Night with Kevin

By Painter Paul

Published on Mar 19, 2001


I didn't sleep very well that night. I wasn't used to having someone else in the bed with me. I'm not objecting, mind you, but I guess it takes practice to do the usual moving around at night that people do and not wake each other up constantly. We'll have to work on that more.

I think that we would individually wake up occasionally at night. I remember Kevin turning a few times, wrapping an arm around me, I certainly did the same to him. I would put my nose near his body and just absorb the aroma. There were a couple of times that I remember him fondling me in the middle of the night. I certainly did it to him. Just the act of being in bed together and interacting like that was one of the nicest things I'd done.

I woke up early the next morning just as the room was getting light. Kevin was lying on his side again, so I turned on my side and drew myself up close. I put an arm around him. I was just lying there feeling his soft skin, admiring his aroma, and enjoying his presence. My hand was kind of absent-mindedly rubbing his chest. I was a bit startled when he turned over on his back. We were so close that my mouth sort of brushed his cheek when he turned. It was almost like kissing him....

I left my hand on his chest. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

He turned his head towards me, "that's OK, I was waking anyway."

Our mouths were very close when he turned to talk to me. I could feel his warm breath. He kept his head in about the same position, so, before I could really think about it, I gave him a little kiss on the mouth.

"Good morning to you," he said. The kiss didn't seem to bother him at all. A second or so later, he even turned and gave me a quick kiss on the lips!

This was kind of cool, and I didn't know where it was going, but I liked it. I kissed him back. He giggled a little and kissed me back. I did the same to him. It was getting kind of silly.

Then it got serious.

He rolled over and kissed me firmly on the lips and he stayed there. I gently opened my mouth and could feel he was doing the same. I felt his tongue come out and start feeling around my lips. I brought my tongue out and we touched. We spent what seemed like an eternity exploring each others' mouths and tongues. It was wonderful. Feeling his teeth, his lips, his tongue - things I had neither experienced nor imagined. I could feel that we were both getting hard, too.

At the same time we were kissing, we were gently rubbing each others' backs. The feeling of his soft, silky skin, his aroma, his hot breath, his warm mouth. I felt like I had entered a whole new world!

After a few minutes, we backed off a little. We didn't say anything, but I gave him a final little kiss on the lips. He smiled. We were still kind of holding each other, and we were both very hard. I was leaking some, I know he must have been, too.

I reached down to feel his cock. The head was very wet with pre-cum. I rubbed the head a little and he turned back on his back, stretched and moaned. I wasn't rubbing him hard, just gently feeling his hard cock. We were both enjoying it, though. I paused for a moment and brought my hand up to smell it. It had a unique smell; hard to describe but very erotic. I tasted it - salty, but not unpleasant.

He turned his head to see what I was doing. "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"What's it like?"

"Salty. Weird. Neat."

He reached down and took some of what was leaking off my dick. That mere touch made me shudder it felt so good. He tasted some of my pre-cum.


I reached down and started rubbing him again. We were both enjoying this. I moved so that I could rest my head on that beautiful chest as I slowly rubbed him. He stretched again as he got harder.

I moved my head down a little more. I wanted to feel those abs with my face as I was rubbing him. His cock head was swollen and red. He was leaking more. A little drip was starting to go down to his belly.

I lifted my head and caught the drip on my tongue. Right from him. Still warm, a little thicker than before, still salty. My tongue hit the end of his dick. It was nice to feel the warm, soft head with the end of my tongue. He liked it too, and moaned. This is hardly how I had planned on starting my Saturday, but this was very pleasant.

I didn't really think before I did fact, I hadn't really thought about any of this before I did it...but I moved down so I could take more of him in my mouth. As I moved a little more, he reached down and started fondling me. I can't believe how good this all felt. It all seemed so natural, not like people said....who cares what they say, anyway?

I started rubbing and sucking him at the same time. I didn't know exactly what to do, other than keep my teeth out of the way. I could feel him getting a little more swollen. His breathing was getting hard, and he was rubbing my cock harder and faster.

As I was rubbing him, I could feel his balls pull up a little. He moaned, "I'm gonna cum!" and he did! I could feel the contractions of the muscles in his cock as it was in my mouth. I could feel the force and the taste of the warm cum. It was so intense, so neat, so close, so personal.

He lay back and let go of me. He was breathing hard and I could see the sweat starting to break out on that beautiful belly. I kept him in my mouth until he was soft, and then licked him clean. I moved back so that I was lying next to him again, and was gently running my fingers over his now-empty balls.

"That was unbelievable," he said. "I have never had anything like that. I didn't really mean to cum in your mouth, you OK?"

"I liked it. Every part. I had no idea it could be so cool."

He was catching his breath a little.

"Now I supposed I have to return the favor?"

"You don't have to do anything. I'm happy with what I got."

"We should stay even, though."

I smiled a sly grin, "well, if you insist."

He turned on his side and started gently rubbing me again. I hard started to soften, but I quickly got hard. He put his head on my chest as I had done to him. Problem is, his chest is chiseled and muscular. Mine is flat and thin, just like my belly. Not much shape at all.

He started playing with my balls, then rubbing my cock, then going back to my balls, getting me more and more worked up. He was good! I could feel the pre-cum leaking from my cock. He moved and went down to it.

His tongue touched the tip of my cock. What a feeling! Warm, wet, I could feel his breath. He engulfed the whole head in his mouth. His head is big and his cock is thick. Mine is thinner with a smaller head. He easily took it in. Somehow, he managed to take my whole cock into his mouth. Oh my God! That was amazing. Warm, moist, I could feel him sucking as he worked my cock.

He had moved so that I could fondle him a little. I was doing that with one hand while he was sucking me. A whole new experience - I had never had anyone else bring me to orgasm. He was changing the speed and depth as he was sucking me. It was fantastic. I have never felt anything that good.

I was close. I was breathing fast and deep. "I'm going to cum." I didn't know what he would do at that point, I hoped he wouldn't stop.

He just took me even deeper. I could feel his mouth going all the way to my pubes. That did it... I came multiple times in huge gushes. He took it all.

Now it was my turn to collapse. We just both lay there. Kevin brought the covers gently up over us, we embraced and dozed off again.

Some time later, probably an hour or two, we both woke again. I gave him a kiss.

"I'm hungry. No, that wasn't enough to fill me up."

He laughed. "Anything here?"

"I doubt it. Let's go to Mac's or something."


We pulled the covers back, sat up, and realized that we both really needed to take a shower. After the activities of the night and morning, we were not very presentable.

"Um, I need a shower," I said.

"Me, too. Let's go."


"We have showered together in gym. Why not now?"


"Do you have some underwear I can use?"

"Not the boxers you like."

"I can suffer."

"You're so brave...."

We went down to my room and I got some clean underwear for both of us. "It may be a little small."

"I'll manage."

We walked down the hall to the bathroom. I turned on the water and he started to pee in the toilet. This was new. He was so relaxed about all this so quickly.

Once the water was warm, we both got into the shower together. I let him be closest to the showerhead. He is the guest, you know....

I handed him the shampoo and just enjoyed watching him as he was washing his hair. Just watching his muscular body move was nice. He washed it once, rinsed it, and started looking for the shampoo again. I put some on my hand and started washing his hair for him. It was nice. Personal, not really sexual, just nice.

He smiled, "I love having my hair washed and scalp massaged. That feels great. Thanks."

After spending a little longer washing it than he would, I gently pushed him towards the water so he could rinse. While he was doing that, I picked up the soap. He came from the running water and I started washing him with the soap. I started with his hands and arms, and worked my way to his chest. My washing was both a cleaning and a worship. I worked my way down to that beautiful belly, but didn't go to his crotch.

I knelt down in the shower and started washing one leg. I started at the foot, and worked my way up. I looked up at him and he looked down and smiled. That beautiful cock was hanging right in my face. It was full, but not hard. He looked like a Greek God!

When I had finished both of his legs, I reached up and started washing his cock and balls. I was really washing more than teasing. He enjoyed it. After finishing, I gently cued him to turn so I could do his back.

I reached up and started soaping and massaging his shoulders and back. I worked my way down to his crack. I paused for a moment at the hole....

I got him to turn again to rinse his back. His cock was right in my face, so I gave it a little kiss.

I stood up and we switched places. He did my hair and washed me. It was such a nice feeling. Personal, yet not sexual.

We got out of the shower, dried, and he put on the loaned briefs. Just a touch too small, but did they show off what he's got!

"You need to wear those more often!"

"I'd probably not be able to walk. I'll save them for you."

After dressing, we started out the door. We got to the front door, turned to each other, embraced and kissed.

For some reason, I don't think that we're just going to be school chums any more.....

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