Night to Remember Series

By Enzed Writer

Published on Jun 11, 2003


The following story contains themes, languages and content that is considered to be adult. If you are not of legal age please be aware of the actions you are taking and the consequences that could occur for reading such material. With that said I hope you enjoy the story. "A night to remember" and "Roam" are both properties of the author and under international law is bound by copyright. If you have any queries regarding distribution or republishing this story please contact me via email

I'd like to dedicate this story to anyone who had a close friend but lost contact with them over time. It's never too late to pick up the phone or send an email.

A night to remember

In late 2002 I started writing a story called Roam. It was about three friends whose friendship had carried on from high school to adulthood. It also covers issues that trouble the character Blair Mclean and to a lesser extent Victoria (Tor) and Nick.

A night to remember is a short story giving you an insight to the root of the friendship between Victoria, Nick and Blair and also a glimpse at the relationship of Blair and Andrew. Hopefully it will fill in some gaps that may appear from reading Roam and help you to get to know the characters a bit better. A night to remember is set in year 12 or Sixth form back in high school in 1999.

Part Two


To say Andrew's revelation was a surprise was an understatement. I had a mixture of emotions swirling inside of me. I felt glad that there was someone else like me at Hutt Valley High. I felt frustrated that gay people were considered different from others. I felt angry that Andrew did nothing to defend me while his ogre friends were making fun of me since this bullshit started. I felt lucky that my friends had my back no matter what. I felt disappointed that people I grew up with could sink to such levels. I felt thankful knowing that despite all the conflicting emotions that I wasn't a complete nutcase.

After school I met Tor by the science block and Nick met us there too.

"Hey! Are you two both busy this afternoon?"

"Not me" Tor said.

"Me either!" Nick said.

"Sweet, can you guys stay the night at my house? I've got something I want to talk to you two about"

As we turned the corner the same old group was loitering around at the exit. Andrew was there also. I didn't know what his game was but I wasn't about to stick around. Tor tried to pull us back to go another way but I insisted we keep walking. As we passed them, one of them who I think was John decided to stop us.

"Where do you think you're going, FAG!" He thrust his finger in to my chest as he said the F word. I didn't respond and just pushed past him. David then ran in front of me and pushed me back.

"Hey! Fucking stop when someone's talking to you, cock sucker!" David grabbed my shirt and tried to pull me back.

"Why don't you fuck off David, he didn't do anything?" Nick reasoned.

"Who asked you punk? Besides he doesn't need to do anything. He was BORN!"

"Grab em!" one of them shouted. I saw Tor and Nick grabbed by one David's goons. David drew back his hand in to a fist ready to hit me. I closed my eyes waiting for the fist to come but someone held him back.

"I don't think that's a good idea David" It was Andrews's voice.

"Drew dude" David smiled "what are you doing?"

"The name is AN-drew" he replied emphasising the AN "and I'm stoping you from making an ass out of yourself" I opened my eyes and realised we were causing quite a scene. A few students were watching what was happening and David didn't seem too pleased that Andrew was standing up for me. Andrew had David's drawn back fist in a hold.

"Dude you don't want to do this" Andrew said again.

"No man, YOU don't want to do this" David sneered as he tightened the grip around my collar.

"Look man, I wont stand by and let you do this David. Walk away now" Andrew looked threatening. He wasn't a massively built person but his demeanour was intimidating. David tried to stand up to him.

"What's this fag to you huh? Does he suck you off or something?"

It all happened so fast but Andrew hit David, square in the jaw and he fell dragging me down with him. Andrew helped me up and glared at David.

"I warned you, now stay away from Blair, got it?" David yelled something about getting his revenge then his goons let go of Nick and Tor and helped him away.

"Andrew you didn't need to hit him, what's violence going to solve?" I said while dusting myself off. Even though I was grateful that Andrew had defended me, I didn't want this to erupt in to violence.

"Come again? You were just going to let him do that to you?" He said incredulously.

"Yes." I said straight-faced.

"But why? He would have hurt you!" Andrew said in amazement.

"Because it would have created a stir. I would rather be a martyr amongst understanding students than a starter of something big, something bigger than you and I." I picked up my bag and rejoined Nick and Tor.

"Cut the noble act man. Are you blind? If these students were so understanding they would have stopped them ages ago." Andrew said clearly frustrated. The crowed was beginning to dissipate slowly.

"Well maybe I'd like to think that I have faith in my fellow students. It was all good until you decided to pull the hero act and hit him"

"Dude that's fucked up. Don't you know that saying? All it takes is for good men to do nothing for evil to flourish!"

"Yeah but just like that other saying, you reap the whirlwind that you sow. I won't be responsible for what happens to you Andrew and now we will all have to bare the consequences of your actions!" I started walking and Nick and Tor followed.

"I'm old enough to take responsibility for my own actions man. I did this for you! Your ass would have been kicked and Nick and Tor would have been next!"

"All you did was stoop to his level. I don't need a bodyguard Andrew I can take care of myself. I need friends, someone who understands, maybe I was right about you all along." With that I left him at the gate.

"What was that all about?" Nick asked as we headed briskly towards my home.

"Tor you tell him" I said not really wanting to talk.

"Well you've got me man! I know about David and them but what the hell was that with you and Andrew huh?" Tor asked.

"Look can we just talk about this when we get to my place. Its part of what I wanted to discuss with you guys. Okay?"

Nick and Victoria didn't look too happy but they agreed. Mum was home when we arrived. She was in the kitchen cooking something on the stove.

"Hey baby" she kissed me on the cheek. "Hey guys how was school?" She asked all of us.

"Oh it was good," replied Tor.

"Mum, can Nick and Victoria stay the night?"

"Sure thing as long as your parents agree, okay?"

"Mum has already said okay but Nick has to ask his dad first." Tor replied.

"Okay well you know where the phone is Nick. Blair can I see you for a second please?"

"Uh sure, you guys go in the lounge I'll be there in a sec."

Nick and Tor went in the lounge and switched on the TV. I sat down at the table while mum was still busying herself cooking.

"B, I got a call from Lana today."

Oh great.


"Yes, she tells me there are some disturbances occurring at school. She didn't say specifically but told me to ask you about them. Care to explain?" Mum wasn't looking at me while she was talking. She was focussing on her cooking.

"Nothing I can't handle okay mum?" I sighed and got up to leave but she stopped me.

"B, I know I've been busy with work and the break up with Dad and I hasn't been easy on you either. But you can always come and talk to me right? You know that aye baby?"

"Yes mum I know. But let me handle this my way okay mum? I'll let you know when I need back up." She kissed my forehead.

"Your growing up so fast Blair, but I'm still your mother" she said with tears brimming.

"I know mum, I know. Anything else?"

"No that's It. But remember I'm here, ok?"

"Okay momma" I kissed her on the cheek and walked back in to the lounge just as Nick was getting off the phone.

"Dad says it's okay but he wants me there for cell group tonight."

Cell group is a religious prayer group where Christians come together to praise and worship and study the word of god. Nick's dad and his stepmother were Pentecostal Baptists, almost to the extreme where it was almost cult like. There were many times that Nick would seek refuge at our house as things got a bit too much at times, I mean he wasn't even allowed to watch Charmed as it was witchcraft.

"That's cool Nick. We can borrow mums car and take you there and back. Tor's driving though."

"Why do I have to drive?" Tor whined.

"Because you're the only one with her full license!" Nick and I replied at the same time causing us all to laugh.

*** Andrew

"I couldn't believe how Blair had reacted Dad! He was being totally unreasonable about the whole thing. David, John and the rest would have beaten him down surely!" Dad was listening patiently while I was ranting.

"I mean not only was David about to deck him but he was just going to take it, and that punk stepped over the mark with that dick sucking comment!" I slumped down in the lounge chair frustrated.

"Son, you know I don't condone violence and you did loose your cool. Blair's right in a way, it could have been resolved more peacefully."

"Whose side are you on dad?" I said but it sounded like I was whining.

"Son don't you use that tone with me! I'm not your enemy okay!" Dad looked worked up so I huffed and sat back in my chair. "Listen Andrew, just because you can beat someone up doesn't mean you have to. Maybe you were the bad guy this time but you definitely let your pride get in the way."

I really didn't want to admit it, but dad was right.

"You're right Dad, I'll talk to him tomorrow. I'm sorry for raising my voice at you." Dad waved it off as nothing.

"So son, who are you taking to the ball on Saturday now that you've just blown your friends away. no pun intended" I laughed at his attempt at a joke. I hadn't really thought of that. I wasn't planning on going anyway.

"Well I don't know dad. Maybe I'll just stay at home." Dad looked at me as if I had sworn.

"No your not Andrew. You missed out last year so you should go this year. It will be a night you won't forget! I can still remember mine like it was yesterday," Dad said with a distant smile on his face.

"Yeah, you and mum went?" I asked.

"Of course! There was no one else for me! You see son, she was this beautiful young lady with long brown hair with the bluest eyes and a butt that wouldn't quit."

I looked at him questioningly but he continued.

"I was really shy about asking her out and her friends found out. Apparently she fancied me too and she ended up asking me." Dad smiled a rather sad smile.

"You really miss her don't you?"

"Yeah son, I do. But it's one of the happiest memories I have of your mother Andrew. Maybe you should ask this Blair character, it might do you some good." Dad looked at me with a grin that read he knew something I didn't. I was about to ask him what he meant but he walked out of the room without a sound and headed to his bedroom again.


We got back from Nick's at 9:30pm. His dad Jake and stepmother Josie insisted we stay for the prayer meeting and all the things that followed and by the time we got away it was rather late. The house was dark when we got back so we headed for the lounge

"God that went on forever" Tor said while tacking her jacket off.

"Yeah well you don't live with them, that was pretty short than normal" Nick replied.

"Short? Man that was 3 hours of constant singing and praying!" I was shocked. Three hours! Man I'll never complain about the length of our church services again. They were just over an hour long, practically a commercial compared to that!

"Does anyone want a drink?" I asked before sitting down.

"Just a glass of water for me" said Tor.

"Nothing for me thanks" said Nick.

"Thanks you guys for coming over. I've been wanting to talk to you guys for a while. But with you being sick and that Nick I really haven't found a good time so there's no time like the present."

I shut the door so that mum couldn't hear what we were talking about. I sat down on one of the chairs while Nick and Tor sat on the sofa.

"I know you guys have been more than understanding about me coming out and all. but I just wanted to ask. Do you ever get ashamed of me?"

"What are you talking about?" they both replied without a thought.

"Well I'm talking about this afternoon and all the other times. I've heard what people are saying I'm not deaf and I know that you have all been subjected to humiliation in one form or another." I sighed and looked down at my hands. "I just wanted to know, are you guys ashamed of me? I can understand if you are and I'll accept it if you two don't want to keep your distance me and all that." There, I had said it. Tor was the first to reply.

"What are you talking about Blair? Of course we're not ashamed of you. Do you really think that I would still be here, right now, in your house if I were ashamed? Where are these weird thoughts coming from man? What's going on in that head of yours?"

"Well with all the whispers going on and all the stares, it just gets too much, you know?" I replied.

"Blair dude, you so have to mellow out about this. Believe me man there isn't any way that we could be ashamed of you. I mean those people whispering and the stares, it's because you're a rarity!" I looked up at Nick with surprise.

"I mean it's not every day that you see a guy who's sure of himself. Who knows what he is and has nearly everything together. Not only that, you're smart. Smart Samoan New Zealanders are very hard to come by and ad the fact that your gay, well it's just not heard of man. But it doesn't mean that we're ashamed of you."

"Exactly what Nick said Blair, we aren't ashamed. Not one bit!" Tor said as she came forward to hug me. Nick also came by me and sat on the arm of the chair.

"And what about this afternoon dude? What was that with Andrew Barclay?"

"What do you mean?" I asked dumbly.

"Well him defending you for starters!" Tor replied.

"Yeah and you not defending yourself. You know you could have taken David. We would have had your back dude!" They were both looking at me expectantly waiting for an answer.

"Well one thing at a time. The thing with Andrew, well he's my peer counsellor."

"What!" They both exclaimed.

"Yeah and that's not all. He was matched up because we both have something in common." They both didn't click at first to what I was leading on to but then.

"Andrew's gay???" They both shrieked. The way they said it at the same time was so comical I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well sort of, he says he keeps his options open."

"You mean he's bisexual?" Nick asked.

"Nick you dummy there's no such thing as bisexual people, only greedy people!" said Tor, which got us all laughing.

"Oh shush you, yes he's bisexual." I said while smiling.

"Whoa man, that's weird. I would never have picked him to be bi!" Nick said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Well he just doesn't look it! I mean, I couldn't picture him with another guy!" Nick replied.

"That's a bit narrow minded!" I said. I couldn't help but laugh at the wonderment on Nick's face. His facial expression was like that surprise look of a child who's just received a gift.

"Hey that explains the toilet thing!" Tor said.

"Toilet thing?" Nick asked.

"You know, the rumour about Andrew being caught in the toilets! It all adds up now!" Tor said.

"Oh c'mon you cant really believed that happened can you?" I said sarcastically.

"Well you never know, I really didn't believe you were gay at first until you told me!" Tor said with a frank look on her face.

"Yeah well innocent until proven guilty Tor" I said.

"Andrew Barclay Bi, geez I never would have thought!"

"You've said that already Nick." Tor said with a hint of annoyance.

"Yeah but still it hasn't set in!" he paused for a second. "Oh yeah and the thing with David, you still haven't said why you didn't punch the dork!"

"And what would that have proved? That I'm just as dumb an idiot as he is? No thanks. Plus it would have only just made things harder for all of us!"

"How?" Tor asked.

"Well think about it. All they need is an excuse and they won't just turn on me, they'll turn on you guys too"

"Well it's a bit too late for that, or have you forgotten about yesterday?" Tor reminded me.

"And no one would dare hit you, with your dad being a pig and all." Nick added.

"Yeah well it's not like 'daddy' lives with us, I mean what's he going to do? He doesn't even know any of this is going on!"

Mum and dad had been separated for just under a year and he lived in a suburb north from us in Avalon.

"Well when are you going to tell your mum? She's not exactly a Hitler and I think she already suspects that you're gay. She'll be cool with it" Tor said. Tor was right. Mum probably would be ok with it but some things are just hard to say to a parent.

"I don't know Tor. It's not like I'm not ready to tell her I mean I want to, it's just finding a good time to tell her or at least a good reason to tell her!" I replied. I knew that was weak reasoning but I had to say something.

"She's your mother Blair. Surely that's reason enough." Tor said. I looked away from them both, I felt like I was under scrutiny all of a sudden.

"We're not putting pressure on you to come out Blair. But don't you think keeping this away from your mum is getting a bit hard? She's not stupid and Nick and I would be here to help you!"

"Can we change the subject for now? I know I'm avoiding it but when it happens, it happens okay?"

Blair and Tor seemed to accept that for now. I got some blankets and watched a few movies till midnight and camped out in the lounge.

The school bell rang just as I entered homeroom. Mr Davis stopped me before sitting down.

"Blair, can you come see me before you leave"

"Uh sure" I sat down and waited for the clock to hit nine. The bell rung for first class and I walked up to Mr Davis' desk.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes I just wanted to have a little chat"

"I don't mean to be rude sir but I really have to get to class" I had the parrot first up again and the last thing I wanted was more humiliation from that old bird.

"Don't worry about your first class, I've already excused you." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and he pointed to his desk chair. I sighed and sat down while he sat back on his desk.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Well, for starters how is counselling going?"

"I don't have to tell you what's going on between me and the guidance counsellor." I said defensively.

"I didn't ask you what was being said Blair, I asked how it was going." Mr Davis was looking at me expectantly.

"Its okay I guess." I replied.

"I see, several students reported that there was a scuffle between you and a few seniors yesterday after school. Is this true?"

"Yes, it's true" I answered solemnly

"This wouldn't happen to be about the rumours circling around school?"

"Yes something like that"

Great it was already happening. Now I'd be expected to name names, then they'd get in trouble and I'd have my ass jumped after school.

"Well I thought you'd like to know, they've been suspended."

"What?" Wait a minute was I hearing correctly?

"Yes, apparently quite a few students came forward yesterday who had witnessed what happened and the principal is meeting with them as we speak." Damn that Andrew. Him and I need to have some words.

"Well, err. thanks Mr Davis, I mean. I don't know what to say."

"No don't thank me. It was your fellow students who came through this time. But I do have some advice."

"And that is?"

"Don't be afraid to stick up for yourself Blair. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you should go beat up on everyone that says something unpleasant about you but don't let them get away with the spiteful behaviour. Excusing other people's actions is like accessory to a crime. Which from what I've heard, is what you've been doing with these guys."

"So your saying my decision to not get violent back was stupid?" I said defensively.

"No that's not what I'm saying. I think it's great that you didn't retaliate on their level but what I am saying is that you should never hesitate to come forward to one of us teachers. It's our responsibility to ensure that you are safe on your way to school, during school and on your return home from school." Mr Davis said rather seriously.

"But what about outside of school sir? I mean if they get even the slightest hint that me or one of my friends came forward about this. then what?"

"Then we refer it to the police. Don't be so na‹ve Blair. Processes are in place to keep you safe, the law is on yours side."

I was getting rather tired of Mr Davis' lecture. It was beginning to sound like a sermon.

"Okay okay I get it, can I go now?" He sighed and nodded.

"Blair?" he asked as I reached the door. I turned.

"Yes?" I huffed.

"You're a good kid." I smiled wryly and walked out the door.


The lunch bell had just rung. Finally Miss White our music teacher let us go. I hadn't seen Blair all day and wanted to apologise. I was also thinking about what dad had said. Would Blair want to go to the ball with me? I must admit he's attractive. His brown hair was cut very short with that fringe thing in the front. He was as tall as I was and had a boyish face. His skin tone was a medium olive colour and he had a wicked smile. He also had gentleness about him, a friendly presence that made him even more striking. Thinking about him brought a warm sensation to my face. I then realised that I was unconsciously smiling.

Whoa! Is this what dad saw when I was talking about Blair? How embarrassing! I must have been sighing like a lovesick fool over him in front of dad. I wonder if Blair ever noticed. Well speak of the devil. I had made my way down to one of the inner quads and Blair was there eating lunch with Tor and Nick. They were eating away when Blair looked up and saw me.

"Andrew!" Blair said acknowledging me. He smiled. That's a good sign.

"Hey Blair" I nodded and the other two and they nodded back.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

"Sure, have a seat!" He said pointing to a spot next to him.

"No I mean, in private." He looked at Nick and Tor then nodded.

"Sure, I'll be back shortly guys!"

Nick and Tor went back to chatting while Blair followed me. He seemed much happier than usual. I stopped him as we got around the corner.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked.

"Well I don't have to deal with David and them anymore!"

"What do you mean?"

"Haven't you heard? They got suspended!" He smiled and I felt another pang in my stomach. Except this time it wasn't guilt gut, it was something rather different. Like butterflies.

"Really? Well that's great!" I said honestly.

"Yeah I know. So what did you want to talk about?" he was still smiling and looking at me intently. That same weird feeling came across my face.

"Oh, I Just wanted to say umm, sorry about yesterday"

"That's okay, I overreacted a little, but apology accepted. So is that it?"

"Well yeah. I mean no, I mean."

"Are you okay Andrew, your face is all red" he said looking worried.

"Umm, I'm okay, it's just that I have something else to ask you." My face was getting warmer. I'm sure I must have been blushing several shades of red.

"Oh, what is it?" he asked sincerely.

"Well. I. er. was wondering."

"Yes." he said expectantly.

"Well, was wondering. if you umm. would like. to, you know. go to the ball. with me?"

"Why Andrew, are you asking me out?" Blair was grinning. He wasn't going to make this easy.

"Well. you could say that" I said, blushing further.

"Well Andrew, either you are or you aren't!" he said feigning irritation.

"Okay, yes I'm asking you out!"

"Well, that's a round about way of doing it!" he said while chuckling.

"You know what, forget it!" I said feeling fed up. I tried to turn away but he held me in place.

"Look Blair I'm sorry" he said with a captivating smile. "I'd love to go to the ball with you."

Did I hear correctly? He wanted to go?

"You do?"

"Of course, but you know that means being seen with another guy" he said ironically. The thought had occurred to me earlier.

"Fuck it Blair, It's the last week of school before final exams, I'm not coming back here. And personally I'd be the luckiest guy to be seen with you."

It was his turn to blush. I liked seeing him fidget.

"Okay then Andrew lets do it." He whipped out a pen and wrote his number on my hand. "Give me a call tonight and we'll plan everything out okay?"

"Okay Blair, I'll catch you later!"

I took off in to a light jog entering the mail hallway. I couldn't believe it. It felt like I was walking on air. I turned back to look at Blair and he was still standing there with a blissful look on his face. This was going to be great!

Continued in Part 3

Hey there guys, I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know what you think about the story. I love hearing feedback and even a small "I like your story" helps me get going. Email me at

Until next time.

Next: Chapter 3: Night to Remember 3

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