Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Aug 26, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 30 Ten

The Reeds arrived at 3:15 AM in the ER. They saw the Coaches and another man on the far side of the waiting area. "Coach Cross," Leon said.

Coach roused. He acknowledged Leon, "Morning Mr. Reed. I'm so sorry to see you under these circumstances." He roused Coach Lee and Eddie and introduced them to Mr. and Mrs. Reed.

"Where's Sean?" Mrs. Reed inquired.

"He's with your son. That man hasn't left your boy's side for more than 5 minutes since he got here. The nursing staff told us he has a calming effect on Clay," Coach Cross shared. "Let's get you back there." Coach led them to triage and introduced them.

A nurse escorted them back. As they rounded the corner they could see Sean sitting in a chair holding Clay's right hand with his head laying on the side of the bed's mattress asleep. Clay's left hand barely touched Sean's blond locks. Martha squeezed Leon's hand, "There is love." She went up to Sean, Kissing his cheek, she whispered, "Sean honey, will you wake up please?" Then she gave him another kiss on the cheek.

A smile crept across Sean's face as he answered through closed eyelids, "I'm awake Clay; I'm awake." As Sean opened his eyes he focused on Clay's Mom. "Oh Martha, you and Leon made it safely!" Sean gushed as he threw his arms around her. He then hugged Leon who hugged him back.

"Sean? Sean?" Clay called out. The group turned to Clay. Alarms sounded on his monitors. A nurse came in.

"I'm here Clay! I'm here." He took Clays hand again. The monitors showed heart rate, blood pressure and breathing stabilizing.

The nurse smiled, "Man you two must have something special. I've never seen a rohypnol case where human touch was better than the meds. How long you been together?"

"Ten days."

"Ten! There are folks out there who have been together ten years and don't have what you two got going. You hold on to him. Ten days! Lordy!"

Clay roused a bit more, "Chief?"

"I'm here."

"Chief I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you." He broke into sobs.

"It's ok Farm Boy. Everything is going to be alright. "

"But Chief he, he HURT me!"

"We know Clay. He can't hurt you again. He's in jail."

" Chief you never ever, ever, ever hurt me."

"Shush now baby, your Mom and Dad are here." He released Clay's hand and the numbers went crazy. He took Clay's hand back and they went down returned to normal

Martha and Leon went to the right side of the bed. His Mom took his left hand and his Dad touched his thigh. "Leon Clayton Reed, you look at your mother." Clay's head turn to her commanding voice. "

"Hello Mom, Dad, I'm hurting pretty bad."

"We know Junior. You're safe now." Leon consoled his son.

"I messed up bad! I didn't listen to Chief and now I'm hurting real bad." Clay was repeating himself, a side effect of the drug. "Chief told me not to let anyone near my ass. I didn't listen to him Mom. Chief left me."

Martha looked at Sean questioningly.

"Farm Boy," Sean used his dominating tone. Clay turned to him quickly. "I'm here. I'm not leaving you again. Rest now, close your eyes." Clay closed his eyes.

"You left him?" Leon asked.

"Yes, he was supposed to go to the gym for personal training. We met at Eddie and Everett's home. Ev was in the shower and asked if Clay would mind waiting 10 minutes. So Eddie and I left to review my images for a calendar he's putting Clay and I in for next year." Leon raised an eyebrow. "I'm September and Clay is October. He's also building an International show on the theme of T for Two. Anyway we finished what we were doing at the studio and walked back. Eddie noticed the lights on and guessed the guys had finished the training session. We were going to surprise them. So we snuck in barefoot. They weren't in the main living area or the kitchen. We found them in the home gym. Everett was saying he would marry Clay if it wasn't for that damn prenup and Clay was asking Everett to marry him and calling him Chief. I didn't realize then that he had been drugged. I thought it was consensual. So I left. I drove home threw myself onto my bed and bawled. It was Eddie who called the police and had his husband arrested. Then he came and brought me here. I feel bad I didn't trust Clay more. But I can only try to do that from now on."

Leon walked over to Sean and laid his arm across his shoulders. "Young man, you know I wasn't keen on this whole gay thing. Then you told me how you two met. My boy was cruisin' men's rooms. That made me realize he's wanted this a long time. We talked last week and he told he's felt he has liked boys since middle school. But he's done nothing about it till now. He's lucky you are the one he found. Mother and I know love when we see it. We see it between you two. You can't beat yourself up. You didn't rape him. You were confused by what you saw and heard. The important part is you manned up and came back. You're here now, when he needs you."

A nurse came in, "We have some people who need to speak to y'all. I'll let them back one at a time if that's ok?" she asked.

"They're not reporters are they? Sean inquired.

"Heavens no, one is a coach the other is a detective."

"Please send the coach first," Sean said.

A few minutes later Coach Cross came in. "He looks drained," nodding towards Clay.

"It's going to take a bit to get the rohypnol out of his system. We're waiting on the colonoscopy to determine the extent of the damage," Sean explained

"I've been on the phone with Administration. Everyone is in shock. Luckily, Eddie diverted the press away from the student angle. But it's out there. We edited the team update that goes out daily at 6am. We placed Clay on the Sick Roster with 4 other guys who have twisted ankles or stomach flu. His practice was so off earlier, people will believe he's ill. Admin is taking care of classes for both of you. I gotta tell you, you two are the talk of the hospital staff. All Clay wants is you to hold his hand." A rare smile appeared on Cross' face. "Ain't love grand! Please tell him we asked about him. I'll check in later."

A few minutes later not one but two detectives entered the room. They identified themselves as Detectives Gonzales and Torres. Detective Gonzales began, "Mr. & Mrs. Reed, Mr. Walls. First let me say we're so sorry this happened to your son and partner. We've had reports for years about Mr. Steele. There was just never any proof. Mr. Castillo helped us obtain that proof. He gave us permission to search his house and Steele's gym. We have enough to send the perp away for 20 years or more. The initial charge will be the rape, utilizing a controlled substance, of one Jrcl20."

"We are working now to discover the identities of 184 other victims going back some 8 years." The three family members gasped. "We discovered secret recording equipment at the home and gym. Only Clay's tape was at the home. The rest were at his business. There is also some evidence which suggests some of these men were under the age 18 at the time. Regardless, based on what he did to Clay alone, he won't see the light of day. We wanted you to hear this directly from us, before the news conference at 8AM." He gave them each a business card. "If you have any question or concerns, please call me."

"I have a question," Sean interjected. "Will any other info be shared, like a student at the university or a Stallion?

"Great question Sean. No, we will only confirm that a male client was raped. Anything else?"

"Thank you detective," Sean said.

After they left Sean continued, "Obviously, I need to stay. He fished in his pocket and pulled out the apartment keys. Apartment 410. Please make yourselves at home. I'd like you to bring me some clothes in the morning please. My dresser is the one on the left. Also, please bring Clay a set too. Try not to pick a Stallions shirt. There's plenty of food so please help fix whatever you wish. You're welcome to anything we have. I sincerely for mean for you to make yourselves at home."

"Leon and I love our son. We can see he loves you. I believe we do too." Martha kissed him again on the forehead. "Your parents raised a wonderful boy."

After the Reeds left, a nurse came in. "Mr. Walls, we're bringing a portable phone in for you. Your mother and father wish to speak with you. After your call we're transferring Clay to a room." A few minutes later an orderly appeared with a phone he plugged into an outlet. Moments later it rang. The orderly answered it and handed it to Sean.

"Sean is that you?" It was good to hear his mother's voice.

"Yes Mom. I'm so glad you called. How did you know?"

"Your Dad treated the father of one of the nurses. She heard your name and saw your resemblance to me. She told someone, who told someone in Administration, who called someone at South, who called Dr. Sommers who emailed us. Are you alright? How's Clay?"

"Clay is getting the care he needs. I'm trying to be strong. His parents just went back to our apartment. They think I'm doing great. But I'm a wreck inside. This was all so senseless. What makes it worse; we weren't having a good day yesterday, communication issues. Now if I let go of his hand alarms go off. So it's scary."

"Life is a scary thing son," his Dad added. "We just have to face the fear and live through it the best we can. From what we've heard, you're employing all your coping skills. But, if you need help, ask for a social worker or chaplain to help you."

"Or pick up the phone and call us," his mother put in. "We'll check in tomorrow. Love you."

"Love you both. Bye."

The orderly removed the phone and left Sean alone with Clay. Farm Boy opened his eyes and smiled that amazingly goofy smile, "Hey Chief! Did you nail it again last night? I'm kinda sore."

"No Clay, I wasn't the one who nailed it. What do you remember?" Sean pushed the button to call a nurse. When she entered Sean said, "He's talking without slurring. Please ask a doctor to step in?" The nurse left and Dr. LaPlante returned with another doctor.

"I remember I was happy to see you at practice. I remember you and Eddie going to look at photographs. I remember waiting for Ev. I remember he came out in a jock strap. I remember him fixing me a bottle of water with supplements in it. I remember.... pain lots of pain. That's all. What happened to me?"

"Clay I'm Dr. Arrington, I specialize in male reproductive health. I'm going to explain to you what we surmise. We'll have definitive answers for you after your colonoscopy which is scheduled for 6:30. Unfortunately, because you were given rohypnol we can't put you out with a general anesthesia." Clay nodded and Sean opened the note pad on his phone to take notes.

"The drug you ingested is usually a full pill. The police found 3 packets with the remains of a pill or pills that were crushed. We believe you were given one pill in three doses based on the levels in your blood. If that is the case, you may be home by tomorrow night." Clay smiled and looked at Sean.

When you were admitted, we did a rape kit on you. Unfortunately, we did find semen in your rectum. It has been sent off for DNA testing and another sample for HIV-STD analysis. Are you on PrEP?" Clay looked to Sean.

"Yes Sir. He was just started on it Monday so two doses to date," Sean reported. "It's Descovy."

"Be that as it may, I'm going to suggest we begin a PEP regimen." Clay looked baffled.

Sean explained," It references Post Exposure Protocol. They want to flood your body with antivirals." Clay nodded again.

"Are you consenting to treatment?" LaPlante inquired.

"Yes Sir," Clay replied.

"You've made a very prudent decision young man," LaPlante stated.

Dr. Arrington continued, "The police have provided the details of your assault. Do you wish to know them?" Clay looked to Sean.

"Clay that's a decision you have to make. You've been asking what happened. We know you can't recall because of the drug. If you want to know, now is the time."

Tears formed in Clay's eyes, "Do my parents have to know too?" The doctors both shook their heads no. Clay made a note of the nonverbal response. "As long as they never find out, tell us that he did to me."

Dr. Arrington swallowed hard and opened a folder he carried. "According to the summary from the video the suspect made of the assault. You were convinced to train nude. At that point you consumed the first bottle of drugged water mixed with vodka. The suspect then reviewed your training regimen. You complained of being thirsty and consumed the other two bottles. You became groggy and collapsed. He then performed anal oral sex on you. You then performed anal/oral sex on him. At this point the suspect asked you to felate him and placed his penis in your mouth. It appears you tried to perform felatio on the suspect but without success. He positioned you on the floor, propping you up with a medicine ball. Afterwards he proceeded to sodomize you. He did something to the scrotum and the glans of your penis which led to his orgasm. After his orgasm he prepared to fist you. Upon successfully inserting his hand into your rectum he apparently formed a fist, which he then pulled out of your body before rapidly inserting and withdrawing it approximately 20 times. He collapsed and you crawled up on top of him and passed out."

"Oh My God!" Sean cried. "Punch fucked! That sadistic bastard!"

Clay was in tears and his alarm started sounding. Sean took his hand and sat with him on the bed. Clay calmed down and sat up to hug Sean.

"Doctors, can we continue this after he's in his room? Clay needs time to process all of this information," Sean said.

Dr. LaPlante began, "We'd really like...."

Sean raised his hand. "Run your tests. Start the PEP. Ask the police to ask a judge to order an HIV test on Everett. See us after we're in his room. Thank you."

"Mr. Walls, I don't believe that you can speak for Mr. Reed."

Clay turned to them and sneered, "He speaks for me. If you need it in writing, send in the paperwork." He then turned into Sean and sobbed. The doctors withdrew and pulled the curtain closed.

Transportation had been waiting. No sooner had the doctors rereated than a chubby young man entered. "Mr. Reed, I'm Jayar. Are you ready to get out of the ER? We have a beautiful room waiting for you."

"Clay you're going to need to let go of my hand. If you do and remain calm," he bent into whisper, "I'll lick your nipples and really set off bells!" Clay laughed and let go of Sean's hand. No alarm sounded.

Let's go Jayar, I have an appointment." Clay said laughingly. Jayar unlocked the gurney's wheels and pushed it into the hallway.

Sean looked around to make sure nothing was left behind. He had Clay's wallet, phone and keys. The police had his clothes. As he passed the nursing station Dr. LaPlante stopped him. "Your father's and mother's positions don't mean a thing to me. You were out of line in there."

Sean raised his voice, "My father, Dr. LaPlante, has more knowledge in his little toe than you possess in your entire body. He taught all of his children and his patients, that doctors are here to serve - to do no harm. We believe patients have the right to express their opinions and "to be heard." You just saw that in action. When I speak with them later today, I'll share your opinion with them. Good day Doctor LaPlante. I need to catch up."

As Sean left, LaPlante said, "Just as cocky as his father."

Sean turned around, "Apples don't fall far from the tree!" The other nurses and doctors laughed as LaPlante blushed and headed to the doctor's lounge. Two hours later the grapevine had documented the exchange to Sean's parents in an email.

Jayar maneuvered the ER gurney to a private room on the third floor. Sean walked in as the nurse and aide transferred Clay to the new bed. Sean was shocked at the bloody and fecal mess on the sheets and pads of the gurney. Jayar wished them well and covering up the messed bedding; he pushed the gurney from the room.

The aide looked at Sean, "Would you mind waiting outside till we clean him up, please?"

Clay answered for him, "He stays." Sean smiled; Clay had nailed it when it came to handling pushy medical staff.

They hooked him up to the monitors. "This is the first bag of the PEP," the nurse said. She asked for his name and birth date. Scanning the bag she hung it and connected it to the saline drip. "Clay if this causes and discomfort buzz for me. If you feel dizzy or short of breath - buzz for me. If you develop a rash or itching ..."

Clay finished. "Buzz for you." Everyone laughed.

"I'm going to change the packing now," she explained. She donned a face mask and gloves. The aid did the same. She offered one to both Clay and Sean. They both declined. She brought out a pair of stirrups from the bed. She reclined Clay so his back was flat. The nurse lifted his right leg and placed the calf in the stirrup. The aide did the left. Sean thought he'd like one of these beds for medical scenes. The nurse removed the packing that had been placed in and around Clay's groin. Sean kept his emotions in check so Clay would keep it together too, but he wanted to vomit. The glans of Clay's beautiful penis was an angry purplish black and blue where it had been pinched. His scrotum was black and blue. His anus was distended and bruised. He forced himself to walk to Clay side and whisper. "You're going to be fine."

The nurse applied a cream to the glans. She carefully cleaned Clay's perineum, and gingerly cleaned around the swollen anal lips. "Mr. Reed, I'm going to spray lidocaine on your anus. It will ease some of your discomfort." She applied the spray. Using a ruler she took a measurement which she recorded. "Mr. Reed you're making phenomenal progress. Swelling is reducing. Bruising may take up to 21 days to fade though. We'll leave you alone for about an hour. Someone should be up to take you for the colonoscopy. Dr. Repta is a top notch gastroenterologist."

Sean walked the nurse to the door. He whispered, "How much a reduction in swelling?"

She whispered back, "2cm," and left the room. The aide followed shortly after providing water and explaining the room's set up.

Sean moved back to Clay who scooted over to one side of the bed. He patted the spot next to him. Farm Boy smiled when his Chief lay next to him. He took both of Sean's hands in his, "Sean, we were supposed to talk tonight. I still want to do that. You were right when you asked me if something was bothering me yesterday morning. I should have said yes. I felt you making the decisions on who I let fuck me was going too far. I felt I was being treated as property. Today, I realize you were trying to protect me. My regret is overwhelming me and I am afraid you won't want damaged goods."

Sean had listened carefully. He didn't respond for a few minutes while Clay breathed heavily beside him. "If you weren't already hurt and in a hospital I would slug you. I still might, but it proves a point Clay. We both leaped before we looked. Now we are together. You know how you said no matter who I'm with I come home to you. I walked away from you last night when I saw you with Ev after I warned you about him. At the time I didn't know about the R2. I felt rejected. The pain that swept through me drove me away. I ran from what I wanted. Yet when I learned the truth, I came back to you. I haven't left your side. I have seen the terrible things done to you. But I didn't turn away. I am here lying beside you. Do we need to learn more about each other? Yes. Do we need to develop better communications? Yes. Do we need to put this behind us? Yes. We cannot let a senseless act of violence derail what we have and what we hope to have. To me you are not damaged goods. I chose you because of your intellect, charm, wit, athleticism and beauty. All those things are still intact. Your body is bruised not broken. I still choose you Leon Clayton Reed IV."

They hugged. They kissed, their tongues battling. Sean pulled down the hospital gown's top. "I promised you something if the alarms remained silent. They did. So I'm going to pay up. "He leaned over and sucked on the left nipple while fingering the right. Clay moaned. Sean nibbled on the nipple. Clay moaned loader. The nurse looked in, smiled and closed the door quietly. She posted a sign on the door which read, "See Nurse before Entering. " Sean moved to the right giving it the same treatment. He moved back and forth.

"Chiefl Chief! Please stop! I'm going to bust a nut!" Clay pleaded.

"You sure?"

"Yes. No! Oh I don't know!"

Sean giggled. "I just proved another point!"

"What do you mean?

"You said you were damaged goods. I said you weren't." He reached down and patted Clay's hard prick. "This still works!"

There was a knock at the door. "Mr. Reed, I am Claudia. I'm here to take you for your tests."

"Same deal Farm Boy." Sean stated. "I'll be here waiting for you."

Claudia assisted Clay from the bed to the wheel chair. She wheeled him and his IV pole out of the room. Sean closed the door and headed for the bathroom. He'd been holding it for a while. He felt relief as piss poured from his body. He washed up and lay down on the sofa near the window falling fast asleep.

Next: Chapter 31

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