Not a Perfect Love

Published on Sep 1, 2001


NEW DISCLAIMER: No disclaimer. Read the old ones! :^) No "Did you knows", no quotes, no nothing. Just a story!

PS: This chapter is a special extended (extra long) chapter, like the season finales of the previous two seasons.

FUNNY STUFF: The song "All The Small Things" by Blink 182 is used in this chapter... a lot. Below is a little remake that me and a friend at school have done:

All The School Things - By Philip Wester and Viktor


"All day, boring, "All the small things, Always, same thing, Truth cares, truth brings, Periods, too long, I'll take one lift, Bad food, on and on," Your ride, best trip,"

"Always, I know, "Always, I know, I'll be a noshow, You'll be at my show, Just wanna stay in, Watching, waiting, Playstation-playin'," Commiserating,"

"I'm saying no, "Say it ain't so, Don't wanna go, I will not go, Go back to school, Turn the lights off, Wanna stay home," Carry me home,"

"Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na,

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na,

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na,

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na,"

"'Bout four, come home, "Late night, come home, School sucks, I know, Work sucks, I know, I leave my homework on the curb, She left me roses by the stairs, Our teachers are really disturbed," Surprised she let's me know she cares,"

"I'm saying no, "Say it ain't so, Don't wanna go, I will not go, Go back to school, Turn the lights off, Wanna stay home," Carry me home,"

"Takin' a test, "Say it ain't so, Buffy's the best, I will not go, Cursing the teach, Turn the lights off, Dreaming for peach," Carry me home,"

"History, math, "Keep your head still, English, gym class, I'll be your thrill, All such a bore, The night will go on, Makin' me snore," My little windmill,"

"If I say so, "Say it ain't so, Maybe I'll go, I will not go, School's not that bad, Turn the lights off, Mom's getting mad," Carry me home,"

"Time to go back, "Keep your head still, Grab the backpack, I'll be your thrill, In the long run, The night will go on, School's pretty fun, The night will go on, School's pretty fun," My little windmill,"

SPEECH (actually shout): Stay in school!!!!

We're gonna perform it at our high school's annual talent show. Hold your fingers crossed for me! Plz!!! The prize is either money or a trophe with one's named engraved onto it. If I get a trophe, I'm gonna threaten to hit them with it unless I get money instead! :^)


I decide to take a stroll down memory lane, just one last time. A walk by the beach, like me and Brian used to do once upon a time. As I walk down the street that leads towards the beach, I feel a sudden urge to start singing. I decide to go with one of my favorites; Human by the Pretenders. What a weird name... the Pretenders. Well, anyway. - "I'm playing the game, but not as good as you." I sing. I reach the corner and turn and can finally see the beach. Who are those people? Brian?! Julia?! It is them, with their backs to me. Better not make too much noise or they'll notice me. - "I can be a little cold by you can be so cruel." I continue singing. - "I'm not made of brick, I'm not made of stone, but I had you fooled enough to take me on. If love was a war, it's you who has won. While I was confessing this, you held your tongue. Now the damage is done." A breeze... how pleasant. My red hair get blown around and I close my eyes before continuing singing. - "Well, there's blood in these veins and I cry when in pain, I'm only human on the inside." I sing. - "And if looks could deceive, make it hard to believe, I'm only human on the inside." I open up my eyes and see that they're laughing. Well, I'm really happy that they're happy that I'm gone! So, I snort thrice and then turn around, walking right into a trash can. Oh, the noise! I quickly run around the corner, going out of sight for them, and return to the bus station. - INSomnia High next. I sigh.

NOT A PERFECT SOPHOMORE Chapter 02 - Deck The Halls Will Bells Of Horror

  • There'll be a what? I ask. - "Rocky House Of Horrors". Ashley chuckles. - And that is? I ask, totally clueless. - A kind of a "code name" for Alpha Beta Phi Delta's Halloween party with horror as a theme. Ashley chuckles. - Everyone's supposed to dress up and then be scared out of their minds. - Oh, no, I'm not going. I say. - I've seen the movies. The house'll come alive and feed on our horror as it scares us to death. - You've seen too much Buffy. Ashley groans. - How'd you know that it was Buffy-influence? I wonder. - You don't strike me as a Buffy fan. - What else could it be? Ashley chuckles. - I have to agree on that one. I chuckle. - So, seriously, are you coming? He asks. - Yah. I sigh. - You've convinced me with your charm. I'll come on one condition. - And what is that? Ashley wonders. - That you come dressed in something that shows off either your calves, whole arms or washboard as! I cry and Ashley blushes. - It's a deal. He says, still blushing, and we shake on it. - And no cheating cutting some holes in your pants or something. I warn him and he hangs his head in defeat. - Spoiled your plan, now, didn't I? - Yah. He groans. - So, what are you gonna go as? - An angel. I say. - Black wings, black robe, plastic scythe. And you? - I was thinking of a knight of the Round Table, but your one condition spoiled that plan. He sighs. - So... maybe... a male stripper who's come halfway? - Yay!!!! I cheer and clap my hands numerous times. - I knew you'd react that way. He chuckles. - And you ain't seen all of my body yet. I grin at him and he blushes. - Hey! He protests. - What? I ask, all innocently. - Sorry, forgot that I'm not at Pride anymore. I love Pride Stockholm. So much fun. I got to hug 62 different guys in just one day. - Slut! He chuckled. - I am a slut, and I'm proud of it! I say out loud... too loud, actually. Everyone in the school cafeteria turn and look at us and I just blush. - Well, so are your girlfriends! Is all I can think of saying before sitting down and blushing deeply. - You're crazy, you know that? Ashley chuckled. - But you love me anyway, don't ya'? I grin at him. - Yeah. He grins back and we exchange knowing smiles. I am sooooo naughty! Hitting on straight boys wherever I go. I continue grinning and as I turn around, someone runs straight into me and we both go tumbling to the ground. - Ouch! I cry out when I land, hard, on my ass. - I hate when that happens!! - Oh, my head. I hear a male voice groan. I stand up, straighten myself and dust myself off. I then look over to the person who've just run into me. - Sorry. He apologizes. Wow. Another gorgeus guy. Sandy-blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, big smile, buff body, nice package... rrrr... - Hello? He asks and waves a hand in front of my face. When did he get up? Oh, right, somewhere between "buff body" and "rrrr". - Oh, sorry, didn't get much sleep last night. I lie and grin sheepishly. - Yeah, right. I can hear Ashley mutter, knowingly. I turn around to face him and mouth "Shut up!" while glaring at him and then put on a smile and turn back to the guy. - Sorry for running into you. He apologizes. - Oh, accidents happen. I say cheerfully. Oh my God, I'm sounding more and more like a bimbo for everyday that goes and I'm not even blonde anymore! - Oh, I'm Piper. The guy introduces himself. - How uni-sexual. I chuckle and he gets a "I'm-a-question-mark"-look. - It means that your name can be used by both boys and girls. I quickly add and the look disappears. - Like mine. Ashley chuckles. - I'm Ashley by the way. Ashley and Piper shake hands and then Piper and me shake hands. Silence... silence... why are both of them staring at me?! Oh... oh! Oh!! - Ooh! I exclaim and slap my own forehead. - One, Owie and two, I'm Philip, by the way. - So, are you gonna go to that Rocky House Of Horrors? Piper asks. - Yeah. I say. - I've just gotta see what lame tricks they're gonna pull. I mean, I'm no tough guy or anything, but I'm one of the few people who cannot be scared easially. Surprised, maybe, but not scared. - I hear they're gonna tie a handkerchief over your eyes and make you eat slimy things, telling you that it's guts and eyesballs as you eat them. Ashley foretells us. - I'm not one easy to be grossed out either. I say. - I ate popcorn through Hannibal, not once even stopping for a moment. - I guess you'll be a challenge for them. Piper chuckles and I smile. - Yah. I say.

  • You truly loved him, didn't you? Ashley asks. - Yeah. I sigh as I put down a handful of fresh white roses by Ripley's grave. And there they are again, those lillies. Everytime I come here, there are fresh lillies by his grave. I wonder who puts them here. Julia? They weren't even real friends. Must be one of those disgusting relatives of his. Or...? - Philip? Ashley asks, pulling me from my thoughts. - Yah? I ask. - Could we please get out of here? He asks and grins sheepishly. - Cementaries creep me out. - Sissy. I scold him and stand up. We start walking out of there and I smile at the setting sun. - Sissy. I repeat and get a slap upside my head from Ashley. Suddenly, I feel as if we're being watched. I turn my head and see someone round a corner. Probably just my imagination. Oh no! What if I've gone paranoid? What? Who said I was? I'm gonna punch them in the... oh, wait, I said it... anyway...

NOT A PERFECT SOPHOMORE Chapter 02 - Late night, party. School sucks, I know.

  • "Say it ain't so, I will not go. Turn the lights off, carry me home...!" I sing as I prance around mine and Ashley's room. Well, not really prancing, as in "sissy-prancing", albeit prancing. - Hey, that sounds good. I suddenly hear someone comment and I spin around. And there he is, Mr. Ericsson. - Hi, Ash. I say and smile at him. - What is it with you and calling me nick-names? Ashley whines. - Well, I'm gay, like to touch you, grope you and scamming on you...! I leer at him. - And what's all of that got to do with anything? He asks. - Well, if you don't have a problem with any of that, why should this "nick- name-thang" be one? I question him and he smiles. - 'Guess not. He chuckles. - "Always, I know, You'll be at my show. Watching, waiting, commiserating...!" I start singing again and grab Ashley by his arm. - C'mon, let's do the chorus together. I say and he smiles widely. - "Say it ain't so, I will not go. Turn the lights off, carr my home!" We both sing in unison while both trying to keep ourselves from bursting out giggling. - "Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na. Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na. Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na. Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na." - Hey! We both fall silent as Piper skips up to us. He can be such a sissy sometimes. Too bad he isn't gay. We've only known him for two days and already he's proven himself to be the craziest of the lot of us! - You forgot me! He says and grabs the both of us. - "Late night, come home." Ashley starts singing and motions for me. - "Work sucks, I know." I sing and then nod at Piper. - "She left me roses by the stairs." He sings and then squeezes both our arms. Aaah! - "Surprised she lets me show she cares." We all sing in unison and then start jumping around like mad men. - "Say it ain't so, I will not go. Turn the lights off, carry me home!" We all sing and then, suddenly, I slip and drag Piper and Ashley with me. We all come crashing down to the ground and I get both of them on top of me. Not that I mind being on the bottom... wait... gotta focus... must fight a... hardon! - Well, that was fun. Piper chuckles. - Anyway, I just found the perfect costume for you, Ashley. - You did?! Ashley exclaims. - Yah, but I want me to have it. Piper says and grins. - Sorry. Gotta keep my priorities straight. - Then what will I go as? Ashley whines. - The Rocky House Of Horrors is tomorrow! - I'm going as a fallen angel. I say and smirk happily. - I've got it all wrapped up, skimpy angel-costume, black wings, weapon and everything. - Weapon? Piper inquires me. - Yeah. I say and grin. - A broomstick! - A what?! Piper and Ashley exclaim in unison. - You heard me! I say. - A broomstick! I might not be able to fly on it, but it'll make a funny weapon! - You're crazy. Ashley groans. - Yeah, but you're crazier. I say and grin at him. We both nod and then, before Piper has a chance to say anything after opening his mouth, we both turn to him. - But you're the craziest! We both practically scream in his face and then we all burst out laughing. - When you think about it, we're not really sane people. I giggle. - Who wants to be sane? Piper chuckles. - We're crazy, wild and gay! - What?! I exclaim. - Happy! He chuckles and that gets us all going again. My, my. Oh, there goes my facial muscles again. They're starting to cramp up as they usually do when I laugh to much. - Ow, ow. I groan. - Too much... laughing... facial muscles... cramping...! And then, we all start laughing again and I have to keep pinching my face to keep my facial muscles from going numb.

  • I'm not coming out! Ashley protests. - C'mon. Piper whines. - Come out, come out, whatever you are. We're both sitting on my bed, waiting for Ashley to come out of the bathroom. We don't know what kind of a costume he's got, but we know that it's a crazy one. - Or else, I'll make you dress out as a fag. I say. - We'll kiss and everything! That brings some serious feet shuffling to my ears and then he emerges, Mr. Ashley Ericsson, wearing a... a... a... loincloth?! Droooooooooooollllll!!!! Serious drooling... seriously hardon... serious blushing... extreme drooling... focus... focus... hardon... will it down... down, boy, down! Good boy! - I bet that'll be a hit with the girls. Piper chuckles and I nudge him. - And the boys. He then quickly add. - It was all that they had left. Ashley complains and grabs a club that he's hidden under his bed. So, here we are, me as a fallen angel, Ashley as a caveman and Piper as Barbra Streisand. - Yo, Streisand, how 'bout doing a quick number before we skip off, and I do mean "skip" literally? I ask Piper and nudge at him. - Okay. He says and makes some feminine hand gestures with those big fake nails of his. - How about... "Memories"? - "Memories, from the smell of my fart...!" He then starts singing and then nod at me. - "What must some awful memories...!" I continue and then nod at Ashley. - "Of the way we smelt...!" He sings. - "Could it be as simple as...!" Piper sang in a high pitched voice. - "That it wasn't a fart, but a burp?" I sing and then have to sniffle back a giggle. - "If we had to do it all over again...!" Ashley sang and nod at both me and Piper. - "Tell, would we, could we?" We all sing and then the sounds of someone letting out gas could be heard. And it wasn't me! We all start giggling, but continue singing. - "Memories, from the small of our farts...!" We all sing. - "Awful, really smelly memories, of the way we smelt. Of the way we smelt!" And then we all burst out laughing again. And Ashley's loincloth slipped slightly and his groin was in full vision and I think I drooled a little and then Ashley blushed in realization and quickly put the loincloth back in position. And I let out a sigh of disappoint and Ashley glares at me and Piper bursts out giggling and why am I babbling on and on like this?!?!?!?! Oh, right, first time seeing Ashley's... "privates". - Alrght. I say, stiffling back a laugh. - Let's go!

  • Could this get anymore boring? I sigh. - No, it couldn't. Piper groaned. And then, the bus hits a bump in the road and we all practically skadaddle out of our seats, only to then fall back onto them again. - It could. Ashley groaned. - Who knew that those bozos would arrange for the party to be half an hour's busfair from campus? - Well, let's just lean back and enjoy the view. Piper said and leaned back in his seat, putting his hands onto the back of his head. I just remaing sitting. - Why aren't you sitting down? Ashley wonders. - I'm enjoying the view. I whisper and they all follow my eyes and see that I'm staring at this cute guy sitting a couple of rows behind us, also dressed up, as a sailor. He looks surprisingly a lot like Charles Hunnam, the actor who plays the British Henry in "Queer As Folk". He even has a small mold on his cheek. - Aah. They both say in unison. Then, suddenly, the guy turns and looks at us. We all look away and I blush. - Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! I exclaim. - He saw us staring! - Hey, straight here, should I be the one saying that? Ashley inquires. - Oh, right. I groan. - Hit it. - Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Ashley exclaims, mimicking my way of "oh- my-godding" a minute ago. - He saw us staring! - You know, you just kill me sometimes. Piper says, not looking the slightly amused. - Yeah, too bad it's not literally. Ashley groans while glaring at Piper. - Hello, cute guy, saw us staring, you two straight! I point out, interrupting the Straight Wars from breaking out. - Right. Ashley says. - Now, where was I? - "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. He saw us staring." Piper recites without enthusiasm on a single syllable. - You know, it really loses a little edge in the gentile-to-Jewish translation. - Piper's Jewish?! Ashley exclaims. Silence. - Piper actually says gentile?! - Yes and oh god does he ever so often. I answer Ashley's question, adding a groan after "ever so often". - Yes and now, gentiles, our party awaits. Piper said and combed his extremely long fake nails through his extreme fake blonde wig. The bus pulls over at our station and we all stand up, preparing to leave. I throw a quick glance over at the cute guy and he's standing up, too. - Just you wait. I whisper to Ashley. - Soon, he'll be shoving matza balls into our mouths and forcing us to light menoras all over the dorm. - Hey, I heard that! Piper shouted in annoyance and me and Ashley exchange grins. - "Say it ain't so, I will not go. Turn the lights off, carry me home!" No, that wasn't me! It's actually the party! They're playing one of my favorite songs!!! - Hurry, hurry, I wanna dance to "All The Small Things"! I shout and run out of the bus, knocking an old lady, two dogs, one girl and a spoiled brat over. - Hey, wait for us! Came Piper's cry as I rush into the club where the party is held. They run up to me and we enter together, preparing for the pre-scream-your- heart-out-party. - "Late night, come home...!" The music keeps on pouding as we walk into the club and I run down onto the dance floor. - "Work sucks, I know!" I sing as I begin bouncing up and down, the weird ritual that is my dancing. - "She left me roses by the stairs...!" Piper sings as he joins me on the dance floor. People are everywhere, surronding us and then out of nowhere comes Ashley, literally bouncing up to us. - "Surprise she lets me know she cares!" He sings. And then we all go wild to the chorus, dancing like maniacs, thrashing our heads around like crazy. - You dance like a sissy. Piper chuckles. - Hey, I'm here, I'm queer, I dance like one! I shout at him through the loud music and continue "dancing like a sissy". And then I see him again, that Charles Hunnam look-alike. And he's so cute, dancing around in his sailor suit. I've always liked men in uniform. And he looks over and realizes that I'm staring at him and blushes. - How cute! I coo. - Huh? Ashley and Piper wonder out loud in unison and turn their heads to see the cutie blush. He looks away and then awkwardly turn his head back a saw us still staring and hastily turned away again. - Another straight guy to corrupt, eh? Ashley leered at me. - Hey, your time will come. I retort. - Just you wait. - Now, don't waste any time and get over there! Piper "cheers me on" and gives me a slap on my back. - First of all, ow. I say. It actually did sting a little. So, I'm weak. At least I can fit into a ten yearold's clothes. - Second, alright already! And so, I go, setting off towards the beautiful... boy. - Hi! I greet him when I have run up to him. - Er... hi. He says hesitantly. - Sorry for the staring. I apologize and grin sheepishly and he seems to lighten up slightly. - It was just that it was a surprise to see you here...! Mental note: kick yourself, self. God that was stupid. - Well, except for the you leaving the bus at the same station as we, wearing a costume just like us and all. I then say and grin sheepishly once more. And he smiles! And my heart melts! It's such a beautiful smile. La, la, la, never give up, always give my best. Always bet everything on this lovely game. Passion, passion, my heart is racing... Rashiku Ikumasho!!! Wait... where was I? No time for Sailor Moon! - You're weird. He chuckles. - I am. I say, smile and then present my right hand to him. - My name's Philip, what's yours? - My name's Nathan. He says and I almost double over. This is just too much... oh, what's happening? Where did this pleasant new sensation come from? Oh... the cute Charles Hunnam look-alike is shaking my hand! - Pleased to meet you... I think. He says and smiles widely. - You think?! I exclaim in mock anger. - Yeah. He says and puts on a wise-assed look. Ouh! That's so... so... sexy! I want him! Gotta stop myself... can't resist... must grope... no! Must resist!!!! - So, where do you go to school? I ask him. - INSomnia High. He replies. - No kidding! I exclaim. - Me too. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! The bimbo side of me bearing its blonde head again! - Just for the record, I was blonde once and I'm still suffering from the Bimbo Syndrome. I crack a joke and he laughs. Is it a fake laugh, a genuine laugh or a "sympathy-laugh"? It's a genuine laugh!!!! Success!!!!! - How come I've never seen you around? I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders. - Dunno. He says. - Maybe you've seen me and just forgot. - No, I wouldn't forget a face like yours. I say and then kick myself from the inside in realization. - Huh? He asks, practically with a huge question mark written on his forehead. - The mold. I quickly lie. - You know, it's not really common. It makes you look...! Uh-oh, on the brink of comming out to a total stranger here... gotta find an "appropiate" word... aha! - ...unique. - Well... er... thanks... I guess. He chuckles and then grins sheepishly. It's weird how some guys can do those things and still look so cute, hot, handsome and totally eat-worthy in all senses there is, hint-hint! - "Feeling I've been lost for years...!" The music pounds on and on. We both start dancing, side by side, occassionally bumping up against each other. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, this is one of my favorite songs! I exclaim. - I love Pain! - You do what?! Nathan exclaims. - Pain is the name of this song. I chuckle. - What did you think I meant, you pervert? Silence... well at least between the two of us. - Wanna, like, go out for coffee tomorrow? He suddenly asks out of the blue. - Oh, I don't drink coffee. I chuckle. Wait a minute... coffee? - Oh. He says and his face drops. Wait... no... this is... weird... how can he... how... wait... I must be wrong... - Were you coming onto me? I take a chance and ask him. - Well... no. He says. Uh-oh! - Well... yeah...! He then says and grins nervously. - Did I just lose a potential friend? - Naah. I say and put a hand on his shoulder. - You just got yourself a date! With that, I remove my hand and he smiles widely. - Really?! He exclaims. - Sure. I say and smile. - Just gimme your number and I'll call ya'.

NOT A PERFECT SOPHOMORE Chapter 02 - Fa, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, Aaaaah!!!!!

  • Well, that was fun. Piper says, all hyper. - Yeah. I say. - You know that cute guy that I walked up to to talk to? - Yah? Ashley wonderes, obviously curious. - He came onto me. I giggle. - Did you say yes? Piper wonders. - Oh course I did! I groan. - What, do you think that I went and lost my brain on my way to him? Or maybe that's another vital body-part which is located more to the south...! - Eeew!!! Piper and Ashley exclaim in unison in mock straight-macho- homophobic-disgust. - Anyway, I've got a date! I cry out. - It's about time for the "real" party. Ashley says after throwing a quick glance at his wristwatch. - Prepare for a real scare! - In a rhyming mood, aren't you? Piper enquired. - Yah. Ashley chuckled. - Let's go! I declare. And so, we leave for the House Of Horrors. - I'm sooo looking forward to this. I sigh as we walk through the still night. Ouh... it's midnight and owls are hooting. How scaaary! - "It's been a long time since I had a good scare". - Angel, scare equals comshuk, doesn't it? Ashley inquires and I jump up in... joy. - You really converted into a genuine Buffy-Angel-fan didn't you?! I cry out as I hug him, jumping up and down. - Heh? Piper asked, totally out of the loop.

  • Eeekkkk!!!! I exclaim. - Calm down, Philip, calm down. Ashley ushered me as I jumped up and down screaming. - Here it is! Piper exclaim. Oh thank God! I snatch it from his hand and quickly put it back onto my golden necklace and then fasten the necklace around my neck. - This little baby cost me 30 bucks. I say and I play with the piece of jewellry on my necklace. It's a golden piece with one diamond and an emerald. - Why diamond and emerald? Piper wonders. - Well, because those are the stones of the Aries and Taurus. I explain. - And why do you have both? Ashley asks. - Well, because in Vietnam, the zodical signs are only switched once a month, so every guy born 1985 is a Taurus. I explain. - Anyway, now that I'm where the signs are switched each month, I've got two zodiacal signs. - Aaah. They both say in unison. - Now, how lame isn't this House Of Horrors? I change the subject and look around. "Scary" statues and figures lurking everywhere to a mist of synthetic smoke and a tape with scary movies and sounds. - Kids stuff. I yawn. Meanwhile, the two wimps that are my friends are practically shaking in their boots. - Pah. I groan. - You're such scary cats. - Are not! Ashley protests. Suddenly, a loud scream was heard and a plastic axe smashed into Piper. Both him and Ashley practically jumped out of their skin, screaming. - This is the crack team that's supposed to help me when I'm in need? I sigh. - I'm... frightened. - Hey! Piper protests after calming down. - That was really scary. - Yah, yah. I groan.


  • So, ready to dance? Philip asks me. - Yeah. I say. - Let's do it! And we jump back onto the dancing, rocking off to "Zombie" by the Cranberries. Man, I'm happy that that House Of Horrors is over and that the party's back on. I'd rather dance than get scared witless. - You're such a wimp, you know that? He chuckles. - Oh, yeah? I cry in mock anger. - Yeah. He says and smiles. He's so cute when he does that... wait... why am I thinking this?! - "Here's the picture I've been looking for..."! A new song suddenly exchanges "Zombie". Uh-oh, slow dance. Uh-oh again. - Hey, wanna dance? Philip asks and smiles. - Sure. I say. Oops! Why did I just say that?! And why do I feel this warm feeling in my gut when our bodies touch? He just looks surprised and then his smiles widens and look the surprise fades away. He throws his arms around my neck pulls me closer to him and then put his head on my right shoulder. I like this. Why do I like it? And why does my crotch stir? No! Please, not here, not now! - Oh. Philip says. Uh-oh! He felt it! - I think that your keys are nudging my leg. He whisper into my ear. - Oh, yeah, that's it. I say. Thank god! I would've just died if he had realized what that really was pressing up against him. - Just leave they there. It's doesn't really hurt that much, now does it? - Nope. He says and I can sense that he's smiling. - Besides, I'd never willingly let my arms leave your body. And I snese that he's grinning. - "Here's the photo of the neighbourhood..."! The song carries on. - "Here's the corner where we stood. Here's a snapshot of dad's old car." - By the way, thank you. Philip suddenly says pulls his head up to face me. Oh, his face is so close to mine that I can feel his breath... Juicy Fruit?! Anyway, I like this. Why do I like it? - Thank you for what? I ask, bewildered. - For everything. He says and smiles. - For helping me get over Brian, for being so understanding of my sexuality, for being such a good friend and then for leading me on. Silence... at least between the two of us. - "And all those friends. Where did they go. I don't know," That's the music again. - I know that you'll never love me. He says and puts his head back onto my shoulder. - But you treat me like you will. And that's enough for me, knowing that you care about me, although you'll never care about me the way that I want you to. - "And all those friends. We used to know. In the neighbourhood." The voice of Vonda Shepard keeps on singing. And then, the DJ decides to let the song roll again. Everyone leaves the dance floor, except for me and Philip. - "Here's the photo I've been looking for. It's a picture of a boy next door." We keep on dancing while everybody's looking at us, Piper staring while sipping on a big glass of soda. He grins at me and I just frown. - "And I loved him more than words could say. Never knew it 'til he moved away," The music keeps on playing. - I'm leaving tomorrow. Philip suddenly says. And the music stops.


FOOTNOTE: I actually saw a Charles Hunnam look-alike when I was on my way back from school, riding a subway train. He looked almost identical to Charles, only younger, cuter, with brown hair and a slightly smaller mold.

Only, we never exchanged one single word. We were just sitting opposite to each other, me stealing occasional (well, actually constant) glances and stares at him, his body, his face and his jeans-clad crotch (hey, I've got some serious hormone activity going on here! I'm not a pervert! Oh, so what if I am?!).

MY PROFILE: For those few who are interested in who I really am, here comes a profile:

Age: 16 Hair: Naturally black, golden red at the present. Prevopis hair colors, listed in chronological order:

Black (well, duh!) Blondish orange Blonde Neon-blonde (really blonde) Light-brown Dark-brown Chestnut-brown (Reddish brown) Blondish orange Green Blonde Blue-green-green/blue and all of the shades in between Lilac(purple)-blue Blondish orange Blonde Red Golden red

Eye-color: Extremely dark brown. Height: 165 cm (5"6') Weight: 48-50 kg (96-100 pounds)(varies from day to day) Waist: 60.5 cm (24,2 inches) Thighs: 40 cm approx. (16 inches)

I have never had a boyfriend. I'm fairly a-social. I'm neurotic and usually all doom and gloom, but nowadays, now that I've start high school, in a school where nobody knows me, I'm really happy.

Epescially since I've met this really cool guy called Elias. He's gorgeus and nice and doesn't mind when I "accidentaly" brush up againgst him (of course he doesn't know that it's not accidental).

And I'm not really that open. Only a small group of people (who aren't gay) know:

A classmate of mine, introduced through me through a mutual friend of mine, who just happens to be gay. A girl I went to school with grades 7-9. Two class mates (both female). Two school mates (both female). And tomorrow, I'm gonna come out to the openly bi-guy in my class. He claims to have gotten vibes of me being either bi- or homosexual from me.

We've got this funny guy in my class. His hobby is collection perfume and he loves shopping for shoes, clothes and, of course, perfume. He's also openly bisexual. He told me that he got some vibes from me. I'm gonna come out to him tomorrow.

I WANT A BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry... calming down now, calming down.

And, oh, I don't mind embarrassing myself. It's all dandy. I brought a tape of Buffy The Vampire Slayer with me to school and showed it to a friend of mine in the school cafeteria (not as in where we eat lunch but as where we buy candy). People were complaining (mostly "cool" guys), but we kept on watching. :^)

Write to me at Just write to me if you want to flame me, give me comments, suggestions or just chat. Why not send some nudes too? And if you live in Sweden, in Stockholm and are 14-18, please, please, please email me about a date!!!!!! For all of those who read and give me feedback:

Thank you! (English, well, duh!)

Tack! (Swedish)

Takk! (Norwegian)

Tak! (Danish)

Spatsiba! (Russian)

Arigato! (Japanese)

Gracias! (Spanish)

Gratzie! (Italian)

Merci! (French)

Cam on! (Vietnamese)

Cap con cah! (Thai)

Danke! (German)

Dziekuje! (Polish)

Next: Chapter 22: Not a Perfect Sophomore 3

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