By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Jul 13, 2012




34 yr old Milton Howard sat on the end of his jail cell bench, his head propped against the wall as he got about 20 minutes of sleep. No one really slept in jail, one always kept one eye open for that element of surprise, you didn't want to be caught sleeping and wake up to find yourself the centerpiece of a cell gangbang.

A teenager in the next cell was accosted by his cellmates, forced into oral submission as he blew off over half his cell all night. Even some of the guys in Milt's cell got IN on the action when they stuck their dicks through the bars and demanded service `or else'. The frightened boy [arrested under mistaken identity] crawled over on his hands and knees and started sucking, too afraid to say no.

Milt was awakened at 8am, and escorted by police upstairs onto the main floor where he was released. "You're free to go...!" said the officer in charge, handing Milt the manila envelope with all of his belongings inside [wallet, watch, wedding ring, etc].

"What about my sister..." he asked, "...Janice Howard...? Did SHE get released too...?"

The officer looked though his stack of paperwork...

"Yeah...she's being released now as we speak...!" he said.

"Milt!" called Janice, coming up from the woman's holding cells.

The 2 siblings hugged one another, just happy to see that they both were healthy and untouched. They signed for their belongings, then left out the front door before the police could change their minds. "What happened...? WHO got us out...?" asked Janice, as they stepped outside.

"Don't worry about that..." said Milt, wondering how they were going to get home? Then he heard a car horn, then saw a driver getting out of a town car...

"Milton Howard...?" called the man, directing him and Janice toward the backdoor...

The back tented window came down [ominously], revealing...

"Do you need a lift...?" asked Brian Dunn, from the back seat.

Milt smiled, then helped his sister into the car...

"Mr Dunn..." said Milt, smiling immensely.

"Brian, please..." smiled Dunn, as everyone loaded into the car.

"...THANKS again for getting me and my sister out of there...!" thanked Milt.

"The pleasure was all mine, Milton..." charmed Dunn, crossing his legs at the knee. " long as our agreement concerning reverend Holmes remains intact..."

"It does..." agreed Milt, hating himself for it.

"Wait a minute, what agreement...?" asked Janice, not letting her brother do something he'll later regret.

"It's a DONE deal, Jay..." said Milt, telling his sister to back off.

"Milton's agreed NOT to make any public reports of reverend Holmes being involved with his wife Demeece, OR being the father of her first born child...!" informed Dunn, believing Janice already knew the inside story.

"Well, what's THAT mean...?" asked Janice [unsure], looking between the 2 men...

"It means..." sighed Milt, knowing it greatly limited his mobility. "...I can't go into COURT and announce infidelity on my wife's part, nor name Holmes as the real baby's father and the pinpoint reason for why Demeece and I broke up in the first place...!"

"Does that MEAN you still have to pay child support for a kid that isn't yours...?" inquired Janice, "...cause that's just WRONG...!"

"No, little Jannetta will be taken care of by reverend Holmes's estate... informed Dunn, "...we're in the process of drafting her a trust fund for when she's 18...!" he concluded.

"Well that's good for Jannetta and Demeece..." said Janice, "...but what's MILT'S compensation? I mean reverend Holmes RUINED his life when he got that bitch pregnant...! Milt was on the way OUT THE DOOR when she lied and told him HE was going to be a father! WHAT does HE get out of this amazing deal that everyone else seems to prosper from except HIM...??"

"He has his FREEDOM..." reminded Dunn, "...not to mention YOURS...!"

"Bullshit!" said Janice, much to Milt's surprise. "Neither one of us has a criminal background..., WE would have gotten out on probation anyway, so don't sit there acting like you did either one of us any favors...! Meanwhile MILT lost 3 years of his life taking care of a family he didn't want because of a LIE dreamed up by his wife and YOUR client! So again, what's HIS compensation in all this...?!"

"I believe MILTON AND I have already reached an agreement..." informed Dunn, closing the [imaginary] file.

"Maybe, maybe not..." said Janice, indecisively. "...but I didn't make any agreements regarding keeping MY mouth shut...! I don't see WHY I can't go on the local news and inform everyone that my sister in-law got impregnated by her pastor WHO just happens to be running for the mayor's office...!"

Milt could SEE Dunn squirming in his chair...

"Okay..." he conceded, turning his focus to Janice. "...what do YOU want...?"

Janice sat back against the seat...

"I want Milt to be able to get an amicable divorce from his wife without being dragged through the mud by her lies and scandal...!" she demanded.

"Done." said Dunn.

"And I want ALL of his lawyers fees paid for by the good reverend!" added Janice.


"And I think Milt should be financial compensated for the humiliation of taking care of reverend Holmes' daughter..., say the equivalent of his last 3 years tax returns...? Which he undoubted spent on food, clothes, and trips for Holmes' daughter!"

"Done." said Dunn. "Anything else?"

Janice and Milt looked at each other...?

"That's about IT!" smiled Milt.

"Then we ALL have an agreement...?" asked Dunn, shaking BOTH Milt and his sister's hands... "She runs a tough bargain..." said Dunn, " should ALWAYS have her sit in on all your business dealings...!"

"Yeah..." said Milt, putting his arm protectively around his sister... "...I will...!"

"Is there anywhere I can drop you two off at...?" inquired Dunn...



The Lincoln Town Car pulled up in front of Milt's parent's house. He thanked Dunn again for getting him out of another jam, then took a deep breath before ascending his parent's steps. "You okay...?" inquired Janice, pausing before knocking. "You ready to DO this...?"

"Yeah..." sighed Milt, unsure. "...let's get it over with..."

Janice knocked on the door. It only took a few moments before it swung open...

"JANICE...! MILT...!" cried Melissa Howard, taking her children in her arms and giving them bog welcoming hugs. "When did yall get out...? You should have CALLED us..., we would have picked you up!"

"We had a ride mom..." informed Janice, hugging her mother back. "...and Milt got ALL the charges dropped...for good this time, I think...!"

"What...? HOW baby...?" asked Melissa, just happy to see her children...

"Reverend HOLMES' assistant...!" said Milt.

"Holmes...?" questioned momma Melissa, "But wasn't HE the one that started all of this...?"

"Yes..." explained Milt, knowing his mother was obtaining too much information already. "...but he needed me to keep quiet about his involvement with Deme..., so he agreed to have all the charges dropped...!"

" have DIRT on the reverend, eh...?" asked John Howard [Milton's dad]. "Good way to show your innocence...!" he added, before heading back into the house.

"DAD..." called Janice, following him inside. "...nobody was interested in Milt's innocence..., they just wanted to punish him because reverend HOLMES said so...! We just used the reverend's old tactics against him to set ourselves free!"

"It doesn't matter anymore, Janice..." said John, taking his seat in his Lazy Boy chair. "...Demeece's already informed your mother and I on WHY Milton really wanted a divorce from her and the kids..., and it has nothing to DO with reverend Holmes being the biological dad...!"

"What WAS it then...?" asked Milt, curious...

Jonathan Howard looked up at his youngest son [his only biological son]...

"She told us that you and her brother Marlon have been having a secret homosexual affair..." informed Jonathan. "...SHE said it's been going on for a number of YEARS...! Is that so, son...?"

"You don't have to answer that question, Milton...!" insisted his mother, ready to cover her own ears...

Janice looked back at her brother...

"Yes, dad..., it's true...!" admitted Milton, causing his mother to break out in tears. John Howard's heart sank into his stomach...

"Why yall acting like it's the end of the world...?!" asked Janice, not understanding the big shock of it all. "You didn't act THIS way when you found out I was gay...!"

"There's a different standard for women who're gay..., RIGHT dad...?" asked Milton, feeling the sting of his parents' reaction. "For some reason, lesbians are more accepted than GAY men...!"

"But that's stupid..." said Janice, " is shouldn't matter if you're male or female, you should be able to love the one you love!"

"Clearly there's a double standard here..." said Milt.

"Now you two...don't gang up on your father..." said Melissa Howard, defending her husband.

"Ain't nobody ganging up on daddy, mom..." argued Janice, "...but HE needs to know how much Milt LOVES Marlon...that ain't something you just sweep under the rug because some family members might not be able to handle it...! It's the REAL thing! The kind of love that only comes around ONCE in your lifetime! Milt would be a FOOL to ignore it just because he married some OX who cheated on him and tricked him into believing he had a family...!"

"I wouldn't go THAT far, Janice..." stated Milt, believing his family HIS. "...but dad does need to know I'm NOT going back home to Deme..." he replied, walking around his father's chair to find him physically shattered in tears.

Milt had never seen his father cry before, and it touched his heart [in a bad way] to know HE was the one responsible for his father's waterworks. "AWE Dad..." choked Milt, sitting on the arm of the chair opposite him. "...don't cry..."

"I can't HELP it..." said John Howard, unable to stop the water flowing down his cheeks. "...I look at YOU, and Janice, and Carl...and wonder WHERE I went wrong...? HOW did all you kids turn out the same way...??"

"Actually..." said Janice, kneeling down beside her father's chair, resting her hands gently [sympathetically] on his hairy arms... "...the gay gene that determines which child is gay is found on the MOTHER'S side of the family..." she informed, hoping to make her daddy feel better.

"So what're you saying...?" asked Melissa Howard, "That all this is MY fault...?! That I'M the one who made my children gay...??!"

"NO mom..." defended Janice, jumping up to comfort her mother now... "'s NOBODY'S fault! There's nothing WRONG with us, we ARE who we're supposed to be by design!"

"It ALL makes sense now..." said Melissa, turning a deaf ear to her daughter. "...that's why ALL THREE of you are like that, even though Carl has a different father...! The gene was in ME!"

"What're you talking about, mom...?" asked Janice, believing her mother rambling. "What's SHE talking about...?"

"Awe, honey..." said John, getting up from his seat. " heard Janice..., it's no one's fault! Don't blame yourself!"

"But YOU blamed YOURSELF..." argued Melissa, in tears as her husband cradled her in his arms. "...and all the while it was ME...! I'm the one who carries the gene...! I'm the one who ruined our children's lives..."

"No one's LIVES are ruined, mom...!" said Milton, hating his parent's reactions. "Actually I'm NOT gay..., I'm BISEXUAL...! I like BOTH sexes...!"

"Is THAT supposed to make her FEEL better...?" asked John Howard, looking at his son angrily. "I think you both have said enough today..." added John, walking his wife to the steps to take her upstairs to lie down. "...I think you should leave!"

"Let me HELP you daddy..." said Janice, rushing over to help take her mother upstairs...

"I've GOT her...!" yelled John, causing Janice to back off. "I've been putting your mother to bed ALL these years without anyone's help...why start now...?" he asked, taking one step at a time. "You two just make sure you're OUT of the house before I come back down...!"

Milt and Jan watched their dad ease their mother sobbing upstairs...

"THAT could have gone better...!" said Janice, turning towards her brother. "Don't let this deter you from making a LIFE with Marlon! You two deserve each other after everything you've been through...!"

Milt walked over to the bottom of the stairs and watched his parents disappear around the hall... "I KNOW you Milt, you CAN'T go back to Demeece after what she's done to you...! You can still be a father to the kids, but that doesn't mean you have to be a husband to Demeece!"

Milt turned towards Janice...

"That's this FIRST time I recall seeing dad cry..." he said, nostalgically. "...and MOM acted like she gave us all CANCER rather than a gay gene...! I HATE that my decision has bought so much PAIN into their lives..., like I was the last child they had left, and I too let them down...!"

" least YOU and Carl gave them GRAND BABIES...!" reasoned Janice. "You're going to find opposition in your lives every day if you and Marlon become a couple..., but you CAN'T let mom and dad's opinions stop you from living your own life as YOU see fit! What're you going to do, run around with a tranny queen like Carl...PRETENDING to still be interested in girls...?!"

"No, or course not...I fought too HARD to get with Marlon to turn away now...!" said Milt, thinking it all over in his head. "Let's go..." he said, putting his arms around his baby sister... "...let's go find the man I'm going to marry one day!"

"'ve GOT to let ME be the wedding coordinator...! I see pink and lavender flower arrangements everywhere! You and Marlon can wear matching tuxedos and long bridal veils...!"

"WHATEVER!" laughed Milt, as they headed for his car...

THE END<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

DEMEECE: and Milt eventually got divorced, citing irreconcilable differences. Demeece TRIED to screw Milt over with visitations, saying that he was only entitled to visit ONE of the children since he only claimed one legally as his sole heir, but the courts sided with Milt, saying `mr Howard is the only father figure the children has known, he will continue to play such rule until the child is old enough to be reasoned with about her biological father!'

Deme was pissed.

JANICE: eventually moved back to New York and rekindled her old relationship with her longtime girlfriend Michelle. This time they promised NOT to cheat, and to talk their problems/issues through without screaming.

They are also seeing couple's therapy.

CARL: eventually broke up with his girlfriend Jasmine, and started dating her best friend Kenyatta. Charmaine [his ex-wife] thought he went from bad to worst!

CHARMAINE: is still raising little Charlie as a single parent. She allows Carl to come around to see his son and fix whatever needs mending around the apartment complex, but otherwise they keep their distance and mind their business.

Charmiane has still never remarried, finding men untrustworthy.

DUANE & VAUGHN: actually became a couple. Vaughn moved in with Duane, and the 2 men occasionally allow females into their home for `freak nite Friday' night 3somes.

Duane and MAC still aren't speaking after their fight at the sports bar...

MARCUS: eventually finished college and graduated from Temple University, and never heard from Milt again.

He still cruises the web sites for straight bisexual men who are looking for no stings attached encounters...

GERALD GRANT: never got the chance to play professional basketball again. Instead he changed his name and transferred to another [smaller] college and got a degree. He married a girl he dated in college, and never messed around with men again.

Ever so often a college TV sports show would comment about what a lost the sports world suffered with the end of Grant's career. They often highlighted the picture of Grant butt fucking the anonymous man in the picture who's face could not be seen, as a deterrent to other athletes NOT to go down this road...

AUSTIN: continued to live off campus for a few years, catching drive-by fucks from hot young jocks who needed quick relief with no stings. Eventually he graduated and decided to put his degree to use by moving to Colorado, where he met the man of his dreams on a farm, first becoming his sex buddy, then his significant other.

Austin was never heard from again.

CURTIS: continued to live in Atlanta, working his dream job by day [as a computer technician at a major company], and shooting gay porn at night. He continues to share space with fellow porn stars Seko, Hypnotic and Question. And while he never regretted his life with Marlon back in Philly, he never looked back, knowing life was meant to be LIVED, not regretted.

CRYSTAL: hated MEN for a long time. Every relationship she had with a man ended badly: Marlon turned gay, Marcus Miller was physically abusive, and Dan Edwards was a DOG in good guys clothes. All of her problems and anxieties seemed to stem from MEN, so she decided to go on hiatus from MEN for a while.

That is until she met Rachelle's new teacher. He flirted with her every time she dropped her daughter off at school, even walking her back to her car to make sure she got on safely...

MILTON: moved in with Marlon and Crystal, residing in the basement with Rachelle's daddy. He continued working at UPS, making deliveries until he was promoted to management level. Now Milt helps head the truck fleet, making sure all the drivers are en-route on time and professional. On weekends he and Marlon gather up all the kids [Aaron, Jannetta, Rachelle, and Charlie] and take them on adventures: to the beach, the movies, ice skating, the zoo, the park, Sesame Place, etc.

Milt has never been happier or more fulfilled in his life.

MARLON: found a job working environmental services in a hospital. He buffs floors, cleans windows, police chromes, and makes 37,000 a year with full benefits {and didn't even have to lie on his application)...

He's never felt more responsible over his own life than he does now (all thanks to Milt and Crystal). He's even trying to mend the broken relationships with his parents and his sister, knowing all things comes to those who wait patiently.

MR AND MRS HOWARD: eventually came around to accepting Milt's new lifestyle, especially after seeing how much happier he was. Sometimes they'd accompany the guys on their fieldtrips with the children (helping them manage), and they were always impressed by the unspoken sync the 2 men shares. They seemed to work together in perfect harmony, like 2 parents who'd been doing it together for years. How could something so special and unique be a mistake?

The Howards continue to have Thanksgiving at their house every year, surrounded by their children and their children's spouses/significant others. Dan always bought the drama with whomever he was dating at the time, and despite wanting to tell their brother that he was only a half sibling, Milt and Janice kept their tongues to themselves, knowing it would devastate Carl.

REVEREND HOLMES: continued on in his quest to be the city's next mayor. He managed to keep the news of his infidelity and bastard kid(s) out of circulation (at least for the time being), and pays Demeece handsomely for their biological child together. Their love affair ended the day Deme told him she was pregnant, and he's never come forward to announce himself as Jannetta's real father. As far as Holmes is concerned, the child and her mother are simply other church members, nothing more, nothing less.

And as for DAN EDWARDS: (see below bonus scene)...

BONUS SCENE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

[continued from chap-42]...

Dan struggled to get loose, but every time he tried to bolt or be aggressive, Marlon would tighten the noose and cut off his breathing. Dan could feel Marlon's hardon pumping back and forth through his ass, feeling like a sharp knife cutting straight through him. He screamed and cried for release and mercy, begging Marlon to stop, but every sound, every plead, moan and groan, only fueled Marlon's desire, making him fuck harder. So enthralled with fucking Dan and causing him pain, Marlon didn't even hear Crystal and the others enter the house, he just continued thrusting and thrusting until he felt his orgasm hit.

"RRRHHHHH...!" growled Marlon, shoving in one last time as he unloaded a huge jolt of cum in Dan's no longer virgin bowels. Marlon tightened the noose on Dan's neck, then yanked him up from the cushions. "Feel that...?" he asked, his pelvic bone pressed firmly against Dan's ass as his jerking dick pumped fresh seed directly into Dan's buttock. "That's my CUM flooding into your new pussy...!" he informed. "From now on, you're nothing but a cumdump for men like ME and Milt...!" he added, harshly. "You'll NEVER have a respectable woman as your lover again! Everyone will know your dick is worthless, and your ass is nothing but pussy to be fucked and cummed in! No WOMAN would ever satisfy your hole like MEN can! Understand..., BITCH?!"

Dan grunted his answer before Marlon shoved his face back down in the chair. Then Marlon stepped back, yanking his erection from Dan's sore ass (his pants wrapped down around his ankles), noticing the company for the first time...

"Anyone for seconds...?" he asked, looking at the corner boys...


"HELL YEH...!" said Marvin and Tyrone Rollins, unzipping their pants as they moved in for the kill.

"NO!" yelled Crystal, causing the drug dealers to turn around. "NOT in my house...!" she explained. "My daughter..."

"Okay. No problem!" said Marvin, yanking Dan up out of the seat. "Pull yur pants up BITCH!" he ordered, causing Dan to reach down and hoist up his pants. Then Marvin and Tyrone grabbed him under each arm and ushered him towards the door. "Yall ain't gotta worry bout THIS asswipe botherin' yall no'mo..." said Marvin, giving Marlon a wink. "...after we're finished with his ASS..., he won't be messin' wit non'a yall eva again!"

"Mommy...!" cried Rachelle, rushing in after the men left.

"Everything's alright, baby...!" said Crystal, taking Rachelle into her arms as they fell to their knees with relief.

"I thought something BAD happened when I saw you outside screaming for help...!" cried Rachelle.

"Nope..." said Crys, trying to manage a smile though her teary face. "...your DADDY saved me...!" she added, looking up at Marlon as the MAN of the house. "Thank you!"


"Oh, you think you tough shyt, eh..." asked Marvin, as he and Tyrone dragged Dan Edwards down the front steps and out to a Dan's waiting SUV.

"You like beatin' on WOMEN, rite...?" asked Tyrone, helping to stuff Dan into the backseat.

"NO! NO! I WON'T GO! SOMEONE HELP! THEY'RE KIDNAPPING ME!" screamed Dan, refusing to get into the car as spectator stood around watching in wonder...?

"Shut up, yo...!" warned Marvin, punching Dan in the gut.

"ugph...!" grunted Dan, feeling a sharp blow to the solar plexus before being shoved inside.

Marvin jumped in the backseat with Dan, while Tyrone jumped in the driver's seat, taking off down the street like a bat out of hell. "Please..." begged Dan, feeling like his life was in jeopardy. "...I'll do anything you want...just don't kill me...!"

Kill you...?" laughed Marvin, glancing up at his brother's reflection through the rearview mirror. "Do we LOOK like killa's...?" he asked, looking back at Dan. "I aint neva killed a nigga in my life...! And my BROTHA ain't neva killed nobody either..."

"Then WHAT do you WANT with me then...?" asked Dan [confused], looking back and forth between the two brothers.

"We juss want summa what Marlon got..." informed Marvin, putting his thick muscled arm about Dan's neck. Dan looked down into Marvin's crotch, noticing his big thick bulge for the first time, and tried to jump from a moving SUV... "YO, hold up mothafucka..., WHERE you think YOU goin'...?" shouted Marvin, pulling Dan back as he tried to open the passenger side door.

"He tried to jump OUT...?" asked Tyrone, looking back from the front seat.

"Yeh..." laughed Marvin, easily holding Dan in place with his strength. "...nigga's crazy...!"

"YO..." said Tyrone, turning around to look Dan in the eye as he drove. "...YOU were gonna jump from a movin' CAR to keep from gettin' that ass fuckin'...?" he asked in disbelief. "You would've got FUCKED UP, homs...!"

"Yeh..." agreed Marvin, "...then we would have picked you up, thrown you inna car, and fuck'd you anyway...!" he informed, much to Dan's dismay.

"PLEASE..." he begged, his eyes showing a tearful display... "...I won't report this to anybody..., if you let me go, you can HAVE my car...! Please...! I didn't DO anything to you guys...!"

"You HEAR `em back here pleadin' to save his booty...?" chuckled Marvin, loving when straight guys [particularly tough guys] BEG for his mercy...

"So whadda think...?" asked Tyrone, looking through the rearview mirror... "Car's kinda HOT!"

"I think I'll CONSIDER it..." lied Marvin, causing Dan to perk up at possible freedom, "...dependin' on how well he suck dick!" Dan felt Marvin's huge hand palm the back of his well tapered head, forcing his face down into his crotch. "Hear dat, dude...? If you don't want me `n my brotha diggin' into yur'd betta excel on the dick suckin'..., and I mean like Supa'head!"

Dan saw Marvin Rollins' thick dick bursting at the seams, and reluctantly reached down to undo his pants. Marvin kicked back and smiled as Dan released his big brown dick from its confines, causing it to stand outside his open zipper at about 10 inches high. Dan felt his stomach lurch at the thought of taking the big mammoth meat into his mouth. He felt his face pressed up against the towering prick without his consent [the dickhead wedged against his chin and bottom lip], then opened his mouth of his own volition, allowing the dickhead to slip into his oral taster...

"Is he suckin' it...?" asked Ty from the front seat [eager to get to their rendezvous], unable to look back AND dodged his way through oncoming traffic simultaneously.

"Is Halle Barry pretty...?" asked Marvin, flipped. "Hell yeh he suck'n it..., but is he any GOOD at it is the question...!" he argued.

"Up to HIM, rite...?" questioned Ty, "The betta the head, the less work onna booty...!"

Dan overheard Ty's comment, and started sucking better, covering his teeth with his lips and slithering his mouth up and down the rock hard shaft.

"Now THAT'S what I'm takin' bout...!" shouted Marvin, shoving Dan's head down in his lap. Dan's eyes bulged when the dick forced further into his mouth, bumping into the start of his throat [causing him to gag]. When he tried to pull back, Marvin held him down, keeping him captive as he forced more dick into his mouth. Dan gagged around the mouthful of steely hard meat, feeling his body deject the Grade-A Prime Beef as if rejected by The FDA,

Marvin felt Dan's mouth gagging around his big sausage as he held his head down over his steely pipe. He loved hearing the straight man choke on his spoke, every time his throat seized, Marvin would force it down further. Dan struggled to get up, but wasn't able to move his head an inch until Marvin finally decided to cut him a break and loosen his grip. Dan's head shot up as he clutched his sore throat and gasped for breath...

"Don't be such a bitch..." said Marvin, forcing Dan's head back down on his dick in the backseat. "...I kno' 15 year ole GIRLS that can take it deepa than that!"

Dan felt Marvin forcing his head down once again, and tried relaxing his mouth and jaw as he allowed the dick to penetrate his mouth [violating his manhood]. Almost immediately he felt his body rejecting the dick, as if his manhood wouldn't allow such feminine acts to be forced upon him. When Marvin pressed both hands on the back of his head and pushed down, Dan felt the huge thick dick spearing into the start of his tight throat, stretching his throat muscles and ripping through his esophagus like a battering ram. "OOOooohh fuuuucckkk yeeeehhhh..." moaned Marvin, feeling Dan's throat muscles lock, seize, and gag around his shaft, making his dick feel good. However Dan felt like he might vomit any second, as the contents of his stomach started to rise up into his chest...

Marvin released Dan's head at the last second, allowing him some air as he came up to breathe. Marvin pushed his head back down a moment later as Dan's saliva coated his dick like a thick lubricant. He made Dan bob his head up and down on his buoy, stretching his numbing lips around the hard column. Dan didn't like having to suck another man's dick, but he needed to save his asshole from taking another horrific pounding. He still couldn't believe that Marlon [the faggot he'd been fucking for the past several months] actually got the best of him and butt fucked him in a fight. It all happened so fast, one second they were tussling, the next he was bent over the arm of a chair and fucked like a hustler in a back alley. How humiliating was it to have been bested [and fucked] by one of the biggest cum whores in the city...?

Marvin let go of Dan's head, allowing him the freedom to suck dick at his own seizure. Dan continued to bob his head, painting the shaft with his tongue and suckling as much of the hard shaft as he could [about 4 to 5 inches], trying desperately to get the big lummox off orally. He had no idea where they were taking him, nor what they had planned in mind for him once he got there. He simply sucked, trying to get the drug dealer to spill his load before they got to their final destination.

Meanwhile Marvin reached back and began playing with Dan's ass. He felt the round firm buttock through Dan's pants, then forced his large hand down into the seat of his trousers as he palmed the hairy cheeks and fingered the cum wet anus...

" THAT'S what I'm talkin' bout...!" he gloated, feeling the moist hole before roughly shoving his thick finger inside. Dan's body locked up as his asshole flexed and tightened around Marvin's digit.

"What...?" asked Tyrone, curiously.

"Mofo's asshole's tite as shyt!" declared Marvin, loving how the hole convulsed and spasm around his buried finger. "Bitch gonna be sum kinda wonderful when we stretch that pussie round our dicks!"

"Wait..." protested Dan, pulling up off Marvin's spit wet dick. " said if I sucked it, I wouldn't have to get fucked...!"

"I said if you suck'd it GOOD..." corrected Marvin. " think that shitty blow job can compensate for sum good ass...? Yur dead WRONG, son...!"

Dan looked around, and noticed they were driving down behind a deserted stretch of road behind a mini mall, somewhere where there weren't a lot of traffic, or even bystanders. Dan began to panic as the idea of him getting raped by these 2 drug dealers began to feel real!

Marvin was still stroking his fat finger(s) in and out of Dan's resisting asshole when they came to a stop beside a large blue dumpster.

"THIS place's as good as any...!" said Tyrone, turning off the engine before getting out.

"Get out, bitch!" ordered Marvin, removing his cum stained fingers.

Tyrone opened the back door to allow Dan out. Marvin held onto the waistband of his pants, preventing him from bolting as soon as his feet touched the ground. Marvin climbed out behind him as Tyrone opened the trunk...

"Wha...what're you guys going to DO to me...?" asked a frightened Dan, afraid they might use the tire iron against him.

"You stupid of somethin'...?" asked Marvin, knocking his hard knuckles against Dan's skull. "We already said we gon' FUCK ya!"

"Please man, don't..." pleaded Dan, as Tyrone yanked his pants down and pushed him up into the trunk. "Please, I KNOW a gay with some good ass who likes to get fucked...! I could take you to his house right NOW...! Please...!" he protested as Marvin forced him to bend over for his brother. Tyrone stroked his dick until it was hard, then shoved his fingers curiously up Dan's asshole to test the elasticity. "AARRHHH...!" yelled Dan, feeling the fingers ram through him...

"Damn, he IS tight...!" agreed Ty, stroking his hardon.

"Told you!" said Marvin, holding Dan down by the back of his neck.

Tyrone allowed his pants to fall down about his thighs as he got in close behind Dan and aimed his 8.5" dick up between the sperm wet cheeks and pushed in...

"AARRHHHH...!!" screamed Dan, feeling the dickhead push into him.

Tyrone grabbed Dan's slim waist with one hand, then guided his dick into the tight resisting anus with the other, pushing forth until the head started to pry open the ring, forcing its way inside. "AARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGG...!!!" screamed Dan, feeling totally penetrated as Marlon's slick wet cum helped Tyrone get inside. "SON OF A BITCH!"

"Damn..." exclaimed Tyrone, grabbing both sides of Dan's waist as he ground his pelvic bone into his ass, sheathing his entire shaft up in his roost, "...this motherfucker's tight as shit!"

Dan bucked like a wild bronco, trying to dislodge the big hard dick from his bowels. Marvin continued to hold him down [with one hand], refusing to let him up as Tyrone planted himself in deep. Tyrone groaned aloud, feeling Dan's fighting anus pulse, flex, and spasm around his dick, trying to repel him like a piece of shit.

"Motherfucker's asshole's throbbin' like sore pussy!" announced Ty, loving the way it sucked him without him having to move. Tyrone kicked Dan's legs apart on the ground [forcing him further up into the hatch back] as he locked into position and started to fuck.

"AARRRRHHH...!!" yelled Dan as Ty's dick started moving back and forth through him, fucking in and out.

This was only the second time he'd ever been fucked in his life. As a straight man he'd spent most of his life chasing girls and pussy, then later plotting against men and their assholes. He knew how to fuck a man into submission, to take his ass and MAKE him desire more dick by the sheer design of his stroke. He was paramount in shaping David Smith's asshole into bonafide pussy-willow, and was also instrumental in teaching Marlon Overton how to grip and please a big dick beyond what was considered normal. However, Dan NEVER saw himself being fucked. What kind of cruel irony was there in the world that turned the tables on a major ass conquer, making him bitch for 2 unworthy drug dealers...?

Dan could feel Marvin's huge heavy hand holding him down, forcing his head into the trunk of his own car as his brother [Tyrone] took first dibs on his ass. Dan had never laid eyes on these guys before. He was completely shocked when they burst into Crystal's rented house and gripped him up after Marlon fucked him, and was completely flabbergasted to learn they were friendly with Marlon and intended to FUCK him as part of Marlon's revenge.

Dan could feel Tyrone fat 8.5" dick sliding in and out of his ass. The penis wasn't nearly as long as Dan's, but when shoved up a tight virginal hole, it felt all of 20 inches long! Dan groaned and grunted in absolute pain, every inward thrust of the young man's hips sending searing pain shooting through his gripping rectum as his body fought to reject him. Dan dreaded every inward thrust, knowing it would hurt so much when he clenched his cheeks together, trying to keep the speeding penis out.

Tyrone loved how tight Dan's straight virgin ass felt, he could feel the anal muscles clamping [on lockdown] every time he shoved in, the hot wet insides [which were trying to repel him] sucked his crank off hard every time he plunged in balls deep. See-sawing his way in and out of the hole, he watched his dick disappear up the straight man's ass, only to reappear coated with more sperm from Marlon's orgasm...

"How TITE is that shyt, eh...?" asked Marvin, enviously [watching his younger brother fuck].

"It's TIGHT man..." informed Tyrone. "... remember how Tyrell's ass felt when me, YOU, Dad, and the others fucked him for breaking IN Jeffery...? [starting in chap-3 of BLACKSUB-IV].

"YEH!" excited Marvin, his hard dick pulsing as he recalled fucking the shyt of Tyrell's hot ass [to this day, he still butt fucks that boy whenever he catches him on the street]...

"It's TIGHTER than that!" informed Tyrone, never missing a stroke as he fucked.

"DAYUM nigga..., CUM already so I can get MY share...!"

"Hold your horses..." said Tyrone, fucking steadily into Dan's bottom. "...this bitch ain't goin' nowhere no time soon...!" he stated, just as the back door to one of the businesses open, and out nowhere came a lone worker, pulling a barrel of trash that needed dumping...

The young man [about 15 yrs old] stood I awe, as Marvin and Tyrone stared back, all 3 frozen in time as the boy noticed Tyrone's pants down around his bare thighs, his pelvic bone smashed all up against another man's bare butt. Even Dan lifted his head momentarily [when Marvin's hand eased up the pressure] to see what was going on...

"Help me..." said Dan, just before Tyrone covered his mouth with his hand [yanking his torso up out of the trunk].

" ain't SEEN shyt out here, got it...?!" yelled Marvin [intimidating], pointing at the youth.

The boy shook his head...

"No..." he answered, nervously. "...I ain't seen nothin'...!" he agreed, dumping the trash into the blue dumpster.

"C'mon ova here..." ordered Marvin, after realizing the boy was too scared to say anything to anyone.

Tyrone resumed fucking Dan, shoving his head back down inside the hatchback as he pulled his long hard lite brown prick from the hole, then shoved all the way back in [repeatedly].

Marvin calmly put his arm around the teenage stranger eyeballing his brother as he fucked Dan up the ass, then whispered...: "...we caught this mofo breakin' into our grandma's house...! We're juss teachin' ;em a lesson bout respectin' OLD peeps, that's all...!"

"Okay..." said the boy, accepting that story. "...can I watch...?"

"Can you watch...?" laughed Marvin, looking at Tyrone fuck Dan. "Hell kid, you can JOIN IN if you want...! Eva fuck a dude before...?"

"Naw..." answered the kid, watching Tyrone slap his pelvic bone into the other man's ass alike a paddle, as he buried his dick fully with every stroke... "...but I always wondered what it'd feel like to fuck someone RAW!" he added.

"You neva popped yur cork inside a bitch's pussy's RAW b'fo...?" inquired Marvin, curiously.

"Naw..." answered the kid.

"But you HAVE fuck'd pussy, b'fo...?" asked Marvin.

"Oh YEAH..." answered the kid.

"OH, okay..." said Marv, thinking for a second they might have had another flame for the fire. " juss ain't POPPED off inside one yet..." he clarified.

"Rite..." answered the boy.

"Then today's yur lucky day, dude..." shouted Marvin. "...cuz we juss so happen to have sum pussy rite here that LOVES get'n shot all up into...! Ain't that rite, Ty...?" he asked, looking towards his brother who [at the very moment] could no longer hold back his torrent load...

Tyrone had been close to popping off when the kid first walked out and caught them in the act. When he resumed fucking, having an additional audience watch him raw dick through Dan's humiliated ass [along with the idea that someone else could easily walk up on them at only moment] was just too much excitement for one evening. He could feel his balls contracting against the base of his mighty dick as he fucked. He rammed in for ONE last stroke, shoving his entire prick balls deep up the raped man's vulnerable ass, feeling Dan's rectum pulse and squeeze about his embedded pole...

"AARRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!!" he shouted as he suddenly came, shooting enormous amounts of ball juice straight up Dan's deflowered rectum.

Dan rose up on his tip-toes as Tyrone's dick swelled an extra inch [or so], sending his dick even deeper. He could feel the pole pulsating and jumping inside him, hosing his anal walls down with a plentiful surge of semen which gushed all over his innards and saturated his colon.

Marvin smiled as he watched his brother climax in Dan, his entire body jerking as he shot off inside like a roman candle. Marvin watched Tyrone's ass cheeks hollow inward every time he pressed in, emptying his load into Dan as deeply as he could.

"See..." said the ex-con, holding the boy close to him about the shoulders... "...THAT'S how you nut in a bitch's ass! Think YOU can do that...?" he challenged and encouraged...

"Yeah...!" answered the boy, massaging the lump in his fast food work pants.

"Yo Ty, pull out..." ordered Marvin, "...let my new hommie here have a turn...!"

"Alright..." sighed Tyrone, still basking in the afterglow of orgasm.

He allowed his dick to drain off in Dan's milking/massaging rectum for a few, before finally pulling out. Dan groaned involuntarily as his innards [which had locked down around Ty's prick like a vice] began to pull outward along with him. Ty pulled free, then stepped back revealing the bare buttock as Dan's swollen anus slowly resealed itself...

"Go on..." encouraged Marvin, "...fuck `em...!"

The boy walked up behind Dan's exposed ass, and stared down at it for a moment. Unlike his teenage girlfriend's pussy, Dan's ass was hairy and quivering with after-fuck shock. The boy started to have reservations about sticking his dick in another MAN'S ass, until Marvin reached in and pried Dan's ass cheeks apart, revealing the well fucked and swollen anus, already starting to drip a steady supply of creamy white cum [a mixture of Ty's and Marlon's]. The boy reached down, freed his erect dick, then shoved it [hard] up the available hole...

"AARRRHHHH...!!" screamed Dan as he was pierced again.

The 15 year old boy grabbed onto Dan's adult waist and started fucking. Marvin realized instantly that the kid had no real stroke game, and was only a novice at serving dick. His prick was about 7 inches, as he stabbing it viciously in and out of Dan's ass like the knife of a serial killer plunging it sporadically into a victim's chest. He pounded hard with no finesse, simply plunging his dick through the sperm slippery cheeks with one goal in mind.

Dan groaned and grunted under the heavy assault [although not as loudly as when Tyrone fucked him], he overheard the lie Marvin told the boy about him trying to rob his old grandmother, and knew the boy bought it hook, line, and sinker. There was no need in begging the boy to call the police, especially since HE too now was a part of the rape.

Dan could feel the boy's dick speeding through him like the Energizer Bunny, picking up pace as the kid got closer to coming. Dan felt the boy spear him with one last stroke, before searing cum started to shoot from the boy's buried dick, planting seed after seed of teenage cum directly into his roots.

"AARHHH...!! AHHH...! UUUHHHH...! OOHHH...! AWWW YEAH...! FUCK...!" grunted the kid as he came, losing his first load inside another person's body for the first time.

"Good JOB, kid...!" cheered Marvin, patting the boy generously on the butt...

The kid could feel Dan's anal muscles instinctively sucking him off as they tried [in vain] to repel the intruder invading its space. The boy pulled out [reluctantly], his dick still as rock hard as it was before it went IN...

"Bet you could go fo' another ride, could'n you, kid...?" asked Marvin, noticing the hard wood erection still throbbing wantonly.

"Yeah...!" answered the boy, wishing he could...

"Tell you what..." reasoned Marvin, "...go back inside b'fo yur manager or sumbody comes out here look'n fo' you...! And if we're still out here when you come back..., you can have another ride on ole boi b'fo we leave...! That kewl...?"

"YEAH!" answered the boy enthusiastically, rushing back to the door he came out of...

"And YO..." called Marvin, as the kid turned around in the doorway... "...bring any of yur FRIENDS you think mite want sum ass too...!"

"OKAY!" said the kid, disappearing inside.

"You BAD..." laughed Tyrone, knowing Dan's ass might see a steady supply of dick before his ordeal was through.

Marvin simply smiled as he slapped Dan [hard] on the ass. Dan's yipped as his ass cheek stung where Marvin hit him. The ex-convict let his pants fall down about his ankles as he hoisted his big hard dick up into the air and slapped it down between Dan's open ass cheeks [reminding him how thick and large his dick was]. Dan groaned in despair as another prominent fuck seemed imminent. Pleading with Marvin [top to top] did no good. The ex-convict loved opening new assholes, conquering new ground, and setting new pussy bottoms loose on the world.

He stumped his feet out of his pant-legs [allowing his feet freedom from restriction]. Now naked from the waist down [except for his Timberland boots], Marvin lifted one of his tree trunk thick legs onto the back bumper of the SUV, then aimed his thick prick down at Dan's weak and vulnerable asshole, aligning it perfectly. Dan's anus flexed and quivered nervously [knowing the pains it might have to endure] as Marvin kissed the head of his dick up against the cum leaking anal lips, then shoved all 10 rock solid inches of his hard manhood inside with one death curdling thrust...!

"AAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG...!!!!!!" screamed Dan, climbing UP INTO the trunk of the hatchback to get away. Marvin simply followed him inside, keeping his massively thick prick buried to the hilt as the asshole convulsed, throbbed, and milked his bone at the root.

"OOOHHH YEEEHHHHHHH..." moaned Marvin, loving the hole's indecisiveness as it tried to expel him AND milk his dick all at the same time.

Dan had climbed all the way up into the hatchback, his torso lying over the spare tie he had lying in back, his head down inside the crawl space in-between. Marvin grabbed his slim waist and easily pulled Dan back into position [his pelvic bone smashed flat against Dan's quivering cakes].

"NO...pleeeaseee..." begged Dan, feeling torn apart and beat up. " more...!!!!"

"ONE more, babee..., then yur a free man!" assured Marvin, pulling back with his hips [dragging his thick dick from the warm wet depths of Dan's bowels] before changing direction and shoving back inside.

Dan could actually feel his asshole being mauled to death. How many times had he fucked David Smith or Marlon Overton, hearing them beg him to stop fucking them with his big dick, only to have it encourage him to fuck them all the more...? Now Dan knew how it felt to be on the receiving end of a powerful dick. Even though Marvin's dick wasn't as LONG as his, it certainly was THICKER, stretching Dan's anal walls wider than any asshole Dan had fucked before.

Dan thought it was disrespectful for another big dick top to fuck a big dick top [like black on black crime], they were supposed to band together, showing the lesser dicks of the world where their TRUE places were as hungry bottoms. Marvin however, didn't share Dan's rapport. He simply saw an opportunity to break in some free boi-pussy, and took it. In fact, his mind was already on the young 15 yr old's plump virgin ass from the fast food restaurant, wondering if he had time to coerce the boy into giving up his own booty...?

Marvin watched his dick sliding in and out of Dan's spread ass, he held the cheeks apart with his thumbs so he could see the anal ring sliding over his thick cum coated shaft. Tyrone was right, Dan's asshole was indeed tight, almost about as tight as Malik's was the first time he fucked him [almost]. Marvin still had vivid memories of the first time he took Malik Jones in the basement of some crack house he worked in as a dealer. Til this day Malik still rated as one of the hungriest bottoms Marvin had ever trained. No matter how long time passes between visits, no matter what happens to them in their lives, no matter their career paths, whenever Marvin bares his erection and plants it bone deep in Malik's backside, all is forgiven and forgotten. Marvin foresaw him fucking Malik well into their later years. Even if Malik married and had a boatload of children of his own, nothing would stop him from pulling him aside, pulling down his pants, and shoving his dick up his ass. And if by some fluke of nature Malik refuses to comply, Marvin would hold him down and MAKE him comply until his asshole was milking a dozen loads from his dick....!

Just think of Malik and that fine petite ass made Marvin start to fuck Dan harder. He could hear Dan's screams and grunts growing louder as he fucked deeper and stronger. No longer easing his dick in and out of the hole, he was now fucking at a steady pace, mauling the bloated anal ring with steady in/out strokes, battering his way through the rectum.

Dan struggled against Marvin's inward thrusts, trying to dodge his ass so Marvin would miss a stroke or fall out. But Marvin was a master rapist, and could plunge a man's tight resisting ring until it resembled loose pudding [giving absolutely NO resistance whatsoever]. He held onto Dan's hips and fucked his asshole, causing the seal to break [permanently]. Even if Dan was never fucked again, his asshole would never fully recuperate, as it would always remember this fucking and be prepared for another visit...

Marvin took his time with the fuck, changing paces and depths, fucking shallow then deep, slow then fast, steady then hard. Dan never knew what would come next, his asshole always on the defensive. The exhausted sphincter muscles no longer fought to repel, but simply clamped down and massaged the thrusting pole as he moved back and forth over them. Marvin held onto Dan's waist, locking his hips into place as he fucked. Eventually he reached up and gripped Dan by the shoulders, hoisting his torso up out of the trunk for the first time since they started fucking.

Tyrone [standing on the sidelines as the lookout] got to SEE Dan's twisted face for the first time. Despite the serious pains shooting through his aching rectum and battered innards, he thought Dan was holding up pretty well. Sweat poured down over the older man's brow as he got fucked, and his dick remained soft and limp during the entire session [but that was ok as no one was interested in his dick anyway]. With his eyes closed [projecting his thoughts elsewhere], Dan could see the semen escaping his anus, dribbling down over his scrotum to drip off the ends of his swinging balls. He was grateful Marlon, Tyrone, and the Kid had cum inside him before Marvin fucked him, or else it wouldn't be just cum gushing down over his balls...

Whenever Marvin thrust in too wild or too deeply, Dan's eyes would shoot open in panic. Marvin started pulling the entire length of his dick from Dan's asshole before suddenly changing his mind and ramming all the way back in to the hilt. Dan's eyes would bulge from their sockets as his mouth gapped open without sound. Tyrone loved that stunned expression on his priceless face, so Marvin repeated the act several dozen times, each frightful stab ripping through Dan's anus like a mac truck, leaving the empty ring wide and leaking more juices with each withdraw. Dan's innards began to flower outward like a red rose, showing the crimson colored flesh inside.

Dan stood stunned, his asshole ruined like nothing he'd ever felt before. Each inward thrust sent Marvin's massive dick 10 inches deep, his powerful pelvis slamming into Dan's ass cheeks like a brick wall. After a few dozen in/out long strokes, Marvin forced Dan back up into the SUV and resumed fucking, battering the battered anal ring until the anal lips were swollen and numb. Dan had no control over his bowels as Marvin's dick lay claim to the track, spearing through like Amtrak on a collision course with fate.

"Fuck..."panted Marvin, starting to feel the effects of his fucking. "...I'm get'n close..." he warned.

Dan no longer heard anything as his entire existence focused solely on his poor anus. He did everything within his power to take his mind off what was happening to his ass. He counted sheep, he relived flashbacks of his childhood [at a happier time], he relived vacations, love affairs, promotions, --anything to deflect his mind from the awful raping of his hole. He didn't know how much more of it he could take. At some point, death seemed sweeter and more humane.

Marvin continued stabbing through his buttery guts, each deep inward thrust causing more semen to ooze out around his plunging manhood and dribble down between Dan's hairy thighs. He climbed completely on top of Dan, hammering his pelvic bone into his upturned backside, driving his thick dick well though the man's body with each and every stroke. He could FEEL his pending orgasm beginning to rise as his heavy ball sac started to pouch with a prominent load. Dan could feel the powerful thrusts coming stronger and faster, as Marvin's orgasm began to ascend on both of them. He hated the idea of having another cum deposit planted inside him, but was greatly looking forward to Marvin blowing his load to end his torture. He could only hope it wouldn't permanently disfigure him, leaving him with a gaping hole to which he'd need to wear Depends to stop the leakage...?

"Oh fuck, man..., I'm about to blow...!" he heard Marvin exclaim just before he slammed his hairy pelvic bone into his ass, then ground his dick about in his bowels like a probe. Dan could feel Marvin's big menacing dick pulsating as it swelled, then started spitting hot venomous spurts of thick molten sperm into his bowels, flooding everything in its path in a creamy white tidal wave. "UURRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!!" yelled the BIG guy as he came, filling Dan's body with gush after gush of thick potency. The cum rushing into Dan's body was SO plentiful and SO forceful, that a backlash of sperm erupted from the over packed rectum, spilling out of Dan's stretched anal ring to soak over his loose balls and leak onto the floor of the SUV. Dan squealed and squirmed under Marvin as he tried [unsuccessfully] to wiggle free, but Marvin's dick was buried deep inside him like a time capsule, as Marvin held his hips smashed against his ass to prevent himself from falling out.

Marvin was still inside Dan [draining his dick off in his bowels] then the back door to the fast food restaurant suddenly opened again, this time with the Kid and 2 more of his teenage coworkers...

"SEE..., I told you they were back here...!" he informed his crew, as Marvin ground his pelvis into Dan's ass, insure every drop of his seed was planted deep.

The boys [all ranging btw the ages of 15 and 17] stood rubbing their bulges, hoping to be the next ones in line as Marvin slowly pulled out of Dan, leaving him lying in the back of the SUV, dripping seed sauce from his bloated anus...

" you returned..." he said, looking back at the 3 boys [all of whom couldn't take their eyes off his slowly dying snake, as it slowly drooped down over his depleted testicles, drooling semen from the tip].

"uh, told me to bring friends..." said the kid.

"Yup..." recalled Marvin, stepping back to reveal Dan's body. "...he's all your, dude...have at `em!"

The boys all moved in for a closer look at Dan's asshole, poking the rubbery anal lips curiously with their fingers. Dan continued to lay [unconscious after Marvin's explosive orgasm], as the oldest boy pulled out his 8" erection and climbed on top of Dan's body and shoved it up his ass. Dan grunted in his sleep as the teen started to fuck him, pounding at his cum clogged backdoor with deep deliberate strokes. His buddies stood around watching, both with their dicks out awaiting their turns.

Tyrone and Marvin got into the front seats of the SUV, smoking Dan's cigarettes while the boys took turns fucking the unconscious man in back. In less than 5 minutes the 17 year old was moaning like a wounded puppy, dumping his load up into Dan's ass as he pounded hard into his body. Marvin looked back and laughed as the second boy [the 15 yr old] climbed back aboard, then picked up where his buddy left off, fucking through 5 loads of cum as his dick dipped in and out of the cum drenched hole.

It didn't take him but 8 minutes of nonstop pounding to flood Dan's ass with his second batch of cum. After shooting his load, he pulled out for his last buddy to fuck. The last guy slid into Dan's wet hole, then literally came instantly. His buddies both laughed as he accidentally filled Dan's ass on the first stroke. However the boy had enough stamina to continue, fucking Dan's hot ass for another 5 full minutes before he came again, adding more sludge to the swamp.

After the boys were all finished fucking, did Marvin and Tyrone load Dan's lifeless body into the hatchback and slammed the door. They drove him back into the neighborhood and parked his car in a small side street until Dan finally woke up [regained consciousness], to find himself alone and naked. With his keys still in the ignition, he climbed up into the front seat and took off, never to be heard from again...


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This story writing by aka EUGENE MARVIN ________________________________________________ To leave comments, questions, and/or suggests, write me at address above, or hit me up on Facebook for updates on what I'm currently working on.

Next: Chapter 87: Brotha2brotha 1

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