Not a Perfect Love

Published on Nov 5, 2001


NEW DISCLAIMER: No disclaimer. Read the old ones! :^) No "Did you knows", no quotes, no nothing. Just a story!


NOTE: This chapter has nothing to do with Philip's and Ashley's fate. It's about Marion and Julie, two girls in "the party", the gang to which Philip used to belong.

NOTE #2: This is a crossover of the "Angel We Have Heard On High" series, which will be started briefly after that the NAPL/Summer/Sophomore-series end. Therefor, there'll be little "previously on..." "clips" here. Just thought you guys'd like to know so that you didn't all go "Whaa?!" Also, this chapter is shorter than the usual ones. (Well, not exactly a crossover, more of a really long preview of the series to come)

NOTE #3: Ain't I evil? ;^) Muahahahahahaha! Tremble!!! I am the God of evil queens. All shag, er, shall worship me.

NOTE#4: The latest of my parents' front. They have gone from denial to lecturing. "If you stay like this, you won't have a wife to cook and take care of you and give you children. You know those boys only live together when they're young. But then they leave for girls. Not to mention all of those deseases." This from the woman so STUPID she doesn't even know that if you type "win" while in DOS, you start Windows and who thinks that if you watch TV while eating, your metabolism won't work correctly.

All sacrifices should be directed to Preferably younger guys. :^) ;^) (if you're a man of the law, ignore the following, if not, read) I want nudies!!!!!!!!!! Thanxies in advancies.

ANGEL VOICEOVER: Previously on "Angel We Have Heard On High".

  • Oh, hi, Julie. Philip greets Julie. - Hi, this is Marion. Julie introduces Marion to Philip. - Pleased to meet you. Philip says and shakes Marion's hand.

  • I know that you're Ms. Out-Going-Person and all, coming from New York, but you can't party all of the time. Julie says. - It's what I do. Marion says. - Besides, you don't even know everything about me yet.

  • Marion, what are you doing in there? Julie asks and bangs on the bathroom door. - Just freshening up. Marion says. She poured the heroine onto the paper on the washingmachine and then proceeded to inhale it through a straw. - Locked...! Julie says when she tries to open the door. She busts it open and sees Marion on the floor, high. - Oh my God! Julie exclaims. - You need help! I'm calling the party!

  • I can't stand it! Marion groans. - I must have another fix... please, just another one, so that I'll feel good. She is on a white bed, being tolled away into de-tox. - Hang on, Marion. Julie says.

  • You made it. Julie congratulates Marion. - You're clean again.

  • Hi. Andres greets Marion. - What are you doing here? Marion asks him with hatred in her eyes. - Just thought you'd want some of my "gifts". Andres grins and throws a folded paper-packet of heroine at Marion.


  • I don't want your gifts! I cy and throw the heroine to the ground. - Are you really sure about that? Andres grins. - I'm sure. I say. - Fine, then. He says. - Just remember that there's more where that came from. With that said, he throws three more packets to the ground, next to the packet that I just threw to the ground, and leaves. - See ya. He shouts without turning back. I stare at him, until he's out of sight, and then stare down at the packets.

"This is who you are!" Andres grins as Marion is lying on the floor of her messy apartment, high. "This is what you've always been..."

  • Am I now or have I ever...? I ask myself in the back of her mind.

"You know what, you are pathetic." Andres chuckles. "You were the one who sought me out. You wanted this. Now you have it. Learn to love it, baby."

I stare at the heroine some more and then bend down and pick it all up, shoving it into my jacket pocket.

  • Hi ya, Marion. Julie greets me as I enter our dorm room. - Hi. I greet her back, trying to avoid locking eyes with her. She always knows that somethings up by simply looking me in the eyes. - How has your day been going then? I asked her cheerfully. - Oh, badly. She groans and plops down at her desk, starting to go through her resumé again. - I didn't get a single one of those jobs. They all said that I had too little experience. Well if they'd hire me, I'd get some! - Oh, that's life. I chuckle. - Hey, Robin's throwing a party for his birthday next Saturday. Julie tells me. - You'll be there, right? - Of course. I say. - Of course I will. She doesn't seem to have noticed anything.


Something's up. I can see it and hear it on her. She's acting guilty... as if she's done something really wrong.

ANGEL WE HAVE HEARD ON HIGH Crossover Chapter - Once A... Always A...


I can still hear her yelling at me. "I know that you're Ms. Out-Going-Person and all, coming from New York, but you can't party all of the time." That's what she told me. And I think that she's right... I feel so guilty that I can't even enjoy Angels Hyndals party. Everybody's here. Lots of cute boys. But Julie's words keep ringing in my ears. And the memory of what I had done... when I stuffed those drugs into my pocket. It... it hurts in a weird way. I hid them, the pills. The powder I flushed down the toilet at once. They'd be easy to spot as drugs. But the pills I hid in an old pill bottle... for headache. It's so old that it looks quite dirty. And it's in the back of the medicine cabinet, so Julie's probably never going to even notice it beside all of the other pill bottles. - Wanna dance? Justin Brier, the hottest guy on the football team asks me, but I shake my head. I'm too distracted. He gets a kind of "Hey-it's-your'-loss"-look on his face and leaves to look for somebody else to dance with. What's wrong with me today? I decide to leave the party.


  • I hope that everything's okay. I say with concern in my voice. - Yeah. Julie sighs. So, here we are, in my dorm room, talking. My roommate, Dell, is out, so we can openly discuss anything we'd like to discuss. - So, how's the boy-thang going? She then changes the subject. Obviously, this isn't something that she wants to discuss excessively, so I drop it and decide to move along. - Oh, swell. I chuckle. - Neo and I are pretty well off together. Although most of his jock friends have practically renouned him. - Bastards. Julie snorts. She's fumind. Uh-oh. She's gonna blow! - Hey, most of the non-jockies have stayed... faithful. I say quickly. She calms down and I let out a silent and subtle sigh of relief. She's a nice girl, but when she blows, you can count on that some innocents will get caught in the crossfire. No violence. Only yelling. Lots of it. - And how is your brother doing? She asks. - Oh, pretty good. I chuckle. - He and Robin are so cute. They've started having "romantic Fridays". It won't be long 'til they stop have sex and argue a lot. And that means that it's true love. With that said, we look at each other and then start laughing. Ah, we do have a weird sense of humor. Then we both stop laughing abruptly. - I hate that boy. We both say in unison.


  • This feels weird. I say quietly. - Nah. She says and smiles. She leads me through the corridor and we stop in front of a room. We enter. - ...and that's when I realized that I had to improve myself. A young man, about my age, finishes talking and sits down. At, so cliché. Here, they all are, sitting in a ring, on chairs, of course. It's a meeting for drug addicts. - Sit down. Julie whispers to me and we both sit down. - I see that we have somebody new in our group. A middle aged wooman, probably the keaderm says. Before she can do the cliché "Please stand up and state your name", I stand up. - My name if Marion Hammerstone and I've been an addict for over three years. I introduce myself and my life's story. Everyone is looking at me by now, as if I were something they'd never seen before. - It started when these boys I knew in Junior High offered me some weed. And then it just progressed. And before I knew it, I was doing heavy stuff, like ecstasy. Then I sit down and everybody turns their attention back to the "leader". - Well, let's start with talking about how things have progressed this week, then. She says and a twenty-something man stands up. - I walked past a homeless man today. He tells us all. - He was obviously high, probably on something heavy. And he told me that he could give me some if I wanted. I felt tempted for a while, but then I hurried out of there. - That's very good, Henry. The leader says. - Well, thank you, Ms. Izor. Henry thanks her. - But. Ms. Izor says as Henry sits down. - You were tempted. And you stopped for a while to think about it. And that's not good. But after all, this is a multiple-stepped program. However, the next time something like that happens, make sure of that you don't even think about it. - Yes, Ms. Izor. Henry says quietly.

ANGEL WE HAVE HEARD ON HIGH Crossover Chapter - In The Harsh Light Of Day

  • Now, don't you feel better after that? Julie asks me. - Yah. I say quietly. - It just felt a little weird. - Don't worry. She says and pats me on the back. - It'll get better. We're walk down campus, towards English class. Angel is sitting with Neo and some boys. Neo waves at me when he sees me and I wave back. - I so hate English. I groan. - You so hate everything. Julie groans. - At least if it's got to do with school. - Point taken. I say and grin sheepishly. - So, what are you gonna do after school? She asks as we're approaching the class room in which we're gonna have English. - I thought I'd try to find us some jobs again. I sigh. - Y'know, the usual. Walk all over town, get turned down and then relax back at our room with some comfort food. - Sounds nice. She chuckles. - Yah. I say.

  • Ms. Crawford is ready for you now. The secretary tells me and I smile at her. I stand up and walk into the office of Ms. Crawford, manager of the Criss Bank. Sales clerks at the bank. Whew. This is gonna be tough. I walk in and am met by a middle aged woman with long black hair and thick glasses. There's lots of papers on her desk and among them are mine and Julie's resumés. - Please sit down. She says and motions to a chair in front of her desk. I sit down and she looks at me and adjustes her glasses. - I see that you haven't got any experience, neither of you. Ms. Crawford says as she looks through mine and Julie's resumés. - Alright, I'll leave. I say and stand up, but she holds a hand up to stop me. - I never said that you didn't get the job. She chuckles. - But...! I start to protest and then decide to keep my mouth shut. - I will give you both a week's trial each. She says. - If you can prove to me that you are responsible and good at this, you'll be permanently hired. - Thank you, Ms. Crawford! I exclaim and start shaking her hand violently. I then let go of it in realization. Her hair has been ruffled slightly and her glasses have slipped a little. - Oh, sorry. I apologize. - Oh, don't worry about that. She chuckles. - Now run along and tell your friend all about it. - I will! I say. I stand up and walk out of there, feeling as if all of my dreams are about to come true. Ah. I just know that this will be a day to remember.


It's so nice that Marion's making progress. And this book is so good. "Harry Potter And The Order Of Phoenix". And this brownie is sooo faboo! ... ... ... I have no life. I'm talking to myself about how I'm reading a children's book and eating children's pastries. Oh! Oh! Almost forgot. Gotta wrap Robin's birthday present up. I walk over to my desk and sit down. I open up the top drawer and pull out a chessgame made out of ivory. It was really expensive, but, hey, it's Robin. - "...I've been lost for years..." I sing as I start wrapping it with black and white striped giftpaper. - "...deeper that you lay..." Finished. I paste a litte ribbon onto the middle of the square package and then put it away, back into the top drawer. I stand up and am suddenly struck by an immense pain. - Aah! I exclaim and knock the desk chair over as I fall to the floor. It hurts so much! My head. Must get to the bathroom... I hoist myself back to my feet and start stumbling towards the bathroom door. I open it slowly and then put one foot inside. - My head...! I groan as I put my other foot inside of the bathroom. I start rummaging through the medicine cabinet, but every single headache- tab bottle is empty. Then I find it. An old red one. Oh well. So, I open a lid, take a tab out and pop it into my mouth. But it didn't help. So, I take out one more and swallow it too. Doesn't help either. Maybe it works slowly. I read the warnings carefully. Nope, not dangerous if you take multiple tabs, unless you take at least ten. So, I take out two more and swallow them. My head! It hurts even more. - Aaah! I exclaim and grab my head. I have to grab onto the sink to steady myself. Why does it hurt so much? I took four tabs. And what a weird taste they had. I... Blackout...


Gotta hurry home and tell Julie about the good news. We both got jobs at the same place. I feel the door. Open. This means that she's home. I burst into the room. - Julie! I call. No response. I look around. Nobody's here. Weird. Then I notice that the bathroom door's open. She must be freshening up or something, or else she would've locked it. She's so shy. So, I walk in and... no... it can't be... no... no. She's lying there, on the floor, a pool of blood building up under her head. She must've fallen. Slipped or... and then I see it. The pill bottle. The pills! Oh no! I hurry to the phone and didal 911. The ambulance arrives and two men come in and take Julie away, motioning for me to follow. As we drive down the road, the street lights illuminate us. And then we arrive at the hospital. But it's too late. The loss of blood, the overdose. She's gone...

I'm sitting here, in mine and Julie's room... only now there's no Julie left. At everybody's here, Robin, Angel, Julia, Neo, Anastasia... and the others. - You stupid...! Julia starts screaming, but Robin stops her. - Don't make it even worse. Robin whispers to her. - I... I feel so stupid. I sob into my hands as I sit curled up on my bed. - Her parents...! Angel says quietly. - The funeral will be held next Saturday. - The same day as...! I start saying, but Robin cuts me off. - Yeah. He sighs. - My birthday celebration has been switched to a memorial service, at my house. - I didn't even get to say goodbye. I sob. - I didn't know... when I left... we argued. That's the last thing we did. We argued. The last thing I said to her was that she was a busy-bodied yentl without any kind of life. I... I don't... I'm so stupid. - Don't be so hard on yourself. Aero says and I can see, out of the corner of my eye, that Julia's struggling hard to surpress saying something harsh. - But how could you be so stupid as to hide it somewhere where she could reach it? Derek asks. - Why couldn't you have hidden it under your bed or something? - I... I don't know. I sob, tears running down my face and soaking my blouse. - I can't think. It hurts to think. - There, there. Robin says and pats my back. - We're all here for you. Again, I can see that Julia wants to say something.

I sob. And I sob again. My pillow has been so soaked with tears that it's soaking wet as the moonlight shines in through the open window and a cold breeze blow in. I shiver under my blanket, freezing. But I can't close it. Murderers don't deserve a good night's sleep. And I sob again.

I hate graveyards. Here we are, standing before Julie's grave as a priest whom Julie's never even met is rambling and on about how she's one of God's children and how good of a person she was. They have already buried her coffin, bright mahagony, and we're not standing before the huge tombstone that her parents have bought. - ...ashes to ashes. He finishes and leaves. I feel the cold wind blow in my hair as I lean down and place a bouqet of black roses at her headstone. - I'm so sorry. I sob and some tears trickle down onto the roses. I stand up again and wipe my eyes. I must look really shabby with my mascara running like this. I turn around and start walking away.


  • But she can't leave. I whisper to Aqua. - What about the memorial service? - Hush! She shushes me. - She doesn't have to go if she doesn't want to. She's grieving. I mean, she's feeling guilty, thinking that she is the one who killed Julie. - But she was! Julia growled in a muffled voice. - No. Terra says sharply. - Andres did. Not Marion. And if you could just stop making her feel so guilty, I'm sure of that she'd stop being so depressed and withdrawing all of the time. I can't stand this! Arguing at a funeral! So, I turn around and leave. And I accidentaly walk straight into a table, making the glass bottle on it fall to the ground and shatter with a loud noise. - But, that's...! I mumble as I see two figures at Ripley's grave. It's Riley... and Philip?! I hide behind some trees and watch them. I can see their lips move, but I'm too far away to hear them. And I've never been good at lip-reading, anyway. So, I wait and wait and is that a ring?! Oh my God! Oh, wait, Ripley must've bought it for Philip. So, after what seems like, like, forever. They finally apart and leave. I sneak after Philip, hiding constantly to not let him see me. And finally arrive at INSomnia High. So this is where he's been hiding all of this time! I look down at my wristwatch. Almost time for the memorial service. Better go. I take one last look at the dorm building Philip had just entered and then turn around and leave...

To be continued... in about 3 months! Muahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Ain't I evil? WATCH OUT FOR "ANGEL WE HAVE HEARD ON HIGH", COMING TO NIFTY SOON!

And don't worry. Philip's story will continue in the next chapter.

Write to me at Just write to me if you want to flame me, give me comments, suggestions or just chat. Why not send some nudes too? And if you live in Sweden, in Stockholm and are 14-18, please, please, please email me about a date!!!!!! For all of those who read and give me feedback:

Thank you! (English, well, duh!)

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Next: Chapter 28: Not a Perfect Junior 9

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