New Computer

By Alain Mahy

Published on Mar 11, 2020


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What a fantastic week-end I had! These three guys made me feel so welcome. For the first time in my life, I felt secure, safe and loved. The sexual experiences were great, but that was not the most important part. Don't misunderstand me, I loved it, but there was more than that. They had a very special way to make me feel part of their lives, even if it was only during two days and a half. It had been a very long time since I felt so welcome. It did me unavoidably think about my past where I had not felt that way, certainly with my ex.

Shaun, my ex, was wonderful... at the start. Unfortunately it changed too quickly. At the beginning he was so attentional, caring and loving. I really had the sensation of belonging with him, but soon instead of belonging with him he considered I was belonging to him. It was not that he was jealous or so. It was rather that he thought he could decide what my life should be. First he tried to change a few details such as the clothes I was wearing and my hair style. Then it was the way he wanted me to please him sexually. The things I did pleased him one day and he hated them the next. It was when he tried to offer ME to his friends that I didn't pick it any further and left him from one minute to the other. He tried to win me back. Promising heaven on earth, but I was determined that he was absolutely not the one for me. I agreed with Isaac, Jason and Jack that a relationship was based on Love, Trust and Respect and with Shaun there were already two pillars shattered to pieces. The pillar of Love that I thought I had, disappeared with time as well and before it was completely away, I had no intention of going back to him.

Jack, Jason and Isaac had each explained to me the concept of LTR (Long Term Relationship, but also Love, Trust and Respect) in their own words and at their own time. If I didn't understand what they meant, I had to be really stupid. I trusted and respected them all three equally. It was the Love part I had trouble with. I had learned very early that Love was with one person. With them there was no concept of One person at all. They were the living proof of it. What they shared was absolutely lovely and I admitted I was even a bit jealous of them. If you asked me who I preferred, I could not answer. Each of them was charming in his own way. Each had qualities that I admired. They were so complementary that it was possible to consider them as one.

When I say I was jealous of them, it is in a healthy way. I wanted to be part of them, of their lives, of their way of living everything to the fullest. The first time I slept with them, I felt so safe and protected, not that I needed any protection but it is the only way I can describe it. In other circumstances I never had problems sleeping, but with them I slept and when I woke up I really felt rested and invigorated, ready to conquer the world and capable to achieve whatever I wanted . It gave me a total peace of mind although it was confusing at the same time. When I was with one of them, I missed the other two and when I was with two of them I really looked for the third one. I could feel it was the same for them even if they didn't mention it. If I had met them individually, I knew I would have fallen in love with the one standing before me. In this case it was different as I had met them all three at the same time on that beautiful little beach.

When I was at work or at my place, I caught myself thinking about all three of them without distinction. I was tempted to call them at the same time or send them messages at whichever time of the day or the night. I, who never remembered a dream, could tell with precision that I dreamt about them. The first thing I always did when waking up, was thinking of them. Nonetheless, I tried to refrain my impulses and sending them hundreds of messages a day. I had never been the guy imposing himself to others. During the week-end I thought several times to talk to them about my feelings, but chickened out each time, thinking it was too forward for me to do so. They were so honest in what they said and did, I should know I could do it as well, but didn't do it. I also knew it was not the brightest idea to avoid that conversation, but the fear of rejection was so present. Yes, they had invited me to spend the week-end. No, they had not refused the sexual activity, at no time. But what if... I had heard that that question was not the best counselor or advisor as it meant that there were suppositions and not facts and that was for me the main reason to start to think about my doubts, about their willingness to share even more than what they already did.

Normally seen, if it had not been Jason, Jack and Isaac, I would probably turn to Christian. That time I couldn't. First of all because Christian was their boss, at least for two of them, but most of all because his attitude on Friday, showing a totally misplaced jealousy towards me, made me have a mistrust. He even implied I was flirting with his boyfriend! I didn't flirt at all with Sam. I just tried to get to know him and showing my friendly side of my personality. I thought that if Christian had fallen in love with him, he had to be a special guy. I wanted him to see I was on their side showing him friendship, like I had with Christian. I knew Christian was a bit jealous, but not at such a point, suspecting ME! I was lucky to have Jason, who observed the whole scene and knew how to cut a growing anger on Christian's side before it got worse and would have lead to something ugly. When Jason called Christian apart, even Sam wondered what was going on. He was as clueless as I was and when they were gone almost over twenty minutes, he got nervous and went to find them. Jason came back alone from wherever they were and gave a small idea of what was going on. I was flabbergasted, first to be almost accused of something I hadn't done. Coming from someone who I consider my friend, it hurt. I thought Jason would choose sides and go for Christian, but then I saw that his top quality was honesty. He didn't have to choose. He just looked at the facts in total neutrality and decided that Christian, his friend and even his boss, was wrong and told him in his face.

I live by the rule to not do to others what I don't want others do to me. Stealing a boyfriend? Oh my ... Karma would get to me sooner or later, but that was not the worst part. How could anyone live in peace after doing such a thing? How can anyone even sleep at night after doing that? But that's not all! If a guy who is in a relationship accepts to be taken away by another, he will do it once, will do it twice and even more, but the thief will never know which number he is. I always thought that if a relationship was not working well, it had to be finished before starting something else. Sam was a nice guy and would probably become a friend of mine, just like Christian had. There was not one neuron in my whole body that saw Sam in any other way as just a friend.

And that was what made me think even more before talking to Isaac, Jack and Jason. I didn't have the slightest intention of tearing them apart, but even if it was, I wouldn't know which one to choose. It was as if I could have the most perfect man (physically) but I had to give up one of his arms, legs or eyes. He wouldn't be perfect anymore, would he? With Isaac, Jack and Jason it was identical. Take one away of the throuple and it wouldn't be the same. But the point was not who to choose. The point was that I was falling for all three of them, considering them as one. How was I going to resolve that problem? Yes, talking with them, but I didn't dare. Was it the fear of rejection? It was possible. Was it that I didn't know how to love three men at the same time? It probably was. Was it that I felt like an intruder? Yes, it was. (Isaac would tell me much later that he had had the same issue.)

On Monday morning, Jason dropped me off at my place before I had to go to work. He told me that we would apply the same system as that past week-end, meaning that he would text me when and who would pick me up on the next Friday. For Jason it was obvious and natural to assume I would be with them the following week-end. I had nothing against it. I had no other plans. With my hectic schedules I had lost most of the people who pretended to be my friends, so... spending yet another week-end with them was more than welcome to me, but if that was to become a regular thing, we would have to find a kind of financial agreement. I certainly would not accept that they took charge of everything. I didn't think they had any financial problem seeing the cars that were in the drive-way of a house that was top of the range. It was certainly not with driver's wages that they could afford that. I didn't know what kind of money they had in the bank, and it was none of my business, but I could make my own calculations and I couldn't possibly reach a 1 + 1 = 2.

When I arrived at my work, I received a message form Jack.

"Don't work too hard ... hahaha, keep you strengths for the week-ends"

That was sweet and... promising! I changed clothes, putting on the uniform provided and washed and ironed by the hospital staff and went to ER. I was immediately submerged by the crazy activity we always had. No times for `Good week-end?' or anything similar. It was all the usual stuff such as measuring blood pressures, cleaning blood to see what was underneath, assisting doctors. Nothing extraordinary for an ER, but that asked my full attention and concentration. I had no time to think about my private life. I didn't even had time to have a lunch break but that was not unusual either. In a certain way, I liked it like that. Time was flying by so quickly that when the change of shift arrived I was almost surprised.

The walk home was always a relaxing moment for me, as 95% of the time it was beautiful weather. I always took my time. My small apartment wasn't even mine and I didn't really feel at home in it, but it was all I could afford when I started working. Since then, I had been saving my money, hoping to be able to buy a place I would love and then arranging and decorating it to my liking. I never invited people at my place. It was not cosy and not the image that showed the real me. It hit me even more after being just two and a half days away, staying in a house I would never be able to afford. But I didn't need such a house either. I would be very happy to find a cosy apartment or a little house. I didn't need a swimming pool as the sea was so near by anyway. In my wildest dreams I saw a little house with little garden in front and flowers on the windowsills, a nice secluded backyard would be nice as well. I was not looking for any luxury, even if I liked when I had the opportunity to enjoy it. What I had in mind was a copy of my grandmother's house who had passed away far too soon. I didn't know what happened to that house. I guessed it was property of my parents now, but I wouldn't know as they threw me out when they discovered I was gay. I had never told that to anyone as it hurt too much to even think about it. Even Christian didn't know it.

I never understood people who did that, throwing out their own children, based only and exclusively on the sexual orientation of the child. I even less understood it from my own parents. One day they were all proud about their son and the next day it was as if he was dead. How could they live with that? I knew I had to tell it to someone as it was my demon and affecting my sane judgements. I had never thought I would ever find someone whom I would trust enough to tell the story, till I met Isaac, Jack and Jason. I remembered the first time I went to their house, I had talked about my loneliness. At that time I didn't trust them enough to tell it. They respected me and were not asking questions if I didn't volunteer any information. That was a thing I discovered with time. When I volunteered an information, they would listen to me and ask the necessary questions to understand perfectly what I was telling them. But they were never indiscreet. The fact that Jack and Isaac were a bit older was probably the reason they knew when to pursue a subject or not. Jason was younger but with a very mature mind and spirit. All in all, I knew I could learn a lot of them.

Not only in the hospital, but in life in general, time flew by so quickly. We had months and months where I lived in my apartment during my working days, and spending the week-ends with Issac, Jack and Jason. On Fridays one of them would pick me up and on Mondays one of them would drop me off. It changed my life completely. There was Love, Trust and Respect among the four of us. Even some good colleagues told me they noticed a difference and asked me if I had met someone. I always left them in the doubt answering that `maybe' I did, but never explained. On one of the week-ends at the house, the inevitable question about my parents surfaced. Jason saw the look on my face.

-If you prefer not to talk about it, we'll understand and please accept our apologies for even asking.

It was bound to happen that they would ask. I gathered my courage and told them the story. I had vowed not to tell them, except if they asked for it. It was my moment to spill it all out. Normally seen, one of the three always had a comment or remark when I told something. That time they didn't say a thing. Nothing! The silence was becoming uncomfortable. Suddenly, Isaac stood up, went into the house, and came back with his computer under his arm. He started it up and asked my full name, the full name of both my parents, the full name of my grandmother and the addresses of my parents as well as the address of the house my late-grandmother had lived in. I gave him what he asked for as I trusted him a hundred percent. What happened after that was unbelievable. Isaac was typing on his keyboard at such a speed that my eyes couldn't follow his fingers. Jason told me to relax, that it would probably take less than half an hour. I didn't have a clue what he as talking about. I knew that Isaac was doing something for me, but didn't know what it was. At one point he stopped abruptly... keeping silent for a while.

-I am so sorry Ricky to have to tell you this, but do you know your father died?

My mouth dropped to my chest. No, I didn't know!


-About a year ago!

-What happened?


His fingers flew over the keyboard again. Jason and Jack had me both in their arms, hugging me. Once again, they made me feel safe. They showed compassion and yes, Love. Strangely enough, not one tear came out of my eyes.


Finding the information and truth behind Ricky's story was probably what I disliked most in all the years I had done research on people. What I found had not leaked in the newspapers, fortunately, but I always found things other people didn't. I could access files and documents that were, normally seen, protected by very strong firewalls. The strongest firewalls were a piece of cake for me. I could enter and read files of government, police, fire-brigade, registration offices and so on without any problem. Passwords and other protections were dismantled very quickly and without the slightest trace of my passage.

Once I found the official document of Ricky's father death, all the other information related to it came on my screen almost automatically. I just hated my skills when I read all the information and I hated it even more as I had to tell Ricky. I tried to put everything in a chronological order so that he would understand.

-First of all, your grandmother's house was yours. The notary that had to warn you asked information about you, but your parents said you had disappeared and that your body had never been found. They asked to have your grandmother's house on their names but that was refused by the court of justice. Your grandmother had been very specific in her will. At first, your parent's apparently accepted that fact. It took quite some time for your father to become angry about that fact. He became that angry that he went to your grandmother's house and put it on fire. He had put gloves on as to not leave any fingerprints, but made several mistakes, according to what the firemen found as evidence, and couldn't leave the house in time. He was almost completely burned, but due to the fact he had been wearing gloves, the forensic could identify him by his fingerprints. When they went to see your mother, she became hysteric and had to be sedated to take her to the hospital. Before the sedation she was blaming you Ricky, all the time calling you a total disgrace and that it was good you were dead. She is now in a psychiatric hospital under heavy medication of tranquilizers because otherwise she goes on blaming you. In the police report there is even a mentioning of her wanting to press charges against you as the murderer of her husband, which was in contradiction with her pretending you were dead.

Ricky was as white as a ghost. I stopped momentarily to talk despite the many questions and doubts I had. First the notary and Ricky's grandmother will was a mystery. That notary could have found Ricky easily, no doubt about that. Secondly there as no trace of a burning house in the local newspaper? That was very strange. The third point was that the police didn't look for Ricky either. That was not normal at all. Grandmother's house was burned to the ground, but there was not a trace of any insurance claim, not even town-hall. And last but not least, it seemed that Ricky's parents' house had people in it, but there was no renting contract neither a sales contract. For me it was clear as water that there were too many irregularities in that whole case. I was tempted to keep on searching and go even deeper than what I had ever done. It was not the moment. Ricky needed us after receiving such a bunch of bad news.

The color in Ricky's face was slowly returning to normal. There were still no tears at all. What we saw scared us. Ricky's eyes were almost jet-black. I had never seen so much anger in someones look. He just asked us to leave him alone for a few minutes, stood up and took a walk in the garden. Jason and Jack looked at me and I regretted I had done the search. They looked at me as if they were asking what the next step would be. They knew me and with the information I had, they knew I wouldn't leave things just like that.

Fifteen minutes later, Ricky came back. He said he wanted to go to bed. Jason and Jack both pretended they were tired as well (an obvious lie) and took Ricky under their wings, laying down each at one side of Ricky and wrapping him in their arms. I was far too nervous to lay down. My brain had started to work when I switched on my computer and now it wanted to go on. I started methodically to create files and subfiles like I always did when I started an investigation. All the documents that I had found were carefully copied and stored in the appropriate file. Then I collected all the possible information on Ricky's parents, grandmother, notary (and all his personnel), policemen on duty at the moment of the facts but also their superiors till the chief of police, firemen and officers, forensic doctor, personnel at the psychiatric institute, all personnel at the registration office. When I would have all that, I would search for a possible insurance policy of grandmother's house. The most difficult part was to search for links between all those people and then, the most rewarding part, put up a strategy to bring the guilty people down!

I was so concentrated on what I was doing that I jumped in my chair when two arms embraced me from behind. It was Ricky. He hugged me, hard.

-I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. As you were not in the bed, I came looking for you. I guess you are still investigating what happened to my family.. I tell you right now I don't want anymore bad news!

I pushed my chair backwards and promised him he wouldn't receive anything but good news from me. He came to sit in my lap and kissed me. I returned the kiss with all the love I had in me, as I knew it was what he needed. I couldn't help it to get a hard-on and he had to feel it as his ass was just above my crotch. He got up and sat back again, straddling me. We were face to face and the kiss resumed where we had stopped. He kissed my mouth, my cheeks, my eyelids, my ears and whispered softly.

-Please, make love to me.

But he didn't stand up. I pointed my manhood on his rosebud. He felt it and pushed himself down on me, slowly. I entered him at his pace. It was so erotic to feel him sitting down on me while we kissed passionately. He took his time to get used to the invader in his hole. I could feel him squeeze his ass-muscles around my dick. I felt... yes, blessed to have such a wonderful man offering himself to me. I wrapped my arms around his back and lifted us from the chair. He immediately wrapped his legs around my waist. My cock was deeply embedded in him. I moved us to a part of the table that was empty and laid him softly on it, on his back. I grabbed his ankles and opened his legs wide in the air. I looked at him and was overwhelmed with love for this guy. I started a slow and soft in-and-out movement with my hips, softly letting him feel I was in him, rubbing his prostate with my cock-head. He still had his arms around my neck and that was a little uncomfortable for me, but at that time I would have accepted anything coming from him. His beautiful cock was rock-hard and leaking pre-cum. I put my fingers in the glistening fluid and offered it to him. He opened his mouth and licked my fingers clean. I did it several times as there was so much of it, all the while keeping going in and out of him. Although the movements were slow and soft, the excitement grew stronger. Automatically my movements got faster and a bit harder, touching him inside his bowels. Ricky moaned softly, indicating me to go on. It was incredible to see his dick jumping up and down from his belly and suddenly, without even touching himself, he spurted his load, coating his chest and belly. I didn't stop what I was doing. I went on with the movements that had made him ejaculate, till I felt my balls almost retracting in my lower body, telling me they were ready to unload. Ricky had not stopped squeezing his ass-muscles and that, combined with my own movements, send me over the edge. Ricky lifted his upper body and I bent down. Our lips met once again and we enjoyed a new kiss, mixed with the afterglow of great orgasms. When that kiss was diminishing, he laid on his back again and looked me in the eyes with an unseen intensity.

-I love you so damn much, all three of you.

-We love you, too... very much Ricky.

-Did you really understand what I said Isaac? It is not brotherly love. It is not friends-love. It is lover's love.

-Yes, my sweetheart, I understood it perfectly well and the feelings are as mutual as you can get them. All three of us have fallen for you already quite some time ago. We didn't want to impose our feelings on you and didn't say anything, but now that you said it, I can confirm it to you that we love you deeply and sincerely. You can't imagine how happy Jason and Jack will be when we tell them.

-You really mean that, don't you?

-Yes, I mean this from the bottom of my heart. You should know by now that we never joke about feelings and certainly not when they are so strong and so beautiful. You entered our hearts Ricky and there is no way to get out of them. We love you!

-Oh my... and I was afraid to tell you. I thought that you would take a distance and try to avoid me to be around too much. I struggled with the idea that I was an intruder in your throuple.

-Well, your struggle is over my Love. You can show and live your feelings to the fullest. You can use the L-word as much as you want, because we will certainly do so as well. We'll talk about it with Jason and Jack, but I already know what they are going to say. Instead of coming here just on week-ends, why don't you pack your things and come to live here on a permanent basis?

Ricky's eyes were like saucers. It seemed he didn't believe his ears.

-What did you just say? Can you repeat it so that I am sure I heard correctly?

-Why don't you pack your things and come to live here with us? Sharing our lives and everything it includes.

Happy tears rolled over his cheeks. It was the moment Jack and Jason let us know they were awake and observing us from a distance. They both had broad smiles on their faces. They finally came closer and we shared a wonderful kiss. It seemed the deal was sealed and that we would be four living in this house that had brought us nothing but happiness. Our feelings were finally out in the open. We had finally expressed what was in our hearts. We had finally reached the point where there were no more secrets. Love had triumphed once more.

It was 3am. We didn't want to wait to celebrate. Jack went inside and came back with a bottle of bubbles that he opened and the typical noise of opening a bottle of Champagne traveled through the night. Our kisses suddenly had a new meaning as well. Even caressing naked buttocks was different and loaded with feelings coming from the heart. We abandoned the idea of calling us selves a throuple. We just went for `fourcouple' to keep things easy.

In the following weeks, we organized ourselves. Ricky gave us his time schedule at the hospital and hung it with a magnet to the fridge. Whoever could pick him up or drop him off at the hospital put his name in the `transport' column. Whenever Jack or Jason couldn't be there in time, I would go. It was not easy, but I had an idea in mind anyway.

The financial arrangements Jack, Jason and I had, were applied to Ricky as well. As he had no more rent to pay, he could easily afford it and even save money. It made me think that I would have to contact Joe in the Cayman Islands to change a few things. Having Ricky sign a power of attorney for it, was easy as well as Jason explained him why he and Jack had signed it. It was a kind of protection for all four of us. Receiving information from doctors if anything happened to us, was easier for Ricky as he was a professional nurse, but what happened if we needed information about him? That persuaded him to sign.

Ricky's landlord was difficult about him leaving the apartment. I found what I needed to persuade him to let Ricky go. Problem solved! When we helped Ricky pack his things, we understood why he never invited anyone at his place. Jason mentioned that before he moved in with Jack, he had a similar kind of apartment but that Ricky's apartment was worse. With the four of us and Jack's 5 station wagon, the move was done in only a few hours time. Making space in the wardrobe was evenly easy as once again we all had the same clothes' sizes. As Ricky's birthday was around the corner, I mentioned what I wanted to do to Jack and Jason. They didn't argue when I told them what I had planned. In my search to replace the 7 I had sold to Christian, I had fallen on the website of Mini. Those cars were available in the same dealership as BMW where the salesman knew us well now. My idea was to buy myself a Mini Clubman and a Mini Cabrio for Ricky for his birthday. Mine would be burgundy red and Ricky's Cabrio would be turquoise blue. The Clubman was standing proud in front of our door on Ricky's birthday. Ricky's Cabrio was hidden in the garage.

We had invited Christian and Sam, of course. Oliver and Charlotte were on a cruise. A few good friends of ours would be there as well and a few colleagues of Ricky had accepted the invitation when he gave it to them. I didn't plan to spend Ricky's birthday in the kitchen and contacted a catering company that provided absolutely everything. Food and drinks were the most important, but they also gave an extra festive touch to the house and the garden. They had not forgotten about a huge birthday cake. We were to be almost thirty people after all.

The party was a huge success. At each person that entered the house I had said that Ricky had to be the center of attention of everyone. No exception would be tolerated. He was overloaded with presents and was surprised that Christian and Sam came empty handed. That was what he thought. He also thought that our present was the birthday party. When the catering brought in the birthday cake, we, of course, sang the `Happy Birthday to you' in unison. Ricky was going to take the knife in his hand to cut the cake, but I stopped him. I asked everybody to come outside but through the front door. My Clubman was now in the garage and the Cabrio was in front of the door with a huge ribbon around it. Once everyone was outside I let Ricky go outside as well. When he saw the Mini, he just fell on his knees and wept. After a while, he cam to kiss me and say that is was all far too much. He turned around the car several time, taking in its beauty and not believing it was his'. He sat at the steering wheel and caressed everything that was in his reach. It looked that he was doing the same when we made love. It was only then that Christian took an envelope out of his pocket and gave it to him. It was a voucher for petrol for his car for a complete year! At last Ricky understood why he had received nothing earlier form Christian and Sam.


Ricky's birthday party was certainly one to remember. He told us that he never had a real party in the past. Before they threw him out, his mother would bake cake, but that was it. He never had a party worth that name. He had never been prepared to have a party at his tiny apartment either. So, this party was quite overwhelming for him. When everybody was gone (even the catering service) just Christian and Sam were still enjoying a last drink. We hadn't said a thing to all the others, but to them we could tell it that Ricky was finally living on a permanent basis with us and that he was part of our fourcouple. Sam was surprised but Christian not. He said he almost suspected it from the early days we knew him. He was even convinced that Ricky was the perfect person for us. We asked them to be discreet about it and Christian laughed heartedly.

-If you wanted to keep it secret, there were a few people you invited tonight who are every week-end in the gay bars. I am afraid they will not be as discreet as we will be.

-But they don't know it like you do, Jack said.

-That's true, but you know these queers who want to be the center of attention. They are worse than professional reporters and soon everybody will know that you four are living together. What these gays don't know, they will make up. You can be sure of that. They didn't need you to tell them. They have eagle eyes and see everything that happens around them. The way Ricky looks at you three is like an open book. The fact that his birthday party was at your house was already a hint. The Mini was just the cherry on the cake. Not later than tomorrow everybody in our gay-world will know about your ... how did you call it? ... Your fourcouple, wasn't it? Jeez... even we knew it before you told us. The only difference is that we received the confirmation and the others not, but that doesn't change a thing.

Christian was probably right. We hadn't been really discreet ourselves. Ricky was so happy that he kissed us quite often, but then again, he kissed everybody during the night. When they emptied their glasses, they left. The front door was not even completely closed and Ricky was naked. He said he couldn't bear any clothes any more. Before Ricky's arrival, we were part-time nudists. With him it was full time! His main present was served in bed. We all three deposited our semen in him before we allowed him to ejaculate. In a word, we exhausted him and fell in a peaceful sleep.

A few weeks later, Ricky received an official convocation to appear in court as witness in a case he had not a clue about. He was really nervous about it as he didn't know what it was all about. Nonetheless, he had no choice as to go on the appointed date and hour. He was asked to present himself with his passport. He was there on time and I went with him, trying to keep him as relaxed as possible. An officer of the court told him to wait outside the courtroom itself, till he was called to go in. Once he was called, I went to sit with the public. Ricky was asked to state his full name, date of birth and occupation. He did as asked. It was strange that the judge asked him to prove his identity. He gave his passport to the officer who had let him in, who on his turn handed it to the judge.

-Ok young man. Can you tell us when you came back in town?

Ricky didn't understand the question and said so, adding he had never left town nor the island.

-Your Honor, you have my passport in your hands and you will see there is not one stamp in it showing I left the island or even the country.

The judge indeed looked at all the pages in the passport and nodded.

-Have you received a convocation of notary Jameson in the past four years?

-No, Your Honor, it is even the first time I hear that name.

-You mean you never received your heritage of late Mrs. Jones? Your grandmother I suppose.

-No, Your Honor, I haven't. I didn't even know she left me anything. I thought that whatever she had, went to my father, her son.

-You know you are under oath, isn't it?

-Certainly Your Honor!

-Where do you work?

-I am a ER nurse at our General Hospital for about seven years now.

-Were you ever absent or on sick leave in those seven years?

-No, Your Honor, never was absent of my work. The HR department at the hospital can confirm that.

-Ok... Ok... Have you ever been in contact with the police for any reason at all?

-No, Your Honor, I haven't.

-Ok... Ok... Please, look to your left-hand side. On that bench over there, do you recognize any of these people, even remotely?

Ricky looked over that bench, taking his time to study the face of every person sitting there and said to the judge he had never seen any of them.

-Are you really sure?

-Yes, Your Honor!

-You know your father died, right?

-Yes, Your Honor, I heard.

-And your mother... anything you can tell me?

-I heard she is in a mental institution since my father died.

-You say you "heard"... are you not sure about these facts?

-No, Your Honor, I am not. Had no contact with my parents whatsoever since they threw me out of their house almost seven years ago.

-Why did they do that???

-Because they discovered I am gay, Your Honor.

-What happened to your parent's house?

-I don't know Your Honor as I have never been back there since I was told I was not welcome. With my father being dead and my mother in a mental institute, the house must be empty.

-Did any insurance company contacted you after your grandmother's house burned down?

-No, Your Honor, never!

-Is there anyway you are contactable?

-Yes, Your Honor, at my work and I also have a cellphone that I bought with my first salary at the hospital. It is still the same number.

-Is that a private number?

-It is my number Your Honor, but if you mean my number can be seen when calling, yes, it's no hidden number at all.

-Ok young man ... huh Ricky ... Thank you for coming. We may have to call you again for further questioning. You can dispose.

-Thank you Your Honor.

And Ricky went out. I found him in the hallway. He still didn't understand what it was all about. Neither did I, but I had a vague idea. I wouldn't be surprised it was all a doing of Isaac. There were some coincidences with what he had found while investigating Ricky's parents. I took Ricky's hand.

-You will have to ask Isaac, but don't forget you asked him to not tell you anymore bad news, so don't be surprised if he doesn't answer your questions directly.

-You think it has to do with all that?

-I thought it could indeed, once he mentioned your father's death.

We drove back to the house. I didn't know if he was mad, angry or nervous, but he was not his usual joyful self when driving his Cabrio. He stopped the car at the front door and stormed into the house, calling for Isaac.

-You knew about all this, didn't you? Why didn't you tell me?

Isaac was busy cleaning and cutting vegetables. He dried his hands on a towel, turned towards Ricky and softly took him in his arms.

-Calm down Sweetheart, Calm down first ... there is no reason to wind yourself up like that.

Isaac had that effect on people. With his calm behavior and soft voice, he got anyone to calm down. His hugs had a magic effect and Ricky indeed calmed down. Isaac kept him in his arms.

-You asked me to not give you any bad news, remember? I kept my promise, no? So, there is no reason for you to get angry. I just respected your wish.


-There are no buts Ricky. You went and did all right, didn't you? So, what's the point of asking yourself a thousand questions?

Isaac looked at me to receive the confirmation that everything, indeed, went well. I lifted my thumb up and he smiled.

-You don't have to worry about anything at all. They called you as a witness and that's what you are. You are not guilty of any crime. You have not done anything wrong. You just went to justify that you are who you claim to be.

-Who were these people the judge asked me to recognize? I never saw them in my life.

-And that is why you had to go to court for. All these people have pretended to know you, have met you and informed you of what had happened to your grandmother's house that is yours. Being there and telling the judge you had never met them is the key to get them out of a job they did with corruption and to their own benefits, where the benefits had to come to you. These people literally stole from you in a very evil way. Once I found out, I built a solid case with papers to prove what I was saying and went to see that judge. I have my ways to keep anonymous but to obtain what I want. These eight to nine ... what was it?


-Well, they stand trial for what they did. You will probably be called again as there is more than one trial. This was only the first one. It is best that you don't know what I found in my investigation so that you can be honest and answer questions truthfully till everything is over. Believe me and trust me, the only beneficiary will be you. The moral damage you suffered can be worth millions.

If Ricky couldn't believe his ears, I was flabbergasted as well. I knew Isaac was good at his job, but didn't imagine he was that good. I was curious what Isaac meant with moral damage worth millions.

-Keep this as quiet as you can, but from my experience, Ricky could be worth around twenty millions in a few months time. Leave it up to me to obtain every cent possible!

Isaac looked at Ricky.

-Does that answer your questions for the moment?

-Yes... and no! But I trust you. Sorry to come in here like a storm and behave like I did. Maybe one day I'll ask you for the details, but not now. I leave it in your capable hands. But what will I do with twenty millions?

-I'll help you with that as well, don't worry. By the way boys, I have to go and see Joe on the Cayman Islands. I booked a flight and leave next Wednesday to be back on Friday. You'll have to manage without me during three days.

Ricky had once mentioned his suspicion that there was wealth in our house. With Isaac speaking about the Cayman Islands, he received the confirmation. Ricky was not stupid at all and knew what Cayman Islands meant.

That night, I woke up as I felt I was missing something. Indeed, when I fell asleep I was spooned behind Ricky and he was gone. That was strange, so I stood up and went through the house to find him. He was sitting on the terrace. On the table he had lit two candles and was drinking a soda. I wrapped my arms around his chest and he put his hands on my arms.

-Is there something bothering you Ricky?

-No, not really! I just woke up and my head was spinning with all that has happened since I met you guys on that little beach and it made me think. When I start thinking, I can't lay still and so I got out of bed to come here. I am sorry I woke you.

-You didn't wake me. I woke because I missed you in my arms.

-You say the sweetest things.

-Only it they are true, Ricky, only then !

We sat there in a semi darkness with as only light the stars in the sky and the flickering flames of the candles. It was so peaceful. I suggested to go lay down on the chaise-longue and Ricky followed me and nestled himself in my arms as soon as I was laying down. He started to say out loud what was going in his mind, repeating all the things we had done since our first meeting on the beach. He also mentioned some of his fears, doubts and uncertainties that were haunting his mind from time to time. But most of all, he talked about the feelings of love he had found with us. He was such a romantic soul. In between sentences, he found a way to kiss me on my lips, nothing more than little pecks but they meant the world to me. He tried to express what it had been to love us and not be able to say it out loud at the moment. He translated his heartbeats in love jolts that went form my head to my toes. Happiness was running in my veins. In a sudden movements he worked himself on top of me. I could feel his warmth in the fresh air of the night. He took my head in his hands, holding it still and kissing me with what I felt was all his love and gratefulness. I wrapped my arms around him, with my hands landing on his buns, squeezing them gently from time to time. I shouldn't have done that as I felt his manhood grow between us. It was still a romantic moment, but with a different connotation that implied a more animalistic instinct. Despite the fresh air, our body temperatures rose. The kisses became more passionate. His hips pushed his cock closer to mine. Our chests were glued together and we could mutually feel our heartbeats. We stayed like that for quite some time, enjoying the moment and enjoying each other. Our hips moved in unison and the friction of our cocks made our excitement reach higher levels. We had to do some acrobatics on the narrow one-man chaise-longue, but nonetheless got in a 69 position. We had already experienced it more than once, but that night it was somehow different. We paid more attention to what we did, often mimicking certain tongue movements that we liked. Even caressing and softly squeezing our scrotums conveyed an extra pleasure. Ricky introduced one finger in me as if to tell me to do the same to him, and I did. At the same time we touched the other's prostate, rubbing and massaging it, making the pre-cum flow out of our cocks and into the receiving mouth. It was a risky game as it could be the trigger of our orgasms and the sexual pleasure would be over before wanted it. Once you have the mechanism of orgasm started, it is very difficult to stop. I knew I wouldn't take long to fill Ricky's mouth with my juices and I suddenly wanted his so bad. We ejaculated almost at the same time, swallowing the golden nectar that was the love juice we provided.

We kept caressing each other but as the movements started to slow down, I thought it was better to go back to bed before we fell asleep. I asked Ricky to stand up so I could as well. I took him by the hand and we went to lay down with our other lovers, spooning and entering dreamland as softly as was possible.


When Isaac came back from the Cayman Islands, he brought an identical bracelet for Ricky. His was with a diamond. Ricky loved it. We three never took the bracelets off, but Ricky was not allowed to wear any jewelry in ER. He always took it off before leaving for work and his first task when coming home was to put it back on.

For Jason and for me, the work load became heavier by the day. Christian was using Oliver's car that was also a 7 and Sam received his 7 for his work. I was still driving a 5 and we had one car over. Christian asked us to look out if we knew any driver that was good and would be interested in joining our team. I knew several taxi drivers at the airport, but they were all quite happy with the company they were working for. Nonetheless I let them all know we were looking for an extra driver. Sometimes the mouth to mouth publicity was more efficient than an ad in the newspaper or on the internet. It took a few weeks before a colleague at the airport, came to me and asked if the position of an extra driver was still open with us. I confirmed it. His sister's oldest son had sent his resumé to the taxi company where he worked, but they were not hiring. I gave him Christian's number and told him his nephew should call. It took about a week to have Richard, my colleague's nephew, to call Christian, have an interview, making all the legal papers in order before he could begin. The first week Richard went with me to learn the ropes of our work and see what kind of service we gave. I was fortunate that he was a quick learner and that he would be able to work on his own, following the rules and duties Christian gave him.

Christian was still making numbers to see if he could go for a fourth 7 and double the offer with the cruise ship, meaning Jason would have some help as well. After about three month of very intensive work to the point Jason and I often helped on Saturdays, Christian announced that he had bought a BMW 7 more and that we once again needed a driver more. Fortunately we were now 5 drivers to spread the word me needed number 6. As number 6 would do the island tour with cruise ship clients, we insisted that it would be a native of the island. Richard and I were well known at the airport and the job opening traveled fast amongst the younger drivers as well this time. It went a bit faster than when we found Richard. The best candidate this time was a woman, Lilian. She was about thirty-ish (women never gave their exact age) and had quite some experience with bigger cars like Mercedes and Jaguar. She had been working for her father who unfortunately had to face a bankruptcy and that was why she applied for the job. Christian was used to work with men, but had no problem hiring a woman for his team. As she was going to do the same as Jason, he took her with him during a week. He drove the first day to show her which roads he used to do the tour. He let her drive from day two and was impressed how she maneuvered the car, even in the narrow streets towards and coming from the harbor. She showed us she had a real experience with cars of that size.

With a team of six, the work load was easier to achieve. Christian pointed out to Jason and I that since we started working with him, we had never taken our annual holidays or bank holidays. He didn't want to have problems with official regulations and laws. We had to think about it and let him know. When Lucas and Victor called to let us know they wanted to come over with Laura and George, we were overjoyed. They gave us the dates they could come and Jason immediately remembered the conversation we had with Christian about the holidays. Having these four coming over, it would be ideal to have some time off of work. Christian accepted the dates we gave him without restriction or problem. I send an Ok to Lucas. We asked Ricky if he had holidays as well to take and brought him up-to-date with the coming guests. He was enthusiastic to meet friends of ours and the following day he was at HR of the hospital to see the possibilities. They had no problems either, giving him days they owed him.

We had three bedrooms, each with a bathroom en-suite. There was no problem to accommodate our visitors. The biggest challenge would be the kitchen. We would be eight for three meals a day during the ten days of their visit. Some days maybe ten if Christian and Sam came over while our guests were here. I knew Isaac was tempted to ask for catering, but we promised all the help he would need. Knowing our guests, they would be a helping hand as well. One morning, while Jason and Ricky were working and I had my service only in the afternoon, I sat down with Isaac to make the list of groceries and the fresh market. Talking about vegetables, we were making an extended list till Isaac stopped and looked at me.

-If you are going to keep talking about carrots, leak and celery, the most aphrodisiac of all, I will get a hard-on!

I immediately reached between his legs and he was not telling the truth. He ALREADY was hard. I asked him if there was ever a moment that he as not horny or hard...

-What do you expect with three gorgeous men in the house? If it is not Ricky's enticing smile, it is Jason's superb butt or your way to move your ass in my face that make me horny. Since we are four in the house I have produced billions, if not trillions, of sperms that disappeared in mouths and asses. Being horny all the time made my cock grow by an inch at least.

-That can't be. If your cock grew an inch, it wouldn't fit in my ass anymore.

With that comment, Isaac stood up, lifted me off my chair and bent me over the table. He pulled my trousers and underwear down and dropped on his knees to wet my hole with a lot of spit. When it was shinning with moist, he dropped his pants and didn't wait a second to point his hard-on on my hole. I relaxed as much as I could and he entered me with one trust, just the way I liked it. This was not lovemaking, it was pure fucking to release sexual tension. Whatever it was, I loved it and gave my ass willingly to him. He didn't take long to deposit, as he was saying, another pair of million sperms in my bowels. When he was finished he turned me over, obliging me to lay on the table and serviced me till I came in his mouth. That was literally a quicky but we enjoyed it nonetheless.

It was easy. Whatever we did, with whom and where, it was always satisfying. We were both slowly reaching our fifties and were sexually much more active than when we were twenty or thirty. Having two of our lovers that were going on thirty, of course, helped a lot. It was obvious that even when we did it all together or not, we enjoyed it enormously and couldn't get enough of it.

The day of arrival of our guests, we went with two cars to the airport to pick them up. The reencounter in the arrival hall was emotional, yet joyful. It was good we came with the 5 station wagon to have room for all the suitcases and bags. I had Lucas and Victor with me in the car, as well as Isaac. Laura and George were with Jason and Ricky in the 4. We loved the 4, even if it had a limited loading space. At the house we showed them their bedrooms. They didn't unpack, except for their swimsuits and in no time at all, you could find eight adults playing like children in the swimming pool. Isaac was the first out of the water. As the good host he was, he went into the house and came out ten minutes later with a huge pot of fresher brewed coffee, a pitch of fresh lemon lemonade and a huge platter of gourmet sandwiches. We all came out of the water, except Jason and Laura who were sitting on the edge of the pool with their feet still in the water. I easily guessed they were talking about what used to be Jason's shop. Lucas observed them.

-Look, he said, my best sales people I have ever had.

George and I looked at each other, pouted and said in unison: "What about us?"

That brought, of course, a round of hearty laughter. Once Jason and Laura joined us, we updated each other. Laura said that buying the shop was the best investment she had ever made. She was so happy with the results of sales and with the good fame of the shop that she had maintained. Lucas confirmed what she was saying, but also insisted that they had agreed to talk about work a maximum of one hour. After that, work related subjects were banned for the rest of their holidays. We also updated them with what we were doing and mentioning Ricky was a nurse in the ER room at the hospital We diplomatically didn't mention Isaac's occupation and nobody asked about it.

Our guests were in awe with the climate, saying they left their place under a pouring rain and almost freezing temperatures for the time of the year. We provided them with a huge bottle of sun lotion, warning them that they could easily get sunburned. It was while we helped them apply the sun lotion that Laura made a comment bout the fact we all had similar bracelets around our wrists. It was time to tell them that our throuple had increased to a fourcouple. Even if, maybe, they didn't understand it at first, they showed genuine happiness for us. Just George was completely confused as he didn't even know what a throuple was. Laura made a little sign as to say she was going to explain it later.

Just before dinnertime, Isaac prepared us one of his cocktails he jealously kept the secret of. I mentioned to our guests that Isaac's cocktails were always pieces of art. It was true that the glasses were so beautifully decorated that most of the time it would be a sin to touch them. Leaving the delicious drinks in the glasses would be an even bigger sin. Jason announced what were the possibilities of activities, such as a visit to our secluded beach, the hike we did to the lake with the waterfall, a wild night in town, a boat trip to see the island from a distance... everything was applauded by our guests and sheered on. They said yes to all Jason proposed. Their ten day holiday would be quite filled as they wanted to rest as well.

Having guests in our house was putting our lovemaking on hold, at least partly. We were so used to go with the flow, doing it wherever we pleased without restrictions. During these ten days we restricted our activities to our bedroom and only when the door was closed. It was not as spontaneous as when we were alone and we missed our freedom so to speak. It was not that we needed to make love on the terrace table or on the edge of the swimming pool. It was just a matter of having to think about other people in the house. It was also one of the reasons Isaac didn't want any cleaning company or any outside people coming to look after the garden. The only person he had admitted help from in the garden was Sam because he knew so much about plants and flowers. The other reason was, but Christian was not supposed to ever know, that Sam was a born nudist, Christian was not and was even a little against it as Sam told Isaac. When he came over to give a hand in the garden, he did it always naked as he felt free as he said. There was absolutely nothing sexual at all... just the freedom to walk around naked in the sun. Christian didn't want them to be naked when other people were around and Sam suspected that his jealousy issues were not completely over.

The hike to the lake with the waterfall was a day to remember. Walking up during three hours, as usual, made us all sweat profusely. Reaching the lake was welcome and the crystal clear water was calling to us. It was George that surprised us all when he dove in the water, followed by Laura, completely naked. We all had swimsuits with us as we had told them about the lake and the waterfall, but these two didn't care. Jason and Isaac followed as naked as George and Laura and yes, finally neither of us used a swimsuit at all. Coming out of the water and sitting or laying on our towels, nobody dressed. The sun was hot and fortunately there was a little breeze. Isaac had once again overdone it with the picnic. We had all kind of sandwiches, big bowls of salad, chicken wings, fruit salads and actually too much to list it all. We had brought empty bottles to fill at the waterfall as not to have to carry them all the way during three hours.

At one moment, Laura and George disappeared behind the bushes. They were out of sight but not out of hearing. It didn't take long to hear them going at it and there was no confusion about what they were doing. Just by the noise, Isaac grew a boner. Out of decency and respect for Victor and Lucas, the turned over and laid face-down on his towel. Lucas laughed out loud saying he could turn over, but not hiding his erection.

-I do it so you wouldn't get jealous of what I have, Isaac said.

What happened next was an exaggerated comparison of who had what. What could you expect of six gay men, totally relaxed and talking about cock-sizes? Yes, indeed, raunchy comments and a lot of laughter. Around 3pm we had to call the lovebirds to pack our things and staring our descend to where we had left the cars. Once at the house, Lucas announced he as inviting us all to the restaurant. We asked what kind of food they wanted and with that information we called one of the restaurants where we were steady customers to reserve a table of eight.

One of the waiters was a real hunk. We couldn't believe our eyes when we saw George and Laura, both flirting openly with the guy. Laura explained.

-It is a game we often play when we see a nice guy or girl working in a restaurant. We, supposedly, and separately, flirt with that person. The point of our game is to see who of us will receive a phone number from that waiter or waitress. The loser pays the bill. Now, don't misunderstand us, we never take anybody home and the person who we flirted with always gets a good tip when we leave.

I could partly see the fun in what they were doing, but there was also a part of cruelty. They didn't think about the fact that the person was maybe very lonely and that they created false hopes. I guessed my empathy was bigger than theirs.

Far too soon their last day on the island was there. We had had a wonderful time and they promised to come back soon. We even made some plans, without any guarantee, to gather again for Christmas and New Year. The goodbyes at the airport were emotional but quick as their flight was already announced over the PA system. We waved as long as we could see each other. On the way home we were quiet, thinking about the wonderful ten days we had had.

Any comments are welcome at Your comments are my motivation to go on writing.

Next: Chapter 14

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