By Gay Man

Published on Jan 31, 2015



Disclaimer: This is a story meant for adult readers eighteen years old or older. All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

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@NAKEDHOOD My evolution from boy exhibitionist to man pervert By Thomas Sinclair

These stories are all true... if you are familiar with my erotic stories, they are not just fantasies but are related to real exhibitionist and dom/sub experiences. Here are some examples of my evolution.

@8 years old: I would go into my garage from the basement in just my underwear and walk around. I would feel light-headed. It felt wonderful. I didn't know why of course.

@10 years old: I would go into my neighbors garage. Joseph was 15. We would go together. We both would take off out bathing suits. The rush I felt at such a young age was mesmerizing. Like a drug. He would tell me to suck his dick. This would come into play later on in my life but being told to do something like that was very exciting and I was happy to please. I would get on my knees and suck on his dick, I didn't totally know what I was doing but I knew it felt good and that I liked it. Not just his dick and not just sucking but the idea of servicing a guy. Being used. Afterwards we would go skinny dipping in the pool. He eventually turned out straight. Or said he was.

@11 years old: I would play with friends, cops and robbers, pretend office, whatever the make believe and somehow I always ended up naked and making them laugh. I loved how they stayed clothed. Me being the only naked one was a real turn on.

@12 years old: I would walk out of my garage late at night in my underwear then get naked and jerk off hoping the neighbors didn't see me. The feel of the night air on my body was pretty amazing.

@14 years old: I was made to go to church like a lot of kids. I also went to a catholic school. The church services were in the same large auditorium that my school used for movie screening, plays. I was so bored out of my mind I would always have to go to the bathroom just to give myself a break.

I eventually figured out that where they have the bathroom is also above where the wrestling room is.

Instead of going to the bathroom I would walk down the stairs into the dark lower floor... it was a small room that led to the wrestling gym. The smell was hypnotizing. Sweat. Musty. Even as a kid I got so turned on by this manly scent. I wanted to feel that rush again so I would take my clothes off. Looking back I dot know how I was able to be so ballsy.

So I get totally naked. I'm a 12 year old naked boy playing with his little dick under his church. That was me. I would do it just near the stairs then I would open the rooms door and go in totally nude. It felt so great. I would walk around and smell the matts and roll around.

I would do this almost every week. Each time exploring more and more of the area. Knowing what we know about priests it's amazing no one ever got a glimpse of me.

The best church streak was when I went in to the bathroom area but instead of going downstairs I walked into the backstage entrance. This was a large stage where we did plays. It is behind everyone in the mass. I would go backstage and take my clothes off and jerk my little dick as the priest was talking about the scriptures. Knowing everyone was on the other side of that curtain with their backs to me was great. The idea of being exposed would be humiliating and that idea was so hot to me back then and didn't know why.

@16 years old: I went to a movie. On Thanksgiving. I didn't want to eat with the family and instead went to see one of the blockbusters coming out that day. The movie was sold out so I walked back to my bike. Then that feeling to get naked came over me. I had a dream the night before about being nude in public so I went with it.

It was cold. I lived on the east coast. I first took off my coat then tee shirt and put the coat back on. I removed the sneakers and socks then put the sneakers back on. I was doing it a stage at a time. The location was a side alley that faced a baseball field. The alley was next to a mall. The movie theater was across the parking lot and I was out of view of everyone on line.

Then I figure underwear is next so off came sneakers then pants then underwear and it hit me... I'M ALMOST NAKED... I slide my coat off and I am stark naked, 16, hard cock in an alley and just 50 yards from a group of people waiting in line to see the latest Hollywood hit. I wander around the immediate area feeling light-headed. I go to the end of the alley and look behind the mall. I walk to the baseball field fence and feel the cold metal on my dick. I'm so in the zone right now. Nothing could bring me down.

Not until I see headlights coming from behind the mall. I panic and run to the wall. What do I do? Nothing. I just stood there with my young ass sticking out and they drove my. They must have seen me standing there. As soon as they left I got dressed fast and rode my bike home. No one was there as they were all at holiday dinner. I got naked in the living-room and jerked off. When I was done I rode back and saw the movie.

@19 years old: In college on a campus in the city. Queens NY to be precise. The science building was new. A perfect structure of new brick and glass. I had early classes and the campus was dead quiet. I got there early one morning. Class was at 8 and I was probably there at 7. No one was around. I go into the men's bathroom. I walk to the stall and close the door. I remove my shoes and socks. I feel the ice cold floor. I take off my tee shirt then slip off my pants. No underwear as I freeball all the time now. I'm naked. Stroking my dick.

I open the stall door and look out into the bathroom. I walk naked to the mirror and look at myself stroking my dick. It's so hot. The fact my clothes are not in my hand is even hotter. The further away I get from them the crazier I feel. I just take in for a few moment the feeling of being naked somewhere you're not supposed to be naked. I go over to the bathroom door and open it up. I feel like I need to push the boundaries just a little. I see no one. It's too early. I think about what to do next. I'm scared. But that's what I want. I want to be naked and scared.

I put one foot and leg outside the bathroom and step down. Then my body follows. The door shuts behind me. Part of me wishes it locked behind me. I walk down the hall, naked, 23 years old, in a college science building and get to the huge glass window that looks out onto the quad. I see a few moving figures but they are far away and I'm a few stories high. I'm also high in my head. My mind is spinning. I'm hard and stroking. I want to stay here until someone sees me but reality sets in that I really can't do this much longer. I take a few more steps down the hall and look around the corner. I want to keep going but I stop...

I run back to the bathroom. I stand in front of the mirror and jerk off into the sink. I spasm and twitch and spew all into the sink. Now exhausted and relieved I'm ready for class. I clean the sink up as I don't like the idea of leaving any proof behind. I get dressed and goto class with a smile on my face.

@23 years old: In college going for my masters. I would sneak out late at night to a dark bike path that ran for 10 miles. Surrounded by trees and an old unlit parkway. I'd travel along on the path late, alone then get off the bike and get off myself. Using a bike I realized was much better. Easier to get places and sneak around. Jerking off wasn't enough anymore. I took it to the next level...

I stripped naked, placed my clothes across the parkway in the street on the other side then went back to my bike and started riding. Completely naked. I kept going and going. The feeling of being that far away from my clothes, no way to get them back immediately was the biggest rush I ever felt up to that point.

I eventually end up at least 4 miles away from all my clothes. I ride into a park/golf course. No one is around of course. I lead my bike into the woods then I find a fence that borders between the golf course and the larger lit Parkway. There's a hole in the fence I was aware of and I found it. I walk through. Drop the bike.

Now, standing naked and hard on the side of a major NY Parkway I am stroking my 19 year old dick feverishly. My mind is racing with the feeling of the night air on my skin. The fact my clothes are 4 miles away makes it even hotter. I have one of the best orgasms ever as cars are zipping by me at 60 miles per hour. I pulsate as streams of young cum leave my body. I now have cum in my hand. Sneakers on my feet. The bike next to me. And panic sets in.

What the fuck have I done? The rush was gone. But that's what makes the sexual rush so good. The fear of the fear that happens after is a drug. I jump back on my bike and make my way back. Now it's just an hour before the sun starts coming up.

I ride along the path being more careful and scared going back. I see headlights coming in my direction. I panic and drop the bike and fall to the side to hide. But it was just a car, not a cop, and they didn't see me. I get back on and make my way nervously back to my clothes.

I moved to Los Angeles

My indiscretions as a kid and college boy I always thought of as innocent. If I got caught they would say he's just a kid, it's just a prank etc... but now as a full adult... I think I would be considered a freak and a pervert.

@27 years old: I play on craigslist. I place an ad looking for someone to order me around. A guy hits me up and I agree to meet with him. It's a few miles down the road. I drive. I walk up to his building and he's waiting for me in front. Handsome, in shape, Asian.

He tells me to follow him and we walk up the street towards LA's famous sunset blvd. Halfway there he orders me to remove my shirt. I do it. He tosses it away. Then my shorts. Sneakers, Socks. I'm totally naked on the sidewalk taking orders from this stranger. He grabs my dick and strokes it. We are on a residential street. Mostly mid level apartment buildings. It's around 3am. I'm deliriously happy. Totally in his spell.

Then he does something unexpected and starts talking to me and yanking on my dick like a leash. He's like "come on. Follow me. Just a few steps. It's OK." In a calming tone. I keep taking baby steps forward as he leads me stark naked up the street towards Sunset Blvd. How far is he gonna pull me and how far will I allow myself to obey him. The drug of being naked and following someone's commands is addicting.

He keeps pulling my dick and moving me forward. Now I'm about 40 feet from the corner. Even though it's 3am and the side street we are on is empty... Sunset is not empty. Cars are going by.

He stops and strokes my dick. He's fully clothed. It's so hot even though I've put myself in a stupid position. Then a couple, a guy and girl show up across the street. The hustler store, an upscale lingerie and cafe has a parking lot right across the street and these people have a car locked in the lot. The guy blocks my naked view from them but keeps his hand on my rock hard dick. At one point they yell to us a question about the lot and we just say we don't know. I don't know what do now.

Then the guy holding my cock sees a cop car. It drives on Sunset passing the street we are on. It doesn't come down our street. But he lets my dick go and runs away. I'm left standing there naked hard for the couple to see.

After a moment of standing there naked and frozen I run after the guy. I catch up and we eventually end up back in front of his building. We have my clothes back but he won't let me put them back on.

He walks me to the quieter end of the street. He takes my dick again then strokes me as I stand on the street corner. He strokes and strokes until I cum all over his hand. He licks it up and smells it. I was basically a cow and he just milked me for his own pleasure. He leaves me without saying a word. I get dressed and I go home.

@30 years old: I meet a fellow exhibitionist. David. This guy is more than an exhibitionist. A muscular, sexy, master, exhibitionist. 40. A naked teacher. He invites me over at 2-3am. Not to have sex with each other. He's more of a friend who pushes my limits and boundaries.

On this night we meet up on the side of his building. We get totally naked and stroke our dicks. The goal here is to hang out naked and talk and stroke and push some boundaries. After a little while a neighbor of his comes home and parks in the back. I'm nervous but my friend says to stay. The guy walks up the path we are on and sees us. The two of them have a pleasant exchange like nothing is odd. I'm introducer. I let go of my dick and shake his hand. It was so odd. He loves the fact we are outside stroking in from of his kitchen window. He then leaves to bring home his groceries.

Another neighbor fro the next building apparently sees us fro the road. He parks his truck. He's blonde, cute, fully dressed of course. He approaches us and talks to my friend. He sees me and nods. I keep stroking. They talk about him going to the store and if my friend needed anything. The guy leaves.

What's going on? Is this a naked Melrose Place? No one finds this odd?

Eventually me and my friend walk out to the grassy front of the building. It's more exposed. A few cars go by but it's so late it's not a lot. I tell my friend it would be cool to run across the street. This is like a fantasy of mine. He turns fantasies into reality. He says to follow him and I just do. He walks, I follow across the 4 lane major roadway in Los Angles. Cross the street. We are on the other side.

Someone apparently sees us and cheers. We then proceed to walk down the street to the corner. He tells me I have to stay there and wait. I do. A young cute Hispanic boy on a bike walks by. I try to hide behind a pole but I look ridiculous. He goes by without acknowledging me. Then my friend can tell I probably have had enough. I'm scared but aroused and excited. We cross again and I want to run back to the apartment but he makes sure we calmly walk. I do what he says. It was great.

We end up back in front then back in the alley. The neighbor we saw before with groceries talks to us through his kitchen window. He wants to join us. He comes down then drops his shorts and strokes his dick and the three of us all cum together in an outdoor circle jerk.

@31 years old: I drive into the valley one late late night to meet Alan a young cute exhibitionist friend. He's hot. A dancer. Australian. We meet up late and get in my jeep. We have some fun. He gets naked and stands up with the top down as I play with his ass. We stroke our dicks driving naked.

Then we end up back at his house. I park. No one's around. We get out of the car dressed at first and go for a walk. We end up about a mile away. On a sidewalk that is protected by some bushes. Perfect. We strip naked. Then I want to go for a run.

So on this quiet residential street this friend and me start jogging. His body is so perfect in the street lights. He's toned and his ass is perfectly shaped. We run for about 10 minutes totally nude running down the streets, turning the corners, trying to get back to my Jeep. We finally make it. It was natural and freeing and exhilarating. We stay there a few minutes even though we are naked in front of his place. We eventually get in the Jeep and ride back to our and clothes. We jerk off on the sidewalk then get dressed.

@34 years old: David, the same masculine naked teacher friend and I meet with a young stud, 27, dark hair, cute, in a building not too far away. The idea originally was for me and my friend to sneak into the side of his building then get naked and show off for him to watch from his window. But instead the dude came down. We all talked a minute then we all got completely naked there in his buildings garage. I was just following them, scared but horned up like crazy. We step out of the garage onto the very well lit sidewalk in a busy part of town. I thought "what the fuck are we doing? It's too bright" but did it anyway.

We walk down the street keeping an eye out for anyone. Those two didn't seem to care so I tried to let my fears go and my rush take over. We walk a few blocks away and end up on the sidewalk with a house on one side and some trees and bushes blocking us from the street on the other. And before I knew it the three of us were getting involved.

David sticks his dick up this guys ass and starts to fuck him standing up. I'm instructed to suck the young guys dick. I get on my knees and suck him as he getting fucked. This would be hot enough but doing it naked on the street with our clothes in a garage blocks away? It was stupid if I was thinking rationally but I wasn't. I just wanted to suck and taste this guys cock.

We were probably out there for about 15 minutes. We knew we couldn't push it much longer. What if someone calls the cops. So we walk on to the lit street and in the middle of the road the three of us jerk off. Spent. Exhausted. We walked back to his place still naked of course and got dressed.

@36 years old I finally almost get caught.

Since I was a naked teen the one thing I always loved to do was run. Not necessarily naked but just run for health. I run daytime, evening, night, late night... NEVER MORNING as I am part vampire. Late night running in particular is fun for me because few cars are on the streets and the air is crisp and cleaner. It's actually easier to breath. So on this one particular late night I ended up on one very memorable run. It was after 2am when I left my place. Dressed in shorts, tee, sneakers wearing headphones. The typical running gear. Before I left I jumped on adam4adam and chatted with a guy. I told him what I was into. Showing off. Streaking. He was intrigued and wanted to see. He told me the general area he would be in so I figure since I'm going for a run anyway I'll head in that direction. I leave my house and run through LA side streets. I'm probably in my third mile at this point and not too far from where the A4A guy said he would be when I come across a different dude. He's got no shirt on and he's just walking. At first I thought it could be the A4A guy but it wasn't. My exhibitionist tendencies kick in and I explore the situation. He had a nice body. Around 40. Good looking. As I'm about to pass him I stop and say hi. I figure two guys wandering the streets this late might have something in common. And with no shirt on I took a chance he was also an exhibitionist. Fairly early in the conversation I drop the bomb that I'm an exhibitionist and streaker. I say that I noticed him walking around shirtless and asked if he was too. He wasn't, but as some dudes are, he was very interested in the idea and especially interested in seeing me in action. So, being pretty ballsy and spontaneous, I just dropped my shorts right there on the sidewalk under the street lights and handed them to him. So there I was. Naked. I said "lets walk around." I ended up staying bottomless for about 10 minutes as we casually walked around the area down side-streets talking. It was a rush while not being totally nude. I mean who could even notice me? During this time a received a few messages from the other guy telling me where he was. We didn't have solid plans to meet and texted him I was close. Might take a few minutes. The weird thing the a4a guy kept changing his location. I was a little suspicious. Was he a fake? Was he setting me up? I told this guy everything that was going on. Now my one rule with streaking and public nudity is never stay in one place too long. Keep moving. Don't give someone a chance to call the cops. It's a rule that always works.

So here I am walking bare-assed and walking down some dark side streets. A car would pass by and I would either duck or let him stand in between me and them. He's grabs my dick too. Strokes it a little. It was very low key and hot. His car was close so I suggested we go to a different spot. We've done enough here and my rule of not staying too long is kicking in. I suggest maybe we go for a nude run. Maybe run pass the a4a guy. As you have read once I'm naked I get very daring and love to push the boundaries. He wasn't as crazy as I was though. So I just decide to see where this is gonna take us. We get in his car and drive about 5 blocks away to a very dark residential street. We park. I strip completely naked. Socks and sneakers too. I get out totally nude and he gets out completely dressed. We stand on the sidewalk and he's getting turned on just watching. I run down the street to the corner then back. He loves it. Then we stay there and we talk as he strokes my dick. Basic conversation. Eventually we get into sex talk. He took his dick out and stroked himself. I grabbed it too of course. But I wasn't too keen on having sex right there. Especially with the a4a guy who still wants to see me naked. I was enjoying the exhibitionism and wanted to keep the rush going. This created some naked drama. He was wondering if I wasn't into him. And stuff like that. So now I'm standing there naked trying to calm this guy down. While texting the other guy who keeps changing his location. It sort of was killing the mood. All this took a few minutes, meaning we probably spent too much time there talking. Then I hear a helicopter far in the distance. I suggest the copter might be for us and my instinct was to run back to the car. But he stood still telling me it wasn't for us. He couldn't imagine that. But then the copter got closer and closer. Pretty soon it was too late. It was almost on top of us.

He retreated a few feet and stood under a small tree and zipped up but I was thinking he had nothing to worry about. I was the one stark naked with no clothes with me. My clothes were like 4 or 5 houses down the street in his car. In a panic I looked around, saw an SUV in a driveway and dove underneath like an olympic diver. My only hope was the helicopter couldn't see me. I am facing the road... dick on ground, ass facing up and I see the guy standing under the tree trying to act nonchalant then he just walks away down the street. Hey dude where are you going? I have no idea if I will see him again. I'm more alone than ever. I lay there on the ground naked... the copter is hovering shining it's spotlight all over the place clearly looking for me. Obviously a neighbor spotted us and called the cops. It was loud like scary loud... like standing next to a train as it goes by kind of loud. Being naked just made things crazier. While at the same time it was oddly invigorating. The damn thing kept looking and looking not giving up. It was crazy. In LA copters usually look and if they don't find anything in a few minutes they leave but this one stayed. I didn't move but I could see the spotlight looking for me all around. It did a circular path to find me. The light just kept going in circles. The people in these houses had to wake up at this point. I kept thinking about my options. What would happen if I was caught? Would they cuff me naked and bring me to jail naked? Would they let me dress and tell me not to do it again? I had no idea. After about 10-15 minutes of looking (felt like man hour), the copter finally started expanding it's search area. That was a clear sign they were almost done. I can't believe all the neighbors didn't come out of their houses at this point. Then the copter finally flies away. Thank God. So I'm laying there not sure what to do. I don't remember exactly where the car is with my clothes and I don't know if the guy took off with them. I might have to run 3 miles home naked. Which is a huge fantasy of mine. I wait a few minutes to make sure it's clear because I figure they might send a patrol car to check things out... and I was right. I notice a bright light up the street. It's a cop car driving slowly and using it's spotlight looking for me. I see them drive right by me under the SUV... I even see the cops face. Luckily they didn't shine the light under the car. They pass me then pull over like 2 houses down and stop. I didn't know what would happen. I was waiting for them to get out. Did they see me? I was thinking of running but where to? And I'm naked. I wait them out. I slide out from under the car and squat on the driveway still keeping an eye on the cop car as I peek under the SUV. I thought about sneaking into the yard of the house I was hiding in front of but then noticed the motion sensor light on the garage door. If I move just a little that thing is going off and I'm dead. But the cop car thankfully drives off. After I was sure it was down the street I ran like hell, naked, and looked for the dudes car and my clothes. I didn't know if that guy's car was still there or not or which one it was. I looked in each car one at a time hoping to find my clothes. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. And then finally saw my clothes. And the door was unlocked. Whew!. I got dressed fast. I walked towards the end of the block and who do I see walking around the corner?... the guy. I laughed and was so filled with adrenaline. He wasn't as amused as I was. We wondered about who called the cops. If the guy I was texting was a set up. No idea. When I got home I went in the bathroom, got naked and looked at myself in the mirror. I had a few scratches. Dirt and grease smudges on my ass and back. But otherwise fine. I showered up and then had one hell of a jerk off session inside.

@40 years old: In the best shape of my life. 5'11 155. I go to the gym almost every day. If I'm gonna keep getting naked in public I can't look disgusting.

So the problem with pushing the boundaries all these years is eventually it's hard to go much further. But somehow I find a way.

Chatting with a guy on A4A. He's skinny, 23, big dick and seems pretty dominant. My profile clearly tells guys I like to be naked in public by any means possible. Getting stripped or forced is a new fetish that gets me turned on. Either being the dom or sub. This kid wants to meet so I agree.

About a ten minute walk later, we meet. He's cute. Dark skinned, toned, seems nice. He orders me to take off my shorts. I do what I'm told. The being ordered part gets me hard. He takes my shorts. We walk a few blocks. We get to a well lit area and he has me put them back on. But it's just temporary.

We go to the side of a building. This one has dumpster right there. Not a walkway. Just a dead end area with a dumpster.

He orders me to get naked. I do. He takes my clothes and tosses them. He wants to see me stroke myself. I do. He takes out his large dick and strokes. I'm in his spell 100 percent. Whatever he told me to do I would do.

I call him sir even. He tells me to piss myself. Holy shit. Water sports. I've never done it. I agree. I wait a moment then the piss comes out. I point it on myself. Then he grabs my clothes and throws it on the floor and has me piss on that too. I do it.

He tells me good boy. How fucking embarrassing. I'm so much older than this kid. It's humiliating. And a total rush.

He then has me get on my knees. Tells me to suck his dick. I do it. He stops me a few minutes in. He stands there in front of me. I'm not sure what's happening and then piss comes out of his dick. He pees all over me and my clothes still on the floor.

He tells me to lick is off the floor, I do. Then I go back to sucking his dick. He stops me again then wants to see me jerk off. I stand up and jerk off for him. He strokes and watches.

I cum. He says good boy. Has me lick some of it off the dirty ground. He grabs my clothes. He doesn't even cum himself. He says goodbye and leaves. I tell him "you can't leave me here like this." He says "go home bitch." And leaves me there naked taking my clothes with him. "You get them back next time."

I can't believe it. I can't run home naked. It's 3Am on a weekend, Way too busy. I need to cross a major major street. It's just not possible.

Oddly I'm hard again.

I still have my phone. I text a few of my naked friends but no reply. Then I get an idea. Grindr.

I get on the app and look for anyone nearby. My profile mentions liking nudity. I just hit up anyone on. Hoping for a reply. The first guy who gets me I tell him what's happening.

The guy doesn't write back. I go through this routine with a few more guys until one seems intrigued. I snap a pic of myself with a flash hoping no one sees in the next building. I send it. He agrees but wants me to suck his dick. In the message I said I would do anything. I knew what I was offering. I don't care at this point.

I tell him where I am and I wait. I keep looking for guys online just in case. He texts me he's at the location. I tell him I'm on the side and he comes back. He has shorts in his hand. I'm so happy. But he wants his dick sucked and I promised.

He's actually kind of cute. Late 20's, a few extra pounds. He takes out his dick and I get on my knees and suck away. It's long and pink and cute. I tried to be as efficient as possible. I wanted him cumming asap.

It didn't take long either. I let him cum in my mouth then I spit it out. He thanked me. I thanked him.

He handed me the shorts. I put them on and I walked home. It was still embarrassing just in shorts but I wasn't gonna get arrested.

So starting as an 8 year old innocent boy walking through the garage in his underwear to streaking, stripped, forced to suck dick, pissed on dom or sub pervert. That's me.

Note: Feel free to send comments to nakedinla@yahoo.com or see my naked in public photos of me and my friends at nakedinla.tumblr.com/

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