My Masters Obscenity

By moc.loa@evalsenecsbo

Published on Sep 29, 2013


I hardly slept that night, between (finally!) being in Master's presence and then having His fist and arm up my ass? Well, let's just say I could've died happy right then! I could still feel my hole buzzing from the abuse it took the night before. It felt hot and loose and wet. Unfortunately, I could not touch it as Master had my ankles and wrists bound together for sleeping. I missed having something in my cunt. It felt soooo empty. I wanted Master to fuck me. I wanted Him to fuck me really hard.

Master was still lightly snoring. His right arm draped over my waist, and his morning wood poking me. I squirmed a little against Him and it made His cock throb a bit. I squirmed again, and found that if I arch my back just a little, I can reposition the head of His cock towards my hole. I did that, and before I knew it the tip of His cock was snug against my hole, if not even starting to enter it.

Master was waking up, and His cock felt sooo good, and I wanted to get fucked sooo bad. One last time I wiggled my ass a bit, and the head of His cock slipped in my cunt hole. I waited there for just a second, and with a moan, forced my hole down. Thankfully, last night gaped my hole a bit, no lube was needed.

Master woke up, and tightened His arm grip around my waist. His left hand came up and squeezed my throat. His cock seemed to expand in my cunt.

"What the fuck are you doing, faggot?"

"Please, Sir, faggot NEEDS Your cock, Master, please fuck Your slave Sir, please, faggot needs its cunt filled so bad, Master, please!" I was just sure He would be happy to hear me beg.

Master rolled us over so I was pinned to the bed, His cock still in deep in my ass. Master now had both hands around my neck.

"You NEED?! You NEED nothing other than to make sure to do what I want and need!"

With that, Master pulled His cock out of my ass and got off the bed.

"If you move, faggot, you will regret it."

I was scared. I thought that Master would appreciate how much I wanted to be fucked by Him. I was wrong.

Master came to the side of the bed, and knelt down so I could look at Him in the face.

"faggots have no needs other than to please Men."

"faggots were born to be used by Men."

"faggots are just sexual appliances to be used by Men."

"faggots are like toasters, waiting there to be used when WE want them. A toaster NEVER begs to make toast, but is always ready to do so."

"yes, Master." I said meekly. He was being so calm, it should have been a warning sign, but I didn't read it very well.

"but I just wanted to please You and my cunt felt so empty."

Master stood up, and at virtually the same time, I felt a searing hot flash across my ass cheeks. I yelped.

"You will scream for Me today. You will suffer more than you ever imagined. Do you understand, bitch?"

I nodded, with a wide-eyed look of absolute panic.

Three more lashes rained down on my ass and I gasped a little. My arms were pinned under me, so I couldn't shield my ass, but I turned a little to protect my ass flesh, and suddenly Master's right bare foot was on my lower neck, pinning my shoulders to the bed.

With His left hand, He swung what I later found out was an electrical cord, down on my ass five more times. I gagged and choked into sheets, and tried to hold back a sob, but it escaped. I was being broken and disciplined by Master. I would scream that morning, much to the pleasure of Master.

My legs instinctively kicked up to try to shield my ass, and as I was bringing them down, He lifted His foot from my neck.

Quietly Master flipped me over, I could feel the sheets scratch against the welts that immediately formed from the initial lashes of the electric cord. Working rather quickly, and in total silence, Master repositioned my bound wrists to the headboard, and while undoing my ankle restraints, scooted me down the bed until my arms were pulled tautly. My legs were bent over my body, with my knees on either side of my head. Each ankle was bound to a wrist. My ass and hole were pointed up with my thighs parallel with the bed. I was stretched to the limit. I could feel the muscles in the back of my thighs straining.

I could see through my legs that Master was standing at the foot of the bed.

"Look at Me in the eyes, slave." I met His gaze, and I could smell the fear coming from my armpits.

Master began beating my ass again with the electric cord. Blow after blow came down on the backs of my thighs, and across my upturned ass cheeks. I could see the new welts magically appearing seconds after being struck. I could see the older welts turning darker with every cris-crossed stroke. I began to beg and plead for mercy, but Master was not listening, or could not hear, care, or understand what I was trying to say. In any case, He didn't stop beating me with that evil cord. I was sobbing and blubbering and begging. I could hear the loud 'swish' of the plastic covered cord right before my brain picked up on the fiery pain. I totally lost control of what I was begging, what I was saying, or promising to do or not to do - JUST MAKE IT STOP! I pissed myself as Master was winding down.

The electrical cord cut like nothing else I had ever felt before. It was an intense pain that I wasn't sure I would survive.

Master soon stopped, barely breathing hard, but glistening with a fine sheen of sweat. I could hardly remember but it was possible I took about 20, intense direct blows from the cord

"Look at Me."

I realized that I had my eyes shut against the pain. I opened them, and through tears saw Master standing there with the cord in His hand. His cock was rock hard and pointing out from His body, I could see it bob with His heartbeat.

"Tell me what you are slave."

Between sobs and tears and sniffles, I answered Master:

"I am an obedient, obscene, mindless, gaping fuck hole!"

"I am a tool for my Master's Cock!"

"I am my Master's whore!"

With the stillest of voices, Master said

"That's right, faggot."

And with the force of a mad man, brought the cord down directly on top of my cunt hole.

Master brought the cord down 2 more times right along my crack, and in direct contact with my swollen, puffy hole.

I passed out, briefly.

Master undid my ankles and slowly brought my legs down. I screamed a little when my ass hit the sheets, and my crack closed with my legs being lowered.

Master rolled me over and lightly rubbed the large welts.

"Spread your legs, slave."

It took a second for my mind to understand He was talking to me. I spread my legs. The cool air on my hole, really made me feel what He had done to it. Master inspected it, manipulating my hole, and rubbing around the opening.

I was calming down, a bit, and enjoying the feel of Master's touch despite what He had just done to me.

It was instinct, I guess. The submissive cock whore in me. I don't know. It was almost imperceptible, but we both noticed it. I lifted my ass just a bit.

"You really are my pain slut, aren't you faggot?"

I hesitated. I was really having conflicting feelings. HE JUST BEAT ME! And I was hornier than I ever thought I could be. My body couldn't lie to Him, even if my voice could.

"Yes, Master"

Master climbed onto the bed and with a little bit of spit, shoved His cock into my punished hole. He proceeded to throw me a hard and brutal fuck. His pubic hair made my welts scratch and the heat and sweat from His body stung. He came with a huge roar and "FUCK!" as Master gripped my hips and went balls deep. I could feel His cock throb in my hole as He came. Master laid down on my back and said in my ear "and now you dirty fuck, I need to piss." Master let go with a stream of piss that He must have been saving since the night before. I thought it would never ebb. Some dripped out and stung the welts that were on my hole. My insides filled up, and when Master finished and pulled out, it took all the control I had not to let any out. Thank God for play sheets because I was not that successful. Master released my wrists and ankles and with a decent slap on my ass, told me to go get cleaned up and get His shower started.

I was spent. Crying and sore I slowly made my way to the bathroom to start His shower. Bear was standing at the toilet about to take a piss.

"You got it good, eh pup?" and he snickered a little "Now that you're here, I don't need the toilet. Open wide."

I knelt in front of Bear and he unloaded his morning piss into my throat. Despite the pain, and the welts, I was where I needed to be. Kneeling before a Man while he used me as a urinal.

Bear shook off the last drops onto my eager tongue and left the room, while I gingerly sat on the toilet to release any remaining piss from my sore and brutalized ass. When I was done, I started Master's shower, and knelt before the tub waiting for His arrival.

He walked passed me without looking at me, and stepped into the shower. I was defeated.

"Get in here and wash me off, bitch."

I stepped into the shower and gasped when the water hit my shredded ass flesh. I had no time to consider my own pain, but quickly began soaping Master's beautiful body. I was SO LUCKY to be able to serve Him and SO LUCKY to even be able to touch His body.

I was lingering, and He slapped my face hard and said "Enough."

He stepped out of the shower and waited with an impatient look on His face for me to towel Him dry. I quickly did my appointed task and He walked out of the bathroom without a glance in my direction. I had really fucked up and knew it.

The rest of the day was spent with Master ignoring me and me trying so desperately to make it up to Him. I was naked, of course, with my dog collar, chastity device and shame. Shame for angering Him after all He had done for me. I cleaned, cooked, served meals to He and Bear.

Later that night, around 8 or 9, Master told me to clean my cunt and present to Him in 15 minutes. I made it in 14, and knelt before Him with my knees spread, back arched, hands behind my head and eyes down.

Master stood before me in tight leather and boots.

"Look at Me, slave."

I looked up at my God, my creator. Eager to show Him all the love I had for Him through my eyes, silently begging Him to forgive my stupidity.

I was rewarded with a hard and brutal slap across the face.

"You are coming home with Me tomorrow. You will not be returning. I want you to thank Bear tonight for all that He has done for you, faggot."

With those instructions, Master left the house. I remained on my knees because I had not been given permission to move. After about 20 minutes or so, Bear entered the room. He was wearing the chaps He wore the first night I met Him, this time over jeans.

"Go put on your boy shorts, pup. No shoes. No shirt. Meet me back here in 2 minutes."

I jumped up and ran to my room and put on the latest pair of worn, tight, cotton shorts that He seemed to purchase in bulk from Worn Out West on Castro street. I liked the shorts He always gave me because I knew that they were used. I imagined the number of sexy men and boys that wore them before me.

I came back in the room, and knelt in front of Bear.

"Suck it, pup" He fished out His fat meat, and I eagerly swallowed it into my throat. Bear pounded my face for awhile before He blew the first of several loads that would be fed to me that night. I was so grateful for all He had done for me and tried to show Him with my suck job. Another piss load after cumming and He closed up His pants and walked behind me.

He had a chain leash and attached it to one of the D rings on the collar. A quick jerk up and I was on my feet. Bear led me out of the house and into the night.

Here I was in the skimpiest shorts, a dog collar, and no shoes. A true slave. Following close behind a big bear of a man, down the street. A few honks from cars, and a wolf call or two came our way.

We passed an alley, and Bear jerked the leash and I followed Him. There was a dumpster and it smelled like piss, and garbage. We walked about 25 feet down the alley.

"On your knees, pup."

I obeyed

Bear brought out His cock and sprayed piss all over my body. It was glorious. I was truly obscene. He produced a pair of handcuffs from the pocket of His leather jacket, and secured my wrists behind my back. The leash was clipped to the front wheel of the dumpster, which forced me to lean forward a bit, and Bear silently walked off.

My blood ran cold. He really isn't leaving me here, is he? I could be killed.

I was kneeling there on the hard concrete for about 15 minutes before I heard a metal door behind me open.

"Holy shit!" said a voice.

"Well look what we have here! Seems someone lost their slave boy!"

"C'mon, Rick, you know this neighborhood. Fucking nasty faggots"

"Yeah, nasty." I heard and then could feel a loogie being hocked onto the back of my head.

"Smells like a fucking urinal, too. Jeezus, this neighborhood is fucking freaky. I'm going back in."

The second man said "I'll be back in after this cig, bro."

The door slammed shut and there was silence, but I could feel the heat of the person who stayed behind. I could smell his cigarette, and heard the tobacco crackle with each inhalation.

"What are you doing out here, faggot?"

I didn't know what to say, or even if I should speak. So I didn't.

"HEY!" I felt a slight kick to my right hip "I'm talking to you, freak."

"I was put here Sir by someone."

"No shit, you stupid fuck. What are you here for."

I suddenly got it.

"To be useful, Sir."

"Ha ha, nice. Sir? I like it"

"You smell like you've been playing in a toilet, you sick fucker."

"Yes Sir." (what was I supposed to say to that?!)

I felt the toe of the man's shoe poke me right under my ass on the hole.

"Looks to me like you've been whipped too."

"Yes Sir"

"Why? Who would let someone whip them?"

"I deserved it Sir. I failed to please my Master, Sir."

"No Shit?"

The man walked around to my front, but the way I was chained to the dumpster, I could only see the crotch in front of me. I saw a white apron and the bottom of a pair of chef's pants.

I heard the final drag of the cigarette, and it landed in front of me with a small hiss as it hit some standing water in front of me. The checked pants moved closer.

"I've got about 4 minutes left on my break, faggot. I need to cum. Open wide."

I obeyed and opened my mouth. The apron was lifted and I could see the man's hands unzip the pants.

I was amazed at the cock that snaked out in front of me. Long, nicely plumped and (thank you God) uncut. I leaned forward just as the man grabbed the back of my head and said "suck it"

I did. It didn't take long for it to become fully hard, and the man jabbed at the back of my throat and fucked. I tried to get my tongue under his foreskin, but he wasn't interested in tricks. He only wanted to get off and get back to work. I choked a few times due to the angle I was at, and a little snot came out of my nose.

"Bitches always choke on it."

I could smell sweat, cigarettes, and food grease. I was quickly rewarded with a grunt and a cum load deposited on my tongue. The load tasted awful, but I was so grateful for the humiliation and use by this stranger whom I would probably never see. The man stepped back a little and zipped up his pants. The apron dropped and he stepped from view. Seconds later, I heard the scraping of the metal door opening and then it slammed shut. Silence followed, except for the occasional hum of cars on the nearby street, and every once in a while laughter or talking from people walking down the street.

When would Bear come back?

It was only a few minutes when I heard someone coming down the alley. On the other side of the dumpster, a man was pissing. He didn't see me, but his piss was running in a little stream towards me. I could feel it on my knees. The man left the alley and returned to the street.

I'm not sure how much time passed, but I soon heard a shopping cart with a wobbly wheel being pushed down the alley. It wasn't long before I could see the front wheels of the cart in front of me.

I could smell him before I saw anything. That strong smell of long unwashed skin, sweat, and piss.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes Sir. I am waiting for my Master." I decided to go for broke. It was the truth. I'm kneeling in an alley, covered in piss and chained to a fucking dumpster. What else would I be doing?

"You're a cute little thing, aren't you?"

I didn't answer. I couldn't see who was talking to me, only the raggedy pair of brown, cracked boots and filthy pants in front of me.

The homeless man came behind me and whistled a low note.

"You one of those gay sex slaves?"

"Yes Sir." (why was I calling this man Sir? Am I even beneath HIM?)

"So anyone can fuck you, then, huh?"

I paused. I knew what I was supposed to say. "Yes Sir."

He produced another whistle. "This must be my lucky night, then."

I could hear the crusty pants being lowered and I soon felt warm rough hands pulling at the shorts, exposing my ass.

Another whistle as the rough hands gently stroked the welts on my ass. "Must have fucked up somehow."

"Yes Sir."

"I guess that's why you're here, then, huh?"

I was gagging from the proximity of this man's odor

"Yes Sir."

I could feel the homeless man's cock head tapping around on my ass, before he spit in his hand and rubbed it on my hole.

"It's been awhile since I got to fuck anyone. I'm not gay, but since someone was nice enough to leave you here, I may as well take advantage, huh?"

"Yes Sir." "Please fuck my hole Sir." (please don't make me suck you off Sir, and HURRY!)

The man was surprisingly gentle, but determined. After he entered my hole, he spent a little time rubbing my body. His rough (and most likely filthy) hands explored my back, and came around to my front. He pinched my nipples and I let out a little moan (WTF?) before he really started fucking me in earnest. He was able to go for awhile before unloading his spunk into my ass.

"That was real nice, cutie" as he stood up and pulled up his pants "Tell your Master thank you from me."

"Yes Sir, thank You Sir."

The man returned to his cart, and slowly and with quite a bit of rattling, made his way down to the other end of the alley and turned the corner.

I began to cry. What low level had I sunk to, to be kneeling in piss in an alley and calling a homeless man Sir, and having him fuck my hole like some cheap whore?

All that aside, my cock was again straining in its cage.

Through my tears, I saw Bear's boots in front of me again.

"C'mon pup, lets get you cleaned up."

Bear unchained the leash and helped me to my feet, and unlocked the handcuffs. I tried to avoid His eyes after what had happened to me, but surely He knew. He wiped a tear from my eye and I received a small smile from him. "You're a good fuck hole, pup. You did good. I bet that was the best fuck that old man has had in a real long time."

I immediately bent over and puked.

"Alright, pup. Let's get you a beer."

Bear led me out of the alley, and we turned right. We headed into the bar where I first met him, and Bear ordered both of us a beer.

"Go into the bathroom and clean up as best you can, pup. Meet me back here."

I went into the bathroom stall and shit out the homeless man's cum. My legs were a bit wobbly and my stomach was turning in on itself. I walked to the sink and looked into the scratched mirror. I was an entirely different person than just a few hours earlier.

"I am an obedient, obscene, mindless, gaping fuck hole!" "I am a tool for my Master's Cock!" "I am my Master's whore!"

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