My New Life

By James Midwest

Published on Feb 14, 2000


My New Life

This is the first attempt at a story that has been kicking around in my head for some time now. It is to be a story of friendship that develops between the main character, Marc Newman and the guys of N SYNC.

Legal Disclaimer:

This story is totally fictional and is not meant to imply anything about the personalities of Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass, J.C. Chasez, Joey Fatone, or Chris Kirkpatrick of the music group NSYNC. If you are under the age of 18, offended by male/male material, or it is illegal to view such materials in your area, you should be leaving now. If you are looking for a story with lots of sex, go away! This is a story of friendship and only time will tell which direction it will take.

Like anyone who writes feed back, good or bad is needed. The good feed back, strokes our ego. The bad feed back, strokes the delete key. My e-mail:

A special note: With this installment we are catching up with my web page. Please check it out. I have also included links to stories I really like.

Part 6 Last Time

In Orlando, Lynn Harless was at her desk looking oven contracts. Her direct line rang. Glancing at the caller ID she smiled. "Hi, Justin. Enjoying your vacation?"

"Hi mom. Vacation isn't going exactly as planed. We met someone new, and we're having a blast hanging with him."

"What's your new friends name, dear? How'd you all meet?

"His name is Marc Newman, he's a student at the University of Wisconsin. He ran into the side of our van with his bike."

"Oh my, was he hurt?"

"Yea, he took a bad spill. But he was lucky, only one bad cut, that needed stitches."

"Justin, did he know who you guys are?

"At first we weren't sure, but when we brought him home, he invited us to stay and have a cook out. While he was getting cleaned up, we kind of got the idea he was a fan."

"How could you tell?"

"For one thing he owns every CD we ever made. His CD collection is quite limited. And above his stereo, pinned to the wall is a ticket to our next concert."

"You guys watch yourself, you know how fans can be a problem."

"Well, when we asked Marc if he was a fan of ours? He said he was a big fan of N SYNC. Like he didn't know who we were. When we pointed out that we were N SYNC he just looked at us, like we were crazy. Marc than said. "No, your not. You are Joey, Lance, Justin, Chris, and Josh. My new friends, who are on vacation this week. N SYNC won't be around until next week, when they do a show in Madison. And I plan to attend that show like all their other fans."

Laughing, Lynn said. "He, sounds cool, honey."

"We're going to spend the rest of the week here, with him. But the reason I called was Marc is studying music in collage. And he writes music. Today he gave Lance a note book with some songs he had written and said if there were anything in there we liked we could have them."

"Is any of his stuff good?"

"That's just it. There are six songs and they are all fantastic! We'd like to record them all. But Marc doesn't seem to realize what would happen if we did his songs. We feel the label will screw him over, if he doesn't have someone to look after his interests. We were wondering, if you would conceder, taking Marc on?"

"Normally I'm not taking on any new clients. But since you guys are recommending him I'll see what I can do. Why don't you give me some information."

Meanwhile down the hall. NSYNC's road manager was in his office. Pete's private line rang and his ID told him it was Joey calling. "Oh no, what trouble are they in now?" said Pete as he picked up the phone.

"Yo, Pete. How you doing."

"Hi Joe, I'm fine. I thought you are on vacation, what's up?"

"I called to ask you a big favor. I've made a real good friend here on vacation. He's the coolest. I want to see if I could bring him on tour with us this summer? I'll pay for any additional expenses myself. He can stay with us, so there won't be an extra room."

Laughing at the excited Joey. Pete said. "Slow down Joe. I'll need some information so security can check him out first. If everything checks out, I don't see any problem. How about his name, address, and people to contact for personal references other than you guys."

Back in Lynn's office she was finishing up with her son. "I think I've got enough to get started. I've got a meeting in five minutes, I'll get on this right after."

"Thinks mom. I'll see you in Madison next week. Bye."

After her meeting Lynn made a call. "Pete do you have a few minutes, I need to talk to you?"

"Sure Lynn come on over."

Lynn entered Pete's office and took the chair across from him. "Well Lynn, what can I help you with?"

"I got a call this morning from Justin, telling me about this new friend they've made. I wondered if you can help me check him out?"

Pete sat back in his chair with a big grin and asked. "By any chance is his name Marc Newman?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Well this morning I got calls from Joey, Lance, Chris, and JC. All of them wanting to take a Marc Newman, on tour with them."

"They all call you? Sounds like they were trying to put pressure on you."

"They each called but I don't think any of the others knew about the others call. I was kind of waiting for Justin's call but I see he did an end run."

"He seems to have made a big impression on the boys, are you going to have him checked out?"

"I already have. I've talked to the sheriff, his doctor, and his collage consular. I even have his transcript." handing a folder to Lynn.

Lynn read through the folder looking up a little dazed. "This guy is incredible."

Yea, I agree. He is going to make an interesting addition to the tour. Did you notice that one of his majors was computer sciences? On a hunch I did a search on the net to see what I could find. I found his personal web page and links to eight other sites he has designed. Here come around and take a look at this."

Lynn took a few minutes to check out the site and sat back down. "I'm impressed."

"So am I. I think I will offer him the job of web master on tour. That way he won't feel like he's free loading."

"So your going to let him join the tour?"

"From the way the guys talked about him, I want to get to know him too. He seems to be someone the guys need in there lives. And if he can keep the guys happy and out of trouble it makes my job a lot easier."

Smiling Lynn asked. "When are you going to let the boys know Marc's welcome to come along?"

"They each said that they would call on Saturday for the decision. I just wonder how long it is going to take, before they discover, they all had the same idea?"

"Ya, with the five of them on this, I just hope Marc doesn't turn them down. It will make this tour hell."

Marc had just finished his calls setting up the road trip, when his phone rang. "Hi, this is Marc, what's up?"

"Is this Marc Newman of Big Bear Lake, Wisconsin?"

"That's me. What can I do for you?" "Marc, my name is Lynn Harless. And I was referred to you by some of your friends."

Lance and Chris was setting the table for supper as Josh, Joey and Justin came in from the lake. "Hay, how long before we eat, I'm starved." said Justin.

"Any time, Marc's had the pot of chili cooking all afternoon. We can eat as soon as you guys get cleaned up." said Lance.

Marc walked out of the den as the guys got back from cleaning up. "It smells like the chili's ready."

As everyone took a seat Marc ladled up big bowls of chili for everyone. And served them to his guests. For Chris he made a special bowl. Chris complained earlier that no one ever made chili hot enough for him. Marc added a few drops of five alarm hot sauce to the bottom of Chris's bowl. There wasn't much conversation at the table with everyone scarifying down their food.

Watching, Chris started to sweat as he ate. Marc asked. "Chris, how's your chili?"

Swallowing his last mouth full he said "The chili is great, just the way I like it."

"Well, I'm ready for more. Anyone else want seconds?" said Marc.

Everyone's hand went up but Chris who by now had sweat dripping down his face. Marc took each bowl and refilled them. Including Chris's bowl. Seeing that Chris had not started eating, Marc went to the refrigerator and poured a large glass of milk. Walking up behind Chris, Marc reached around and put the glass of milk down in front of Chris. As Marc sat down Chris grabbed the glass of milk and drank it straight down.

Marc smiled at Chris. "I hope your chili wasn't too hot for you."

"I've had some hot chili, but this has got to be the hottest I've ever had. How can you guys eat a second bowl?"

"Oh, only your bowl had the super hot spices in it. The rest of us had normal chili. You should give it a try, you might like it." said Marc with a grin pointing to the bowl in front of Chris.

Slowly Chris took a taste of the chili and finding it a hundred degrees cooler than the first bowl he started to eat.

Marc finished his meal in silence thinking about the phone call earlier.

Noticing how quiet Marc had been during supper Lance asked. "Marc, is there something wrong? You're mighty quiet tonight."

"Sorry, I've had something on my mind. You see, I got a call this afternoon from Justin's mom. She was under the impression that I was in the need for a business manager. Someone to help look out for my interest, when dealing with record companies. I wonder where she could of gotten that idea?"

All five guys seemed to have found something interesting in their empty chili bowls. After a long pause. Lance looked up and said. "It was my idea. When you gave us your songs without any strings attached. I felt you didn't know how it works with us. Any songs we write and record our record company takes a big shair of the profits because they feel they own it. And if we were to go back and record your songs they would latch on to them and control them. But if you went to them as the owner of the songs, you could negotiate a fair settlement and not get screwed by them, like we have."

"I know I don't have that much experience in this area. But I am not stupid." "Every piece of music I write, I copy write before any one ever sees it. Including my homework. I'm well aware of copy write laws and how to protect myself." Marc said seriously.

"We're sorry Marc. Lynn, is one of the few people we trust in the business. We thought we were helping."

After a long pause "Lynn and I had a long talk this afternoon and I agree, she seems to be someone I could trust. She's told me about your troubles in detail, and what steeps she would take, to see that wouldn't happen, to my work." "I've agreed to accept her offer. She faxed me a contract to look over and I've faxed her back my changes to it. I'm to meet her in Madison the day of your concert to sign it."

All the guys were all grinning their approval of my decision.

"Thanks for your concern. I appreciate it." said Marc smiling. "Lets get this cleaned up and get ready to go out."

Marc was the first one ready and waited at the kitchen table for the others to get dressed. They all came into the kitchen dressed and ready to go and all Marc could do is laugh at their outfits.

"What, what's so funny?" asked Justin.

"Do you guys have anything that doesn't shine? I will need my shades to protect my eyes from the glair." Marc said with a chuckle. "Don't you own any jeans and a normal shirt?"

"Yea, sure."

"Well change into them, I can't take you out dancing dressed like that. Remember this is not the big city. You need to dress down a little if you don't want to attract to much attention."

Five minutes later they were more presentable. "Ok, that's much better." Marc said as he got up and headed for the door. But he stopped in front of Joey looking at his head.

"What?" asked Joe.

"We do, need to do something about your hair." "Here try one of these." Marc handed Joe a ball cap and a cow boy hat to try. Joey put on the cow boy hat with a big grin and said. "Lets go."

Part 7: Clubbing Wisconsin Style

Marc drove the six of them into town. Spotting Sara's car parked by the drug store he pulled up behind her and parked.

Sara had been waiting for them to arrive and got out of her car as she saw Marc parking behind her. "Hay, Marc. Glad to see you finally made it."

"We're right on time."

"Yea, but you're never on time, you're always early."

Josh said. "It was our fault, we had to change clothes at the last minute."

Sara looked at Marc with a questioning look.

"They were dressed in space suits, out of this world outfits." Marc laughed.

"Oh." said Sara. "I'm glad you found something more appropriate." smiling at Joey she added. "Nice hat."

"Where's the club?" asked Justin.

"Just around the corner." said Marc as he pointed behind the guys. Turning the seven headed to the "club" with Sara and Marc taking up the rear.

As the group came around the corner the group came up short, as the guys spotted the club. Looking at the sign, they turned to Marc with questioning looks.

"The Elks Club?" asked Chris.

"Yea, the Elks Club. And your lucky to know me. This is a very exclusive club. They don't let just anybody in you know." smirked Marc. "You said you wanted to go clubbing didn't you?"

Smiling, Sara took Josh's arm and pulled him forward. "Come on, lets go dancing."

"The Elks Club is the social center of Big Bear Lake." Marc. said to everyone as they went in. "Tonight is Country/Western night. The local dance club sponsors tonight's dance. There is about two hours of line dancing then the club will take the floor for about a hour." said Marc.

"Line dance, we can't line dance." wined Chris.

"What do you mean, you do it every time you get on stage. It's just simple steeps repeated over and over. The only difference is you don't use the upper body as much." Taking the group over to the side of the dance floor where he spotted members of the dance club. "Hi, Billie, Joan."

"Hi, Marc."

"Girls, I have five friends here who want to learn line dancing. How about giving them the quick starter course. They have been known to have some sense of rhythm."

"Marc, you know we love it when you bring us such nice looking virgins." said Joan. Smiled looking at the guys as the blush rose in their face.

"I will grab us a table, then I'll see you on the dance floor." Marc said turning to a large table across the room.

"Hay, Marc. What can I get for you and your friends?"

"Hay, Sue. How about a pitcher of ice tea and pitcher of lemonade. With seven big glasses of ice."

"Nothing from the bar?"

"No, lets stay away from there tonight. Where here to dance, not to drink."

"What if your friends try to order?"

"Just tell them you can serve only members

alcohol. They should accept that."

"Got yea Marc. Drinks coming up."

Heading back over to the dance class Marc could see that most everyone has the basic steps down. Justin was the only one having trouble, he went to make a left turn and smacked Chris along the side of the head with his arm.

"Watch it Just, were dancing not boxing." said Chris rubbing his ear.

"JUSTIN!" Marc shouted. "Show me your thumbs!"

Justin looked at Marc, confused. Holding up his thumbs.

"Ok, hook them in your pants pockets. And keep them there, before you hurt someone."

Justin smiled at Marc as Chris mouthed a think you to him as he rubbed his ear.

Marc had been on the dance floor about ten minuets when he noticed the guys joining them on the main dance floor. In no time, everyone was having a good time. Marc headed for the table and a cold drink after more than a hour of dancing.

Josh and Sara came over to the table holding hands and sat down to cool off. Sara excused herself and went to the ladies room. Marc leaned over to Josh and said in a low voice. "You and Sara seem to be hitting it off."

"Yea, she is really nice, I like her a lot."

"Well that's great. But let me warn you. Be a gentleman, don't do anything that will hurt her. I love my sister and I am very protective. And I would hate to have to hurt you by ripping off a body part." Marc said with a serious face.

Just then Sara returned to the table and noticed Marc's serious expression and Josh's surprised look. Knowing Marc as she had, she knew what had just happened. "Marc! What did you say to Josh?" "No wonder I have a hard time getting a date, with your scarring them away."

"Sorry, sis. I just don't want to see you get hurt." said Marc. "And Josh, I apologue for what I said. I do get carried away at times."

The music had changed from line dancing to two step as the guys came to the table for cold drinks.

"Where did Marc go?" asked Lance.

"He went to change." answered Sara.

About ten minutes later Marc returned to the table dressed in a western shirt, boots, jeans, and cow boy hat.

"Looking good Marc." said Sara as Marc picked up his glass of lemonade.

"I always do." said Marc with a sly smile.

The music changed again as the dance club members took the floor. They formed four groups of four couples and started a simple square dance.

Chris leaned in to Sara and said. "We used to do that in school. Is that all they are going to do?"

"Just watch. This is just their worm up." said Sara. Knowing what was to come.

They had run threw the dance routines twice when as if by some unseen single the dancers picked up the speed of the foot work doing eight steps for every one they did before. The guys were amazed to see all thirty two dancers doing very integrate dance steps all in unison.

Lance said "It reminds me of River Dance."

"That's close. Its called Clogging, a form of Celtic dance. It was brought to this country by the Irish who incorporated into American square dancing. A lot of the steps are the same and they ware taps on their boots to bring out the toe and heal work."

After more than twenty minutes of quick stepping dancing most of the dancers left the dance floor leaving ten dancers who formed a line in preparation for their hardest routine. Marc was on one end of the line with another male dancer at the other. The eight young ladies fill the space between them. The dance had a very fast tempo, and the dancers preformed flawlessly. The crowd roared their approval as the group took a bow. Then the dancer at the far end of the group stepped out of line and walked over to Marc and stood in front of him with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Oh, shit!" said Sara.

"What's going on?" asked Joey.

"That guy is Mel Stevens. He's challenging Marc to a fight."

"Why does he want to fight Marc?" asked Justin.

"It's not really a fight, he is challenging Marc's status as head dancer. Mel used to be the best dancer in the group until Marc took his title away last year. Now he thinks he can take Marc in a dance off."

Both dancers stood there in the middle of the dance floor staring each other down as they caught their breath after the routine. The room fell quiet at the two dancers took a few steps back than started circling the floor never loosing eye contact.

Mel made the first move by doing a series of steps which Marc easily repeated. This went on back and forth each time the combinations getting more integrate. Then their circling reversed and it was Marc who now challenged. They spared this way for about twenty minutes. In the end it looked like a draw.

Not knowing what was happening Lance asked. "Who won?"

"It was a draw" said Sara. "Now it is really going to get interesting."

Both men met in the center of the dance floor stopping about two feet apart and just glared at each other. Then Marc brought his heal down and started to beat out a cadence which Mel picked up on after four beats. Both of them preformed the same step sequence than they both did a 360ø turn stopping facing each other. They repeated the sequence again this time reversing the turn. This was repeated time after time, with the beat getting faster and faster. Than Marc did the most unbelievable thing instead of doing his one turn he did a double turn in the same length of time Mel did one. Marc repeated it two more times before Mel caught on to what was happening. Then they both stopped. Not breaking eye contact Mel slowly smiled and bowed his head as a sign of defeat. Mel offered Marc his hand and Marc accepted it and pulled him into a hug. They parted as friends, smiling.

Marc returned to the table after changing. "I don't know about anyone else but I've worked up an appetite. Lets go get something to eat."

Leaving the Elks Club they headed across the street to the restaurant and took the big corner table. Everyone ordered drinks and a piece of pie except Marc. "I'll have a big stack of pancakes, hash browns, double order of bacon, and two large OJ's."

Handing his menu to the waitress. Marc notice everyone was staring at him. "What?"

"Are you a little hungry?" said Joey with a laugh.

"That little bit of dancing took a lot out of me."

Changing the subject Sara asked. "What have you guys got planed for the rest of the week?"

Everyone turned toward Marc for him to answer. "Well, I have arranged a road trip. We'll be out for three days. We need to be on the road by 8 a.m. and will be going to House on the Rock, then head for the Dells. We will attend the Indian Ceremonial that night and we have a bunk house cabin for the night."

"Are we going to any water parks?" asked Justin eagerly.

"I was just getting to that. I talked to friend and have arranged for us to have the whole park to our self's from 8 to 10 a.m. We have the rest of the day to site see."

"Do you think it will be safe?" asked Sara.

"If we split up, in pairs, it should be ok." said Lance.

Dinner will be in a German restaurant. It's neat. Everyone sits at these big long tables. The food is great, and the waters and waitress go up on stage during the meal and perform folk songs and dances. Then on the last day we will go to Circus World."

"Is there really a actual working circus?" asked Justin.

"Yes there is Justin and if you behave yourself maybe we can get them to let you be a clown in the show." chuckled Marc.

"Really! That would be cool." said the grinning Justin.

After Marc finished his meal they all headed back to the van. Everybody climbed into the van except Josh who had walked Sara to her car.

"What are they talking about?" asked Chris.

"Lance, go ahead and close the door." said Marc as he started the van. Pulling up beside Sara's car. Marc said out his window "Sara, you and Josh go ahead and talk. Just drop him by the house on your way home. Have fun you two."

"Marc, do you really trust Josh with you sister?" asked Joey.

"Of course I do. He understands what would happen if he misbehaved."

"What would happen?" Joey asked.

"Oh, only that I would rip one of his most favorite body parts, off. That's all."

Everyone just cringed at the thought of poor Josh. After returning to the house everybody got ready for bed.

Justin awoke to find Marc not asleep next to him. Then he herd soft crying coming from the foot of the bed. "Marc, what's wrong?" said the concerned Justin getting out of bed and coming around to Marc.

"Leg cramps! I should have known this would happen. Oh, shit!!" cried Marc.

"What can I do?"

"Help me into the bathroom. If I can soak in the whorl pool tub I should be ok."

Justin helped Marc stand up, and got him into the bathroom.

"Marc sit down while I get the tub filled."

"No, it's better if I stand. I cramp when I bend my legs."

Justin filled the tub with hot water and turned on the jets.

"Do you need help getting in?"

"Yea, I think so." said Marc as he removed his t-shirt and shorts.

Justin helped Marc lower himself into the hot swirling water. Than said. "I'll give you some privacy."

"No. Please stay" pleaded Marc.

Justin put down the lid and sat down. "Does this happen very often?"

"Only when I dance like I did tonight and not properly cooling down." said Marc as he started to relax.

"Just, what's it like to be Justin Timberlake of NSYNC?"

"That's a weird question."

"Yea, it is. I know you guys have been at this for years, I think I want to know is what is the best part of your job and what is the worst part."

Justin understood what Marc was asking. "I know the best part is performing, being up on stage, singing, dancing, and working the audience. I get this rush when everything fall into place and we do a kick ass concert." Justin said with a big grin. "The fans can be the best and the worst at the same time."


"The fans can make the performance, how they react to a song effects the performance."

"Or how they react to the singer?" Marc smiled.

Smiling, "Yea, that too."

"What's the bad side of the fans."

"The fans, the girls can get out of hand. You don't know how out of hand they can become. There's been times we barely escaped with out lives. I don't know how many shirts I've had ripped off. And some time they don't stop at the shirt."

"Did you get hurt?

"Yea, some nasty scratches."

Marc reached over to turn off the jets and asked. "Will you hand me a towel?"

Justin grabbed a towel off the shelf and went to help Marc up out of the tub. But was waved off. "I'm alright now."

Wrapping the towel around his waist Marc stepped out of the tub. He grabbed another towel off the stack and dried himself off. "What else?"

"The traveling is the pits. And being away from out families so much, sucks. But I think the thing I missed most is not having a normal life. Not being able to go to a regular high school, not making friends, the ball games, dances, proms, just being a teenager, that is what I missed the most."

Marc had put on a clean pare of shorts and was leaning against the door looking down at Justin as he talked.

"Yea, Justin. I know what you mean." Marc said softly as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Justin looked up at Marc with wet eyes and realized he did understand. Not being able to remember his teenage years. Justin got up and pulled Marc into an embrace. Both of them realizing how close their lives where. "Come on lets get back to bed. We have to be up in a couple hours." said Marc as he opened the door and pushed Justin out.

Chris, half asleep. Was walking down the hall to the bathroom when the door flew open and out walks Justin and Marc.

Spotting Chris. Marc said. "Hi, Chris. The bathroom is all yours. We're done with it." Marc reached up to Justin's shoulders and starting massaging them. Justin, just moaned at Marc's touch as they went back to bed.

Going into the bathroom Chris noticed the wet towels. Rolling his eyes he thought "I don't want to know."

Back in the bedroom Marc and Justin were laughing as they got into bed. "Marc your bad!"

"I know. but I can't help it. There is something about Chris. He is so gullible at times." calming down Marc said "Good Night Just."

Well that's part 7. Coming up next ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next: Chapter 5: My New Life 8 10

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