Not a Perfect Love

Published on Aug 20, 2001



So, here it is, the 3rd season of Not-A-Perfect-********. For all of the 7 (can you believe it? 7!!) readers out there, thank you for continuing to read.

NOTE: In NAPS, I accidentaly gave Brian two birthdays, one on the 3rd of July and one right before school starts. I apologize for that. Anyway, I've changed it so that the first party was for his name-day.

NOTE: The first two "sections", seen from Neo's and Philip's POVs, depict events that occured simoultaneously as NAPS12, only from their POVs, which were not depicted. So, new stuff will be uncovered and some already uncovered stuff will get even more uncovered.

And I once more apologize for any spelling and/or grammatical errors in my previous chapters. I type fast. And when I type fast, I might mispel stuff without noticing. But, I'll try to revise all of the chapters and re-post them before October 1st (I said try!)!

And here comes the new disclaimer!

I hold the copyright to all of the material associated with NAP*. (You're feeling tired. Your eyelids are heavy) Do not, I repeat, do not re-post this story without my conscent (as if I could actually do anything about it!) (You're slowly falling asleep!) All paysites, keep out! Also, this is a fictional story. All of the material about me (interests, hair-colors, personality, neurotism, etc.) are, however, true. For example, I dye my hair very often. Everytime I dye my hair, NAP*-Philip will also dye his hair. (Now... kidnap George Bush, steal the Hope Diamond and mail it to me! The Diamond, that is, not Bush! Or make that both the diamond and Bush!)


Here are the few simple rules that Not A Perfect ******** lives by:

  • NO GRAPHIC SEX! * Boy-boy love * Ass/arse-kicking of whoever has a problem with that (the gay thingee) * All readers should email the author or he'll go into another neurotic fit and never write again. * Each episode/chapter will have two titles and contain a part. Sometimes, the second title will be a continuation/finishing line of the first one.

Anyone seen me around lately? You have?! Why didn't you say hi?

DID YOU KNOW: That I'm only 16? (Sorry, currently out of interesting DYK's.)

FUN FACT (well, maybe not THAT funny): I held this episode back because in this one, I become a sophomore in high school. In real life, I am actually becoming a sophomore on this very same day. Now, I couldn't get ahead of myself, now could i? :^)

Voiceover (Julia): Previously on Not A Perfect Love and Not A Perfect Summer (takes a deep breath):

Philip Wester comes transfers to Hereditary High from Sweden. He meets up with me and we become fast friends. He comes out to me and we go off man- hunting together. He falls for Brian, this jock, who becomes his friend and whom also turns out to be his designated new roommate in the dorms. However, the feelings don't seem mutual. So Philip goes off and hitches up with Kevin, who turns out to have a girlfriend. Brian then says that he thinks that he loves Philip, kisses him, but then punch him. Philip takes off and get hit by a car when Brian runs up to him and distracts him. So, Philip goes to the hospital and dies on the operating table. However, he is revived. He then meets Ripley, a guy who turns out to be gay and the two become boyfriend so cute that I could just eat my heart out since I didn't have a boyfriend of my own. However, Ripley turned out to have cancer and died.

Angel (pushes Julia out of the way): Brian and Philip patch things up and become friends again and then get involved together, this time without complications. At least that's what we thought. Brian kept it all a secret and kept treating Philip like shit while around others. Also, Derek and Robin become boyfriend during a very embarrassing camping trip... embarassing for me that is since I got hard while Philip was massaging my back.

Derek (pinches Angel): Off track here.

Zeira: Right. So, Philip, the eternal doormat, then gives Brian a... one millionth chance? He makes two identical friendship-bracelets and gives one to Brian. If one of them were to burst, the other would two and that meant that the relationship was over. So, Brian's birthday was coming and Philip was preparing this super-secret gift that not even Julia...

Julia: That's me! Zeira (pushes Julia away): to know what it was. While he was back at his and Brian's dorm room preparing it, Brian went out and partied with Miranda, his ex-girlfriend, whom he dumped in favor for Philip, though nobody, not even Miranda, knew, at a birthday party that Neo, the worse homofobe of a jock on campus had through in favor for Brian. They got a little drunk together and ended up in bed, during which time the F-bracelet on Brian's wrist burst, making Philip's burst too. Brian runs to his and Philip's dorm room after sobering up a little and finds the room empty of Philip's stuff, with Philip's gift, a beautiful album containing pics of him and Brian, torn to shreads plus an inscription reading "I hate you! I hope that you die!" written in blood. So, we arrive at the scene and find out what has happened and Julia yells at him.

Neo (gazing lustingly at Victor's ass, gets a slap from Victor): And, oh, I finally came out. First to Philip and then to the rest of the world. Out! Can you believe it? Me, the most "homophobic" jock at school, a homo! Ew... Even I took offense from that! What's an appropiate word? A gay?

Derek (rolls his eyes at Neo): So, that's where we currently are. Philip is gone and Julia is on the warpath... she wants blood; Brian's, which apprarentely, according to Julia, is green.

Victor (dressed up as Philip): Hello. I am Philip.

Neo (grabs Victor's ass and drags him out there): And now, without further ado, the cliffhanger-killing continuation of... Not A Perfect *******, Not A Perfect Sophomore!!!!!


  • May I have your attention, please? I say loudly into the microphone and everyone's attention turns to me. God! They're so... many! Damn it! Why did Brian have so many friends?! Oh, well. I did tell Philip that I would do this today. And if I don't, I'll never hear the end of it. - I just wanted to say that I'm gay. I say flatly and a big gasps goes through the cloud. - And if you'll excuse me, I'll just leave you homophobes and go meet another gay guy for a special occassion. I drop the mike, run through the crowd and out my dorm. Oh my God! I just did it! I came out! I'm a gayer gay than Brian! Wait... is that really a good thing? Anyway. Gotta go. Gotta help Philip set Brian's real party up and... why do I have this uncontrollable itch to see Victor's tight rounded butt again? And pat it? And... lick it? Ew!!!!! Wait... mmmmm? Oh!! God!!!! Hey, gay now, but please, self, don't get ahead of yourself! Baby steps, baby steps. Why not begin with a kiss? A fondle? Big sweaty foul mouthed sex? Oh, gotta get to Philip! Gotta get to Philip! Must pinch Victor's ass! Oh!! Oh, shut up, Neo! Alright, staying calm, staying calm... gotta go. So, I rush off towards the dorm that Philip's party's gonna be held to help and... see Victor's ass again and then maybe drag him into a closet and ravage him...


  • Almost done...! I hum as I put the last photo, one of me and Brian holding hands, into the album. I close it and then take moment just to figure my life out. Here I am, about to become a sophomore. I've finally got myself a boyfriend, I'm hundreds of miles from my parents, a cheer, a laugh, a little cog-wheeling, who said I'm happy to be rid of my parents?! - Brian, I love you. I sigh. Suddenly, the friendship-bracelet on my wrist breaks and falls to the floor. I just sit there, at my desk, immobolized. What?! What just happened?! The bracelet... burst? But then... what could he have... Miranda! He's out with Miranda! Oh my God! He and Miranda must've....!

"There was a game we used to play," The radio... it's still on...

"We would hit the town on Friday night," How could he?! Why do I suddenly feel this empty and dry feeling in my throat?

"Stay in bed all 'til Sunday," Like when I watch a sad movie or read a sad love story. Is this the pain of a broken heart?

"We used to be so free," God! I just want to kick someone so that I won't have to be the only one feeling this way!!

"We were living for the love we had," Aaah!! How could he?! How? How?! How?!?!

"Living off for reality," I feel so... the album... why am I making him this gift?! Argh!!! So, I make a decision. A revolutionizing decision...

"Just my imagination, I grab the album and start tearing all of the photos up, every single one pf them.

"Just my imagination," Ouch! A paper-cut. I'm too angry and heartbroken to even feel pain from the cut.

"Just my imagination," I continue tearing the album up and when I'm done, just on an impulse, I write "I hate you! I hope that you die!" on the desk, using blood from my own, now dripping, finger. It's not my desk, anyway. It was here when I moved it.

"It was,

Just my imagination,

Just my imagination,

Just my imagination," Then, after switching the radio off, I hurriedly grab a band-aid from the first aid kit from the top shelf of the bathroom dresser. - Ouh! I can't believe him! I cry out in anger. So, why stay here? There's nothing left for me to lose now. Riley to death and Brian to Miranda. He's never gonna come out. What, he had sex with her because he had to "keep a low profile" and "stay cool"?! I look dowm at my shirt and notice that it's blood-stained, so I open up my closet to get a new shirt. I notice my empty suit-cases and it hits me... why not go away? So, I pack. Everything. Even my computer, which takes, like, fifteen minutes to even get into a suit-case. Then, I rip every single thing that reminds him of me apart, like a scarf I once gave him, a photo of us two hanging on the wall, which he, of course, hides whenever his friends are over, and even my toothbrush. I pack it down. Why waste a toothbrush?

NOT A PERFECT SOPHOMORE Chapter 01 - Once, Shame On You, Five Times, Shame On Me

  • Why have you applied to an immediate transfer to another school? The principal asks. I'm sitting in his office, applying for a quick transfer before the next semester starts. - Because I can't stand it here anymore. I lie. - Nobody likes me and now, even my roommate's been mean to me. Please give me my papers and all so that I can apply another school. - As I recall, you were excepted by several high schools, right? The principal asks. - Yes. I say. - And seven of them are close by. I'm sure of that at least one of them will accept me. After all, the first term of my Junior year hasn't even started yet. - Alright then. The principal says. - I'll grant your transfer. - Thanks. I say. - Can I borrow your phone? - Sure. The principal says and smiles widely. I smile back and then grab my list of the high schools that I have been accepted to. I start calling around and find that INSomnia High has an opening. They even have an available dorm room for me. I have to share it with another guy, but, hey, a guy! Sexy body! I hope. - Sure, I'll be over tomorrow! I shout into the phone and then put it down. - Thanks for the help, Mr. Seriz. I then thank the principal before rushing out. I run down to the bus station and immediately buy a ticket for a bus which passes INSomnia High. I then drag all of my luggage down to the station and sit down at a bench to wait for the bus to come. I clutch my bus ticket and kick at my suit-cases, which I have at my feet as I wait for the bus to come. After about thirteen minutes, the bus finally comes and I board it, dragging all of my suit-cases and bags with me. - I can't believe I actually made it. I think to myself, exhausted, as I load the last of my stuff into the luggage compartment above of my seat. I even have to keep some of my bags under my seat and at my feet in order to fit them all into one seat, or rather into, above and under. - Good bye, guys. I sigh. A moment of silence, for me, that is, follows. I'm rudely interrupted from my trip of self-pity, mourning, anger and anguish when I feel someone's presence right next to me. - Oh, here it is. I suddenly hear a boy's voice say. I look up and see this cute guy with bleeched blond hair, obviously naturally sandy blonde, sparkling green eyes, an earring in his right ear, wearing a pair of black jeans and a white tee-shirt. - What do you want? I wonder. - Er... this is my seat...! The boy says and pointed at the seat next to mine. Oh, of course! You bone-head! Me, that is. This bus has double-seat-seats. - Oh, I'm so sorry. I quickly apologize and scoot over to the window so that the boy could squeeze in with me and my bags. - I'm just a little tense after... oh you wouldn't be interested. - I've heard that it's better to talk about it than to keep it all bottled up. The boy says. - I don't believe in that. I say quietly while looking down at the floor. The bus starts moving and the rocky ride makes us occasionally bump into each other. But I'm to down to even enjoy it. - Well, just tell me, anyway, then. The boy says. - Well, you'll have to keep an open mind. I say and look up at him. - Sure. The boy offeres cheerfully. - Alright then, here goes. I say and take a deep breath. - My boyfriend cheated on me, so I left him. He was my roommate too and I can't stand to see him again, so I moved out before he even had time to catch up with me after cheating on me. - So... he doesn't even know that you know? The boy wonders. - Oh he knows alright. I say bitterly. - I cut my finger on one of the pages in the album that I was making for him for his birthday, which is today, and wrote "I hate you! I hope that you die!" onto my desk with some of the blood that spilled out of it before patching my finger up. - Wow. The boy gasps. - So why are you here? I wonder. - I saw my girlfriend going into a room at this party with another guy. The boy says. - Oh? I wonder, slowly connection the dots. - Yeah, a tall blond guy. The boy describes him. - He didn't happen to be wearing a red shirt with blue and yellow stripes and a pair of blue cut-off jeans, was he? I quiz him. - Yeah, that's him. The boy replies. - Oh, that's Brian. I say. - No kidding. The boy gasps. - He cheated on you with a girl? I guess it's a bad as if my girl would cheat on me with another girl. Well, I attend INSomnia High and was just visiting her when I saw her going with that Brian guy. So, I'll break up with her over a phone call! - No kidding! I exclaim excitedly. - I just managed to get transferred there. - Which dorm room? The boy wonders. - I don't have a roommate. - 452. I reply. - No kidding!! The boy exclaims, several octaves louder than my last exclamation. - That's my room! - Well, hello, roommate. I say and add a chuckle. - By the way, my name's Ashley. The boy introduces himself. - Philip. I say and we shake hands.

NOT A PERFECT SOPHOMORE Chapter 01 - When The Angels Come Crashing In


  • How is he? Zeira asks Robin, who just came out of Brian's room. - It's been an entire week and he hasn't even left his room, except to go out and get food. - He's coping. Robin says. - I think. So, here we are, the Party, minus Philip and Brian, of course, discussing the "Philip-situation" in the dorm halls. - I'm worried about him. I say. - Oh, he'll be alright. Ignis says. - At least he ought to be. School starts tomorrow. Aero says. - No, I didn't mean that moron. I say. - I meant Philip. I mean, where could he have gone? God, how can they even think that I'd ever be worried about that jerk Brian?! And I empathize "ever". - The principal told me that he had requested an immediate transfer and that it was granted. Terra foretold us. - However, he left without telling anyone, not even the principal, about which school that he had transferred to and as you might remember, he was accepted by over 37 high schools, many of them out of state. And a girlfriend of mine saw him on a bus out of town. - So, he's gone? Angel wonders. - Yeah. Thunderbolt sighs. - Probably. Aqua says. - Wherever he is, I hope that he's alright, emotionally. Victor says quietly. - I hate Brian! I cry. - How dare he cheat on Philip?! Philip, who had saved his first kiss for him! And on his own birthday when he knew that Philip had spent weeks on making that album! And then cheating on him, having dirty sex at some party! - Calm down. Zeira ushers me. - No, I won't calm down!!! I shriek, my voice cracking. - That bastard made me lose my best friend! - Well, I lost a lover! I can suddenly hear Brian's voice cry. Everyone turn their heads and we see Brian, standing there in the doorway of his room, tears welling up in his eyes. - No you didn't! I spit and actually try spitting at Brian, but feebly hit the floor seven feet in front of him. - As you might have forgotten during your romp in the hay, Philip wanted to save your virginity for a special occasion. But you wasted it on a dirty tramp, whom everyone knows will part her legs to just anyone and everyone. And just what does that make you? - I'm so sorry. Brian says quietly with an empty look in his eyes. - Well, sorry isn't enough! I snap and storm out of the room. - You know, she's right. I can hear Zeira's voice and moments later, she's by my side, walking out of there. - We agree! I can hear Aqua, Ignis, Aero and Terra say in unison and the next thing I know, they're by my side, too. - Well, this pains me to say, but I hate you. Who was that? Anastasia? Oh, there she is, here, with us. It probably was her.


  • I hate him! I groan. - I hate him even more! Julia cries. - I hate him the most! I add. - Well, I hated him the first! Julia retorts. - You know, is ridiculous, fighting over who hates Brian the most. I say while wagging a finger a-matter-of-factly in the air. - You're right. Julia says. - Especially since everybody knows that I am the one who hates him the most! - I am! I cry. - I am! She cries. - I am! Yell. - I am! She yells. - You are! I cry and point at her. - No, you are! She cries, empathizing the word you, and points at me. - Alright. I say. Realization strikes Julia and she just glares at me. - Anyway, do you have any idea of where he could've gone? I say and she lightens up. - No. She sighs. We walk down campus, towards our next classes. Sophomore year! I can't believe it! I can't believe that I'm in a play, either. Julia put me up to it! I guess that won't hold in a court... - He packed everything up and then left, leaving no trace. - And that moron of a principal won't tell us where he went. I groan. - Well, Philip did tell him not to tell anyone, not even us. Julia says. - I wonder where he can be. I sigh.


  • You're wondering where he is again, aren't you? Robin asks me. - Yeah. I sigh. Not even after "doing it" with Brian, I can keep from wondering where Philip is. It's already dark outside. I hope that he at least got where ever he was going alright. - I hope you know that I'll never cheat on you, honey. Brian says and takes me into his arms. - I know that. I sigh and kiss him. - I also know that if it wasn't for Philip, we would've never had the guts to get ask the other out, neither of us. - Yah, I guess. Robin sighs and kisses me on my forehead. Silence... - Wanna go at it again? Robin asks. - Sure. I say. - Alright, go get the blueberry-pie and I'll go and get the ice-cream. He says and jumps out of bed. - And maybe later, we can have dessert, the really good one. - I'm definitely looking forward to that! I say and grin. My God. I can't believe it. We just stuffed ourselves full och snacks, cookies and candy and are already ready to do it again. Ah, the virility of youth. - And do't forget the whip-cream! I shout after him. - But I thought you didn't like whip-cream. Comes the answer. - I meant for the "dessert"! I shout back, grinning. Oh, I'm so dirty!


  • Hates my guts, hates me not. Brian mumble as I pluck a daisy of its petals, one petal at the time. So, here I am, a sophomore in high school, sitting in the sand, facing the ocean. It's already dark outside. I don't even know what time it is... 7? Anyway, brrr.... how could. And silent... the only thing I can hear is the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore. - I don't hate you. I can suddenly hear Julia's voice say and turn around to see Julia, walking up to me. She stops and then sits down, next to me, and looks at the ocean. - You sure sounded like you did. I say and let the remains of the daisy fall into the sand. - Well, I did. She says. - But I don't anymore. But I still think that you're a cheating pig. - I could live with that. I sigh. I guess that was a joke. If I wasn't as heartbroken and riddled with guilt right now, I guess I would've found that funny. - You think we'll ever get to see him again? I ask her. - I miss his constant singing. Julia chuckles. - Yeah. I sigh. - He had a really good singing voice. - "I'm playing the game, but not as good as you. " Julia suddenly starts singing. Well, she doesn't have the best singing voice and neither do I, but I join her. - "I can be a little cold, but you can be so cruel." I sing. I then quiet down and motion at Julia. She gets the hint and takes the lead. - "I'm not made of brick." She sings. - "I'm not not made of stone. But I had you fooled enough to take me on." I nudge her for her to keep quiet and then resume the lead. - "If love was a war, it's you who has won." I sing. - "While I was confessing it, you held your tongue. Now the damage is done." - "Well, there's blood in these veins and I cry when in pain, I'm only human on the inside." Julia sings. - "And if looks could deceive, make it hard to believe, I'm only human on the inside." I sing. We then look at each other and start laughing as we realize how badly we sing. - Well, we won't do any tours around the world very soon. I laugh. - But I think that we just might see Philip again soon. Julia sighs. - At least I hope so. Suddenly, we hear a distant noise. A clinking sound, as if made by metal. We turn our heads and see someone rounding a corner and going out of sight, at least for us. Oh, well. Probably no one we know. - See you soon, Philip. I say.

Write to me at Just write to me if you want to flame me, give me comments, suggestions or just chat. Why not send some nudes too? And if you live in Sweden, in Stockholm and are 14-18, please, please, please email me about a date!!!!!! For all of those who read and give me feedback:

Thank you! (English, well, duh!)

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Gratzie! (Italian)

Merci! (French)

Cam on! (Vietnamese)

Cap con cah! (Thai)

Danke! (German)

Gzen*****! (Polish)

Next: Chapter 21: Not a Perfect Sophomore 2

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