Not a Perfect Love

Published on Oct 2, 2001


NEW DISCLAIMER: No disclaimer. Read the old ones! :^) No "Did you knows", no quotes, no nothing. Just a story!

PREVIOUS BLOOPERS: In NAPSophomore, with the introduction of the I'm Openly Gay Barometer. I said that the total number of those who knew was 14. Of course if was 16 (12 girls and 4 boys).


Number of those who know: 41

STATS: 30 girls, one lesbian, the rest straight

11 boys, 2 bi and the rest straight

(A drastic increased number of people since the last time, isn't it? :^)

Previously on Not A Perfect Sophomore:

  • Are you crazy?! Ashley exclaims. - No. Philip asks. - Why are you going back home to meet those nazi-parents of yours? Ashley asks. - I've gotta give them one more chance. Philip says.

  • I'm gay. Philip says. - Why are you saying this? Helena sobs. - Do you want to hurt me? Like the time when you...! - Stop it, you bitch!!!! Philip cries. - What did you say? Mikael asks and raises his hand at Philip. - I wouldn't do that if I were you. Philip says. - You ungrateful ingrate! Mikael cries. - Get out of this house at once! Helena cries. - You... can't have "that disease"!! - Fine, then. Philip snorts. - I'm never coming back!

  • They might cut off my "fundings" and I'll have to go back to study in Sweden. Philip says. - Oh, don't you worry about that. Ashley says and grins. - I'm loaded! - If those nazis cut your fundings off, I'd be glad to pay for your tuition. - You would?! Philip exclaims. - Sure. Ashley says. - I'll even pay your way through college.

  • Yo, Phil! Piper says. - This letter just came for you. He hands Philip an envelope, which Philip opens. He pulls a letter out of it and his eyes widden after reading it. - What is it? Ashley asks. - It's from my parents. Philip says. - They are invoking my mom's legal right as my legal guardian to recall me back to Sweden.

  • Wait, they can't do that, can they? Ashley asks. - We have to fight this. - There's one thing that we can do...! Philip says. - We can sue for conscent. If we can prove that I'm mature enough and that my parents are unfit, I can gain a premature age of conscent.

  • All rise for the honorable judge Miller. A man says and everyone in the court room stands up. - Where is your advocate? Judge Miller asks. - I have decided to represent myself. Philip answers him.

  • Isn't it true that...? Philip asks Helena. - Is it not true that...? Philip asks Helena. - Do you recall? Philip questions Helena. - Do I have to remind you of that you're under oath? Philip question Helena.

  • Is it not true that during the summer, when an alarm clock is not needed, you pull the plug so that my room loses its power supply? Philip asks. It's Michael sitting at the witness stand now, looking angry and irritated. - Yes. He answers quietly. - Tell me, do you cut off the power supply to any other room of the houses besides mine? Philip questions him and you can literally hear Michael gritting his teeth. - No. He mutters. - Why is that? Philip asks. - Why just my room? - Because you can't be up later than eleven p.m. Michael says.

  • Is it true that you don't allow me to be out when the sun is down? Philip asks. Helena's back on the witness stand again. - Yes. She answers. - Why is that? Philip wonders. - Because it's not safe. Helena says. - Is it not true that you have stated that I cannot be out because "I might get robbed", "People in my age who just want trouble will pick me to fight with" and "Because I'm an Asian, they'll target me more than "normal" people."? Philip questions Helena. - Yes. - Is it not true that you are sometimes out after sunset? Philip asks Helena. - Yes, but...! Helena starts saying, but Philip interrupts her. - Do I have to remind you to only answer my questions? Philip asks her and she quiets down again. - Is it not true that you call me "Idiot!" "Stupid!" and "Ingrate!" frequently? Philip continues. - Yes? Helena answers quietly. - Now, when I refused to go to art school and chose to draw Anime, a Japanese way of drawing, you called me stupid? Philip asks. - Yes. Helena answers. - Also, is it not true that you frequently tell me to eat calcium to boost my growth, even though the doctors have adviced me not to since I've finished growing? Philip questions Helena. - Yes. Helena answers. - And when I refuse to since I don't like the taste and how it always gets stuck in my throat, isn't it true that you then call me stupid for not wanting to grow up? Philip asks. - Yes. Helena says and bows her head down. - Then isn't it also true that you have stated that "I have to grow up to be tall, or else no girl will want me" and that "I will never get anyone if they go after my personality instead of my looks"? Philip continues. - Yes. Helena answer quietly and starts sobbing.

NOT A PERFECT SOPHOMORE Chapter 05 - The Trial

  • Alright, now that everybody has calmed down, let's proceed. Judge Miller says and the trial is resumed. - When I came home in sixth grade with the highest grade on a test, A+, do you remember what you said? Philip asks Helena. - No. Helena says. - Is it not true that you said "Get away! I'm watching my soaps!" when I showed it to you and said "I got the best grade in class!"? Philip asks. - I guess. Helena says. - And when I came home in eight grade with the only A in class, do you remember what you and Michael said? Philip proceeded. - No. Helena says. - Is it not true that you said "Good for you, but you have to work on your science grades, 'cause they suck!"? Philip questions Helena. - Yes. She says. - And when I was in ninth grade, isn't it true that you came into my room and said "You better not choose to be a science major since you're so bad at it"? Philip asks Helena. - Yes. She answers. - I cannot see any reason for these questions. Mr. Caufield says and stands up. - What I want to show is that my parents never show me appriciation and if they ever do it, it's only brief since it's usually followed by criticizm. Philip says. - I'll allow him to continue with this line of questions. Mr. Miller says and Philip smiles. - And isn't it true that you're always criticizing my taste in clothing since "tops are only for girls" and "earrings are only for people who has "that disease"."? Philip continues. - Yes. Helena says. - And isn't it true that you have no respect for my privacy? Philip asks. - You never knock and on the seldom occassions when you do, you barge right in before getting my conscent. You also always open my mail. Another gasps goes through the room. - Yes. Helena says quietly. - You do know that you have just admitted to committing an offense, don't you, Mrs. Wester? Judge Miller asks Helena. - Yes. She says quietly. - I will report them later. Philip says.

  • I call myself to the witness stand. Philip states and a loud wave of gasps goes through the audience. Philip goes over to the witness stand and puts a hand on the bible there. - Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? The man asks him. - I do. Philip says and sits down. - Since I represent myself, I will only make statements while on the witness stand. He then announces in a professional way. - However, Mr. Caufield is free to ask me questions when I'm done.

  • In 1999, when I fell down the stairs, from the second floor to the first, I scraped my arm against the wall and started bleeding. Philip started telling of his past with his parents. - However, the first thing that my parents wanted to know was if I damaged the stairs since it would be expensive to repair.

  • In 1997, when I came home with an A+ on a test, being the only one in class that had gotten one, I was so proud and hurriedly showed it to my mother. - All that she said was "Move out of the way. I can't see the TV-screen. I've gotta see my soaps."

  • In the spring of 2001, my mother stated that I had to drink calcium-tabs in order to grow tall because no one would ever take me if not for my looks. - Then, in the summer of 2001 when I defied her and refused to take the tabs, she first threatened with taking me to a psychiatrist for "being disobedient". She then wanted me to take hormones to further boost my growth. However, taking hormones requires going through four shots a day and I've hated shots ever since I was a child. But my mom said coldly that "until I reach the age of 18, she owns me and that she would make me take them if I didn't want to." However, the doctors decided that I didn't lack any hormones.

  • Whenever I'm "disobedient", they throw away my things, even things that I have paid for with my own money. - They consider it to still be their money since they once gave it to me in allowance. So, in short, all money is their money.

  • Also, my mother constantly tells me to start eating more. - But whenever I eat much, she keeps telling me to stop since it's too expensive. Also, she keeps telling me that if I either watch TV or read while eating, my digestive systems won't be able to work correctly, though she, herself, does it all of the time.

  • Is it not true that you have no financial source? Mr. Caufield asks Philip. Aha! Just you wait! - Yes. Philip says and then winks discreetly at me. - You have no job and you do know that if you win the emancipation case, your parents won't provide for you anymore, don't you? Mr. Caufield continues. - Yes. Philip says and nods. - Then, is it not true that you won't have any money to live on? Mr. Caufield asks Philip. - But I do. Philip says and smiles. I smile too, winking back at him. I get that urge to stand up and cheer him on again, but decide not to. - What was that? Mr. Caufield asks, obviously having thought that he'd won the argument. - My best friend and roommate will provide for me. Philip says. - His family is rich and they have agreed to let him take care of me. Do you have any more questions? He adds a wicked smile to that last one, plus a cock of his head to the left. - Uh... no. Mr. Caufield stutters.

  • Does the petitioner have anything else to add? Judge Miller asks. - Yes, I do, your honor. Philip says and fishes a tape out of his pocket. - This is a tape with a recording of a conversation between me and my parents. With that said, he fished a tape recorder out of his briefcase and put the tape in it and hit play. - << Mom, Mikael...! >> Philip's voice can be heard saying. - << I'm gay. >> Silence. And then light sobbing from Helena. - << Why are you saying this? >> She can be heard sobbing. - << Do you want to hurt me? Like the time when you...! >> - << Stop it, you bitch!!!! >> Philip's voice can be heard crying. - << What did you say? >> Michael's voice can be heard asking. - << I wouldn't do that if I were you. >> Philip's voice can be heard saying. - << It'd go to the police and you might lose your job and no longer be able to afford to switch cars every other year. You've never even given me a dime in allowance, but you can spend thousands of dollars on cars. You know, even when mom went away and gave you money to give me each day to buy fastfood, you demanded proof of that I had eaten. I wasn't allowed to save up the money. Unless I had spent it all, I didn't get any more. >> - << You ungrateful ingrate! >> Michael's voice can be heard yelling. - << You... you...! >> - << You know, I used to let talk like this get to me. >> Philip's voice can be heard saying. - << But not anymore. I'm over it. I disowed you as my parents when I turned 12. I had realized that I was gay and that was also when you started treating me badly. I know that I'm not a perfect person, but I'm a good guy and there are plenty of guys out there who will take me. And I will start a family. I will raise a child. >> - << Get out of this house at once! >> Helena's voice can be heard saying. - << You... can't have "that disease"!! >> - << Fine, then. >> Philip's voice can be heard snorting. - << I'm never coming back! >> Philip hit "off" and the tape recorder goes off. He then pulls a paper out of his suit-case. - This paper contains a translation of the tape since the dialogue was in Swedish. He announces and starts reciting from it. - "Mom, Michael...!"

  • "Fine then. I'm never coming back!" Philip finishes reciting. A big wave of gasps goes through the audience and people start talking. Judge Miller bangs with his hammer again and everyone goes quiet.

  • I have reached a verdict. Judge Miller says and sits down from having left the courtroom to reach the verdict. - But before I announce my verdict, I'd like to tell of my own oppinion about what that has come into the light of day during this case. Oh God. We're never gonna get that verdict... I look over at Philip, who's now sitting by my side. Please, oh, please don't let us lose and make him go back to his parents. Please, judge, please, I beg of you. - Never have I encountered a boy with such a strong mental state, resistance against influence and good at debating. It's a wonder to me as to why the boy didn't sue for emancipation earlier. My verdict should now be obvious. Petitioner's motion is granted. Congratulations, Philip. - What does that mean? I whisper to Philip. - I won! He exclaims and starts jumping up and down. - We won! We won! He runs up to me and throws himself into my arms. - Thank you for being here for me. He whispers into my ear before breaking the hug. I look over at his parents and his mother is crying. My lord! - You've lost me forever. Philip shouts at them. - Never contact me again or I'll get a restraining order on you! - Congratulations, Mr. Wester. Judge Miller greets us. Wow. How nice of him to walk up to us to congratulate us. - Oh, please don't call me "Mr. Wester". Philip says and smiles widely. - That's the name of one of the people that I hate the most. Just call me "Philip".

NOT A PERFECT SOPHOMORE Chapter 04 - Revisiting The Past

  • I can't believe you actually won! Piper chuckles. - Neither can I believe that he actually congratulated you... twice, technically seen. We're sitting at the dairy queen, sipping on milkshakes, mine strawberry, Piper's lemon and Philip's vanilla. - Well, he is handsome and quite young and...! Philip starts saying and both me and Piper roll our eyes in unison. - Philip! I scold him. - What? Philip asks, all innocent and all. - I am an adult now, so it wouldn't be illegal and...! - Philip!!! Both me and Piper groan in unison and Philip just grins that awfully cute way that only he can grin. - Anyway, I'm glad that I'm finally free from those crazy people. Philip sighs. - But... Ashley... you didn't really mean it when you said...! - Of course I did. I say and smile warmly at him. - You're my best friend and I love you. His eyes lit up and seem to sparkle. - I'm... you consider me your best friend? He asks happily. - Yes, of course. I chuckle. - Who else would allow you to constantly prod and grope them? And he frowns. - I mean it. I quickly add. - I consider you my best friend and I love you. - This is a moment that makes life worth living. He says and smiles widely. - But paying for college...! - Hey, I've got a trustfund that could choke a horse. I chuckle. - Don't worry 'bout me. The greatest risk we have to face is you eating us out of house and home. - You're talking about it as if we're gonna spend the rest of our lives together. Philip chuckles. Piper looks oddly and me and then a look of realization appears on his face. He then winks at me, making sure that Philip doesn't see it. - Well, I am gonna pay for your tuition and we are best friends and all...! I chuckle nervously. - Oh, whoa, time, time! He suddenly exclaims. - Whaa? Piper wonders. - It's half past 6 already. Philip says. - I've got a date scheduled. - You date? Me and Piper both exclaim in unison. - Sure. He says. - Well... no. I was sitting at a queer café, reading "Mice And Men" for English class when Nathan from the party came up to me. We started talking and we've got this date planned in, like, an hour. Gotta go. With that said, he gets up and speeds off, leaving me and Piper in an awkward silence. Minutes go by and people come and go, but me and Piper just keep quiet. - So... you love him? He then suddenly asks me. The dreaded question... what should I answer? - Of course I do. I say and he smiles. - We're best friends, roommates and...! He rolls his eyes and then interrupts me. - Don't play that song again. He groans. - You know it's more than that. You know it's true love. Silence... - Piper? I ask cautiously. - Yah? He responds. - Is it that obvious? - Not really. He chuckles. Silence... - Piper? I ask cautiously. - Yah? He responds. - D'you think he loves me back? - That's an issue that has to be settled between the two of you. He says. - I guess. I say quietly. Silence... - Piper? I ask cautiously. - What now? He groans. - You're not gonna tell him, are you? I ask nervously. - Of course not. He says. - But I think that it's so cute that you just can't tell him. I mean, hello, he's gay. What's the worst thing that he can do? - Turn me down. I say quietly. Silence... - Well, deal with it. Piper says, breaking the silence. - Live... you can't live a sheltered life your entire life and get all grumpy when you're old, saying how bad things turned out. You've got to take chances. Or else, he might go and find somebody else before you get a chance to tell him. - But...! I protest. - Don't make this into a soap. He groans. - You love him, you don't tell him, get gets himself a boyfriend and you're stuck... 'til they break up. It's so... HBO. What are you, a masochist? - Pinch me and we'll be able to tell. And he pinches me. Ow! - Ow! I exclaim and flail with my arms. I look over at Piper and he's giggling his pants off. - Well? He asks and grins. - Well... I don't know. - Let's try it again...! He says and I jump out of my chair. - Hey! I protest. - I was just joking. He chuckles and I sit back down. Silence... more silence... - So, you're gonna tell him? He asks. - Yah. I say quietly. - When? He asks. - When I'm ready...! I say. - When he's ready...! - You don't think that he's ready? He asks. - I don't know. I say quietly. - He just got out of a bad relantionship and before that, his lover died, a lover whom he had planned to marry. - And the conundrum is...? Piper wonders. - I don't want to be the rebound-guy. I ask quietly. - Especially not the double-rebound-guy. Silence... silence... - You think I'm cute? What?! - What?! I exclaim. - Well, as the gay-, slash, bi-guy that you are, you could tell if I'm cute or not, right? I really wanna know. What do you think? And he strikes one of those cheezy poses that male models so often strike. - You're cute, alright? I groan. - Yay!!! He exclaims, all excited. - You're weird, you know that? I chuckle. - This from the guy who's afraid of being a double-rebound guy just because the guy he's in love with's guy that he's in love with treated him badly, plus the fact of that the previous boyfriend of the guy that he's in love with died? - Yes. I groan. - Just don't repeat that to anyone. - "Like I could". He chuckles and then we both start laughing.


  • "At the beginning... with you". I sing as I walk down campus. Aah. This is life. Finally free from those nazis, having two great friends, a really cute potential boyfriend... this is the best. - You guys go ahead. I hear a familiar voice say. - I can't make it. I turn towards the direction from which the voice had come and see him, sitting there... it's him. It really is. It can't be true... can it? Is it a dream? I pinch myself. Owie! He's here, sitting on a bench in the middle of campus. - Owie. I groan quietly. Alright, evidently, I'm awake. But... still... it can't be... it can't be him... can it? His face, his body, his voice... Ripley.


(I TOLD you guys that I was gonna revert back to my cliffhanger-loving-ways! Muahahahaha!!!!! Feel the pain!!! No, I'm not a sadist. The next chapter will be out soon.)

Write to me at Just write to me if you want to flame me, give me comments, suggestions or just chat. Why not send some nudes too? And if you live in Sweden, in Stockholm and are 14-18, please, please, please email me about a date!!!!!! For all of those who read and give me feedback:

Thank you! (English, well, duh!)

Tack! (Swedish)

Takk! (Norwegian)

Tak! (Danish)

Spatsiba! (Russian)

Arigato! (Japanese)

Gracias! (Spanish)

Grazie! (Italian)

Merci! (French)

Cam on! (Vietnamese)

Cap con cah! (Thai)

Dank je! (German)

Dziekuje! (Polish)

Next: Chapter 25: Not a Perfect Sophomore 6

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