My Norwegian Athlete

Published on Apr 30, 2020



My Norwegian Athlete


This story was related to me by a young local Balinese guy called Wayan who worked in the Hotel resort I stayed in. A Norwegian sports training academy have their Bali campus there. You can check it out if you like.

I busied myself in the sports changing room shower area. In my job of Hotel maintenance, I am called on all the time to repair and fix all sorts of things, in fact everything in the beach resort where I work. Attached to the hotel is a training facility for young athletes run by a Norwegian company. Whenever I can, I like to be around the male changing room at the end of the training day when the Norwegian boys are taking a shower. In their twenties or early thirties, they are nearly all blonde, tall, slim and of course muscular. I know the best place to be to get the clearest view of them and often pretend to be assembling my tools or mops and brushes in the store cupboard opposite the open end of the communal men’s showers. I love to watch these beautiful boys rubbing soap over their bodies and fooling around with each other; laughing as they joke with and tease each other. I didn’t understand what they are saying; I don’t speak Norwegian, but it is clear they were often talking about the girls. There were almost as many girls at the facility as boys and it is well known that as well as the sports training, a lot of sex goes on too. They are, after all, young, fit and attractive and away from home, I’m guessing many for the first time and they are inclined to be a little bit wild. They make a great sight; their muscular bodies glistening in the hot water. None of them seem at all self-conscious, in fact most of them are justifiably proud of their bodies, aware that they look good.

At the end of the row of showers on this particular day was one young man I hadn’t seen before. There’s a regular influx of new faces at the hotel as others leave. This boy didn’t seem to be joining in with the general banter. He would answer when spoken to, but seemed to prefer to be by himself. I heard one of the others call him Gunnar. He was taller that the others; about six three or four. He had his back to me and I marvelled at his broad, broad shoulders, his long body tapering to a slim waist and small but powerful looking buttocks. Compared to his body, his legs were mannishly short (if that makes sense), but hugely muscular and he had a slightly darker skin colour than the usual pale (and often pink) Scandinavians. He was a darker blonde; not the regular white-blonde of the others. He began soaping his legs and I was aware of several of the others in the shower glancing at him as he rubbed in the soap and then rinsed it off. He reached over, pulled a towel off the hook and wrapped it round his waist so rapidly that I only got the slightest glimpse of the front of him. With his towel wrapped tightly round him, his cock made a fascinating bulge in the material. Difficult as it was, I forced myself to stop staring and looking up, our eyes made the briefest of contact. Had he seen me ogling his body? Had he noticed the front of my shorts stretched over my swollen cock? I could get into serious trouble if he told someone. I quickly left the changing rooms and leant against the wall outside short of breath and feeling so hot. I thought I should stay away from the changing rooms for the next few days.

My next day off, I was relaxing by the pool as we are allowed to use the resort facilities if we didn’t bother the guests. With me was a friend of mine. We were enjoying a beer in the sun. My friend was surreptitiously watching some of the Norwegian girls sunning themselves in their bikinis so didn’t notice that I was admiring the small group of blond, muscular young men splashing about together in their trunks or shorts. I loved my job! Just then, three more of the athletes arrived. One of them was the tall boy I’d seen in the shower. I gasped at the sight of him, so handsome standing a head height above the others in his swimming shorts. My friend heard my gasp and asked me what I’d said. I mumbled something about wondering whether he liked the place. He looked at me quizzically and I blushed as I recalled that he had not long before, told me he really enjoyed the place.

The tall guy dived into the pool and I watched intently at the muscles in his powerful back rippling with each stroke of his strong arms. He moved gracefully through the water propelled also by his massively powerful legs.

I sighed as he pulled himself out and walked quickly over the burning hot paving to the grass surrounding the pool. His soaking wet light blue shorts were clinging tightly to his body revealing the impressively large bulge in the cloth. Running up from the waist-band across his flat stomach was a fine line of brown hair; much darker than that on his head. The rest of his torso was pretty much hairless but the same brown coloured hair covered his legs. My mind wandered as I watched him drying himself and tried to visualise what he would look like without his shorts on and if the line of hair across his stomach carried on under his shorts and what delightful secrets were hidden there. Once again he caught me looking at him but this time he smiled: the local gay boy getting the hots glaring at one of the guests. I would have to be much more careful, but it was so hard not to look at his perfect form. I would just have to make do with what I’d seen so far and ignore him in the future.

A couple of nights later, I got a call to go to one of the chalet rooms as the air conditioning was not working. I groaned when I got the call as the coolers were very reliable, but the stupid guests would switch the thermostat up and then turn it right down again because they got too hot. This caused the cooling unit to trip and stop working. I picked up my tool bag and walked over the grass to room 215. The rooms were in single story blocks and were like chalets with steps up to a small balcony in front of each one. I rang the bell and after a short while the door was opened. It was the tall Norwegian boy I hadn’t been able to get out of my head. “Come in”, he said in English in a deep, resonant voice. I stuttered something, also in English but pretty much unintelligible. “Take your time” he said and flopped down on his back on the bed, his head and shoulders propped up on the pillows. He was wearing a faded yellow T-shirt and grey, soft jogging shorts that did little to hide the shape of what they covered. He picked up a book and started to read. I stretched up to the A/C unit and took off the cover. As I expected, the switch had tripped. I looked down to the bed and saw that he quickly moved his eyes back to his book. It looked like he had been watching me but didn’t want me to know. “Can I get you something to drink?” he asked me, getting up off the bed. “Oh, er, just some water please” I stammered. He walked to the small fridge, poured my drink and walking over to me, put the glass on the small table and stood very close to me. Too close. I could feel the heat of his body and had no choice but to raise my eyes and look into his. I know I wasn’t able to hide my lustful feelings for him; he could not have missed the longing in my eyes. My hands were shaking as I replaced the cover on the AC unit. “It should be OK now”, I mumbled, moving quickly away from him and putting my screwdrivers back in my bag. I all but fled from the room panting and gasping for air. “Thank you,” he called after me.

Back in the maintenance office, Sunil, one of my work colleagues watched as I fidgeted with the tools there. “Are you all right; is everything OK?” he asked. “Of course, why?” I blurted out. I sat down and tried to watch TV with Sunil, my mind racing. About half an hour later, the ‘phone rang and Sunil picked it up. “Oh sorry”, I heard him say. “OK, I’ll get him to come right away and take a look. I’m sure he can fix it. Really sorry”. He put down the ‘phone and turning to me said, “Room 215 says the A/C has packed up again. Sounds like it could be the fuse. My heart was pounding in my chest. I picked up my bag and went outside. I walked over and stood outside room 215. Has the A/C really broken again, or did that gorgeous guy just want me to go back to his room? If so, what should I do? Does he just want company, want to chat? How could I possibly speak to him without showing how I felt about him? “Don’t be foolish”, I almost said out loud to myself. The A/C has probably tripped out again. I’ll just fix it and leave. If I’m careful, I can avoid his eyes so he won’t see mine giving away my feelings. “Oh God. Maybe I should get Sunil to go instead”. Just then the door opened. “Sorry, I thought I’d fixed it”, I said loudly, thinking this would stop my voice from revealing the churning feeling I had inside. “You didn’t drink your water”, he said sounding almost as nervous as I felt. “Please sit down”. He moved some magazines from the easy chair. I sat on the edge. “So how long have you worked here?” he asked, clearly wanting to put me at ease. I told him I’d been there just over a year, ever since I’d left college and asked him about himself. He told me he was studying sports management and this trip to Bali was part of his course. He was from a small town outside Oslo and lived with his Mother and Father. His dad ran a successful publishing company. He told me he had a girlfriend. Her family were old friends of his parents and it was kind of expected that they would get together. I studied his full, soft lips as he spoke and dreamed what it would be like to kiss him. His bright blue eyes seemed to sparkle and were very much part of his smile. He moved closer and stood in front of me. I could feel the heat of his body even though he was a couple of feet away from me. “You have lovely colour skin”, he said and brushed my cheek with his fingers. “Oh no, I’m just a kind of a boring dark beige colour, you’re the one with the gorgeous bronze tan”. I realised I had sounded a little too enthusiastic. “I love your tan and your jet black hair”, he continued to gently stroke my cheek and then lightly touched my hair. He was standing so close now, that I had to summon all my self-control to stop myself from reaching forwards and touching the bulge in his shorts. “Would you like a beer?” he asked. “I can’t, I’m working”. “OK, so when do you finish work? Would you like one then?” I stood up. My face was inches from his. My lips so close to his lips. I couldn’t think what to do or say. My mind was reeling. Just then, my ‘phone rang. Partly relieved, I put it to me ear and listened as I was told I was needed to fix the lock at one of the other rooms. “I have to go”, I looked him in the eyes. “Sorry”. “Will you come back and have that beer with me when you finish work?” I nodded and felt his eyes on my back as I left.

It took me a while to fix the lock and get back to the office. Sunil came in shortly after me. We both finished at 8 o’clock and normally went for a beer before going back to our quarters. We shared a room with a third colleague who was away at the time. “I need to take a shower”, I told Sunil. “You OK if I go now?” Sunil said he would cover for the last little while and I took my towel and went to our shower block. I sat on the bench and thought about what I should do. I wanted so much to go back to see Gunnar, even if it was for just a beer with him. He was such a sexy guy and he seemed to like me too. I would just go and have a drink and then leave and go back to my room. After all, he had a girlfriend back in Oslo. What would I tell Sunil though? Maybe I should forget it and just have a drink with Sunil as usual. That would be the best idea. It was dangerous to get too friendly with the guests. I got in the shower. “Oh god”, I thought, I have to see Gunnar again. I can’t just ignore him. I want to see him so much”. I thought of him sitting on his bed in his shorts looking so athletic. He really was a hunk. I stripped off and got in the shower. I made sure I washed myself really thoroughly, using the gel that the hotel provided in all the rooms. There was also a bottle of body lotion and I stood away from the shower jet and rubbed the lotion over my chest and down across my stomach. I let some trickle down and gently rubbed it into my cock and over my balls. I squirted some more onto my fingers and slid them between by buttocks and over my bum hole. I thought about Gunnar fondling my cheek and stroking my hair and wondered how it would feel to have his hand feeling me there. My cock was rock hard. I had to stop this and decide what I was going to do. I stepped out of the shower, dried myself off and dressed in my favourite shorts and T-shirt. I combed my hair and walked back to our room. “It’s ten past eight, you ready for that drink?” Sunil grinned. “Um. I can’t tonight”, I stammered. “I have to go and see my sister”. Sunil knew my sister lived a short bus ride away and I often went to see her on my day off.”Er she says she has something to tell me. I’ll be back later tonight: before the last bus: or maybe I’ll get a lift”. I was red in the face now. I didn’t like to lie to Sunil, but what else could I do? I quickly left and walked towards the bus stop. Further on there was a gap in the hedge. I turned to see if there was anyone behind me and then slipped through and back into the hotel grounds. I crept silently over the grass, keeping out of the light as much as possible and stood outside room 215. I tapped quietly on the glass panel in the door. The door opened. Gunnar was standing with just a towel around his waist. “Hello”, he said, “I just had a shower”. “So did I”, it sounded full of sexual innuendo somehow. Gunnar smiled. “Come in. I’ll get you that beer”. I closed the door behind me. He got a bottle from the small fridge and put it on the table next to me. He straightened up and stood close in front of me. I could again feel the heat radiating from his body. I looked into his wonderful blue eyes and he moved closer and gently brushed his lips over mine. I put my arms round his waist and pulled him against me. He kissed me harder and I pushed my tongue into his warm, wet mouth. He wrapped his arms round me and almost crushed me. I felt his stiffening prick against my stomach and pressed myself against his leg. The Norwegian certainly liked kissing. I thought he would have climbed right in my mouth if he could have done. We kissed long and hard and I was panting as he nibbled my chin, then kissed my neck. He pulled my T-shirt off and I stretched my head up as he kissed down my chest then knelt and slowly moved his face down over my stomach. He looked up at me as if seeking my approval as he started to unbuckle the belt of my shorts. I closed my eyes as he unzipped my fly and my shorts dropped to the floor. He sucked my, by now, rock hard cock into his hot mouth. It felt so good, his hot, wet mouth sucking me deep inside. This big, handsome athlete was doing everything he could to please me. I felt so lucky, so privileged. I couldn’t bear for him to stop, but I wanted him to feel the pleasure he was giving me. I got him to stand up and knelt down. His cock was standing vertically, hard up against his stomach. It was the most beautiful sight; long and so thick; smooth and kind of tidy; neat looking, the foreskin covering the head except for the very tip. I slowly slid the skin back and licked the bulging head at the end; ran my tongue around it and then down the shaft to his balls. I sucked one into my mouth and then the other one. Gunnar moaned loudly. I seemed to be doing what he liked. He lifted me up and pushed me gently onto the bed. He lay on top of me; his weight and heat feeling so, so good. The feel of the length of his body on mine, his skin against my skin, his hot, hard cock against mine felt so right. “I want you so much”, he whispered in my ear as he rubbed himself against me. I wanted to get him in my mouth again, give him the relief he clearly wanted, but he reached over and pulled a condom out of the drawer next to the bed. I was scared. I thought we would just suck each other off, I hadn’t thought he wanted more than that. “You can’t do that. You won’t get it in me, it’s too big” I panicked. Gunnar smiled and said, “It’s OK” with what seemed to be an ‘I’ll take care of you’ look on his face. He kissed me tenderly and wriggled down the bed. He kissed my balls. I loved him doing that. Lifting my legs up in the air, he then kissed lower over my bum-cheeks and then licked between, lightly over my hole. I panted as he lapped and used his tongue to caress the sensitive skin. “Oh god. Oh yes that feels so nice, Oh please,” my breath coming in short gasps. “I think I found your G-spot” Gunnar grinned. I felt him flick his tongue over my hole again and again. It was ecstasy. I’d never felt such intense pleasure. Then he pushed It just inside. I could hardly bear it as he gently pushed it in and out. He then pushed a finger in alongside his tongue. “Oh my god; oh please yes; Oh don’t stop” This was the best feeling of my life. I wanted this man so much. I had to have him. I no longer cared if it hurt; I could think of nothing else except needing to feel his heat deep inside me, even if I died in the attempt.

He knew what he was doing to me and moved up. I felt the tip of his hot, hard knob pressing against my desperate hole. I moved my legs apart and felt him pushing, prising me open. I tried to relax a bit more and yelped as he slid the great bulge of his massive knob-end past the strong muscle. “Keep still a minute”, I pleaded. He did, but only for a moment, then he carried on pushing and slid the length of his big, fat, hot rod right up into me. The heat of it felt like I was being branded inside. His hot body pressed hard down on me as he thrust harder and faster. He was no longer gentle but was completely possessed with his passion; his one goal to get his relief, to satisfy his driving need. It was as if his senses, all his thoughts, his entire mind and body had only one all-consuming purpose; to pump his seed as deep inside my body as was humanly possible. He pounded my bum mercilessly; frantically. “You’ve had Danish bacon, now try some Nor-we-gian Saus-age”. He slammed into me with each syllable and groaned as he shot his load. I felt his cock throbbing deep inside me, shooting his hot come as it filled the condom. He slumped on top of me.

I was surprised how he had seemed to lose control. As we lay there, I listened to his panting breath and thought that perhaps I was wrong about him. Maybe he wasn’t the well-mannered, gentle, considerate man I had thought him and was a bit selfish. After a while, he raised himself on his elbows and looked at me. “I’m so sorry”, he said, I really wanted to please you, to make you happy. You didn’t even come did you.” His eyed were a bit watery. He looked miserable. It really wasn’t that bad; a bit disappointing maybe, but I enjoyed the fact that he found such passion with me and had obviously experienced a mind-blowing climax. “It’s OK”, I smiled. “It felt really nice”, I added. “I want it to feel a lot more than just nice”. He lifted himself up and rested on his elbows. His cock had softened but because of its length, stayed buried inside me. He looked so serious as he looked down into my eyes. “I want so much for you to feel as good as I did just then. That was just amazing. I can make it feel amazing for you too. I can do it, I know”. He kissed me so gently it felt like he was caressing my lips with his. “I wanted so much to give you pleasure”, he sounded like he might soon be sobbing. I pulled him closer and nuzzled into his neck. He nibbled my ear and licked around the inside. I was still hard and my cock twitched. “I want to make you feel good. I’m going to make you shoot such a heavy load you’ll be gasping, hardly able to breathe.” I’m going to get my dick hard and slide it so far in that you feel completely full, completely fucked.” I felt his cock getting hard again. Already! It was filling me up as it got thicker again, swelling inside me. I felt as if he was pushing deeper as it hardened and grew back to its full length. As it grew, it seemed to rub something inside; the most sensitive part of me. It felt so good. I moaned as he gently started to move once more in and out of my stretched bum-hole. I clenched the muscle he was forcing apart and he gasped with pleasure. “Oh Christ that’s so hot”. He moved faster. “Oh yes, that’s it. Like that, just like that”. What he was doing felt so good. He pulled his length out so that just the tip was inside my hole and held still. He kissed me again and his tongue played with mine as he slid it as deep into my mouth as it would go. My nerves were feeling raw, exposed, naked, kind of unprotected in my desperation for him to get his cock deep inside me once more. I really needed to cum: desperately. I couldn’t wait any longer. He was making me go crazy. “Push it in. Please. Oh please. I want to feel your hot hard cock right up me.” I felt his knob twitch as it nestled barely in me. I gasped and pleaded with him again to satisfy my almost manic passion. He slowly slid his hot, rigid member back inside me. “Deeper. Oh yes. Fuck me harder you great fucking hunk”. He started thrusting; hard in and slowly out. It made me gasp. “I want you to fuck me more, get your great cock right up me. Oh God. Oh Yes. Oh fuck. Aaaaah.” I sprayed my come over my stomach and over his chest. It kept on coming as I again felt him throbbing deep inside me. It hadn’t taken very long, but I’d never felt such ecstasy.

We collapsed on the bed and after a while he slid his softened cock out of me and pulled off the condom. It was very full, full with two obviously very big loads. I felt so empty, like I was missing something, like I was no longer complete. I cuddled closer to his hot body and we lay there together, panting slowly. We didn’t need to speak. We both knew each of us had had the best sex ever; the best sex anyone had ever had. I could have stayed alongside this wonderful man forever, but realised it was getting late. “I’ll make a cup of tea”, I said and gave Gunnar a playful peck on the cheek as I got out of bed, “then I will have to go”. I put the kettle on and went to the bathroom, had a pee and a bit of a wash. All the cups and mugs seemed to be dirty, so I filled the sink with hot water. I felt his body heat on my back before I realised that Gunnar was standing behind me. “You don’t have to go yet, come back to bed”, he breathed in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “I do have to go”, I said. “I have to get back otherwise colleagues will wonder where I am and I have to work tomorrow”. He pulled me closer to him, the length of his body hot against mine. I felt his cock harden again against my back. “I can’t stay any longer, nothing will get done”, I panted. “I don’t want anything to get done; nothing except you, that is”, he said softly in my ear. He kissed my neck and I leant my head back onto his shoulder. He had moved his hands down to my hips and was pulling my buttocks harder against him. “What do you mean?” “I mean you’re going to get done, well and truly done. You’re going to get done so thoroughly you won’t be able to stand up. You’re going to get done so well you’ll be begging me for more, begging me not to stop”. “Oh fuck”, I gasped. What was the matter with me? I should have asked him who the hell he thought he was; he was making a massive assumption. Didn’t I have any say in this? I was an independent, self-sufficient man, not a weak teenage girl. “I’m going to push my hot knob in and slide it so far up you; right inside you. I’m going to make you feel so stretched, so completely full. I’m going to pound your bum, ram into you again and again, harder than you thought possible. You’re going to feel completely and utterly fucked.” I should have said a lot of things. I should let him know what I thought. I should let him….. Let him. I should have said, but all that came out of my mouth was “Oh” and then, I squeaked weakly, “Yes; oh yes”. He pushed me so I was leaning forwards over the sink and reached round me for the hand cream dispenser. He rubbed some into my bum and some more onto my hardening cock. God this boy knew how to get to me. He rubbed the tip of his rock-hard knob up and down my crack and then pushed it once again inside me. He started to move in and out, pushing me against the sink, his hand sliding up and down my shaft. He pulled me away from the sink and down on to the floor. I had my bum in the air and my forehead on the floor and he pistoned in and out of my stretched hole. He pulled out of me. I felt so empty, but we quickly moved to the bed. I lay on my front and he wrapped himself, his arms and his legs round me. He hammered away; pounding my buttocks with his pelvic bone, his balls bouncing off my cheeks, his hard prick buried deep, feeling massive and red hot in my insides. “Oh god you feel so good”, he moaned. “I love fucking you. My dick loves fucking you. You feel just perfect for me. You feel so tight, such a perfect fit”. “Oh fuck yes”, I gasped. He moved faster, pumping in and out; thrusting for all he was worth. We came together. I felt his hot come spurting in me, spraying my gut with the joyous cream.

“Sorry, I didn’t use a condom”, he said when he had caught his breath. “It felt so amazing though”. “I’m sure I’m OK”, I said. “I’ve only done that once before, and that was with a cousin about twelve years ago when I was just a kid. Otherwise, I’ve just played around a bit; a few blow jobs; you know.” “I must be OK too. I’ve only ever had sex a few times with my girlfriend and always with protection”. He rolled us over on to our sides and pulled me to him, his cock still hard inside me. We fell asleep like that, contented and exhausted.

I woke a couple of hours later feeling like everything was right with the world. I felt light, so light that I thought that if the window was open, I would float through it. In my sleepy state, I thought I must be lighter than before; losing various body fluids must mean I was a few kilos lighter. I looked at the man sleeping next to me. He looked so peaceful, his handsome face completely relaxed. He had a broad forehead and perfectly shaped eyebrows, arched and tapering towards the ends. He had beautiful long eyelashes and a short, fairly broad nose in the centre of his large face. His ears seemed tiny compared to the rest of him. I ran my eyes down over his strong neck. His broad chest was rising and falling as he breathed slowly. The sheet was pulled across his lower torso, just below his waist. I could see the very top of his pubic hair above the sheet and the bulge in the sheet below giving away the fact that he had a full erection once again. I gently lifted the sheet and feasted my eyes on the treasure below. His penis was nothing short of magnificent. It had a slight upward curve and the foreskin covered the very base, the thickest part of the head. Below that, the shaft widened and then narrowed again so it was a sort of a torpedo shape; a cigar shape. There was a small freckle on the side nearest to me. I was suddenly aware that he was awake and watching me. I looked up into his eyes. “I love your dick”, I breathed. He smiled, “As the old song goes, ‘Isn’t it good, Norwegian Wood!’ “I took it in my mouth and licked the head pushing the foreskin down further. He tasted so good, so hot in my mouth, so – well – so like a man. I licked down over his balls. He loved that and gasped. “Lick down further”. I moved my tongue below his balls and played over his little pink hole. “Mmmmmm”. So good, so nice”, he whispered. “Lie down on your back. He wriggled down the bed between my legs and pushed them apart. I love the black hair running across your chest and stomach. “You have massive bollocks, I love that.” He kissed my left knee then very gently kissed and licked up the inside of my left thigh, barely touching it so it felt just slightly more than a tickle and stopping so he narrowly avoided touching the sensitive skin of my scrotum. Then he did the same to my other leg, so, so gently and sensuously. I opened my legs as far as I could and sighed loudly as he played havoc with my senses. He moved slowly up my leg. I felt I was floating on a soft, fluffy cloud. I was all but out of it by the time he reached the top and, after hesitating, very gently let his tongue touch the very bottom of my ball-sac. “Oh yes, yes,” I gasped. Barely touching my skin, but more the hairs growing on it, the big man deftly licked over my balls. It felt like I was being treated to the best ever sensual pampering. My cock felt about to burst as he licked up underneath from the base to the very tip, then down again. “I want you so much”, I whispered almost to myself. He straddled me and once more reached over for some cream. I realised it was after-sun lotion we’d been using for lube, but it seemed to work just fine. He rubbed the cream over my stiff prick and lifted it. “You have a lovely cock”, he said. “I want to see why you like me to fuck you so much. With that he lowered himself slowly onto my straining knob and yelped as it slid in. “Oh yes,” I loved the feel of my dick being hard up his tight arse. I started thrusting in and out; faster and faster. He loved it; his stiff dick thumping down against my stomach as he bounced up and down on me. I grabbed his cock and jacked him as I fucked him. He was panting, gasping for breath as he came in great spurting gobs over me, up as far as my face and in my hair. I pumped my load deep in his gut and we collapsed exhausted and oh so happy.

We slept for only short periods that night, waking each time to fuck each other passionately, as if each time we were rediscovering the joys of sex for the very first time. Once in the middle of the night when we woke cuddled together, I nibbled his chin and said that I didn’t even know his full name. “Gunnar Gustavsen at your – er - service, “he said. “Oh. GG. That’s really appropriate. Did you know that the English sometimes call a horse a GG? I shall call you my horse-hung Nord, or maybe just HH.” “And my job is to keep you full up,” he beamed and rolled on top of me.

At about seven in the morning I said I would have to get to work and ran off to have a quick shower. I was going to be late anyway and was thinking of excuses when I returned to the bedroom to find my scattered clothes. “Don’t go, come back to bed, come back to me, I want you so much, I feel horny,” Gunnar pleaded. “I can’t, I have to get to work, and won’t you be expected at training this morning? “I called my trainer while you were in the bathroom and told him I wasn’t well, now come here”. “Oh god Gunnar, don’t you ever stop”? “You’re so sexy though,” he answered, “tell your boss you’re ill, or shall I call him?” He grinned. I thought I should really get to work; then I looked at him lying naked on his stomach on the mess that was the bed, his beautiful bum-cheeks on full view and that wonderful face looking at me, tempting me. I dialled my boss. “I’m sorry, but I can’t come to work today, I’m not well,” I lied. He asked me what was wrong and I said something about a stomach upset and he offered to get someone over to my room. “Oh no”, I panicked, “I’m at my sister’s”. I knew Sunil would believe that. “OK, but you’ll lose a day’s pay. Call me tomorrow if you’re still sick”. He hung up. “Come over here, I have something for you”, Gunner beamed.

We stayed in bed pretty much for the next three days. We slept at the most for a couple of hours or so, then each time we woke to yet more great sex. Sometimes tender, sometimes frantic, but every time, amazing. We couldn’t get enough of each other, couldn’t leave each other alone. I seemed to get more sensitive the more we fucked. I could now feel the entire length of the big man’s shaft as he slid it in me. My hole felt as if it was now clenching every inch of his burning hot cock. When it was not inside me I felt empty; as if I was missing something and felt cold and incomplete.

We had the occasional cup of tea or drink of water and found a small packet of biscuits that we nibbled in bed making crumbs that ordinarily would have been irritating. We barely noticed. I ‘phoned my boss the second morning and Gunnar his trainer. “So what should we do today?” he smiled sheepishly. “I know what I want to do”, I replied. I closed my hand round his cock and slid his foreskin up and down the shaft. “You like my dick, don’t you. You want me to slide it up in you don’t you.” “Oh yes please”, I breathed. “How far in do you want me to push it, the whole length all the way in”? “Oh yes”. “You like it when it’s swollen and hot; hard and throbbing, don’t you. You want me to slide it in and out slowly then get faster ‘till I’m fucking you as hard as I can”. “Yes, yes. I want you to push it right in, hard; as hard and as far as you can.” “And when do you want me to do that?” “Now! Right now! I want you hard up me. I need you to slide that big fat dick deep into my guts. I want you to fuck me senseless right now. Fuck me you fucking bastard”, I yelled loudly. He had got me so hot. I had to have him. He ploughed into me and we fucked for the longest time: sometimes slowly, sometimes so passionately. My dick was aching for staying hard for so long, but I only came when I was sitting straddling him, impaled on his hot cock while he jerked me off. He came deep inside me just after.

The third morning, we realised we would have to get up and leave the room. Gunnar went to the gym and I went to the maintenance office. Sunil came in just after me. “You look like you’ve lost weight,” he grinned. “Oh, er do I?” Sunil sat down in front of me and looking me straight in the eye, said, “I know where you were. You weren’t at your sisters, you weren’t sick. I saw you coming out of room 215.” My heart sank, but was to sink right through the floor when Sunil said that the boss also knew. Apparently, he’d bumped into the sports coach and heard that Gunnar had reported sick at the same time as me. He’d gone and stood outside the room and heard the sound of us having sex inside. “Your friend is being moved to the other resort to carry on with his training.” This would be the sister hotel further up the coast. Just then the boss came in and said it was about time I got back to work and I was needed in the kitchen. I found out later that Gunnar had been moved that same morning. I was devastated and didn’t know what I could do. I had to see him again.

I had to work solidly for the next ten days, but I had the next weekend off. I found that there was a bus taking some of the athletes to the other resort on the Saturday morning and decided I was going to chance my luck and try to get a lift. When the day came, I stood watching the young men and women climbing on the bus and just before the door was shut, I jumped on and said to the driver that the boss had said it would be all right. He shrugged his shoulders and as he had no time to check, we drove off. The journey took about two hours and it was nearly midday when we arrived. I went to reception, plucked up courage and said I had a delivery for Gunnar Gustavsen. I was told to go up and given his room number. Gunnar opened the door looking paler and thinner. He took a second to register it was me and pulled me into the room. We fell into bed without saying much and he almost devoured me. We tore at each other’s clothes and I once again felt the girth of his amazing cock prising me apart, filling me completely, rubbing my most sensitive parts in a way that made me moan in ecstasy over and over again. We stayed in bed for almost the whole weekend. I fucked him a couple of times the way he liked it, and I got buggered senseless. In the early hours of Sunday morning, Gunnar woke before me. I didn’t wake until I felt him easing his massive knob into my hole as he lay behind me. I gasped out loud as I felt my straining sphincter yet again being forced open. I moaned again and just then, there was a knock at the hotel room door. We froze and lay there completely still thinking whoever it was would go away. Then another knock and another. Our unwanted caller was not going to give up and we worried they would wake other guests in nearby rooms. Gunnar slid out of me with a plop, stood up and, grabbing a towel, opened the door a crack. The door was pushed sharply open and taken off balance, he staggered backwards as a man strode into the room. He stared at the bed as I lay there on my side, my bum naked and pushing backwards. “I know what you’ve been up to”, the man said. He was fairly young, I thought in his early twenties. He had red hair and sounded English. “You could get into serious trouble in this country, buggering each other like you are”, he said. Gunnar and I both opened our mouths to protest. “Don’t pretend you weren’t. I have heard you from my room next door. The walls are not very thick you know. You’re lucky you’re on the end and there isn’t a room on the other side”. “What do you want?” Gunnar was worried. “I’m going to join in,” the stranger said. “No you’re not”, I blurted out, “this is private, we don’t want you here”. “Look, I can’t get any sleep and the sound of you fucking each other’s brains out is making me as horny as hell, so either you let me join in or I tell the hotel manager.” He looked at me. “You would get a jail sentence in this country, and blondie here would be deported and all ‘the folks back home’ would know why. You want that?” Gunnar and I looked at each other and then at our feet. “Come on big boy, show me your willie”, the Englishman grinned and tugged at Gunnar’s towel.” Fucking hell,” he gasped as the towel slipped to the floor and he got his first sight of the athlete’s impressive tool that was still half-hard. “I’ve got to get some of that”. He fell onto his knees and began to hungrily lick the bell-end. He pushed the big man back onto the bed and knelt over him taking a good half of the shaft into his mouth. I looked on jealously. This gorgeous man was mine and I didn’t want to share him with a stranger. What could I do? I thought about leaving them to it. I contemplated hitting the guy over the head, but what good would it do? Just then, he stopped slurping on Gunnar’s cock and looked up at me. “Why don’t you join me?” he grinned sickeningly. “OK. I suppose so” I was becoming resigned to our fate. I knelt alongside and we licked my Norwegian’s cock together. Englishman was actually quite skilful and, with Gunnar’s knob in his mouth, kind of shook his head from side to side. I took those lovely balls into my mouth and sucked, which I knew Gunnar loved. “I gotta feel this up my arse” the intruder said and with that he kneeled astride the big man. “Where’s the lube?” he was panting in excitement. I got the tube and unhappily unrolled a condom over the length of my guy’s organ. “Aaaa Aaa, Aaa, Aaa the Englishman panted as he slowly lowered himself onto the width of Gunnar’s dick. “Fuck that’s big. Jeeeez that’s really stretching my arse. Mmmm it feels so good; fills me right up. Nnnn” he moaned as Gunnar thrust into his guts. Gunnar was banging him really hard, thrusting his full length in and out. It didn’t look to me that he was enjoying it too much and his climax seemed nowhere near happening soon.

Gunnar looked over at me and pulled the groaning boy down and held him tightly against his chest so he couldn’t move. I got a full view of his bum. “Why don’t you join me?” He gestured towards the pack of condoms. I thought we’d probably kill the guy or at least split him in two, but I thought it would teach him a lesson and ensure his silence. I quickly put on a condom and slowly pressed the end of my dick next to and above Gunnar’s monster and pushed. “What the fuck….?” The poor boy gulped in a lungful of air. I watched as my length slowly disappeared into the guy’s hole alongside that of my lover. I slowly slid it in and out of the almost squealing boy. I felt the wonderful sensation of the most sensitive front bit of my knob-end pressed tightly to and rubbing against the same sensitive part of Gunnar’s. I began to feel more that I was having sex with Gunnar and that this intruder was nothing more than a kind of sex aid helping me to give pleasure to my man.

It didn’t take very long for both of us to cum, Each of us pumping our juice tight up against each other. It felt so good. The poor Englishman had to finish himself off with his hand, but Gunnar and I were lost in our ecstasy and barely noticed the guy limping out of our room.

We had to part Sunday evening as I was catching the regular public bus back home. I got the feeling Gunnar was trying to tell me something for a little while before finally he blurted out that he was going back to Norway on the Tuesday. I had no time to ask him when we could meet again, but he promised to get a note to me when he could. I felt gutted all the way back; as if there was suddenly a void ahead of me instead of any sort of future.

Time went on and I filled my days keeping busy at the hotel. It was about ten months after Gunnar had gone home, that I was given an envelope by the Norwegian trainer. “One of the new guys asked me to pass this on to you, he said. I ripped the letter open and knew instantly who it was from.

“Hello Wayan”, he wrote. “I hope you are well and not working too hard. I cannot stop thinking of my training in Bali and all the good times we had. I am working for my Father and helping in the junior gymnasium as a coach in my spare time.” I almost fell into the seat behind me as I read on. “I am getting married to my girlfriend next year as arranged. I have already booked our honeymoon in the hotel in Bali and hope we can meet up again then. Maybe you could arrange a trip for her to spend a couple of days in a spa up in the mountains or somewhere while I catch up with old friends.”

My delighted grin reached from ear to ear. I’d be waiting.

Thank you so much for reading this. I hope you enjoyed it.

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