Nailed It

By Master Will

Published on Sep 12, 2020


***. Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people or events is purely coincidental. Locations within Florida have been used by the author to create the setting.

Don't read if you shouldn't because you're under 18 or live in an area where it would be illegal.

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========================================================= Nailed It: Chapter 48 Happy

As the couple walked upstairs Clay commented, "The Great Gray Way makes sense to me now Chief. The walkways are painted gray." Clay laughed as Sean nodded.

"I told you, you're a smart one!"

"Thanks Chief, looks like we're here," Clay knocked on the door. A very happy, Happy stood naked before them.

"Please come in Sirs. This boy is ready for inspection, Sirs!"

Sean and Clay had only seen Happy in his work clothes. The first time he had worn an orange long sleeved button down paired with black walking shorts and orange sneakers. Tonight he had worn a dark blue long sleeved button down with sleeved pushed back to the elbows. He had worn a matching pair of walking shorts and rainbow tennis shoes.

Before them now was a 6'4" work of art. His blond hair, blue eyes and angelic smile topped a muscular frame adorned with tattoos. His left pec bore the Canadian Flag while his right held the Stars and Stripes, Roses circled the American flag and extended to his shoulder and ran to just above the right elbow. The Canadian flag was surrounded by white flowers with red berries. They also formed the partial sleeve on the left bicep to the elbow. The two flowers entertained down his chest and abs to his cock then split apart so that roses covered the left thigh and the right with what Happy explain were bunchberries.

On his backside two trees were depicted with their roots caressing his bubble butt. The trunks intertwined along his spine and the branches spread out across his back. Wrapping around his sides and stretching out to his treasure trail. Small green leaves adorned the branches and two blue birds flanked his treasure trail. At the end of the trail was a fiery red bush with an erect cut penis protruding from it. Hefty balls hung below. The only disproportionate part of Happy's body was his dick. It was only 4" long and looked more like a finger than a cock.

"I see the carpet doesn't match the drapes!" Sean quipped as he stepped in to kiss Happy.

The waiter laughed, "No Sir, I got tired of being confused with Carrot Top when I was running around town.

"Your much more handsome than him boy. Besides he likes to top and took from what you want you're all bottom," Sean continued. Clay stepped in for his kiss. Sean commented on the room, "Glad you got one of the remodels. The tile floor will reduce the odors that used to fill this place."

"Yes, Sir. Who should I serve first Sirs?"

Sean tossed Happy the key to the lock on Clay's shorts. "Undo the lock on his zipper. What's your health status? We're both negative as of last week. We're also on PrEP. "

"I'm negative as of September 15 blood screen at Hope and Help. No STDs detected either from Health Department lab work."

"That's excellent news all the way around. Clay it was your idea that we hit on him. Tell him what do."

Clay dropped his pants. "Get up on the bed; I want to explore the garden." Happy lay back on the bed. Clay began with little kisses on Happy's forehead. He worked himself down to the bottom's eyes; nose and then they swapped tongues for several long minutes. The quarterback nibbled gently on the waiter's neck before licking his host's left shoulder and armpit. There he tongued and nibbled the sensitive skin. Sean remained in his leathers but came to the bed. He also started with Happy's forehead kissing him as Clay had before him. He moved up the right pit and arm.

Happy moan and groaned. He panted and he yelped when his two guests each nibbled on his nipples. His cocklet was leaking copious amounts of boy juice. Clay and Sean started down the abs. As they neared his cock, Clay straddled him and moved back so Happy could rim him. Without any hesitation Happy munched away at the pucker before him.

Sean spotted a beard trimmer by the sink. "Boy, your pubes need trimmed," Sean stated.

"Trim them, shave then pluck them, I don't care," Happy responded. Within just a few minutes there was stubble of red hair above the cocklet and no hair left on Happy's cock or balls.

"Time to catch the train boys! I'll be the Engine and Clay you be the caboose. Eat my ass." Happy didn't need to be told twice. He lifted Sean's kilt and dove in. Clay dove into Happy's ass. "Yeah boy, eat that ass. Work that tongue in there. Yeah boy, get that tongue in there deeper boy. Fuck that's right boy nice and deep." Sean's jock was straining to contain his prick. He reached under the kilt and undid the left clip then the right. The jock fell off. "Switch," he called. Happy returned to eating Clay's ass. Sean reached into his sporran and pulled out a magnum. He ripped it open and rolled it down his cock. He lined up his cockhead with Happy's asshole and just pushed the glans in and let it rest there.

Happy wiggled his ass. He tried to move of his ass back onto the cock teasing his hole. Just as he was going to stop eating Clay's ass Sean lunged forward impaling his full 9" deep in Happy's bowel. Clay enjoyed the waiter's long guttural moan as it reverberated through his own ass. He pulled off Happy's mouth and replaced his ass with his prick. Happy deep throated it smoothly and Farm Boy started to skull fuck the stud.

Watching each other perform was a turn on for Sean and Clay. They briefly forgot the bottom servicing them they were so engrossed with one another. Sean broke the link between then as he reached under and toyed with Happy's huge balls and tiny cock. Clay took the hint and started rubbing and tweaking the waiter's nipples.

Happy`s three triggers were being worked at the same time pushing him over the edge. He flooded the bedspread with a huge blast of cum erupting from his tiny cock. His anal spasms milked 5 ropes of semen into Sean's condom. Seeing his Chief and the waiter orgasm spurred Clay to increase his thrusts and after just a few moments he shot 6 bursts of athletic cum down a very appreciative and delighted throat.

The trio collapsed on the bed. They each relished the afterglow of sex. Clay reached for and grasped Sean's hand. Happy pulled off the dick in his ass. Carefully removing the condom he drank its contents before suckling the Chief's cock to get any remaining seed from him. Then the waiter did the same for Clay.

Happy assumed a lotus pose on the bed. His ever present grin stretched into a smile and his eyes sparkled. "The energy from the two of you is very life giving. I've had many encounters with some very hot men, but you two brought me to a new level. So many guys just think about themselves. I appreciate that you thought to bring me off by playing with my cock, balls, and tits. May I fix you both some tea before we start again?"

Happy scrambled up and used the room's coffee maker to prepare three cups of hot water. He got out a tea diffuser and added a mixture from a plastic bag. Sean asked, "What are you using in your tea blend?"

Happy explained, "The base of the blend is 16 ounces of green tea to which I have added 2 ounces of American Ginseng and 2 ounces of Maca."

"So you make your own tea?" Clay asked.

"Oh yes, teas, elderberry elixir among others. There's a herb store out on East Colonial I shop at that has quality products. Online shit isn't reliable." He handed his guests their teas.

"I actually met you 2 years ago Sir Sean at Master Will's. I was serving Master Brian at the time and he had me hooded all night."

"You were the couple in the kaftans! I recall how beautifully ornate his was and the simplicity of yours. It was Master Will's holiday gathering."

"Yes, you were gifted your cover that night."

""Yes, I was so honored to be acknowledged as a Dom. You're not collared to Master Brian?"

"No, he released me when he found an older slave who had money. They married and moved to Palm Springs. I've been on my own since. How's the tea?

Clay responded, "It's very refreshing. Thank you."

Sean commented, "I don't participate in the community like Master Will. I didn't know your Master personally."

"Master Will does not really participate except at the holidays. He's an enigma to most of them. Oh yes, he's seen at Frank's and the Code once or twice a month. I hear he attends MAL and IML and maybe Delta. He just remains outside the drama. I do know of his distain for people who claim to be Masters at 18. I saw him destroy a guy at The Code one night."

"Destroy? How?" Clay inquired.

"Some younger guy, dressed head to toe in leather, walked around introducing himself as Master Leo. He hit on this college kid and the kid took the bait. Anyway the St. Andrew's became available and the kid agreed to be flogged. It all seemed to be going ok but something happened and the kids called Red. Leo didn't stop despite the kid repeated calling out. Master Will took his bull whip, swung it and grabbed the flogger pulling it out of Leo's hand. You could have heard a pin drop. Leo went at Will. He just stood there and stared him down. Will untangled the flogger from his whip and flung it over the fence. He told Leo if he ever saw him ignore a safe word again, he'd be the one getting the bull whip. Leo left to find his flog in the parking lot. Will went in and told the bar keeps the guy ignored a safe word. Arn took the boy down from the St Andrews. He had flog marks on his face. Apparently Leo hit his face and right eye."

Sean acknowledged, "You're right, Will doesn't put up with pretenders and those that don't respect the gift of submission and treasure it. I'm the same. Both you boys on your knees side by side on this side of the bed," Sean ordered using a lower register in his voice. Clay and Happy rushed to comply. Sean took out his phone and pulled up his collection of music from Nine Inch Nails. He started out without music, dangling the leather strips to lightly stroke faces, necks, arms, backs, buttocks, thighs, calves and feet. He hit play and began flogging to Head Like A Hole," alternating between the two boys before him. As the second song, Closer' began he picked the temp and increased impact. He worked the flogger from the area between the shoulder blades to the top of the buttocks. His hardest impacts were reserved for the fifth song in the play list, 'March of the Pigs.' As soon as the music stopped, Sean resumed using the flogger to lightly caress each boy's back. When he finished he sat down.

Happy immediately spun around and as Clay watched kissed Sean's left then right foot. "Oh Thank you Sir! This boy has needed a good flogging for some time. Thank you!"

Sean patted Happy's head as he looked at Clay and raised an eyebrow. Farm Boy took the hint. He knelt and kissed Sean's feet from left to right. He then kissed Sean's right hand. "Thank you Chief!" Sean kissed him on the top of his head.

"Happy, I wish we had the time for a second round tonight, but we have to work tomorrow. Castillo is going to want us looking rested and fresh for his shoot.

"You model for Castillo?"

"Get your order in for next year's calendar. You're looking at Mr. October here and Chief is Mr. September," Clay stated proudly.

"Oh Wow! Would you sign them for me?" Happy inquired.

"Let me check the contract, if it's not prohibited, sure thing!" Sean responded. He put his jock back on. Then turned to close the zipper on Clay's shorts before reattaching the lock.

Happy gave them both a kiss and a hug. "Just imagine me spit roasted by September and October!" He said as the guys left. Happy stood naked outside his door as the couple made their way downstairs.

By the time they got home it was after 1. They stripped from their leather in the Locker Room. "Ah Chief, I need your help here," Clay piped up.

"You, the mighty quarterback needs help from a lowly interior designer," quipped Sean.

"Well if I don't get these leather shorts off soon, I'm going to piss and shit in them," Clay noted with a sense of urgency.

"Ah, always something with you. Chief I got an itch. Chief I'm gonna bust a nut. Chief I gotta take a leak! Chief I gotta take a dump! Chief, Man on a Mission!" Sean gave Farm Boy his mischievous grin, then pulled out his keys from the sporran and unlocked the shorts.

"As you said Chief, `Man on a Mission!" Clay cried as he wiggled out of the leather shorts, dashed into the bathroom and slammed the door. Sean could hear the escaping gases and the plops of turds into the commode before Clay reaches over and hit the exhaust fan. Sean chuckled and put away his leathers for another day.

Next: Chapter 49

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