Never Know What You Had

By moc.loa@neerGAassiL

Published on Aug 9, 2000


Title Series: Never Know What You Had Pairing: Lance and Nick Carter (of the Backstreet Boys) Author: Melissa LissaAGreen Disclaimer: This is just fiction. I am not implying anything about the actual members of *NSYNC or BSB in real life. I have no idea if they're gay or not. but if they were I would support their lifstyle. I've never met them. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

Lance's Thoughts...

Chris had brought me back to the hotel. I had invited him into my roo. I guess I was stalling, I still didn't want to face the guys.

As soon as my door was shut Chris took me in his arms and we shared another kiss. His hands started to roam over my body, I never pulled back. I wanted him to touch me.

My tounge was discovering the inside of his mouth when I felt his hadns infront of my jeans. He started to unbutton them and slipped them off. I was getting nervous. I have never done this before, but I didn't want him to stop.

"Chris, wait a mintue."

"Shhh, don't worry, I'll have you back in plenty of time."

Chris kept kissing down my neck. I felt his hands roaming over the front of my boxers. I started to get very uncomfortable.

"You ok?" he asked me.

"I've never done this before."

"I know that Lance, remember I'm the one that asked you if you have."

Part of me wanted him to stop, but I listen to the other part, I let him continue.

He looked up at me, I guess he knew how I was feeling.

"If you want me to stop, let me know. I promise we won't do anything you don't want to, okay?"

"It's okay, but I'm the only one here without any pants on, it's not fair."

I gave him a devilsh smile and began to unbutton them. We just laid there looking at each other and exploring or private paarts. It fels kinda dirty but I loved it i have to say. He madeit harder and harder for me to tell him stop, but did I really want him to?

"Can I help you out there Lance?" he asked.

He gave my dick a gentle tug. I had to admit it felt good to have his hands there. I never felt another person's, let along guy's hands there other then my own.

He smiled down at me and gave me devilish smile.

"It looks like your gonna bust out of your packaging yet again Lance."

I couldn't help but laugh. Knowing where he got that line.

I watched as he started kissing the outline of my boxers. His snuck his tounge out and licked the base of it. God it felt so good. I couldn't help but moan a little.

This gave him the sign to start pulling my boxers down.

"Wow Lance, talk about unleashed the dragon, now I know the real reason Sisgo left your tour."

"Why?" I laughed.

"He was jealous of you. May I go on?"

"You better, you ain't leaving me like this."

He greatful started again licking my cock. Giving it a good tounge bath. He then picked up my full erect cock and popped it into his mouth.

"Oh Yeah Chris, That feels so good!, Don't stop, please."

"I don't plan to Lance, at least not for a while."

His tounge traveled all over around the head and licked through my slit. He then licked down to my balls and sucked them both into my mouth.

I was going crazy, I knew I was going to cum soon, but I didn't want his mout to leave my cock. It just felt so warm and hot inside.

"Chris, I'm going to cum very shortly if you keep doing that."

"Well, then we better stop, after all I already ate."

"God Chris, I hope your kidding, please don't leave me like this."

"Do you honestly think I would do that to you?"

He took my cock and pulled it deep down his throat, I felt my balls ready to burst and my juices went deep into his mouth. He had finsihed every drop.

"MMMMM Lance You know, you taste sweeter then the pancakes I had for breakfast."

He came up and laied next to me. We shared another kiss. I could taste my cum on his tounge, wich was something I never tried before, but surrpisingly liked.

I started to fondle his cock as he was kissing me, but he stopped me.

"What?" I asked. I was kinda hurt.

"Believe me Lance, it's not that I don't want you to pay me back, but you have a chat to go to, and i'll be damned if your gonna be late for it."

"Oh yeah, that stupid chat. It's gonna be the longest one in my life."

"I'll be here when you get back, don't worry. Maybe we can go out later? If you want to that is."

"Believe me, after this, I just have a feeling I would want to be anywhere bet here."

I got dressed as fast as I could and gave him another kiss. I knew I was falling in love with him, but I couldn't say it, not now.

I let him stay in my room in case he wanted to go to sleep. And closed my door behind me.

I was shocked to see Nick coming out of Chris's room with his arm around him. What was this about?

Of course I wasn't about to say anything. I guess Nick found someone else already. But the thing that made me think about it was, why did it bother me? I had my own Chris to care about.

Both bands met outside and piled into two different limos. I had to admit though I was looking forward to this. Even though there was someplace else I wuld rather be at that moment.

I looked around at the group of guys that I practicaly lived with for five years. I looked over at each member. Justin seemed more pissed off then usual, and so had Josh. in fact they weren't even sitting together, Chris looked somewhat nervous. He was shaking and fiddling with hsi hands. Joey didn't seem at all different tho. He didn't look happy either.

I sighed and looked out the window, what was going on with this group? We're supposed to be a family aren't we? Why didn't we act like one?

The limo drove us right in front of this building that we were going to have the chat in. We had even beat the Backstreet Boys there.

We stopped and signed some autographs first. I'm alwasy shocked everytime the fans find out where we are going to be. Although I shouldn't be surprised anymore.

Carrie and Christin had met us all inside. and showed us a long tabe in the middle the supported five computers and ten chairs.

"Okay this is how it's gonna work, you each have to share a computer, two at each on person from a different group, like Justin with Nick or whoe ever you want to sit with." explianed Christine.

I took a seat and Nick sat next to me. I wasn't particularly thrilled he choosed me but then again I didn't really care.

"Okay you both know how this whole chat thing works, someone ask you a question you type it in, the host is already there." said Carrie.

"We we'll also have our own computer and we are the seconds hostess, so if you have any questions about a certain question just ask us. Try to be honest, just like yesterday." said Christine.

"And last, have fun."

Nick looked over to me and trid to smile. I just ignored him. I was inspecting him to sit next to Chris, not me.

"Hay Lance, I just wanted to say,"

"Nick, I don't want to talk about what happened okay? I'm not hapy with what happened, but I guess I can take a joke, I should be use to it."

"But Lance, I didn't,"

"Nick, just drop it okay?"

"Fine, for what it's worth, I'm sorry."

I just ignored him the rest of the time we we there.

Back in Lance's room Chris's thoughts...

Yes he was finally gone! I thought to myself. I know what you were thinking, but it isn't like that at all. I had a surprise to get reaady for and I didn't have much time either.

I ordered two doezen rose to bes sent up. I took off all the sheets ans and remade it with silk satin ones. Yes I knew I would have this chance with Lance the day I met him so I planned early.

I also ordered champian and strawberries. I just hoped he was okay with waht I was about to ask him.

I knew it was too soon to pull anything, but I want to stay the night. I wanted to explore eac others bodies some more, but what I really wanted was to get my lips on that delicous cock again.

I looked over at the time, I had only an half an hour before the chat was over. I grabed three of the roses and carfully pealed off the peddles and laied them ontop of the bed.

I took a fast shower and got dressed. I was going to surprise him by picky him up ansd sweeping him away from this place for a while.

Before I left I left a small teddy bear on the pillows along with a note and single rose.

The note was going to explian my thoughts and feeling for him and also my question. I took one look around before leaving, 'Yes' I thought to myself 'It

looked perfect.' I grabed the keys and left the room.

It took about twenty minutes to make to the building where the online chat was held. Fans had piled along the steps in hopes to get on glimps of their favorite NSYncer. 'God,' I thought to myself 'Was this how I was before?' I looked at my watch, it was only noon, he would come out very soon. I just hoped to make it up those steps before they were trampled, I didn't want him going back tothe hotel without me.

When I herd loud claping and screaming I knew they we're coming out, I tried my best to make up those stairs.

"Chris?! What are you doing here?!"

He asked me in surprise.

"Your limo awaits."

"Chris, you didn't have to."

"That's the problem with you Lance, I know I didn't have to, but you are worth it."

I put my arm around him and led him into the car. And soon as I got in I took off.

"Why did you pick me up?" he asked.

"Well, I have a surprise for you back at the hotel, I didn't want you seeing it before I'm ready for you too. If it's all right with you Mr. bass, I would like to treat you to dinner."

"Chris, it's more then alright. I never expected this before."

"There's nothing to expcet Lance, I'm just treating you the way you should be treated."

I think he was speachless. He just sat there smiling. Nothing, nothing in the world made me happier knowing I was responsible for that smile.

Lance's Thoughts...

Whoa, what was happening here? I mean in just two days I've went heart ache, lost of a friend and gained a hmmm what was Chris to me? Is it too soon to think of him as my boyfriend? I mean He certianly is showering me with effection and attention.

He pulled in front of a resturant called Italian At Heart.

"Hope you like itlian." he said when he opened the doors for me.

"Who does't?"

"Good, becuase it happens to be my favorite kind of food."

We were seated in a long booth. Chris sat righ next to me and put his arm around me. I couldn't help be a little nervous, hoping no knew who I really was in there.

"Don't worry Lance no one can see us."

"What do you mean?"

"I ordered a seat far back at the other end of the resterant so we won't be bothered by fans."

"Have you thought of everything?"

"Just about."

Almost as soon as we we're seated a waitress came over with a bottle of wine. I was in shock.

"Drink a toast?"

"Chris, how did you order this?"

"I have my ways."

He filled my glas with wine and I picked it up for a toast.

"Here's to, what life can be like."

I wondered what he ment by that, but deicded not to ask him. I already felt like I was giving him the thrid degree.

We clininged glasses togher and I looked at my menu.

"I can't believe you've never been in a relationship before." he asked me after we ordered or dinner.

"Well I had, just not good ones."

"Tell me about them."

"Nah, I don't wanna bore you."

"I don't think I'll be bored, you tell me, I'll tell you."

I laughed. "Okay, well I started dating this girl a little before I joined the group. I never loved her. She was the first person that I told that I was gay. She kinda understood I think. We never even did anything so I think she had an idea anyways. Then after a few years when I joined NSYnc, I met Danille Fishel when we we're hosting TGIF, You kno wher right?"

"Yeah, Topanga, not a bad choice."

"Well, what no one knows is, it was the producers idea."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, When I first joined the group, I told the guys I was gay, they didn't take it well, in fact they still haven't got over it. I guess a lot of rumors have been spreading around the internet that Lance Bass was gay, so the producers wanted to proctec their product."

"What do you mean their productec?"

"Me, and the other's images, it belongs to people who let us use the studio and materials. They practically made me date Danialle Fishel after seeing how well we got along on the set. Would you believe they had the balls to do the same exact thing when I was on Seventh Heaven?! I mean, do you really see me with Jessica Biel?!"

"You did make a cute couple." he said smiling. I knew he was kidding.

"Told you it was a touchy subject, I didn't mean to yell."

"No, it's ok Lance, I think it sucks they make you date someone, worse someone your not even interested in. I wouldn't be able to stand that."

"I couldn't it was hard. But I didn't want to have to leave either, don't ask me why. I loved to sign, and thats what I did. I didn't come to make friends, or to fall in love, I came here to sign. And that what keeps me here."

"That must be so hard, I mean, I thought the whole groups got alone, as brothers?"

"They, get alone fine, it's me they don't like, I don't mean to sound rude, but do mind if we changed the subject?"

"No problem."

Our food came shortly after. I sorta picked at my spegettie, wasn't in the mood to eat anymore I guess, but I didn't want him to feel bad either.

"Hay Lance you seen Lady And The Tramp Right?"

"Of course." Wondering what he was getting at.

"Remember the dinner scene?"

As he asked he fed me some of his spegettie and put some in his own mouth and we did our own kissing scene.

It wasn't the most romantic kiss I ever had, but it sure was the sweetest one.

After we ate we took a walk along the beach. It was a beautiful site. The sun was just about to set. He was holding my hand through the whole strole.

"I want to thank you Chris."

"Thank me? For what?"

"For everything. Before you came here, I was so unhappy. I found out JC just didn't like me, I felt so lonely. but now that I met you, I mean, I know it's soon, I don't know if you feel the same way, but I think I love you."

"You do?"

"Yes, You've show me so much love, and you gave me your friendship, those were the two things I've been craving for, for a long time. I love you Chris."

"Oh Lance, I love you too."

I smiled. I never felt so happy before. We hugged and didn't let go for a long time. In fear one of use would wake up of this dream.

"Lance, I am ready to show you my surprise now."

Okay fellow readers, I need your advice and help. Do you think Lance should be paired with Nick or Chris? Which one do ou see him most happy with? I need to talk to a huge Justin know it. I need to kno some info about his family for a future chapter. I just want to kno if anyone should happen to know why his parents god a divorce? And about what age? if no one knows which I don't think anyone does, I will make it up as I go along so bare with me if I make some mistakes LOL

Well That's it for now, come back for more, also check out A Love So Blind, Fated Love and The Whited Rose.

Next: Chapter 8

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