New Adventures in Omaha

Published on Nov 12, 1997




WARNING: This story depicts sexual acts between consenting adults. If you're under 18 or aren't totally comfortable envisioning such situations, it's time to stop reading.

All characters in this story are fictional, as is the University of Omaha. However, most other places and things -- like the Gateway Arch in St. Louis and Bayshore Boulevard in Tampa -- are real.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: After writing and posting this story a year ago, I received a mountain of positive and well-thought-out feedback from readers. That prompted me to begin writing a sequel, incorporating some of the situations respondents said they wanted to read about.

But before I undertook that task, I combed through New Adventures in Omaha, correcting spelling errors, smoothing out bad transitions and fine-tuning the dialogue. The result is the story below, which is a slightly improved version of my first-ever piece of erotic fiction.

Reader feedback often fuels new story ideas. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, and you're welcome to send them to

One last thing: because of the limitations of plain text, thoughts in this story are in single quotes (example: 'I wish we could use italics instead,' Holly thought). Likewise, all statements and thoughts that would normally be in italics are in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.

Enjoy the story.


As Holly drove to the place she'd be calling home for the next four years, a million thoughts were flying through her head.

'Why did I let my parents convince me to live someplace cold?' she wondered. 'And why do I have to move so far away from home?'

The month was August and the year was 1994, and Holly was en route to the University of Omaha in Nebraska from her home in Sarasota, Florida.

Although she'd wanted to stay in the Tampa Bay area to attend college, her parents had insisted she go to a private school with a good reputation. And since her parents were paying her tuition, Holly wasn't in any position to argue.

Still, that didn't mean she had to be happy about it. In her mind, making the jump from sun, palm trees and sand to snow and corn was none too appealing. As that thought passed through her mind, she looked out the passenger-side window just in time to see a "Welcome to Iowa" sign.

'Dear God, what the hell am I doing in IOWA?' she thought angrily. 'How could I have gotten myself into this crap?'

About the only bright side of Holly's move was getting as far away from her high school classmates as possible. Holly had hated high school because she'd been overweight, which her classmates had taken as an open invitation to ridicule her.

But after graduating, Holly was determined to enter college with a new look and attitude. And by the time she was preparing to leave for college, three months of tennis and low-fat foods had dropped her to a svelte 122 pounds.

The results were nothing short of astounding. For the first time, her well-proportioned body was making people notice Holly's beautiful smile, sparkling blue eyes and long, brown hair.

As her own harshest critic, even Holly had to admit she liked what she saw in the mirror. Still, the feelings of self-doubt she'd been branded with in high school continued to painfully twist and writhe deep inside of her.

One hour later ...

When Holly finally reached Omaha, the city's skyscrapers and number of people downtown surprised her.

'This actually looks like a busy place,' Holly mused. 'Maybe this isn't as much of a hick town as I thought.'

After finding the University of Omaha campus, she was pleased to see how UNcrowded it was. More than 3,000 people had attended Holly's high school, and she was a little tired of constantly bumping elbows with her classmates.

Holly found her dormitory room, and was somewhat disappointed with its small dimensions and outdated furniture - the curtains looked like something straight out of a 60s horror movie. Still, she had heard nightmare stories about some students SHARING 10-foot-by-10-foot rooms with no kitchens or bathrooms, so Holly knew she was lucky.

After unpacking for about 15 minutes, Holly laid back on her bed and sighed.

'God, I want SO badly to meet a guy here,' she thought. 'I hope I didn't work my butt off all summer long for nothing. I just can't believe I'm 18 now and I still haven't had a boyfriend. ...'

Holly's thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. She felt a quick pang of nervousness before remembering she was in Omaha, not Florida, and her chances of being burglarized were considerably slimmer.

"Come in!" she said loudly.

The door opened and a young, smiling girl who looked about Holly's age bounded in.

"Hey there," the stranger smiled as she extended her hand. "I'm Lisa."

Lisa was wearing cut-off blue jeans, a Mickey Mouse T-shirt and a Minnesota Twins baseball cap, out of which her long, wavy brown hair flowed. Holly returned Lisa's smile as they shook hands, but couldn't help feeling jealous as she eyed Lisa's beautiful features.

'Hmmm, she certainly LOOKS typical of the spoiled girl who's never put any effort into her looks or personality,' Holly thought. 'If that's not reason enough for me to hate her, I don't know what is.'

"Um, I'm Holly," she responded unenthusiastically. "Nice to meet you."

"Cool!" Lisa said. "It looks like you and I are gonna be neighbors, so I thought I'd come over and introduce myself."

Tired after her long drive and not in the mood to talk, Holly managed only to nod her head.

"Say, I'm headed over to fraternity row to check out the houses," Lisa said. "You wanna come along? I don't know anybody here yet, and I don't feel like going alone. ..."

The image of a long walk full of forced, uncomfortable conversation flashed through Holly's mind.

"Oh ... um, no thanks," she responded. "I'm really tired, and I think I'm gonna unpack a little more and then go to bed."

Lisa looked disappointed. "Well, all right," she said. "I guess I'll see you later then."

Holly was relieved when Lisa left. Lisa had seemed to perfectly fit the description of a "party girl," and those were the people who had teased Holly the most in high school.

'You were pretty unfriendly there, Hol,' Holly scolded herself as she opened her suitcase. 'But at least she probably won't bother you again. ...'


Holly didn't realize she'd dozed off until she was awakened by a knock at the door. As she walked across the room to answer it, the VCR clock told her it was after 11 p.m.

"What the hell?" she mumbled.

Holly was even more annoyed as she opened the door and found herself staring at Lisa again. But Lisa either didn't notice Holly's frustration or ignored it, and smiled as she walked past Holly and into her room.

"I thought you were gonna check out fraternity houses," Holly grumbled, squinting as she flipped the light switch.

"I did, but there really wasn't anything going on yet," Lisa responded. "And most of my stuff isn't unpacked yet, so I got bored after sitting around in my room. So I thought I'd come get to know my new neighbor. Is that cool?"

Holly nodded halfheartedly.

"Great," Lisa said as she closed the door and lowered herself onto the floor. "So, tell me: Where are you from, and what brings you to Omaha?"

'Well, make yourself comfortable,' Holly grumbled to herself as Lisa gazed up from her chosen post on the floor. She sighed, realizing she was trapped.

"Well ..." she began.

As Holly reluctantly told Lisa about her move from Sarasota, Lisa's facial expressions seemed to indicate genuine interest. Holly was surprised, as she'd pegged Lisa for more of a talker than a listener.

But it turned out Lisa was in a similar predicament. She had lived in Minneapolis with her father for seven years, and he wanted her to attend community college and eventually the University of Minnesota - living at home all the while. Lisa had other ideas, and only fell a couple of scholarships short of her dream of attending the University of San Francisco before settling on Omaha.

The ensuing conversation about the girls' home states got the conversational ball rolling, and before long Holly was actually ENJOYING her little talk with Lisa. In the hour that followed they managed to discuss everything from their favorite colors to who played the best villain in movies (they eventually agreed on Kevin Spacey, with John Malkovich coming in a close second). And although both girls did plenty of giggling, Holly was pleased that "party girl" Lisa actually seemed to have much more depth than the dried-up puddle of water she'd expected.

When Lisa finally left around 1 a.m., Holly's facial features sharply contrasted those she'd displayed when Lisa arrived. She could barely contain her smile as she closed the door behind Lisa, as she was thrilled to have made a seemingly solid friend on her first day in Omaha.


During the next two days, the girls explored downtown Omaha, visited the Mall of the Bluffs in Council Bluffs, Iowa, and spent eight or nine hours just talking. By the middle of the second day, Holly was pretty excited about the friend she'd made in Lisa.

'I can't believe I'm actually friends with a GIRL,' Holly thought as she brushed her long hair. 'They were all such bitches in high school, but Lisa's just so cool and nice and ...'

A knock on her door interrupted Holly's thoughts. Holly was thrilled to open the door and find Lisa, who was armed with a bag of popped light popcorn and a pillow.

"Hey, neighbor," Lisa grinned. "Just wondered if you wanted to hang out!"

Holly did, and before long the girls found themselves engaged in another of the "long talks" that had become a staple in their friendship.

After listening to Lisa's tales of playing second base for her softball team in high school, Holly decided to open up about the only topic she'd consciously avoided discussing with Lisa - her own high school experiences.

Lisa looked sympathetic after hearing a couple of Holly's horror tales.

"High school kids really are assholes, Holly," she sighed. "The weird thing is, I'll bet those same people who were jerks to you will be really nice people once they grow up ... excuse me, IF they grow up," she said. "I'm just sorry you have such terrible memories! But I ... I'm glad you're comfortable talking to me about this. I hope you realize that you can talk to me about ANYTHING, Hol."

"Well, thanks," Holly said as she studied the floor. "You're becoming a really good friend, Lisa."

Lisa smiled and leaned back against the wall. Around 25 seconds passed before either girl spoke again.

"Tell me, Holly, when's the last time you had a boyfriend?" Lisa finally asked.

Holly was quiet for a second, as Lisa was digging into an area Holly wasn't ready to reveal.

"Never," Holly said softly. "I've never had a boyfriend before."

Lisa looked amazed and horrified, which didn't make Holly feel any better. "WOW. That is so amazing! I'm sorry, I guess I still haven't gotten used to the fact that you were actually overweight. I mean, you are so PRETTY now!"

Lisa's bold compliment made Holly smile, and she relaxed just a little.

"Um, I hate to mention this, but I'm guessing you must have some major ... you know, TENSION going on," Lisa said cautiously. "I know it's none of my business, but I guess I'm just a curious person. ..."

Holly tensed up again. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well, I'm just guessing that since you haven't had a boyfriend, you probably haven't ... you know, gone all that far ... with anyone," Lisa said. "It's OK; I didn't do it to earlier this year, but it was QUITE an experience."

Holly blushed. "No, I haven't 'gotten very far' at all, Lisa," she said defensively. "But I'm 18 years old - it's not like I'm some 40-year-old virgin!"

Lisa grinned. "It's no big deal, Holly," she responded. "And considering what you look like now, I have a feeling you'll probably get plenty of offers over the next year. Besides, if you're anything like me, you're probably just as good at taking care of it on your own. ..."

Horrified, Holly quickly contemplated whether to "play dumb" or acknowledge that Lisa was actually TALKING about masturbation.

"Yuck, Lisa!" Holly said quickly, wrinkling her nose. "God, I'm not a PERVERT!"

Lisa slapped her hand over her mouth, but was unable to stifle a giggle.

"Holly, masturbation isn't any more perverted than ... I don't know, eating ice cream," Lisa said, trying hard not to smile or laugh. "And I've got news for you - just about everybody you know does it. If they don't ... well, I feel sorry for them."

Holly had never felt so awkward in her life. "Well, I guess you can start feeling sorry for me then," she said softly.

Lisa moved a few inches toward Holly in what looked like an aborted attempt at a hug. "I'm so sorry, Holly," she said. "I didn't mean to embarrass you!"

"It's no big deal," Holly said. "I guess I've just never had a friend who was comfortable talking about EVERYTHING."

"Well, I'm glad to know I'm the first," Lisa responded. "And not to keep pressuring you, but I'm curious - why DON'T you masturbate? Is it really because you think it's 'perverted?' "

Holly was amazed by Lisa's unapologetic persistence. "No," she said quietly, her cheeks still burning. "I ... even if I really wanted to, I wouldn't really know how."


Lisa was quiet for a second.

"Wow," she said. "I hadn't even considered that. I guess that's because I never really 'learned' to do it; I just sorta figured it out."

Holly fought off her fidgeting nervousness long enough to push the conversation a step further. "How did you figure it out?" she asked, realizing she'd probably regret her inquiry.

Lisa laughed. "Well, my dad bought me a new 10-speed bicycle when I turned 12, and it had this really narrow seat. I remember being uncomfortable when I first rode that bike because the back of that seat was wedged between my ass cheeks, which really sucked, believe me.

"So I solved that probably by leaning forward on the seat as I rode, which made the front of that seat rub right against my ... you know. Anyway, it wasn't long before I just sort of ... EXPLORED myself down there, and it only took a few days to figure out how to make it feel really good."

Lisa paused for a second. "Of course, it's been six years, and I'm still perfecting it. ..."

Holly stared off into space, barely listening as she pictured a very young Lisa moaning and bucking her hips beneath her blankets.

"I'm sorry?" Holly said after realizing Lisa had asked her a question.

"I said, I'll teach you if you want to learn," Lisa said, keeping her voice low.

"Teach me WHAT?" Holly blurted out, unsure of Lisa's intentions.

Lisa sighed, and Holly could see she was nervous. "YOU know ..."

Red flags went up everywhere in Holly's mind. 'Oh my God, Holly, she's actually offering to TOUCH herself in front of you!' she thought wildly. 'Say NO!'

"God, Lisa, I don't ..." Holly replied, somewhat dazed.

"Look, Holly, it's really no big deal," Lisa interrupted, realizing she had Holly on the ropes of indecision. "Believe me. I showed my best friend in high school how to do it when we were 14, and she DEFINITELY thanked me for it."

Holly didn't respond, and Lisa seized the opportunity.

She's taking her pants off! Shit!' Holly's inner voice screamed. 'She's gonna show you ... you're gonna see ...'

Still, Holly sat as still as a statue, ignoring her instincts to run away. The whole thing seemed too much like a bizarre dream, and Holly simply stared as Lisa's jeans fell to the floor.

Within seconds Lisa was wearing nothing but a gray sweatshirt, which draped down past her thighs.

'Thank God that sweatshirt's covering all her private parts,' Holly thought halfheartedly. 'Maybe she's not actually planning to show me her ... thing.'

"Um, Holly? It's gonna be pretty hard for you to learn unless YOU take off some clothes, too," Lisa said, her voice shaky but seemingly confident. "Here, let me help you."

Holly couldn't believe what she was hearing, but she remained still as Lisa leaned over and began unbuttoning her jeans.

'You're being such a slut, Holly!' her inner voice bellowed again. 'You're letting a GIRL unbutton your pants! STOP her!'

Things were happening too quickly for Holly to accurately assess the situation, but she couldn't believe that she HADN'T protested Lisa's actions yet.

"Come on up here on the bed," Lisa said quietly, patting the space next to her.

"Lisa, I really don't think this is a good idea," Holly said. As she opened her mouth to protest further, Lisa smiled and pulled her sweatshirt up to her bellybutton.

"OK, fine, you don't HAVE to participate," Lisa said. "Just watch what I do."

Holly nodded slightly, but her attention was focused more on Lisa's neatly trimmed, dark-brown pubic hair. Lisa leaned her head back and spread her legs, revealing her clitoris to Holly.

"Normally, I spend some time getting myself aroused," Lisa explained. "Sometimes I pinch my nipples, and sometimes I stimulate ... OTHER areas. But I'm going to skip that part, since ... well, I'm pretty aroused already."

Holly watched with both horror and intrigue as Lisa's right hand squeezed her own breast, rubbed her inner thigh and finally made its way to her pussy.

"Mmmm," Lisa sighed as she slowly began massaging herself.

Holly found herself experiencing some very strange emotions as she watched Lisa pleasure herself, but disgust definitely wasn't one of them.

'She is SO beautiful,' Holly thought as she admired Lisa's lips, her neck and the way wisps of brown hair dangled down across her cheeks. 'And she's doing this for YOU, Holly. Maybe she even LIKES the fact that you're watching.'

As that thought crossed her mind, Holly became aware of her own stiff clitoris. She was suddenly becoming very wet, an act that she'd never completely understood - until now.

Before she could change her mind, Holly lowered herself onto the bed.

"OK, I think I'm ready to learn," she said softly as Lisa opened her eyes. Lisa had been lying on her back, but she rolled onto her side to face Holly.

"This is probably the first time in my life that I'm GLAD somebody interrupted me!" she smiled. "Let's get these panties off you, and we'll get started."

Holly quickly pulled her panties off and tossed them onto the floor. A few seconds later, she and Lisa were lying on their sides, facing each other.

"OK, just watch what I do for a few seconds," Lisa said, reaching between her own legs. "You can join in at any time. Nice pussy, by the way. ..."

Holly looked down at her pussy and giggled, then watched as Lisa rubbed her index and pointer fingers across her own clit. Holly became aware that Lisa was staring at her, and reluctantly met Lisa's gaze.

'She looks SO aroused right now, and she's staring right at ME,' Holly thought in amazement.

As Holly stared into Lisa's eyes, the urge to touch herself finally became too strong. She reached between her own legs and slowly massaged her swollen clit, still looking at Lisa.

As Holly gazed at her friend, Lisa moved her hand up to her mouth and pushed her middle finger between her lips. Holly watched with intense excitement as Lisa sucked her juices from each of her fingers before returning her hand to her own clit. Through the whole finger-licking episode, she never broke her stare with Holly.

"Shit, Lisa," Holly heard herself moan quietly.

'I can't believe I just said that!' Holly scolded herself. 'Still, that was SO damned erotic. ...'

Lisa finally softened her sexual stare, replacing it with a more conventional smile. "Um, you're not quite doing it right," she said, motioning at Holly's pussy. "Let me help you." Before Holly could open her mouth to protest, Lisa was stroking the inside of Holly's thigh.

'Oh my God,' Holly thought. 'She's actually going to touch ME!'

"Are you nervous?" Lisa whispered, smiling reassuredly. "Don't be. I'm just gonna help you do this right. That's all."

Lisa moved her hand to Holly's clit, stroking it softly and slowly. Not one to forget her own needs, Lisa reached down and stroked her own pussy with her left hand.

Holly's rapidly diminishing reservations about being touched by Lisa finally evaporated. "Oh my God, Lisa," she exclaimed. "That feels fucking GOOD."

Holly had only uttered the "F-word" a few times in her life, so hearing it come from her own mouth surprised her. But the sensation of Lisa's fingers dancing across her clit was making Holly feel like a slut anyway, and Holly found that she rather enjoyed that feeling.

"Keep rubbing my pussy, Lisa," Holly said, staring into Lisa's eyes again. "Keep rubbing my little fucking CLIT."

"You keep talking like that, and I will," Lisa said, leaning closer to Holly. "I'm not gonna let you out of here until you come, Holly."

After three minutes of intense massaging and moaning, Holly felt something building inside her.

'God, this ... this GIRL is about to give me my first orgasm,' Holly thought as she felt her body begin to shake. That was Lisa's cue to rub Holly's clit for all she was worth, and Holly cried out as waves of pleasure showered over her.

"Oh, Lisa," Holly sighed as she collapsed against the bed.

Lisa moved her right hand over to her own pussy and went to work, and 10 seconds later she was rocked with a powerful orgasm of her own. After she finished coming, Lisa opened her eyes and saw a sheepish-looking Holly staring back.

"Oh my God, Lisa" Holly said. "That was really ... GREAT."

Holly giggled as Lisa opened her mouth to respond. "And the best part is, you can do that to yourself any time you want," Lisa said, smiling.

Holly's reaction surprised both girls.

"Yeah, but you do it a lot better than me," she said. "I ... I'd like to learn more, and I'd like to let YOU do it to me a couple of more times - if that's OK."

Holly was relieved by Lisa's response.

"All right," Lisa grinned. "I'll tell you what. I've gotta study for a test tonight, so I'll leave you here to ... practice. I'll stop by after I take that test tomorrow afternoon, and ... um, we'll see if you're ready to learn more."

Holly continued smiling as Lisa got up to leave. She was surprisingly comfortable with her lack of concern about having what was, at the very least, a semi-lesbian experience.

As Lisa closed the door behind her, Holly reached down, spread her legs and began practicing.


The following day, Holly could hardly wait for 5 p.m. That's when Lisa's last class ended, and Holly was really excited about Lisa's promise to "teach her more." She wasn't sure exactly what that meant, which only excited her more.

When five o'clock finally arrived, Holly reached beneath her panties to stroke her clit. Although she'd masturbated four times in the previous 24 hours, it still hadn't lost any of its initial appeal.

Then the knock at the door that she'd been waiting for finally arrived. She eagerly bounced up to open it, and she found a smiling Lisa waiting on the other side.

'God, she looks SO good,' Holly thought as Lisa walked past her. After the girls exchanged pleasantries, Lisa sat down on Holly's bed.

"So, have you been practicing?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah, I have," Holly responded with a nervous laugh. "Quite a bit, actually."

"And are you ready to continue last night's 'lesson'? " Lisa asked.

Holly nodded. Lisa looked up at her and continued smiling. "Why don't you come over here and sit next to me?" she said. A nervous but eager Holly plopped down next to her friend.

"So," Lisa said, her voice growing quiet. "What do you want to learn tonight?"

Holly realized that Lisa's face was slowly inching closer to hers, and she ignored the urge to back away. Before long, their faces were only about 8 inches apart.

"I ... don't know," Holly responded, trembling slightly.

"Well, that's fine, because I came up with a 'lesson plan' last night," Lisa said, glancing down at Holly's lips before looking her in the eye again. Holly's trembling became more pronounced as Lisa scooted closer, causing their hips and thighs to touch.

Lisa put her hand under Holly's elbow and pushed upward until Holly's hand was resting on Lisa's shoulder. As Lisa leaned in closer, Holly circled her arm around Lisa's neck.

'She even SMELLS great,' Holly thought. 'This is SO unbelievable. ...'

Lisa placed a finger on Holly's chin and turned her friend's head to face her.

'Oh my God, she's going to kiss me,' Holly realized. 'This unbelievably beautiful girl is about to kiss ME.' Although Holly was enjoying holding Lisa, she couldn't believe how quickly things were progressing.

But before she could even think about protesting, Holly felt Lisa's soft lips pressing against hers. Lisa kissed Holly for several seconds before pulling away, once again looking Holly in the eyes. This time, Holly was able to meet her gaze.

"Would you like me to do that again?" Lisa whispered.

"YES," Holly whispered back.

Lisa didn't need to be told twice. She cupped Holly's face in her hands, tilted her head and began planting a series of quick kisses on her friend's lips.

Holly couldn't believe how soft Lisa's lips and tongue were. She'd seen people kiss in movies and on television a thousand times, but she'd never figured it felt THIS good.

Holly tried her best to mimic Lisa's actions by rolling her tongue around in Lisa's mouth. The sudden desire to be as close to Lisa as possible overtook her, and Holly obeyed it by circling her other hand around Lisa's lower waist and slowly massaging her friend's back.

"I must say, Holly, you're a VERY good kisser!" a heavily breathing Lisa smiled after pulling away.

Holly frowned. Although their faces were only about 4 inches apart at that point, instead of feeling too close to Lisa, she was suddenly feeling too far away. "Oh, please tell me we're not gonna stop!" she protested.

Lisa smiled and quickly kissed Holly once more. "Believe me, Hol, it gets even better than this," she said as her hands deftly undid the buttons on Holly's blouse.

The girls began kissing again after Lisa removed Holly's bra, and Lisa massaged Holly's nipples as they smooched. After kissing a path down to Holly's left nipple, Lisa began licking it in a circular pattern.

"Oooh, LISA," Holly purred. "That feels sooooo good."

Lisa alternated between Holly's nipples for a few minutes before unzipping Holly's fly.

"Mmm, are you gonna help me play with myself again?" Holly asked excitedly.

"As much as I love your beautiful breasts, I want something more tasty to suck on," Lisa responded. "Help me get these pants off you!"

After Holly's pants and panties had fallen to the floor, Lisa once again began massaging Holly's inner thighs. But this time, she used something a little softer and wetter to massage Holly's clit.

'She's licking my clit with her tongue,' Holly realized. 'She's licking my fucking juices and swallowing them. Holy shit!'

"Oh my God, Lisa, FUCK me!" Holly exclaimed as Lisa's tongue fluttered up and down her pussy.

Lisa's formerly prudish friend's requests were turning her on even more, and she pushed the tip of her tongue hard against Holly's clitoris - the way Lisa herself enjoyed being licked.

"Oh, yes, Holly. SAY it," Lisa growled as she rubbed Holly's clit. "Say 'lick my pussy.' Say 'lick my FUCKING clit.' "

Suddenly, Holly was happy to do nearly anything to keep Lisa's tongue on her clit.

"Oh, yes! Lick my fucking pussy, Lisa," she moaned loudly. "Lick my fucking CLIT!"

Lisa ate that up - literally. Holly continued moaning and pleading for several minutes as Lisa licked her clit while stroking her own pussy.

Finally, Holly's quivering told Lisa that she was ready to explode. Lisa reacted quickly, as she had one surprise left for Holly.

As Holly's body began quaking, Lisa abandoned her clit and pulled her friend's ass cheeks far apart. She proceeded to shove her tongue as far into Holly's asshole as she could.

"Oh yes, lick my ASSHOLE!" Holly exclaimed as Lisa wiggled her tongue around. "Yes! Oh, FUCK yes!"

Lisa feverishly licked Holly's ass until she was certain her friend had finished coming. She gave the outside of Holly's ass one last lick before coming up to gaze at her friend.

Holly's head was leaning back against her pillow, her face wearing an extremely contented smile. She opened her eyes to look down at Lisa.

"My God, Lisa, that was SO unbelievable," Holly said, shaking her head in disbelief. "Where the hell do you learn how to DO things like that?"

Lisa quickly gave Holly a wet, messy kiss, making sure Holly could taste her own juices. But as the passion of the moment subsided, Lisa felt a little embarrassed about eagerly attacking Holly's asshole, since anilingus was one of her most secret fetishes.

After she finished kissing Holly, Lisa got up to leave. Lisa figured Holly was still to much of a novice to have much interest in returning the favor, so she decided she'd head back to her own dorm room to finish satisfying herself.

"Wh ... where are you going?" Holly asked dejectedly as Lisa began to leave. "I didn't get to do anything to YOU!"


Lisa grinned and turned around.

"You wanna please ME, do you?" she asked playfully as Holly eagerly nodded. Lisa sat back down on the bed.

"All right, Holly," she said. "I'm just gonna sit here and let YOU figure out what to do. We'll see if you've learned anything. ..."

Holly laughed and pulled Lisa to her. "I want to do everything to you that you did to me, because it ALL felt good," she said. "I want to lick your tits, your pussy ... and your ass."

Lisa suddenly felt a little less self-conscious about her eagerness to explore Holly's derriere. When she realized that beautiful, young Holly planned to lick HER asshole, Lisa jumped up in excitement.

"In that case, wait here," she exclaimed as she headed for the bathroom. "I'm going to make that last job a little more enjoyable for you."

After washing her asshole with soap, warm water and her finger (and getting quite turned on in the process), Lisa was ready for Holly to fulfill her promise. When she returned to the bedroom, Lisa got down on all fours and stuck her ass high in the air.

"All right, Holly," Lisa said, trembling with anticipation as leaned her head against the bed. "I'm all yours!"

Lisa smiled as she felt Holly's hands grip her ass cheeks, pushing them apart. Holly didn't hesitate, which pleased Lisa even more.

"Yes! FUCK yes, Holly!" she exclaimed as Holly stuck her tongue deep into Lisa's asshole. "Just like that ... oh yes, lick my asshole!"

Holly pushed Lisa's asshole apart with two fingers, giving her better access to the insides of Lisa's nether regions. As Holly relentlessly tongued Lisa's anus, she began longing for Lisa's tongue to be between her legs again.

After a few minutes of licking and moaning, Lisa pulled away from Holly and flashed a quick smile. Holly then watched as Lisa reached back, pushing her index finger as far into her own asshole as she could.

Lisa squeezed her eyes shut and moaned softly as she finger-fucked her asshole. Holly considered following Lisa's lead, but instead concentrated on stroking her own clit.

'LOOK at her,' Holly thought. 'God, that is the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen!'

"So, I see you're ready for more!" Lisa said after opening her eyes. Lisa lied down flat on her back, and beckoned for Holly to climb on top of her.

After Lisa demonstrated with her hands, Holly complied. She found herself lying face-down on top of Lisa, staring directly at her friend's pussy.

"This is called '69,' " Lisa explained, although her face was much closer to Holly's pussy than her ear. "It's quite simple: you eat my pussy and I'll eat yours. This way we BOTH get it at the same time."

'What a great idea!' Holly thought as Lisa's tongue penetrated her vagina. 'The things people come up with. ...'

Holly giggled at her own Mr. Rogers-style sense of humor, which seemed tremendously inappropriate at that moment. Although her instinct was to close her eyes and moan, Holly remembered she also had a job to do. She reached down and pushed Lisa's pussy lips apart, exposing Lisa's clitoris.

'Well, here goes nothing,' Holly thought as she prepared to taste a woman's pussy for the first time.

After running her tongue up and down Lisa's clit a few times, Holly found the experience more pleasurable than she'd expected. Lisa's pussy tasted a little like bitter watermelon, and getting pleasured by Lisa made Holly even more eager to eat her friend out.

After the two girls had licked each other and moaned for several minutes, Holly finally felt an orgasm approaching.

"I ... I'm gonna come, Lisa," she breathed. "PLEASE don't stop!"

Lisa poured every ounce of energy she had into licking Holly's clit, and Holly's moans of pleasure were all she needed to know her friend appreciated it. Lisa once again felt Holly start to quake, but this time she kept her tongue on Holly's pussy.

Holly forgot all about satisfying Lisa and raised her head into the air, moaning and tweaking her own nipples.

"Oh, Leeeeessa," she exclaimed as she erupted.

Lisa was glad she'd satisfied her friend again, but she was a little jealous. After all, she hadn't even had her FIRST orgasm yet.

After the girls kissed again, Holly sensed Lisa's disenchantment. When Holly realized that Lisa still hadn't come, she immediately got on her hands and knees and focused all her attention on her friend's clitoris.

"Oh, yes!" Lisa sighed. "Keep licking my fucking clit, Holly!"

Lisa had been building all night, and it didn't take her long to reach orgasm. She felt waves of pleasure splashing over her body as Holly's tongue accomplished its mission.

"Mmmmmmm," Lisa moaned as she boiled over. Holly lapped up as much of Lisa's juices as she could.

"Umm, how about some juice, Hol?" Lisa giggled as Holly leaned forward. As the girls kissed again, Lisa's darting tongue was evidence of her love for tasting her own juices - especially from the mouth of someone she found as attractive as Holly.

Lisa and Holly proceeded to hold each other for several minutes. But after having sex for nearly an hour, both girls seemed to want some time alone to reflect on what they'd done together.

"Well, I'd better get going," Lisa said as she rose from the bed. "I've got class tomorrow morning."

"Um, yeah, me too," Holly said quickly. "I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Oh, I think you will," Lisa said as she opened the door to leave. "After tonight, I think you'll be seeing a LOT more of me!"

Both girls giggled one last time.

"Goodnight," Lisa whispered from the doorway. Just before closing the door, she leaned her head in and blew Holly a kiss.

Holly was nothing short of elated as she realized her summer-long efforts to attract people had paid off - albeit in a rather unconventional way. And even though she had been pining and praying for a boyfriend only a week earlier, Holly decided she had found something much better.

She fell asleep with a smile on her face.


When Holly woke up the next morning, she was pleased to discover her good mood hadn't left her. She was still borderline-giddy about the previous evening's experience with Lisa, and it was all she could think about as she showered and brushed her teeth.

American Literature class didn't go much better. Holly strayed from her usually studious nature to picture Lisa in various states of undress, which gave her a much warmer feeling than visualizing any of the American pioneers the teacher was discussing.

"So, who here has licked Lisa's clit?" Holly heard the teacher's voice say, bringing the little fantasy she'd been having about Lisa wearing lingerie to a screeching halt. She looked around, half expecting to see 30 faces staring accusingly at her.

"I repeat, who here picked English Lit ... and got stuck taking this course instead?" the teacher inquired.

Holly sighed. 'Wow. Maybe I'm thinking about Lisa just a little TOO much,' she thought.

The rest of the day followed suit, as Holly sat in the backs of her public speaking and geography classes drawing squiggly lines in her notebook. When her school day finally ended, Holly marched directly to Lisa's dorm room and knocked on the door.

"Hey there, beautiful one!" Lisa said as she answered the door. "C'mon in!"

Holly smiled as Lisa walked back to her bed and sat down. "So, how did your classes go today?" she asked.

"Not too good," Holly responded. "I kind of had my mind on ... other things."

Lisa laughed, a sound Holly was growing increasingly fond of. "I was thinking of you, too," she said, lowering her voice. Lisa could see Holly was eager to expand upon the previous night's performance.

"So, you wanna get started?" Lisa asked as she got up to lock the door.

'It's scary how DIRECT she is,' Holly thought. 'Then again, this wouldn't be happening if she weren't. ...'

Holly smiled and nodded vigorously. Lisa took Holly's hand as she passed her.

"All righty then, Holly, let's have a seat over here!" she said, guiding Holly to her bed.

Lisa sat Holly down and put her arms around her friend's neck. But instead of leaning in to kiss her friend, Lisa stared into Holly's eyes for several seconds.

Although Lisa had a little surprise waiting for Holly in the closet, she wanted to do a little talking first. Although Lisa was aching to enjoy her second get-together with Holly, she was more concerned about making Holly feel better about herself.

"You are so beautiful, Holly," Lisa whispered as she caressed Holly's cheek with her hand. "I want you BAD. Everything about you is so sexy ... do you know that?"

Holly smiled and blushed, but didn't respond.

"What do you want me to do to you tonight, Holly?" Lisa asked, keeping her voice low.

"I don't know ... EVERYTHING," her timid friend responded.

"I want details," Lisa retorted. She knew she was wasting time that could have been invested in foreplay, but Lisa was enjoying herself nonetheless.

Holly sighed, realizing her silence wouldn't appease Lisa.

"I want you to lick me," Holly said.

"Where?" Lisa shot back.

"My nipples and clit ... and my ass," Holly said. "I don't know, Lisa ... ANYWHERE! I just want to feel your tongue somewhere on my body again. I've been thinking about it all day."

Lisa could feel herself getting wet as she listened to Holly's requests. Lisa leaned in and kissed her friend, but she pulled away when Holly tried to penetrate her lips with her tongue.

"Holly, you're going to get fucked so good tonight," Lisa growled. Her breathing was already getting heavy, and Lisa couldn't believe how much simply TALKING to Holly was turning her on.

"I want to do EVERYTHING to you," she said. "God, Holly, I want you so fucking bad. ..."

"I want you, too," Holly responded. "You don't know how bad! All I've been thinking about for three days now is you."

That was the response Lisa was looking for. She pushed Holly down onto the bed and climbed on top of her, planting kisses across her cheeks, mouth and forehead.

Much of the inhibition Holly demonstrated the night before had clearly vanished. She reached under Lisa's flannel shirt with her left hand and massaged her nipples, using her right hand to play with her own clitoris.

"You DO want it bad, don't you?" Lisa remarked. "Don't worry about your pussy - I'll take care of THAT."

Holly unbuttoned Lisa's shirt and unfastened her bra. She was eager to lick Lisa's nipples, as it was the only erogenous zone of Lisa's she hadn't already tasted.

Holly once again found herself enjoying a new sexual experience. She licked Lisa's nipples in a circular pattern, as Lisa had done to her. Holly marveled at how soft Lisa's breasts were, which sharply contrasted her hard nipples.

Still, Holly was eager to move down to Lisa's pussy. She unzipped Lisa's pants and pulled them off, with a little help from Lisa. As soon as Lisa's pussy was exposed, Holly buried her face in it.

Lisa marveled at how quickly her friend had learned the proper techniques to eating pussy. Lisa been with guys who'd had no clue when it came to oral sex, and she was fairly certain none of them had lost their virginity only the night before.

"Mmmmm," Lisa moaned, grinding her pussy up into Holly's face. "You are LEARNING, little one," she said, giggling slightly.

When Lisa realized an orgasm was only seconds away, she grabbed the back of Holly's head and pushed hard, grinding her pussy up and down Holly's nose, mouth and chin.

When Holly realized her friend was boiling over, she ran her tongue up and down Lisa's clit as fast as she could.

"Yesssssss," Lisa exclaimed. "FUCK yes, Holly."

After enjoying at least eight seconds of eye-squinting, body-shaking orgasm, Lisa quickly climbed up to face Holly. She licked her juices off Holly's chin, nose and lips for another 30 seconds, and was pleased to see Holly enjoying the exercise as much as she was.

"Ohhh, Lisa! Don't leave me!" Holly pleaded jokingly as backed away and stood up.

"I'll be right back," Lisa said as she headed for her bedroom. "Don't go anywhere!"

'Yeah, right,' Holly thought as she reached down to stroke her pussy. 'Like there's anyplace on this PLANET I'd rather be than right here. ...'

Holly smiled as that emotion rushed through her, as she could only recall feeling it a few other times in her life. Her grin broadened as she wondered what Lisa had planned, as she'd come to trust Lisa's sexual judgment.

However, Holly was more than a little startled when Lisa walked out wearing high-heeled shoes and a seven-inch strap-on dildo.

"What are you doing?" Holly asked nervously. "I ... I've never had anything like that in me before."

Lisa smiled. "Exactly, my dear," she said with a laugh. "We're going to change that, which is why I picked this up earlier today."

That didn't encourage Holly, who had never even considered that a penis - albeit a fake one - could be incorporated into girl/girl sex. Nevertheless, she obeyed when Lisa directed her to get on her hands and knees.

"Stick your ass up in the air ... that's it," Lisa instructed. Holly shut her eyes tight as she prepared for penetration.

"This is gonna hurt a little bit, but you'll have to do this eventually if you plan on ever having a boyfriend," Lisa said as she squeezed lotion onto the dildo. "Just ease back on it at your own speed."

"Holly's own speed" turned out to be more than three minutes, and at that point only three-quarters of the dildo was inside her.

"Owwww!" she exclaimed as Lisa began slowly pumping her with the dildo. "If this is what fucking a guy is like, I want no part of it!"

"Just relax," Lisa responded as she began pumping Holly's pussy faster. "Trust me, you'll come to enjoy this."

Holly grunted and uttered profanities, but she appeared to begin enjoying herself as Lisa increased her pumping speed.

'This feels so WEIRD,' Holly thought. 'I guess it feels kind of good, but I think I like being licked a lot better. ...'

"Mmmmm," Holly said. "Give it to me harder, Lisa. Just a little harder."

Holly's grunts turned Lisa on even more, and she began pumping even faster. "Oh, FUCK," Holly exclaimed between moans. "God, FUCK me with that fucking DILDO, Lisa!"

Lisa obliged, but knew the dildo wasn't likely to give Holly an orgasm. Holly's cries and moans were consistent, but they weren't getting any louder or more frequent.

Holly sighed as Lisa pulled out, realizing her first genuine "fucking" was over. As soon as Lisa had unstrapped the dildo, Holly snatched it up and began putting it on.

"Oh, you're gonna get it," she scolded Lisa, feigning anger. "That HURT!"

Lisa certainly wasn't going to argue, and got on her hands and knees as Holly squirted more lotion on the dildo.

"All right, darlin'," Lisa said teasingly. "Let's see what you've got!"

Lisa's smile faded a little when she realized Holly was spreading her ASS cheeks, not her pussy. Before she could ask Holly what the hell she was doing, she felt a familiar sensation around the opening of her asshole.

"Oh fuck, Holly," Lisa pleaded. "I've never done it like this before. ..."

"That's funny," Holly responded. "I was nervous about getting fucked by this thing five minutes ago, but did that stop you?"

Lisa realized she wasn't in any position to argue. Holly thrusted the dildo forward, sending a sharp burst of pain through Lisa's nether regions.

But the initial ache subsided after a few seconds, and Lisa felt herself getting excited as Holly pushed the dildo farther into her asshole. As Holly began slowly moving in and out of her ass, Lisa stroked her own pussy.

Holly, meanwhile, began grunting and emitting some very unladylike sounds as she fucked Lisa's ass.

'God, I'm fucking her in her fucking ASSHOLE,' Holly thought. 'I am so fucking turned on right now, it's fucking unbelievable.'

"How does that feel, Lisa?" Holly asked, her voice straining. "Do you like me fucking your little asshole? Do you like me shoving this dildo up your ass?"

"Yes!" Lisa exclaimed. "God, Holly, fuck my ASSHOLE! Push that dildo deep into my fucking asshole, girl!"

Lisa felt herself building toward another orgasm as she stroked her clit. Holly, meanwhile, was deriving plenty of pleasure from the dildo's clit-teasing device and the sheer thrill of entering Lisa's asshole.

"Ohhhh," Lisa exclaimed as she exploded. "Oh my good, that feels so awesome!"

Holly's orgasm wasn't far behind. She pumped Lisa's ass as hard as she could as she came, rubbing her clit against the back of the dildo.

"Fuck! FUCK! Oh, yessssss! Mmmmmm ..." Holly trailed off.

After regaining her composure, Holly unstrapped the dildo and snuggled up to her sated friend. After sharing a couple of kisses, Holly rested her head on Lisa's shoulder.

Both girls were silent for a few seconds, basking in the afterglow of the best sex either had ever had.

"My God, Lisa, that was amazing," Holly finally said. "Is sex always that good?"

Lisa thought for a second. "No, I'm afraid not," she sighed. "But there's something ... special when you and I do it. I just can't put my finger on what it is."

Holly nodded.

"I don't know ... it seems like even though we do some pretty 'hard core' things, I still feel really ... WARM toward you after we finish having sex," Lisa continued.

"What do you mean, 'hard core'?" Holly asked.

"Well, fucking someone in the ass is pretty 'hard core' by most people's standards," Lisa said, laughing. "Like I said, I'd certainly never done that before."

"Really?" Holly said. "I didn't realize we did stuff that other people don't do."

"Umm, well, actually, we do a LOT of things other people don't," Lisa said. "I mean, for one thing, we're both WOMEN! Most women go their entire lives without experiencing what you and I do - even though quite a few might WANT to. And licking another person's ass isn't all that common either, as far as I know."

Holly was surprised, as she'd figured her sessions with Lisa were pretty much standard procedure - with the notable exception of their genders being the same.

"Have you ever ... you know, DONE IT with a woman other than me?" Holly inquired, nervously anticipating Lisa's answer.

"No," Lisa said. "One time I did get drunk at a party in high school with that friend I mentioned earlier, and I just remember kissing her a few times in the bathroom of the house we were at. But we both laughed about it the next day, and I'd never actually BEEN with another woman ... until now."

Lisa punctuated that statement with a quick kiss on Holly's chin.

"Do you know how much most guys would pay to see a couple of pretty 18-year-old girls going at it?" Lisa laughed. "We could probably charge people to watch us and be millionaires in NO time!"

Again, Holly was surprised. "So, guys LIKE it when women have sex with each other? That really doesn't make sense. I mean, that means the women AREN'T having sex with the guys, right?"

"I think you're giving men a little too much credit in the logic department, Holly," Lisa laughed. "But believe me, I've tried solving the mystery before. I've asked past boyfriends why watching two women together turns them on, but none offered a decent explanation."

"So what are you and I, anyway? Lesbians?" Holly asked suddenly.

Lisa laughed. "No, no, no ... Holly, we are not lesbians! Lesbians date women ONLY and fall in love with women ONLY. I guess we would be considered bisexual by most people's standards, though I think even THAT is kind of a stretch. ..."

Holly didn't respond.

"Why are you asking?" Lisa asked. "Are you feeling guilty about ... what you and I do? I mean, because it's really no big deal. Believe me, we're not the only women out there who do what we do! There's NOTHING wrong with it."

Holly sighed. "I'm sure you're right," she said. "Still, there are just these little things like ... like, what should I say if someone asks if I'm a virgin?"

"Tell them whatever you want," Lisa responded. "If you don't think it's any of their business, tell them so!"

"I guess you're right," Holly said. "I guess I'm just kind of overwhelmed by how much has changed in my life in the past 10 days."

"That's understandable," Lisa said. "If you want me to stay away from you for a few days, I'll under ..."

"NO!" Holly exclaimed, cutting Lisa off. "I definitely don't want THAT! If anything, I want to be around you MORE. That's what's so confusing to me."

Lisa nodded but didn't say anything. She was still deciding what to make of the situation, and she definitely wasn't prepared for what came next.

"Lisa," Holly sighed. "I think ... I think that I'm in love with you."


If Lisa had been drinking soda or auditioning for a role in a Warner Brothers cartoon, she would have done a spit take.

"What?" she hastily replied. "You're WHAT?"

"Oh no!" Holly said, her face turning crimson. "I KNEW I shouldn't have said that."

"Holly ..." Lisa trailed off.

"I'm sorry!" Holly pleaded. "Maybe I'm just confused because this is the closest I've ever been to being in love."

Lisa sighed. "Look, Holly, this definitely isn't a good sign. Don't get me wrong; I REALLY like you. But ... God, Holly, like I said before, we're both WOMEN. The idea of us having a relationship is ... it just can't happen!"

Holly had never been so embarrassed in her life.

"I hate to say this," Lisa sighed, "but it's probably a good idea if you and I spend some time apart. My body doesn't want me to do this - BELIEVE me - but I think it'd be a good idea."

"How much time?" Holly asked meekly, resisting the urges to argue and/or cry.

"I don't know ... I'm thinking at least a week," Lisa sighed, clearly regretting the situation. "That should give you time to sort out your feelings."

Holly reluctantly agreed, and before she knew it she was back in her own dorm room, crying. Lisa hadn't even given her a goodnight kiss, and Holly couldn't help but fear that she'd lost Lisa forever.

'God, why am I such a fucking idiot?' she scolded herself. 'All I had to do was keep my mouth shut, and I BLEW it!'

Then another thought crossed her mind, one that made her shudder with fear. 'Lisa told me that one guy has asked her out already. What if she has a boyfriend by next week?'

Holly struggled with those fears and others as she tried to fall asleep. For the first night in a week, she DIDN'T have a smile on her face as she finally drifted off to sleep.


Holly was an emotional wreck four days later, having spent the previous three evenings watching television and eating chocolate and ice cream.

Holly knew eating fat-laden food for two weeks would make her swell up like a balloon, but she didn't care. She was more confused than ever, and four days without Lisa had felt like an eternity.

Holly also began feeling the sexual-withdrawal symptoms typical of anyone who has grown accustomed to having sex with another person, only to lose him or her. She was quickly discovering that for all its merits, masturbation paled by comparison to the real thing.

Holly's fifth night without Lisa was a Saturday, and the guilt of overeating was starting to eat away at her. But that wasn't enough to stop her from giving in to a craving for pizza.

After calling Mama Mia's Pizza and being told her pizza would arrive in 45 minutes, Holly was annoyed when an hour passed without any sign of her pizza.

After about 75 minutes, she finally heard a knock at the door. For a split second Holly allowed herself to think it might be Lisa, but she knew she was setting herself up for disappointment.

She didn't reach that point, as she could smell the pizza from behind the closed door.

"Hi. I've got a pizza for Holly Silverman," the delivery man said as she opened the door.

Holly studied his face for a second. Although she practically had to squint after gazing at his bright-red uniform, Holly found her new visitor rather attractive.

"Yeah, that's me," Holly said. "Come in."

Although the thought of "extracurricular" activities with anyone other than Lisa hadn't even crossed her mind for a couple of weeks, Holly found herself giving "William," as the pizza man's nametag identified him, a couple of long looks as she fumbled around in her purse for money.

If William resembled a cocky, muscle-bound frat boy or an immature college-is-just-an-extension-of-high-school brat, she wouldn't have considered what she was about to do. But William looked like the kind of guy who would've been nice to Holly even in her fat high school days, and in Holly's frazzled state of mind, that was all it took to earn her admiration.

Holly's mind raced as she tried to determine the best way to tell William she was interested in more than pizza. She thought about using some stupid one-liner, like, "Hey, this pizza doesn't have pepperoni! Know where I might be able to find some?" But Holly knew that wasn't her style.

"Look, I'm going to say something that's probably gonna catch you by surprise," Holly heard herself say. William looked up.

"I would like you to make love to me."

William stared at her. "Wh ... WHAT?"

"I'm depressed, I'm feeling totally alone, I'm not concerned at this point about how technically 'wrong' what I'm saying is and I'd feel much better if you could spare about 10 minutes," Holly said. "I mean, you don't HAVE to, but I assure you that I'm totally safe. ..."

"Umm, I'm quite safe too, but this HAS to be a joke," William said. "I mean, I'm a PIZZA DELIVERY guy! Nothing good EVER happens to pizza delivery guys!"

Holly walked over to William, marveling at her newfound ability to seduce. She gave him a quick kiss.

"Well, this is your lucky night, pizza man," Holly said in a breathy voice. A smile crept across her face, and Holly quickly turned her head until the urge to laugh out loud passed.

'This is fun,' she thought. 'I'm TOTALLY in control of this situation.'

William, meanwhile, was extremely nervous. But he wasn't stupid.

"Well, if nothing else it'll be an excuse to get this damned polyester uniform off for a few minutes," he joked.

"So you're really serious?" he asked again, still unable to believe his good fortune. Holly responded by putting her arms around his neck and kissing him again. Although the stubble on his face and stiffness of his lips made Holly question her decision, she had reached the point of no return. Before William could ask if she was serious again, Holly started unbuckled his belt and started unzipping his pants.

"I'll take that as a 'yes,' " the still-nervous William said in a shaky voice. Within seconds Holly had his already-hard penis out and was stroking it.

"I want you to know that I've never done this before," she said. "So if I do anything wrong, just let me know."

Holly figured it was instinct that guided her to take William's dick between her lips. 'This isn't too bad,' she thought as she moved her lips up and down his shaft. 'It's nothing compared to eating pussy, but it's more interesting than eating ice cream and watching TV.'

William finally started moaning after several minutes, but by then Holly was confident she was doing a good job.

"Oh, shit," William grunted. "DAMN, that feels good!"

After another minute, William told Holly she had to stop or he'd explode. Holly pulled down her pants and panties, knowing it was her turn to be on the receiving end.

Holly could sense William's excitement as he eyed her dark pubic hair. 'I guess most men get as excited about seeing pussy as I do,' she thought with a smile.

"I've never done THIS before," William said as he bent down to lick Lisa's pussy. "I hope I do a good job. ..."

Lisa moaned immediately, though William's tongue wasn't nearly as agile, quick or soft as Lisa's. Holly also felt William's cheek stubble rubbing against her inner thighs, a sensation that annoyed her.

She decided to stop thinking about it and try to enjoy herself, but it didn't matter. Instead of licking her until she came, William got up and attempted to enter Holly from behind.

"Umm, hmm ... I'm guessing you don't have any protection with you, right?" Holly asked, knowing the answer would be "no."

"Umm, no," William said quietly.

"Well, I think we should probably stick with oral sex then, William," she said. Holly didn't know William's sexual past, and she suddenly pictured four high-school classmates back in Sarasota who already had children.

Holly was pleased when William didn't complain, and rewarded him by taking his penis in her mouth again. This time, only a minute went by before William was ready to come.

"Shit, I'm gonna come," he moaned. "Suck it hard."

Holly did just that, and as William's body convulsed, she could feel thick ribbons of semen splashing against the back of her throat. She continued sucking until William had expelled all of his "load."

'Lisa was wrong; this actually doesn't taste too bad,' Holly thought as she swallowed the last drops of William's come. 'The consistency's a little weird, but it tastes pretty sweet. ...'

"Shit, you just swallowed it ALL, didn't you?" William asked, apparently in awe of what Holly didn't recognize as a considerable feat. "God, you are so fucking HOT. ..."

Holly smiled, but couldn't help feeling disappointed that although William was satisfied, she hadn't even come close to an orgasm.

"Oh, FUCK!" William exclaimed, interrupting Holly's thoughts. "It's 8:30! If I don't get back to work they'll can me for sure!"

'Getting fired from a pizza joint - now THERE'S a tragedy,' Holly thought sarcastically. 'I'll be right back; I'm just gonna grab my violin.'

"Thank you so much," William said, catching his breath as he pulled his clothes on. "This is gonna make quite a stor ... umm, I mean I'll never forget it. Do you think I can see you again?"

Holly winced. "Yeah, sure," she said, not bothering to feign enthusiasm as she pulled out a piece of paper. "I'll write my number down for you."

"Hmm," William said as he examined the piece of paper. "I thought all university phone numbers began with 962! I guess 555 must be a new exchange. ..."

Holly nodded and smiled as William left, but a frown overtook her face the moment William closed the door.

'I don't think I'd feel nearly as guilty if I'd actually ENJOYED that,' she thought. 'If every guy turns me on that little, I'm. ...'

Holly was aching for Lisa more than ever. As she opened the pizza box, she realized she hadn't paid William.

'Great,' Holly thought. 'Five bucks says he'll be back within five minutes.'

Sure enough, Holly's thoughts were interrupted by three sharp knocks on her door.

Holly hesitated before getting up. 'He IS entitled to his money,' she told herself, 'even though I more than paid for that damn pizza in other ways. ...'

Holly fished $12 out of her purse and opened the door.

"Here you ..." she started before eyeing a softer, more feminine presence outside her door.

"Hey there," Lisa said. "Can I come in?"


Holly's first instinct was to throw her arms around her friend and hold Lisa for the rest of the evening. But Holly decided to play it cool and pretend she HADN'T spent the previous four days thinking about Lisa and nothing else.

"Sure, c'mon in," Holly responded, stepping aside to let Lisa pass. "Sorry about the mess."

"No prob," Lisa said. "So, um, how have you been these past few days?"

"Pretty good," Holly lied. "I've been pretty busy - you know, with school and all."

Lisa drew in her breath. "Well, I came here because I wanted to talk to you," she said quickly. "About ... about the way things are between you and me."

"All right then," Holly said. "Talk."

"Um, OK," Lisa replied. "First of all, I want to apologize if I've made things difficult for you these past couple of weeks. I now realize what a bitch I've been."

"What do you mean?" Holly asked, unable to hide her intrigue.

"Well, think about it," Lisa said. "First I practically seduce you, knowing full well that you're very inexperienced when it comes to things like love and sex. Then, when I find you've developed feelings for me, I freak out. That's pretty low-class."

Holly nodded, offering no argument.

"But now I'm more confused than ever, Holly. I'm finding that I miss you TERRIBLY when you're not around," Lisa said. "I guess I'm still really weirded out by that whole 'we're both girls' thing. I still have reservations about this, but I'd really like to come up with some kind of ... 'arrangement' between you and me."

"What kind of 'arrangement'?" Holly asked excitedly.

"I'm not sure," Lisa said. "I want us both to be free to go out with guys, but I also want us to be ... together, at least in some capacity. How do you feel about that?"

"I doubt I'll be wanting to go out with any guys," Holly said. "But I definitely like the part about us being together. ..."

"Yeah, I like that part too," Lisa said softly, shooting Holly a glance that made Holly feel warm all over. "Anyway, here's what I've got in mind. Let's say one of us finds a boyfriend and gets really involved with him. That's fine, but we have to promise not to forget about each other. I don't know about you, but I'd probably get VERY jealous if you started focusing all of your time on a boyfriend and none on me. ..."

Holly nodded enthusiastically and reached her arms out to Lisa. "Oh Lisa, I'm just so glad you're back!"

"I've missed you too," Lisa whispered as she returned Holly's embrace. After the girls exchanged a 10-second kiss, Holly told Lisa about her misadventure with William.

"God, you do EVERYTHING so much better than him!" Holly exclaimed as Lisa laughed.

"Not all guys are that bad, believe me," Lisa said. "But I'm sure you'll find that out for yourself as the school year goes on."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Holly said. "Besides, there are probably better circumstances to meet guys under."

Lisa laughed. "You'll be fine, Hol. You're going to make some guys very happy in the next few years. In the meantime, you certainly make ME happy!"

Holly smiled, putting her arms around Lisa's neck again. "I think you and I are gonna have a LOT of fun this semester," she said.

"I think so too," Lisa smiled as she leaned in to kiss her friend.


Despite the Holly's and Lisa's intentions, experimenting with each other soon took a back seat to their studies. As the semester wore on and classes became more demanding, both Holly and Lisa devoted more time to homework and studying. By the time finals week arrived in December, they were only "getting together" once or twice a week.

Holly was excited about returning to the Sunshine State for the approaching monthlong Christmas break, as the wind and snow of Omaha had plunged her into a weather-induced funk. She had never experienced snow before, but after two snowfalls she'd had her fill of it.

Lisa, meanwhile, wasn't as enthused about spending a month in Minneapolis. Her parents' less-than-friendly divorce made a warm Christmas family get-together an impossibility. And since her mother lived in Virginia she'd be spending all of her time in Minnesota with her father, an idea that made her shudder. Lisa didn't get along too well with her father, and she had just gotten used to NOT being bossed around by him.

The girls had developed a very strong emotional bond over the previous three months, and they knew they'd miss each other terribly. So when they met in Lisa's room the night after finals were over, their moods were anything but festive.

"I can't believe it's only two days until we're gonna be separated for a MONTH!" Lisa lamented. "I don't know what I'm gonna DO without you!"

"You'll probably run into one of your old high school boyfriends, get back together and forget all about me," Holly teased.

"I don't think so, Hol," Lisa said, shaking her head. "You've never seen any of my former boyfriends, but trust me ... it's not a pretty picture."

"Oh? But otherwise you'd do it, huh?" Holly said, smiling.

"Well, of COURSE!" Lisa joked back. "I'd ..."

Lisa trailed off when the phone rang.

"Hello? Oh, hey, Dad," she said.

Lisa didn't say much other than occasional "yeah" and "uh-huh," but Holly could see her face revealing a range of emotions. When Lisa finally hung up the phone, tears were welling in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Holly asked worriedly, reaching for Lisa's hands.

"ASSHOLE! I can't believe what an asshole my fucking dad is!" Lisa responded angrily.

"What is it? What happened?" Holly asked.

Lisa sighed. "Well, you knew I was going home to Minneapolis for Christmas, right? Now my fucking dad calls me - TWO DAYS before I'm supposed to drive up there - and tells me he's going to California for two weeks, and we should probably put off my visit until another time. Can you fucking BELIEVE that?"

Holly shook her head. "So, what are you going to do?" she asked.

"Well, there's only one fucking thing I CAN do," Lisa replied. "I've gotta call my mom and see if I can stay with HER for Christmas. Christ! I feel like some unwanted orphan or something!"

"Why don't you want to stay with your mom?" Holly asked. "I thought you liked her better than your dad."

"I DO," Lisa answered, shaking her head. "But I can't stand her new husband or his fucking SPOILED kids. That whole family is just a bunch of snobby ASSHOLES, and now I'm gonna have to spend a MONTH with them!"

'There's got to be something I can do to help her,' Holly thought frantically. 'I wonder if she could ...'

"Maybe I should just hide in my closet when they lock the dorms up for Christmas break," Lisa said as Holly got up. "Then I could ... hey, where are you going?"

"I'll be right back," Holly said excitedly as she dashed out the door and into her own dorm room. She quickly closed the door behind her, picked up the phone and dialed her parents' phone number.

Lisa, meanwhile, wondered what had made her usually courteous friend dash off in the middle of a conversation. She sighed, reached for the phone and dialed her mother's number.

As Lisa finished dialing the area code, Holly burst into the room.

"If you're calling your mom, hang up the phone!" Holly said excitedly. "I've got great news!"

"What?" Lisa asked.

"You're coming home with ME for Christmas break!" Holly responded joyfully.

"WHAT? Go home with YOU? I don't know, Holly ... I don't think your family would enjoy having me around for a whole month," Lisa said. "It's a generous offer, but I really don't want to be a burden to anyone. ..."

Holly wouldn't hear it. Holly had told her parents about Lisa's situation, and they were more than happy to let her stay.

"Believe me, it'll be perfect!" Holly said. She could see Lisa was warming up to the idea. "My parents have a big house on the Gulf of Mexico, and there's even a furnished boat house you could sleep in! It's a lot better than these damned dorm rooms, believe me."

Lisa nodded slowly. "That DOES sound awfully great, Hol," she conceded. "And isn't it pretty warm in Sarasota in the winter? God, I would LOVE to get away from the snow and freezing temperatures for awhile. ..."

"Yeah, it's usually about 75 degrees in December!" Holly answered, realizing warm weather would be the hook that reeled Lisa in. "We'll be able to go to the beach every day, drive around with the windows down and wear shorts and bikini tops!"

"All right, I'll do it!" Lisa finally exclaimed. "I've always wanted to go to Florida. And I like the idea of seeing you in a bikini top every day. ..."

Holly laughed. "I like the idea of seeing you every day PERIOD," she said. "I don't know what I would've done if we'd been separated for a month! And as far as the bikini top is concerned, I suspect you'll be seeing me in a lot less than THAT!"

Lisa laughed and reached for her friend. "This is so cool," she said. "I think you and I should ... CELEBRATE."

Holly agreed wholeheartedly, and discussions of the Florida sunshine soon gave way to petting and kissing. As Lisa undid Holly's bra and began kissing her nipples, she couldn't stop thinking about her pending trip to Holly's house.

'Mmm, this trip is gonna be so fun,' she thought as stuck her hands under Holly's jeans and began stroking her clit. 'We're finally gonna have the chance to really EXPERIMENT with each other.'

After all of their clothes had come off, the girls masturbated in front of each other. Fingering herself in front of Lisa made Holly feel incredibly slutty, a feeling she'd come to relish.

Lisa stroked her clit with her left hand and tweaked her nipples with her right hand. She kept her eyes focused on Holly's pussy, eager to see what her friend would do to upstage her.

Holly responded by fucking her own asshole with the index finger on one hand and massaging her clit with the other hand. She moaned loudly, knowing it would turn Lisa on even more.

It worked, and Lisa soon found herself aching to touch Holly. She slid over to Holly's side and pulled Holly's hand away from her pussy.

"I'll take it from here," she smiled as Holly opened her eyes. Lisa pushed Holly's legs farther apart and got on top of her friend, so their pussies were only inches apart. Lisa then began grinding her clit against Holly's.

"Oh God, Lisa," Holly breathed, knowing how much Lisa enjoyed hearing her talk during sex. "Fuck me with your stiff little CLIT! Yes! Oh ... SHIT! Grind that little clit against me!"

"You like that, huh?" Lisa inquired as she ground her pussy against Lisa's even harder. "You're a little SLUT, aren't you?"

"Yes!" Holly cried. "I'm a little fucking slut! Fuck me, Lisa!"

That got Lisa going, and soon she felt familiar waves of pleasure splashing over her body.

"Yesssss!" Lisa exclaimed as she boiled over. She got down and eagerly licked Holly's pussy, which was wet with a mixture of Holly's and Lisa's own juices.

Lisa fluttered her tongue up and down Holly's clit, occasionally taking it between her teeth and biting it softly. Holly came in a matter of seconds.

"Mmmm," Holly moaned. "God, Lisa, you're so good to me!"

Lisa laughed as she climbed up to cuddle with Holly. As they held each other, Lisa thought about living in Florida for a month with Holly. As she closed her eyes and smiled, she could hear the cold winter wind of Nebraska whistling through the trees outside.


The two days that followed felt like an eternity to Holly and Lisa. Holly rented three movies to pass the time while Lisa worked her last day at the Cool Beans coffee shop.

The next morning Holly got up at 4:30 a.m. so she'd be ready to leave by 5 o'clock. Holly was buzzing with the excitement of preparing to embark on a long journey, so she hardly felt the effects of only five hours of sleep.

After knowing Lisa for four months, Holly knew her friend wouldn't be in fine form when she knocked on the door. But Holly had to stifle laughter when Lisa finally arrived at 4:50.

"Wha ... what's YOUR problem?" Lisa mumbled, her squinting eyes doing nothing to cover the dark circles beneath them.

'There are few pleasures greater than being a morning person, and torturing someone who isn't,' Holly thought gleefully.

"So, you ready to drive for 24 hours?" Holly asked cheerfully.

Lisa mumbled something and shook her head.

"Well, I'm ready if you are!" Holly said.

As they left, Holly grabbed a few albums to play in her car's CD player. The girls had dumped their bags in the car's trunk the night before.

Although she was wearing a coat, Holly could feel the ice-cold air nipping at her face and ears as she stepped into the December Nebraska morning. It was dark and snow was lightly falling. Holly hated being cold, but she couldn't help but admire the serene beauty all around her.

"This time of day is so beautiful," Holly smiled as she brushed snow off her windshield. "It's so quiet, and there's nobody around ..."

Lisa mumbled again, making Holly realize she probably wouldn't be a good conversationalist during the first part of their journey.

Lisa was already asleep as Holly reached the Interstate, and five hours of intense boredom were just beginning for Holly. Holly had nothing to look at but a depressing landscape of bare trees, gray skies and snow-covered fields whose beauty wouldn't return until the summer "corn season."

'This really sucks,' Holly thought. 'I sure hope she wakes up by the time we're in Missouri.'

Six hours later ...

Lisa did finally wake up in Missouri, but only because Holly nudged her so she could see St. Louis's Gateway Arch.

"Mmm, that is pretty cool," Lisa said groggily. "Where are we again?"

Holly smiled. "We're in St. Louis, and it's after 11 now," she said. "I've been wanting to stop for breakfast for hours now, but I didn't want to wake you up."

"Shit, Holly! I've been sleeping for SIX hours?" Lisa said. "You could've woken me!"

"After encountering your less-than-pleasant morning persona earlier today, I decided the best way to avoid being strangled was to leave you alone," Holly said, grinning. "Besides, it's no big deal. Let's just get out of St. Louis before we stop for lunch; I hear parts of this city are pretty bad, and I don't feel like dodging any bullets today. ..."

Another eight hours later ...

Unlike the first leg of their journey, the next few hours seemed to fly by to Holly, mostly because Lisa was available to talk to.

"This is so cool. I've never been this far south before," Lisa remarked as they passed an "Atlanta - 22" sign.

"It gets better than this," Holly replied. "There's no snow now, but it's still pretty cold!"

"Well, maybe 50 degrees is cold in your book, but remember, I'm from Minneapolis," Lisa said. "This feels like our warmest day of the year up there!"

After passing through Atlanta, the girls checked in at a Quality Inn in Macon. It was only 8:30 p.m., but exhaustion fueled their decision to turn in early.

'Wow ... we're two young people who really like each other, we're in a hotel room, and we're NOT having sex,' Holly thought as she brushed her teeth. Lisa had already drifted off to sleep. 'We've gotta be breaking a bunch of stereotypes here. ...'

After lying down next to her sleeping friend, Holly turned on the TV.

"Tonight, a very special movie on ABC," a hushed voice said through the TV speaker. "John Stamos, Judith Light and Fred Savage star in ... Daddy Doesn't Tell."

"Oh, Christ," Holly sighed, rolling her eyes as the turned the TV off. As she drifted off to sleep, Holly fantasized about making love to Lisa on the beach, with palm trees and palmetto bushes providing a hiding place from the rest of the world.


The girls were showered and in the car by 7 a.m.

"Don't you just love this - being on the road this early?" Holly asked as she pulled onto I-75. "And today's the easy day - we're only seven hours from my house."

Lisa nodded but didn't say anything, again showcasing her antisocial morning tendencies. Holly popped Edie Brickell & New Bohemians' "Shooting Rubberbands at the Stars" in the CD player and remained silent for the next two hours.

Lisa was fast asleep again by the time they crossed the Florida state line, but Holly was too excited about returning to her homeland to mind.

After three more hours of quiet driving and music, Holly finally woke Lisa up when she stopped for gas near Sun City Center, on the east side of Tampa Bay.

"Where are we?" Lisa asked, blinking her eyes to adjust to the suddenly bright sun.

"We're only about an hour from Sarasota!" Holly exclaimed, her eyes bright with excitement. "God, it's so GREAT to be back!"

That seemed to wake Lisa up immediately.

"Holy SHIT!" she exclaimed as she got out of the car. "It's WARM! And look, Holly, there's actually SUNLIGHT all over the place! God, this is AWESOME!"

"Yep!" Holly said proudly. "Welcome to Florida in the winter!"

Lisa stripped down to her T-shirt and walked around, holding her arms out.

"I can't get over this!" Lisa exclaimed. "WARMTH!"

Lisa's exaltations caught the attention of the only other gas station patron, an older-looking man wearing white shorts and a John Deere hat.

"Come here, you," Holly called, holding her arms out. Lisa complied, and Holly hugged her friend tightly.

"You and I are gonna have so much fun!" Holly said, glancing out of the corner of her eye at the guy pumping gas. He was staring at both of them.

'Ha! I'll give him something to stare at,' Holly thought. She grabbed Lisa's chin and gave her friend a lingering kiss, which Lisa returned enthusiastically.

"HOLLY!" Lisa exclaimed, laughing. "I don't know what's gotten into you ... but I LIKE it!"

They both looked over at the gas-pumping guy, whose eyes appeared ready to fall out. The voyeuristic stranger's attention was turning Holly on, and she kissed Lisa again.

"Hope that brightened your day a little!" Holly called to the stranger as she and Lisa got into the car. As the girls sped off, Holly looked in her rear-view mirror and saw the man shake his head and smile.

"We need to audition for one of those Mentos commercials," Lisa laughed. "And as for YOU, that little episode just got me REALLY wet!"

"Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. Must you always be so graphic?" Holly teased. "But seriously, we need to lay some 'ground rules' about how we're gonna act around my parents."

"Huh?" Lisa responded. "What do you mean by 'ground rules'?"

"I left Sarasota as a timid virginal schoolgirl, and that's how I want my parents to know me," Holly said. "If they knew I was having a lesbian relationship with the friend I'm bringing home ... it wouldn't be a good thing."

"Well, DUH!" Lisa said. "C'mon, Holly, you really think I'd do anything to you while your parents are around?"

Holly was relieved, and she put R.E.M.'s "Lifes Rich Pageant" in the CD player. As the song "I Believe" began playing, the girls put on sunglasses, opened the windows and began cruising down I-75 toward Sarasota.


When the girls finally reached Holly's house, Lisa couldn't believe her eyes.

"Holy shit, Holly!" she exclaimed as they pulled into the driveway. "This is one of the most beautiful houses I've ever seen!"

The white, two-story house sat on an acre of green grass, palm trees and sand. The ocean lied directly beyond it, and a BMW was parked directly in front of it.

"OK, get ready to be bombarded," Holly warned as she parked the car. Her parents were already running out onto the porch.

"Helloooooooo Holly!" her mother cried as she spread her arms and hugged her daughter. "We've missed you so much!"

"Welcome home," her father said. "Thank God you made the trip safely!"

"Holly, you look BEAUTIFUL!" Holly's mother exclaimed. "Wait 'til the rest of the family visits for Christmas and sees you!"

Lisa felt both awkward and a little jealous. Holly's parents appeared to be enthusiastic, kind, and filthy rich -- the exact opposite of Lisa's family conditions.

"Oh, and this must be your friend!" Holly's mom exclaimed as she eyed Lisa.

Lisa smiled and extended her hand. "Hi. I'm Lisa Gilmour," she said. "I really appreciate you guys letting me stay here."

"Welcome to our home," Holly's mother replied. "My name's Emily. I know you had a hard time finding a place to stay for Christmas, and I just want you to know that we're happy to have you here."

"Thanks," Lisa said weakly.

Holly's father introduced himself as Richard, and Holly's parents began helping the girls unpack the car.

After they'd all eaten lunch, Holly took Lisa out to the boat house.

"This is SO cool," Lisa breathed. "I can't believe you actually LIVE in a place like this, Holly!"

"Yeah, it's cool, but I wonder if it isn't kind of a curse," Holly responded as she unlocked the boat house door. "I mean, it's hard to find a place I like better than this, and living someplace like Omaha has been difficult - as I'm sure I've mentioned to you a million times."

Lisa didn't respond. She was once again in awe, this time of the boat house's interior. While the house's outside was relatively modest, Lisa could see a kitchen, a small living room facing the water and a loft bed from where she stood. The kitchen was furnished with pots and pans, and the large couch in the living room looked very inviting.

"My parents thought about renting this place out, so they turned it into a mini-apartment," Holly explained. "But they started having second thoughts after they caught the guy who was staying here using heroin and stuff. Now this place pretty much stays empty. ..."

"Shit, Holly ... this is so COOL!" Lisa stammered. "I can't believe I'm actually gonna be staying here for the next month!"

Holly showed Lisa the hammock behind the boat house and the dock by the water, both of which were hidden from the view of the main house.

"We are gonna have so much fun out here," Holly predicted. "If you thought making love in your dorm room was fun, wait 'til we do it on the beach at night!"

Lisa closed her eyes. She could feel the sun gently hitting her face and a warm breeze blowing her long brown hair behind her. She could hear a seagull calling in the distance, and as she took a deep breath, she could smell the salty aroma of the sea.

"I think I'm gonna like it here," she said softly.


Two hours later, the girls and Holly's parents gathered on the house's rear deck for dinner. The deck was only about 40 feet from the water, giving them a spectacular view of the sun setting over the gulf.

"This is SO beautiful," Lisa said as she helped herself to some sweet tea and fried okra. "You don't know how lucky you are to be living in a place like this!"

Holly's father laughed. "Believe me, Lisa, we DO know!" he said. "Before your friend here was born, we lived in Youngstown, Ohio, for nine years. Trust me, it doesn't get much worse than that. ..."

Richard went on to explain all of Youngstown's shortcomings, including its population decrease of more than 200,000 people over 30 years.

"And you know where all those people went, Lisa?" he asked. "Places like this."

Lisa nodded.

"By the way, how would you girls feel about staying here alone for a day?" Holly's mother asked, finally ending Richard's five-minute soliloquy. Both girls' ears perked up.

"What do you mean?" Holly asked, trying to hide her enthusiasm.

"It looks like your father and I are gonna be visiting Aunt Linda in Fort Lauderdale," Emily responded. "We were lucky enough to get out of going there for Christmas, but now it looks like we're stuck going there tomorrow. I feel really bad about springing this on you, but if you want to come along you're more than ..."

"No! Um, no, I think we can handle ourselves just fine," Holly interrupted. "Right, Lisa?"

Lisa nodded emphatically. "Don't feel bad, Mrs. Silverman! We'll be fine."

"I'm sure you will," Holly's mother said. "And you can call me Emily!"

"By the way, Mom, is it OK if I sleep in the boat house too?" Holly asked. "My old bedroom looks like it's become a storage room, and the couch in the boat house folds out into a bed. So there'd be plenty of room. ..."

Emily thought for a second. "Sure, why not?" she said. "It'd kinda be like a sleepover for you girls. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun!"

Holly smiled. "I think so too," she replied, her eyes meeting Lisa's.


The girls transported bedsheets and food to the boat house for the next two hours. When they'd finished, the boat house was more furnished than either girl's dorm room in Omaha.

Exhausted, they went over to the hammock and laid next to each other.

"It's 11:30," Lisa said as they swayed back and forth. "Do you think your parents are in bed yet?"

"No," Holly replied. "They usually watch the monologue of The Tonight Show before turning in. Don't worry, they'll be sound asleep by midnight."

"Cool," Lisa said.

"Why? What do you have in mind?" Holly asked innocently.

Lisa laughed. "I think you know," she responded. "I just don't want to do it while your parents are awake. I would die if they came down here and caught us. ..."

"YOU would die? What about me? They're MY parents," Holly said. "If my mom saw me with my head buried between another girl's legs ... she'd probably faint."

For the next half hour, the girls talked about how they'd spend the next 27 days. Holly already had quite a few ideas, but Lisa was happy enough just to be in Sarasota. She still hadn't adjusted to the concept of laying around outdoors in the middle of December, but she was definitely enjoying it.

"All right, it's midnight," Lisa said after glancing at her watch. "Unless they're staying up to watch Conan O'Brien or something, your parents should be asleep."

"Don't worry; they are," Holly said as she stepped out of the hammock. "And even if they're not, I'm tired of waiting to get my hands on you!"

Holly reached out and grabbed a laughing Lisa's hand. Holly led Lisa down to the shore, where they sat down on the sand, only a few feet from the water.

"God, Holly, this is so ... I don't know, ROMANTIC," Lisa said softly. She could hear the water lapping against the beach, and a nearly full moon illuminated the beautiful landscape around her.

Holly pushed Lisa's long hair back and stroked her friend's cheek.

"God, Lisa, I am so glad I met you," Holly whispered. "I try not to think about what life would be like without you."

Lisa smiled and grabbed Holly's hand. "Don't worry," she said quietly. "I'm not going anywhere."

Holly got on her knees and pulled Lisa into the same position. Lisa's senses were tingling as she embraced Holly. Lisa tried hard to make her kisses as soft and tender as possible, to mirror the intense emotions she was experiencing.

As Holly planted kisses on her chin and neck, Lisa's tender feelings began giving way to a more potent rush of sexual arousal. The warm, dark air and the sound of crickets chirping in the nearby woods were giving their lovemaking session a unique flavor, and Lisa pulled Holly's T-shirt up over her head.

After removing Holly's bra, Lisa gently pushed her friend onto the sand and climbed on top of her, kissing Holly's lips, cheeks, neck and chin. Her excitement continued to build as she felt Holly's hands squeeze her ass cheeks.

Holly reached up and helped Lisa remove her own shirt and bra. Lisa scooted up a few inches so the girls' breasts pressed together.

"Holly, I can't WAIT to fuck you," Lisa muttered between heavy breaths. "God, I'm so fucking HOT right now!"

Holly grabbed Lisa's hips, rolling her friend onto her back in one swift motion. The balance of power had suddenly shifted, and Lisa found herself looking UP at Holly.

As Holly circled her tongue around Lisa's left nipple, she reached under Lisa's panties and massaged her friend's clit.

"You ARE hot, aren't you?" Holly giggled as she pulled her considerably dampened hand out of Lisa's pants. Lisa grabbed Holly's hand and slowly licked her juices off of each finger.

That got Holly's own juices flowing. "Oh, that does it," she grunted as she unzipped Lisa's pants. "I'm gonna fuck you so FUCKING good, Lisa."

Lisa remained quiet, waiting for Holly to fulfill her promise. Holly pulled Lisa's panties off in one swift motion and spread her friend's legs as far apart as she could.

"Oh, yes," Lisa breathed. "Put that soft tongue of yours on my CLIT."

Holly was more than happy to comply. Rubbing Lisa's thighs and licking her friend's clit in a slow, circular pattern drew moans from Lisa.

"You like that?" Holly asked, looking up just long enough to see Lisa lean her head back and close her eyes.

"Mmmmm," Lisa moaned. "God, yes."

As Holly fluttered her tongue up and down Lisa's clit, she marveled at how much she had come to ENJOY the taste of Lisa's pussy.

'If they ever bottled Lisa's juices, I'd drink a glass every morning before breakfast,' she thought, resisting the urge to laugh in favor of pleasuring her friend.

"Yes, Holly! Don't stop! I'm gonna come!" she exclaimed. "Yesss!"

Holly grabbed Lisa's hips and ground her face into Lisa's pussy, licking as fast and hard as she could.

"Oh, fuck! Yes! Ohhhh ..." Lisa trailed off as she came. Holly basked in a satisfying sense of accomplishment as she leaned up to kiss Lisa.

After kissing Holly for a few seconds, Lisa pulled her friend off the sand. Lisa led Holly over to a palm tree that was jutting out of the nearby forest.

"Just put your hands around this so you won't lose your balance," Lisa instructed. Holly soon found herself standing two feet away from the tree, bending slightly to put her hands around its trunk.

"Now spread your legs just a little bit more ... there you go," Lisa said. Holly watched as Lisa sat down between her legs, so she was looking up at Holly's pussy. She felt Lisa's hands spread her pussy lips, and suddenly Lisa's warm, wet tongue was on Holly's clit.

Holly took one hand off the tree and ran her fingers through Lisa's hair. She loved the way Lisa's soft, silky hair felt - a sharp contrast to William's wire-brush bouffant.

"Oh, Lisa, you really know how to do this right," Holly sighed with a hint of a giggle. She began slowly gyrating her hips back and forth, pushing her pussy into Lisa's face.

Lisa responded by inserting two fingers on one hand into Holly's pussy. With her other hand, she spread Holly's ass cheeks.

"Oh, don't tell me ..." Holly grinned. Sure enough, she could feel Lisa's tongue brush against her OTHER favorite place to be licked.

"Yes!" Holly exclaimed, tweaking and massaging her own nipples with one hand. "God, Lisa, I LOVE it when you lick my fucking asshole."

Lisa quickly turned her attention back to Holly's clit. Holly gyrated her hips even more, and Lisa had to put her arms around Holly's midsection and hang on to keep her tongue on Holly's clit.

'God, she is still so much better at this than I am,' Holly thought as Lisa kissed, licked and gently bit her clitoris.

"Oh, Lisa, don't stop fucking me," she said. As Lisa's tongue returned to her asshole, Holly played with her own clit.

"GOD, that feels good!" Holly cried. "Just keep licking my asshole!"

Holly continued masturbating as Lisa pushed her tongue ever deeper into her ass, and less than a minute later she was ready to explode.

"I'm gonna come, Lisa," she sighed as she furiously fingered herself. As she uttered those words, Holly felt Lisa's tongue pushing at least an inch into her asshole.

"Oh, God, that feels so good," Holly breathed. "Yes! Oh, Lisa!"

Holly finally crossed the threshold, her body trembling slightly as she boiled over. As she let go of the palm tree and stood up, Holly pulled the still-kneeling Lisa up to face her.

Both girls smiled as they leaned in to kiss, and Holly stroked her friend's hair again. Lisa wrapped her arms around Holly's midsection and tightly hugged her friend.

"You know, this is almost as wonderful as the sex itself," Lisa whispered into Holly's ear. The girls held each other for 10 minutes before finally heading back to the boat house.


Holly was awakened by a knock at the boat house door the next morning. She quickly removed her arms from around Lisa's neck and jumped up.

"Hey, Holly, I just wanted to let you know we're leaving," Emily said as Holly opened the door. "I'm sorry if I woke you up."

"That's all right, mom," Holly replied. "So, how long are you guys gonna be gone?"

"Just a day if we're lucky," Emily said. "You know as well as anybody that I'm not real fond of that place, but they're your father's family, so. ..."

Emily handed Holly the house key and turned to leave.

"You girls be good while we're gone!" Holly's mom called over her shoulder. "No parties ... and NO BOYS!"

Holly knew her mom was kidding, but she was amused all the same. "I don't think that's gonna be a problem," she said softly as she closed the door.

Though Holly had tried not to speak loudly, she turned and saw her conversation with her mother had awakened Lisa.

"What time is it?" Lisa mumbled.

"I think it's around 9:30. My parents are gone now, so we've got this place to ourselves for the next day!" Holly said. "I'm gonna head up to the house and shower now."

Lisa followed her as she walked up to the house. After eating breakfast the girls debated on how to spend the next six or seven hours, finally deciding to drive up to the "big city" - Tampa.

Though it took nearly an hour to reach their destination, Holly and Lisa made the drive entertaining by singing along to songs on the radio. After Holly's rendition of "More than You Know" by Martika, both girls were laughing as they passed Tampa's downtown skyscrapers.

"I can't believe they played that song on the radio," Lisa said. "It's cool, though."

"No kidding," Holly replied. "God, I was only 11 years old when that song was popular!"

The girls settled on La Terasita, a Spanish-food restaurant, for lunch.

"You really take this dieting thing seriously, don't you?" Lisa asked after Holly requested salad. "I really feel guilty about ordering stuff like picadillo and fries when I'm with you."

"Trust me, Lisa, I would LOVE to be able to eat anything I want," Holly replied. "But if you'd be more comfortable making love to me as a 250-pound Roseanne look-alike, I can always change my dietary habits. ..."

That comment drew a raised eyebrow from their waiter, who had just returned with the girls' drinks.

Lisa wrinkled her nose. "I see what you're saying, though I'm sure we could debate whether I'd stop getting close to you if you ... 'fell of the wagon.' In any case, I admire your discipline. I don't think I could do it."

Holly smiled. "I appreciate that," she said.

After they finished lunch, the girls drove to one of Tampa's more scenic locales, Bayshore Boulevard.

"Hopefully, since today's Saturday, there'll be a lot of people Rollerblading and walking on Bayshore," Holly said. "If so, it's a pretty cool place to be."

Lisa agreed. With the possible exception of the Minneapolis/St. Paul marathon her brother once ran in, she had never seen so many people in T-shirts, shorts and tennis shoes.

As walking, bicycling and skateboarding sun-seekers zipped by them, the girls decided to visit a nearby inline skate rental store. Twenty minutes later, they had parked the car and were both on Rollerblades for the first time.

"This is SO cool!" Lisa exclaimed, skating side-by-side with Holly. "And I can't get over how beautiful this PLACE is! I mean, there are beautiful houses, palm trees, water and people exercising - all in the same place. When you compare this to a place like Omaha, it's pretty sad. ..."

"True, but there are probably much cooler places than this in the world," Holly responded. "Rural Hawaii and the Greek islands come to mind. ..."

Holly and Lisa watched two girls skate in the opposite direction. Like Holly and Lisa, they were having trouble keeping their balance. Unlike Holly and Lisa, they were giggling and holding hands in an attempt to keep from falling to the pavement.

"Shall we?" Lisa asked, extending a hand to Holly.

"Let's," Holly grinned as she took Lisa's hand. "As long as we're trying to keep our balance, I don't think we're gonna get any funny looks!"

The girls skated, talked and held hands for the next two hours, and although they captured the brief attention of several male walkers and runners, they received no "funny looks."

After returning the skates, they headed to nearby Hyde Park for some iced coffee. The girls jumped back into the car after checking out a few of Hyde Park's shops.

"It's almost 5 o'clock already, so it'll probably get dark soon," Holly said. "We should probably head home."

"Fine by me," Lisa replied. "This has been such a cool day, Holly! Say, are you still up for that shower we talked about this morning?

"Umm, yes, I think that can be arranged," Holly said. "They're showing 'A Christmas Story' on the USA network tonight, but I suppose I could miss the first half."

Lisa laughed to herself as Holly placed 10,000 Maniacs' "Our Time in Eden" into the CD player. Both girls sang along when "These Are Days" began playing.

As Holly sang with Lisa and Natalie Merchant the lines "You'll know it's true ... that you ... are blessed and lucky," she understood for the first time how true those words really were.


When they arrived home, Holly prepared some spaghetti sauce and mushrooms. Lisa massaged her shoulders as Holly stirred the sauce.

"So, Hol, what are you and I gonna do tonight?" Lisa asked. "I want to have something to look forward to."

"Well, like I said, I like the shower idea, but other than that, I'm not sure," Holly said. "But I'm certainly open to suggestions!"

Holly turned around and punctuated that statement with a quick kiss. Lisa paused to run her tongue across her lips, enjoying the lingering taste Holly's kiss left behind.

"Well, let's start with the bathtub thing and see where that leads us," Lisa said. "We've got the whole night to experiment."

After the girls finished eating and brushing their teeth, they joined hands and headed upstairs. Holly led Lisa into the bathroom across from her parents' room, as it was the only one stocked with towels.

"I'm gonna feel so weird doing this across from my parents' bedroom," Holly said. "I mean, my parents shower in here every morning!"

"C'mon, Hol, shake it off!" Lisa replied, unzipping her jeans and pulling her shirt off. "How are they ever gonna know?"

"I'm sure they won't," Holly said. "It's just the principle of the whole thing that weirds me out."

Before Holly could voice any further second thoughts, Lisa had discarded all of her clothing and stepped into the shower.

"Mmm, this feels good already," Lisa sighed, cupping her hands beneath the warm water and splashing it across her breasts.

Lisa's wet breasts stole Holly's attention, and she quickly forgot any reservations about having sex in her parents' bathroom. Holly quickly stripped off her panties, pushed open the shower curtain and joined her friend under the warm water.

"God, I've been waiting all day to do this!" Holly exclaimed as she put her arms around Lisa's neck. "You don't know how much I was ACHING to kiss you when we were holding hands earlier today."

Lisa eagerly returned Holly's kisses, and the feeling of Holly's wet body rubbing against her own excited her.

After several minutes of sharing soft, sensual kisses, Holly grabbed Lisa's shoulders and turned her around, leaving Lisa facing the wall. Holly then stretched her arm beneath Lisa to grab the soap, a difficult task given the shower's small dimensions.

Once she'd worked up a good lather, Holly reached around Lisa and rubbed soap across her friend's breasts. As she tweaked Lisa's already-hard nipples, Holly could feel them stiffen even more.

Holly then reached down and began soaping up Lisa's pussy. Lisa moaned immediately, and Holly felt that familiar, desperate desire to run her tongue across Lisa's pussy.

'Shit,' Holly thought. 'I wish this shower wasn't so damned small. ...'

Lisa soon began moving her hips back and forth, and Holly kissed and gently bit Lisa's neck and shoulders as she massaged her clit.

"God, Holly, that feels so good," Lisa breathed. "Just keep doing that, and I'll come in no time."

Holly kept her hand on Lisa's clit, occasionally slipping a finger into her friend's pussy. Lisa's gyrating hips signaled her pending orgasm.

"Mmmm! God, FUCK me with those fingers!" she exclaimed. "SHIT!"

Lisa sighed heavily as she came, and Holly turned her friend back around to face her.

"How was that?" Holly asked.

"Bend over, Holly," Lisa responded, still breathing heavily. "I'm gonna fuck the SHIT out of you, little girl!"

Holly smiled, bent over and grabbed the faucet for support, while Lisa grabbed the bar of soap. Holly waited eagerly as Lisa lathered up her own hands.

"Ohhh, yes," Holly sighed as she felt Lisa's fingers spread her ass cheeks. "I was hoping this was what you had mind. ..."

"God, I LOVE your ass," Lisa said, slipping a finger into Holly's anus. "I just wish I could get my tongue down there."

"Oh God, Lisa. Yes," Holly sighed, closing her eyes. Though she'd felt Lisa's fingers in her ass before, the soap was allowing for much deeper penetration.

Lisa massaged Holly's clit with her other hand, and Holly played with her nipples with her own soap-covered hand.

"Mmmm," Holly moaned. "Push those fingers deep into my asshole." Before long, Holly could feel herself building toward an orgasm.

"Oh, yes," Holly said. "Just keep doing that, Lisa. Just keep fucking me with those fingers. I'm gonna come ..."

'God, she's enjoying this as much as I am,' Holly thought as she listened to Lisa's heavy breathing. 'I'm so lucky to have Lisa for a partner. ...'

"Go ahead, stick another finger up my ass," Holly grunted. "I know you want to. ..."

Holly had barely finished when she felt another slippery finger push into her asshole.

"Oh, FUCK!" Holly exclaimed. "Fuck my ASS, Lisa!"

Lisa pumped Holly's asshole and massaged her clit as fast as she could, and Holly felt herself slipping over the edge. Holly could feel her orgasm jolting all the way up to her bellybutton, and her contracted ass expelled Lisa's fingers.

Without a word, the girls headed for Holly's parents' room to dry off. Holly felt Lisa's eyes sweeping across her body as she toweled off, and she wasn't embarrassed to stare back.

'She sure is taking an awfully long time to dry her pussy,' Holly thought.

"You're still really horny, aren't you?" Holly asked. "Just a guess. ..."

"I could go again right now," Lisa replied, staring at Holly. "But I'll understand if you want to wait 'til later."

Holly giggled. "Certainly not," she said. "I'm still hot, believe me. So, how can we top ourselves this time?"

Lisa didn't respond, and Holly watched her disappear into her parents' walk-in closet.

"Umm, Lisa?" Holly said. "What are you doing in there?"

"Keep your panties on!" Lisa called out. "Or actually ... anyway, I've found some pretty interesting things in here ... just as I'd suspected."


Before Holly could wonder what that meant, Lisa walked out wearing a pair of white lace panties, a lace bra and a garter belt.

"I found this in your mom's underwear closet," Lisa responded, giggling. "I must say, she's got pretty good taste. ..."

Holly opened her mouth, but Lisa cut her off.

"But wait, there's more!" Lisa said joyfully. Holly watched her disappear into the closet again, only to reappear holding a videotape and what looked to be a dildo or vibrator.

"Oh, GROSS!" Holly exclaimed. "That's gotta be ... oh, Christ! Put it BACK, Lisa!"

"What?" Lisa asked, looking at her fistfuls of newfound merchandise. "Oh, you mean the vibrator? Why?"

Holly wrinkled her nose and shook her head. "I mean, c'mon, Lisa! My ... my MOMmust use that thing!"

"Oh, relax," Lisa replied. "It's not like we won't WASH it first. ..."

The look on Holly's face was enough to send Lisa scurrying back into the closet.

"All right! So we won't use the vibrator!" Lisa said as she pushed the videotape she'd been holding into the VCR. "I STILL don't think it's a big deal, but oh well."

"Why the hell would I want to use my MOM'S vibrator?" Holly asked. "It's bad enough that we're in my parents' room in the first place. And ... what are you putting in the VCR?"

"Your dad had it hidden and it's marked with an 'X,' so I'm assuming it's something X-rated," Lisa responded. "I've only seen one porno in my life, so I guess I'm just a little curious. ..."

Lisa instincts were correct; an image of a woman licking a man's shaft appeared on the screen. Lisa grabbed the remote control and sat down on Holly's parents' bed.

"Why don't you come over here and watch with me?" Lisa asked. "We can skip over the lame parts."

Holly reluctantly joined her friend on the bed. She still wasn't too comfortable with the idea of watching her DAD'S porno movies on HIS bed, but she was intent on keeping those "Oh we'll get WILD tonight" promises she'd made to Lisa earlier that day.

Lisa fast forwarded the tape, and after five minutes finally found a girl/girl scene.

"Now THIS should be interesting," Lisa giggled. "I've never seen two OTHER women do it before."

Holly watched as the two blondes on the screen began undressing each other and kissing. As one leaned down and began kissing the other's nipples, Holly noticed that they weren't putting any emotion into their tryst.

"Jeez, Lisa, you can really tell they're not ... together, you know?" she said. "You can almost tell that they're just doing this to get a paycheck."

"You're right," Lisa responded as the two women on the screen began eating each other out. "It's kinda hot, but not really. No wonder women don't seem to like porn as much as guys - we've actually got good taste!"

"God, we really are analyzing this, aren't we?" Holly laughed. "We're like the Siskel and Ebert of porno movies."

Lisa giggled and performed her best Gene Siskel impression.

"You know, Roger, the woman on the bottom just DIDN'T deliver the performance I had expected," she said in a deep voice. "And it's a shame, too, because there's so MUCH they could have done with this picture. ..."

Both girls laughed, and Holly delivered her best impression of Roger Ebert.

"You're an idiot, Gene!" Holly said. "This picture was a tour de force, incorporating lovemaking components that were clearly lacking in second-rate movies such as 'The Shawshank Redemption' and 'Forrest Gump.' "

Lisa looked at Holly for a second. "Wow, you're pretty good at that!" she said.

Both girls glanced back at the screen just in time to see close-up of one of the women's pussies.

"Hey! She doesn't have any hair!" Holly exclaimed.

"I know some women go a little further with the electric razor than we do," Lisa said. "I don't think it's too unusual."

"Interesting ..." Holly trailed off.

"Why, did you find that sexy, Hol?" Lisa asked. "We could always try it, if you want ..."

"I don't know about THAT," Holly replied. "I mean, it would probably take awhile to grow back, and there'd be that damned uncomfortable-stubble period. ..."

"It wouldn't take that long to grow back," Lisa argued. "And it's not like anybody's gonna see it ... other than me."

Intrigued, Holly thought for a few seconds. "OK, maybe we SHOULD try it," she said. "Anything would be better than watching this stupid movie!"

"No kidding," Lisa said as she turned the VCR off. "I mean, YOU AND I could make a much better movie than THIS!"


The girls looked at each other.

"Yeah, we COULD, couldn't we?" Holly said. Lisa sat still as Holly dashed into walk-in closet. Her puzzled look melted into a smile as Holly emerged, armed with a video recorder, tripod and video cassette.

"Check it out!" Holly giggled as she pointed the camera at Lisa. "My dad used to film our family vacations with this thing."

"Hmm, this certainly adds a new dimension to things!" Lisa laughed. She jumped up to help Holly, who was setting up the camera so it faced the bed.

Lisa held the camera as Holly adjusted the tripod. When they were ready to tape, Holly pushed the red button, causing the recorder to click softly.

"All right, it's recording!" she said. Both girls eagerly laid down on the bed in front of the camera.

"What should we do?" Lisa asked, giggling as she looked into the camera. "I wanna do something really hot and then watch it."

Holly wasted no time spreading her friend's legs. As Holly ran her tongue over Lisa's clit, Lisa sighed and stroked Holly's hair with one hand and tweaked her own nipples with the other. After several minutes of recording, Holly jumped up, ran over to the video recorder and pulled out the videocassette.

"This is gonna be SO weird - seeing ourselves doing it," Lisa remarked Holly inserted the tape into the VCR.

"No kidding," Holly replied as the tape rewound. "I'm almost a little nervous."

"Hmmm," Lisa said as she eyed the screen. "Why didn't you tell me my laugh sounds so silly? Fast forward to the part where you eat me out."

Holly complied, and both girls gasped audibly as they viewed Holly going down on Lisa. Lisa instantly could feel herself getting wet.

"Shit, Lisa, this IS hot!" Holly exclaimed, reacting to her own on-screen performance eating Lisa's pussy. "Are you getting as turned on as I am?"

Lisa nodded. "I know it sounds weird, but I'm actually getting turned on watching MYSELF," she remarked, her hand drifting down to her pussy. "God, Lisa, look at the way I'm looking down at you! If you watch my face, you can just see what a good job you're doing."

"You're right," said Holly, who had already begun fingering herself. "Shit, this is turning me on BIG time. Watching myself lick you ... that is SO fucking hot. That might be the hottest thing I've ever seen."

Lisa didn't respond, but Holly could tell by her friend's moans that she was getting REALLY turned on. Both girls massaged their clits furiously while watching the screen.

Suddenly, it went blank.

"Shit," Holly lamented as she hit the "rewind" button. "We should have recorded more."

"Oh, we'll have plenty of time for that tonight," Lisa breathed. "Just rewind it to the part where you start eating me out. I am so fucking turned on right now, I just wanna keep watching this 'til I come."

Holly obeyed, and the girls began masturbating again when the on-screen Holly began licking the on-screen Lisa's pussy.

'God, I look like such a SLUT when I'm eating her out,' Holly thought, a revelation that turned her on even more.

Both girls managed to reach orgasm just before the footage ran out. After hearing Lisa's cries of pleasure subside, Holly leaned over and kissed her friend.

"We've gotta continue our little ... journey into film-making, Lisa," Holly said, keeping her face only a few inches from Lisa's. "I LOVED that!"

"God, yes!" Lisa replied as she reached up to stroke Holly's cheek. "That REALLY turned me on, Hol."

Although they were eager to continue their evening of exploration, the girls first went downstairs for a frozen-yogurt break. Both subscribed to the too-much-of-a-good-thing-isn't-always-a-good-thing theory, and the last thing they wanted to do was wear themselves out.


Instead of heading back to the bedroom, the girls spent the next hour walking hand-in-hand along the beach. They talked about everything from Lisa's family to the first time they met.

"I can't believe you didn't like me!" Lisa whined, bending over to pick up a sea shell. "What did I DO?"

"I don't know, you just kinda seemed like a ... 'party girl,' " Holly replied. "I figured you were one of those girls who always went to parties, got drunk and then bragged about it. But now I know that's not true!"

Lisa managed a weak smile. "Um, thanks a lot," she said. "I guess my first impression of you wasn't that great, either; you seemed awfully rude! I debated on whether to stop by a second time."

Holly smiled. "Well, I'm really glad you did," she said. "REALLY glad."

The girls walked up the terrace to the house, as they were ready to film their next "project." When they reached the bedroom, the girls had already planned out their next "scene."

"Help me carry this thing over to the bathroom," Lisa said as she lugged the camera and tripod to the bathroom door. After they managed to drag the camera across the room, the girls stripped off their shorts and bikini tops.

"Are you sure you won't shave yours?" Lisa asked. "I'm gonna feel kinda weird being the only one with a bald pussy. ..."

"I would do it, but I'm afraid a situation will come up while I'm here where I'll have to be naked around my mom," Holly replied. "I've tried on a lot of clothes in front of her, and if I had to try on a pair of panties ... well, I'd have a LOT of explaining to do! She'd freak for sure."

Lisa sighed and sat down on the rim of the bathtub. Holly handed Lisa her father's shaving cream and razor.

"Look through the camera," Lisa instructed. "Can you see everything OK?"

"Looks good from here!" Holly replied, giving Lisa a thumbs-up sign. "This thing's already on, so just go ahead whenever you're ready."

Lisa squirted shaving cream onto her dark, furry bush of pubic hair. She looked up at the camera and smiled.

"Well, here it goes," Lisa said, running the razor through the shaving cream. "This'll be my first time without pubic hair since I was about 11!"

Holly began getting wet again as she watched Lisa shave her bush. Lisa pushed the razor with slow, deliberate strokes, clearly conscious of the video camera. The entire job took less than five minutes, and Holly trained the camera on Lisa's pussy as Lisa rinsed off the shaving cream.

"Wow, this is definitely ... DIFFERENT!" Lisa said, standing up to show off her newly bald pussy. "It feels kinda weird."

"Well, I like it," Holly replied, turning the camera off. "Just make sure you keep it shaved; I don't want my face to be rubbing against pubic-hair stubble when I'm eating you out."

Both girls reached down to rub their hands against Lisa's pussy.

"I kinda like it, too," Lisa smiled. "It's just gonna be hard to get used to!"

"Let's go shoot some more footage, shall we?" Holly said. "I'm looking forward to eating your pussy in its new form."

Five minutes later, the girls had the camera set up in the bedroom and were ready for action. They spent the next hour kissing, licking, touching and laughing as the camera rolled. After an hour of sex in every position they could think of, Lisa had climaxed five times and Holly four.

"God, Lisa, that was so fantastic!" Holly sighed. "I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I am EXHAUSTED!"

"Me too, I'm afraid," Lisa replied. "Although I was really looking forward to watching the tape, I don't even know if I could handle another orgasm tonight."

"That's fine," Holly said. "It'll be a struggle NOT to play with myself if we watch the tape, but like I said, I'm pretty tired."


Holly sighed. "Lisa, I'd like to tell you something," she said, breaking about three minutes of silence and staring into Lisa's eyes.

Lisa waited quietly for a few seconds. "Yes, Holly?" she asked, sensing the seriousness of Holly's statement.

"Um, Cheers is on at midnight on Channel 44, and that's only three minutes away," Holly stuttered. "You wanna watch it? It's one of my favorite shows."

"Um, sure, that's cool," Lisa said. "Is that really what you wanted to tell me?"

"Of course," Holly replied. "What did you think I was gonna say?"

"Oh, I don't know," Lisa answered as she turned on the TV.

Both girls sat silently for a couple of minutes as Cheers started. About five minutes into the show, Lisa got up, turned the TV off and laid down next to Holly.

"What are you ..." Holly started.

"Holly," Lisa said decisively, "I love you."

Holly froze, as Lisa clearly had caught her off-guard. "Oh, Lisa!" she said, a smile erupting across her face. "I love you too!"

"I can't tell you how bad I feel about the way I acted back in Omaha when you said you were falling in love with me!" Lisa said. "Since then, I've realized that the only reason I got scared was because I was starting to feel the same way."

"Forget about that, Lisa," Holly said. "If nothing else, being away from you just made me realize how much I liked being WITH you!"

"Yeah, our time apart sorta had that effect on me, too," Lisa replied. "But as far as you and I are concerned NOW, let's just try to keep things the way they are. I mean, I LOVE being with you - in every way, believe me - and I don't want anything to change. But I'm only 18 and I'm still confused about some things, and I'm just not ready to call myself a lesbian and say I have a girlfriend. You know what I mean?"

"Lisa, of course I do!" Holly said. "I'm just so happy to know I'm not the only one who feels like this!"

"You're definitely not alone," Lisa replied. "And you never will be as long as I'm around. ..."

Holly leaned over and quickly kissed her friend. After Holly pulled away, Lisa scooted closer and put her arms around Holly's neck. Holly returned the motion, and the girls proceeded to lay motionless, in blissful silence, for the next 20 minutes.

As Holly enjoyed the warmth of Lisa's body pressed against her own, a security light projected the shadow of a palm tree through the bedroom window and onto the ceiling. Holly watched the image dance across the ceiling, and she could feel Lisa's heart beating and her friend's warm breath on her neck.

'God, I feel SO good right now,' Holly thought. 'When I'm 80 years old and am watching reruns of Seinfeld on Nick at Nite, these are the days I'll remember.'

Author's note II: As I mentioned at the beginning of this story, I'm in the process of writing a sequel. If you've got any comments or suggestions, feel free to let me know at

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