Night in Ottawa

By Jason Lagasse

Published on Jan 22, 2001


A Night In Ottawa Written By: Curlybrok Edited By: Sheldon & Shawn

First off, the usually disclaimer goes here. If you are under the age of 18, If this is illegal where you live, or if you do not like any stories contain gay romance, then leave now. I do not know any of the members of N Sync, nor do I know if they are straight, gay, or bi. This is a fan fiction story I'm writing for some friends of mine. This story is totally fiction and comes from deep with in my imagination.

This story is dedicated to Shawn & Sheldon, two of my best friends. These guys are really cool and are the cutest couple I know. :) (Ok now I'm done kissing butt). To everyone thanks for reading, hope you like the story.

Second I've only visited Ottawa once so far, and a lot of what this story is based on is what I remember from my weekend there. I hope to be going back this summer, if I make a mistake sorry and I'll make a correction in future updates.

A Night in Ottawa Chapter One - "The Concert" Curlybrok

It was a cool night in the Canadian Capital. The streets were busy with people heading to and coming from work. A silver two-door Sunfire roamed the parking lot of one of Ottawa's many arenas searching for a parking spot. "There's one." Shawn said. Sheldon, his best friend, quickly pulled into the spot Shawn had pointed out. "Here's your ticket." Sheldon said has he pulled out two tickets from the glove compartment. "Thanks." Shawn said. "I'm hungry. Lets get something to eat before we head to our seats." Sheldon said. "Okay." Shawn said.

The two young men headed for the concession stand. "I'll have a Coke with that." Shawn said. Sheldon finished his order and looked over at Shawn, who was checking out the guy behind the counter. "Shawn." Sheldon said under his breath. "What?" Shawn said with an innocent look. "Oh, don't give me that look." Sheldon said. Shawn smiled, then turned and took his order and paid the young man.

The two started to chat as they looked around the lobby of the arena. As they looked around, a young man, about twenty-one stopped in front of them. He was rather tall, about six-foot, and had a security tag around his neck and a two-way radio in his right hand. Sheldon looked closer at the tag, it said N Sync Tour Manager. Sheldon whispered to Shawn as the young man talked over the radio. "Get more security to the lobby and get these people moving towards their seats," the young man said into his two-way radio. "Security is on its way to you, Jonathan," a voice replied.

A group of security personnel headed towards the young man, Jonathan was his name. "Get to the entrances and direct people to move towards their seats," Jonathan said to the security people. They nodded and headed to the entrances. A rather big security guard and a young blonde man of about twenty were quickly running towards Jonathan. "What's up?" Jonathan asked the blonde. The blonde whispered something into Jonathan's ear before looking towards Shawn and Sheldon. Sheldon looked at the young man, "Hey Shawn, that's Lance," Sheldon said. Shawn looked towards where Sheldon's gaze was held. "Go over and ask him for and Autograph," Shawn said.

The blonde's eyes locked with Sheldon's for a brief moment. He smiled and then looked back towards Jonathan and nodded. He whispered something else then he left as quickly as he came. Jonathan looked over towards the two and then said something into his radio. He walked over towards the two young men.

"Hi guys, my name is Jonathan. I'm the tour manager for N Sync," Jonathan said. "Hi, I'm Sheldon, this is my friend Shawn," Sheldon said. "Nice to meet both of you." Jonathan said. Sheldon and Shawn both nodded. "I sure you know who that was that I was just talking to," Jonathan said. "Yeah, it looked like Lance." Sheldon said. Jonathan smiled, "Yes it was, and he asked me to give you guys front row tickets." Jonathan said. "Really?" Shawn said. Jonathan nodded and pulled out two front row tickets, he handed them to Shawn and Sheldon. "Enjoy the show guys." Jonathan said and walked away.

Shawn and Sheldon quickly headed for their new front row seats. The show began with Innosense, a girl group that Justin Timberlake's mother managed. "They were pretty good." Shawn said as he and Sheldon sat back down waiting for N Sync to take the stage.

"Can I have your attention?" A voice said over the sound system. "Put your hands together and SCREAM FOR N SYNC!" the voice yelled out over the sound system. A curtain dropped and N Sync was hanging from the top of the stage as the show started.

'I got no strings to hold me down

to make me fret or make me frown.

I hate strings, but now I'm free

There are no strings on me'

The crowd went wild as N Sync hit the stage. The strings disappeared and the guys began to sing:

I see the things he does to you

All the pain that he puts you through

And I see what's really going on

Staying out at night while you're by the phone

Take it from me

It's a lesson to be learned

Even the good guys get burned

Take it from me

See I would give you love

The kind of love that you've only dreamed of

Baby you're not the only one

You don't have to be afraid to fall in love

And I know that you've hurt in the past

But if you want it, here's my heart

No strings attached

Shawn and Sheldon began to sing along with N Sync as did the rest of the huge crowd. It was N Sync's first concert in Ottawa and the crowd was screaming, cheering and singing along.

He doesn't give you the kind of attention

That a girl like you needs (that a girl like you needs)

Cause he always looks around

His eyes wander 'round

He doesn't see you like I see

Take it from me

It's a lesson to be learned

Even the good guys get burned

Take it from me

Baby I would give you love

The kind of love that you've only dreamed of yeah

Baby you're not the only one (baby you're not the only one)

You don't have to be afraid to fall in love (to fall in love)

And I know that you've hurt in the past (hurt in the past)

But if you want it, here's my heart (here's my heart)

No strings attached

Take it from me

JC: It's a lesson to be learned

Even the good guys get burned

Take it from me

JC & Justin: See I would give you love

The kind of love that you've only dreamed of

JC: So if you want to take a chance with me (ah-ah-ah-ah-ah)

If you (baby) take a chance with me

I'll be everything you need (everything you need)

Because it's our destiny

Baby you're not the only one (baby you're not the only one)

You don't have to be afraid to fall in love (you don't have to be afraid)

And I know that you've hurt in the past (know that you're hurting)

But if you want it, here's my heart (if you want here's my heart)

No strings attached

The first song ended and the guys started the next song, "I want You back." After finishing that song, Justin, JC, Chris and Joey headed back stage as Lance started his welcome speech. "HELLO OTTAWA!" Lance said loudly in his bass voice. The crowd screamed even louder. Lanced walked to the front of the stage to where Sheldon and Shawn were standing. "HOW'S EVERYONE DOING TONIGHT?" Lance said loudly. He looked down towards Sheldon and smiled, then continued on with his speech.

Justin came on alone after 'Tearin' Up My Heart' and started his beat box skit. As he came close to the edge of the stage he noticed Shawn and Sheldon. It wasn't often Justin saw guys at the front of the crowd, usually the girls had gotten those seats first. Justin figured Lance must have had something to do with it. He continued with is skit, and looked over at Shawn several times. 'He's cute.' Justin thought.

The Skit ended and 'It's Gonna Be Me' was up next. The concert went on for over an hour. The crowd was still yelling and cheering as N Sync performed the last song of the evening 'Bye Bye Bye'.

(Hey, Hey)

Bye, Bye, Bye

Bye, Bye...

Bye, Bye...

Oh, Oh..

I'm doin' this tonight,

You're probably gonna start a fight.

I know this can't be right.

Hey baby come on,

I loved you endlessly,

When you weren't there for me.

So now it's time to leave and make it alone

I know that I can't take no more

It ain't no lie

I wanna see you out that door

Baby, bye, bye, bye...

Bye Bye

Don't wanna be a fool for you

Just another player in your game for two

You may hate me but it ain't no lie,

Baby, bye, bye, bye...

Bye Bye

Don't really wanna make it tough,

I just wanna tell you that I had enough.

It might sound crazy,

But it ain't no lie,

Baby, bye, bye, bye

(Oh, Oh)

Just hit me with the truth,

Now, girl you're more than welcome to.

So give me one good reason,

Baby come on

I live for you and me,

And now I really come to see,

That life would be much better once you're gone.

I know that I can't take no more

It ain't no lie,

I wanna see you out that door

Baby, bye, bye, bye...

Bye Bye

Don't wanna be a fool for you

Just another player in your game for two

You may hate me but it ain't no lie,

Baby Bye, bye, bye...

Bye Bye

Don't really wanna make it tough,

I just wanna tell you that I had enough (ooh ooh)

It might sound crazy,

But it ain't no lie,

Baby, bye, bye, bye

I'm giving up I know for sure

I don't wanna be the reason for your love no more

Bye Bye

I'm checkin' out

I'm signin' off

Don't wanna be the loser and I've had enough

Don't wanna be your fool

In this game for two

So I'm leavin' you behind

Bye, bye, bye...

I don't wanna make it tough (wanna make it tough)

But I had enough

And it ain't no lie (Bye, bye baby...)

Bye, Bye

Don't wanna be a fool for you

Just another player in your game for two (I don't wanna be your fool)

But it ain't no lie

Baby bye, bye, bye...

Don't really wanna make it tough (don't really wanna make it tough),

I just wanna tell you that I had enough (that I had enough).

Might sound crazy,

But it ain't no lie,

Bye, bye, bye

As the song ended the guys waved bye to everyone and headed to the bus waiting at one of the rear exits. Shawn and Sheldon slowly fought their way towards where they were selling T-Shirts and other N Sync items, they picked up a few things and started to head for Sheldon's car. "Do you remember where we parked?" Shawn asked. "Yeah I remember." Sheldon said. "Cool. Hey Sheldon, do you wanna go out to ICON tonight?" Shawn asked. "Yeah sure, that sounds like fun." Sheldon said. "Great." Shawn said.

A Night In Ottawa Chapter Two - "ICON & Shawn and Sheldon's Apartment" Curlybrok

Shawn and Sheldon walked into ICON, one of Ottawa's gay nightclubs. "Hey Dan." Shawn said as he and Sheldon walked into the lounge. "Hey Shawn, Sheldon. How was the concert?" Dan asked. "Awesome, we got front row seats from their tour manager." Shawn said. "Yeah sure, Shawn." Dan said sarcastically. "No for real, look." Shawn said as he pulled out his ticket stub. Dan looked at the stub, "Wow. Did you get their autographs?" Dan asked. "No, like Shawn said we got the tickets from their Tour Manager." Sheldon said.

Dan nodded, "Can I get you guys something to drink?" Dan asked. "Not right now, we're going to head down stairs and dance for a while." Shawn said. "Ok, see you guys later, have fun." Dan said and headed off towards the bar. Shawn and Sheldon went down stairs for a while.

"That'll be three dollars." The young man reached into his pocket and pulled out three dollars Canadian and handed it to the bouncer at the door. The bouncer looked at he young man. "Can I see some ID?" The young man handed the bouncer his ID nervously. The bouncer quickly looked at the birth date and handed the young man back his ID and waved him in.

Shawn and Sheldon were walking up the stairs, "That was fun." Shawn said as he bumped into the young man who had just entered the club. "Sorry." Shawn said as he looked at the young man. The young man's eyes met with Shawn's. "I've seen you some where before." Shawn said. "I get that often." The young man said. "Just, what's the hold up?" A young blonde said from behind the first young man. "You're Justin from N Sync, aren't you?" Shawn said. Justin looked nervous now, "Umm... yeah, but you can't tell anyone I was here. Please." Justin said. Shawn nodded, "No problem." "Hey you guys look familiar, weren't you at the concert tonight?" The blonde asked. "Yeah, we were. We got front row seats from your tour manager." Sheldon said. The blonde smiled. "Yeah I remember you guys."

"We're headed to go have a seat and get some drinks, wanna join us?" Shawn asked. "Yeah sure." Justin said as he followed Shawn. "After you." Lance said to Sheldon. The four young men found an empty table near the fireplace and had a seat. Dan came over and took their drink orders. "So, is this your first time to a gay night club?" Shawn asked. "This is Justin's first time." Lance said. "You've been before?" Sheldon asked Lance. "Yeah I've been to a couple, but this is my first time here." Lance said. "How did you hear about ICON?" Shawn asked. "A friend of mine I chat with online told me about it." Lance said.

The guys talked for a while about different things, each having a couple drinks. "Can I ask you a question?" Sheldon said as he looked at Lance. "Yeah sure." Lance said, taking a sip of his White Russian. "Did you arrange for us to get those tickets?" Sheldon asked. Lance nodded, "I thought you were cute so I had to see you during the show." Lance said.

Shawn and Justin were deep in their own conversation, "So what do you think of being in a gay nightclub?" Shawn asked Justin. "Its cool, not at all what I expected." Justin said honestly. "How so?" Shawn asked. "Well, I thought it would be a lot different, you know; guys all over each other and stuff like that." Justin said shyly. Shawn smiled, "Sometimes it can be like that, but its not orgy night." Shawn said with a laugh breaking the ice with Justin. Justin laughed and started to feel more relaxed. "Can I ask you a question?" Justin asked. "Sure." Shawn replied. "Are you gay, please don't be mad." Justin said quickly. "Yes, I'm gay. Why would I be mad?" Shawn asked. "I don't know, I just figured you might not like me asking if you were gay." Justin said. "Oh, well you don't have to worry about that, you can ask most guys who are gay if they are and they won't take offense to it." Shawn said.

"Have you ever done anything with another guy?" Justin asked. "Yeah, I've had my experiences." Shawn said. "What about you?" Shawn asked. Justin shook his head, "No, I'm still a virgin." "Do you want to have sex with a guy?" Shawn asked. Justin nodded, "Yeah, but I'm kinda nervous about it." Justin said. "That's normal, we all are our first time." Shawn said. "What do you like to do?" Justin asked. "You mean sex wise or as in every day stuff?" Shawn asked. "Sex wise." Justin said. "Well, I've been told that I'm really great at giving head." Shawn said with a smile.

Lance looked over towards the entrance and saw two people walk in. "Oh shit." Lance said. "What's wrong?" Sheldon asked a little puzzled. "Jonathan and Lenny just walked in, we are so dead." Lance said. Lance turned towards Justin and told him that Jonathan and Lenny had just walked in. Jonathan and Lenny talked with Jesse at the Bar, they still hadn't looked in Lance or Justin's direction yet. "Is there another way out of here?" Lance asked. Sheldon shook his head no. "If they catch us here, we're in so much trouble." Lance said. "I've got an idea." Shawn said, he motioned Dan over, whispered something to Dan. "We should be all set, but we're going to have to hurry in just a few minutes." Shawn said. Dan had gone back to the bar and started to talk with Jesse, Jonathan and Lenny. Jonathan and Lenny nodded and headed upstairs.

"Come on let's go. We don't have long before they start looking back down here." Shawn said. Lance, Justin, Sheldon and Shawn all quickly stood and headed for the door. "Thanks guys." Lance said. "Where are you guys staying?" Sheldon asked. "We're staying at the Holiday Inn." Justin said. Sheldon nodded, "If we hadn't drank I would have driven you guys there." Sheldon said. "How are you guys getting home?" Lance asked. "We live next door." Shawn said as they walked towards Shawn and Sheldon's apartment building.

"You guys can spend the night if you want. It's not the Holiday Inn, but it's a place to stay." Sheldon offered. "We wouldn't want to put you guys out." Lance said. "Its no problem." Shawn said as he passed his keycard over the sensor. "Well in that case ok." Lance said.

"Welcome to our apartment." Shawn said as he unlocked the door. They took off their shoes as they came in. Sheldon was the last one in and he locked the door behind him. "This is the kitchen, that's the living room, washroom is over there. That's Sheldon's room and this is my room." Shawn said. "Oh, I thought you guys were a couple." Lance said a little surprised. Sheldon shook his head, "Nope, were best friends." "Oh, cool." Lance said. "You guys can have my room, I'll bunk with Shawn tonight." Sheldon said. "Are you sure?" Lance asked. "Yeah, We're sure." Shawn said. "Thanks." Lance said. "If you need towels or anything like that, you should be able to find it in the linen closet." Sheldon said as he pointed out the closet. Lance and Justin both nodded. "Oh and if you need extra blankets they're in there as well." Shawn said. "Thank you, we should be fine." Justin said.

They said their goodnights and headed off to bed. Shawn lay in his bed with Sheldon beside him. "So did you think that the two hottest guys in N Sync would be gay?" Shawn asked Sheldon. "I was kinda surprised." Sheldon said. "Yeah same here." Shawn said. "Looked like you and Justin were hitting it off well." Sheldon said. "Yeah we were getting along great. Did you know he's still a virgin?" Shawn said. "Actually no I didn't, I figured he would have had sex by now." Sheldon said. "Nope, he said he's never had sex." Shawn said. "Cool, looks like you get to break him in." Sheldon said with a laugh. Shawn punched Sheldon in the arm. "Ouch that hurt." Sheldon said. "Good." Shawn said. Sheldon rubbed his sore arm. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be mean." Sheldon said. "Its ok." Shawn said. "You like him, don't you?" Sheldon asked. "Is it that obvious?" Shawn asked. "Shawn I've known you for several years now, and I'm your roommate. I can tell when you like someone." Sheldon said. Shawn laughed, "Well I suppose that's a good thing."

"Its late we should get some sleep." Sheldon said. "Yeah I agree." Shawn said. Soon Sheldon was asleep and lightly snoring. "Sheldon you're snoring." Shawn said. "Sorry." Sheldon said in his sleep, he bounced twice and then laid on his stomach.

Justin and Lance lay in Sheldon's room, Lance had the bed and Justin slept on the floor. "Lance, thanks from taking me to that club tonight." Justin said. "You're welcome, Justin. Get some sleep, we have another concert tomorrow night." Lance said.

Sheldon was the first awake, he took a quick shower and got dressed. About thirty minutes later Lance awoke and stumbled into the kitchen where Sheldon was quietly making breakfast. "Good morning." Sheldon said. "Huh, oh, good morning." Lance said. "Sleep well?" Sheldon asked. "Yeah, slept fine. I just have a headache this morning." Lance said. "There is some Tylenol in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom." Sheldon said. "Thanks." Lance said as he walked towards the bathroom.

Lance returned and asked for a glass of water to take with the Tylenol. "Thanks." Lance said as Sheldon handed him the glass of water. "Justin still sleeping?" Sheldon asked. "Yeah, he likes to sleep in." Lance said. Sheldon nodded, "So does Shawn." Sheldon said.

"Did I hear my name?" Shawn said as he walked into the kitchen. "Shawn grabbed the Orange Juice from the fridge, he walked over to the glass cupboard and took out a glass. "Want some Orange Juice, Lance?" Shawn asked. "No, thank you." Lance said. Shawn nodded and grabbed his Pikachu straw before heading into the living room with his drink. "Shawn likes Pikachu?" Lance asked. Sheldon nodded, "Yeah, that's why he has that straw." Sheldon said. "So does Justin, but when you ask him, he claims he buys it for his brother Jonathan." Lance said. "Well they have something in common." Sheldon said with a smile.

Justin came walking into the living room. "Good morning, did you sleep well?" Shawn asked. Justin rubbed his eyes and nodded, "Just a little sore, I let Lance have the bed and now my back is killing me." Justin said. "Well come over here and lay down on the couch and I'll give you a massage if you want." Shawn said. Justin smiled, "That'd be great." Justin walked over to the couch, Shawn stood up and Justin laid on his stomach on the couch. "I hope, you don't mind but I'm going to sit on your butt, so I can massage you back easier." Shawn said. Justin nodded and laid his face down on his folded hands. Shawn began to work over Justin's shoulders and neck muscles.

Sheldon worked on setting the table, and looked over at Justin and Shawn. He raised an eyebrow then headed back into the kitchen to finish up with breakfast. Justin was moaning softly as Shawn worked all the kinks out of his muscles. "That feels so much better," Justin said. "Breakfast is served." Sheldon said as he finished placing the food on the table.

After breakfast Sheldon and Shawn dropped Justin and Lance off at their hotel. "Thanks for last night it was a lot of fun," Lance said. "Yeah, I had a great time, it was nice meeting you guys," Justin said. "It was nice meeting you too," Shawn said. "If you and Justin go back to ICON tonight we'll be there," Sheldon said. "Um, maybe we'll go back. We'd have to sneak out so I'm not sure if we'll be able to go," Lance said. "Ok, well if you go we'll probably be down stairs dancing," Shawn said. "Ok, maybe we'll see you there," Lance said. Shawn let Justin and Lance out of the car, they waved bye. Justin and Lance quickly hurried into the hotel.

To be continued...

Let me know what you think; Comments, suggestions & Questions welcome. Email me Some of the story is planned out; I'm going to be including the requests that Shawn and Sheldon have made. I'm not going to give away an spoilers so if you want to know what will happen next, you'll have to read the next part.

Like I said earlier I was only in Ottawa for a weekend, and I only got to know Shawn and Sheldon from that weekend and from talking with them online. I've tried to make their Characters as close to what they are really like, I hope I've accomplished that much. I'm not sure how long I'll continue this story. I did it for Shawn and Sheldon. There is no sex yet, but we'll see what happens as the story develops.

Next: Chapter 2

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