By moc.loa@dlefrednaV

Published on May 2, 1999




By Stefan Vanderfeld Vanderfeld

The summer I really came to accept my bi-sexual life style was the best summer of my life. Everything was new and exciting. My intentions were to be away for three weeks. I ended up not coming home until the end of the summer. During that time, I accepted strange and interesting offers and travel opportunities. I was a bundle of hormones on the loose. I miss those times.

I knew it was going to be a terrific summer. After studying for my big exams, I had decided to reward myself and go down to Greece. I was 17, and my parents had grown quite accustom to trusting me. I had heard so much about the Greek Sun and women. After such stuffiness in school, I looked forward to a summer of low inhibition. I decided that I should spend my three week holiday getting to know what everyone was talking about. And I guess, I have to admit, that secretly, I also had heard interesting stories about some good-looking guys. But until my "Midnight Express" train ride, I refused to listen to my desires.

I had heard about a very famous place on the Greek island of Corfu . A few friends who had been there the year before had said it was just one long on going party. So, that was my destination. That and any other adventure in route!

I boarded a train and headed south from my home near Amsterdam. It was a long way to Greece, but the quiet time was terrific.

Once I got into Lugano, Switzerland, a night train would carry me down to the coastal town of Brindisi and from there I would catch a ferry to this northern Greek island.

The train from Lugano was to leave at about 22:00 (in the night) and I had reserved a cabin in a sleeping car. Italian trains are notorious for nighttime robberies - and so I was very nervous about the trip. They are famous for coming by the cabin, and while you are sleeping, spraying some sleeping gas into the compartment. And then, while you were sleeping deeply, they would come into your car and take your things. I didn't want that to happen.

As I came to my car, I walked in, and already two other gents were inside the car. They were sitting there with a bottle in their hands.

Using my bad school English, I said, "Hallo - I am Peter Paul from The Netherlands."

"Hello. I am Mats, and this is my friend Nils. Are you in this cabin with us?"

I nodded.

"Come in. Do you want to Greek Ouzo?"

The label of the bottle read "Ouzo" - an anisette liqueur. I introduced myself, and learned that they were both from a small town on the Southern Swedish coast. Nils was tall and had piercing blue eyes. Mats was shorter, with dark hair and brown eyes. They explained that they were in the Swedish military, and were taking a holiday in Greece as well. I was relieved to know that there were some Scandinavians that I could trust. I got along with Scandinavians.

I was sixteen, almost seventeen at the time. Mats and Nils were 19 - but both had boyish faces. I had been pretty dedicated to my studies and really wasn't much of a drinker. But I was very much in a party mood - and gratefully accepted the swigs of ouzo they offered.

Wham. The stuff was pretty strong, and before I knew it I was feeling very light headed. All three of us ended up sitting on my lower bunk. I asked if I could take the lower bunk, for it was easiest to fit into.

Although only 16 at the time, I was already tall and very muscular. My long hours of football (American soccer) had paid off - and my body was sleek and well toned. Since my mother was from the West Indies and my father very Dutch, I had wispy blonde hair and a dark olive color skin. I have to admit that my looks had gotten me pretty far with the women in my life - even at 16. I looked older, and that entitled me to an early start. Yet, I still caught myself thinking about new and interesting ideas - ones that I wasn't ready to admit -- ideas about men.

The train headed into the night - and the three of us sat there, using very bad English - and talking about our schooling. We quickly moved to football (American Soccer). Like any football player, we started sharing war stories - and looking at each other's leg scars. The world seemed quite small that night. Only the small reading light dimly lit our little world - on a train.

The bottom bunk wasn't that large. I sat at one end. Mats sat in the center. And Nils sat at the other end of the bunk facing me. As we drank, our legs cramped from having them folded under us. Little by little, we spread out legs out - and inevitably, they began draping across each other. But we were laughing and being goofy. And so it didn't matter.

Occasionally, I would across - and would catch Nils staring at me. My frosty blonde hair combined with West Indian dark eyes often had a strange appeal to many people. Inevitably, I would expect the question "where are your parents from?" And as he stared, I found myself also looking back - and enjoying the attention.

Nearly three hours into the trip, the train was rocking and we were feeling fine. But finally I had to stretch. While reaching up and grabbing the bunk above me like a meandering cat, I moaned lightly as I mentioned the uncomfortableness of the train from the night before. My back was still hurting. Almost instantly, Nils said, "I can get them out for you!"

We are pretty open to new ideas in The Netherlands, but I was a little hesitant. A guy is rubbing my back? He said to me "Come, you must allow me - you know we are famous in Sweden for our Swedish Massage." The softness in his eyes and his voice left me little choice. This anisette liquor was making me feel very good, and figured oh, what the hell, let him try to get the kinks out.

We all stood in our cabin. Mats went to the other side, and Nils grabbed my shirt. I lifted it off and threw it on the top bunk.

Nils hooked his thumb under my Levis. Take these off as well. For a moment, I think I held my breath. But meekly, I pulled button by button from my jeans, and they dropped to my ankles.

As I steps out of the Levis, my body had little left to keep my warm. Only my small blue briefs, tightly spread across an aching dick remained. If you are American, you would find it interesting to know that we still wear very thin briefs - almost speedo type underwear. Even today, I still like them, not being able to get used to American boxers.

Mats reached into his bag and took out a bottle of lotion. I raised my eyebrows, thinking to myself how convenient it was to have lotion in your backpack. Mats caught my smile, and said it always came in handy. He smiled at me. And something in me was excited.

Mats handed Nils the lotion. He was almost ready to pour the liquid onto his hands, but then stopped.

"Do you mind if I take my clothes off as well. I don't have many clothes, and I want to keep these as clean as possible for awhile."

"Sure," I said. And I knew that really I was excited about that. Why wouldn't I want to see his Swedish body. How many times had I wanted to glance at a naked body while showering in the sport club. Yet a long glaze was dangerous - and so I never stared. But now, perhaps I could look.

He told me to lie down with my face on the bunk and to relax. Clad in only his green tight briefs, he straddled my back, placing his knees on either side of my butt. It was kind of cool to have such a strong man on my back. He poured some lotion into his hand, and his hands began to massage my back.

Without meaning to, I let out a long breath of air accompanies by a small guttural groan. Ah man, it felt so good. Between the ouzo and Nils' incredible hands, I was in absolute heaven - just sort of melting away. The train was rocking, his hand were rocking - and I got the first great impressions of Swedish massage.

Nils started with my shoulders and worked his way down. It was my lower back, just below my waist that had felt pinched all day. As he moved near the waistband of my briefs, I felt myself tense up. He knew it was tender. He asked me where it hurt most.

I reached back, sliding my hand under my briefs and touched the tender area. I felt his hand follow and slide under my hand to the strained muscle.

My butt had very strong muscles, but right at the top of one of the cheeks was where it. Nils rubbed for a moment.

"Can I take your briefs down?" he asked. "I don't want to get lotion on them."

I mumbled something about not caring - and then he said I really should just take them off. I usually hadn't been shy before around guys. Why start now. Besides, I just wanted him to keep massaging.

Nils grabbed my briefs and started to pull them down - and I was instantly a bit embarrassed as I realized the briefs had been caught up by my cock in the front. Without me really realizing it, I had developed a very hard dick. He acted as if was no problem, and just reached around in front, and slipped them up and over. I shook with a jolt as his hand brushed along side my long dick.

As I was growing older, I was amazed at how long my dick was. I knew that I was taller than most of the guys in the class, and that perhaps I was developing faster, but even the other guys in the class used to tease me - sort of in envy - at my length. So when it was hard, compared to other guys, it wasn't to shabby.

After slipping my underwear off, I laid my head back down. From behind me, I could feel more motion, and then from the corner of my eye, I could see that Nils had tossed his also shed green briefs to the floor of the train. I know that Nils said something in explanation, but my attention was too distracted as I felt him reposition himself on my back. I could feel the heat of his bare skin. My head was swimming.

As I looked the right, I saw that Mats was also in his underwear. It seems strange now, since he wasn't massaging, but I just looked at him and smiled. He was intently staring at where Nils hands were working on my backside. And I could tell that Mats was a little more than excited at what he saw.

Nils took the lotion bottle and squirted lotion onto my body. I jumped, as I felt the lotion running down the smooth curves between my ass cheeks: That wasn't where I was expecting it. Nils said he was sorry, and that he would catch it. He instantly put the bottle down and started rubbing. He made a sort of circular motion, each time, running his thumb down the inside of my buns. Each time as he ran his fingers round and round my butt, this sort of moan came from my mouth. I didn't mean to make that sound - and each time the sound came, I was surprised.

As he worked his magic on my buns, another set of hand started on my back. I opened my eyes. Mats was standing in front of me. I looked in surprise, as I realized that he had also removed all of his clothes. Pointing right at me, like a dagger, was a very healthy and shiny cock. He layed his hand on my head, and slowly pushed my head back down to rest on the bed. As he moved forward, I could smell the sweaty smell of a man. It was intoxicating.

I was in heaven. I felt like I could hardly breath. And I was for damn sure not going to stop anything. Nils has been rubbing my rear and was slowly moving down my legs. I could feel him working his way down between my legs - getting closer to my balls. Slowly. Teasing. As he got closer, I thought the anticipation would kill me. Part of my brain was telling me I probably shouldn't be doing this. And the other part was curious as hell - and didn't want them to stop.

Man, what a team. I could feel my dick just dripping under me - it felt so large that I though it would bust.

Nils said he was going to use his body to massage mine. He bent over, and sort of laid his chest down on my back. As he did so, his naked pelvis rotated back, and I suddenly felt this large feeling slowly nestling into my ass crack. I could feel his warm thick flesh lay on me. And then, oh so slowly, he started to move up and down - a little at a time.

He had a huge dick. And it was so thick. It just laid there for a second - as if he was waiting for me to get used to it. I sort of squeezed my buns, and that was his que to start moving. My body started moving with his - feeling his strong body on top of mine. God, it felt so great - sort of like your mom giving you a huge hug when you were little.

As Nils rocked his log back and forth in my butt crack, I soon began to realize that the head of his dick was pausing every so quickly at the entrance to my butt. And without even realizing that I was doing it, when he would stop there, I almost ached, as if I wanted it to go in. And he would just stop - and I would just sort of buck my hips up a little, wanting his tool to slide ever so little into my ass, or to just sort of rub there for a minute. It felt so good.

The next time he stopped there, and I nudged up, it worked. His dick popped inside of me and kind of pulsed, and then popped back out. What a great feeling.

Mats stopped rubbing my shoulders and disappeared. After a few moments, I felt a tremdous great feeling. I could feel that Mats had gone to the other end of the bunk, and had placed his hands inside my inner thighs. He had reached down and grabbed my balls.

Mats started his magic with my balls. There was a pause, and then I suddently felt a warm and wet feeling around my balls. He had connected with his face. I screamed. As I shivered in pure pleasure, I bucked up, and instantly felt Nil's dick enter into my butt. I screamed again.

I didn't want them to stop. And they couldn't Mats started sucking on my balls like they were candy. And Nils was pumping ever so lightly at my butt. A little at first. It was like he was teasing me - daring me to tell him I wanted more. Finally, I couldn't take it any more - and I started pushing back, and I felt his dick slide deeper and deeper into my ass.

I felt my face clench, as I realized how big he was. And I was so tight. And it hurt - in a way. But my balls were in heaven and I really didn't care what they were doing, I know it just felt great.

Deeper and deeper he went - going a little more each time. Nils put his arms under me, and pulled me against him. He lifted me up so that my butt was elevated a little - and then it seemed to hurt much less. As I raised into the air, I felt Mats travel under me and continue his licking sensation. He moved up my body and began to take long licks on my dick.

Ahhhhhhhhggggh. It felt so good. His tongue was so warm and made a sort of darting kind of feeling.

Just as Mats closed around the head of my cock, Nils thrust deep inside of me - feeling as if he was trying to touch Mats on the other side. It was hard to think at that moment, but I remember thinking how wild it was that I was having sex with these two incredible Swedes.

Nils started a pumping motion that increased in speed as Mats sucked faster and faster. I wished that it could have gone on forever, but I was so turned on, that I just couldn't do a thing. I felt my breath get faster and faster - and with one final push, I backed into Nils and rammed his dick far inside.

That did for him - just as I felt a month worth of seed pour out of my balls and drain into the dark haired god underneath. I felt a warm splash against my shoulders as Mats came at the same time. He fell back onto the floor of the train.

As my pelvis fell forward, exhausted, Nils fell on top of me, his dick still in my butt.

We laid there for a few minutes - and I didn't know what to say. I felt Nils slowly pull his slick dick out of my butt. Nils continued stroking my butt, soothing the pounding he had just finished. Soft stokes as delicate as rose. As he did so, I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke, the train was stopped. The Swedish studs were gone - having already gotten off. Tacked onto my underwear was a note that said:

"Peter Paul - meet us in one week on the island of Santorini. We will find you. There is still much more lotion left."

You can bet I knew where I would be in one week!

THE END - for now.

Stefan Vanderfeld is a writer living in Austin, Texas. Part of this story is semi-autobiagraphical from his European trips. If you enjoyed this story, have comments, or want to be included in his mail list for past and future stories, please write to him at

Stefan has written about 10 other stories about his life adventures of loving and learning. Other stories include:

IN THE LAND OF NICHOLAS - A neighborly story of help and passion in a boys basement A NORWEGIAN INNITIATION - The story of an American visiting a friend in the Norwegian military ADAM ON MY RIB - A tender story of pain, comfort and a first time A KITTEN IN MY BED - A surprising wake up call from a friend's big brother.

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