Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Nov 25, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Thanks to all you guys who sent feedback and thanks for voting. You'll know what the results are when you see it in the story. Now I just have to figure out which chapter I'm going to put it in. I'm going to let that be a surprise for you guys. Hey it could be the next chapter, or the one after that, or the one after that. So if you haven't voted hurry up and do so before I actually do write the chapter that has that question I asked. Now where was I? Oh yeah

Everyone would have thought I would have been use to this. Seeing as this is the fourth time I had to have could machinery on my stomach. I hate making all these trips to the witch doctor but I had no choice this time. Daughtry forced me into it saying that he wants to make sure the baby is alright. I mean I think she has. Wyatt didn't hit me to hard, though it was hard enough to knock me to the ground, but I the fall wasn't that bad. At least I don't think it was.

Ava, the witch doctor that I always go to, kept moving the machine around and looking at the screen very intently. She had to be sure everything was alright. This wasn't just any ordinary baby. It was a charmed baby and that's really important to the magical world.

"Well, Mr. Halliwell," she said taking her hands off the screen and writing some notes down on her pad. "The baby seems to be in perfect condition. Now how many months are you?"

"I'm almost two months," I answered.

She quickly jotted that down her her pad. "I'm glad you're getting your check up now on the baby," she said. "So might I ask, if you know who the father is," she said.

"Yes I do," I said

"I need his name," she said.

"May I ask why," I questioned. I've been in her office like two times before because of the other times I've been pregnant and never have I ever needed give her the father's name of the baby. Its not that I didn't know who the father was its just right now I don't want any thoughts about Wyatt what so ever. Not to be mean, but I just need some time off of him, and what the doctor was asking was not a good way to help.

"New policy," she replied. "We have to check to see if there might be anything that might be inherited by each parent."

"Why," I said confused.

"Just the other day a witch came in and didn't know the father of her baby and it turned out to be a demon. So when we did the C-section it attacked all the doctors and we just don't want to take any risks like that," she explained. "So if you don't mind, can you please tell me who the father is?" she asked again.

If that was all true, that means once she finds out that Wyatt is the father, she's going to contact him, and I don't want him to find out this way, that I'm pregnant. I might be mad at Wyatt but I do still care about him and I want to tell him personally about it. I could see there was no way out of this one, unless. "To tell you the truth I really don't know who the father is."

She began to frown. "But you just told me that you did," she said. She put the pad to her side. "Mr. Halliwell, I must tell you that if you are not able to provide me the name of the father, I have to check in on you just about every week to make sure that your baby isn't a demon," she warned.

"But what if I know that my baby is not a demon and that the father of it isn't either," I suggested. With all that's going on right now, the last thing I want to do is come into the doctor's office just about everyday and have an ultra sound done on me. It sucks that you have to have one done every month when you're pregnant. Every week just makes it a nightmare.

"I'm sorry but we're not aloud to take any risks on that," she said. "So do you know the name of the father or not?"

I had to think about his real hard whether to answer it with the truth or not. "No," I said. "No I don't know who the father is," I lied. Now I was hearing my mother's voice in the back of my head telling me what I just did was wrong. Since I would summon my mother every week she would give me a lecture on something new and I just remember one of her lectures was about how lying to your brothers is bad. And always there was a story behind it. She told me about the time where Phoebe lied to her about vanquishing Cole, and how that almost cost all of them their lives.

While I was thinking of this Ava was writing down some more notes and began to look back at some of my previous visits. Nothing in her papers did she find wrong, except there was one thing that stood out to her. "Mr. Halliwell, correct me if I'm wrong, but according to this it says that you are married to a man named Wyatt Matthew Halliwell, and you have four children together named, Patience, Ryan, Prue, and Robert."

"Yes," I said nodding.

"Have you guys gotten a divorce," she asked.

I assumed she was taking these notes for doctor's purposes. "No, not really," I said.

"Well, then shouldn't he be the father of this child also," she asked.

I was really getting scared. Looks like I've been caught in a lie. Its better to tell the truth now then dig myself into a deeper whole. "Umm....well...yeah..I guess he is."

Ava was getting frustrated with all this run around, but who could blame her. She angrily set her pad down and took off her glass. "Mr. Halliwell, if you knew he was the father then why didn't you say so before instead of telling me that you didn't know. I'm not trying to be rude, but I need you to tell me the truth so I can know what I have to do for this baby's birth so it can be nice and healthy when its born and the only way I can assure that is if you cooperate and answer all of my questions honestly," she scolded.

I nodded a little scared. I never thought I would ever see a doctor that angry, but I guess when you have your patiences lying to you then you'd probably be a little bit angry. I know since I have four kids and every time they lie to me and I find out then I'm really pissed off. Not just that they told the lie, but that they thought that they would get away with it.

"Now," she said picking up her pad again and writing some more stuff down. "I will be contacting your husband pretty soon to see if he or anyone in his side of the family might have any symptoms that we need to worry about."

"Do you have to contact him," I asked.

"Yes I do," she said. "Why do you ask?"

"Because he doesn't know yet and well I just don't want him knowing from a doctor," I said. "So is there anyway that you can do all of this without contacting him about my pregnancy."

"I'm sorry but all fathers have to be told, its a law, not just in the magic world but in the mortal world also," she said.

I sighed sadly knowing this was going to come as a big shock to Wyatt. "When are you guys going to contact him, if you don't mind me asking."

"I'd say sometime tomorrow since we want to have run all our test as soon as possible," she told me. She made some final notes, before she said her last words to me for a week. "So anything else that we need to discuss or is there anything else I need to know?" I shook my head instantly. Anything else that I tell her would only keep me here long and I really want to get out of this doctor's office. "Okay then, I will see you same time next week if thats okay with you?"

"Sure its fine," I said.

"Oh, and if you can, would you please bring your husband with you next month," she asked. "It would make things a whole lot easier if you was here."

"I'll see what I can do," I said as I got of the table and pulled my shirt down from where it had been pulled up to do the ultra sound. Hopefully Wyatt and I would be back together then if not sooner than that. I mean if we aren't and things are going on the way they are now then we'd probably be arguing in the office.

Now that I know the doctor won't be contacting Wyatt until tomorrow that gives me a little bit of time to think of how I'm going to tell him. It has to be before tomorrow I know that. So I'm thinking that I'm just going to go over to the house and hopefully it won't be as bad as it was last night and then break it down easy to him about me being pregnant, which I know he won't make a big deal about since this one was planned. Then maybe, just maybe, we can work on getting back together, not just for me but for the kids. I've been thinking about what Chris said, and it must really be hard on them to go from house to house, and not understand what's going on.

I made my way out of the doctors office and back into the waiting room where Daughtry was. I'm sure he's probably frustrated with having to wait for so long but it was his choice to take me to the doctor. Even if he didn't I probably would have went anyway, because that was the first thing I thought about when I fell to the ground was my baby.

When I had finally made it to the room, Daughtry was sitting there waiting. He was reading a magazine and he was so into it that he didn't even notice me walk in. It wasn't until I went up to him and tapped on his shoulder that he finally saw I was ready to leave.

He quickly hoped up being a little shocked, since no one else was in the room but him. "So ready to go," he asked.

"Yes," I sighed a little upset.

Daughtry could sense something was up. As I said before, besides Chris and Wyatt, Daughtry's the only one who knows when I'm upset or sad or anything that isn't normal, since he's known me for a long time. "What happened in there," he asked concerned because I was his best friend, and I was like a brother to him. We were so close that he's actually the godfather of Patience. I decided to let Chris and Peter be the god parents of Prudence, Ryan, and Robert.

"Nothing," I lied.

"Chris," Daughtry said crossing his arms. "Come on we've been best friends ever since seventh grade so you got to tell me something."

"If you put it that way," I said. "I have to tell Wyatt that I'm pregnant," I told him.

Daughtry just shrugged like it was nothing big. "You don't have to tell him now, if you don't want to," he said. "You can wait till you're ready, so don't stress yourself out about it. Its not good for you or Patty."

"I know its just..." I stopped and took a deep breath. "Its just that I have to tell him about it tonight."

"Why," Daughtry asked anxious.

"Because I want to tell him personally, and the doctors have to contact him tomorrow, which leaves me no other option, other than to tell him tonight," I explained. This was going to be so hard on me. Though I wonder how the kids are going to take it that they're going to have a baby sister.

"Chris I really don't think that's a good idea," Daughtry protested. "Its not that I don't want you to tell him its just look at what happened last night when you went to go tell him about it, and what if next time your baby isn't so lucky, have you thought about that."

I had to think about that for a minute. Daughtry really made a good point right there. "No, its okay," I said after thinking about it. "I'm sure Wyatt has seen the error of his ways. He left me like five messages last night telling me how sorry he was, and I'm sure he meant it."

"I just hope you're right for yours and the baby's sake," Daughtry sighed.

"Thanks," I said.

"For what," he asked confused.

"What do you mean for what?" I replied back sarcastically. "Thanks for taking me to the doctor, letting me stay at your house, helping me through my hard times. Thanks for just being there. I know I can always count on you to help me out when I'm in trouble."

"Hey," he smiled. "What are best friends for," he said. "Come on lets go, sitting in this doctors office has made me a little hungry. Up for some food."

"Yeah, I could eat," I said. "For two actually," I added on. This cause Daughtry and I to laugh our heads off as we left the doctors office.


"Can I get you anything else," the woman said as she laid two cups of coffee in front of the two people. She was a waitress with blond hair and you could tell she's been working there for quiet some time, because of how she is able to handle things.

"No thanks," Wyatt said. "That will be all for now....thank you," he said very thankfully.

"No problem," the waiter said walking away to go serve other customers.

Wyatt and Sandra decided to have a cup of coffee together. Nothing was going on between them. They both were over each other. Especially after the whole incident with me walking in on them while they were in bed together. Sandra decided after that there was no way she was going to have a chance with Wyatt. Not with a husband like me around. Little did she know it wasn't me that caused that huge explosion between them, but all these years she's thought that.

"So," Wyatt said starting up the conversation. "When were you going to tell me that I had a son," Wyatt said looking over at his youngest son. He was sitting on a stool playing a video game, while his mom and dad caught up on a few things. His hair was a dirty blond. He had brown eyes like his mom, but just about everything else was Wyatt's. The nose, mouth, just everything. He reminded Wyatt a lot of himself. Even though he did look a lot like Wyatt, he didn't resemble Wyatt as much as Ryan and Robert did, but he still resembled him.

Sandra looked up at the ceiling trying to find the answer. "To tell you the truth...never," she said causing Wyatt's to frown a little bit. "Well, I really didn't want to put a lot on you. Yeah I know, coming from me it sounds a little strange, but I know you and Chris were gonna go through some stuff, because of me and well, I thought I had already done enough and got blown up in the process so, I just stayed out of it. Plus I really didn't think you would care since you already have like three already."

"First of all its four, and second you know that's not true," Wyatt argued. "I care about all my kids no matter who they're from," he stated. He just kept staring at the little who he never knew about for six years. "What's his name?"

"Rolland," she said. "Yeah I know that you like your sons to all have their name to start with an R so I decided to name him that."

"Rolland?" Wyatt repeated taking a sip of his coffee. "I like that," he nodded. "So have you gave him a middle name," Wyatt asked.

"Patrick," she answered. "I remembered you like to use P names so that's the only guys name that I liked that started with P"

"I like that too," Wyatt said. He took another sip of coffee. Its not usual that he drinks coffee, but this morning would be an exception, since he spent most of his night up looking for me. "So, how have you been for the past few years. You still seducing married men and trying to kill their wives," Wyatt taunted in a mean manner.

Sandra bit her lip. "I guess I deserved that, but honestly, I haven't seduced any married men ever since that one night I was with you," she said, which shocked Wyatt. "Yep that's right, I've given it all up, for him," she said referring to Rolland. "I really didn't want Rolland growing up watching his mother kill other people so I had to stop."

"That's good to know," Wyatt said.

"Yeah it is," she said. She began to get up from the table saying, "look Wyatt I have to go. Since I decided to live the whole normal life, I have to work for a living and I'm going to be late, so maybe I'll see you around," she said as she began to walk off but Wyatt stopped her.

"No wait!" Wyatt shouted. "Who's gonna watch Rolland?"

"He goes to daycare," she answered. "Crap," she said out of the blue. "I forgot the daycare is closed today. Looks like I'm going to have to take him with me to work," she sighed.

"No you don't I'll watch him," Wyatt volunteered.

"You'll watch him?" Sandra said shocked.

"Yeah is there a problem," Wyatt said. How could there be. This was Wyatt's son and he did have rights even if he hadn't been there for the past six years, but that wasn't his fault because he didn't know about Robert. So how could anyone blame him for that. Right now he just wants to make this right.

"He doesn't know you Wyatt and I don't want him to think I'm just leaving him with a perfect stranger," she said.

"Please, Sandra," Wyatt begged. "This gives me some quality time to spend with him so I can catch up with how he's doing."

"Alright, I'll pick him up at your house later on tonight" she agreed. "But if he has one scratch on him when I come to pick him up its gonna be me and you," she warned. Her son was the one thing she was very protective of. If any demon or anything tried to harm him they'd be set on fire before they could even try to shimmer away.

"I promise he won't be hurt," Wyatt assured. "Remember I do have four kids of my own and I know how all of it goes so I can handle him. Even if he does get hurt I'm sure I can heal him since I'm a white lighter if you forgot about that," Wyatt said to Sandra.

Sandra smiled and walked out the door and headed straight for work. She was a waitress at a diner. That's the only job she could get these days without a college education, but she had to do whatever to make a living for herself and her son. Right now though, she can't believe she left her son with someone he doesn't know. Even if that someone is his father. She knows that Wyatt wouldn't hurt him, though, so she had nothing to worry about. She guesses its just a mothers instinct to worry about their kids every moment that they're out of their sight. Sandra was no exception to this.

After little Rolland was done playing with his video game he looked back to see that his mother was gone. The only person who was there was his estranged father who he doesn't know but only heard things from what his mother has told him. She never really ever said anything bad to him about Wyatt. All she told him was that his father was a legendary witch who just about every demon knew. Rolland did want to get to know him but not this way.

Rolland got off the bar stool and went up to Wyatt who was still sitting there drinking his coffee. "Do you know where my mommy went," he asked softly. Its not usual that Rolland would talk to strangers, since his mom said not to but he saw her talking to him so it must be okay.

"She went to work sport," Wyatt said to his youngest. "She'll be back later on, okay buddy. So looks like its just you and me," Wyatt said very excited that he was going to finally spend time with the son he never knew. What scared him though was how was I going to take it. He knew I wasn't going to have a problem with it, seeing as I had Patience, and this is sore of the same situation. Its just adding another kid to the four we had already was really going to stir something up. Hopefully Robert and Ryan don't teach their new brother Rolland how to play some of the same pranks that they do.

"Why my mommy not take me," he asked sadly. He was really attached to his mom to the hip. He hated going to daycare and not being around his mom. Its not his fault, its because Sandra has always shielded little Rolland from the world and that has made him a little shy towards new people

"She wanted you and me to bond," Wyatt replied. "You know I'm your daddy right," Wyatt said softly looking into his brown eyes. This scared Wyatt a little. He didn't want Rolland to be uncomfortable. If this was how he was acting right now then how was he going to act when he went to meet the rest of the family. Rolland didn't know that he had two other sisters and two other brothers, and cousins, or neither did he know that he had grandparents, aunts, and uncles who'd probably like to meet him soon.

The little boy nodded to answer Wyatt's question. "Do you know when my mommy will be back?" He asked softly.

"She'll be back soon buddy," Wyatt said as he jokingly played with Rolland's hair who finally started to laugh. "So you want to go and have some fun?" he asked smiling.

Rolland nodded excitedly.

"Okay then lets go," Wyatt said as he set some money down for the check. As he got up he accidentally knocked some coffee on his jeans causing him to cry out in pain, because it was still hot, but it wasn't too loud. Wyatt has gone through a lot more pain hunting demons than this so it wasn't that bad.

Rolland stood there laughing while his father was trying to wipe the coffee off of him. He tried covering his mouth so that Wyatt couldn't see that he was laughing, but there was no use in hiding it. Rolland just can never think of any time he's seen something more funny since he really never gets to see much.

Wyatt caught sight of Rolland laughing and smiled. Rolland had the most adorable little laugh that Wyatt has ever seen. Maybe because that was his laugh. He couldn't deny that Rolland laughed more like him than the other kids did, even though he didn't resemble him as much as they did. "So you think that's pretty funny don't ya," Wyatt said as he continued wiping the coffee. Rolland quickly stopped laughing thinking that he was in trouble. "Relax kid, I'm not going to hurt you," Wyatt said still smiling. "You can laugh all you want. I'd probably be laughing at myself too if I were you so." Rolland started to laugh a little again, but it wasn't as much as the first time he was doing it. "So I feel like going for ice cream, what do you say," he said.

"Sure Mr. Wyatt," Rolland answered.

"Son, why are you calling me Mr. Wyatt," Wyatt asked a little hurt. He might be new to his life but he didn't want him to refer to him as just another adult that he has to respect. Yeah, he did have to respect Wyatt, but he didn't want him to call him Mr. Wyatt.

"Because that's what mom calls you," he said.

"Well I want you to call me daddy, okay," Wyatt said. Rolland nodded at that. "Now lets go sport, I'm sure you want that ice cream soon," Wyatt said grabbing Rolland's hand into his own and walking out of the place with him, happy that he gets to spend some time with his son.


Daughtry and I stopped at a Chinese Buffet. The funny thing is Daughtry was still on his first plate while I was on my eighth. Being pregnant really sucks. At this rate I'm really going to be fatter than a whale. Maybe even bigger than that. I don't know why Patty is so hungry at this early in the stage. She's only been in my stomach for a month and already she wants me to eat everything in sight. Why can't she be like the other kids.

"Chris slow down," Daughtry said. "I really don't want my soon to be god daughter coming out here weighing a hundred pounds when she's born," Daughtry laughed at his own joke.

"Very funny," I said sarcastically. "You try being pregnant and having a child in you crave just about everything in sight and then you come back and tell me to slow down," I said as I continued eating more and more.

"Alright, you don't have to snap at me like that," Daughtry said defensively. "So have you thought about how you're going to tell Wyatt about it. Though part of me wonders how can he not know with the way you eat. He's probably thinking there's bound to be something strange about you and this new appetite of yours."

"Shut up," I snapped. My mood swings were really starting to kick in. "And yes, I know exactly how I'm going to tell Wyatt. I'm just going to walk in the house and tell him before he can even say a word, alright," I said going back to eating what was on my plate. I hated being disturbed when I had to talk.

"He better not hurt you this time," Daughtry warned. "Or I swear by any God that he names I will kill that bastard," he said.

I smiled saying, "thanks," very thankfully. "You son of a bitch," I snapped and waved my arm at him sending him flying onto another table, causing him to land right on top of it and crush it where he was. "Uh oh," I said. I quickly ran over to his aid. Part of me doesn't know what came over me, and what caused me to do it, but then I had to remember, that this same exact thing happened when I was pregnant with Prue. "Oh my Daughtry are you okay," I said holding out a hand to try to help him up.

Daughtry quickly pushed it away and got up. "Glad to know you care when you're the one that just did this to me," he snapped. Never in his entire life as a phoenix has he ever been thrown back that hard. He's fought demons before but that blow packed a big punch to it that he didn't like and never wanted to experience again, since it was very painful

"Sorry it wasn't me, I promise," I begged. I didn't want Daughtry mad at me. After all he's done so much for me that to lose him as a friend would be to lose a really important part of me.

"Then who was it a ghost," Daughtry relied.

"No, it was Patty," I whispered. Even though no one was really paying attention there were still people in there and to find a pregnant male and then also find out that I'm a witch would make the press have a field day.

"Patty?" Daughtry questioned. "Yeah right tell the truth, Patty's only a fetus she couldn't have done that," he said as he finally got off the ground, being a little carefully because he was still in pain from the whole thing. As he made his way back to the table he was limping a little bit.

"She did do it, this isn't the first time that I've had a kid send someone flying from the stomach," I said reminding him of what I was thinking about earlier with Prue and everything.

"But why," he asked as he took a seat back at the table.

"I don't know," I said. I was just as confused as he was. "Do you remember what you said before I sent you flying across the room."

"Nothing," Daughtry shrugged. "Except that Wyatt was a bastard and I'd kill him."

Right after Daughtry said that a fire ball appeared in my hand. Daughtry's eyes shot up as did mine. My arm started to aim straight for him, but I grabbed it and tried to pull it back away from him and hide it under the table since there was still people in there who'd probably freak out if they saw this. It took a few seconds for me to send the energy ball flying somewhere else. I sent it out the window making a whole there and causing everyone in there to look up. Luckily they weren't looking at me, they were looking at the window.

"What's her problem," Daughtry asked referring to Patty.

"I guess she doesn't like when you talk about her dad," I guessed.

"Why not, I'm only stating the facts," he said.

"Well I wouldn't call Wyatt a bastard, seeing as I'm still married to him, but please just keep it down because I don't want her acting out again," I said pleadingly.

"Alright, but as soon as she's born, which might not be for a long time, I'm going to go right back to talking about Wyatt as much as I want," Daughtry stated.

"Thanks," I said. I blinked and the next thing I knew a window exploded. This child was going to be more trouble than all the other four combined. But if there's one thing that being a parent has taught me, its if you take away the things they love then they are sure to obey. I put my hand on my stomach saying, "stop it right now, you hear me, or else...or else...I'll stop eating. Yeah that's right I'll just stop eating."

Somehow that did work because there was no more magic stuff coming from my stomach for the rest of the time that Daughtry and I were there. This child must really like food a lot more than it likes power. I just hope she doesn't grow up to be over weight for her health. Even if she does I would still love her anyway, because she'll always be my daughter.


"Here you go buddy," Wyatt said handing Rolland an ice cream cone and grabbing one for himself. He paid they guy and they began to wonder around the park, till they finally came to a bench and sat down there. For awhile there wasn't a word spoken. Neither of them knew what to say. It was as if they were just walking together but never talking. "So, Roll," Wyatt said. "Mind if I call you Roll," he asked.

"Nope," Rolland said.

"Roll, what school do you go to," Wyatt asked trying to get to know him.

"Baker Elementary," he said.

"Really?" Wyatt said very surprised. "You know that's the same school that your brothers and sisters go to," Wyatt told him. "Maybe you've seen them around, there's Prue, Patience, Ryan and Robert. Heard of any of them."

"I know a Robert," Rolland admitted. "He sits by me in class."

Wyatt then dug into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He flipped through the photos he had of the kids and all the photos he had of me until he found a recent one of Robert that Rolland might recognize. Wyatt and I always kept photos of the kids and each other in our wallets, just as a reminder of what is good in our lives. Every year the kids get their pictures taken just so we have one that is always good to show people.

"Is this him," Wyatt asked showing the picture to Rolland.

Rolland took the picture from Wyatt gently and looked at it very closely. "Yeah that's him," he answered.

"That's your older brother, not by much but he's still older," Wyatt said taking the picture back and putting it right back into his wallet with the others. Wyatt now knows he has to get a picture of Rolland to make his collection complete. "Its good to know that you're both in the same class."

"Where is Robert," Rolland asked anxiously. To tell you the truth him and Robert were sore of good friends in class. Robert didn't know, but Rolland always knew it was him blowing things up when people weren't looking. So this whole time that they've been going to school, Rolland knew that Robert was a witch, but didn't say anything. His mom always told him if he spotted a witch to not say anything or else it could destroy the magical world.

"You'll see him soon," Wyatt said. He then heard his phone ringing. Quickly he reached into his pocket to pick it up hoping that it was me. Unfortunately, it turned out not to be me, but Phoebe who was calling. As Wyatt started to flip the phone to answer it, he wondered why she was calling this early in the morning. It must have been the kids. Wonder what they've done this time. "Hello," he answered.

"Hey Wyatt its me, your Uncle Coop," the man on the other side said.

"Oh hey Uncle Coop," he replied. "Where's Aunt Phoebe," he asked confused as to why Coop was using Phoebe's phone.

"She's back in the backyard with the kids," Coop responded. "She told me to call you and ask when you were going to come by and pick up the kids," he asked simply to his second eldest nephew.

"I can come get them right now if you need me to," Wyatt said

"No they're not a problem, you can keep them here for as long as you like," Coop offered. "Oh I almost forgot, have you had any luck locating Chris anywhere, because so far no one in the family has heard from him.

"They haven't," Wyatt asked. This wasn't like me to go off and disappear when Wyatt and I have an argument, though we've never had an argument where he's hit me either. Usually I would at least tell someone in the family where I was going so they wouldn't worry. This was getting a little bit peculiar to Wyatt. Hopefully he doesn't find me dead anywhere.

"No, we're all worried about him," Coop said.

"I'm on my way there, and then we can see if we can find him then," Wyatt said to him. "Bye Uncle Coop, I'll be there in a minutes since I have someone I want you guys to meet." With that said Wyatt hung up the phone. "Come on sport lets go," Wyatt said grabbing Rolland's hand again.

"Where are we going," he asked.

"To see your brothers, sisters, and you Aunt and Uncle," Wyatt answered him.


Chris was standing there watching his daughters sleep. The had gotten in late last night so they must be really tired. Last night him and Peter decided to go take them to see "The Simpson" movie since they've been begging to go for the longest amount of time and Chris would always tell them no, but they finally asked Peter, and Peter being the sucker for kids gave in and said yes, causing him a Chris to have a small argument, but it wasn't big. They made up ten minutes later.

"You know Chris, I think we're doing a good job as parents," Peter whispered into Chris's ear. He had just jumped from behind Chris and nearly scared him. Peter loves to play that trick knowing that it always gets Chris.

Chris smiled and turned around to him. "I think you're right," he said.

Peter pulled Chris even closer to him and kissed him hard and passionately, running his hands all over his fiancé's body, causing him to moan in pleasure as he felt Peter's hands going under his shirt and along his sensitive spot on his stomach. The shirt was really getting in Peter's way so he pushed the shirt up over Chris's head, and went right back to kissing him, devouring his whole mouth. As the kisses moved from his neck to his ear, Chris felt himself getting harder and harder by the minute. After being together for six years, these same little tricks always worked. Whenever Peter would bite, suck, or do anything to Chris's neck, it was his way of saying how much he wanted Chris, and it always made sure that he got it. Chris put his hands to Peter's sides and began to pull up his shirt from there.

Peter lifted his hands into the air, like Chris did and let Chris take off the shirt and then looked back at the father of his kids for a moment, before he went back to kissing again. Now skin on skin, their bodies had friction in between them. Peter wanted desperately to taste Chris. He began moving down to Chris's nipples taking it into his mouth sucking on it for awhile and then nipping at it. Chris began to grow even harder before he let out a slight moan. He almost had to grit his teeth to keep from moaning to loud.

"Peter stop," Chris demanded in a loud whisper

Peter came back up. He was confused. It was not like Chris to resist him like that. "Did I do something wrong," he asked.

"No," Chris was quick to answer. "Its just that we can't do this right here, since you know we're in front of the girls bedroom door."

Peter nodded and agreed with Chris. He grabbed Chris's arm and led them both to their bedroom where he quickly closed the door when Chris was all the way in. Peter shoved Chris up against the wall hard and began kissing all over Chris's body again. He was starting to get a hard on himself. He got down to his knees and quickly unfastened Chris's pants and pulled then down along with his boxers, revealing Chris's huge manhood. As soon as he saw it Peter took it right into his mouth sucking on it like a treat. Chris's hand went behind his head pushing him down and up.

Chris could not help but to let out a few moans as all the pleasure went through his body. He just loved it when Peter would suck on his erection. He began to grow weak with all the pleasure going through his body.

"Peter, I'm gonna cum," Chris said and right when he said it, he shot a huge load into Peter's mouth. Peter sucked it all out of him, and then he jerked him off again to make sure he stayed hard.

Peter kissed back up to Chris and smiled. He grabbed Chris's arm and led him straight to the bed where he gently laid him down and got on top of him. He kissed him back all the way down to his legs. When got there he lifted Chris's legs in the air. "Hold them up there for me baby," Peter pleaded.

Chris, knowing where this was leading kept his legs up in the air. He hissed in pain when he felt Peter pushing his finger into him. The more Peter kept going in and out the more pleasure Chris started to get from it, until it was finally all pleasure and no pain.

Seeing his fiancé no longer in pain, Peter felt it was safe to push another finger into Chris. He kept probing in and out until he found what he was looking for. Once Chris gave out that loud moan he knew he found it. Chris' prostate. That let him know Chris was ready, so Peter took off his pants and lubed himself up, but before he could insert his member into Chris, he was pushed so he was laying on his back.

"I think I owe you for being a good father," Chris said as he got on top of Peter. Slowly he moved his hand to Peter's hard on and slowly started to insert it into himself. He wanted to be the one to ride Peter. Once he was set onto Peter's hard on he began to bounce up and down in a constant steady pace. As he was bouncing up and down he let his hand wonder all over Peter's nice toned chest

Peter wrapped his hands around Chris's waist and help him bounce up and down off of him. This is something that they rarely ever did and Peter was going to enjoy this as much as he could. Wanting Chris to feel just about the same amount of pleasure he was feeling, Chris started to masturbate Chris with one hand while keeping his other around his hips.

Chris's moans started to get louder as he was now feeling his love inside of him and jerking him off at the same time. This was a very good feeling and he really didn't want it to end ever. Too bad that it was starting to, and Peter jerking him off wasn't helping it at all. "Peter...I'm..gonna..cum," Chris cried.

"I know.." Peter said as he could feel Chris's precum from jerking him off. Soon Chris blasted a huge load all over Peter's abs and his hands. Feeling Chris cum on his hand was enough to send Peter over the edge. Peter blasted his huge seed inside of Chris.

Chris was now breathing hard and heavily as he collapsed on top of Peter and laid there for awhile before moving off of him. "I love you," he said.

"I love you too," Peter said. He then his head to look at Chris who now had a frown on his face. "What?" he asked.

"Why didn't you use a condom," Chris asked.

"I didn't think it'd be a big deal since we don't have Peter Jr. for another few years," Peter said.

Chris rolled his eyes. "I better not be pregnant," Chris said.

"You're not, don't worry," Peter assured him.


Wyatt walked up to the door of his Aunt Phoebe's house. Its really rare that he comes over here, but he had to have her watch his kids so he could look for me and now he has to pick them up. Before he leaves though he wants to have a little talk with his Aunt and Uncle. Wyatt rang the doorbell and waited for his Aunt or Uncle to answer. He had Rolland on one arm since he really didn't want Rolland to walk in the grass, knowing it would cause Phoebe to go crazy, because she loves her lawn so much.

Expecting it to be his Aunt or Uncle, the door opened and to his surprise it was his oldest cousin. "Peyton," Wyatt said realizing exactly who she was with a big smile.

"Hello Wyatt," she greeted.

"What are you doing here, I thought you'd be in college," Wyatt pointed out.

"Oh no, I just came home for the weekend, but I'm going back tomorrow," she said. She opened the door wider and stood aside. "Moms been expecting you so come on in," she asked.

Wyatt nodded and stepped right on through the door. "So where is Aunt Phoebe anyway," he asked.

"Oh, she's in the dinning room, you can go there," Peyton answered. "Oh and might I ask who is this on your shoulder," she said tickling one of Rolland's little cheeks.

"This," Wyatt said gesturing to the boy on his arm. "This is your cousin," Wyatt said to her. He then looked around even more and noticed that he couldn't hear his kids. His kids are known for always making large amounts of noise and today should be no exception. "Do you know where the kids are?"

"They're with mom," Peyton said. "I don't know but they're in there playing with coloring books, which for some strange reason mom and dad find exciting. I only wish I had made the choice to come home after mom decided to look after your kids so they'd stop hiding my stuff."

Wyatt chuckled saying, "those are my kids." Wyatt made his way down to the dinning room where he saw all four of his kids sitting quietly, drawing, and coloring like Peyton said they were. Wyatt tried his best not to draw any attention to him but the kids had ears like a dog and once they heard him step in the dinning room the all quickly looked up.

"Daddy!" The all shouted running up and hugging Wyatt on his legs. Wyatt almost dropped poor Rolland but luckily he was strong enough to hold onto him as four rowdy kids came up and jumped on him all at once, causing him to stumble over a little.

"Good to see you Wy," Phoebe said to her second eldest nephew. He was her called her eldest nephew until I came into the picture.

"Daddy why do you have Rolland on you," Robert asked confused. It seems very odd that your own father has one of your classmates with him.

"Well guys he's your new baby brother," Wyatt told them.

"Really," Robert asked excitedly.

"Yeah, here," he said as he set Rolland down on the ground. "Why don't you guys go play and catch up. Give me, your Aunt Phoebe, and Uncle Coop some time to talk alright."

They all smiled and ran off to another room like Wyatt had told them to do. It was a miracle that they've been acting so good at Phoebe's house. Maybe they just like Phoebe more, because she's a little bit more laid back than Paige is. At least thats what Wyatt hopes, since growing up Phoebe was his favorite aunt. He couldn't say Prue was because he never actually got to know her, and Paige really annoyed him when she was always drilling him with his white lighter powers.

"Did I just hear what I think I heard," Phoebe asked Wyatt as she watched the kids go and play in the living room.

"You probably did," Wyatt shrugged. "If you heard that yeah I have a new son named Rolland, that has been going to school with Robert all this time and I didn't have a clue about it, then yes. You heard right."

"How, though? I mean he looks to be about Robert's age," Phoebe questioned.

"Sandra," Wyatt said. "If you remember that time I sore of cheated on Chris with her, well she got pregnant after that, and he was conceived the same time that Chris was pregnant with Robert."

"Isn't Sandra that crazy ex of yours," Coop asked.

"Yep," Wyatt said embarrassed.

"I figured, so I'm assuming you've seen her," Coop said. "So how is she?"

"She's doing pretty well actually," Wyatt said.

Phoebe gasped saying, "she is?"

"Oh yeah, she stopped being a Siren and decided to start living a normal life for Robert over there," Wyatt explained. Wyatt was actually very proud of her for it. Thinking that about her made him think a lot about himself of how he could do better. Seems like if Sandra could give up something such as killing married men then why couldn't Wyatt give up something as simple as demon hunting. Wyatt felt real stupid for all the decisions he's been making in the past.

"Don't beat yourself up about it," Phoebe said. She was still a telepath so she still had the power to read minds and that's just something she would do sometimes if she was board which was a rare occasion seeing as she was a person who went around and helped people find love.

"How can I not," Wyatt asked. "This is all my fault...everything is. Why Chris is gone, why we might never have Patty, why the kids have to go from house to house," Wyatt went on and on.

"That's not important now," Phoebe said. "The important thing is that you see the error of your ways and that you find Chris soon. Though I'm wondering how you're going to explain to Chris that you have new son."

"I don't think he's going to take it to badly," Wyatt said. "I mean he does have Patience and well I love Patience as my own, so maybe Chris could do the same with Rolland seeing as though he might not be his child he is still his nephew, so they are still related in a way."

"Yeah I guess," Phoebe replied. Phoebe looked at her watch. "Wow today seems to have gone by pretty fast. Can you believe its six o' clock already. It just seems like an hour ago I had to make breakfast for these four kids."

"What time did you say it was?!" Wyatt asked panicked.

"Six," Phoebe answered slowly.

"Crap, Aunt Phoebe, I have to go take Rolland back to the house," Wyatt said. "I promised his mother that I'd bring him back home by six and right now I'm a little late."

"No problem, do you need me to watch the others until you get back," she volunteered.

"Can you please," Wyatt asked and she nodded. "Thank you, and when I come back then we can talk about finding Chris again but right now I just want to get this kid home. I know what its like to not be around your mom all day." Wyatt hurried up in the room and grabbed Rolland. He really didn't want to go and neither did the other kids want him to go but Wyatt said he had to and there wasn't much argument after that. Wyatt didn't have time to let him walk so Wyatt carried him back to the car and drove back to the house.


I kept pacing the house back and forth thinking of how I'm going to tell Wyatt all of this right now. Hopefully he won't hit me again before I can tell him. No, why am I hoping, I mean Wyatt would never hit me on purpose, would he? I don't know anymore, but I just wish I could find the strength to just go up to him and say, congratulations, you're going to be a dad again. Okay maybe it won't be that hard, and then after I tell him that we can make up, then maybe if I'm in the mood make love. Now how was I going to tell him again.

A small chuckle came from behind me. "So you still having trouble figuring out how you're going to tell Wyatt again," Daughtry said coming into the room along with me. "You just have to chill out, I mean if you're not ready then you don't have to tell him just yet."

I shook my head. "Yes I do, its either I go tell him not or else he finds out from the witch doctor and that's unfair, even for him," I said. "I just wish it were easier to tell him this."

"Chris if things like this were easy to reveal then everyone in the world would know who their real father is," Daughtry said. "I actually look up to you for finding the courage to want to go talk to the guy after he's hit you, and it was just last night for that matter."

I nodded and stopped pacing. "Yeah well I think everyone deserves a second chance. Even Wyatt does."

"But, Chris this is not the second chance that you've given Wyatt," Daughtry pointed out. "Now don't get me wrong because I don't want you two to separate just as much as your family does, but I think you guys should at least go to marriage counseling before you get back together."

I shook my head saying, "Nah, I don't think we'll need it. I mean we've made it seven years without marriage counseling so maybe we can still manage," I stated to my best friend.

Daughtry crossed his arms. "Yeah you guys made it seven year, but what about all the arguing the fighting, all those times when you were pregnant and Wyatt wasn't there and made you feel like you were by yourself and everything. Have you thought about that. Have you thought about that? Do you want to continue the rest of your life like that."

"Well no, but I don't think it'll be like that," I said. "We've broken up plenty of times and have gotten back together."

"No," Daughtry disagreed. "You guys have broken up and it wasn't because you wanted to get back together, it was because the family forced it on you. Chris you can't just keep doing this."

"Doing what?" Chris asked.

"Going back to Wyatt, because everyone keeps telling you its the right thing to do," Daughtry said. This little discussion was now turning into an argument, but it wasn't going to effect our friendship. Daughtry and I have known each other for too long to let something like this come in our way. "Chris, I understand where you're coming from, I really do, but do you want to live unhappy for the rest of your life? You've got to start making choices for yourself because you want to not because someone says its the right thing to do."

"I love him though Daughtry," I said softly.

"Yeah, but are you willing to let him treat you bad and are you willing to live the rest of your life unhappy," Daughtry asked.

"If its for my kids then yes, they come first," I replied.

"That's the way it should be Chris, but what if your kids are just as unhappy as you are, have you thought about that," Daughtry said. "Kids are able to sense their parents emotions and I can promise you they can tell if you're not happy and trust me, the longer you go unhappy so do your kids, and if you keep this up, not only will you have realized, but you'll regret that you've lived your life this way, once all your kids are grown and out the house."

"I've got to go," I said. I really didn't but I was just trying to get out of this situation. Just about everything that Daughtry was saying was the truth and it was hurting real bad.

"Oh and there's something else that I probably should have mentioned earlier," he said causing me to freeze and turn around back to him. "I know you like living here, but I've been offered a full paid tuition to NYU," he said. "So I'll be moving to New York later on this week, and you're always welcomed to come with me, but I'm just letting you know that I won't be living in San Francisco much longer," he said.

"But you can't..." I started but was stopped.

"No Chris, I'm sorry but my mind is made up. This might be the one chance that I get and I know you probably won't like this decision either, but that's why I was hoping you'd come up there with me, just for a few months. Not live there, but you know," he said.

"What about my family, I can't just leave them behind like this," I said.

"I know, but you're only going to be an orb away," Daughtry stated.

"I can't talk about this right now," I said as I began walking away.

"Hey Chris," Daughtry said stopping me for a moment. "Just think about it alright," he said.

I didn't say a word back. I just orbed out and went straight to the house. When I got there it was pretty quiet. I began to search the house to see if Wyatt and the kids were there. From the looks of it so far they weren't, but I decided to check upstairs just in case. I know this might not be the time to go to bed but its not this house to be a normal house though. I started checking every room and one was as empty as the last.

At the same time that I was checking upstairs, Wyatt came in the house with Rolland sleeping on his shoulder. Rolland fell asleep during the ride back to the house. Wyatt guesses that all his time playing today must have worn him out, but that might be a good thing for Sandra, seeing as how she might not have to put him to bed so late like usual since he was already sleep.

Wyatt was about to sit down but before he did, he heard the doorbell. He knew it must be Sandra so he laid Rolland down on the couch and went to answer the door, since he's really in a hurry. Once he opened the door, he saw Sandra in her little waitress outfit which he found a little funny.

"Yeah laugh it up Wyatt," she said embarrassed. "Where's Rolland," she asked a little worried. Rolland wasn't running around or making noise like usual. That's how you can tell he's definitely a Halliwell, because of the way he acts. "Wyatt, where's Rolland?" she asked again.

"Relax, he's okay," he said. "Would you like to come in," Wyatt offered. It was really cold outside and it would only be for a minute. Sandra said she was over him so I shouldn't be jealous if he invited her in for only a short time.

"I don't know Wyatt," she said. "Maybe I should just get Rolland and go," she suggested. She really didn't want me to come home and find them in the same house and suspect something. She knew that if I came home and found them together then all hell would break loose, and she didn't want to cause any arguments between Wyatt and I.

"Don't worry, Chris won't mind," Wyatt said. He then stood aside and let her walk in, and shut the door right behind her. "Come on he's over here," Wyatt said leading her to the living room where Rolland was sleep on the couch. "There he is," he said pointing to him.

Sandra went and sat next to where her son was lying and started to run her hands through his hair real gently not to wake him up. She smiled at the sight. Her son was so cute when he slept. He looked just like Wyatt. "So I'm assuming you guys had fun right?" she said.

"Yep," Wyatt said instantly taking a seat on the arm of the couch, next to his ex. "We went for ice cream, he played with the kids, and might I add that my kids love him and he has class with Robert."

"Oh really," Sandra said surprised. "I never really thought that we'd send our kids to the same school. I mean what are the chances of that happening where you find out that you send two kids to school and they're half brothers."

"Yeah, well I guess it just runs through the family because that's how Evans found out that he was mine and Chris's half brother," Wyatt said.

Sandra looked around and notice something was missing once Wyatt had said that. "You know speaking of Evans where is he, I mean I haven't seen you with him ever since..I don't know...and wasn't he the one you were looking for when I saw you at the beach calling out for Chris or was it your brother you were looking for?"

Wyatt sighed and shook his head. "No," he said. "It was Evans," Wyatt confessed. "He and I had a fight, and well he left yesterday and I haven't heard from him since."

"Oh my goodness, what happened," Sandra asked. Her and Wyatt might not be together but she still at least wanted to be his friend for her child's sake, and one thing that friends do is be there for a friend whenever they need help. So this was Sandra's way of trying to help Wyatt.

"He thought that well I was spending to much time demon hunting and not enough time with him and the kids, and next thing you know, he asks me to watch the kids and I agree, then I forget about it. So after that Evans said it was the final straw and he left me and never spoke to me again. I had to get the kids and Chris to lie to him so he'd talk to me again, and then we slept together that night. You'd think we would have made up by then, but Evans left me again this time without no explanation, and then it went right back to the way it was when he wasn't talking to me. So out of the blue one day he just comes up to me and says he has to tell me something important so I yell at him about everything that's been going on in the past few months and next thing I know, I let my anger get the best of me and I...well....I..hit him," Wyatt explained. This was a lot on him. Telling his ex-girlfriend and mother of his youngest why he wasn't with his husband. "I just don't know what to do now."

"Wyatt, what was it that he wanted to tell you," Sandra asked.

"I don't know, I didn't even give him the chance to answer," Wyatt said. "I'm a jerk."

"I'm sorry Wyatt, but I really can't disagree with you there," she said. "If everything you have just told me was true then you are acting like a jerk. I mean when you become a parent there are just things you have to give up. Like I said, I gave up hunting and killing married me. My revenge for what happened to me hundreds of years ago doesn't matter to me anymore. As long as I got my son then I really don't care what those people did to me at the stakes."

"I know and I just realized that today," Wyatt said burying his face into his hands. "I don't know what to do anymore."

"You need to talk to Evans about this," she said. "I know you say he's not talking to you right now, but I'm sure he'll talk to you again. You said he wanted to tell you something important last night and I'm sure if its important he's going to have to tell you no matter what. And you need to learn to control that temper Wyatt, I mean I know you didn't mean to hit Evans, but sometimes you just lose it. What if that had been your kid you hit instead. CPS would be all over you right now. Start thinking about all these choices that you make before you do them."

"Wow how did you become so good at giving advice," Wyatt questioned. Sandra really never seemed this wise in all the years he's known her.

"Trust me," she said. "I had to figure all of this out on my own. These weren't easy lessons to learn but I had to learn them one way or another. Wyatt let me tell you one thing that hit me hard though. Any man can stand up and say that he's a father and any man can say that he's married. All it takes is just a DNA test and a marriage license to state that, but it takes a real man to stand up and be a dad and a good husband. Now what do you want to be Wyatt? Do you want to be just a father and a married man, or do you want to be a dad and a good husband?"

"You're right Sandra," he agreed. "I want to be the best I can be for Chris and the kids and I probably don't deserve a second chance, but the next time I talk to him I'm really going to beg for one. Now that I think about it, Chris has been more than a good husband to me. He does everything I ask him to and all I do is just treat him badly. I can see why he left me. I'd leave me too if I were him."

"Don't worry Wyatt I know that Chris really loves you and I'm sure he's willing to give you a second chance, you just got to stand up and be a real guy and you can't just be a good husband one day and a married man the next. You've got to be a good husband everyday," Sandra added on.

"Thanks Sandra," Wyatt said very thankfully. "For all your advice. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Anytime Wyatt," she smiled. "What are friends for," she said.

"What? You consider us friends," Wyatt said surprised.

"I would hope so, I mean we're going to be seeing a lot more of each other," she said.

"Huh? I don't get it," Wyatt said with a confused look.

"I was hoping you could watch Rolland next weekend and every weekend from now on, since he's your son, and I thought you might want to get to know him. It would save me money for a babysitter and it would give you some time to bond with him," she said.

"Sure, I'd be happy to," Wyatt said excited.

"Thanks, and remember what I told you," she reminded him

"You know I always will," Wyatt said.

Sandra smiled one last time before she turned around again and began examining her son. Wyatt couldn't help but look at how beautiful she looked. He grabbed her arm and turned her around and before she could say a word he pressed his lips against hers.

Sandra quickly pushed him away and slapped him hard enough to leave a hand mark. "What in the world were you doing," she asked angrily. "You're married have you forgotten already our little chat," she scolded.

"No, its just that.." he started but couldn't think of anything else to say.

I gave a loud cough making them both look at me. I just did that to signify that I was there watching the whole thing. I saw that whole conversation that Sandra told Wyatt. I walked in on the part where Sandra came and sat down next to her and now Wyatt's son. I know everything now. Wyatt has a son with Sandra which is perfectly fine with me, but he had to go and kiss her like that. Thinking that I wasn't going to find out. Right now I just want to castrate him so bad.

"Chris, oh my," Sandra panicked picking up her son and getting up from the couch. "Look Chris, I am so sorry I never meant for any of this to happen, it was just an accident. There's nothing between me and Wyatt except that we're just friends. I'm so sorry you had to see that. It was nothing."

"Sandra, calm down," I said softly. "You did nothing wrong, so I'm not mad at you. You even tried to talk some sense into him and I thank you for that, but looks like Wyatt doesn't care at all."

"But Chris I do," Wyatt pleaded walking over to me.

"Shut up Wyatt and get away from me," I hissed at him like a rattle snake.

Wyatt knows how angry I can get at times so he knew it would be best to do and I said and move away from me. That was a good thing that I didn't have to tell him twice or else he might just be blown up. Though that wouldn't look good because he still doesn't know that I'm pregnant, and he might never, if I have anything to do with it.

Sandra proceeded to walk out the door saying, "remember same time next week Wyatt. Bye Chris," she said very kindly to me.

After she was gone I felt it was safe for me to finally tell Wyatt exactly how I feel. I wasn't going to do it with her around because she had her son and I didn't want to wake him up with all the yelling. "You know Wyatt," I started as I began to pace around the room, but I made sure it was in a certain area. I didn't go anywhere near Wyatt. "I was coming home to talk to you. There was something that I really wanted to tell you," I said. "It was some good new to tell you the truth," I continued on. "And after I had told you that I was going to try to sit here and talk to you and work things out. Wyatt I was planning to come back home today and be with you, but now you can just forget it," I said as I began to orb out but Wyatt stopped me. I would have continued going but Wyatt does have the power to ground my orbs and I don't want to risk him hurting my baby like last time.

"Chris please, just hear me out," Wyatt begged. "It was just an accident."

"Just an accident Wyatt?" I repeated trying to make him feel stupid for what he had just said. "No, it wasn't an accident Wyatt, you meant to do that. I saw the whole thing and she wasn't singing to you this time. The first times an accident but the second time, means you really meant to do it. I just can't believe you did that right in front of me you know. Then you want to talk about getting back together and you go and pull this stunt. Who knows what would have happened if I hadn't have been here myself and what you would have lied and told me. Though I know nothing further would have went on because right now I know I can trust Sandra a lot more than I can trust you," I lectured.

"Look I'm sorry, I'll never do it again," he said.

"Yeah right, Wyatt," I said sarcastically. "You know what, if you want to go and be with someone else then fine. I'm done with trying to make this work and I'm done with you Wyatt," I said orbing out. If Wyatt even tried to stop me right now he'd be dead. The first thing I did when I got back to Daughtry's house was went and used the phone. "Hello, yes Ava, its Chris, and I'm sorry to say that I don't know who the father of the baby is."


I was now in Daughtry's house packing up what little stuff I had. I had made my decision. I was going to New York for awhile. I haven't told Wyatt yet, but I know he's not going to be too happy and neither is the rest of the family, but I can't deal with this stress right now. Especially now that I'm pregnant and I'm almost two months. The only thing left to do was to go pack the rest of my stuff from the house that Wyatt was at. This was going to be so hard. The hardest thing I've ever done.

"Its still troubling you isn't Chris," Daughtry said from behind me. "Chris maybe you shouldn't leave," Daughtry suggested. "Maybe you should stay and try to work things out. Running away from it, won't help it all go away because its still going to be here when you get back."

"I'm not running away Daughtry," I said offensively as I went back to packing. "I'm just taking a break from it all," I lied. I don't know what the use of that was. Daughtry knows that I'm lying. "Besides, you're the one who suggested that I come along," I reminded him.

Daughtry sighed knowing how stubborn I can be. Not much has changed about me in the past twelve years that he's known me. "I know," he said. "Chris I really wasn't thinking then," he confessed. "Everything that I said yesterday was all out of anger that I felt towards Wyatt. Not just because he hit you, but the way the baby was acting towards me, for telling the truth."

"So what are you saying," I said back. "Are you saying that you don't want me to come with you," I asked angrily.

"No that's not what I'm saying at all," Daughtry said. "What I'm trying to say is that maybe you should think harder about this, Chris. I know you still love Wyatt and when I see you with him, you're just so, happy. I mean I've never seen a couple more happy then you guys. Every couple has their downfalls but are you willing to let something just as a simple kiss, ruin your marriage and your family?"

"Daughtry its not just that," I said.

"Then what is it Chris," he said.

"We argue a lot," I stated. "I mean I know it was just a kiss and it was nothing more, and I know Sandra wouldn't have done that, but Wyatt I can't be too sure about. I'm tired of arguing with him Daughtry. It took him hitting me to see what that now our arguments are at a bad point and I just don't want it to go any further," I explained. This was really starting to hurt me to say all of this, but its better than keeping it bottled in. "I know you what you said yesterday was all out of anger, but now it makes perfect sense to me. I've always been living the unhappy life, because everyone tells me to and now I have to make decision for me and my soon to be new born baby."

Daughtry nodded and just left it at that, and went back to the other room to finish packing his things. He knows that when my mind is made up that there's no changing it. Now he only wishes that he hadn't said the all of those things to me that he said yesterday. Maybe then Wyatt and I could sit down and talk about things instead of me just leaving him, while I'm pregnant and he doesn't even know.

He was brought back into reality when he heard there was a knock at the door. This was fairly odd. He told everyone he was moving today and that it'd be best for them not to bother him for the day so he could finish his last odds and ends. When he made it through the door he peeked through the eye hole and was shocked to see who it was. He quickly opened the door. "Hey, Wyatt," he said.

"Hello Daughtry," Wyatt said back. His eyes were all puffy since he had stayed up all night last night. He couldn't help but keep thinking about the mistake he made by kissing Sandra. Now he had to figure out where I might have gone and he didn't know why he didn't think of it earlier. Daughtry's is the place that I always go when him and I have a fight. He should have know. "So you gonna let me have it," Wyatt asked.

"Let you have what," Daughtry asked.

"You know yell at me and tell me to get off your property and to leave Chris alone, and how Chris can do a whole lot better than me, and everything," Wyatt asked reminding him of the last time he came. Though this time Daughtry seemed a lot more calm.

Daughtry smiled at Wyatt saying, "I really don't think I have to because you're doing a pretty good job of it yourself." This caused Wyatt to chuckle a little but not too much seeing as he was still thinking about why he was there. "And about that whole thing with the first time you came here, I would just like to apologize for it Wyatt. I shouldn't have said what I said, but just some days I let my anger get the best of me. I would never want to come in between you and Chris."

Wyatt quickly shook his head. "No, don't worry about it because I deserved it. Everything you said about me was the truth and I can't help but thank you for always being there for Chris. You're a good friend and don't worry. You're not the only one who let their anger get the best of them, if you know what I mean."

Daughtry chuckled at that. Wyatt wasn't that bad of a guy after all.

"So is Chris here," Wyatt asked.

"Yeah, he's back there," Daughtry said pointing to the other room. "Chris! You have a visitor," he yelled to the room that I was in.

"Who is it," I asked.

"Its Wyatt," he replied. "You can go on back there," Daughtry whispered to Wyatt.

"Thanks," Wyatt said. He took no time going back there. To his surprise he caught me packing up some things which made him think. Daughtry's house was seeming to be full of boxes, which only means one thing. That he's leaving, but maybe not me. Maybe only Daughtry's moving and not me.

I stopped whatever I was doing and looked up at Wyatt. I could see he was looking around everywhere and it was obvious what he was thinking. "What are you doing here Wyatt," I asked. It surprises me that he didn't even think to give me some time away from him before he tried to plead with me again.

"I just came over here to talk to you," he said. "But if its too much for you then I'll leave," he said seeing the anger that I had on my face that he was there.

"No, stay," I argued. "I was just about to come over and talk to you anyway," I said.

"Okay then, so what did you want to talk about," Wyatt asked. "I'm surprised you would want to talk to me after how mad you were when you stormed out," Wyatt said with a little anger in his voice. "Usually you leave it up to me to make things right."

"You see that's it right there," I shouted

"What is?" he asked

"You coming over here to start an argument," I sighed as I sat down on a box that was opposite from him. "That's why I'm leaving," I accidentally slipped out. I quickly covered my mouth, but then I removed it. I was going to tell this to Wyatt and well maybe this was the best way.

Wyatt was shocked. He couldn't believe what he just heard. Maybe I was talking about something else. "What did you say?" He asked. "I'm sorry I think I heard wrong, but I thought I heard you say that you were leaving."

"I am Wyatt," I said sadly. This was going to hurt me to tell him a lot more that than it was going to hurt him to hear. "Look, I think we were young when we got married Wyatt. We just got into this too fast, but I just can't keep living like this," I said. I took another deep breath. "I don't know how to put this but I'm moving to New York."

"What?!" Wyatt said shocked. He quickly stood up when he hear those words escape from my mouth. "You can't be serious," he said. "What about us Chris? How are we going to work things out if you're far away."

"I know Wyatt and I've been thinking about us," I said. This was so hard. How was I going to tell him all of this. "Wyatt there is no more us and I don't think there ever will be. I love you Wyatt Matthew Halliwell and there will always be a place for you in my heart, but I really don't think that we can be together anymore."

Wyatt sensing where this was going quickly stopped me before I said those words that would just tear him apart. "Please don't, I'm sorry about last night, I never should have did that, but just don't do this to me. I promise I'll do anything that you want. I won't ever see Sandra again, I'll stop the demon hunting, I'll come home more often, whatever you want."

"I'm sorry Wyatt, but its just not going to work," I said sadly. "It hurts me to have to say this, but I want a divorce."

"No don't do this please," he said grabbing my hand into his own. "I love you so much Chris that I will do anything to make this right. You're only doing this because you're mad, and if you give me a chance I can make it up to you."

"I mean it this time Wyatt," I said back shrugging off his hand. "Things are just not going to work out between us and if we keep this up, things will just be worse and that won't help neither of us."

"Chris please, think about our kids," Wyatt begged. "What about them? How are they going to take this?"

"I have thought about our kids Wyatt," I said sighing sadly. "I want Patience and Prue to come with me and you take care of Ryan and Robert," I suggested, though I knew Wyatt wasn't going to be too happy about that. "I'll come over and get the rest of my stuff and I'll explain it to the kids.


I leaned down and planted a kiss on both cheeks of my sons. It hurt me to be moving on the other side of the county and leaving them here. So why was I doing it? To take a break from Wyatt and everything that's hurting me here in San Francisco and because Daughtry is leaving and if I don't go with him I'll have to go back and stay at the manor.

"You boys be good for you dad okay," I said hurt inside. "I know you guys can and don't be too much trouble at school and remember to not use you powers unless you have to."

"We don't want you to go mommy," little Robert pleaded to me, not really understanding the reason that I was leaving, even though I explained it to him and his older siblings best I could. "We want you to stay. Please stay here with me and daddy and Ryan."

Ryan got to upset by the whole thing and I just ran upstairs to his bedroom where he cried his eyes out. He thought it was because he kept causing a lot of trouble at school, so he blamed himself.

"I wish I could, son," I said putting a hand on his shoulder. "But if I do then it wouldn't be good, because your father and I are having problems and it would only make things worse for you and your brother and sisters"

"I don't care about them," Robert snapped. "I want you to stay here with me," he said as he began to cry.

"But Robert baby," I started.

"No! I want you to stay," he said crying even harder. It hurt me to see my own little boy cry. The more he did, just made me want to break down. "Why can't you just stay here."

"Look buddy I need you to be a big boy for daddy alright," I said wiping away a few tears from his eyes, but that wasn't working because he did not stop crying. "I'll only be an orb away if you need me and I'll leave a number with daddy so you can call me anytime you want."

"I don't want you to be an orb away," Robert said crying even harder. "I want you to be right here," he said.

My throat started to swell up from holding back the tears. I couldn't give in or else then I'd be back at square one. "Robert its okay," I said pulling him into a hug. "Please don't be like this. Look I'll come by everyday and if I don't then I'll at least call so you'll know I'm still here for you buddy," I said.

Wyatt was just standing there watching the whole scene. He was hurt but pissed off about the whole thing. This was hard on him even. He might have been the one in the wrong but he was mad at me for doing this to the kids. They didn't deserve all of this, even if it was all his fault. Why couldn't I just be mad at him and not talk to him. Why did I have to move all the way to the other side of the country and take his daughters with me.

"Nothing will keep me from seeing you everyday you hear me," I said. "You won't even notice that I'm gone."

"You promise," Robert said through his tears.

"I promise," I said pulling him into an even tighter hug not wanting to let him go. "I love you Robert okay," I said.

"I love you too mommy," Robert said back.

"Tell your brother that I love him too okay, can you do that for me," I said placing a kiss on Robert's forehead.

"I will," he said with tears coming down his face like a waterfall.

Little Robert watched as Prue and Patsy went up to Wyatt and gave him one final hug before the walked out the house they were crying just as much as Robert was. Robert could also see that I had a few tears coming down my face also. None of them knew what was going on. All of them just remember their fathers arguing about them one day and then me leaving the house and now coming to tell them that me and their father won't be living together anymore. I looked back at Robert one last time and waved before I left the house.

Robert was hurting now. "Mommy," he shout running to the door hoping he could catch up with me. He was all the way in another room and he was running as fast as he could though he knew that he might not be able to get to me in time. "Mommy," Robert shouted as he kept running towards me. I kept walking. I didn't want him to see me cry or else it would hurt him even more, though it almost can't get much worse than it is. "Please mommy don't go, I promise I won't cause any more trouble at school, I won't use my powers to do anything bad again, I promise. Please don't go mommy." Before Ryan could make it out the door Wyatt shut it.

I could hear through the door, Robert still crying. This was really tough. I could look through the windows of the car and see Prue and Patsy crying too. They might fight a lot but they never wanted to be separated. They loved each other very much even though they may not show it.

Robert stood there at the door crying and hitting it for awhile before Wyatt tried to pull him away from it. Robert, mad at his dad, pushed him away and ran upstairs to his room and looked out the window along with Ryan. They both kept crying as they saw the car drive off with me and their sisters. "Mommy, please come back," Robert shouted. "Come back please come back," they kept shouting. "Mommy! Mommy!"

Wyatt, hearing his sons crying, quickly ran upstairs to comfort them. He didn't know how to handle this. It was usual me who was there for the kids when they were sad, sometimes he would be there too, but it was mainly me who talked to them and helped them through it because Wyatt wasn't good at this thing. Wyatt just never realized how much I really meant to him until he lost me. When he finally reached the stairs and saw his sons crying on the window he went over and put an arm around both of them.

"Mommy!" Robert cried even more and so did Ryan. They were crying so hard that they started to cough.

"Shh, guys," Wyatt whispered to them both kissing them on the cheek. "You'll see mommy again, I promise."

"We want mommy," Ryan said sobbing.

"I know guys," Wyatt said. "I want him too." Wyatt carried them both, one on each arm back to his bed and laid down with them. "Come, lets get some sleep," he said holding them both close in a protective way.


I sat in the seat of the airplane ready to take off. The whole thing that happened today just kept replaying over and over again in my head. How could I just leave my two sons there crying for me. At least I got my daughters though. I must be the worst parent in the world, even though what I did was for the best. I hope its for the best. I couldn't help it when a tear fell from my eye.

"Mommy, why are you crying," Patience asked worried. She might have been the ring leader of trouble for me but she still cared. That's one thing I loved about her. She sore of had the personality of her father, where she might act one way and it might seem bad, but it was for a good reason

"Oh no reason sweetie," I said back as I wiped that one tear away from my eye. "Go to sleep honey its going to be a long flight." She turned back around in her seat and laid on her pillow and closed her eyes. Prue was already sleep. She was laying on her sister's arm.

"You okay," Daughtry asked.

"I'm fine," I lied. "No, I'm not," I confessed. "Daughtry do you really think that what I did was right I mean I just walked out on my own kids."

"I can't tell you if its right or wrong, only you can," Daughtry explained. "What is your heart telling you?"

"I don't know anymore," I said. 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777

Wyatt sat in a diner with his two boys. They still had a sad face on and they haven't been talking much, neither have they been doing much of anything. They haven't played, eaten, or slept a lot. This was not good on them. Though it might have only been twelve hours since I left, it seemed like it was twelve years ago. Wyatt doesn't even think I've landed in New York yet or else he'd call and let the boys talk to me to let them know that I love them.

Wyatt didn't feel like cooking today. He was to upset and he felt it would be easier on him and the boys if they just went out. Wyatt did feel pretty lonely, even though he was with his sons. Its not the usual family without me, Prudence, and Patience. He was getting so frustrated he didn't know what to do. He couldn't go almost one minute without me coming into his head.

"Excuse me sir," The waiter said interrupting his thoughts.

"Oh I'm sorry," Wyatt said looking up at her.

"Its okay," she smiled. "So, I have a burger and fries for you sir," she said setting a plate down in front of Wyatt, "and I have two kids meals for you guys," she said setting to more plates down in front of the kids.

"Thank you very much," Wyatt said.

"Is there anything else that I can get you guys," she asked.

"No thanks that'll be all for now," he said. "Thank you," he repeated again. He was always taught to be very polite. At leasts that's what Piper always taught him as a mother. From working at a restaurant herself and then serving drinks at a club, one thing that pissed her off was when people would never say thank you. Piper would be so mad at them if it wouldn't expose her as a witch she would have blown them up.

That gave Wyatt another little reminder of me. Since my power was telekinesis I could almost do anything without being caught. Just as long as I made sure that no one was looking. Wyatt remembered one time where these guys were being rude to us and I used my power of TK to pour hot sauce in there drink. It was pretty funny to him since they all ran around like crazy because they said it was hot as hell.

His memories of me are getting worse and worse by the second. The word 'divorce' scared him. Maybe I would come to my senses and realize that I don't want a divorce. At least that's what Wyatt hopes. It took a lot for us to get married and he doesn't want to see all of that go away at all. He loves me so much, that it hurts. I've only been out of his sight for twelve hours and he's already worried about me and the kids. Why has he never felt like this before? He knows exactly why. Maybe because he's never really appreciated me. One thing he knows though, that if he is able to win me back, and he hopes he is, that he will treat me like a king. Not even better than a king, so I will never leave him again. He just hopes he's able to figure out how to win me back before its too late. This isn't something you can just fix with a present and apology. Its something that will take real work, and Wyatt thinks I'm worth it. People say he might be good looking enough to get another guy, but he doesn't want another guy. He wants me, and only me. He's not going to rest until he wins me back, even if that means he will looked old and tired when he does, then so be it.

Wyatt picked up some fries and began eating. He looked up and saw that his kids weren't eating. That's scaring him since this is their favorite restaurant and this is their favorite meal. This whole break up thing is effecting them a lot more than Wyatt thought it would. If he could he would be upset about it too, but he knows he has to stay strong for his boys or else they would be gone.

"Come on guys eat something," Wyatt begged.

"No," the both pouted.

Wyatt would usually yell at them for that but he knew the kids are going through a hard time and he doesn't want to put a lot on them. Especially if its his fault that they are going through this. "Comes on guys please," he tried again hoping this time it would work.

"No," they repeated. Ryan and Robert really didn't want to eat anything now. They didn't feel hungry. They were just too said to even think about doing anything without me or their sisters. They really wanted to see me and them so badly that it was almost killing them.

"Please just do it for me," Wyatt asked again.

"We want mommy," Robert said.

"I know guys and I want him, too but can you please eat something right now and then afterwards we can try to call him," Wyatt offered. He couldn't think of anything else to say. That was it. He wasn't lying though when he said he was going to try to call me after they left.

"We want mommy now," Ryan pouted after his brother. Ryan was usually the strong one who never cared about anyone, but this has really started to make him act out a lot.

"I can't right now guys, please," Wyatt said sadly frustrated. "You have to eat something right now or else you'll get sick so come on, I know mommy wouldn't want you guys to stop eating," Wyatt said. He was trying everything to get his sons to eat and by using me maybe they would comply.

"No we hate you!" Ryan yelled.

Hearing those words come out of his son's mouth hurt Wyatt like a fireball going right into his chest. He never thought he'd hear those words from his own flesh and blood. He's heard just about everyone say that to him, except for me, his mom, his daughters, his dad, and his aunts. Never in his life did he think that he'd ever here those words from them. Though part of him did feel like he deserved it for chasing me away from them.

But then Wyatt had to remember everything I told him about parenting in the past. The kids are going to say that they hate him, but he can't let it get to him or else they would use that to their advantage every time they don't get their way. One thing he did want to do is to become a better parent and that's what he was going to do to prove to himself that he can handle kids.

"You may hate me all you want," Wyatt said in a low voice to make sure that he sounded serious. He really didn't want to do this to them in a time like this, but he couldn't let them walking around acting like rascals. "But you're going to respect me. You hear me," he said.

Robert and Ryan looked at him and frowned. "We don't have to do what you say," Ryan rebelled. He's usually scared of his father, but right now he doesn't care. Its his dad's fault for everything he did to me.

"Yeah," Robert added. "We hate you and we're gonna go live with mommy," he said jumping out of his chair and Ryan went along with him.

They both took off as fast as their little legs would carry them and headed straight for the door. Wyatt really had to think fast. He didn't want the waiter to think that he was skipping out on the check and he couldn't let his sons get out that door, or they could get hurt. Quickly Wyatt raised his hands and froze everyone in the diner. After he made sure they were all not going to move, he got up and chased right after his sons. Ryan and Robert were only a few inches from the door before Wyatt caught up with them. He picked them both back up, with one of them in each of his arms, and carried them back to the table and sat them right back down in their chairs. Once Wyatt sat down the whole place unfroze and began moving again.

"Don't do that," Wyatt warned. They nearly had him scared to death. "Try it again and your both grounded you hear me."

"Why do you care," Ryan said back, being the smart mouth that he was.

"Yeah you don't care about us, all you care about is yourself," Robert added. It seemed that Robert and Ryan were teaming up against poor little Wyatt right there. That wasn't looking very good.

"Who told you that?" Wyatt wondered. They usually don't talk like that to him so they had to have learned that from somewhere.

"We heard you and mom arguing the other day, and that's what he said," Ryan stated.

"He didn't really mean it okay," Wyatt corrected their thinking. "He just said it out of spite alright. He knows that I care for you guys a lot and I just wish you guys would see that."

They rest of the time at the diner was silent.


"Come on Wyatt pick up the phone," I said ringing him for the fourth time. I was really hurt that I left my kids and I promised them that I'd check on them everyday and that was the first thing I was doing when I arrived at Daughtry's new apartment. While Daughtry was busy unpacking I decided to phone and check on Wyatt and the kids, but so far there was no answer. Patience and Prue decided to go to sleep since they were really drained and they didn't want to anything else more right now other than sleep. "Hey Wyatt its me, Chris, I'm just calling to check on the kids, and I know you probably don't want to hear me right now but I'm worried because of how they were when I looked at them earlier on today and I really just want to talk to them right now and tell them how much I love them, so when you get this can you please tell them to call me, love you, I mean the kids, bye," I said hanging up. Crap. How the hell did those words slip out. Am I still in love with Wyatt. Of course he's my soon to be ex, but and yeah there are always going to be some feeling there but that was just a little to weird. To make matters worse that's not the only time I've said that. I actually said that to Patience when and Prue when I was telling them that I loved them both, I accidentally said that I loved Wyatt. What's going on with me. I thought I went up here to see if I like this life and now I feel like my old life is just dragging me back down to San Francisco. Though I won't give in just yet. Not until I know that its the right thing to do.

Now just thinking about San Francisco reminds me that I'm going to have to talk to Wyatt whether I want to or not. The girls are going to have to orb down to his house every morning because I don't want them transferring schools. I might be moving them away but I don't want them to come up to New York and feel like they're different because they're from California

"You get a hold of Wyatt," Daughtry asked entering in the room I was in. He was cleaning his hand of with a white towel. I guess unpacking must be a dirty job. That's why I always had Wyatt do it. Dammit, there I go thinking about Wyatt again. "Chris, you there," Daughtry called.

"Oh, I'm sorry I guess I was dozing off," I said.

"Thinking about Wyatt again," Daughtry questioned.

"What makes you say that," I asked suspicious.

"Chris, its obvious that he's all you think about," Daughtry said. "Something is telling me there is still something there in that relationship that you can't let go of."

"What are you talking about," I said trying to hide that what he was saying was true. "Wyatt and I are over, I mean done. For good, and there's no way him and I are getting back together ever."

"You say that now, Chris because I'm around, but I think you still love him," Daughtry informed me. "If you didn't then why would you be so busy trying to call the guy here and there."

"I was not," I said quick to answer. "I was just trying to check on the boys."

"Yeah, I'm sure you were trying to check on the boys, but I don't think that's the only thing you were trying to check on," Daughtry said. There was a long pause of silence. That told Daughtry that all he was saying was true. "Chris, if you still love him then why don't you go back to him."

"I don't love him, Daughtry," I lied. "At least not the way you think that I might," I lied even more. I was really digging myself into a deeper whole with all of this denial I was saying. This was probably going to make things a whole lot worse than they were now.

"Yes, you do and don't lie to me and tell me you don't," Daughtry said. "Chris what do you think you're going to accomplish but fighting those feelings that you have for him."

"I'm not fighting anything," I protested.

"Yes you are, Chris," Daughtry argued. He began to pace the room back and forward. "Chris don't let this opportunity pass you by. Look at me, Chris. I've spent my life lonely because I pass up every opportunity that I have with any girl. Do you want to end up like me, huh. I mean at least you found someone who loves you like you love them."

"I can't Daughtry, remember, if I go back to him now then I'll be going back every time and he'll just walk all over me again and again," I said making up an excuse not to go back.

"I'm not saying go back to him with open arms," Daughtry corrected me. "I'm just saying go back and try to work things out with him. Go to marriage counseling, go talk to your Uncle Coop, go do something. Just don't sit up here feeling bad about the decision that you made, because all its going to do in the end is destroying everything you love so dearly."

"You know Daughtry, you just sound like the rest of the family," I growled back at him.

"I'm not trying to be your family Chris, even though I consider you like a brother," Daughtry explained. "I'm trying to tell you this as a best friend because I don't want you to end up living life like me."

"Well I don't see anything wrong with your life," I argued.

"That's because I just put on a smile and pretend nothing is wrong," Daughtry confessed. This is something he's really never told anyone but he feels that my case is a dire emergency one and he'd be failing me as a friend if he didn't help me out best he could. "Chris I would give all of this up just to be you, and I see you throwing everything you love away. I wish I had a family like you did. I wish I had someone to come home to everyday who would say that 'I love you' and never get tired of hearing those words. I'd love to have four beautiful kids who look up to me and love me like no one else. I'd give everything to have that one special person who'd give up all of their powers for me in an instant. Yeah everyone makes mistakes and I'd forgive that person if they have done it to me, I don't know how many times, because I know if they apologize and promise never to do it again, I trust them enough to know that they never would, and that's something I see you doing with Wyatt. Yeah he might have kissed his ex in front of you. I'm not saying forget about it, I'm saying go and talk to him about why he did it. You never know. Maybe he was imagining it was you. He might have a child outside of marriage, but so do you. The one thing I wouldn't be so easy on is when he hit you. I'm not excusing what he did but maybe he has some anger issues that he needs to work out and I know if he does he can't do it without you." Daughtry was giving me a lecture that I've never had before. I've never seen him like this ever, but I have to believe he's only doing this as a friend. At least I know I can count on that. Daughtry would never do or say anything to me that he knew I couldn't take, and that's one thing I liked about him. I am happy that he is my friend and always will be.

"Daughtry, you make a good point, but I still don't know," I said. I was really cracking. All this was hitting me like a ton of bricks. If this is how I'm feeling I can only imagine how bad Wyatt is feeling without me there.

"Chris, let me tell you, that you're pregnant, and right now you don't know what you're doing," he said. "I'm not trying to be mean but its the truth. If you haven't noticed you are pretty stuck up when you're pregnant," he said causing me chuckle a little bit, and he also gave a small little chuckle.

"I get what you're saying but....I don't know," I said placing my hands on my forehead. This was all really starting to give me a headache. "This is all so complicated."

"If love was easy then there would be no such thing as heartbreak," he stated. I was starting to wonder where Daughtry gets all his advice from. I might need to go there.

I let out a few tears. Everything he was saying was true. I love Wyatt and I want to be with so bad. He's been in my head all day and I just can't seem to get him out of my mind. Why are things just so complicated. Right now I just want to crawl into a whole and just hope all of this goes away. My feelings for Wyatt, my guilt that I feel for leaving the boys, just everything. Why is it all hurting me more than anything in this world.

"I'm sorry Chris," Daughtry said sensing my thoughts. "I don't mean to be so hard on you, but it seems like that's the only way I can get through to you sometimes. I refuse to let my best friend lead a lonely life like me. Not if I have anything to do with it. So Chris, I just want you to sleep on it tonight okay. I know its not just going to happen over night and I'm not expecting it to, but just sleep on it." With that said Daughtry went to his room to get some sleep.

I sat on the couch thinking for a bit before I decided to go check on the girls. To my surprise they were up talking. I guess they must have just woken up because they're still yawning a little. They actually looked really cute when they were sleep. Maybe that's just because they're so much trouble when they're awake. That thought just made me laugh, letting my presence be known to the girls.

"Hi mommy," Prue said.

"Hey girls, what are you doing up," I said.

"Can't sleep," Patience answered.

"Why not," I asked.

"We had nightmares," Prue said. "Mommy will you stay here with us," Prue begged.

"Sure sweetie," I agreed. I climbed on the bed and laid there right between them and they were both quick to get on me. "Whoa, be careful girls," I said feeling one almost go down to my stomach.

"Why mommy," Patience asked.

"Well, can I tell you girls a secret," I asked. "You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone, including daddy," I said.

"We promise," the both said together.

"Okay, so I have a little surprise for you," I said smiling. "You're gonna have a little sister. Her name will be Patty after you're great grandmother and her middle name will be Piper after grandma," I told them.

"Really," the said excitedly.

"Yes, but remember, you can't tell dad or anyone okay," I reminded them.

"We won't," they assured me.


Wyatt was now tucking his boys in bed for the night. They had been driving him crazy all day. No wonder why I get so angry when he leaves me to watch them by myself. They go wild all the time. Part of it though was because they missed me, and Wyatt couldn't blame them for it but he was still mad. Today they've made like five run away attempts and told him that they hated him so many times that Wyatt has lost track. If this is what I had to deal with, Wyatt is surprised I don't have grays yet because he's at his peak of growing them.

After he made sure that they were secure in bed he went back downstairs to check to see if I had called him yet like I said I was. When he looked down at the home phone he saw that there was no messages and there was no missed calls. Wyatt was beginning to get a little pissed off because I told him that I'd call them everyday and right now I wasn't owning up to it. He decided to sit down and wait for me to call. Maybe I'll realize that I haven't called and then he'll be right down here to answer.

As he waited he heard a noise come from the kitchen. The boys are upstairs and I wasn't here so Wyatt was beginning to get worried. Thinking it was a demon he conjured up an energy ball and slowly headed toward the kitchen. "Who's there," he yelled. He waited a for a minute to see if anyone would answer. When he got no answer he ran straight into the kitchen only to find his two sons there going through the fridge. "What are you two doing," Wyatt asked angrily as he made the energy ball disappear. Not only had his sons stopped him from waiting by the phones but they also scared him. He didn't know who could have been in the house. It could have been the Source of all evil for all he knew.

"We want milk," Ryan said.

"Well its too late to be drinking milk now isn't it," Wyatt said to his eldest son. "Its way past your bed time."

"So?" Ryan replied back.

"Don't you get smart with me Ryan Henry," Wyatt snapped. "Now how did you two get down here, because I was right there."

"Orbing," Robert said.

"What, I thought you two didn't know how to orb," Wyatt said.

"Shows how much you know," Ryan said, causing him and Robert to both chuckle.

They were just full of it today. Wyatt was really growing impatient. Guess one thing about being a parent is that you have to have patience. No puns intended with his eldest daughter. "That's enough, both of you, now get back to bed right now," Wyatt demanded.

"What if we don't want to go to bed," Robert said.

Wyatt has had his final straw. He began walking towards the kids but they took off, but they didn't get too far before Wyatt caught them both. Ignoring their little cries, Wyatt dragged them both upstairs kicking and screaming. Seems like this is the only way they're going to learn they're lesson. Once he made it to their bedroom he placed each of them in their own beds.

"No go to bed!" he shouted. "And if you move on more time you will be in serious trouble do I make myself clear."

"Crystal," they both said.

Wyatt walked out of the room, keeping eye contact with them to let them know he was serious. Once he was gone the kids looked at each other and they had an idea. Once Wyatt had finally made his way back down the stairs he checked to see if there were any messages left and one again there were none. He began to sit down, but once again he heard a noise. This time it was coming from upstairs. He knew it was his kids again. What were they up to this time. He gritted his teeth as he walked up the stairs to see what they were doing.

"I hate you so much," Ryan said tearing up a family photo of me and Wyatt when we first got married.

"Me too," Robert said tearing up another photo. Only that photo was a picture of me, Wyatt, and Prue when she was first born. The boys really didn't care what the picture was of really. They were just bent on tearing up all photos that they saw their dad in.

Wyatt came in and saw exactly what was going on. "What the.." Wyatt said before he saw all the pictures in his room that were torn up and everything. It was bad enough that they got in his bed and were in his room. Now they were in there tearing up all those photos he had of me. He has had it now.

The boys saw the angry look on their father's face. They knew the were in for it now. "Uh oh," they both said looking at each other.

"Ryan Henry ,Robert Coop," he shouted loudly at the both of them that caused them both to start crying. He went right over to them and picked them both up and carried them to their bedroom again. He put them right back in their beds after he had spanked their butts a few times. Wyatt was about to yell at them some more but he gritted his teeth with pure rage and looked at them both who were terrified, never having seen there father like this before. Wyatt went and pushed them both down onto the bed to and made sure they were lying down. "Maybe this will teach you not to get out of bed when I tell you to," Wyatt snapped before he left the bedroom. He made his way back down the stairs where he heard the phone ringing. Thinking it was me he quickly picked up the phone without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?"

"Hey Wyatt its me," the voice said.

"Oh hi mom," he said back.

"I was just checking on you to see how have you been doing with the boys," she said.

"They're horrible mom," Wyatt said. "I don't know how much more I can take. I just had to spank them so they'd stay in bed."

"Wyatt!" Piper shrieked on the phone. "How could you do that? You know how I feel about spanking and you know definitely Chris doesn't approve of it so why would you do that?"

"I don't know its just the only way I felt like they would listen to me," Wyatt sighed. "I mean you don't know how much trouble they have been causing me all day."

"You need to go talk to them and tell them that your sorry, and make sure you make it clear that they have to start listening to you," Piper lectured her eldest. "They're probably hurt that you did that and there's no telling what they're gonna tell Chris."

"I know, I know, I'll apologize to them," Wyatt rolled his eyes. "So how are Chris and Peter doing, with their relationship and their kids."

"They're fine sweetie," Piper said, "but right now you need to go talk to your sons okay, and call me back after you do. Love ya."

"Love you too mom," Wyatt said hanging up the phone. As he made his way up the stairs he thought about what was he going to explain what he did to his seven and six year old sons. Wyatt opened the door to see only Ryan laying there in his bed Robert was gone. Wyatt just assumed that he ran somewhere in the house. "Where's your brother," Wyatt asked his eldest.

"He said he was going to find mommy," Ryan said.

Wyatt started getting worried. He went and saw that Robert had a not on his bed.

Note said:



Wyatt quickly ran out of the room and searched the whole house. He even tried to sense for his son but he couldn't sense him. He ran outside but there was still no trace of him. Wyatt was really beginning to panic. His youngest was nowhere to be found. He quickly pulled out his cell phone. His mom wasn't the first person he thought to call. It was me. When he flipped his phone he saw that I had indeed called and left him a message. He pressed the send button to call my number.

"Please pick up, please pick up," Wyatt said into the phone.

"Hello?" I answer slurring. Wyatt had just woken me up from a deep sleep.

"Chris Robert is missing," Wyatt said simply.

"What are you sure, what happened?"

"He ran away and now I can't find him," Wyatt said.

"I'm on my way," I said.

These stupid long chapter errr * shakes fist angrily at the computer * Okay so this chapter seemed a little odd to me. I don't know there was just something about it that seemed strange. Do you guys think so? So yeah this was a quick update wasn't it. A lot of people sent me feedback so I thought you guys deserved a quick update. So yeah see what happens when you send me feedback, then I update faster. So if you want another fast update you might want to think about it. Remember you can email me at or . Oh and if you haven't voted please vote, because once I write that chapter then there will be no more votes. So I know you guys were probably expecting it to take a turn for the better and it took a turn for the worse. Sorry, please don't kill me but I promise, it'll get better, just trust me on it. Please keep reading. Next chapter really gets a little emotional. The cliff hanger this time might not seem that big but it really is as big as you think it is. You'll see what I'm talking about in the next chapter, but please keep reading and sending feedback.

Next: Chapter 28

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