Never Know What You Had

By moc.loa@neerGAassiL

Published on Aug 3, 2000


Title of the Series: You'll Never Know What You Had Title of the Ch: Questions and Answers Back Chapter # 1: A Kiss Is Just A Kiss Back Chapter # 2: A Letter From Lance? Pairing: Lance and Nick Carter (of the Backstreet Boys) Rating: (NC-17) Author: LissaAGreen Disclaimer: This is just fiction. I am not implying anything about the actual members of *NSYNC or BSB in real life. I have no idea if they're gay or not. but if they were I would support their lifstyle. I've never met them. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

There was a huge crowed whe we got to the studio. Fans were gathered in front of the building. Justin and Josh stopped to sign some autographs which of course drove the fans crazy. When we made it into the building the two reporters fro BOP and Teen People greeted us.

"Welcome NSync, Backstreet Boys, I am Carrie But then again, we are old friends aren't we? Fans request more info of you two guys then any other celebrities. You also probablt know Christine from previous interviews."

We Shook hands with both editors and sat down on two long couches.

"Okay, well there are a few things you guys didn't know about this meeting, but you have your producers tot hank for that." said Carrie

"Durring the past month or so we had a hugee contest consuming with both magazines. Carrie and I recieved letters, cards flowers and other gifts from your fans. Most of them went all out by even coming by the stuido in hopes of getting a glimps of you."

"Well, we each selected one girl who claims to be your biggest fan, meaning you each get to talk to one of your fans, they will be doing the interviews, not us. They will ask the questions all fans around the world wants to know. Are you guys up for this?" Asked Christine.

"Well, I must say, they really pulled one over on us." said Justin. But he had this huge smile on his face, I couldn't help but laugh.

"You guys do know the kinds of questions your fans can ask right?" asked Carrie.

I suddenly became very nervous. What could they possibly ask?

"No problem, it will be like Skeletons In The Closet. They aren't going to ask personal questions are they?" Asked Brian.

"They might, but we won't print anything that is X-rated." Chrstine laughed as she said this, this just got me more nervous.

"Should we let the wiiners in? I think they suffered enough." Asked Carrie.

Chstine didn't hesitate, she opened the door, and called out for the group of winner to enter. Standingin front of us where seven girls and three guys, again I was in shock. Three guys? They all looked about twelve to Nineteen the oldest was a guy he was the one that looked nineteen. He looked very scared, more nervous then the girls.

"Okay, the way this works is, the fan that was choosen to be your biggest fan will ask you three questions, we will go down the line three times so they will each get a turn." said Carrie.

"If they ask a question that is too personal, just say you can't answer it, but they are allowed to ask whatever they want. So let's intorduce you to each other." said Christine.

"Justin, meet Ashly Combs, she's seventeen and believe is a huge fan of you.. She loved you since the early MMC days." said Carrie bringing over a shy tall girl.

"Nice to meet you Ashly, please sit down."

Carrie and Christine introduced everyone to everyone, Nick's fan was a guy, who looked about fifteen, his name was Eric Shaw. he kinda looked like a small image of Nick, blonde hair, blue eyes.

JC got Courtney Lynds. She was sixteen who also been a fan of his since the MMC days. I couldn't help but notice his smile when he shook her hand. I could fel my heart breaking all over again.

"Lance, this is Chris. he's the oldes, ninteen he's actually from Mississippi near where you lived so I thought it would be good to meet a fan from back home." said Carrie.

I looked up into Chri's eyes and noticed they were brown. Gorgous deep brown eye almost black. His skin was a dark color brown, he didn't look very happy about being there. but he held out his hands to me and I accepted it.

"Hi, I'm Chris Corwin, I know this must be awkword for you, meeting a guy that's a fan and all."

"Nah, you'd be surprised how many male fans we have. Nice to meet you."

"Okay, now that you all know each other the question will start. We will start with Chris and work our way down to Ashly. When she asked her question we will go back to Chris and so on untill the questions are all asked. Oh and we also didn't tell you, you all will be joing Carrie and myself for lunch at the Rosebud cafe as part of the prize package, but don't worry guys, everythng is already paid for."

"Well that's about it, you guys play nicely now." Carrie pressed the record button ont he tapedeck and her and Chrstine sat back to write down the questions.

"God I'm so nervous." said Chris. I could tell he was shaking. "Would you consider dating a fan?"

I wasn't sure if he was asking me, or if this was one of his questions. I cleared my throat.

"Well dating is very difficult right now, but I think I would. who ever they may be will have to understand our scheldual and might not be able to spend much time with them, but yes I would date a fan."

he smiled at the answer of that. I smiled back. he had the gorgous set of brown eyes I have ever seen. the questions went down the line, one by one each fan asked. thankfully they didn't ask anything too personal.

Then it was Chris's turn again.

"Are you a virgin?"

I herd a couple of muffled laughs coming from Justin, I looked over and glared at him.

"Yes I am. I plan to be until the night I get married, I think it's special to save it for someone you truly love."

"Well who ever that may be Lance, at least we won't have to worry about you reporducing." said Justin.

Nick shot him an angry look. Carrie and Christine thought nothing of it and let us continue the questions.

I herd courtney's questions, it kinda stung me a little.

"Do you guys really get along with each other? With both groups?"

JC smiled. "Yes we do, we all love each other like brothers. Sure we play pranks on each other and sometimes they turn out to be a little mean, but really we all love each other. As for The Backstreet Boys we are very close friends, there is no rival between us."

Too bad he had to lie to his fans. i thought sadly. Askly asked Jsutin something about Brittany Spears which caused groans.

"Brittany and I are friends nothing more, very close friends, we dated here and there during the MMC days and I did go to her birthda party and danced with her, but other then romantically, there's nothing between us.."

Chris looked at me, puzzled. I guess he was wondering what made Justin say that. Iwas too.

"What would you do on a first date? And what would you not do?" he asked.

"I would treat the person I'm with a very good time, I would take them to the movies, maybe get an ice cream or a walk on the beach. I won't kiss ont he first date not untill the second one at least."

He seemed pleased with that answer. We went down the line one last time. Each fan asked good questions, there wasn't much to leave out of the interview I thought, accept for hopefully Justin's rude comment.

Carrie and Christine announced that they're will be four limos out waiting to bring us to the resturant. We each sat with our fan in a limo which held about four people in each.

Chris and I chatted more in the limo, we also had a lot in common.

"I hope none of my questions felt too awkward for you?"

"Nah, they were good. not too personal at all. So your from Mississippi?"

"Yeah, born and raised. I'm a regualr old cowboy I guess."

"Really? That's cool. I guess i am too sorta, I love to ride horses, used to have one, but he died."

"Yeah, Toby? I'm sorry to here about that. I have two horses, one name is Sattle and the othe is Windstorm, Windstorm is my favorite."

"I love the feel of riding a horse, I'd take a horse over a convertable any day. How often do you ride?"

"Every chance i get. I just got into collage though i don't get much oppertunity to ride."

We talked more about Mississippi life. He said life back was very peaceful, weird though talking to him made me feel homesick.

Next: Chapter 4

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