My Kinda Guy

Published on Dec 29, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

"Twilight in Paris...City of lights, its everything I hoped it would be..." by JEM and the Holograms

My Kinda Guy -- Twilight in Paris

Chapter -- 12, Part C by JT Poole and Nicole Brown

// A Few Meters From the Chevreux Bourges Villa //

"Mr. Fatone what's the word?" Simon, one of the new security guys working with JT and Craig ask Steve Fatone as he gets into the car.

"You are going to get those babies and get them now." Steve says, hitting the steering wheel. "I am not paying you all this fucking money for you not to get those babies!"

"We have been trying sir, but there isn't a time when the babies are alone." Simon replies.

"Simon you best make a time and soon. My brother is supposed to be back in New York two days from now. That means they all will be leaving at some point!" Steve shouts.

"Sir they will be leaving out tomorrow afternoon." Simon says, pulling out a piece of paper with information about everyone's departure information on it. "We have a little problem, the head of security is Mr. Richardson's mate."

"I know that already. When do they leave?" Steve asks, snatching the paper from Simon.

"They are the last to leave with the woman and the babies." Simon responds.

"Oh that's just great. Fucking great!" Steve shouts again. "You got to do something. You got to do something and now."

"So what's the plan boss?" Simon asks, taking the piece of paper back from Steve.

"You need to get there now and do something, anything to get the babies!" Steve shouts, freaking out a little.

"Boss calm down man." Simon says getting a little bit scared.

"You just get the fuck out of here and go get those babies!" Steve shouts as Simon opens the door and gets out of the car, walks to the car he arrived in and left.

"I'm gonna make you pay Nikki Valente, you will regret ever hurting

Michael!" Steve shouts again, hitting the steering wheel again as he lays his head on it.

// Joey and JC's Room //

"What the hell has gotten into you?" JC asks, walking into the room behind Joey. "Were you trying to ruin Christmas or were you just trying to be a fucking ass back there?"

"What da fuck!" Joey shouts. "What did you just say?"

"You heard me Joe!" JC shouts. "What has gotten into you? You turned a loving, joyous day into crap within five fucking minutes. Hell I don't think it took that long."

"You must be kidding!" Joey shouts. "You are on their side? You are my husband!"

"I am your husband or at least I thought I was!" JC shouts. "What did you mean by `I'm their father. I didn't tell you to marry him!' Tell me Joe. What did you mean by that?"

"I am the father of those babies. Plain and simple Josh." Joey responds, turning away from JC.

"I don't think so Joe. There's more to that. You still have feelings for her don't you?" JC asks, forcing Joey to look at him. "Don't you damnit! Admit it Joe!"

"Baby stop this madness. Calm down and calm down now." Joey says, trying to avoid JC's question.

"You are avoiding the question Joe. You still have feelings for her don't you?" JC asks.

"I love you Josh, not her." Joey answers him. "If I didn't love you, and still loved her, do you think I would have married you?"

"The way you think I don't know the answer to that." JC replies, turning away from Joey as he starts to cry. "I thought we had gotten past all of this stuff Joe. I thought we put this stuff in the past and we were going t o leave it there."

"I don't want to loose my boys." Joey says, touching JC's shoulder. "They are my boys, my boys Josh, not Howie's."

"I know that Joe. All he wants to do is adopt the boys. He's not trying to replace you, you will always be their father." JC states, walking over to the window.

"That's not true and you know it. If I sign over my rights, that means he will be their father and I will be some strange sperm donor that they won't remember." Joey replies tears falling from his eyes now. "Don't you get it Josh?"

"Get what Joe?" JC asks, stepping over to Joey now, caressing his face. "Tell me what I am not getting Joe? Why can't you let those little boys


"I can't loose them, they are the only boys I will ever have in my life...I can't let them go." Joey says.

"Why because you still have feelings for their mother? Is that it Joe?" JC asks, turning away again. "You keep avoiding that question Joe. Why not tell me? Why lead me on this way?"

"I will always have a place for Nikki in my heart, but that place doesn't shine like your place in my heart does." Joey replies, trying to kiss JC on the cheek.

"Stop it Joe. Just stop." JC says, pushing Joey away.

"No Josh I will not stop. You are my husband and I love you, but I also love those little boys." Joey says, as he kissed JC and leaves the room.

// The Chevreux Bourges Villa -- The Main Dining Room //

"Okay we don't need this drama here right now. Maybe you all need to get together with Joey when he calms down and talk about this again." JT suggests, walking over to where Nikki stood.

"Why is my life filled with all this fucking drama? Why can't anything ever go the way I hoped it would?" Nikki asks, covering her eyes as she starts to cry.

"Nikki darlin, it's going to be okay." Howie says as Nikki cries on his shoulder.

"Why does it have to be this way? I wanted this to be a happy Christmas present and...and it's not." Nikki says through her tears.

"I think we need to let them have some privacy." JT says, nudging Kevin. "Come on handsome, I think we have something we can get into."

"Yeah I am quit sure you have something I can get into." Kevin says smirking as he and JT walk out of the room.

"Yeah I think we should leave too." Lance says, pulling Carson up out of his seat. "Come on handsome let's take a walk."

"Sure handsome." Carson replies, kissing Lance on the cheek as they walk out.

"Come on baby, let's go to our room," Howie says as he takes Nikki by the hand. They walked out of the room in silence, the only sound an occasional sob from Nikki. As they walked, they passed one of the new security guards, who quickly averted his head when he saw Nikki coming toward him.

"Sir... Ma'am," he mumbles as he passes them, trying his best to keep his face hidden. After they pass, Nikki stops briefly, staring back at his retreating back.

"What's wrong babe?" Howie asks, looking at her in concern.

"I know him from somewhere... I just can't place how or where," Nikki says, frowning as she tries to recall where she's seen his face before. She shakes off the feeling, turning her attention back to the problems at hand.

"D, what are we gonna do?" Nikki asked, burying her head in Howie's shoulder as they hold each other.

"Baby, please don't cry," Howie said softly as he held his wife in his arms. "I-I know Joey's upset right now, but maybe in time he'll see that this is the best thing for all of us."

"I don't think he will D," Nikki replied, sitting on the bed with her head in her hands. "I mean you saw how hurt he was. I don't think I've ever seen him that upset before. Maybe we should have waited until after Christmas to ask him."

"Sweetie, we asked him now because we agreed that it was the best thing to do," Howie replied, his hands caressing her face. "You know as well as I do that Joey doesn't have anything to do with the boys. Hell, when was the last time he spent any time with them?"

"D, we live in Miami... he lives in Orlando," Nikki stated calmly. "How can we expect him to spend time with the boys when we live over 3 hours away?"

"Nikki that's beside the point," Howie stated, exasperated with his wife now. "Do you honestly think that if Joey really wanted to be there for JC and CJ that he wouldn't make a way to get to them?"

"I- I guess so," Nikki replied, resigned as there was a pounding on the door. "What the hell?"

"Nikki! Open this fuckin' door!" Joey yelled, pounding on the door again. Nikki went to open the door, and was almost knocked to the ground when Joey shoved the door open. Howie jumped up, catching Nikki before she could hit the floor.

"Have you lost your fuckin' mind Fatone?" he yelled, kissing Nikki on her forehead, his hand resting over her stomach. "Are you okay baby?"

"I'm fine D," Nikki replied, crossing to sit on the bed. "Tony what do you want?"

"I came to talk to you about this... fuckin' craziness," Joey replied, running his hands through his hair. "How can you ask me to give my sons up?"

"I think I'll leave you two alone," Howie said softly as he kissed Nikki before he left her and Joey staring each other down.

Nikki's eyes filled with tears as she faced Joey. "I'm asking you because I love those boys Tony. I spend my every waking hour thinking about what's best for them. I see them with Howie, and Tony I see how much he loves those boys. He was there when they said their first word... when they took their first step... and when I was up walking the floor because both our sons were teething, Howie was right beside me, walking the floor too."

"Where were you Tony? I'll tell you where. You were off having fun with your husband and doing whatever the hell you wanted because you didn't have to worry about who would take care of your sons. So don't you come in here talking about "how could I?" I could because you obviously don't want to be a father to our sons!"

"How can you say that?" Joey asked, tears falling freely. "I love my sons with all my heart! How could you think I don't want them?"

"I can think it cause you're never there!" Nikki yelled, advancing on Joey. "You promised me you'd always be there for us... but damn you Anthony, you're not! Then you have the audacity to get angry cause the man who is there wants to make it legal! What would happen to those boys if I die?"

"My sons would come to live with me!" Joey shouted, getting angry again. Nikki snorted, looking at him incredulously.

"You would take them away from the only father they know?" Nikki asked, her voice breaking. "Why?"

"Nikki I love you and I could still be their father... but you didn't give me the chance," Joey whispered, moving toward her. "You married Howie before I could even get the chance to show you how much I still loved you."

"B-but you were with Josh," Nikki cried, sitting on the bed again. "When you came to Chicago, you told me you loved me in one breath and in the very next one you told JC the same thing! I don't want to come between you. I've already been the cause of so much pain Tony. I don't want to hurt you anymore... I married Howie so that you and Josh could be happy together."

"Loving Josh doesn't mean that I'm not still in love with you too Kick," Joey replied, kneeling on the floor in front of her. He cupped her face, kissing her softly on the lips. "Do you think I can look into those beautiful brown eyes and not remember how happy we were? Or that I can look at Joshua and Joey and not see us as a family?"

"Tony please... don't do this," Nikki begged, tears falling. Joey wiped her eyes and then kissed her gently at first, but when she didn't resist, with deepening passion. When the kiss ended, he looked into her eyes his own glazed with passion.

"Tell me you don't still love me too," he said, panting harshly. Nikki leaned back, staring at him with wide, panic filled eyes. "Tell me that you' re over me and I'll never bother you again."

"I-I can't," she replied, holding his face in her hands, kissing him again. "But I love Howie too. I'm having his baby! Please... don't make me choose between the two of you."

"You don't have to choose querida," Howie said softly from the doorway. Nikki looked up, her face terrified until Howie smiled at her and she burst into tears again. "Don't cry mija... we can make this work."

"B-but how?" Nikki replied, walking to the window and looking out. "I love both of you too much to hurt you. But I-I can't choose one of you over the other."

"Then don't," Howie said as he put his arms around her from behind. "Mija, I just want you to be happy... and if being with Joey and me makes you happy, then I-I guess we'll just have to work this out between the three of us then."

"What about JC?" Nikki asked as she turned in his embrace. Joey came up beside them then, his hand cupping her face.

"JC's just gonna have to understand that this is what I need," he said as he shared a deeply passionate kiss with her. "I can't help loving you... you... you make me happy."

"I need to go check on our boys," Nikki said, kissing Howie on the cheek and slipping out of their embraces.

She crossed to the nursery, smiling over her shoulder as she pushed the door open and walked over to the cribs. Joshua slept soundly, curled up on his side around his teddy bear. Nikki kissed her fingers, and then placed them on the side of her son's head. She turned to the second crib, grinning when she saw how CJ had pulled his covers up over his head.

"Are you hidin' from Momma little man?" she asked softly, pulling the blanket back only to see a pillow under them. She tossed the pillow aside, throwing the blankets and toys to the floor as she searched for CJ. "CJ? Where are you? JOEY! D!"

"What's wrong baby?" Joey said as he and Howie walked into the nursery and took in the damage and the sound of JC crying. "What the hell?"

"Have either of you seen CJ?" Nikki asked frantically.

"I haven't seen him since we put them down earlier," Howie replied, picking JC up out of his crib and holding him close. "It's okay my boy. Nikki, where is he?"

"He was in here when I checked on them an hour ago!" Nikki cried, shaking as Joey held her. Suddenly she looked up as she finally recalled where she'd seen the security guard from earlier. "Son of a bitch! That guy I saw in the hall! I remember now! He's the one from the mall yesterday... the one who tried to snatch Josh!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Joey demanded, holding Nikki away from him. "What happened at the mall?"

"Some guy tried to grab Joshua!" Nikki replied, pulling away and taking off out the door, running down the hallway to Kevin and JT's room and pounding on the door. "Oh God... please no! JT! JT please open the door!"

"Nikki? Girl what's wrong?" Kevin asked as he opened the door. Nikki stared at him for a second, unable to form any words.

"M-my baby's gone!" she said before she collapsed into his arms.

"What?" Kevin asked in shock. JT came to the door fastening the belt on his robe.

"What's goin' on out here?" he asked, looking between Nikki and Kevin.

"C-CJ I-is m-m-missing," Nikki stammered, her teeth chattering as she shivered violently. "He w-wasn't in the nursery when I went to check on them and the guy... he was... the mall... and... and he's gone!"

"Okay Nikki I need you to calm down," JT stated, taking her hands in his, alarmed at how cold they were. "Kevin, call the police and get some people out here right now. And... and we might need a doctor too. Nikki, I want you to sit here while I go get Craig okay?"

--- Nikki's POV ---

When I didn't respond, JT got dressed and went to find Craig. I sat on his bed, staring blankly at the wall as I tried to remember every detail I could about the man in the hallway earlier. But the more I thought about him, the more terrified I became that my son was out there alone and scared.

I wasn't really sure about how much time passed as I sat there, but I knew it had to be at least thirty minutes because Craig and one of the other guards came back into the room, whispering about having searched the entire villa with no sign of Joshua. I wanted to get up and ask questions, but I couldn't get my body to cooperate.

Please God... I know I'm wrong for loving Tony and Howie, but don't take this out on my son! I prayed silently as I hugged myself. Please don't take my baby away from me.

"Nikki?" a voice said. I looked up, shocked to find Joey and D standing over me. Howie was still holding Joshua in his arms and the sight of him broke something inside of me and I started to moan... and soon it became an endless scream that came from the depths of my soul as I slipped to the floor.

"I want my baby!" I screamed over and over as Joey wrapped himself around me, rocking me and crying. Howie handed the baby to Lydia and then he knelt in front of me, his tears falling as he touched my face. He wrapped his arms around me too, holding on tight as I continued to cry for our son.

Kevin looked over at JT, confused as this newest turn of events as he watched his three friends huddled together. He caught Howie's eye, asking silently what the hell was going on, but Howie just shook his head, indicating that he would explain later as he continued to hold Nikki in his arms.

// The Pool Area //

"So how is this going to happen baby? How are we going to have our family?" Justin asks, rubbing Nick's back as they cuddled in a lounge chair.

"We will have to find a girl that is willing to carry a child for us baby." Nick says, touching his forehead to Justin's. "I just don't want to sleep with a woman. I can't stomach sleeping with someone else baby."

"Nicky..." Justin says as Nick cuts him off.

"No Justin I am serious. I don't want to sleep with a woman so we can have a child." Nick says, hugging Justin to his chest.

"Nicky just..." Justin says, as Nick cuts him off again.

"I don't want to adopt a child, I want the child to be ours...but I don't see no other way." Nick says as Justin kisses him quickly.

"Nicky stop for just a moment." Justin says, laughing at Nick.

"What baby?" Nick asks.

"We can have a baby Nicky. What I was sayin' is that we need to find a woman, a woman that has compatible genes to our own that we can trust to be our surrogate. So far I was thinking about maybe one of your sisters." Justin says to Nick as Nick looks at him strangely.

"One of my sisters? Baby that's gross. I am not going to fuck one of my sisters. That's fucking incest baby." Nick says, pulling away from Justin.

"Nicky stop, just stop." Justin says as Nick jumps up from the lounge chair.

"No Justin. You are starting to sound very disgusting. I am not going to stop. What has gotten into you?" Nick asks, walking away from Justin.

"Nicky stop! Stop right now!" Justin shouts, grabbing Nick's arm as Nick yanks his arm away.

"No Justin!" Nick shouts as Justin smacks him. " smacked me."

"That's right I did. You were acting crazy." Justin says. "Baby calm down right now."

"You didn't have to hit me like that." Nick says, tears coming to his eyes.

"Baby I'm sorry but you were getting out of hand." Justin responds, wrapping his arms around Nick. "Baby stop and don't say anything."

"Uh huh." Nick says, whipping his eyes.

"Baby do you know what a surrogate is?" Justin asks, smoothing Nick's hair away from his face.

"Yeah it's a person you sleep with to have a baby. They get pregnant and you pay their medical bills, they give you the baby and you never see the person again." Nick replies.

"No baby that isn't true." Justin says, smiling as Nick looks at him strangely.

"What do you mean baby?" Nick asks.

"Just give me a minute and let me tell you. While you guys were gone, I did some research on this." Justin says, sitting back down in the lounge chair and pulling Nick into his arms. "A surrogate is a mother that is artificially inseminated by either my sperm or yours. Most gay people normally use the sister of their partner with the closest genetics or a close friend. In our case I was thinking one of your sisters. We could use my sperm and she can be artificially inseminated and she could carry the baby for us. She would be the mother of the child and I would be the father and you could do a step father adoption."

"Ah okay." Nick replies letting the information Justin just told him sink in. "So we wouldn't have to sleep with no one else?"

"That's right Nicky." Justin says, smiling at his husband.

"That's a real relief. I thought one of us was going to turn into a ... What the hell? What was that?" Nick asks as he and Justin jump out of the lounge chair.

"Sounds like Nikki!" Justin says excitedly. "We have to get into house. Something's not right."

"Come on baby." Nick says.

// A Few Meters Away -- 20 Minutes Previously //

"So what happens when we get back to New York baby?" Lance asks, placing a kiss to Carson's lips.

"Actually I don't want to go back to New York. I think we should move back to Orlando so you can be with your friends." Carson replies.

"Are you sure about that Carson?" Lance asks. "We have friends in New York. I don't think you need to just uproot like that."

"Well I am quite sure I can keep in touch with Gideon and the others from Orlando." Carson says, as he and Lance stop walking and share a kiss. "I think a move would do us some good, especially you."

"Okay baby. My house is still empty. We can move into there." Lance says as his thoughts are interrupted by a scream.

"Oh my God, what the hell is that?" Carson asks, wrapping his arms around Lance as he looks around.

"I don't know baby. Sounds like it came from the house." Lance replies.

"Let's go see." Carson says as he and Lance takes off running.

// Back at the Villa -- JC's Room (15 Minutes Before Nikki Breaks Down) //

"I don't believe this. Why is it that I am the one that gets the short end of the fucking stick?" JC says aloud as he kicks the wall. "I love him, but I know he still loves her. I don't know why we even got married. Just stupid me thinking that if I married him he would forget about her and love me. I was wrong again."

Walking into the bathroom, JC loosens his tie and throws it to the floor. Kicking off his shoes, he walks over to the bathtub and turns on the water. Putting the stopper in the tub, JC starts undressing as his tears come faster now. Testing the water with his finger, he decides that the water is okay and steps into the tub.

Sinking down into the tub, JC picks up the washcloth and covers his eyes with it. Crying softly, he thinks back to the day he and Joey got married.

*** Start Flashback ***

// Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada -- August 2004 //

"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The man asked, looking at JC.

"I do." JC answered smiling as he looks at Joey.

"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The man asked Joey.

"I do." Joey answered the man.

"By the powers invested in me by the sovereign state of Nova Scotia, I pronounce you two married." The man stated. "You two may kiss."

"About time." Joey said, pulling JC into his arms and kissing him.

"We are married now." JC said, as they kissed some more.

"Yes we are baby. We are married now and will be forever." Joey stated as the two of them walked down the aisle out of the church.

*** End Flashback ***

"How could he do that to me? Why would he do that to me? If he loves me like he says he does why marry me if he's still in love with her?" JC says aloud as he hears what sounds like a scream. "What the hell!"

// In Kevin and JT's Room //

"Guys? What's going on in here?" Justin asked as he and Nick came into the room, followed quickly by Lance and Carson.

"Yeah, we heard screaming and we thought somebody had gotten hurt," Lance said as he did a double take when he saw Joey holding Nikki in his arms. "Joe?"

"Somebody took Josh," Nikki managed to say, disentangling herself from Joey and Howie and standing up. "Some person just waltzed into this fuckin' house and walked out of here with my baby!"

"Baby calm down," Joey said softly as he held her to him. This brought an audible gasp from several people but he totally ignored them as he tried to calm Nikki down.

"Fuck you Anthony Fatone! Don't you tell me to calm down when my baby is out there somewhere and I can't hold him and make him safe! Where is my baby?" Nikki screamed, shoving him away. "I want my baby!"

"Nikki stop before you hurt yourself!" Lydia snapped suddenly, handing Joshua back to Howie and coming to stand in front of Nikki. Lydia hugged her friend, the two of them crying. "JT and Craig are gonna find your baby. But you have to calm down and talk to the police okay?"

"Don't tell me to calm down," Nikki cried, holding Lydia in a death grip. "I-I can't be calm with my baby missing!"

"But you need to think about the baby inside you too," Justin said softly, tucking her hair behind her ear as he hugged her and Lydia. "You're gonna make yourself sick. Besides, Lydia's right. JT and Craig are gonna find CJ in no time at all. He'll be back in your arms before you know it."

"That's right girl," Nick said, standing beside Justin. "CJ will be home real, real soon."

"Craig have you seen anything?" JT asks into his walkie-talkie as he walks back into the room with the others.

= Nothing here JT, I am still looking. =

"Alright we need to search every room in this place. Get two of your men that you can trust and have them check all the rooms upstairs." JT instructs as he puts the walkie-talkie in his pocket.

"You haven't found the baby yet?" Nick asks, standing up.

"Not yet." JT says walking over to where Nikki, Howie and Joey sat on the bed. "Nikki I need you to describe the person from the mall. Can you do that for me?"

"He w-was tall, white and he was trying to get my baby!" Nikki screams, causing JT to step back. "You're wasting time here! You should be looking for mah baby!"

"Nikki baby please. He's trying to find our baby." Joey says, rubbing Nikki's back as the other guys look at them.

"Don't baby please me!" Nikki screams. "I want my son!"

"Can one of you tell me what the guy looked like since you were there?" JT asks, looking to Nick, Justin and Howie. "Time is running out here."

"All I saw was a white guy wearing black pants, a bluish colored shirt and that's about it. His hat was almost covering his face because he fell backwards." Justin says.

"What about you Nick, Howie. Did either of you see anything?" JT asks.

"I didn't get a good look at him." Howie replies as JT's walkie-talkie started beeping.

"JT here. Go ahead." JT says in his walkie-talkie.

= Whoever the guy is we scared him and he's heading your way. =

"Got it. JT out." JT says, placing the walkie-talkie in his pocket and running out of the room.

// Down the Hall //

"Stop!" JT shouts as he pulls his gun out. "Don't fucking move!"

"You got him JT?" Craig asks, running down the hall.

"He's right here." JT says stepping closer to the man.

"He dropped his gloves back there. I caught him walking out of the

nursery." Craig says, walking up behind JT as two other security men walks around to where the guy was standing.

"Okay let's take him down and see who he is." JT says as he and Craig approach the man but he takes off running again.

"Shit!" Craig shouts, tripping on a piece of loose carpeting.

"I said stop damnit!" JT shouts as he fires a warning shot in the air. "My next shot will get yo azz, you best stop!"

"Okay man I ain't moving!" The guy shouts.

"You shouldn't have moved the first damn time!" JT says, jumping on the guy, wrestling him to the ground. "Don't fucking move or I'll bust a cap in yo azz!"

"Man I ain't moving! Don't shoot!" The guy screams as JT slaps him with the pistol.

"Shut the fuck up!" JT says, pulling the man up to his feet and pushing him down the hall to his and Kevin's room. "Craig you okay?"

"Yeah I am okay, just twisted my ankle a little bit." Craig says limping alongside JT to his and Kevin's room.

"Get the hell in there!" JT says pushing the guy in the room. "Let's see who we have here."

"Steve! What the hell!" Joey shouts, recognizing the man.

"Steve?" Nikki says as she looks up. "Where's my baby!?!"

"Where is the baby man?" JT asks, pulling his gun out and aiming it at the back of Steve's head.

"JT!" Joey shouts.

"Joey I suggest you step back." JT says, cocking the gun. "I ask again. Where is the baby?"

"He's about to be on a plane to go far, far away!" Steve shouts as JT smacks him in the back of the head with the gun.

"This isn't Shrek 2(movie pun). Far, Far Away isn't a damn town. Where is the baby?" JT asks again, lowering the gun to Steve's back. "If I fire right now I know I will hit some major organs. Don't make me ask again."

"Alright, alright I'll tell." Steve says as Joey steps closer to him. "The baby is on its way to New York."

"Why New York?" Joey asks, grabbing Steve by his shirt collar.

"Going to Michael." Steve says as Joey smacks him.

"What the hell does Michael want with my son?" Joey asks as Nikki hops up off the bed.

"Michael has Joey? What?!" Nikki screams.

"I don't think he's been gone that long to be in New York already." JT says as his and Craig's walkie-talkies start beeping. "Talk to me."

= We have searched the grounds sir and we have come up empty handed. Mark did a sweep of the airport and a man matching Simon's description boarded a plane to New York a few moments ago. =

"Thanks Todd. JT out." JT says, as Nikki breaks down again.

"No! No! Michael's gonna kill my baby!" Nikki screams, as Lydia holds her. "Why God Why?!"

"JT we have to leave and now!" Joey shouts.

"We're going to. I called Johnny earlier and told him to send the jet for us." JT says, as Todd and two other security guys walk into the room. "Any other clues?"

"None sir. We did find out how they were able to get into the house undetected." Todd says.

"How?" JT asks.

"Seems they were able to break the locks on the back exit from the west wing." Todd replies.

"Well that's just great." JT says as Kevin's cell phone starts ringing.

"Hello?" Kevin speaks into the phone.

"Kevin, Johnny here. I need to speak with JT." Johnny Wright says on the phone.

"Hold on Johnny. JT." Kevin says, walking over to JT and handing the phone to him.

"Johnny what do you have for me?" JT asks.

"Well I found out that Simon used a stolen ID to get the job and all of his credentials were phony as well." Johnny tells JT. "The real Simon James is dead and it's believed the person that was with you all is the person that killed him."

"What? You are shittin' me." JT says, walking around in front of Steve. "Well we caught someone. We have Steve Fatone here with us. Me and Craig caught him trying to leave here."

"Steve? What's he doing there?" Johnny asks.

"My guess is he's involved with the people that got away with baby Joey." JT says as he kicks Steve for the hell of it.

"Owwww!" Steve screams.

"Quiet before I do something more." JT says, cocking his gun again.

"Did I hear your gun JT?" Johnny asks.

"Yep you sure did." JT answers him, pointing the barrel in Steve's face. "I am so angry right now I could unload this clip into you and laugh about it."

"JT let the authorities handle him." Johnny says.

"I think we'd like to handle him our way." JT says. "We have one missing baby and it would have been two missing babies if Nikki hadn't gone to check on them when she did."

"Still let the authorities handle him. We will get him back on American soil and then I'll turn him over to the police." JT says.

"Do you think that's wise?" Johnny asks.

"Johnny if we wait for Interpol to extradite him, he could escape or worse and then we might not never find that little baby." JT says, smacking Steve with the gun as his walkie-talkie starts beeping. "Hold on Johnny. Yeah JT here."

= The jet has just landed sir. =

"Johnny we're on our way to New York. We will be bringing Steve with us. Once we get to New York we will try to locate Nikki's baby."

"JT I wish you would let the authorities handle this." Johnny says.

"I can't Johnny. We have let too much time pass already. Anything can be happening right now. They have two hours on us already." JT says.

"Alright I'll get you some help for when you get to New York." Johnny says.

"Thanks Johnny." JT says, pressing the end button. "Alright people, the jet is here. We need to go."


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Next: Chapter 72: Twilight in Paris 12d

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