterness flow.

"Damn it ya'll... don't make me cry anymore... please!" I managed to say before Kevin took my hand.

"We didn't mean to upset you again Nikki... we just wanted to make sure you're okay," he explained as he hugged me.

"I know... and I'm fine," I replied, pulling away to go stand next to Howie. I touched the side of his face, letting my fingers journey up into his unbound hair. "As long as I have this man in my life, everything will be alright."

D's smile could have lit up the entire island, and before I knew it, he had me in his arms and was kissing me with mad passion. I vaguely heard the others say their goodnights and leave the room as Howie's fingers began to worry my nipples through the soft satin of my dress until they were taunt peaks, but I was too busy trying to suck D's bottom lip off to even reply.

There was yet another knock at the door, and I promise you I opened that door ready to curse whoever was on the other side the fuck out. Justin and Nick stood there with matching adorable grins, and against my better judgment, I felt myself grinning back. They came inside, speaking to Howie before informing me that they had been designated the official babysitters for the night and that I should get the twins ready to go.

"Are you two sure about this?" I asked, chewing my lower lip. "They can be a handful. Can you guys handle them?"

"How hard can it be?" Nick replied, smiling at her. "They're only two months old. They can't do too much damage."

"Now would you just get them ready Nikki," Justin added, grin still firmly in place.

I frowned, but went to comply with their request. I had just fastened both of the boys into their seats while they slept when Howie came in to help me pack diaper bags for the both of them. His fingers touched my shoulder briefly, and I looked up from folding baby clothes to stick inside the bag along with the rest of the boy's things to see what he wanted.

No words passed between us, but the sexual tension in the room definitely spiked a notch when our eyes met. The way his gaze held mine sent a chill up my spine. His expression was intense, his eyes shining with all of the pent-up sexual energy between us. I hurried to finish packing the boys up, responding to the unspoken request. I stole a quick kiss that promised more soon before I grabbed Joshua's carrier while Howie took Joey and we walked out into the living room to where our babysitters waited.

"They've been fed and changed, so they should sleep for the next few hours," I explained as I handed Josh to Nick. D handed Joey to Justin, and the four of them made their way to the door of the suite. I stopped them, kissing the boys bye-bye before they left. "If they wake up, try playing the CD in the bag. It usually knocks them right back out... There's a few bottles already made, but I put a can of formula in there too just in case. Oh and guys, please be careful with my babies. I don't want to have to put a hurtin' on you."

"Whatever girl... and congratulations on getting this one to marry you," Justin replied as he kissed me on the cheek and walked out into the hall, narrowly avoiding a slap from Howie. I kissed Nick, wishing them good luck with the babies before I finally closed the door behind them.

I felt hands on my back as soon as the door closed, massaging my shoulders. Howie's lips touched the side of my neck, and his tongue dancing across my skin made my knees weak. D wrapped his arms around me, hands palming my breasts. I melted into him, enjoying what would be our first time together as husband and wife. I pulled away from him, turning to face him with a huge grin.

"Wait... I'm actually Mrs. Howie Dorough now," I said in amazement, hugging him close to me and giggling. "I can't believe you actually married me D... thank you so much for loving me."

"You don't have to thank me," Howie replied, tugging on my hair to make me look at him. "You are the best thing to ever happen to me. Loving you makes me complete."

He speared his fingers into my hair, massaging my scalp and almost making me purr. His eyes crinkled, his lips seeking and finding mine again. We stood there fused together, and for several minutes the only sound in the room were sighs and soft moans. He led me into our bedroom, the rest of the world receding as he took me in his arms again. His hands went behind me again, this time releasing the zipper on my dress. Our eyes met and held, his burning with the need to possess me... mine burning with the need to be possessed.

Howie pushed the straps of the dress off my shoulders, kissing each new bit of skin as it was revealed. I sighed when his lips closed over a nipple, my head falling back as he proceeded further south. I watched him as he licked all over my abdomen, making me laugh when he stopped to tickle me. That was one of the things I loved most about making love with him... how he could make it not only sensual, but fun too.

He grinned up at me, eyes shining with something that made the smile die on my lips and my libido kick into overdrive. His tongue in my bellybutton made my knees buckle, and D guided me down onto the bed while he continued to undress me. The dress came off, leaving me in my bra, white thigh-high stockings with white garters, and white silk high cut panties. Howie's eyes sparkled with appreciation, as he slid the panties to the side, smiling at me before he buried his face in me.

I can feel his lips, his mouth, his tongue... all liquid heat, burning and licking at the most intimate part of my body. I released a breath I hadn't even known I was holding; my moans manage to turn me on even more. And I decide after twenty seconds of exquisite torture that I just can't take anymore. I try pulling myself up the bed to get away from his wicked skills, but the barrage follows me, his arms locking around my legs to hold me still. When enough really is enough I pull his face up to mine, kissing him until I'm dizzy with need all over again.

D moves away long enough to divest himself of the rest of his clothes, standing over me bathed in the pale golden light from the lover's moon outside our window. His body is beautifully sculpted in bronze; hard angles tempered by soft curves that fit into mine perfectly. I lick my lips in anticipation before he captures them again, sucking my bottom lip until I'm whimpering. He pulled back again, whispering, "I love you" as he sinks into me. My eyes have taken up residency in the back of my head and D is working his hips in ways that should probably be illegal in at least 47 states. His hips continue their motion with devastating accuracy, and I'm completely under his spell.

"I love the way you look at me when I'm inside you," Howie whispered, smiling at me until my hips rolled, hissing as my muscles work him over. "Shit baby, gonna make me come."

"That's the idea Papi," I whisper with a lascivious grin, rolling my hips again and enjoying the way his eyes have disappeared into the back of his head now. Hehehe, go me!

I pull him to me, locking my arms behind his back as I roll us over. D grins up at me, the smile dying as my hips begin an oscillating motion. I lift as high as I can, swirling my hips in a figure eight that makes D call my name and curse colorfully as I sink back down, rolling those evil figure eights again since he seems to be enjoying them so much. Howie's fingers curl into my skin, gripping my hips to still them but I'm not having that. I take his hands in mine, lacing our fingers together. I lean down and our lips collide again, his with just a touch of desperation. I can feel that he wants to turn us again, but I'm not done making his eyes roll yet.

"Is it good D?" I whisper, rocking my hips and twisting at the same time, gasping at how good it feels. He can't seem to find his voice, only nods at me in answer. I pull that wicked move again, wanting to break him down. "Not good enough D... is it good to you papi?"

"Y-y-y-yes," he stuttered out finally, eyes squinted as he watches me move on top of him.

I am damned near doing acrobatic routines on top of him... rocking, rolling, grinding and twisting my hips in ways that could win me a gold medal in the Olympics. My mind goes off on a tangent, thinking about how I hope I can make D's life as happy and peaceful as he deserves it to be. I wonder how long it's going to take for us to have a baby of our own?

I'm brought back to reality with a sigh, then a moan. The control has definitely shifted back to my new husband. Seems he's taken advantage of my momentary distraction to slip his fingers free of mine. Said fingers have taken charge of my rhythm, changing it to one that's about to send us into an eruption of epic proportions.

I can barely catch my breath as we flow together, but I do my best to add a little spice to the mix. I bounce, roll and squeeze at the same time and D damn near rips me in half pulling my mouth down to meet his. I know it's good and he loves it, so I work harder at the bump and grind. More moans of pleasure, curses and harsh breathing are elicited from the man below me, and the sounds are just what I need to push myself closer to the edge. D summons up one last burst of energy to turn the tables on me, but I'm already there and falling into light fast. My walls begin to spasm... I'm out of control and he knows it... he can feel it.

"That's it baby... take it," Howie whispered, one hand fingering my pleasure center as I tremble over him. "Take me with you!"

The lights fade and I swear I see stars as the explosion takes over my entire being and wave after wave of indescribable ecstasy flows through me. My cries are a jumble of sounds, each one more intense than the last. My muscles are spasming, milking D as he continues to work me. I collapse onto his chest, my face in the side of his neck. I suck on the humid skin there, begging him to come with me into the light. Howie gives up his struggle to maintain control, crushing me to him as his body convulses and tremors race through him. His incoherent mumbles into my hair tell me how good it is to him as he finally relaxes completely under me. I roll off him and onto my side, one arm still across him as he pulls the sheet up to cover our rapidly cooling bodies.

"You are amazing," he whispers as we settle next to each other, wrapped in a cocoon of warmth.

"So are you... thank you for loving me Sweet D," I whispered as I snuggled into him, falling into a deep, contented sleep.

// The Next Evening... After JT and Kevin's Wedding //

---Howie's POV---

"I can't believe how happy those two looked tonight," Nikki says dreamily as we're walking through the hotel. She's barefoot and slightly tipsy, which makes me grin. She eyes me, turning and putting her hands inside my jacket. "And you... you are looking damned sexy in that tuxedo Papi. I can't wait to see how good you look without it."

"You are incorrigible," I replied with a smile, pulling her in for a kiss. When we broke part, I saw something over Nikki's left shoulder that wiped the smile off of my face.

"D... what's wrong?" Nikki asks, turning around to see what took the happy smile off my face. When she sees JC and Joey walking across the lobby in the direction of the elevators her scowl matches mine.

"Baby, please don't do anything okay?" I beg as Nikki's follows their progress with her eyes. I learned to read her face pretty well, and it looks like she's going to snap. She stops watching them and turns to face me, kissing me softly.

"Don't worry Sweet D... I'm not going to hurt him," Nikki assured me, smiling as she lets the two of them get onto the elevator. She gets into the next one, pulling me behind her. "But I do have a few things to say to that punk bitch!"

"Oh shit," I mumbled, tightening my grip on her hand. "Nikki, he's not worth it mija. Let's just go back to the room and relax with the boys."

"Nice try Howie, but no," she replied, looking more determined than ever to face JC. "I have some things I need to say to him... and to Tony. I promise you I won't get violent baby."

"You promise," I asked, pulling her to me and capturing her lips. She moaned as I teased her lips with mine. "If you're a good girl, I'll have to give you a special treat."

"You promise?" she says in the little girl voice that goes straight to my dick and makes it stir to life. "If I be a good girl will Daddy give me a treat?"

"If you keep using that voice Daddy might give you that treat right here," I replied, pulling her to me so that she could feel the evidence of my desire for her.

Her pupils dilate, her tongue coming out involuntarily to lick her bottom lip. I capture it, sucking in rhythm with my thrusts against her. Her eyes glazed over, a sure-fire sign that she's in heat for me. Based on how she's touching me, I'd say mission to make her forget about JC and Joey accomplished. When the elevator arrives on our floor, we separate unwillingly, heading to our suite. Just as we walk past their door, JC opens the door like he was waiting for us, looking entirely too smug for his own good.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't the happy newlyweds," he says sarcastically, raising my hackles. "Don't you two look cozy."

"The fuck do you want Joshua?" Nikki asks sanguinely, her face impassive as she watches him.

"I don't want anything else from you," he replied, looking even smugger than he did before. "I already got what I wanted. How does it feel knowing he chose me over you?"

"A better question would be how does it feel knowing you'll always be second best to a woman Sunshine," Nikki says with a saccharine sweet smile. I watch as she moves closer to JC, her eyes flashing with fury that is barely contained. "How does it feel knowing that he told me just before my wedding that he still dreamed of what his life would be like if he'd stayed with me? How does it feel to know that he came to me when you hurt him and told me he still loves me? And my personal favorite... how does it feel knowing that Phyllis can't stand you so much that she begged me not to marry D so I could come back to Joey?"

I watched her with a mix of admiration and pride as she parleys and thrusts her verbal daggers home with an accuracy that most swordsmen would have envied. JC's arrogance began deflating with the very first words she had spoken, and now he was standing there with tears in his eyes. I almost felt sorry for JC for incurring my wife's wrath... almost, but not quite.

--- Nikki's POV ---

"Where is Tony?" I asked suddenly, my eyes flashing as I stormed past JC.

Joey was sitting inside of their suite, his face a mixture of sadness and pain as he looked up at Howie and I. For about two seconds, I couldn't help but sympathize with him. He's caught in the middle of a war between two people he loves, and that can't be the best feeling in the world. At the same time I can't help but feel that he's brought this on himself. All he had to do was tell JC how he felt and none of this would have had to happen, but such is life.

"Anthony, I want to get a few things straight with you before I leave on my honeymoon," I said, facing him. He looked at me, his eyes filling with tears and he started to say something but I cut him off.

"No, you be quiet and listen," I snapped, turning to include JC in the conversation. "You are the father of my sons and I will always love you. You have been and will continue to be my best friend. But I'll be damned if I'll let him disrespect me though! You're welcome to see your sons whenever you want, but he is not allowed anywhere near them or me!"

"Nikki that's not fair!" Joey shouted, jumping up and walking to me. "JC loves me and he loves those boys! He would never do anything to hurt them!"

"I give a damn about JC... really I do," I snapped sarcastically, turning to face JC with a look of intense dislike. "Joshua, I named my son after you because I considered you a friend, but I see now that I was mistaken. Friends don't hurt each other the way that you hurt me. You ruined what was supposed to be one of the happiest days in my life, and for what? Nothing! You had Tony! There was no need for you to embarrass Howie and I the way you did. But you don't care about that do you? As long as JC gets what JC wants, to hell with the consequences right?"

By the time I was done talking I was in tears again. The hurt of the other night had lessened, but it was still there raging beneath the surface. D took me in his arms, holding me while I cried out my pain yet again. Damn them both for hurting me like this! Joey stood watching us, looking torn between comforting me and protecting the man he loves. JC stood near the door with his head hanging... his shoulders slumped. When he finally looked up, there were tears sparkling on his lashes. He moved toward Howie and I, touching me on my shoulder.

"Nikki?" he said softly, tears swimming in his eyes. When I wouldn't face him, he walked around us, touching my face gently. "Nikki please, I never meant for any of this to happen. I only want Joey to love me like he loves you."

"Joey already loves you damn it!" I shouted, pulling away from Howie and facing JC. "I already gave him up so that you could be happy! I can't do anything else but leave his life completely and take my sons with me! Is that what you want JC? For me to disappear and take his sons with me?"

"No!" Joey yelled at me, grabbing me by my arms. "You can't take my sons away from me Nikki! I won't let you!"

"I can and I will Anthony! I can't keep doing this with him! It hurts too much!" I replied, struggling in his grip. He held on tight, his fingers digging into my arms. "Tony, you're hurting me! Let go!"

"I can't let you take my sons away!" Joey shouted, shaking me violently, then grabbing me in a tight hug. "I can't stand watching you two fight! It's killing me Nikki! I love you both and I don't want to loose either of you."

"You lost me a long time ago Joey!" I replied, tears running silently down my cheeks. The fact that I'd just called him by his stage name was not lost on him as tears filled his eyes. I moved away from him, standing next to Howie again. "You know what? Fuck it! I don't care if you have him around Joseph and Joshua. It's your life and you obviously love him. Just... I can't do this anymore Joey. I can't!"

"Nikki please... He's said he's sorry," Joey begged, coming toward me but stopping when he saw the look in my eyes. "Nikki..."

"Both of you can just go to hell!" I yelled, stalking to the door with Joey hot on my trail. JC jumped between us, pushing Joey back away from me and forcing me to turn around.

"Stop fighting over me!" he screamed, breaking down. "Hit me!"

"Wh-what?" I stammered, not really sure of what he was saying.

"Hit me damn it!" he yelled again, grabbing my hand. "I'm the one who messed up... not Joey! I'm the one you're angry with! Hit me!"

I tried to get out of his grip, but he tightened his hold on my wrist. I struggled with him, my anger growing again. I pulled back; slapping him so hard he staggered under the force of the blow. I slapped him again, this one less forceful than the first. I began to rain blows on him, wanting to inflict the same kind of hurt on him that he'd given me.

When my anger finally abated, I looked at Joey. His face showed a mix of confusion and hurt that broke my heart. I collapsed into JC's arms, hugging him as we cried together. Howie came up behind me, his fingers playing in my hair as JC held me. He moved away and Joey took his place, sandwiching me between the two of them as he hugged both of us.

"I'm sorry Josh. Did I hurt you?" I asked, leaning back to survey the damage to his face. One handprint stood out sharply against his skin and I instantly felt horrible. "I'm so sorry JC! I didn't mean to hurt you like that!"

"Hush," he replied softly, putting his fingers over my lips. "I probably deserve worse. I know Howie's parents; JT and his sister are probably going to kill me when they see me again. Howie, I'm sorry I ruined your


"It's okay C," Howie replied, speaking for the first time since we had come into the room. I looked into his eyes and saw how much he loved me and it made everything else pale in significance. "I just want everything to be cool between you and my wife. Baby, are you okay?"

"Um hum," I replied, moving away from the two of them. Joey still held on to JC, their embrace filled with silent apologies to each other. I looked at D, motioning toward the door, but was stopped by Joey's next words.

"I love you Nicole Thomas," he said softly from the safety of JC's arms.

"It's Nicole Dorough now," I replied with a grin. Howie's grin mirrored mine as I faced my best friend. "But I love you too Anthony Fatone. Let's go D."

Howie and I went back to our room, shedding clothes as soon as we got into the room. I went to peek in on the boys who were sleeping peacefully in the nursery while D was getting dressed for bed. I am exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally, so I need to be held in Howie's arms in the worst way.

Howie was lying in bed when I finished checking on the boys and simply holds his arms out to me. I walk to him, grateful yet again for his quiet strength. Sometimes I think that if it isn't for him supporting me I'd have gone crazy when Michael, and later JC, began to make my life a living hell. I sighed deeply when Howie's arms closed protectively around me, happy to finally be in his arms.

"You okay?" he asked softly, kissing me on my forehead.

"Yeah. I just need you to hold me and tell me everything's gonna work out for us," I replied, burying my face in his neck. His arms tightened around me and he pulled me closer to him, kissing my temple.

"Everything is gonna work out for us quierida. You'll see," he whispered, pulling on my hair until I looked up at him, then kissing me until I was moaning and hot for him again. We made love for the rest of the night, not falling asleep until the sun was painting the horizon shades of red and gold. I fell asleep next to him, wondering what our adventures in Paris would be like.


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Next: Chapter 64: Twilight in Paris 7d

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