My Love For Thee

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Aug 7, 2020



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My Love For Thee

From The King James Bible:

2 Samuel 1:26 - I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women. (David professes his love for Jonathan)

1 Samuel 18:1 - And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. (Jonathan professes his love for David)

-1- (David and Jonathan)

King Saul, early in his years, had pleased The Lord. Through His prophet, Samuel, God instructed him to anoint Saul as King of the United Kingdom of Israel. The people of Israel had been clamoring for a strong leader. Saul was all of that, and he defended Israel against all the enemies who surrounded the kingdom.

Once again, through Samuel, The Lord instructed Saul to destroy the Amelikites, raze their houses to the ground, and destroy their cattle. But Saul disobeyed his instructions. He took all their best livestock, and brought his loot back to Israel. Worst of all, he spared the life of their leader, Agog.

For having disobeyed The Lord, the Spirit of God left him, and in its place a demon entered him. Samuel informed Saul that his progeny would not succeed him, and that he would anoint another, whom God would reveal to him. That was bad enough news for the troubled king, but Saul was constantly agitated and troubled by the demon.

Saul's servants had heard of a young lad named David. He was the youngest son of Jesse, the shepherd, and he was renowned for his mastery of the lyre, and for the beautiful songs he sang. They brought him to Saul, and David's artistry did indeed calm the king's troubled soul. As a result, David was called many times to soothe the king's anxiety.

Saul's son, Jonathan, would sit at his father's feet while David sang and played, and he became enchanted with David's music. When David finished a session, and Saul was calmed down, he and Jonathan would go out into the garden, and sit on a stone bench. They would converse for hours, until it became dark, and David had to return to his father's house. They were becoming best friends.

One day, the rain was falling with monsoon force, and Jonathan begged David to return with him to his bed chamber, and not to go out in the storm.

"Don't return to your home until the storm is over, or when it abates," Jonathan begged David. "Your donkey is safely tethered under shelter, so do not fear for it." Jonathan may have been David's best friend, but he was the king's son. David had to obey.

To reach Jonathan's chamber, the two lads had to pass through an open atrium. When they got to the room, they were both soaking wet.

"Remove your garments," Jonathan said, "and hang them over that bench. When the rain stops, and you can return home, I'll give you something of mine to wear, if your clothing isn't dry yet."

Standing naked together, both their bodies were damp, and they began to shiver. Jonathan took David's hand and pulled him toward his bed.

"Come, lie with me under my blankets," he said, "so that we may warm each other."

The two boys ran to the shelter of Jonathan's bed. They threw the warm blanket over their naked bodies and hunkered up to each other. They were lying face to face, and without any conscious thought, they kissed.

"I love you, you know," Jonathan said.

"I love you too, maybe more," David said, with a slight sigh.

They knew nothing about homosexuality. They didn't know that it was possible for two men to make love to one another. Nonetheless, their cocks were rubbing together. Each one could feel the other's manhood getting longer and harder. They both began to sigh and grunt at the same time.

"This feels so good," Jonathan proclaimed. "Please don't stop."

"I had no intention of stopping," David said.

It didn't take long for each of them to climax. Sobbing, they held each other closer.

After that day, they never visited in the garden again. They ran directly to Jonathan's bed chamber. Eventually, they performed other acts of love which gave them extreme pleasure. They started by mutually masturbating each other, and graduated to fellatio and anal sex. They had no idea that they were doing anything sinful. It was their way of showing each other how much they loved one another.

-2- (David and Goliath)

Israel's constant enemy was Philistine. The two nations were always at war with each other. Jesse, David's father, had eight sons. The three eldest were off to war in Saul's army. Before they left, they admonished David, who was the youngest, to mind the sheep well. For forty days, the Philistines neared Jesse's farm every morning and every evening, threatening to harm the family and their sheep. Jesse's family had to hide all day long. When the coast was clear, Jesse gave David a sack of food, and told him to bring it to his brothers.

When they saw David, his brothers began to berate him for leaving the sheep unattended, but they were grateful for the nourishment he brought them. While they were eating, and as David talked to them, there came upon the battlefield a champion of the Philistine horde. His name was Goliath. He was gargantuan in height and width. The muscles on one of his arms was greater than David's entire body. His height far exceeded the height of the tallest building in Jerusalem.

Almost every man in Saul's army that was present, ran and hid themselves. David alone, stood and faced the enemy. He walked calmly toward the giant, as his brothers pleaded for him to return.

Goliath began to laugh, and he boasted how he would smash David under his foot. David continued to approach Goliath. He reached into the sack which hung at his side. He removed a sling shot and one very large stone. He had other stones in the sack, should the first one fail. David continued to walk closer and closer to his enemy, and Goliath laughed harder than before.

With perfect calmness, David aimed his sling at Goliath's forehead. He pulled back the sling with all his force, and let loose the stone. It penetrated Goliath's head between his eyes. The Philistine dropped to the ground with his face in the dirt and grime. Now it was the men of the Philistine army who ran in every direction, they so feared the young hero. Still not showing any emotion, David removed his sword from his belt, and cut Goliath's head off. It was his intention to bring the head to King Saul in Jerusalem.

Saul heard the news before David arrived. He was the hero of the people, and Samuel had already advised Saul that none of his progeny would ascend to the throne. The Lord was still angry with him for disobeying Him. Samuel had once told Saul that God had instructed him to anoint Saul's successor. Samuel had already anointed David to be the next King of Israel, but he didn't tell Saul who he had anointed.

Saul was extremely angry with David for being so popular with the people, while his star waned. However, he had to put on a show for the populace. He vowed to take revenge later on. In all fairness, it was the demon which possessed him, that caused Saul to seek unwarranted revenge. Saul honored David in public by betrothing his daughter Michal to David as his bride. Michal loved David, and she was delighted to have the hero of Israel as her husband.

As soon as all the civic ceremonies were completed, David ran to Jonathan's bed chamber, where Jonathan waited anxiously for his beloved. They made love all night, and brought each other to ecstasy several times by oral, anal and manual stimulation.

Suddenly Jonathan began to laugh. "We are going to be brothers now," he said. "Brotherly love surpasses all other kinds of love."

"Yes, that's true," David agreed. "We shall love each other forever."

-3- (The Wrath of King Saul)

Every day, as the years passed swiftly by, the demon in Saul caused him to be more resentful and jealous of David. Obviously, the people loved David more than they loved him. He had even gotten Samuel to admit that it was David whom he had anointed as Saul's successor. David and Micah were not welcomed in Saul's house, and Jonathan cried every night for his beloved soulmate.

One day, long after David and Jonathan had reached their manhood, Saul's anger was at a peak, he called five mercenary men to his meeting chamber. He ordered them to wait for a night when the moon and the stars would be hidden by the clouds. In the middle of that dark night, they were to creep into Jesse's house, and murder David in his sleep.

One of Saul's servants heard the orders that Saul had given his mercenaries. He ran quickly to Jonathan to tell him. Jonathan dispatched the servant immediately to go and warn David.

Early the next morning, Michal came to Saul's house, and ran to Jonathan's bed chamber. She was frightened and shaking. She related to Jonathan how Saul's servant had come to them, and after a few words, David packed a sack of food, and fled the household.

Michal and Jonathan went to Saul's chambers and begged him to call off his men.

"So," Saul railed, "you honor David more than your father. His javelin leaned against a wall. He lunged for it, raised it, and aimed it at his children. Jonathan and Michal fled the room in fear and horror.

Michal returned to her father-in-law's house, and Jonathan set out to find David. He had an idea where he might be.

One day, years ago, when they were still young boys, David had taken Jonathan's hand and led him to the top of a hill at the edge of his father's lands.

"Behold," David said. "From here I can see my father's entire flock of sheep, and far into the horizon. Is this place not peaceful? I have spent many happy hours here meditating and praying to our Lord. At the same time, I watched out for the sheep, and for the Philistines, who might wish to raid our lands."

"Yes," Jonathan agreed, "and what a perfectly isolated place for us to love each other."

The two young men shed their garments quickly, and fell to the grass. They made love that day until they had satisfied each other several times. After that day, they continued to make love on the hill as often as possible.

Because of the joy they had known on the hill, Jonathan suspected that David might be hiding there. They both considered it to be their sanctuary, and that's where he went to seek his beloved.

At first, David started to flee to the hill, but it was too open, and he thought better of it. He knew of another, much higher, nearby hill. At the foot of this hill, there was a cave large enough for a man to hide in. He went as deeply into the cave as he could, and hid in the pitch darkness. On the seventh day, he heard some horsemen rattling around in front of his hiding place. Saul's mercenaries had discovered the cave.

David heard one of the men say, "He can't be hiding in here. The entire entrance to the cave is covered with a spider's web."

They rode off, seeking David elsewhere. As soon as David heard Saul's men ride off, he cleared the spider's web from the cave's entrance. He fell to his knees, and thanked the Lord for his deliverance.

"You are mighty, Oh Lord," David said to God. "You have created every creature on the earth, and even the smallest and meanest of them has a purpose. The tiny spider saved my life."

While David was in hiding, Jonathan was persistent. Every day he climbed the hill hoping to find David. He was certain that this was the one place his brother would come to someday to find safety. He too was being guided by God, and that's where Jonathan found David the day after he left the cave.

When David saw Jonathan, he began to cry. The two men embraced, and Jonathan was crying also.

"Do you remember the joy we used to give each other in our youth, on this very hill top?" Jonathan asked.

"How could I forget?"

As they did on the first day that Jonathan visited the hill years ago, they fell to the ground, and made love.

Jonathan stayed with David for three days. On the morning of the fourth day, they heard a rumble. From their vantage point, they could see the Philistine barbarians crossing Jesse's lands and slaughtering all the sheep.

"My father will be rallying our army," Jonathan said. "I must leave you now to do my duty."

"I'll go with you," David said. He was clinging to Jonathan.

"No, you must stay hidden or my father will kill you. I promise to return to you after we have driven the beasts off once again."

"Please, return to me safely, Brother. I cannot live without you."

"I promise," Jonathan said unconvincingly. "I think it will be safe for you to return to your home now. I'm sure your wife, my sister, is quite worried about you."

"Yes, I'll do that. I miss my children, as well. I'm sorry to tell you, Jonathan that your sister is barren, and I have taken a second wife, Abigail. She has blessed me with children"

"Should I not return from battle," Jonathan asked, "will you look after my son, Mefhibosheth?"

"I promise," David pledged to his brother.

Jonathan smiled, kissed David on his lips and rode off.

David returned home, and his wives were overjoyed to see him. They bathed him, and gave him a good dinner before they ordered him to bed.

Early the next afternoon, Samuel appeared at Jesse's door.

"I have sad news," he said to David. "Although The Philistines have been driven back again, Jonathan and all his brothers have fallen in battle. Saul was so bereaved that he fell upon his sword. I have given them proper burials to make sure that their souls ascend to heaven. You are Saul's heir, and I have already anointed you King of Israel. You must return to Saul's house. We will stand before the populace and I shall declare you to be their king."

"Not yet," David said. "I must mourn properly for my brother, Jonathan. Please let his son know that I will adopt him as my own. He must not worry about his own safety."

David went into his bed chamber. He tore his clothing, and rubbed ashes all over his body. For seven days he did not leave the room. When he came out at last, his heart was still heavy with grief. Michal and Abigail bathed him again. His wives dressed him in his finest attire, and they, David's children, Samuel, and The King of Israel set out for Jerusalem to claim the heritage God had willed him.

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