Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 19, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 19 Celebrities

Sean raced home. He sent a text to the FWBs of the slight change of plan. "We need to be inside the club before 9 when the cover goes up to $15 a head. Clay and he would be there between 8 and 8:15," it read.

He showered and shaved. He picked his sexiest and tightest jeans that left nothing to the imagination. Tina has altered them for this vibe and designed the autumn orange ombré shirt to compliment his body. He spritzed his cologne above his head and let it fall. He sprayed his hair with gel and styled it, then spritzed cologne again above his head.

At 7 Clay called. "I found my present. You want me to wear this tonight? I'll get raped."

"You can't rape the willing stud."

"Ok, Chief, if you say so. I'll get dressed and come over"

"No you won't!" You picked me up. I'm picking you up. "

"But I miss you. "

"I miss you too. I'll be there soon. "He cleaned up the dishes by stacking them in the dishwasher. To prevent a surprise visit he'd leave early.

Sean has no sooner closed and locked the door than Clay arrived at the top of the landing.

He began to scold him but Clay laid a finger on Sean's lips and said, "The heart wants what it wants." A sweet kiss to his lips followed.

They both looked at each other and in unison sad, "Damn you look HOT!"

Tina has set up Clay's pants to mirror Sean's. His shirt was blueish green to bring people back to his eyes. It shows off his ripped body.

"You didn't listen to me." Sean growled as he grabbed Clay's hands. "You're going to get spanked for that later." Sean led him to his Supra.

As they started the drive, Sean asked about Larry. "They say he's stable but he's in ICU. "

The FWBs had sent out a blast to ask members to pray for Larry and send cards to him at Florida Hospital main Campus. Sean set course for the hospital without saying anything to Clay. When he pulled into Valet Parking, Clay was confused. "Where are we going?"

"To see if Larry's parents are here. We'll need the B elevator." Sean stated as he led the way through the maze of corridors. Clay followed behind. Sean realized he was 2 steps behind him with his hands clasped behind his back.

When they reached the elevator Sean punched the up button and turned around. He smiled inwardly when he saw Farm Boy had placed his hands behind his back. The smile radiated to his face, "Good boy! I'm proud and honored to be your boyfriend." Clay straightened up; pleased he had made his Chief so happy."

They entered the elevator and navigated the halls to the ICU. The waiting area was just outside the doors to 2900. The boys entered. There were two couples. So Sean asked, "Larry's parents?" A couple in their early 50s stood.

"Is there a problem?" the man asked.

"No Sir, we're sure he's getting the best of care. I'm Sean Walls and this is Larry's roommate and fellow quarterback Clay Reed."

"You're not allowed in boys. We only get 5 minutes every hour."

"That's ok. We came to see if you needed anything. We're here to support you and Larry as his teammate and friends," Sean emphasized.

Clay spoke up, "I brought an extra set of keys to the apartment in case you need a place to stay." He handed the keys to Larry's father.

Sean brought there exchange to a close saying, "Please let Larry know he's in our thoughts and prayers. If you need anything," he said reaching into his wallet, pulling out a card with his number on it, "please call me. We'll make sure we or one of the other quarterbacks or friends will be here."

Larry's Mom hugged both boys. "Thank you."

The two men left the waiting area and started for the elevator. The rounded a corner and walked into Coach Lee.

"What are you guys doing here?" Just then the rest of the coaching staff appeared.

"Good evening coaches. Sean and I stopped by to give Larry's parents the extra key to our apartment. We gave them our number to call if they need anything. The Head Coach spoke up, "I'm proud to call you a Stallion Clay. You're quite the man, a born leader. We're here to support them as well."

"They're the elderly couple on the left side of the waiting room." Sean added.

"Thank you Mr. Walls," Coach Cross said and continued on with his staff to the waiting area.

Sean led the way out. This time he took the stairs. Outside he handed the valet the ticket and showed him a green card from his wallet. The valet nodded and brought the car around. Clay hoped in and as he handed the valet a tip, the valet said, "Thank you Mr. Walls. Have a pleasant evening."

As they headed back into the street, Clay asked, "How did he know you?"

"Long story for another time and place," was Sean's reply.

"Really! You're stonewalling me?"

"Listen, I'm being as up front as I can. We're 6 days into a possible lifetime. I'm in my first real relationship. It's uncharted territory. I don't want to get hurt by laying it all out there."

"OK. You've met my parents. When do I meet yours?"

"Oh and thanks for the heads up. I had a very awkward discussion with Leon about you, Junior, outside a fucking men's room."

"Oh! Sorry about that. That explains the, "If you're going to go cruising' you might get a bruisin'" comment. As well as asking if I used rubbers. But that doesn't answer my question."

"I called Mom and Dad before the game. I told them about you. They'll be back in 2 to 3 weeks. You'll meet them then. Satisfied?"

He pulled into the dirt parking lot and found a spot under a light. They got out and locked the car. Sean got in front of Clay, his eyes burning with fire as he stated. "Tonight is meant to be fun. I don't want to argue with you. I've done pretty much everything you've asked of me from becoming boyfriends and as of tomorrow a couple living together. All in six days! If I didn't feel there was something between us, I'd be ghosting your ass. Now are you here to party? If not, call an Uber." Sean turned, but Clay spun him around and kissed him full and hard.

"Let's party!" Clay shouted. As they walked up they spotted some of the FWBs waiting outside. "See you inside," Sean yelled over the music. He went to pay the cover charge.

"You're with the quarterback so you two are our guests tonight," the doorman said as he pulled out two black and gold bands. "Wrists please." Sean held out his left and Clay held out his right. "You can eat, drink and party to your heart's delight. We'll recognize you at 9, 10 and 11. Our winning Quarterback Clayton Reed and his boyfriend Sean Walls."

"Please change that to partner." Clay stated.

"Will do."

Sean rolled his eyes. He'd not make a further issue of it tonight. Then he thought, "I just remade my whole damn apartment over to make him feel at home. Yes, it's my tastes but I did it for him. I am his partner." The realization made Sean blush. "Farm Boy would you get us 2 drinks please."

Clay went to the bar, "Aperol Spritz and a Black Russian."

The bartender mixed the drinks and flashed Clay a smile. "I'm Jorge, If you're free later, I'd love to show you how much I admire your skills on the field today. I'd be happy to let you nail it," he said pointing at his ass."

"Ah thanks. I'll keep that in mind." He carried the drinks back to Sean. "I just got hit on, Chief!"

"Really! Just once? Thanks for the drink."

As they sipped their drinks the FWBs gathered round them with various members of the team. By 8:30 those who were coming were there, about 2/3 of the team, most with partners. The group mingled and began partying.

Suddenly there was a tap on his shoulder. Sean turned and came face to face with Coach Lee.

"Hey Sean, Clay, I'd like you to meet my husband, George Mead." They all shook hands. "Looks like a pretty good turn out."

"Yeah, glad we had planned this ahead of time. The stress of what happened to Larry needed an outlet. Dancing will do that."

George asked, "Is the young man who suggested chastity for the team?"

Coach Lee blushed, "Yes it is."

"I'm really pleased to meet another Dom. I liked your idea very much and locked Kurt back in his."

"I think most, if not all are unlocked now," Sean said.

"He's not," George said nodding at his husband. Maybe tonight maybe next week, maybe end of season. I haven't decided yet!" George winked at Sean as Coach turned a deep red.

"Wow! Keep us posted Coach," Sean said with a smile.

"That was weird!" Clay commented. "Can they really stay on that long?"

Sean was going to let it go with a short answer but instead replied, "Yes. You want to try it out?"

"No Sir!" was the immediately reply which got them both laughing.

Sean grabbed Clay's hand and headed to the floor. After dancing through 6 or 7 songs in a row, just after 9 o'clock, the music stopped and the lights darkened.

"Gentlefolk, Queens, fag hags and all the rest of you fuckers, we're pleased to welcome a number of the victorious Golden Stallions to our dance floor tonight!"

The crowd screamed their approval and support.

"We're particularly proud to welcome our winning Quarterback Clayton Reed and his partner Sean Walls!" A spotlight illuminated the couple, then louder cheers! "Let's give them a real P-House welcome!" Four white go-go dancers covered head to toe in gold glitter and wearing nothing but black thongs danced up to do a bump and grind into the two lovers. The crowd went wild as everyone picked up the beat and danced closer and closer to the couple. It was as if the room was hugging them.

After the first introduction the duo began dancing again. After a few songs, Sean led Clay to the side. Jorge, who had waited on them before, brought fresh drinks. As they cooled off Eduardo Castillo walked up and hugged them both. "Sean! Clay! You remember my husband Everett Steele." They all shook hands. "I was wondering if you two would care to model for me tonight?"

"Tonight! Eduardo! Really?" Sean managed to get out. "I would," he paused, "but Clay and I are guests of the P House tonight. We'll be here till at least 11."

Clay nodded in agreement, "Yeah, another time perhaps."

"First, please call me Eddie. No time like the present. I do some of my best work at night. We'll be at the main exit at 11. If you are still up for it meet us there after your intro."

They fist bumped in agreement. Eddie and Everett continued working the room.

Clay and Sean looked at each other, "Money in the Bank Chief!"

"Damn straight! Let's dance!" Sean exclaimed while leading Clay to the floor. The music changed to a salsa and Sean began his hip movements. Clay leaned in and whispered, "I don't know how?"

Sean led him off to the side. He demonstrated the 4 basic steps. Then he had Clay repeat. They did it slowly a few times. Then Sean asked him to move to a beat. Clay tried but the music changed to a fast beat techno number. Sean said, "Stay here." He darted over to the DJ booth.

DJ Matt Kohen, a friend of Sean's from high school listened to Sean's request. Matt told Sean, "I've got it covered. I'll key up "Slow Salsa" by Jimmy Bosch, "Cuera Maraca y Bongo" by Los Nemus."

"Much appreciated Matt." Sean shouted over the music and head back to Clay.

Clay was surrounded for at least a dozen guys, shaking his hand, asking to sign their shirts, groping his groin and ass, feeling his muscles. One guy tried to kiss him just as Sean arrived back.

Sean grabbed the guy, "Hands Off mother fucker."

The guy hissed and scratched at the air like a feline and took off. Sean permitted a few other fans to get autographs when DJ Matt announced. "Please direct your attention to Manuel and Cory, they're going to teach you how to Salsa." There were loud cheers.

Clay smiled at Sean, "You-did that for me?"

Sean simply smiled back. Staying where they wore they had a good view of the lesson that was done to the first song. The next song everyone got to practice. Clay was a quick learner. Since Sean has shown him the steps he only needed to catch the rhythm. By the end of the second song he had it. He hugged Sean and spun him around. "Thank you Chief!"

"Gentlefolk, Queens, fag hags and all the rest of you fuckers, we're pleased once again to welcome a number of the Golden Stallions to our dance floor tonight!"

A cheer went up from the crowd.

"We're particularly proud to welcome our winning quarterback Clayton Reed and his partner Sean Walls!" A spotlight illuminated the couple, then louder cheers! "Let's give the real P-House welcome!" Four black go-go dancers covered in gold glitter and wearing gold thongs danced up to do a bump and grind into the two lovers. The crowd went wild as everyone picked up the beat and danced closer and closer to the couple. It was as if the room was hugging them yet again.

Then another Salsa began and Clay and Sean were the center of attention.

After that number, Sean asked Clay to get a bite to eat. They made their way to the restaurant and were taken in immediately past the wait line. They were no sooner seated when their waiter, Happy, served two prime rib dinners. Their waiter kept a close eye on them and kept their drinks full and tried to anticipate their 10:50 he reminded them they needed to be back on the floor Sean thanked him and asked for the bill. He was gently reminded there was no bill. So he whipped out $40 and handed it to Happy, who beamed and hugged them both thanking them for the tip.

Back on the dance floor a slow dance was just beginning. Sean took the lead and guided Clay into a two-step. At the end the final intro of the night took place. This time all 8 men came out and did a bump and grind into the couple. Afterwards the guys waved at the crowd and headed out. As they approached the exit, Jonathan, the Floor Manager for the evening stopped them, "I hope you gentlemen had a wonderful evening. We hope that you come back often."

"Jonathan the night was truly magical! We certainly will be returning," Sean replied.

Clay added, "This was my first visit to the Parliament House and I'm looking forward to coming back!"

Jonathan smiled and continued, "You guys were very popular with the crowd. We will be happy to host you after every win at home."

Clay said, "That's very kind. It will motivate the team even more." They all hugged and shook hands. As the guys left they spotted Eddie and Everett outside.

"Glad you accepted the invite. Here's the address. See you there."

The condo was off of North Interlachen. After a short drive Sean parked in the guest spot. They pushed the buzzer next to the name brass plate with Castillo engraved on it. Ev answered, "Hello is that you Sean?"

"Yes we're here," Sean responded.

The buzzer sounded and the lovers were off to another new adventure.

Next: Chapter 20

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