My Masters Obscenity

By moc.loa@evalsenecsbo

Published on Jul 31, 2013


my Master's obscenity - Chapter 4

One early morning, probably around 6 am after I had spent most of the night in my box, Bear kicked me awake. Your Master is coming today to see you, we need to get you ready, pup!

I couldn't believe it! I was elated! Master was coming to see ME! Bear helped me get cleaned up and douche out my ass. My Mohawk was trimmed neatly, and by 9 am I was shaking with anticipation for His arrival. By now, the chastity device was a part of my body. While I thought it would be nice to cum, I no longer obsessed about it. I found it more important to serve. To take cock and piss and cum and do my absolute best to make the person using me feel? GOOD!

Bear gave me my usual uniform of black jock, butt plug and collar. At 11:00, Master came through the door! He was beautiful. Absolutely the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. I immediately got down as low to the ground as possible with my ass sticking up (just how He likes it) and started kissing His boots! Master pulled on one of the rings in the collar to lift me up, and wrapping His arms around me, shoved His tongue in my mouth and we kissed for a time. I melted into His chest and thanked Him for being there.

"Take My cock out, slut."

I brought His cock out of His jeans, knelt in front of Him with my hands behind my back and opened my mouth wide while looking devotedly into His eyes. He stuck his thumb in my mouth and I sucked it. He lifted the head of His cock to my lips and began pissing. I didn't spill a drop and kept my gaze to His. Master had returned and was claiming His slave again! Yay!

Bear kicked me out of the way and greeted Master with a hug. "How was your trip, Matt?"

"It was good, thanks. Better now, that I've pissed! What I really need is to beat this fucker and breed its cunt!"

Upon hearing that, I quickly got on my hands and knees and started begging Master to beat His pathetic slut. Both Bear and Master watched me for a while, and Master's cock got nice and hard. Bear went and got Master a nice, hard leather paddle and handed it to Him.

Master began beating my ass a bright red. I was trying so hard to remain in position, without being bound. Not an easy task. I ended up scooting forward with each new blow of the paddle. It didn't take long for Master's strong arm to break me, and I began crying. I could feel my ass burning up and each new stroke felt like lacerations across my ass.

Master knelt down and removed the butt plug and just as quickly shoved His cock in my cunt. This is what I had waited for months to feel? Master's Cock deep inside His obscene slave's hole. Brutal, and claiming, Master fucked hard and grabbing my waist, He came with a loud growl and a hard punch to the back of my head.

"I'm back, bitch!"

"Thank You Master! I love You Master! Thank You for making me Your tool, Your obscenity, Your whore!"

"Clean my cock, fucker."

I turned around and cleaned His cock (my absolute God). I didn't want to let go, but Master needed some lunch. I remained in just the jock, with Master's load trying to leak out of my clenched hole, while I served Him and Bear lunch.

Master spoke to Bear "Are we all set for tonight?" I was kneeling beside Master while He ate, and my ears pricked up (What was happening tonight, I wondered?)

"Yeah, everything is taken care of"

Master patted my head, and said "Good, the slut is really going to show us what it can do!"

After a nap, during which I spent laying between Master's legs with His cock in my mouth, a light dinner (served by me, of course), and a few more blow jobs for Bear and Master, we all got ready to go out. It was still kind of early, being summer, the sun wasn't quite down yet at 9:00 pm. I was given a tight pair of rubber shorts with a cutout around my ass, boots, and a collar to wear.

Now, I have to be completely honest. I LOVE being dressed like a slut for Men. I LOVE being naked around fully clothed Men. So this outfit, I have to say was really sexy to wear. It was made doubly so, because Master required it.

We were headed to one of the sex clubs in the neighborhood. Master and Bear walked ahead, while I was walking just behind Master and to His right (staring at His beautiful ass in His jeans and His big, heavy boots treading along the sidewalk)

We arrived at the club, and Bear paid our entry fee. Once inside the darkened space, I could hear, see, and smell sex. Sex and Cum. We made our way to the center of the club, all the while Men were grabbing at my exposed ass and tits. Master ordered me to blow a few Men, and eat their loads, which I happily did. Soon, though, I found myself standing in front of a sling.

"Hop up, bitch!" Master commanded.

I climbed up into the sling and Bear proceeded to restrain my ankles and wrists with the provided equipment. The sling was a little short, so my ass hung over one end and my head had no support so it hung over the other end. Soon a cock was being shoved into my upside down head. This always makes my throat stretch out a bit and they can go deeper. That's the point I guess. While I was being throat fucked by a stranger, I could feel Master lubing up my hole with His fingers. I've said it many times, but having Master touch me in ANY way is like being touched by God. It's really all I need. All I crave, All I will ever try to achieve. It could be a beating, it could be His cock, His hand, whatever. It is MASTER touching me. That is all I need.

Master fucked His cock into my hole and while a small crowd gathered, He fucked me methodically and slowly. He was really opening my cunt for the pleasure of the Men standing around. At one point, Master started slapping my face hard while He used my hole. He finally came, and a few people actually clapped. Bear was next. He shoved his fat cock in my hole and jack rabbit fucked me quickly and soon came.

Master and Bear left me in the sling with my ass open and my head hanging over the end. It was clear that I was left there for the enjoyment of who ever wanted to use me. Cock after cock was either shoved in my cunt, or down my throat while Master sat nearby in an armchair with another young slut suckling at His Cock.

After a few hours, my cunt was a blown out mess and I had cum all over my face and body. I could feel cum or lube (or both) dripping out of my gaping hole that could no longer clench closed to hold it in. Master returned and told me He was so pleased and that I was right where I belonged. I agreed with Master and thanked Him again for allowing me to serve Him.

Master began fingering my hole. Every once in a while, He would bring His hand up to my mouth and I would suck the cum from his fingers. The pressure started building again on my hole, and Master soon had 3 or 4 fingers in me. Poppers were produced and I was soon on fire and flying high.

"Look at Me, faggot!"

I met Master's gaze as best I could through the sex haze I was in, when all of a sudden I felt His entire fist enter my hole. I gasped and then moaned.

"Tell these men what you are, bitch."

"I am an obedient, obscene, mindless, gaping fuck hole!" "I am a tool for my Master's Cock!" "I am my Master's whore!"

I quickly received a hard slap across my face.

"LOUDER you fuck!"


I think the entire club heard me, because soon there was another crowd around the sling.

I was fed more poppers and another cock appeared in front of my face, while Master's hand slowly moved inside my cunt.

Master began slowly fucking my hole with his fist and forearm, and I was in heaven. Master was using ME! It still shocked me that this amazing, beautiful, brutal Man wanted ME as His slave.

"Who owns this cunt?"


"That's right, bitch!"

The poppers kept coming, the cocks kept feeding me cum, and Master kept fucking my hole with His arm. Soon, He was using both fists to punch fuck my hole. First the left, then the right hand. My slave cunt was truly gaping at this point. I was almost catatonic from the poppers and the use of my throat and hole. I was in pig heaven and didn't want it to end. I can remember just moaning with pleasure and begging Master for more use.

Bear was able to catch most of the action on a smuggled in camera, and later I watched it before Master uploaded it to the normal website He uses.

In the video, near the end of the session, I could clearly see that Master, with His hand inside my cunt, stuck His cock in, and He slowly beat off INSIDE my ass!

I really hope the video made Master a lot of money. I was proud of the way I had served Him that night.

Before we left, everyone in the club was offered another crack at my holes. To be honest, a dick didn't fill the space that Master's hand did, and I could barely feel being fucked, but I didn't care. I was serving at Master's pleasure, and wasn't I the lucky one for it?!

As we were leaving, we passed by a line of urinals. Master pushed my head down into the bottom of one of them, with my thoroughly used ass up in the air. Both Master and Bear pissed into the urinal on top of my head and back while I thanked them profusely for using me.

It was about 3 am when we left. I had been there for about 6 hours. We got back to Bear's place, and once again, I was hosed off with cold water from the hose outside before being allowed back in. I was exhausted, but Master wasn't quite done with me yet. I was place over Bear's fuck bench and Master used a flogger and turned my back and ass red before He fucked it one more time. Master didn't even need to restrain me. I was so tapped of energy and strength, I just laid there and moaned. I fell asleep wrapped in Master's arm with the collar on and my wrists and ankles bound together. It was so good to be back in His presence again! Thank You Master for choosing me!

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Next: Chapter 5

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