New Starts


Published on Sep 6, 2007


This story contains relationships between males and the happiness that two men can have together. It also contains sex so if any of this offends you then get a life and don't read it!

Everything in this story is property of the author, do not reproduce or copy.

Copyright 2007

Chapter 1 - New Starts

My name is CJ (or Charles John!) Gordon. I am 17 years old and I am starting university this week, this is my first time on my own away from my loving family. I have my mum, dad and 2 younger brothers. I didn't have many friends growing up at school and I was quiet in class. I excelled at a few subjects and kept myself to myself. I have my family and they are much more of friends than family really. The other thing about me is that I am gay and have known this since I was about 12, that is when my parents told me they loved me without exception and I am thankful and happy that I was lucky enough to have them. This story is one of my first opportunities to really start to discover who I really am and to have the freedom to meet new guys. My previous attempts in my home town were really unsuccessful; my ability to find complete assholes is amazing. Anyway......

Walking through the dorm room I was nervous, this was the first time I was going to be away from home on my own. I opened the door to the bedroom and stared into the barren room, my dad put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. I surveyed the two desks and the two beds and grimaced.

"It will be fine son, hopefully you will find yourself a nice guy here and then I can rent your room out!!"

I smiled and rolled my eyes at his attempt at humour, "You would miss me too much, besides you can't give a tenant the abuse you give me!!" I laughed as he growled at me in mock anger.

"CJ you know we are all going to miss you and you can come back every weekend if you want to anyway, it's not that far."

"Thanks Dad, I know that and I might but I want to try this on my own first. I need to be a grown up for once!"

"You already are son, you have made me and your mum proud, not to mention the rest of the family, you will be the first of the family to go to university and you will be a good role model to your other two brothers."

I smiled at the words and started to pile my boxes in my room, I had loads and by the time we both got them in we both needed a coffee. I set up the coffee machine quickly and told my dad I was going to shower quickly and to watch the coffee brewer for me.

Stepping into the shower I was amazed by how big the bathroom was for being in a dorm room, the whole place was huge considering it was only for two people. I was nervous about meeting my room mate though. I quickly finished up and joined my dad who was already on his second cup.

"I am going to have to get going in a minute Ceej. Need to get home before your mum starts to call my mobile every five minutes!" Dad rolled his eyes and got up to leave; pulling me in for a big hug he whispered to me, "I will miss you."

"I love you dad, but get out of here before I get into trouble for holding you up!"

I watched my dad pull out of the car park in the van and waved as I closed the door. I turned around and stared at the walls. "Well let's hope the other guy is nice," I thought to myself.

I would describe myself as kind of average build not having made the effort to do any weight training but I have no extra weight on me, which is good for me really being a footballer! I have short cropped blond hair which is usually spiked; blue eyes which I am told sparkle in the light. I would not say I am great looking but I am not the judge. Anyway I was sitting on the couch in the common area of the dorm room when I heard a key being put into the door, I got up just in time to see this blond haired hottie opening the door and literally falling over his boxes.

"A little help, please!" I laughed a little as I moved to help him up.

He stood up and straightened out his clothing, which had pulled up revealing a hint of a six pack and a gorgeous treasure trail leading down his belly. He stuck his hand out and I shook it whilst still staring at his midriff.

"Umm....Hi, my name is Scott." He looked at me and I realised my eyes hadn't moved, "CJ," I cleared my throat and let go of his hand, looking up at him and hoping he didn't think I was retarded or something.

"Let me help you with your boxes into the room. Do you not have anybody with you to help?"

He shook his head no and just started lifting more boxes in so I didn't ask anything else.

"Wow" he said after we had finished, "You have loads of stuff."

"Yeah sorry I wasn't sure if you would have kitchen stuff so I bought loads of stuff and brought it with me, sorry to assume...."

"No it's fine honestly, I totally hadn't even thought about that yet! Thanks CJ."

"Just call me Ceej all my friends....usually do. Well anyway, let's get you all set up in the room, which bed would you like?"

Once we had sorted all our stuff and cleaned everything up it was late on in the day and we were both starved, I asked Scott if he wanted to go for pizza and he nodded. We grabbed our coats and headed out the door. I headed to my Jeep and he hesitated.

"Is that yours?" he asked with a funny look on his face.

"Yup, it was an early 18th birthday present; I passed my test faster than my folks thought I would!"

"Wow that is so cool." He jumped in the passenger seat and buckled up as I started the car and headed to the nearest place I could think for pizza.

Driving in silence I couldn't think of anything to say so I stuck the radio on and a good tune pumped out of the speakers, something by Jimmy Eat World. My hand tapped on the wheel and I could see Scott's hands going on his knees. I stared across at him noticing the lines of his face and stared at his perfect features wishing I was a pretty as he was.

"So," I started, "Do you have any preferences to where to go?" He shrugged his shoulders so I said "We can go to Pizza Hut if you want? My treat to say thanks for being my new roomie!" I laughed as he tried to protest.

"I can't let you pay for me that's not fair." He tried to convince me that he would pay his way, but I just said "No I want to please." So he just went quiet and I hoped I hadn't upset him.

We got to the pizza place minutes after and we went in. We both ordered and sat down waiting for them to be made up. I felt another awkward silence and was trying to think of something to say. I wanted to say not to worry about the cost of the pizza but didn't want to upset him more.

He turned to see me staring at him again and he smiled for the first time. I melted as I saw the smile; it made his beautiful face more striking. I smiled back and blushed brightly.

The pizza's came and we went out to sit in my Jeep, sitting eating I kept noticing Scott looking at me when he thought I wasn't looking. I kept noticing him studying me and wondered to myself what was up with him. I just continued to eat the pizza and catching glimpse of him as often as I could.

I kept thinking to my self, "Stop fancying him, you have to live with him." But I just couldn't help myself and I smiled as I thought of what this next year was going to be like.

Next: Chapter 2

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