My Masters Obscenity

By moc.loa@evalsenecsbo

Published on Feb 21, 2013


My Master's Obscenity

Master's dungeon is slightly chilly tonight. I am shivering a bit, from nervousness, like I usually do. I am also sweating. Currently, I am on tiptoe on 4" x 4" wooden blocks about 12" high, and just over shoulder width apart. My arms are tied tightly behind my back with rough rope. It burns a bit. The same type of rope is wound around my neck and disappears up into the dark of the ceiling towards an unseen winch and pulley system. It also burns my neck and I know that Master will appreciate the marks later. It is a precarious position, but one that I have been in many, many times in the past 8 or 9 years that I have served HIM. All for the pleasure of Master.

My nutsack is bound, as it always is, tonight with Master's weighted metal ball stretcher. It is heavy, and has been weighing my balls down, making them ache. The ever-present chastity device is also securely attached. The ball stretcher is weighty, and has tightened my sack at the bottom of the device. Master enjoys inflicting pain on them, and never misses an opportunity to do so. Sometimes, Master will beat them until cum is forced out of my slave cock. Usually that is the only way I am ever allowed to cum.

In my mouth, there is a black rubber ball gag. Master has many gags of course, but He likes the way this gag in particular makes His slave drool. He will sometimes use the drool as lube before He fucks something into my slave cunt.

So here I am, waiting for Master to return, and give His slave any sort of the attention it craves.

Master knew what it was the second He saw slave's picture online. He said it was something He could see in my eyes. A hunger, or, something like that. At first it was an Internet thing. Master would order slave to do something, like bind its balls and beat them on camera for Him. Soon slave was using dildos like a whore and opening up Master's slave cunt for His amusement. I told Him everything. He asked for and received my innermost secrets. My deepest, darkest desires were His for the taking. He made me tell Him my fantasies, and what I beat off to. This went on for some time, and later, slave would call Master every morning. Master would listen to His slave open its throat cunt. Master would, in His hypnotically deep voice, tell slave what an obscenity it was.

It wasn't long before slave had a daily mantra it would recite. Over and over, throughout the day, and always on the phone or online with Master, slave would repeat what Master had taught His creation.

"I am an obedient, obscene, mindless, gaping fuck hole!"

"I am a tool for my Master's Cock!"

"I am my Master's whore!"

Those words would ring in my ears forever. I still say them many times a day. Sometimes as a way for my Master to humiliate me in front of His guests, sometimes just as a way of reinforcing His Command over me. While I am silently repeating my "prayer", I am also practicing opening my throat. Training the hole to remain open and breathe in whatever way it needs to survive with cock deeply planted.

A few months of phone and Internet service, led to (finally!) an in person meeting. Master lived in a different state, so one Friday in October; I left work early and caught a plane to His city in the Northwest.

I arrived at His home in the middle of a wild rain and thunderstorm. Per Master's orders, I had recently gotten my ass, crack, hole, and balls waxed. I was smooth as a baby's butt, and Master had told me to trim my bush fairly close. The power was out, and candles were all over His living room when I arrived. I was ordered to strip, and I quickly obeyed. I immediately knelt down to kiss His feet, and remained on my knees, looking down with my hands behind my head for His inspection. That wasn't ordered my Him, but He seemed pleased, and circled me for a few minutes before landing three solid swats on my right ass cheek.

He had also commanded that I tie a piece of white cotton rope around my ball sack as many times as I could and tie it neatly with a bow, as a present for Him. Let me tell you, by the time my flight landed and I got to His house, I was in some serious pain. I had definitely tied it all a little too tight! My balls were deep purple by the time I arrived. Master was VERY pleased with that, and spent some time cupping them, and squeezing them in his large palm. I thought a few times that I would pass out from the pain. At one point, I worried that I had bitten off more than I could chew, but the thought of being dominated by this incredible Man overrode any fears I might've had.

Master is Italian. He is strong, dark, with a hairy chest. And - dangerously handsome. Seriously. His Cock is perfect. Fat, but not too fat. Long, but not so much that it hurts (unless He wants it to). He has nice, meaty balls that are constantly full of cum that He needs to release. His ass and thighs are nicely thick and toned, and He has nice, big feet!

Master ordered me up onto my feet and took me into a small bathroom off the living room. He told me to get into the tub and bend over. Master proceeded to give me my first enema to make sure I was clean. When He was done, He ordered me back into the living room where He had earlier set up a padded saw horse. I was bent over it, and my ankles and wrists were secured to the legs. Master stood before me in all His glory, with His Cock hanging in front of my face. He soon grabbed me by my hair and shoved His Cock right down my throat. He wasn't very hard, and He told me not to move my tongue or suck. To just let His Cock rest there and claim my throat cunt.

It was only a few seconds before His Piss started to choke me. I was caught off guard, and the only warning I got was Master saying, "don't spill". A bit dribbled out of the corners of my mouth, but I took it all down. It tasted disgusting. Bitter and strong. At one point I thought I would vomit, but was able to keep it all down. But, just barely. It was my first time drinking piss. It would not be the last. And I would grow to love, and even CRAVE drinking His piss.

After Master pissed down my throat, He moved to my ass. There He took a little bit of time inspecting my hole (He calls it a cunt). I heard Him clear His throat and then spit on my hole. It was warm and I could feel it slowly sliding down my crack until first one finger then a second probed the opening. Master finally lubed up His Cock and fucked it in with one, hard, brutal stroke. I screamed. Master grabbed me by the hair and said "That's right, bitch. I OWN YOU!" Master fully claimed my ass cunt that night. He fucked it long and hard, often smacking my ass or painfully squeezing my cheeks. He would pull completely out and then savagely thrust it back in. I could feel His heavy balls slapping my pathetic slave sack (still tied with the cotton rope). At one point he reached forward and inserted His finger in my mouth and pulled back like a fishhook. After the initial shock, and when my hole had gotten used to the assault, I began to work my cunt muscles. I wanted Him to feel my hole THANKING Him for fucking it. Whenever possible on His out stroke, I would clamp down on His cock and letting go on the in stroke so He could go balls deep. His orgasm was painful for me as He slammed deeply into my ass and wrapped His arm around my neck. His grip got tighter as His animal grunts sounded in my ear, and I felt like I never wanted to leave. To always be filled with Master's hard Cock. His orgasm was as violent as the fuck and he roared in my ear as He seeded my cunt.

He rested there, on my back, breathing hard. I could feel His Cock softening a little, and I kept squeezing His cock with my hole. All of a sudden I was aware of pressure inside me. Master was pissing deep in my hole. Master asked, "What are you?"

"I am an obedient, obscene, mindless, gaping fuck hole!"

"I am a tool for my Master's Cock!"

"I am my Master's whore!"

"Good bitch" He said. "Now don't spill a drop". With that He pulled His Cock out of my ass. I clenched it tightly to make sure nothing came out. I think I did pretty well, because He didn't say anything, but there was a little dribble on my now, excruciatingly painful balls. He came to the front of the sawhorse, and shoved His Cock in my mouth. I gagged a bit because I could taste my own ass, His piss and His cum. "Clean it, faggot." I did exactly that with great gusto and enthusiasm. I love Cock, and was growing very fond of Master's Cock, rather quickly!

Soon, I was unbound from the sawhorse, and by the hair, led into the bathroom again. Master told me to sit on the toilet and let His piss out. This was probably the most humiliating thing that had happened to me so far. I had never shit, or barely pissed in front of anyone before, and now I was squatting over a toilet and expelling a Man's piss load out of my freshly fucked whore hole.

I was aching to cum. But Master did not mention it, and made no move to make me cum, and I knew better than to ask. My balls ached too. In fact, they were in an enormous amount of pain.

When I had let everything out, Master shoved three fingers in my mouth and pulled me off the toilet and onto my knees. He used my mouth like a handle and pulled me, still on my knees, into a small guest bedroom adjacent to the bathroom. I was laid face up, and bound spread-eagle on a small bed. My rock hard cock pointing straight up in the air, and my deeply purple balls, squeezed to the bottom of the rope noose around them. Master began playing with my nipples, which are extremely sensitive. I was soon moaning like a bitch in heat. He pulled them, bit them, and lightly rubbed them. I was soon quivering and begging Him to let me cum. He just laughed. "Don't worry, bitch. You'll cum, but it will be when I want you to." I whimpered with impatience. "I love when you beg. And you do it so well, bitch." Master continued abusing my tits while talking to me.

He was soon hard again, and climbed up to straddle my chest with His glorious Cock wagging in my face. I strained to lick it, mouth it, ANYTHING just to get it inside me again. Master was teasing me. He would let it just touch my lips before taking it away.

Master reached behind Him and seemed to notice my ball sack at that point. "Aww, The little whore's clit seems swollen. I guess we better do something about that." With those last words, He gripped my bound sack and squeezed so hard I thought I would vomit. I could feel my pulse deep inside my head, throbbing and fiery hot.

Master got off the bed and stood at the foot, looking down at me with His hard Cock jutting out in front of Him. He crossed His arms and just stood there as if deciding what to do. I started to beg Him to let me cum but He slapped my aching balls and said, "Shut up!".

Master bent down and slowly started to untie His "package". I could not wait to get this rope off and I made a mental note that given the opportunity that I would never tie it as tight again! But all Master did was untie the bow. He did not unwrap my balls. I arched my back a little in a signal that I REALLY wanted it off. Suddenly, he grabbed the free end of the rope and pulled hard. The rope QUICKLY unwound and my tight ball sack spiraled around the retreating rope. I experienced the most incredible pain. I screamed as the blood started moving and my balls were released. He laughed. He calls it His helicopter ride. He also told me that He loves to hear me scream. Over the years, He would make me scream plenty. It always makes Him hard.

After I had calmed down a bit, He began playing with my balls again. Lightly squeezing them, rolling them around, pulling on the whole sack. He got a bit rougher with them, until He had them firmly gripped in His hand, His palm holding the sack just above the balls, just like the rope had been. With His free hand He began slapping them with His palm.

"Cum, bitch. NOW!"

I was taken aback. I was not expecting Him to say that, and after years of jacking off multiple times a day, did not have the sort of control He was requiring. He beat my sack harder.

"Cum NOW!"

I was crying by this point. I wanted so much to please Him. I wanted so much to cum. The pain was too intense, and I couldn't let go enough to make myself do what He wanted. When I was unable to cum at His command, He stopped slapping them and let go. "You had your chance faggot. You no longer have permission to cum." He turned off the light and left me there. In the dark, in a strange house, and with a severely painful hard-on and nut-sack.

I lay there, so amazed at what had happened, and hoped that it would never end. Sleep did not come easily, and when it did, it was fitful and shallow. It's very difficult to sleep while bound. You don't really realize the freedom of movement one enjoys, until it's gone.

At some point in the soft purple light of early morning, Master entered the room. My hard-on, which had only subsided a little, immediately sprung back to life. Master padded over to the head of the bed, climbed on, with His beefy thighs on either side of my head.

"Make an 'O' with your mouth pussy and don't you dare close your eyes".

When I did, He placed His Cock head just inside my mouth and began to piss. I was at an odd angle for it, and didn't want to choke and especially didn't want to spill any of it and make Him angry (or worse, disappointed). I was looking directly into His eyes. I did my best to convey my absolute submission to Him and I quickly drank, but quite a bit spilled out the side and I gagged a few times which also spilt some. When He was finished pissing, He scooted up a little bit, which forced His Cock deeper into my skull. Soon, He was laying over my face, completely tooling out my throat. I gagged, but couldn't do anything other than try to breathe and try to take what He was giving me. All I could see was His beautiful hairy stomach. Just when I thought I couldn't do it anymore, He came with a loud grunt. I never tasted His cum because His cock was so far down my throat. I just swallowed and hoped to be able to take a breath of air soon!

He pulled out and stood up. He gave me a stinging hard slap across the face and told me I would be punished for spilling the gift He had so graciously allowed me to have. Then He left the room.

I must have laid there for another hour or so. Painfully hard, stomach gurgling from the load of piss and cum that had been delivered into my belly. The pissy sheets were cooling, and clammy against my skin. My throat was raw from the constant attacks from His Cock. I could feel how raw it was. Sore and bruised from his feedings, and this was just the first 12 hours!

Master returned. In His hand was what I recognized as a chastity device and in His other hand a plastic bag full of ice. He unceremoniously dropped the bag on my crotch.

"You have 1 minute to get that slave cock to go down." Master stood above me and looked at His watch.

It got close to the end of the minute before I could feel that it was going down. I had to think of a lot of un-sexy stuff to do it, too! Thankfully (?) my dick is not very big, and even slightly soft, is pretty flexible.

When it was soft enough, He placed the chastity device on my cock and locked it. It would now be impossible for me to get hard and cum.

Next came the cotton rope from last night. Master wound it around again and tied it neatly with a bow. My balls were tightly forced to the bottom of their sack. Master gave it a good squeeze and a quick slap before removing me from the restraints. My arms were sore from being in the same position all night, and He allowed me to shake them out a bit before grabbing my bound ball sack and leading me into the bathroom. "Lay down on your back in the tub." I obeyed. "piss, NOW." It took about a millisecond but the heaviest stream of piss shot out of my constricted nuts and shot me in the face. I instinctively opened my mouth and tried to catch as much as I could. Master chuckled "fucking pig". "Stay there, faggot." I remained there, shivering as the piss dried. Finally, Master returned and ordered me back into the living room.

"It's time for your punishment, bitch. I am going to teach you to hold MY PISS!"

I was bound again to the sawhorse. My legs stretched and spread, along with my ass. I could feel cool air on my hole and crack.

Master gagged me with what would become a well-known friend? A black rubber penis gag about 2 inches long. It was strapped behind my head and checked for tightness.

The pain seemed to arrive a nanosecond behind the crack of leather against skin. My skin. Master used His paddle on my ass and the back of my upper thighs. I was bucking against my restraints and screaming through the gag. Soon I was weeping. I could feel my ass burning, and would have sworn that half the flesh had been torn away.

"Who owns you, faggot?"

I was unable to clearly answer due to the gag, and the tears, but I tried. He knew what I said.

"You, Master"

"Good bitch. What are you?"

(Through the gag)

"I am an obedient, obscene, mindless, gaping fuck hole!"

"I am a tool for my Master's Cock!"

"I am my Master's whore!"

"That's right, faggot. You are MY whore. (whack!) MY toy. (whack!) MY slave. (whack!) MY piece of meat. (whackwhackwhackwhack!) When I give you a gift, I expect to see absolute appreciation and dedication. (whack!) You DO NOT spill, spit out, cringe, or try to avoid ANY gift I decide to give you. (whack!) You do NOT look away! (whack!) You look directly into My eyes (whack!) and thank ME (whack!) for using you!

I am going to make you MY pain pig! (whack!) MY cum slut! (whack!) MY urinal! (whack!) MY OBSCENITY!" (whackwhackwhackwhackwhack!)

I have now lost complete control. I am weeping. And if the chastity device weren't on, I would also be rock hard. "Thank You Master!"

Master was rubbing and squeezing the red-hot flesh of my cheeks. It hurt like Hell, but I made it through, and I was happy that I took it pretty well. Over the years, Master would show me what a true sadist He was. He loves to hear faggots scream in pain, and He loves inflicting that pain whenever the mood strikes.

Pretty soon, I wasn't crying anymore. Snot was running down the front of the gag and off my chin. My face was flushed from the punishment, but His hands on my ass felt soooo good. Soon His meaty thumb was probing at my fuck hole. Can you believe it, I started to moan?! Master chuckled. He knew what a whore I was and how much I loved and needed the pain He offered.

Master came to the front, and removed the gag. My jaw barely had time to adjust before He pushed His cock down my throat and told me to lube it up. I don't know if you've ever experienced having a gag in for a long time, but when it comes out, it does strange shit to your jaw muscles. It took all the control I had not to clamp my jaw closed just out of animal instinct.

I sucked and licked and slobbered on His cock, like the God that it was for me. He really started to fuck in and out of my throat pussy. Each thrust down my gullet brought up more and more thick, white spit. It made wet, squishy sounds when He fucked. Master roughly shoved His cock deep down my throat and all of a sudden He pinched my nose closed. I could take it for a minute, but soon I was struggling to get air. A futile attempt since I was bound, ankles and wrists. Just when I thought I would pass out, Master let go of my nose and pulled His cock out of my throat and mouth. I took a quick, deep gasp before Master was fucking my neck again. I came to realize over the years, that it was all training. He was training me to be the perfect hole for Him to use for His pleasure. Training my throat, my ass, EVERYTHING! And wasn't I the lucky one to be picked to do it?!

When Master's cock was sufficiently lubed, He turned His attention to my cunt. I could feel Him pull my cheeks apart, and before I had a chance to prepare, His cock was ripping into my hole. Balls deep in the first stroke. I cried out, and He grabbed my hair from behind. What followed was the quickest, most animalistic fuck I had experienced up to that time. A true punishment fuck. It didn't take long to seed me again, and He showed no mercy in the deep pounding. He pulled out and once again, entered my throat to clean off the club that had just fucked me. As I cleaned Him, I could feel my abused hole, gasping and gaping. Like an obscene mouth desperate to be fed. A warm trickle of cum dripped down my balls. When He was satisfied that His cock was cleaned well enough, He pulled out and started to walk out of the room, swatting my left cheek as he went by.

Soon I could smell coffee and hear Him working in the kitchen. I was spent, and it wasn't even 9 am yet!

Master came back, and placed a chair in front of me. He sat down with a cup of hot coffee and sipped it while He looked at me. He lifted His right foot and put it up to my mouth. I quickly opened up and started to suck on His foot to save my life. I was in absolute pig heaven. I licked His toes, put as much into my mouth as I could, all the while looking deeply into Master's eyes and silently telling Him what He already knew. I was His. I would do anything for Him. And He would hold me to that promise!

When He was finished, He stood up and began unlocking my arms and legs. Using my hair, He helped me stand upright, which wasn't easy after about an hour or so over the sawhorse.

"We are going somewhere today, faggot. I want to show you something. I've laid some things out for you on the bed. I want you ready in 5 minutes."

Another hard swat on the ass and Master left the room. I made my way to the bedroom I had slept in and on the bed I found:

A small black butt plug

A pair of white nylon gym shorts

A white tank top

A pair of flip-flops

There wasn't any lube, but after the fuck I just got, I didn't need it. The plug went in fairly smoothly but made me moan as my hole closed around the flange. I pulled on the shorts, only to find that they were fairly old, very thin, and the elastic was pretty much shot. I started to walk out of the room only to have the shorts fall down. The only thing keeping them up was the small bubble of my ass. In front, they sagged to clearly display my closely cropped bush. Evidently, I was going to have to hold them up to maintain any sort of decency in public. The tank top was no better. It was small and the bottom had been cut, so that it fell just below my pecs. My sore and abused tits made distinct points in the thin cotton.

I walked into the living room and found Master in jeans, a flannel shirt and hiking boots. The look of pure dominance met me as He sneered at my attire. "You look like such a fucking slut." "Thank You, Master" I replied - so deeply pleased that He complimented me.

"Come on, faggot. You are driving" with that He threw me the keys to my rental car. I was a little freaked out at having to leave the house dressed as I was, when clearly, it was cold out. I soon learned that I should only be concerned with what Master thought, no one else. I dashed to the car as quickly as I could and opened the passenger door for Master. He got in and I went to the driver's side and slid in.

Master directed me where to drive, and soon we were out of the city and driving through the most beautiful forest. While we drove, Master would continue to idly abuse my tits. It's hard to concentrate on driving when one of your many erogenous points are being worked over!

Master told me that we were going to a place that He frequented in the summer months. A sort of gay/fetish/pagan campground. He said that they had amazing parties in the summer with slaves bound all over the place, hard use, and fucking by torch light in the woods like creatures. It sounded good to me! Of course, it was off-season, so I didn't expect to see anything like that happen.

We soon turned off the tarmac road and followed a winding and slightly bumpy dirt road. It curved around clumps of trees and after about 25 yards, was completely hidden from the main road. After about a mile, we came to a camp area, and parked. There was a motorcycle nearby, but no sign of people.

Master told me to get out, and we walked around while He showed me the camp. There were a number of spots that were clearly defined campsites of the members. Cleared away areas of about 10 feet square. Some had small gates and archways. Along the south side of the camping area was a small meadow. Beyond the meadow was a trail down to a river beach area. Master said that this was where they had their "Bacchanalians". I could easily imagine the scenes that have unfolded there. Opposite the meadow, the dirt road continued on through the campground, although got narrower, until it became a wide foot path that lead into the forest. Master led the way up the trail. I followed behind, slipping in the mud with just the flip-flops on. It was chilly, too and my nipples were rock hard and sore. The butt plug was a constant reminder that something was in my cunt.

All of a sudden, Master turned and said "On your knees, whore". I knelt down, while Master pulled out His cock. I instinctively opened my mouth for Him. Instead a stream of His piss hosed my face down. He used it like a fire hose, snaking it down my face, avoiding my mouth, and finishing off by soaking the tank top. I could feel it all dripping down onto my shorts. Master snaked His cock back in His jeans, zipped up, and continued the hike. I got up and scrambled after him. His beautiful ass was in front of me. All I could think about was eating it. I heard Master say something, and at first I thought it was to me, but He was actually greeting a Man coming down the trail. Presumably the motorcycle owner. Master snapped His fingers, and said, "kneel" and pointed to His feet. I obeyed and listened while Master caught up with His friend.

"New meat, Matt?" (So that was His name!)

"A tryout, to see if the bitch can keep up. I'm thinking about turning it into my new pain slut."

The Man started to inspect me like I was some sort of barn animal for sale. He squeezed my arms and thighs, cupped my bound balls, stuck His fingers in my mouth.

"It smells like a rest stop urinal."

"Yeah, the little slut can't get enough of my piss." With that, Master kicked me in the ass. I almost fell over. "Tell my buddy what you are, and beg Him to feed you."

"I am an obedient, obscene, mindless, gaping fuck hole!"

"I am a tool for my Master's Cock!"

"I am my Master's whore!"

The words of deprivation just spilled out with no thought or care

"pleaseSirpleasefeedmeyourpiss! Ineeditsobadly,please!" It went on like that for a few minutes while Master and His friend looked down at me and smiled. Master's arms were crossed and His friend was lightly rubbing His cock through His pants. I was an animal. I didn't care what I was saying, ALL I wanted was to please Master and take this Man's piss load!

"Well, Matt, if you had come along just a few minutes earlier, I could've fed your pet, but I just pissed on a tree stump back there. I sure could use a good nutt though."

"You hear him, faggot, get sucking!"

I scrambled to get closer, and the Man released His cock from His fly. It wasn't big like Master's but what do I care? It's cock! I sucked Him, and in no time a warm, and rather tasty load was deposited right on my tongue. "Don't swallow it. Just keep your whore mouth open so we can see it." Have you ever tried to keep a mouthful of something while keeping your mouth open? It's not easy, and it creates even more spit to add to the volume.

Here I was, kneeling in the mud in the forest, shivering, in very little clothing. Drenched in piss and holding the load of stranger's cum in my open mouth. I was truly obscene. At least I thought it was. There are degrees, as I would find out.

I was finally told to swallow the cum load that had been resting on my tongue. Master and His friend said their goodbyes and the stranger headed down the hill, as we headed further up.

As we neared the crest of the hill, Master pointed to an overturned log and told me to bend over it. As I did, I could hear Master remove His belt. Soon He was landing solid hits across my already tender ass. There must have been about 25 or 30 blows, before Master dropped the belt and pulled the shorts down. After the plug was unceremoniously pulled out, I was again fucked like the piece of meat I had become. When He was finished, He again ordered me to orally clean His cock. I did so, while Master leaned over my body and re-inserted the butt plug. My throat was raw, I smelled of stale piss, and I was freezing cold. I had mud all over my legs, and at some point had lost a flip-flop. I didn't care. I had Master's cock inside me and that was what mattered most.

Master wanted to finish giving me a tour of the campsite, so we continued on over the crest of the hill and back down. This took us to the beach by the river. We had basically come full circle. I could see the car on the other side of the meadow and I imagined how much warmer it would be inside! We walked along the river, although it was a bit harder for me, being barefoot at this point. I was shivering I was so cold. The sun was out, but it was weak in the mountains. Master said "stay" and so I squatted down on a large, flat rock. Master went across the small meadow and to the car trunk. He pulled out a blanket and returned to the riverbank. It was thin and a little dirty, but I was so grateful for the gesture as Master wrapped me up, sat behind me and He wrapped His strong arms around me. We watched the river for awhile and then Master laid me down on my back. Still wrapped in the blanket now, but I realize He has restricted my arm movement. I didn't care, though. Master came to my head, and pulled out His cock. He slowly throat fucked me by the river on the rock. The warmth of His body as it lay on top of me was amazing. I could breathe about every 2 or 3 strokes. Clearly the purpose of this was a slow and methodical tooling out of my throat cunt. I don't know how long it lasted, Master had just fucked me about 30 minutes before hand. It was quite a bit of time. His cock NEVER left my throat area. He pulled out at the last minute and came on my face and hair. "Leave it there, faggot."

We walked back to the car, and this time Master drove. I was so grateful when Master turned on the heater. My tits were so hard from the cold. My throat was raw, and at the same time I was VERY aware at how empty it felt. I told this to Master and He said "good bitch!"

Back at Master's apartment, He told me to strip off my filthy clothes before I came inside. You know, at this point I didn't care who saw me. I stripped and stepped in. Master made me take off His clothes, and I spent as much time as I could undressing Him and serving Him and taking it all in. He is truly beautiful, and undressing Him was an honor.

Master told me to go start a hot shower and kneel by the tub. I did as He asked, and before long, He came in. Master stood in front of me, and I immediately opened my mouth for His cock. He pissed down my throat, and the whole time I looked deeply in His eyes and thanked Him from the very core of my being for it! When He was finished, He stepped into the shower and told me to follow. "Wash Me." He commanded. I used soap and a wash cloth and washed His body and worshipped it at the same time. I started to handle His cock, and He slapped me hard across the face. "NO! You only touch My Cock with your holes, and ONLY when I tell you to!"

My ears were ringing, and I was immediately so sad that I had fucked up. I continued to wash Master from head to toe. When He was finished, He turned off the water and stepped out. He commanded me to dry Him off, which I did. I was then handed a thin and used hand towel, and told to dry myself off quickly, and kneel in the small bedroom.

I was leaving the next day, and the remainder of my time with Master was spent with His cock down my throat. Either that, or I was swallowing a load of piss. A few times, after Master got His cock sufficiently down my throat, He would then pry my mouth open and shove His balls in my mouth too. I was obscenely bloated by Cock and Balls, and from the pictures He took, I looked like some sort of perverted squirrel. I loved being completely stuffed with Master's Cock. Sometimes He would beat my ass to make me scream around His cock. Something He really enjoyed. Over the years, I often received a terrible beating just so He could enjoy the vibration of my screams around His cock.

By the time I left for the airport the next morning, my throat was sore. Raw and swollen, it hurt to swallow. My lips were puffy and red. As Master was feeding me His cock for the last time, He pulled out, tilted my head back, and shot His load of cum on my face. A lot of it had gone in my nose, and using His fingers, Master shoved His cum deep into my nostrils. He squeezed my nose shut for a minute, and said; "Now you will never forget the smell of your Master. Your creator." He then (almost) lovingly scooped the rest of His load into my mouth and I greedily sucked His fingers clean.

"I guess we need to take this off for your flight." He nudged the chastity device with His foot as I knelt in front of Him. "Hands behind your head faggot." I obeyed. Master undid some of the rope around my aching ballsack but left the knot fairly tight. He stood on the tail of rope, which effectively pinned me to the ground. Master attacked my tits one last time before freeing my slave dick from the chastity device. I was immediately hard, of course. Master reached over and grabbed a tube of lubricant. "Hold out your right hand." Master squeezed some lube into my palm. "In just a moment I am going to give you a choice. You can have permission to touch your pathetic slave cock and stroke yourself and cum, OR, you can take 1 hard kick to your sack." The choice was obvious. Of course I want to stroke myself and cum!

"Ok faggot." Master began rhythmically slapping my face. "Start stroking yourself. You have 3 minutes to cum." I KNEW it wouldn't take THAT long. I'd been desperate to cum for 2 days! I immediately began stroking my cock as Master continued the constant slapping of my face. The palm of His hand on my left cheek, followed by the back of His hand on my right. It took a second for my brain to figure it out, but in an instant I was in the most incredible pain. "Don't you dare remove your hand, bitch! You made this choice!" Master had given me Icy Hot, not lube. My dick was on fire, but it was harder than it had ever been, and Master was slapping me and His foot was holding my balls painfully to the floor. I came with a scream and a loud "FUCK!" Master stopped slapping me and released my balls. The pain from the ointment was blazing through me and I began to beg Master for mercy.

"It will go away, faggot. Clean up your mess, get dressed and get out before you miss your plane." I knelt down, and licked up my fuck that hit the floor. Some had landed on His foot just below the ankle, and I licked that up too, not wanting this to end. At all.

After getting dressed, and collecting the few things I brought with me, I made my way to the car. I turned back to see Master looking at me through the window, stroking His cock through His underwear.

The entire trip home was spent with the dull, but distant ache of my cock and balls. The sharper ache of a worked over ballsack, a very sore throat and raspy voice, and red, swollen lips. I said a prayer to any God, to ANY entity? Please allow me to serve Him again, and for the rest of my life.

Next: Chapter 2

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