Nick--Justin Bieber--Joe

By Alex M

Published on Mar 11, 2011



Justin Bieber/Nick Jonas, some Joe Jonas/Nick Jonas, so warnings for incest and under-age.

Disclaimer: The following story is pure fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the people portrayed herein. Do NOT read if you are under 18 or if this sort of fiction is illegal where you live.

P.S. Thanks to everyone who gave feedback on the Nick/Taylor Lautner fic! I didn't expect you guys to like those two together so much. I'll definitely have to write more of that!

Justin goes back and forth when it comes to the Jonas Brothers. He wants to pity them because really, they're over, but every time he thinks they're done, he'll run into them at an awards show or get linked to a new poll asking, "Who's hotter? Justin or Nick?" Yeah, it's always coming back to him and Nick Jonas, and there's usually a pic of him shirtless and Nick in a muscle shirt (since Nick's too much of a goody-two-shoes to take his shirt off in public anymore). Justin will stare at the pics--face flushed, eyes narrowed on the breadth of Nick's shoulders, his biceps, the thickness of his neck--and get so annoyed, so frustrated that his stomach rolls, hot and slow. It's maddening, completely unfair for them to compare Justin with a kid who's a year and a half older.

The worst though, is when Mom finds out that Nick's working on something with Michelle Obama, some stupid nutritional campaign for kids. Mom starts saying stuff like, "That Nick Jonas seems like such a good boy. Honey, maybe you should try to work with him? Or at least start doing the kinds of things he does for charity?" She doesn't come out and say it, but he knows she wants him to start amping up his Christian image, maybe start wearing a purity ring...

"No, no way! Stop trying to turn me into some lame Jonas Brother. No one cares about them anymore! I'm the one selling out amphitheaters, they're has-beens."

She pats him, squeezes his shoulders and apologizes, tries to explain that's not what she meant, but he's too busy fuming to hear her excuses. He's not stupid. That's exactly what she meant and over the next couple of weeks, she keeps "accidentally" talking about what a lovely Christian boy Nick Jonas seems to be, which makes the tape feel like that much more of a victory.


He's walking offstage from the show in Philly when one of the security guards hands him a small package, voice low when he says, "Don't watch this until you're alone," and then walks off. Justin stares after him for a second, but then someone's grabbing his arm, telling him he's got to hurry, get ready to greet all the fans with backstage passes. He slides the package into his jacket and forgets about it until he gets back to his hotel.

It turns out to be an unmarked dvd, though there's a post-it note on the front: 'Not nearly as pure as they seem'.

Justin pops it into his laptop, frowning when the screen shows him nothing but a smallish, empty room. The camera's facing a couch and beyond that, Justin can see a door, but the static view doesn't allow for anything more than that. Then Joe Jonas walks into the room, pulling his brother along behind him. It looks like they're laughing about something, though there's no sound on the recording, and then they start stripping down. Justin suddenly realizes that this must be their dressing room.

He flushes, feeling awkward, like he shouldn't be watching this, but he really wants to know what Nick looks like without a shirt. He lets out a victorious hoot when he sees the lack of definition in Nick's chest and abs. Then Nick's shimmying out of his jeans, still behind the couch, and Justin leans forward, willing Nick to move, to stand where Justin can see everything. It's perfectly normal for a guy to want to see another guy's dick, especially if they're like, rivals.

It's Joe who moves first, and Justin's breath catches as Joe seems to walk right up to the camera, until all Justin can see is the dark hair of Joe's happy trail, the bulge in his boxer-briefs. When Joe steps back, he's washed in a blue-ish light, so apparently the camera's installed in their T.V.? But Justin can tell they don't know it's there. He starts wondering if anyone ever did this to him...

Joe flops back onto the couch, naked but for his underwear. Nick's gone offscreen while Joe messed with the T.V. Justin watches Joe's gaze follow his brother, rather than the T.V., and feels sort of...unsurprised when Joe starts touching himself, eyes going heavy-lidded. "Oh God," Justin whispers, goosebumps breaking out along his arms, the back of his neck. This just got really weird.

Joe's talking to Nick, smiling lazily as he slips a hand inside his underwear, tugs at his dick, low and obvious -he's not totally hard yet, but he's already 7 inches. Justin's never watched another guy touch himself, it's really..."So hot," he breathes, grip going white-knuckled on the edge of his desk. He's not- no way he's gonna get off on looking at the Jonas Brothers--he likes girls.

Then Nick is there, completely naked. He enters the frame from the left side of the screen and Justin catches a glimpse of his dick before he straddles Joe--just sits right on top of his brother and starts grinding; his glorious, pale ass flexing smoothly. Justin stares, forgetting to breathe, and has to get a hand on himself. His stomach churns because gross--they're brothers--but his dick is achy-full, hot and throbbing. He fists his meat, eyes riveted to the shifting muscle in Nick's back and shoulders, his sweet, sweet ass.

"Ffffuuck." Nick Jonas is dry-humping his brother and Justin's never been harder.


It takes Justin a few days to process what he saw, to understand what he now knows. And once he does, he has no idea what to do with the knowledge. He feels vindicated to find out that they're nothing like the perfect Christians they pretend to be--well, Nick pretends to be, anyway. But he's not about to tell his mom or the world about this--it's a little too much. He doesn't understand why someone wants him to know that the hot Jonas Brothers are fucking each other, but he's pretty sure he was supposed to throw up when he saw it, not jerk off. What's possibly more disturbing is that he hasn't been able to get off since without picturing them.


The tape is fresh in his mind when he runs into Nick at a pre-Grammy gala. Nick's wearing a tux with a bowtie and his hair's short, the shortest Justin's ever seen it. He looks good. Justin can't stop staring, even when Nick glances around and spots him, gives him a casual s'up-nod. Justin blinks and returns the greeting, but his eyes don't leave Nick, though Nick goes right back to his conversation with some vaguely familiar dude Justin can't name.

When Nick leaves the main gathering, Justin follows and once they're in the hallway, he says, "Hey, Nick."

Nick turns, eyebrows raised as he waits for Justin to catch up. Justin has no idea what he's going to say, hasn't planned for this at all, but when he gets to Nick, he blurts, "I know you have sex with your brother!"

Nick's eyes bug out and he gapes, stuttering, "W-what?!"

Justin looks at the people milling around them--no one seems to have heard him--and steps closer, close enough that he can smell Nick's cologne. "I have a dvd. You and Joe--"

Nick slaps a hand over Justin's mouth, shutting him up--eyes narrowed, cheeks gone splotchy-red--and hisses, "Not here."

Justin nods and Nick lets him go. He looks at Nick, the way he's blushing, the intensity of his glare, and suddenly knows exactly what he wants. He says, "No, my hotel room."


Justin sits close and tells Nick about the dvd while they're in the limo, heading to his hotel. Nick says nothing, keeps his head turned away as Justin talks. Justin gets hotter and hotter, watching the muscle in Nick's jaw jump as Justin tells Nick about how good Joe looked, taking Nick's meat. How good Nick looked, fucking his brother.

When Justin's done, Nick just asks, "What do you want?"

"I don't know...I think, uh--" Justin does know, but it's hard to say aloud. He shifts closer, ignoring the way Nick tenses up, and presses his mouth to Nick's ear. He grips his half-hard dick--seeing them so clearly; fuck, they were so hot together, both of them so greedy for it--and groans, "It's sick, but--unhh, oh God. I want you to do me, like you did Joe."

Nick recoils and shoves Justin away. "No! I can't. No way."

"All right." Justin sits up, straightening his jacket, bluffs. "Guess I'll have to sell the tape then."

Turns out defeat looks really good on Nick Jonas.


Justin strips down with shaking hands. He suddenly realizes that Nick's not stripping, he's just hovering near the door, eyes fixed to the bed. He looks like he's about to be sick, actually. Justin scowls.

"Take off your clothes and get on the bed. I--one of my guys has the tape and, uh, if they don't hear from me in an hour, they're putting it on one of your fansites." Possibly Justin should've thought this through beforehand--he's not so good with on-the-spot lying.

Apparently Nick is even worse at detecting lies though. He shoots Justin a huffy, hurt look and finally starts stripping out of his tux. Justin leaves his boxers on and clambers up to the center of the bed, sitting back against a pile of pillows, rubbing at himself like Joe had, watching Nick.

Nick stops abruptly, shirtless, fly open. "Dude. You know I could go to jail for this?"

"Oh, come on! No one's gonna find out--you know I'm not taking any chances. Just hurry up!"


Nick straddles Justin, hands on the headboard as he settles in Justin's lap, his bare ass on Justin's dick. Justin jolts forward, pressing his face to Nick's neck, mouth open on a groan. He grabs at Nick, palms skidding across Nick's back. Nick's so warm, bigger than Justin, but not too big, and he's smooth all over, like Justin. Justin gets a hand between them, touching Nick's pubes before gingerly feeling out the other boy's prick. Nick's soft, the skin of his shaft loose, and Justin wants him hard. He remembers the way Joe sucked his brother, greedy and hard, taking Nick down his throat until he gagged, going right back in for more.

Justin's mouth floods wet and he says, "Wait, no. Lie back." He shoves at Nick until Nick's sprawled on his back. Nick covers himself, but Justin slaps at his wrists, says, "No!"

Nick drops his head back, eyes on the ceiling as he lets his hands fall to his sides. Justin leans forward, rubbing at the tense muscle in Nick's meaty thighs as he ducks in, carefully sucks the fat mushroom head of Nick's dick into his mouth. Nick gasps and punches at the bed, begging Justin to stop, but Justin just works his fingers low, cradles Nick's heavy balls and moans when he feels Nick start to thicken up for him. Justin's sloppy, too new at this to take Nick like Joe did, but he sucks and bobs, takes a couple of inches at a time, and uses his spit to slick his palm, jerk at the taut, overhot skin of Nick's shaft.

He presses his tongue to the thick vein right under the head, feels Nick's pulse throbbing there before pulling off, hand banded around the base as he studies it, compares it to his own. They're both pink, but Nick's got a couple of inches him, fatter and curved a little to the right.

"What're you doing?" Nick hisses, pushing himself up on his elbows to glare at Justin. "Stop--stop looking and get on with it."

His blush has worked its way down his chest, his pale skin all pinked up, his mouth is dark, more red than usual, like he's been biting his lips, and his cheeks are all blotchy-pink. "You're pretty," Justin says, smirking when the observation makes Nick look even prissier. Justin laughs, letting go of him to crawl forward and shove him back flat, until Justin's straddling his chest. Nick's sullen expression goes wary and Justin really, really likes that.

"My turn," he whispers, nudging the head of his dick against Nick's plump lips. Nick closes his eyes and clamps his mouth shut, but Justin just grips his short curls and jerks a little, saying, "Come on, you know you have to do this."


Nick's mouth is amazing, but Justin doesn't want to come that way, so he has to pull out, rub the slick, fat head across Nick's flushed cheeks before sitting back. He glances at Nick's dick, pleased to find Nick hard and ready. He grabs some lotion from the bed-stand and directs Nick to sit against the headboard.

Nick moves, but his dark eyes dart from the lotion back to Justin's face, brow furrowed. "Dude...that's...are you sure you want to do that?" "Yeah, I'm sure." The tape--the look on Joe's face when Nick got inside him--made Justin curious enough to try fucking himself with his fingers, but it wasn't enough, just the barest taste of what he wanted. He sits on Nick's thighs, slicks Nick's dick and then hands Nick the lotion. "Get me ready."

Nick looks pissed, but he's incredibly careful when he takes hold of Justin's hip and slips his other hand between Justin's legs, pressing slicked-up fingers to Justin's hole. Justin tenses up and Nick shakes his head, "Justin..."

"Shhh. Keep going!"

Nick's mouth goes tight and he shoves a finger into Justin, opening him rough and sudden. Justin grips Nick's shoulders, barely biting back a pained cry, and Nick says, "Crap, sorry!"

Justin says nothing, just breathes, trying to force his body to relax. Nick slips his finger out and then back in, a careful, slick press that doesn't hurt, just feels weird. "More, Jonas," he demands, jaw dropping when Nick slides another fat finger into him and scissors them apart. "Nnyeah--" he grunts. "S'good."

But it's not, not really. It's only a little better than when Justin does this to himself. He needs to know why Joe liked it so much. He needs Nick's meat. He opens his eyes, looking directly at Nick as he says, "D-don't want your fingers anymore."

A pained look crosses Nick's face and he bites his lip as he nods, tugs his fingers free. Justin's gaze drops to Nick's fat, ruddy-pink erection as Nick slathers on even more lotion before gripping the base, so it's arrowed up.

"You--" Nick's voice cracks and he clears his throat. "Uh, you have to do it. Just, it has to be at your pace."

Justin nods and positions himself, thighs trembling as he sinks, his own weight driving the spongy head of Nick's dick past the tight mouth of his hole. He keeps his eyes on Nick, can't hide the way it hurts when he sinks lower, can't hide the way he feels once Nick's all the way in and he's filled up, clinging around Nick hot and soft. They stare at each other, wrecked, and Justin breathes, "Oh god."

His body's gripping Nick so tightly that he can feel the throb of Nick's pulse.

"Justin," Nick whines, dropping his head and taking hold of Justin's hips. "Have to move--" And before Justin can blink he finds himself on his back, knees pressed up against his shoulders as Nick rears up and lets loose.

"S-sorry," Nick grunts, dicking Justin deep before pulling out, slamming into him over and over again. Justin fists the bedspread, hanging on for dear life as Nick lifts him, changing the angle like he wants to get even deeper. Justin's eyes roll when Nick rubs at something, hits a nerve that lights Justin up inside, makes his toes curls and his balls draw up tight.

"Nghhh!" He wraps his legs around Nick, high on Nick's waist, and rocks to meet him, so Nick nails that spot again and again, until Justin's vision whites out and he shakes apart, jizzing all over his own chest and belly, even his mouth. He helplessly bears down on Nick, amazed by how it feels to come with something, someone so deep and hard inside him.


Joe doesn't recognize the guy who hands him the DVD, so he's tempted to let Big Rob handle it, but if it really is something only Joe should see--well, he'd rather not risk it. As soon as he gets home, he opens the case and finds a note:

'Enjoy the show.'

He shakes his head, muttering, "Whatever," and sits back to see what this weirdo's sent him.

"Whoa!" At first he thinks it's just gay porn. There's a pale, dark-haired boy getting face-fucked by a slender, tan twink, but when the dark-haired boy is forced to sit up, Joe's jaw drops. "Nick?!"


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