Neil and Rocky


Published on Feb 5, 2019


Neil and Rocky Rub One Out in Their Dorm Room by H.T. Bruhaus e-mail:

My first semester of college has been intense. I had a full load, plus work-study, plus tutoring on the side for extra cash. I think the only thing that kept me motivated and focused throughout the semester, was that I could go back to my dorm room and hang out with my roommate Neil.

I would normally come back to our room late in the evening, after a long day of classes and studying and washing dishes and probably tutoring a student or two. Usually, Neil would already be there on his bed, wearing nothing but plaid boxers, thick white socks and a wrinkled vee-neck tee shirt. I would come through the door and Neil would put down his book and greet me with a big smile.

Then we would sit on our beds and talk. Often, for long periods of time. We might talk about Dungeons and Dragons, or discus a term paper, or Neil would talk about his girlfriend. He also liked to tell me stories about some of the stupid things he and his brothers did when they were kids, which always made me laugh.

Occasionally, if Neil was sitting just right, I might get a glimpse of one of his pink hairy nuts peeking out of the leg of his boxers.

In the first days of us living together, I really hoped I'd get a chance to see Neil naked. He didn't seem to be shy, because anytime he was in the room, he would strip down to his boxers, tee shirt and socks. I figured it was just a matter of time before I would get to see more.

It happened in the evening on our third day of classes. I was on my bed studying, when Neil comes back from a shower. He is just wearing a towel. He stands at his closet, removes the towel and begins to dry himself off.

I wanted to watch, but I didn't want to seem creepy, so I mostly kept my eyes on my book.

Then Neil starts a conversation. "How was your day, Rocky?"

I thankfully put my book down to look at Neil. He is across the room, probably no more than twelve feet away. He is drying his crotch, so I can't see his cock. Then he grabs the towel on each end and lifts it over his shoulders. His cock is now in full view. He moves the towel across his back while working it downwards.

His cock is shaking with the movement of his arms. It is pale white and surrounded by a wild nest of pitch black pubic hair, which makes it stand out, almost like a bulls eye. His balls are loose and hanging low. I try to focus on Neil's face, but my eyes keep getting drawn to his cock. I nearly forgot Neil asked me a question. "It was great, Neil. How was your day?"

Neil starts telling me about the pick-up basketball game he just played while he continues to dry himself. He gets done drying his back. He bends over to dry his feet. The doors to his closet are open and I can see his ass reflected in the mirror mounted on the inside of one door.

The image of Neil's ass bent over in the mirror reminds me of the tons of pictures I have downloaded to my phone and placed in a folder I have labeled "Please Fuck Me". The pictures are of hot young men, bent over and presenting their holes while looking back at the camera. God, I love the internet.

Neil is still talking. I am barely listening. He stands up straight and looks at me while telling me about a three pointer he made. He says, "I got fouled pretty hard. I'm already getting a bruise. See, right here." Neil points to a spot on the outside of his upper thigh.

I can't see any bruising, although I'm not really looking at where he is pointing. I'm looking at his hairy cock and balls, but I make an appropriate response. "Yeah, Neil, that looks bad. Does it hurt?"

He is holding the towel at his side. "It's a little tender, but I guess I'll live."


Neil is totally relaxed being naked in front of me. It's probably due to all the hundreds of hours he has spent over the years, naked in locker rooms and showers with other jocks.

I, on the other hand, am very self conscious when I am naked in front of other naked guys. I have to concentrate very hard in order to keep myself from getting an erection. I don't have the luxury to look at their cocks for more than a fleeting moment.

There have been several times in my life where I have had to cut my shower short and quickly wrap a towel around my waist to prevent anyone from seeing my cock before it gets completely hard.

Neil finishes his basketball story. He puts on a fresh pair of boxers, tee shirt and socks.

I am hard as a rock in my jeans and I leave to jack-off in a stall in the men's room on our floor. The image of Neil's cock and ass still fresh in my mind.

That happened almost four months ago. Since then, I have seen Neil naked many times over. However, Neil has rarely seen me naked. I have been very careful about exposing myself in front of him. I can't take the chance I will get hard with Neil in the room. I'm sure it would ruin our friendship.

Neil and I have become good friends. We had both signed up for a college roommate matching service at the beginning of this semester and got matched with each other.

I think the matching service did an outstanding job, because we get along really well. We have a lot of similarities but with a few key differences. I am mostly a nerd, with some non-nerdy qualities and Neil is all jock, but with some nerdy qualities.

We are both smart and studious and we both like RPG's, although I am more of an enthusiast then Neil. I have an academic scholarship and I tend to be socially awkward. Neil has both academic and athletic scholarships and he is a lot more social.

I am an average athlete. I don't care for team sports, but I like playing one-on-one sports like tennis and racquetball. I workout on a regular basis and I'm an avid jogger. Neil is a highly gifted athlete, who enjoys playing sports a lot. Sometimes, when our schedules allow it, we will go on a jog together.

I am a geology major and Neil is premed, going into Sports Medicine.

I am on the chess team. Neil is on the baseball team.

Neil is super hot. He is six foot four and 180 pounds, with size 13 feet. I am five foot eleven and I weigh 145 pounds. My shoe size is eight and a half.

Neil's body is lean and muscular with lots of thick black hair, especially on his legs and chest and crotch area. My body is not that muscular, but it is nicely toned without an ounce of fat. What little body hair I have is mostly on my legs and cock and balls. It is not very noticeable, because it's light brown.

Neil has a very handsome, masculine face. He probably should shave everyday, but he tends to let his beard grow out for a few days before he shaves it off. People have told me I am handsome, but I think I'm too boyish looking. I shave just once a month, but I don't shave my upper lip and if you look closely, you can see a little mustache resting there.

Neil is straight and if you haven't figured it out by now, I am gay.

Yes, I am gay and I am deep in the closet. The only person I have told I am gay is my best friend, Jennifer. So when I first met Neil and he showed me pictures of his girlfriend, Lauren. I panicked and showed him pictures of Jennifer, pretending she was my girlfriend. Yes, I am also an idiot.

Neil is super in love with Lauren. If he wasn't complaining to me all the time about missing her, it would be kind of cute how much in love he is. Lauren is going to college on the other side of the country.

In my opinion, Lauren is not all that attractive. I think Neil could do much better than her. As a matter of fact, I am a lot hotter than she is and I would be a far superior match for Neil.

You can probably add cattiness to my list of non-nerdy qualities.

Neil talks to Lauren almost every night on an old clam shell cell phone passed down to him by one of his five older brothers. I know some of his friends tease him about owning a piece of technology that should be in a museum and I know he just shrugs it off, but I believe it bothers Neil that his family is poor, when almost every other student here is fairly affluent.

I think another reason Neil and I get along so well, is that my family is also poor. The only difference is that I don't have any siblings and so my parents have been able to provide for me a bit better than Neil's parents have for him. For instance, I have a somewhat decent Smartphone, even if it is a reconditioned off-brand and several generations old.

College life is great, but I have never had to share a room before. I have always had my privacy and I could jack-off in my room anytime I was in the mood. Since coming to college, I have only been able to jack-off discretely in restroom stalls, except for once a week, when Neil had several classes in a row and I didn't have anything going on in my schedule. During this brief window, there was no chance Neil would barge in on me, so I was able to jack-off in our room without the fear of being caught playing with my cock.

At least until this one time where, if only for a matter of a few minutes, I would have been caught.

My once a week dorm room J.O. routine was, I would take a shower first, then go back to the room, dry off more carefully and then get on my bed naked and take my time edging. I would slowly bring myself to the brink of orgasm three or four times in a row, while looking at porn on my phone, until I couldn't hold back any longer and I would blow a huge load of cum all over my chest and sheets. I knew I had two solid hours before Neil would return. I usually got my nut in about 45 minutes to an hour, so I had plenty of time.

Until the time I got back to our room after my shower and Neil was there stripping down to his boxers, tee shirt and socks.

I was surprised. I asked him, probably a bit rudely, "What are you doing back?"

Neil goes to his bed and lies down. He puts his hands behind his head. "Didn't you hear? There was a bomb threat at Smith Hall. Classes were canceled. They want us to stay in our rooms."

"Oh." I was looking forward to my weekly edging session and my cock was already starting to get hard with anticipation. Now I was in a dilemma. Neil's eyes were focused on me. He seemed to want to talk. I had no choice but to get naked while he watched.

So I turn my back to Neil and quickly pull off my towel, like pulling off a band aid, just to get it over with. Unfortunately, I didn't have my clean clothes out, so I spent more time than I had planned being naked in front of Neil while going through my closet to find a clean pair of briefs.

My bare ass is completely exposed to him. My dick is semi-hard and almost sticking straight out. It is just moments away from being totally hard. Luckily, Neil can't see my cock from from this angle.

I can't find any clean briefs, I have to put my dirty ones back on. By now, my cock is rock solid hard and slanting upwards at forty-five degrees. I put the briefs on over my erection. Then I put on my jeans. Now that I am safely covered I turn around to face Neil. As I turn, I see Neil reflected in my mirror. He might have had a clear view of my dick the whole time.

His face doesn't show any reaction, so he probably didn't see it.

Since then, I have not been able to jack-off in our dorm room because I have been too paranoid Neil would show up at anytime. So for the rest of the semester, I have been relegated to quick little masturbation sessions in public restroom stalls all across campus.

Public restrooms have a lot of distractions, the worse of which are the noises and smells of a guy emptying his bowels in the next stall over. I have learned which bathrooms are busy and at what times. I can usually find a mostly deserted one that will afford me a little bit more privacy any time of the day. However, it's just not the same as a nice, long, relaxed, totally naked jack-off on my own bed in the privacy of my own bedroom.

I did have a very interesting J.O. session just last Sunday. It started in our dorm room. Neil was lying on his back on his bed with one leg bent, which caused the fly of his boxers to open and his cock-head to poke out. I watched from behind my Geology text book as Neil reached down and started squeezing his cock while he was reading. He must have forgotten I was in the room.

I stayed very still. Neil's dick started to rise up out of his fly. He pulled on it, then shook it back and forth. Out of the corner of my eye, it looked like his cock was getting harder. Then he set his book down. That's when he noticed me. I pretended I was concentrating on the various types of igneous rocks. He pushed his dick back into his boxers and picked up his book.

Of course, seeing Neil play with his cock got me hard inside my jeans and I needed to jack-off. So I put on my sneakers and went to the men's room. By pure luck, it was completely empty and I was able to get the stall on the end. I pulled my jeans and briefs down to my knees as I sat on the toilet and commenced to masturbate.

About 5 minutes later, I hear someone come in. I stopped jacking and pushed my dick down between my legs. I listened. They went into a stall several doors down. I waited a few moments, then went back to stroking my dick.

I was just getting into it when someone else comes into the men's room and enters the stall next to me. I was annoyed that he would choose a toilet right next to an occupied stall.

Below the partition I could see his feet. He was were wearing white socks and no shoes. Then as he sat on the toilet, a pair of plaid boxers came down around his ankles. It was Neil.

The last thing I needed right now, was to listen to Neil take a dump, so I stop jacking and I was about to pull up my pants, when I see Neil step out of his boxers completely and use his size 13 feet to push them forward and out of the way. They are now lying in a wad on the floor tiles in front of his stockinged feet.

This has just gotten interesting. I decide to wait it out a bit. My dick is still hard and I still need to cum, so I discretely stroke my cock and look at Neil's huge feet below the partition with his boxers loose on the floor.

I hear another guy come into the men's room. He starts streaming heavy metal music.

Neil moves his feet apart. He opens his legs. They are slightly moving back and forth. I suspect he might be jacking-off, so I cautiously bend my head down while looking underneath the partition. I get just far enough to confirm that Neil is jacking his dick.

When I sit back up, my jeans and briefs fall down to my ankles. I decide to leave them there. It will make stroking my cock a little bit easier.

The image of Neil's erection in his fist is still fresh in my mind and I start stroking my dick faster. I am getting close. Then I see Neil's tee shirt drop onto the floor next to his boxers. I realize Neil is now totally naked, except for his socks.

The thought of Neil naked and jacking-off right next to me, really gets me hot. I am very close to cumming. Then Neil straightens his legs and points his feet forward. If there was a guy on the other side of the stall door, he would see the toes of Neil's white socks poking out from underneath it. Neil must be at that point where nothing else matters in the world except for his impending orgasm. Then he starts curling his toes and I hear him grunting and I know he is shooting a load of cum right at this moment. Then my cock starts spurting out it's own load of cum. I am just able to point my dick down into the toilet bowl before it shoots out into the stall.

Either Neil wasn't able to contain his load, or he just didn't care where it went, because while I was cumming into the toilet, a sizable wad of Neil's load splats onto the floor in front of me.

Now that I have taken care of my orgasm, I just want to get out of there as fast as possible. I stand while pulling up my jeans and briefs. I don't take the time to wipe the cum off my dick and I just put it inside my briefs still wet and sticky. I exit the stall and barely manage to avoid stepping on Neil's cum splat. I don't bother to wash my hands, instead I go directly to our room, quickly strip down to my briefs and get into bed. I turn off the light on my nightstand. Neil's light is still on.

I start to drift off to sleep while thinking about what just happened, then I suddenly open my eyes and say "Shit". It's possible I might have forgotten to flush my cum down the toilet.

About ten minutes later, Neil returns. He says. "Rocky, are you awake?"

I don't answer him and pretend I'm asleep. Then Neil goes to bed and turns out the light.

I haven't seen much of Neil since the "incident" in the men's room last Sunday, because this week is finals week and both Neil and I have been off somewhere for most of the week, studying on our own. Today is Friday and I've been in the library all day studying for my final final. I know that Neil had his last final first thing this morning.

I take the test late in the afternoon. When I am done, there is this great weight lifted from me. I run as fast as I can all the way across campus and back to our room.

When I return, Neil is lying on his bed, wearing his standard plaid boxers, tee shirt and white socks. He is on the phone. I have to assume he is talking to Lauren. He see's me, raises his hand in greeting and smiles. Then he says into the phone. "I have to go. Talk to you tomorrow. Love you" and hangs up. "Hey Rocky. How'd your final go?"

Ever since I told Neil I was a Geology major, he has called me Rocky. I have never had a nickname before. I think it's cool. Neil is the only person who calls me Rocky. It makes me feel special. I answer him. "I aced it of course."

"Of course. I wouldn't expect anything else from you."

I kick off my shoes and sit on my bed with my legs crossed in front of me and my back against the wall. "How'd your final go?"

Neil gets up and sits on his bed facing me. "Smooth as a baboon's butt."

I kind of know what he means, but I act like I don't have a clue what he is talking about. "What?"

"Aced it."

"That's what smooth as a baboon's butt means? And you call me a nerd?"

Neil laughs and pretends to be annoyed. "Shut up, asshole." Then he pulls off one of his socks and throws it at me.

It hits me square on the nose and I get a whiff of stale sweaty foot odor before it bounces off my face and onto my bed.

So I pull off one of my socks and I throw it at Neil.

It goes wide. Neil quickly extends his left arm and snags my sock in mid flight while looking right at me and in one smooth movement throws it back where it hits me directly on the nose again.

I know when I'm out matched. "Okay. Truce."


I pick up Neil's sock between my thumb and index finger, holding it like it's toxic. "Here Neil, I think this nasty sock belongs to you." I toss it onto his bed.

Neil picks it up and holds it to his nose. He inhales deeply while making eye contact with me. He has a big wide grin on his face.

"You are one sick fucker, Neil."

"You're just figuring that out?"

"I'm a slow learner."

Neil puts his sock back on while I put on mine. Then he gets up and walks over to his closet. "Guess what my brother got me today?"

"Which one?"

"Does it matter?"

He has his back to me and is reaching up onto the top shelf. His tee shirt has lifted, exposing skin. The elastic in the waistband of his boxers must be shot, because they have slipped down. The only thing preventing them from falling all the way to his ankles is his beautiful round butt. I can just see the beginning of his ass crack.

"I give up. What did he get you?"

Neil turns around and triumphantly holds out a bottle of Jack Daniels.


As Neil walks back towards me, he casually makes an adjustment to his cock through the fabric of his boxers. I can see his dick flopping around inside. He sits down on the edge of his bed. I move to the edge of my bed and face him.

Neil opens the bottle and hands it to me across the aisle that separates our beds. "Thanks Rocky for being a good roommate and helping me get through my first semester of college."

I'm a little surprised at the sentiment. I hold up the bottle. "Thank you Neil for being a good friend and roommate too." I take a sip. I've never tasted hard liquor before. It tastes awful and I make a face and start coughing.

Neil laughs and grabs the bottle from my hand before I spill it. He takes a drink from the bottle and starts coughing too. "Shit, that's nasty stuff."

I guess Neil hasn't had any hard liquor before either. I hold out my hand. "Thank you sir, may I have another?"

Neil smiles at my quote from Animal House. "Suit yourself, Rocky. But at this moment, you are on double secret probation."

We laugh and I take another sip. This time I manage not to cough. "It gets better, Neil." I hand back the bottle.

Neil looks at me like I'm crazy. He takes a small sip. "Okay, you're right Rocky, not so bad the second time."

I motion with my fingers and Neil passes the bottle to me again. We continue taking little sips and passing the bottle back and forth. I am beginning to feel the effects of the whiskey and I lean back with my shoulders on my mattress and my head against the wall. My feet are still on the floor. Neil does the same on his bed. He tries to pass the bottle to me, but we are now too far apart.

Neil stands up. He closes the blinds on the window between our beds and then plops down on my bed and leans back next to me. He accidentally steps on my foot. "Sorry Rocky."

Our shoulders are just slightly touching. I can see a nice bulge in his boxers. The fly has opened up a bit and some of Neil's pubic hairs are sticking out.

I can also smell his body. It has a light musky scent that is gross and sexy at the same time. It reminds me of a crowded locker room, with the smell of wet towels and the body odor of jocks who have played too hard, but it's not unpleasant. We continue taking small sips from the bottle of Jack.

Then Neil asks, "How's Jennifer doing?"

I don't like to talk to Neil about Jennifer. I feel bad lying to him about her being my girlfriend. So any time he asks me that question, I have always been vague with my answer. I have learned that he really just wants me to ask him about Lauren anyway. "She's great. How's Lauren?"

"She's good. I miss her so much. I'm trying to get her to send me some naked pictures."

"Really? How are you doing that?"

"I've sent her some pictures of my dick, hoping she'll do the same."

"You're trying to get her to send you pictures of her dick?"

Neil laughs and attempts to kick me, but his foot just grazes off my leg. "Fuck you, asshole. You know what I mean."

"She doesn't want to do it?"

"She doesn't want pictures of just my dick, she wants my whole body, including my face, before she will send me any naked pictures of herself."

"And you have a problem with that?"

"Fuck no. I'll do whatever it takes, anything at all, to get her to send me naked pictures, it's just that I can't get the right angle with my shitty fucking phone."

"Sucks for you, Neil."

"Yeah, thanks Rocky. It does suck for me. However, I'm glad you're sympathetic, because I think I have a solution that involves you."

"Really?" This has gotten my interest.

"Yeah. You could take pictures of me using your fancy Smartphone."

I am trying to act cool, but inside I'm screaming "hallelujah". "Sure Neil, I can do that for you."

"Thanks Rocky, you're a good friend, but before you commit, you should be aware of one thing." Neil turns his head and looks directly at me.

I turn my head and look back. "What?"

"I'll have to have an erection."

I am thinking, oh my fucking god, I not only get to see Neil naked, I get to see him naked and with a hard fucking cock too! I cannot believe my good fortune.

Neil misinterprets my pause for reluctance and before I can say anything, he says, "Rocky, I'll do the same for you. I'll take pictures of you naked and hard, so that you can get Jennifer to send you naked pictures back."

Poor Neil, he is so desperate, I think that even if I was straight I would do this for him. "Okay Neil, I'll do it."

"Thanks Rocky." Neil stands up and before I realize what is happening, he steps out of his boxers and takes off his tee shirt. He is now standing right in front of me, completely bare ass naked except for his socks.

I quickly sit up. My eyes are at the same level as Neil's cock and it's no more than 18 inches away. I try not to look at it, but I am powerless to stop myself. I have never seen his cock, or anybodies cock, this close before. It is soft and limp and maybe a bit on the small side. He must be a grower and not a shower if shoe size has anything do with cock size. There is a trail of pubic hair that goes over his abs and up to his navel.

Neil casually pulls on his nut sack. I force myself to look up at his face. "I guess we're doing this right now."

"Rocky, I really need to get these photos to Lauren right away. My cock can't wait much longer, know what I mean?"

I'm pretty sure I know what Neil means. "Okay Neil, I'll get my phone."

I stand in front of Neil with my phone. I take several quick pictures one after another. I'm a bit nervous. I stop for a moment and take a sip from the bottle of Jack. I offer it to Neil.

He takes a big swig, smacks his lips and says, "Ahhhh."

He puts the bottle down and shakes his cock a little bit until it starts to expand.

I frame Neil's whole body on my phone's screen. Something looks wrong. "Neil, take off your fucking socks."

"Shit, sorry Rocky." Neil pulls off his socks.

I check his image on my phone again, much better.

I take some more pictures. Neil is not nervous or self conscious. He is relaxed and comfortable standing naked in front of me while I photograph him. But, he just stands in one spot. I don't think he knows how to pose for the camera. I keep taking pictures while trying to get Neil to move around and be sexy. He's not getting it. I stop and show him the pictures.

"You're pretty good at this, Rocky."

Neil is impressed, but despite his physical beauty, he looks like he's about to be executed. Not an ideal look if you're trying to turn on your girlfriend, or your roommate for that matter.

"I know I'm good at this, Neil, but you, on the other hand, suck at it."

Neil looks at me. Even though I know he thinks I'm joking, he gets a determined look on his face. Neil is very competitive. He shakes his cock again until it starts to expand and plump up a bit more. Then he puts one hand behind his head and one hand on his hip, he turns slightly sideways with one foot in front of the other and then looks directly at the camera.

Oh! My! Fucking! God! This is exactly what I wanted to see. Neil is so goddamn sexy, I swear I almost shoot a load in my jeans right there. I take several more pictures, then show them to Neil. I am enthusiastic about them. "I think Lauren is going to really love these photos, Neil."

"I think you might be right, Rocky. I better get hard now."

I had assumed Neil would face away from me while getting himself hard, I mean, that's what I would have done, but instead, he starts stroking his cock right in front of me. I just blatantly stare. He gets hard quickly. It is the first time I have seen a live erection other than my own. It is fucking incredible.

I am surprised that his hard dick looks to be exactly the same size as mine. My cock is precisely five and a half inches long. I know, because I have measured it over and over again, desperately hoping it would continue to keep growing. Unfortunately, it stopped growing by the time I was a sophomore in high school.

According to my exhaustive research on the internet of scientific studies about penis size, five and a half inches is just about average. However, according to my exhaustive research on the internet of dick pics, five and a half inches is part of a very small minority.

So, just knowing that this big beautiful amazing college jock with the perfect body and giant feet, does not have a big fat honkin' huge cock, makes me feel a lot better about the size of my own cock.

I continue to look at Neil's boner. The only difference that I can see, is my erection angles up and his erection sticks straight out. I almost wrap my hand around it before I come to my senses.

We go back to taking pictures.

Neil starts doing some more sexy poses. I don't have to try to tell him what to do anymore. Maybe it's the alcohol or maybe it's his competitive nature, but it seems to come to him naturally now. All I have to do is frame the picture and trigger the shutter, but I am so distracted by his beautiful naked body and his amazing hard cock, that I am just barely able to manage that.

I am also distracted by my own erection. My boner is mashed down in my jeans and is very uncomfortable. I stop taking pictures and go to the nightstand. My back is to Neil. I take a sip from the Jack Daniels and at the same time, use my hand that's holding the phone to maneuver my hard cock through my jeans so that it is pointing upwards. Much better.

I turn around and hand the bottle of Jack to Neil. He takes a sip, and we continue with our photo session.

After about 20 more pictures, Neil says, "I think that's enough Rocky. I'll take pictures of you now."

Seeing Neil naked and hard and posing very seductively while looking directly at me, has not been helpful in making my own erection subside. It is definitely not going away anytime soon. I do not want Neil to know he made me hard. "That's okay Neil, I don't think it's necessary."

Neil looks at me. He has a serious expression on his face. "Bullshit Rocky. Trust me. Jennifer will thank me, you will thank me and most importantly, when Jennifer starts sending you all those naked pictures of herself, your cock will thank me."

I don't say anything and Neil walks up to me, his hard dick is so close, it almost touches the top button on my jeans. Then he looks me in the eyes and gently pries the phone from my hand.

At this point, I feel like I have no choice. So I go to my closet and start undressing with my back to Neil. I take off my socks first, then my shirt, then I pull down my jeans and step out of them one leg at a time. My cock is trapped underneath the waistband of my briefs and the tip of its' head is poking out above it. I irrationally try to hide my boner form Neil as I pull the briefs down to my ankles and then all the way off.

"Rocky, you stud, you're already hard!"

I force a little laugh.

Neil starts taking pictures of me. I shouldn't be surprised, but I am, Neil hasn't bothered to put his clothes back on. He is still rock hard too. I notice there is a little strand of precum hanging from the tip of his cock. While I'm looking at it, the strand gets longer and stretches until it breaks from his cock and lands on the carpet. His cock now has a shorter strand of precum hanging from it.

Neil continues taking pictures of me. He is dripping precum all over the room. Neil is totally oblivious to this.

"You know, Rocky, for a nerd, your body is in really good shape."

"Thanks, Neil, I guess."

Even though I am a bit drunk, I am very self conscious. Neil seems to be into photographing me and he tells me exactly how to pose, like he is a famous photographer. I gratefully follow his directions.

I am super horny now and while I pose for Neil, I keep touching my erection. I can't help myself. I worry that it is somehow wrong or inappropriate, but then I notice Neil touching his erection occasionally too. He probably can't help himself either.

Neil continues taking pictures of me. After about 20 more, he hands me the phone. "I think that's enough, let's see how they turned out."

We sit down side by side, still naked, on the edge of my bed. Neil has to push his body right up against me in order to see the screen. I'm not really looking at the pictures. I'm looking at Neil's hard cock near my hard cock. I have a little pearl of shiny precum oozing out from the slit of my cock-head. Neil's cock is leaking a huge amount of precum. There is a continuous flow oozing onto his thigh and forming a pool in his leg hair.

Neil says, "These turned out really great, didn't they Rocky?"

It takes me a moment to realize Neil asked me a question. "Yeah, really great."

Then Neil looks down at our hard cocks. He grabs his dick in a tight fist. "I guess we have a situation here, Rocky. Maybe we should rub one out before we explode."


"Rocky, my cock is not going to get soft now until I shoot a load of jizz. I bet it's the same with your cock too. Right?"


"We might as well jack off now and get it over with."

"I've, um, never jacked off with another guy."

"It's no big deal, Rocky. I've jacked off with some of my buddies before."

"You have?"

"Sure. Besides, you have jacked off with me once, sort of."

"I have?"

"Remember last Sunday in the men's room?


I sat in the stall next to you. I knew it was you, because I recognized your sneakers and you are probably the only guy in college who wears tighty-whities."


"I jacked off and I guess I got a little carried away, because some of my load went under the partition on your side. You probably didn't notice it."


"Anyway, I'm not an animal, so after you left, I went over to your stall to clean it up and saw the colossal load of jizz you left behind in the toilet. Nice job by the way."


"Don't worry Rocky. I flushed it down for you."

"I wasn't worried."

"Whatever, Rocky. Anyway, technically you have jacked off with another guy before. Enough talk, I need to shoot a load now."

Then Neil starts stroking his dick right next to me. I watch him for a moment until I realize I will probably never get a chance like this again, so I set my phone on the nightstand and start stroking my dick too.

The heat from Neil's skin touching my skin feels fucking amazing. I can't keep myself from staring at Neil's dick while he is stroking it. I'm worried that he might think I'm gay if I stare at him too much. I look up at Neil's face. He is actually looking at my dick too. Then he turns his head and our eyes meet. I almost think he is going to kiss me.

I look away and we both laugh a little bit.

Then Neil stands. I assume being pressed up against me while we are masturbating has made him uncomfortable. But instead of going over to his bed, he heads for his closet.

I stop stroking my cock and I just stare at Neil's beautiful butt as he reaches up to the top shelf and pulls out something from underneath a towel. He turns around and shows me a tube of K-Y Jelly. His hard cock bounces around as he walks back to my bed.

He sits down a few inches away from me. Then he squeezes a large amount of the lube onto his cock. "Do you want some, Rocky?"


Neil slides over until our bodies are pressed up hard against each other again. He doesn't hand me the tube, instead he squeezes a generous amount of lube directly onto my pulsating cock himself. Then he sets the K-Y Jelly on the nightstand next to the Jack Daniels and my phone.

Neil starts sliding his fist up and down his shaft. He moans.

I also start sliding my fist up and down my shaft. Oh my fucking god, the lube feels amazing on my cock. I moan too.

Then Neil leans back on my bed with his shoulders on my mattress and his head against the wall. I do the same. We are now lying side by side, skin against skin, completely naked, completely hard, each of us slowly stroking our own lubed up dicks.

Neil's big, size 13, foot accidentally rests on top of my foot. He starts curling his toes. It almost seems like he is purposely caressing my foot. The contact feels incredible. I suddenly have this urge to grab Neil's cock and start jacking him. I am able to control that urge for almost 30 seconds before I let go of my cock, reach over and force Neil to let go of his cock and then grab it in a tight fist.

Neil looks surprised. I don't care if I've shocked him. I start sliding my fist slowly up and down his shaft. "Fuck Rocky, that feels good."

Then Neil reaches over and grabs my cock. He slowly slides his hand up and down my shaft. This is the first time in my life anyone has touched my dick. I moan.

Now we are both slowly jacking each others' dicks in tight slippery fists.

We continue with our mutual hand jobs for a couple of minutes. I am getting close.

Then Neil says, "I'm getting close, Rocky", and he starts pumping his cock into my hand.

I stop stroking Neil and just let him fuck my fist. I squeeze his cock every time he thrusts.

Neil pumps faster. He stops stroking me, but he doesn't let go of my cock.

Then Neil says "Fuck, I'm going to cum."

I aim his cock at my chest. I want Neil to cum on me. At this point I don't care if he might think it's gay.

Neil turns slightly towards me. I think he wants to cum on me too. He fucks my fist faster, then his body starts twitching and he starts grunting and his load starts shooting out of his cock, spurt after hot spurt, onto my chest and nipples and abs.

Neil is done shooting, but I continue to milk his cock. Then Neil says, "It's your turn, Rocky, and he starts stroking me again."

I am still holding onto to Neil's cock as he jacks my dick. It doesn't take me long before I begin my orgasm. I arch my back and say, "Oh shit", and my cock starts spurting out it's own hot load.

My first spurt is powerful and some of it gets onto my face. Then Neil aims my cock at his chest. My second spurt shoots up across his chest and onto his neck. Neil keeps squeezing my cock. My third spurt ends up on Neil's beautifully formed pecs and nipples. I am not done shooting my load yet. My cock keeps cumming and Neil's chest gets completely saturated with my massive load of hot, sticky, sperm.

We lie there for a moment, not saying anything. Neil looks at me. He lets go of my cock and uses his hand to rub my cum into the hair on his chest. I don't think he is even aware he is doing it. "Fuck, Rocky. That felt good."

My eyes drift to Neil's spent cock and then back up to his face. "Yeah, Neil. That was fucking amazing."

I am still holding onto Neil's cock. It is sticky with his cum and starting to get soft. I reluctantly let it go. I can't help myself from sucking Neil's cum off of my fingers.

Neil watches.

I lick my lips. "You were right about one thing, Neil."

He puts his hand on my thigh. "What's that, Rocky?"

I look into Neil's eyes. I pause for dramatic effect, then I say, "My cock does thank you."

Neil looks at me. He slowly gets a big smile on his face, then he punches me on the arm. "Fuck you asshole."

We both burst out laughing.

H.T. Bruhaus Please contact me if you liked this story. I need some encouragement.

Next: Chapter 2

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