Not a Perfect Love

Published on Jun 21, 2001


Ok, so, here's the deal, see. I am the copyright holder of this story. It may not be posted anywhere without my conscent, nor is it allowed to use it on a paysite.

This is my first story involving boy-boy love, so it might not be the greatest of all, but hey, I'm only 16! Anyway, this story will not contain any sex, whatsoever. There might be scenes implying on that the characters do have sex, but if that is the case, the scene will not be graphically described.

This episode's quote is:

Taken from: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Season I Buffy: "I'm 16 years old. I don't want to die."

"Standing at the docks, A silent tear hits the ground, Mourning the love that I lost, The love that I'd just found,"



So... it's now been six months since I first met Brian. Sure, he said that Junior year had just started when we first met, but he's such a whacko. It was actually the beginning of March when we first literally ran into each other. And now, Summer Break's on and I'm missing school terribly. But of course, now that I've got someone to keep me warm at night, I can just lay in bed and sleep in late.

NOT A PERFECT SUMMER Chapter 03 - Judgement - Reap What Thou' Sow

So, Philip, this is your life. When you think about it, what do I actually have? Nothing... at least nothing for certain. My relationship to Ripley might just end up in heartbreak and I might flunk out of High School. But then again, what is certain? Are we really the only intelligent life-form out there? Are there really government conspiracies? Does God exist and if so, will Judgement Day come soon? I don't care. I'll just have to try to enjoy the moment for as long as I can. Maybe my relationship might blow over tomorrow, but then, at least I'll have had today. Oh speaking of today... we're going shopping! I finally get to have somebody else than Julia to go oh-ing and ah-ing over clothes with. Who knows. Maybe he'll try on some briefs and ask for my oppinion, not that I haven't already seen what he's "packing". - What are you thinking about? Ripley asks, interrupting my naughty thoughts. - Oh, nothing. I say. - I'm just amazed over how you could keep such a "straight" profile, even fooling yourself. And then I came along and spoiled everything for you. - Oh, you didn't spoil anything. Ripley chuckled and gave me a pat on the back. - So, you're not upset over the fact of that unless science takes a great leap forward, we'll never be able to have kids? I ask him. - Nope. He says. - As long as we get to be together, I'm happy. - So, what you're saying is that you're gay? I ask. - Alright then, but just don't go queer on me and stay away from those fags. - I might just have to buy a thesaurus. Ripley chuckles. He then looks around to see if there's anyone around and when he sees that there isn't anyone, he leans in and give me a quick peck on the lips. - You know, I just love it when you do that. I say when we break the kiss. - It's like Piper and Leo, only you can't orb out and I can't freeze you in the middle of love-making in order to use your stick to satisfy myself if you're too quick. - Oh, now that's what you've got Mr. Dildo for. Ripley leers at me. - You found my dildo?! I exclaim and then quickly look around. Thank God that there isn't anyone in sight! - You went through my stuff last night when I fell asleep after our incredible love-making, didn't you?! - First of all, I didn't go through your stuff. Ripley says. - Second of all, you've got a dildo?! And third, you thought that it was incredible? - Well, yeah. I say. - I swear that I heard angels sing Hallelulja. - Oh, that actually happened. Ripley says. - Are you trying to make a beleiver out of me? I question him. - No, but I accidentaly hit the ON/OFF button of the remote control to your TV and it switched onto a channel featuring a choir singing Hallelulja. Ripley chuckles. - Besides, you know that I ain't Christian. - So... what do you want to do tonight? I ask him. - Sure, we can cruise the shops this afternoon, but what about this night? It's our one-week anniversary. Wanna go someplace fancy and eat? And then, maybe make out in front of everybody and shocking the hell out of those snobs? - Sounds like a plan to me. Ripley chuckles. - You know that this'll be your coming out party, literally, right? I ask him, just to make sure. I love my little angel boy and don't want him to be forced into something that he doesn't want to do, especially my moi. - Yes. He says and then smiles widely. - But I'm queer, I'm here and they'll just have to get used to it! - I know I am! I chuckle. - I'd bet! He retorts.

  • So, how about this one? I ask him and emerge from the changing rooms wearing a white tank top that shows off my navel and a pair of extremely tight blue jeans. - It's too obvious. He says after looking me over. - Oh. I sigh and go back to the changing rooms. I then emerge wearing a white shirt, a black vest over it and a pair of black slacks. - Now that looks chic. He complimented me and gave me two thumbs up. - Now, let's do you! I say, getting all worked up. So, he goes into the changing rooms and arrives shortly after, wearing a dark blue tank top, a pair of black shorts and a dark brown vest. - Err... maybe just a taaaaaad too obvious. I say. - Hmmm...! He mutters and glares at me, getting a grin in response. So, he goes back into the changing rooms and emerges shortly after wearing a pair of baggy military slacks and a white tank top. - How about now? He asks timidly. I give myself a couple of moments to let the image sink into my brain. He looks so hot in that outfit that I just want to rip his clothes off and do him right there! - You look good enough to lick, all over. I leer at him. - Quick! Saleslady! I want to pay for these, please!!! He instantly shouts and drags me off to the saleslady's counter. So, we pay for the clothes and leave the store. - Did you really mean what you said in there? He asks me. - The licking part? I ask and he nods. - Sure. I'll lick you all over and then we can spend the rest of the night simply cuddling. Suddenly, three armed med, all wearing black skimasks with holes for their eyes, mouths and noses, charged into the mall. - Everybody down! One of them, probably the leader, cries and fires off a couple of shots into the ceiling. Everybody inside of the mall, including me and Ripley, except for the men, of course, instantly threw themselves to the ground. - Nobody moves and no one will get hurt. Another of the men, a fat and short man, proclaims. - Any attempt of resistance or heroism will be rewarded by three bullets in the head. The third and last, a tall and lanky man continues. - I can't believe this is happening to us. I whisper to Ripley. - Just close your eyes and do exactly as they say. He instructs me. If I weren't being held hostage at this very moment, I'd say "Well, duh!", but I don't dare to do anything right now. I don't want to die! And neither do I want to in any way endanger Ripley. Then, the leader suddenly spots me and points his gun at me. - Fucking chink! He swears and fires off. The next couple of seconds seem to last forever. Everything moves so slowly, like in one of those cheesy slow-motion scenes in some bad action movie. Brian comes out of nowhere, jumps in front of me and takes the bullet for me. - Aah! He cries out in pain when the bullet buries itself into his shoulder and I feel some blood splatter onto my face. Then, the cops come and take the crooks away, followed by an ambulance. I can just stare as Brian is taken away, screaming, wailing and crying in pain. - Philip? Ripley asks me. And I collapse, again.


  • Fucking chink! The leader swears and fires off. I can't believe it! It all happens so fast! I fumble and try to push Philip out of the way, but Brian beats me to it, throwing himself in front of Philip. The bullet goes straight into him and some blood splatters onto Philip and myself. I can't believe that he just did that. Then, the cops come and take the bad guys away. Obviously, somebody had called an ambulance since one arrived right after that the cops left and took Brian away, with Philip staring. - Philip? I call out, waving my hand in front of his face. It seems as if his brain doesn't register my words. Then, he just collapses!


I can't believe it. Philip just called me and told me about how Brian had taken a bullet for him. So, I rush over to the hospital and Philip's sitting by Brian's hospital bed. - Hi, Jules. Brian greets me. I hate that name. The kids on my block used to call me that when I was a kid just to spite me. But maybe it fits me. Wasn't Julia Roberts called Jules in "My Best Friend's Wedding", where the herione had to break up her best friend and his bride in order to get him for herself and ending up with her and her gay friend dancing? Hmm... Philip in a tux? - Why did you do it? I ask him. - Because I just couldn't live with myself if Philip had been hit and died in that robbery. Brian answers. - Philip, I've heard that coffee is good at restoring people. I tell Philip. - Could you go and get some for Brian? - Sure. Philip says weakly and leaves. - I know that that was just a way of getting to speak to me alone. Brian says after that Philip's left. - What is it that you don't want Philip to hear? - Well, I just want to say that I'm impressed I say. - You actually did a selfless deed. Maybe you are human, after all. - Thank you. Brian says and bows deeply. - But I'll tell you this. I say and my tone turn to harsh. - If you screw up and hurt him again, they are going to be scraping of your green blood off of your bedroom wall, you heart me? - Yes. He says. - Good. I say and leave. - Tell Philip that I had to go do some extremely important homework.

NOT A PERFECT SUMMER Chapter 03 - Death - Lies, Deceit And Betrayal


  • So, I take it that you have decided to forgive me. I say as Philip and I walk to school. Well, walk and walk. We live, like, five feet from school, but still, it's nice that he isn't avoiding me in the morning like he usually does since "the incident". - Yeah. He replies. - But it's a twelve step program. It'll take some time. - Well, as long as we're on speaking terms. I chuckle. - But if you screw up and hurt me, they're gonna be scraping off your blue blood off of the classroom wall. Philip suddenly says, all stern-like. - Oh God, deja-vu here! I exclaim. - I mean it! He says. - Yeah, yeah. I chuckle and nudge him on his shoulder. - Ow! He exclaims and rubs his shoulder. - Oh, I'm so sorry! I apologize. - Please, don't hit me! - Naah. He says. - I'll let that one slide.


Oh God, my blue hair colour is fading! I can't believe it! I spend 50 dollars to get it right and now, it's fading! This sucks! - Mr. Wester? The teacher asks me and snaps me out of my thoughts. - Errr... what is the slow, but sure, impeding extinction of wolves? I ask. - Very good, Mr. Wester, Mr. Splenzinski say. I can't believe it. I was actually right. Alright, alright, pride. Wait... this is pathetic. I'm pathetic. Oh, God, just kill me right now. Wait... I kind of just knew the answer. Does that make me clairvoyant? Well, I've had many deja-vus, kind of prophetic dreams and all, but this is just ridiculous. Wait! What was that? Did I just get a vision of this week's winning lotto numbers? Naah.

  • You didn't!!! Zeira exclaims. Well, maybe you guys don't know who Zeira is. Wait... who am I talking to? Who are you guys? Hello? Anyone? Eh... well, anyways, Zeira is one of Robin's friends and, well, now she's one of mine too. She's a cheerleader, one of those self-centered, cold-hearted and bitchy girls that shouldn't be allowed around school, but hey, here were are, at a party and she just happened to spot me. - So, you're telling me that you actuall died on the operating table? She giggles. - Well, so if you rob a bank, they can't arrest you, or what? - I don't know. I say and shrug. - Maybe, I guess. I mean, they did pronounce me dead and all. - Oh, wasn't that Anastasia? Gotta go. She then says and hastily leaves. - Well, her children will be both beautiful and stupid. I groan. - Hey, Phil! I hear Brian's annoying voice call out. I turn around and there he is, walking towards me. - Hi, Bri. I say. - How are you today? Want some sorbet? Or maybe just a glass of lemonade? - Why the sudden rhyming crusade? He chuckles as he walks up to me. - Ah, felt bored. I say. - Sometimes, clichees are the best when it comes to lightening up the mood. So, this is me. A totally boring guy who's way deep into computers, well, mainly because the Internet has terrabytes of gay porn that I just can't want to sink my hands into! Ooh! Aah! And oh my God!!!! Errr... where was I? Oh, right, computers. Well, I like to doodly a little on some stories too, mostly science-fiction and fantasy and then I do this amature RPG game using RPGMaker2000 but that's about all that I do, except playing games. And when I comes to a social life, mine's non-existent. Wait... why am I going over this with myself, again? Oh my God! I'm talking to myself! Wait... I'm not. I'm thinking with myself. Well, at least that can't be classified as weird. Or can it? Paranoid? Who said I was?! Oh, me.


So, we've been talking and laughing along for two hours when Philip decides to call it a night. So, I just shrug my shoulders and bid him good bye. He leaves and just a couple of second later, I hear this noise and then some yelling. - That's odd. I think and go outside to investigate. That's when I see them, most guys on the varsity football team, shoving Philip back and forth. - Fucking fag! The quarterback curses at him. What was his name, now again? Oh right, Neo. He's short, but runs like a god. - Prancing around school like you are someone. Another guy says. That's when a guy draws a knife out of his pocket. - Hey, maybe we're taking this a little too far. One of the other guys say. - Oh, c'mon. Neo says. - Don't go sissy on us now. And suddenly, Philip's eyes meet mine. He looks at me, all helpless. And Neo notices his stare and looks over at me. - Oh, looks, isn't it Brian, the new Junior on the team! He exclaims and beckons for me to come. I nervously walk over to him. - We hear that you're this fag's roommate. He says. - Yeah. I say, shaking slightly. - Well, it's a good thing that you two aren't friends or we'd have to kick your butt too. He laughs. I feel nervous. I don't want to be beat up. So I decide to humor him and go along with him. - Well, we were, but then I found out that he was a fag and decided to just stop talking to him. I say. I glance over at Philip and he's glaring at me with a look of pure hate in his eyes. - Want to do the honors? A chubby team member asks me. - I can't. I say and they all look at me. - The coach will kick me off the team if he finds out. - Right. Neo says. - Then let's all do it together. It'll be our words against his. And they start punching and kicking Philip, who helplessly tries to avoid their blows. That just angers them more and make then punch and kick harder. I just stand there, watching. - Well, what are you waiting for? Neo asks. - I don't know...! I say hesitatingly. Then, I decide to better go along with what they say or I'd be a dead man. So, I start kicking at him too. And then it comes, a hard kick right in the pit of his stomach. And I was the kicker. - Whoa, man! A lanky team member gasps and everyone stops dead in their tracks. - That was a nasty blow! I look down at Philip, who's on the ground, whimpering. Oh my God! He's bleeding! Bruises and blood are everywhere on his body and his clothes are completely ruined. And then I hear it, a noise. I look back and see that almost everyone at the party are standing at the back window of the Alpha Delta fraternity building, watching us. And Julia is standing at the very front, giving me a look of pure disgust. - Let's make a run for it! Neo declares and the guys start moving out. I look down at Philip and then run too, too scared to do anything else.


  • I'm here again. The cliff. Standing at the cliff. Should I jump off? This is the second time around and again it's Brian who's done this to me. But this time, it was him to sent me here, not just because I wasn't careful. - It's your choice. My image says. - I must admit that I started having these "butterly-kisses-feelings" for him again when we started talking. I admit to myself, and my clone. - But... then...! - So... do you want to jump? The image asks me. - I guess not. I say. - Good. He says. - If you do, they'll win, those who hate us for no reason. We've gotta go back and press charges. Maybe they'll only have to stay in jail for a couple of weeks, but at least they'll have a record, which will spoil their future careers. - Yes. I say and curl my palms into knuckles. - I won't let them win. They will have to pay!!!


Oh God! Thank God! He woke up! I sob as I hug him, landing numerous kisses on his forehead and lips. - I was so worried. I sob when he finally regains enough sense to stop me. - I see. He says and hugs me back. - Thank you for being here. How long have I been out. - Five hours. Julia, who's sitting at a chair next to the bed, answer the question. - And you've both been here during those five hours? Philip asks. - Yeah. I say hoarsely. - Anything for my sweet angel. - We've got to make those sick bastards pay! Philip cries and then coughs several times, one of those times coughing up blood. - Yes. Both me and Julia agree in unison. - Brian...! Julia then says quietly. - What about Brian? I wonder. I was in the bathroom during "the thing", so I didn't see what that happened. I only know what Julia's told me. - He was there. Philip says quietly and looks out the window, even though its pitch black my now and you can't see a thing. - He... was with them. I found out that he was a team member...! Oh no! It dawns on me. He was in... - So... did he...? I ask cautiosly. - He gave me the final blow that made me pass out. Philip says bitterly and clutches the sheets in fury. - I can't believe it! I cry. - And the worst part is that he talked with me at the party. Philip sobs. Oh my God, he's crying again. I sit down at the bed and puts his head on my lap and start caressing his hair to comfort him. - He acted as if he wanted to be my friend again. He continues sobbing. - And I believed him. I was ready to take him back. - He'll have to pay! I cry and clasp my hands together. - Just like the rest of them. I'll just rally up my friends and...! - Don't. Philip begs me and puts a finger on my lips. I love it when he does that. I go and giggly and wiggly, like yell-o. I don't know why. I've only know him for a couple of weeks, but still, it feels as if we've known each other for out entire lives. - Don't go there. He continues. - Don't sink to their level. - I'm glad that I've got you to guide me when I'm walking into the wrong path. I say and smile warmly at him. He leans up and kisses me. I can see that it pains him to move, but still, he strains to get up and kiss me again. I love his passion. - Let's let him rest. Julia whispers to me. - She's right. I tell him. - Go to sleep. The nurse will bring in a spare bed for me, so that I can stay here with you. - Thank you, Ripley. He says weakly and then put his head back on his pillow and shut his eyes. - Thank you for everything.

Love Isn't Love/Stranger - Remake by Philip Wester The original song was sung by Carola Haeggstrom

"Stranger, you came into my life And touched me with bittersweet sensation, One stary night, it seemed so right, for then,"

"Stranger, you cut me like a knife, And added to my confusion, I thought I'd found my way, But then you came my way and messed it up,"

"Love isn't love with this feeling, It isn't love, it isn't right all, It's just delusions, A fantasy, nothing at all,"

"Love isn't love when you're sad, Every moment that you're together, you two, Yet, when he's near you, You wish that it were you two,"

"You hangs on every word that he says, Love isn't love if he's treating you this way,"

"Lover, you made me realize A new kind of disappointment, You've flunk the test, love this is the worst love, free from amends,"

"Love isn't love with this feeling, It isn't love, it isn't right all, It's just delusions, A fantasy, nothing at all,"

"Love isn't love when you're sad, Every moment that you're together, you two, Yet, when he's near you, You wish that it were you two,"

"You hangs on every word that he says, Love isn't love if he's treating you this way,"

Write to me at For all of those who read and give me feedback:

Thank you! (English, well, duh!)

Tack! (Swedish)

Takk! (Norwegian)

Tak! (Danish)

Spatsiba! (Russian)

Arigato! (Japanese)

Gracias! (Spanish)

Gratzie! (Italian)

Merci! (French)

Cam on! (Vietnamese)

Cap con cah! (Thai)

Danke! (German)

Genkuyi! (Polish)

Next: Chapter 11: Not a Perfect Summer 4

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