Not a Perfect Love

Published on Jun 21, 2001


Ok, so, here's the deal, see. I am the copyright holder of this story. It may not be posted anywhere without my conscent, nor is it allowed to use it on a paysite.

This is my first story involving boy-boy love, so it might not be the greatest of all, but hey, I'm only 16! Anyway, this story will not contain any sex, whatsoever. There might be scenes implying on that the characters do have sex, but if that is the case, the scene will not be graphically described.

This episode's quote is:

Taken from: Charmed Piper: I hope you enjoyed the show (talking to whoever of the Powers That Be that's eavesdropping or peeping on hers and Leo's lovemaking)!

So, here I am, Back on the horse, Following the love's path, Opening up once more, Baring my naked heart,


Voiceover: Previously on Not A Perfect Summer

  • Fucking chink! The robber swears and fires off his gun. A bullet shoots out towards Philip, but Brian jumps out in front of him, shielding him. - Aah! He cries out in pain when the bullet buries itself into his shoulder and some blood splatters onto Philip's face.

  • You actually did a selfless deed. Maybe you are human, after all. Julia says. - Thank you. Brian says and bows deeply. - But I'll tell you this. Julia continues, her tone turning harsh. - If you screw up and hurt him again, they are going to be scraping of your green blood off of your bedroom wall, you hear me?

  • I can't. Brian says and the rest of the team looks at him. - The coach will kick me off the team if he finds out. - Then let's all do it together. It'll be our words against his. And they start punching and kicking Philip. - Well, what are you waiting for? Neo asks. - I don't know...! I say hesitatingly. Brian soon joins them too and delivers a hard kick right into the pit of Philip's stomach. - Whoa, man! A lanky team member gasps and everyone stops dead in their tracks. - That was a nasty blow! Philip is whimpering on the ground, blood and bruises covering his body. A sudden noise makes Brian and the rest of the team turn around and everyone is looking at them through a window.

  • Hi. Philip greets Ripley at the hospital. Ripley looks up at Philip with a sad look on his face. - Philip, I have cancer. He then says.

Two amish people, a man and a woman enter Ripley's room. - They must be his parents! Julia gasps.

  • What's wrong, honey? Philip asks Ripley, who's lying on a hospital bed. - They... they knew. Ripley sobs. - What?! Julia exclaims. - Apparentely, I've had the tumor since early childhood. Ripley continues sobbing. - It was operable back then, but they chose not to do a thing. "God gives and God takes", they said. And now, it's nonoperable.

  • How can you just sit there and let your son die?! Philip demands from Ripley's parents. - Our religion forbids the measures needed to fight this disease. Ripley's mother says calmly. - That's bull! Philip cries.

  • It doesn't look like you have to spend the night here. A male nurse says to Philip. - I don't?! Philip wonders. - I'm sorry...! The nurse says. - He didn't make it.

  • We have gathered here today to honor the memory of a young man named Ripley Hansson. The priest began. Philip and Julia is standing at one side of the coffin as Ripley's family is standing on the other.

  • Philip...! Brian murmurs into Philip's ear, thinking that he's asleep. - I love you.

  • So... do you...? Brian asks cautiously. - Love you back? Philip asks him and Brian nods. - I guess. Philip says.

  • What about Miranda, the bitch on... I mean... Miranda? Philip asks. - Oh, I dumped her yesterday. Brian chuckles.

NOT A PERFECT SUMMER Chapter 07 - Choices


  • He's not good for you. Julia says. I sigh. It's the fourth time she's said it today and we're still on our way to the first class of the day. - Stop it. I groan. - I mean it. She says, all serious. - How many times haven't he disappointed you? - But he took a bullet for me. I say. - Yeah, but then he beat you up afterwards. He's not stabile. He'll turn on you at any minute. He even doesn't want anyone to know about the two of you yet. - He's a closet case. I say and shrug my shoulders. - So what? It took me five years to come out. He's just starting to deal with his gay feelings. - Do as you wish. She sighs and rolls her eyes. - Just come to me when he hurts you again. I'll be there for you. And I swear not to say "I told you so". - It'd appriciate that. I say. - But I'm sure of that that's never gonna happen. - We'll see. Julia chuckles. So, this is my life. Once more, a big pile of nothing gathered into a big pile of nothing. I mean, is there any stability in my life, except for Julia? And I've only known her for, like, not even a year yet. So, this is me, hating my parents, having sworn never to go back home, with a closet case boyfriend and well, a school full of homophobes. But so what?! I'll manage. I always do... don't I?


My heart is beating with the speed of light as I change for P.E. Philip and I are finally together. Finally, even though I've screwed up so many times. - Yo, Bri, dude. Neo shouts to me and runs up to me. Wow, he looks good in that tight tanktop and tight shorts. Too bad he's homophobic and all. - Hi. I say and finish tying my shoelaces. - So, I heard you broke it off with Miranda. He says and cock his head slightly. - Yah. I sigh. - She was so "oh-all-me", all Evita. All she was interested in doing was go shopping and do her hair. - Yeah, I heard the same thing from the rest of the guys. Neo chuckles. - But did she spread her legs for ya'? - Nah. I snort and try to sound disappointed. - I know the type well. Neo sighs. - Cock-teases. - If he only knew what I was. I think for myself and smile slightly. - So, how's things going with that Philip-guy? Neo asks and catches me off guard. - What do you mean? I ask and feel how the sweat starts building up on my brow. - Y'know, is he still not talking to you? Neo chuckles. - I can't believe he didn't press charges on you. The rest of us, sure, but you. He must really be into you. - Yeah. I groan. - Like a lost puppy that you just want to shoot or something. He's got this fantasy of us becoming boyfriends. Yeah, right. - At least it got you off the hook. Neo groans. - If I do something illegal within the next three years, I'm going to the slammer. If I even steal a candybar and get caught. - Well, that's how it goes. I chuckle. - Maybe we could pound that little Phil-kid some more. Neo says and makes a fist of his hand. - Noo!! I exclaim and he looks at me suspiciously. - I mean, the "do something illegal and go to jail"-thing, remember? Now, we wouldn't want that to happen, now, would we? - I guess not. He sighs. - And I feel sorry for him. I continue. - Y'know, no friends except that bunch of losers. Just think of how envious he must be of us. - Ha! Ha! You've got that one right. Neo chuckles. - By the way, your name-day's in a couple of days. Is the party still on? - Of course. I say. - The entire team and cheerleader troop will be there, plus some of my other friends, you know, those "pity friendships" and all. I've got to make the teachers think that I'm all goody too shoes if I want to keep my grades average. - Well, see ya' later. He says and takes off. I hate it when I have to lie like that. All those "pity friendships" are real friendships, my friendshipss with Robin, Dominique, Aqua, Ignis, Aero, Terra and the rest of the bunch. And I hate all of those fagbashing jocks and shallow cheerleaders. But I don't want to be an outsider. So I lie.


  • What's this? I wonder as I look through a pile of papers. I've just found a list of names. I read the title of the paper. "The list" it says. I look through it and see many names that I recognize as the names of cheerleaders and jocks and then the "party" as you like to call ourselves, Bri, Jules, me, Robin and the rest of the gang that he introduced us to. But not my name. It's not in there. I look further down and see the word "name-days". So... this is the guestlist of his name-day party. Why am I not on it? - Hmmm... 3rd of July...! I mumble as I look at the date written directly after "name-day". That's only in three days. Why haven't he told me about it yet? Then I hear it, the sound of the door opening. - Bri? I call out. - Yah, darling. He whispers and closes the door. How cute... or rather annoying, that he has to whisper "darling". - I just found a very interesting paper here. I say. - Oh? He asks and walks up to me. When he sees that I'm looking at "the list", he goes all quiet for a while. - You see, I haven't even accused you of anything yet, and you've already admitted to it. I say quietly. - 'Cause I've learnt that silence means guilt. So why haven't you told me anything about your name-day yet? - Because I don't want you to be there. He says quietly. I feel a knot building up in my throat and the tears start welling up. But I promised myself not to cry. I cannot cry. Not over this. I can't show vulnerability. - What did you say? I ask. - I mean, the entire football team will be there. He quickly adds. - Do you really want to face-off with them? - Yes. I say. - I can't hide forever. I pity them. That hatred that they have, for no reason. - Alright then, I'd be glad if you came. He says and hugs me. - Just for future reference. I say and pat him on the head and break the embrace. - Yeah? He wonders. - The next time you think you should protect me, consult with me first, okay? - Okay. He says and smiles widely. - And wipe that dopey grin off of your face. I chuckles. - It's not a grin. He protests. - It's a smile. No, it's not. I chuckle. - It is too! He retorts. And he then he does it. He pouts, the cute way he always does and I feel my heart melt. He looks so cute. And beautiful. And he's my cute and beautiful schmageggie.

NOT A PERFECT SUMMER Chapter 07 - Love Hurts II

"On the first of July, my true love gave to me, A white dove in a cheerytree,"

  • I got an invitation a week ago. Julia says. - I can't believe that he didn't invite you until last night. - Yeah, but he told me about how the entire football team was gonna be there and all. I say and shrug my shoulders. - So, he was protecting you? Julia asks. - Yeah. I say. - Then, all's fine. She sighs. - You don't like him, do you? I ask her. - No, I don't. She says. - I'll never forgive him for what he's done to you. - I've forgiven him. I say. - Can't you? A breeze blows through the air as we walk by the docks, overlooking the ships coming in from the sea. - Yeah, but you're the one in love, remember? She says. - Oh, right. I say.

"On the second of July, my true love gave to me, Two crystalline hearts, And a white dove in a cherrytree,"

  • So, where is this party taking place, anyway? I ask him. It's funny how you never really know where a party will be 'til the day of the party comes. - At my mom's house. Brian foretells me. I hate homework. Sure, school's nice, but homework! Why do we have to have homework? Anyway, what did he say? His mother's house? - Oh? I ask. - My parents are divorced and my dad lives in another states. He continues explaining. - Aaah. I say. - Mine are too. Gee, how many people that get divorces nowadays. - Now, let's go back to the homework.

So, the day has finally come. Brian's name-day! Sure, the shallow cheerleaders and fagbashing football team will be there, but, who cares?! I'm gonna be there on one of my boyfriends most important days of the year. - So, what did you buy him? Julia questioned me as we walk down the street, towards Brian's house, both carrying a wrapped gift each. - You'll see. I chuckle. - Well, since he's such a Star Wars freak, I bought him Episodes 1 and 4-6. - My god, it isn't true. I groan. - What? She wondered. - I bought him the exact same thing. I sigh. - Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! She laughs out loud. - See why we're friends? We're so much alike. - Yeah, and we wan't the same thing to. I say and smile devilishly. - A nice juice, hard, vibrating...! - Philip! She growls. - Banana!!! I exclaim. - Well, you don't have to scream it. She groans. - No!! Banana!!! I cry. But it's too late. Julia steps right onto a banana on the pavement and trip over, landing on her butt with a loud cracking sound. - Oh yuck! She groans and tries to wipe the banana off of her shoes. - I tried to warn you. I point out. - Yeah, yeah. She mutters. - Now I've got banana all over my butt. I can feel it squishing and...! - Ewww!!! I exclaim. - Please, other obys might enjoy it, but I do not want to think about girls' butts. I like to think about boys' butts. - Alright, alright, let's go. She says and jumps to her feet and I always lose it. There's banana in the shape of a dildo on the back of her dress!!!!! - What's so funny? She asks, obviously having overheard my "subtle" chuckling. - Oh, there's just squished banana in the shape of a really big dildo stuck to your ass! I exclaim and her face goes red. - Oh my God!!! She exclaims and hurriedly smear the squished banana into something that looks even worse than a Picasso painting. - Now, let's go. She says, trying to keep her head up high. DING**DONG So, after almost getting run over by a truck, passed by a bar frequented by construction workers that hoot at both boys and girls, we finally arrive and Brian's mother's house. - Oh, hi, guys. Brian greets us at the door and ushers us in. We awkwardly give him our packages, both identical in size and shape. - Oh my God, you accidentaly bought me the same thing, didn't you? He deduced. - Yes. Julia and I both groan in unison. - Well, if I lose one of them, I'll have a spare. He says, all sweet and smiles warmly at me. - Now, I've gotta go and mingle. He says and leaves. - And it's time for me to go and do some serious snack-eating! I declare. - Charge!!!!


  • I hate you. I groan. - You can eat as much as you'd like to without ever getting fat. - What, do my perfect figure intimidate you? Philip says and flutters his eyelashes, all innocently. I look his slim body all over and roll my eyes at myself. - I hate my thighs. I groan. - Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! He laughs superiorly. - Now, let's go get some chips. - Alright. I say. - I guess I'll have to visit the gym tomorrow. Then I remember something. - Psst. What about the surprise? I whisper to him. - Oh, I've brought the CD with me. He says and grins. - And Bri's mother has gotten a microphone for me. - Great. I say. - Let's do it, then! - Alright! He declares. While Philip goes to prepare for his "act", I go to the refreshment table to get us some drinks. A cola for me and orange juice for him. God, why does he only drink uncarbonated drinks? - Alright, ladies and gentlemen. I suddenly hear Philip's voice loudly declare and everyone's gazes, including mine, turn to the center of the room, where Philip is standing, holding a mike. - There's a slight problem. Brian's mom whispers to Philip, but the mike enhances the sound so much that everyone in the room can hear it. - What? Philip wonders. - Brian's not in. Brian's mother says. - He's out in the garden with the football team. - Oh, then, I'll just have to wait with this little surprise of mine. Philip says into the mike and then puts it down and walks up to me. - Quick, give me a drink. He says and makes a hand motion at me. I give him a glass of orange juice and he gulps it down in one swift motion. - God, you drink and eat fast. I groan. - And still, not a single pound of excessive fat on that slim body. - And did you see that fag, Philip. I suddenly hear.


  • And did you see that fag, Philip? I hear someone say and turn around. Brian and the rest of the football team has just walked into the room and Brian's talking to Neo. - Yeah, what's up with those clothes. Another team member, a guy named Iz, I think, chuckles. - So, you aren't friends again, now are you? Neo questions Brian. - Naah. Brian says.

"On the third of July, my true love gave to me, A broken heart in a flood of tears..."

That familiar lump in my throat. Why... why did he just say that? He could at least admit that we're friends. My God! I look back at Brian and see how he slowly scans the room. So, he's looking for me. What? If someone calls somebody else a schmuck and that somebody else is not there to hear it, it has never happened?! Badmouthing someone behind their back is worse than doing it in their face. I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. It's Julia. She brings me over to Robin and I hide behind Zeira, a really tall blonde girl. My God, what is she, 6"5'? - That bastard. I hear how Marion, another member of "the party" mutter. - That fag keeps hanging around me. That's Brian! How could he?! Call me a fag?! So what if I am? The word is not exactly a friendly word. - He thinks that we're friends, just because we share a dorm room. He continues and I can actually feel the hate among the party. - I'm glad that you feel that way. Neo chuckles. - So, want to go out with us and drink some beers tonight? - Sure. He says and I drop my glass. It falls to the floor and shatters with a loud sound. Everyone around he moves away and Brian sees me, standing there, staring into space. We've planned a romantic evening and he just decides to blow it off without even taking a minute to think about it. - Philip! Brian exclaims. - Well. I say. - I guess it's time for the surprise. I walk over to the mike again and turn the stereo on. The CD that I've put in it starts rolling. The first track is a karaoke version of "Human", but I switch over to track two. I decide that it's more fitting right now. And so, the disco beat starts running and then comes my cue to start singing. - "First I was afraid, I was petrified." I sing, trying to hold back the tears. - "Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side." And I keep on singing, keeping my eyes glued on Brian the entire time. As the song finishes playing and switches onto the second track, I put the mike down and eject the CD from the CD-player. I put it into its case and then motions for Julia. - Hope you liked my surprise name-day gift. I mutter to Brian and turn to leave. - Wait! It was Robin. He, along with the rest of the party, rushes over to us and we all leave together, the fifteen of us. - He's a jerk. Aqua tells me. - Yeah. Ignis agrees. - You can do better. Aero says. - Yeah. Terra agrees. - Want us to beat him up? Derek suggest and then adjusts his glasses. - Nah. I say. - I did promise to let his green blood flow if he ever hurt Philip again. Julia says. - You did? I question her and she starts sweating. - Well... yeah. She says quietly. - Oh, how sweet. I say and everyone starts laughing. - I'm gonna give him one more chance, though. I say. - Tonight, when he gets back, I'm gonna confront him. - Hey, we're planning on going backpacking next week. Robin foretells me. - Y'know, camping outside, singing, grilling fish over an open fire and all. Wanna come with us? - Sure. I say and smile widely. - If he disappoints me, it might be able to get him off of my mind. - Good. Dominique says. - Finally, a guy whom we can discus croscheing with. - I don't croshe. I say. - I knit. Again, we all break out laughing. - You're the king of riots. Angel chuckles. - No, pretty boy. I say and strike a feminine pose. - I'm a queen!

Well, so, here he is. It's time for confrontation. The door opens and he walks in, all wobbly and all. - Brian, are you drunk? I ask him. - Yeah, so what? He slurs back. I walk up to him and put a hand on his shoulder and try to steady him as he wobbles across the room, towards his bed. He shrugs it off and slap me across the face. - Get away from me, you fag! He cries. Major deja-vu as I walk away from him, rubbing my face. - Before you came into my life, my life was perfect. He slurs. - My grades were good, I was becoming a real jock and the girls were all over me. And then you walk into my life and turns it upside down. - Brian... you're not yourself...! I say, trying to convince myself more than convincing him. Suddenly, he lunge at me and punches me in the stomach. I fall backwards and hit my head on one of my bedposts. Everything goes blurry and I slowly feel myself drift out of consciousness.

I awake in the middle of the night. Brian is lying on his bed in only his boxers. So, his head was clear enough for him to undress before going to bed. I quietly open my closet and pack a duffel bag with clothes and other necessities, such as toilet paper, a pair of spare shoes and hygience articles. Then, I quietly unlock the door and sneak out, leaving the door ajar. So what if someone walks in and slits hit throat? Why should I care? I walk over to Julia's room and knock twice on the door. - Yeah? A sleepy voice says and the door opens. - Philip! She exclaims when she sees that its me. - As you can see, the confrontation didn't go very well. I sigh. - Oh.. er... eh...! She stutters. - Julia? I hear a guy's voice call out. - Oh my God, you got lucky! I exclaim. - Hush!!! She shushes me. - Don't worry. I say. - I can do sleep in Robin's room. So, I turn around and hear how Julia closes and locks her dorm door. After another trek across campus, I arrive at Robin's dorm room and knock five times on it. - Umm? I hear Robin's voice mumble as the door opens. - Oh my God. He exclaims when he sees me, holding my duffel bag. - He did it again, didn't he? As Robin said that, he pointed at my face. I feel it and realize that there's a small cut there. - Yes...! I say quietly. - Oh, get in here. Robin says and ushers me into his room. I see Derek lying the single bed in the room. Sure, it's queen sized, but it's still weird, though. Two guys sleeping in the same bed? But I didn't have time to think about that. - You can sleep with us here, tonight. Derek offers. - Thanks. I say tiredly and notice and old couch in a corner. - I'll take the couch. - Oh, no, I can take the couch and you sleep with Robin in the bed. Derek offers. - Naah. I say. - I don't want to be a bother. - Alright. Derek says. So, I undress and jump onto the couch. Thank God that it's summer or I would be freezing to death right now. I slowly drift to sleep, thinking about Brian.


Well, I've been mentioning "the party" in this chapter. It's the circle of friends that Robin introduced Philip and Julia to during the first season. Here's a list of them:

Sisters: Aqua, Ignis, Aero and Terra Elementa (called The Elementa Sisters) Robin Masters Brothers: Derek and Angel Julia Hurl Zeira Zellraiser Dominique Hawk Anastasia Czhecz Victor Hanssen Ericsson Philip Wester Brian Saunders

Write to me at Just write to me if you want to flame me, give me comments, suggestions or just chat. Why not send some nudes too? And if you live in Sweden, in Stockholm and are 14-18, please, please, please email me about a date!!!!!! For all of those who read and give me feedback:

Thank you! (English, well, duh!)

Tack! (Swedish)

Takk! (Norwegian)

Tak! (Danish)

Spatsiba! (Russian)

Arigato! (Japanese)

Gracias! (Spanish)

Gratzie! (Italian)

Merci! (French)

Cam on! (Vietnamese)

Cap con cah! (Thai)

Danke! (German)

Genkuyi! (Polish)

Next: Chapter 15: Not a Perfect Summer 8

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