Naughty Scouting

By nick Knack

Published on Feb 22, 2011


NaughtyScouting3 DANGER gay sex DANGER underage DANGER not suitable for under 18s

Thanks for the emails hope you like this one too. more emails to me at for more parts to this story :) To some great relief there shall be NO WATERSPORTS in this story, If you like it I will probably write one and tell all of you. Also looking for new characters so send me pics to help we write 'em since I'm not sure what to do. NEWBIES! read parts 1 and 2 first.

So for those of you who have forgotten:

I'm Nick : 16 APL(assistant Patrol Leader) brown eyes shaggy black hair 6ft and well fed but not fat.

Then there's Dano: 17 PL (patrol Leader) green eyes ginger hair and hairy all over slim and roughly 6ft 6

And Séan: 14 black hair grey eyes and 5 ft 7.

and finally Tom: 15 Blue eyes brown hair and very handsome at 5 ft 8.

Thursday morning rolled around and I had my face nuzzled in ginger fur. Smiling to myself I rolled off Dano and onto my back. He shivered without my heat and sluggishly woke up himself. Yawning and smiling he looked at me. I looked up briefly at my sleeping compatriots. Séan and Tom remained asleep and blissfully unaware of what Dano and I have been doing. I was feeling frisky and licked the inside of his armpit. He laughed and smiled again. The taste on my tongue made me smile. Turning to my phone I saw that it was only 9 am. As I laid back down onto Dano's chest after a quick peck on the cheek I remembered our little tryst in the shower the night before. I drew circles in his chest hair with my finger while he ran his fingers through my hair. "We go home around 12 tomorrow" I said. "Yeah I know, what will we do about us?" Dano replied his voice still sleepy. "Depends on what WE are I suppose" I answered. I ran my fingers up and down his slim chest. Stopping at his belly button which I thought was really cute, it wasn't deep but it was still cute. I kissed it and moved my head back to his chest. "Yeah, need to sort that out" He replied after after a while. We just lied there until 9.45 when he decided to wake the other two up. Eventually he woke them and got them up. I didn't move untill 10 as I got a nice parade of asses as the others changed. Dano and I were still kind of iffy about us so he didn't do much except boxers down off new pair on. Séan was the same except he didn't mind us seeing his knob now. He smiled shyly when I whistled at him. The way he was know I wouldn't be suprised if he wanted to be nude all the time. Tom was the last one and moved like a stripper. I had a stiffy when I finally got out of my sleeping bag after watching him show off his ass to me.

By 10.30 breakfast was over and we got the ball out for football. All the others joined in and my team lost by a goal. At lunch we were told by Chris that the remainder of the day would be spent talking down our camp site and packing everything up for tomorrow. He walked away slowly after looking at me strangley. He seemed to have a limp. Dano and I quickly agreed on what to do. I would take down all our gadgets with Tom, Séan was on wash up and Dano was on campfire duty since we were having a huge campfire to end the trip. For those of you who were not scouts, gadgets where things we made with rope and large logs of wood. We made things like bins, tables and gates. We dismantled our table quickly enough. Then the bin and fire. Every now and then I saw Dano running to the large campfire with more wood. It was set up in a large tee pee shape. I couldn't help but think of him. With the washing done I had Tom help dry up and put away everything into our patrol boxes. After pulling apart the washing up space with an unexpected ferocity I set my sights on our very large gate. I made quick work of most of the stuff but ended up pulling a muscle in the process. My arm ached so I asked Tom and Séan to lift all the big pices of wood and put them where we got them. The two grabbed an end each and returned them to a large pile of similar pieces that the camp area provided. Before pulling up our boundries I took the time to go over every square inch of our site not covered by a tent to pick up all the rubbish. It was just about 6pm when we had everything done while other patrols were still not finished. I sate on the grass and took off my shirt to wipe off the sweat. My arm still ached and I smelled so I decided to head for a shower and ask one of the leaders about pulled muscles on the way. The other two returned from their job and decided to relax and get a shower later just before the campfire.

I collected my stuff and walked to the leader's tent that they used as HQ. All that was there was an uncomfortable looking Chris. "Chris how do you know when you've pulled a muscle?" I asked. "Eh it's usually a cramp or a spasm in the afflicted area. Why?" He replied. "Think I hurt myself pulling down the gadgets" I said wincing. "Oh right. You goin' for a shower yeah? I'll check it out up there think theres some cream for it in the first aid kit" He said as he went in to his tent. "I'm a dope I thought we put it away but it's in here" He said after a few seconds in the sleeping tent and started to come towards me. He found it and we were off to the shower block. He was still walking weird. "Where's it hurtin?" he asked. "Right arm, why're you walking weird?". "It's nothin'" He answered as we arrived. Teddy and Sam where just drying off as we came in. Both of them were in the bear patrol which was a source of fun for us because of Teddy Bear. Teddy was 18 and the oldest scout. He looked like his name sake, he was a hairy kinda guy. I was never in his patrol but I heard he could a pretty fierce bear too. Sam was a lanky 17 yo with a straw coloured mohawk. I busied myself getting stripped for my shower and they dryed and dressed while we were talking. They congratulated me on the preformance of our team in the match earlier and on how fast I took down the gadgets. They left and it was me and Chris. He took my tender right arm and poked and prodded 'till I gasped. "Baby" he teased me. I pouted for a second then turned to cool indifference. I was sitting on the bench and he was beside me. He squirted some clear gel onto his fingers and began to massage my arm.

A calming sense filled me and I began to relax. Chris' hands slid from my arm to my shoulders. It was weirdly satisfying feeling him rub his hands on my back. My arm felt better so I stood. "Thanks man" I said. I picked up my shower gel and slid out of my boxers. I turned on the shower and let the warm water continue to relax me. With the lay out of the shower block a small piece of wall seperated me a Chris. I let my aches and strains wash away. I closed my eyes and lathered up some gel. I assumed Chris would leave soon. I washed my chest with both hands and was suprised when two more joined in and I felt the heat of a body behind me. I dropped my hands and his stopped. "Don't" I whispered. I dropped my head back as his hands explored me. I felt strange with his blatant interest pressing up against my ass. I slid my hands up his thighs as he slid his down my chest. His fingers traced my nipples and circled my belly button as his nose sniffed my hair. He nibbled my ear lobe and sucked my neck and all I could do was moan and stroke his thighs. His hands found their treasure and I gasped in pleasure. Both hands worked my cock up and down. Ecstacy flowed from my entire body. He continued to lick and suck and wank. He rolled back my foreskin and all I could think to say at that very moment was: "You're an expert wanker". He laughed and I smiled. His right hand dropped between us. A finger traced between my cheeks. "Have you?" "No" I replied. "Even a finger?" He questioned. "Yes but I'm still a virgin" I explained. "We can have fun and not take that away" He whispered. His body left mine and I turned. He came from around the wall with a tiny bottle in his hand. I drank in this angel. 6ft 6 with curly brown hair. A thick brown bush around a cut, roughly 7 inch, cock. His purple head was gleaming. When I looked up so were his grey-blue eyes. His red lips looked sultry and inviting. He stepped forward and hugged me to his body while his hands worked behind my back. I traced up and down his back and leaned my head against him. I heard something drop behind me and felt his right hand pulling my ass cheek and a finger on his left hand was looking for something.

I pulled my leg up to allow him better access. His first finger slid in easily enough. I gasped and shuddered against him. I could tell he was smirking. He began to move around inside me and pressed a second finger to my hole. "Stretching is easier once there's two in there" He assured me. I relaxed as best I could and after much feeling around a second finger slid in. He began to seperate his fingers inside me like a scissors. Relaxing became easier and he began to experiment with going in and out. He pulled out. "What now?" I asked. Excitement coloured my voice. "A little present" He smirked and turned his back to me. I was confused and became even more so when he bent over, spread his cheeks and I saw something purple where his hole should be. "Is that a......?" I started to ask. "Yeah man fake cock is great when you can't get the real thing". "Give it a pull" He said. I stared at the lightly hairy arse in front of me. I ran my hands over both cheeks and kissed each one. I hooked two fingers under the handle of the dildo and pulled. A load moan filled the shower block, promptly followed by and "OH FUCK" as I began to fuck him with it. I got into a rhythm and plunged and pulled to great effect. His knees began to shake and I could see his hand sliding up and down his own cock at lightning speed. I could tell he was close. His knees had buckled and was on all fours except one hand was at his cock. I pulled the purple gel dildo almost all the way out and then plunged it back to the hilt. The moans that had been growing steadily louder spilled into a groan of release. Chris then collapsed on the floor to rest. "This why you were walking funny?" I asked. "Yeah Sam was looking all over the sleeping tent for something worried it might have gotten kicked into someone elses sleeping spot. Luckily I was still in my boxers so lubing it and sliding it in wasn't too bad" He explained from the floor. "Why'd you not take it out?" I asked. "Wasn't bothered" he replied. "Fancy a go of it?" he then offered.

After a few seconds of rest Chris had me lie on the bench and lifted my legs up. Worry framed my face. Chris calmed me by running his hands all over me. He lowered his face to my arse and kissed my pucker. His talented tongue licked and sucked. I moaned and gasped. He began to drool all over my ass to lube me up. His tongue darted in and out. My hands held my legs up and his hands held my arse leaving my leaking cock unattended. "You're lucky man. I didn't have anyone to lube me up like this" Chris said smiling as he stood up. "rule of thumb, you think you have enough lube?, you don't so, put on more" He advised. I rested my legs as I watched him lube up the 2 or 3 finger wide, roughly six inch, purple gel dildo. I let my head drop to the bench as he placed the head rest at my entrance. "On 3" he said and began to count. At 2 he pushed in. I wailed then stopped letting my head fall back down. He ran a hand up my chest and across my nipples to sooth me. "Bastard" I breathed. He laughed. "Don't worry worst parts over" He crooned. I felt the pressure on it. "Go" I said and shut my eyes tight. I could feel the slimey intruder move inside me. "It's in" he said as I felt the handle touch my ass. I felt his fingers run around the edges of the handle. I felt full but weird since it was so slimey. Chris tugged it a bit and pushed a bit. Slowly but surely he pushed and pulled my intruder. I gasped as he hit the right spot. "Lovely" He smirked. Shivers ran up and down my body. He was less tentative now. In and out over and over. My cock was leaking pre-cum as Chris became more and more relentless with the dildo. It kept pounding on my prostate causing me to whine. I wouldn't last. "I'm close" I managed to gasp. He kept going faster and faster. I groaned out as the cum shot from my cock head onto my chest and dribbled all over my groin. My legs fell to the floor and my head back onto the bench once more. In my post orgasm daze I felt a tongue scoop up the cum on my chest. "Sweet" he laughed.

"Hows the arm?" he asked non-chalantly as we cleaned ourselves up in the shower. "Loads better" I laughed. I squatted and quickly whipped the purple invader out of my warm used hole with an audible slurp. "This is yours" I said as I tossed it to him. After giving it a quick wash I watched him re-insert it like a pro. "It's better with a real bloke, like me ya know" he said in a conversational tone. "I'd say so" I replied trying to skirt the issue. Just as Chris went behind the wall to dry with my towel and get dressed Séan, Tom and Dano walked in. Not too long after Chris disappeared out of the shower block and I dryed off and chatted to the guys as they cleaned off. I saw Séan without boxers which made me smile. If nothing else I felt happy that he had grown more comfy at least with his patrol. I dryed and dressed and said good bye to everyone before heading back on site. With the free space I decided to pack up my bag for tomorrow while I could. I did a quick scope around the tent and found any clothes I let be left around the place. 2 t-shirts a pairs of trousers and oddly enough four different pairs of undies belonging to me one of which i didn't think I'd even worn yet. I opened my rucksack to sort things out and was left with a suprising gift. Chris has apparently given me his purple invader. Thinking on my feet I hid it in a pair of socks. I then emptied and re-packed everything making sure my uniform was at the top of the rucksack to be worn tomorrow. With everything except my sleeping bag and a book tidied away I lay back and read a bit more while night fell and the others returned. Tom and Séan were going to do like me and clean up to save doing it tomorrow so I left to give them space. I missed the table no as I had no where else to sit. I remembered that we would be cooking on the campfire tonight so I started to get out the stuff we could cook. A hard smack on the ass told me Dano was behind me.

He grabbed me around the waist and hugged his groin close to my ass. I stood up and he wrapped his hands acrosss my chest. He leaned his head on my shoulder and kissed my cheek. "Yes?" I asked icly. He turned me around to look at my face. He thought I was joking. "Whats wrong?" he asked. I didn't even know myself. So I didn't answer. "Come on I'll help with the food" He offered clearly puzzled. We wrapped up some potatoes in tin foil and got some sticks that we sharpened and cleaned for use. "Get the sausages seperate and on a plate I'll be back in a sec, need to ask Chrissy something" I said as I left the dining tent. He was at the campfire that Dano built. It was huge like a bonfire but we knew how to make them properly. "Thanks for the present" I said smirking as he worked on getting the fire going. "I have more at home" he said with a shrug. "Main thing is the golden rule though". "Yeah I know, never too much" I answered rolling my eyes. "Yeah, still the real thing is the way to go". Flirting with a 16 year old I thought as I shook my head. "I'll keep it in mind". When I gave it thought I would do the deed with Chris but something was stopping me. I looked over at what was left of my site. Dano looked back with a strange look. I couldn't force him to tell me what I needed to hear so he would either do it or he wouldn't.

Things started quickly enough then. By eight the fire was high in the sky and we were cooking our food. Then came the announcements. In september we had been told of an outing being organised abroad for us. We weren't told where but we were told the cost. Our leader Erik stood up and told us that this year we would be going to Switzerland. This was in late June and the trip would be in two weeks. we were all so excited especially since there was going to be other troops from all over the world there. Basically two weeks of having fun with other scouts. By 9 we were singing campfire songs and by ten, telling ghost stories. The younger scouts left whenever they liked or were falling asleep in their seats. When 12 hit all the girls where gone and it was the assorted PLs and APLs. The fire started dying down and by 12.30 it was almost gone. We were all so giddy that when Teddy said he needed a piss no one cared when we decided the only thing for it was to piss out the last of the fire. So there stood 6 lads with their lads out. Almost all at once each penis erupted a golden stream onto the last of the fire. I saw dicks of all shapes and sizes in the last of that fire light. We threw on a bucket of water for good measure and headed to our tents. Dano walked behind me. I expected what happened next. He placed both hands on my hips and drove me towards the dining tent. "I decided" He told me looking me straight in the eyes. Joy and fear hit me at the same time. "I'm your first everything yeah?, Since that's the case it's a shame if you don't try different things. I'm thinking open relationship" He told me. I looked at him with a sad quizzical look "Is there someone......" I started but before I could say else he cut me off. "No but you need to try stuff out. You know you're gay and since stuff started up with you I've been leaning quite a lot more to the gay way of thinking. We're here for each other and maybe soon we might just decide a proper relationshipis best, but for now this is the best thing to do." He smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. "OK".

I slept soundly that night and so did Dano. I woke up around ten. Dano was on top of me. I pulled his face to me and kissed him. He didn't resist but wasn't paying attention. "Come on we need this tent down and all asap" He said breaking the kiss. "Where's Séan and Tom?" I asked. "About to start the dining tent" He said. "Good" I replied. "Why?" he asked. "Loads of time to do this". I quickly flipped him onto the ground. He was about to protest but I silenced him with my mouth. My boxers where tented and I was horny. It wasn't until I was on top of him that I realised he was in his uniform. I continued to keep him silent but began to unbutton his shirt. I quickly had it open and was looking at his hairy chest. I sat astride him and ground my ass into his crotch. "Bastard" he whispered. I slid further down and started to undo his belt. Pulling at his trousers I realised he was going commando. "This a new part of be prepared?" I asked with a smirk.I decided to pull up and re belt his pants. I zipped the zipper down and released his throbbing cock. "Mutual release bub" I said in a commanding whisper. Sliding out of my boxers I turned so we were 69ing. Outside I could hear the mish-mash of sounds that was packing for home. I slid my mouth carefully over the head of this cock that I couldn't get enough of. The feel of the cock in my mouth was complemented greatly by the feeling of warm velvet enveloping my hard cock. The smell of his cock was intoxicating and his ginger pubes always got me harder. I pulled out all the stops for this. I could feel it building up already. The pink head was looking more purple and He was moaning around my cock. With a final slurp up with my tongue wrapped around his cock he let loose. He pulled out all his stops too. Within moments of his orgasm I came buckets in his mouth. I quickly pulled him into a kiss and mixed the two seeds together. swallowing most of mine I drooled the final part down his naked torso and held him down until it dried in.

He started to button up but I didn't know when we could do this again so I made the most of it. I quickly grabbed my boxers and threw them in the bag and began to get dressed. "Undies?" he inquired. "No I think a good idea is worth stealing" I laughed. Shirt first then neckerchief. Then I had to look for socks. "Whoah" I heard behind me. "What?" I asked still looking. "I thought you were a virgin" Dano said with a strange choked voice. "I am" I said realising what he must've seen. "But you're hole is all red and puffy" He said. I promptly stood up and pulled on my trousers. He stood up a moved for the door. I intercepted him with my back to his front. I slid down quite carefully and pulled on both socks. Then I turned to him, kissed him and whispered as we cuddled "I'm preping".


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