Not a Perfect Love

Published on Nov 12, 2001


NEW DISCLAIMER: No disclaimer. Read the old ones! :^) No "Did you knows", no quotes, no nothing. Just a story!

NATHAN VOICEOVER: Previously on Not A Perfect Summer and Not A Perfect Junior.

  • Fucking chink! The robber swears and fires off his gun. A bullet shoots out towards Philip, but Brian jumps out in front of him, shielding him. - Aah! He cries out in pain when the bullet buries itself into his shoulder and some blood splatters onto Philip's face.

Piper, Philip and Ashley are fitting tuxedos plus accessories at a store. - Let's blow this hellhole and start preparing for the prom! Philip declares. - I need some red highlights. Piper declares. - Oh, well, I need to get a cool haircut. Ashley says. - But I'm broke for the moment, after buying this outfit. - Oh, don't worry. Philip says. - I can fix you one. I'm good at cutting hair. I cut my own all of the time. I've got to buy five bleaching kits. - Five?! Piper exclaims. - Hey, making blue hair white isn't really easy. Philip says and Piper rolls his eyes.

  • So... you love him? Piper asks Ashley. - Of course I do. Ashley says. - We're best friends, roommates and...! - Don't play that song again. Piper groans. - You know it's more than that. You know it's true love. - D'you think he loves me back? Ashley asks. - That's an issue that has to be settled between the two of you. Piper says. - You're not gonna tell him, are you? Ashley asks nervously. - Of course not. Piper replies. - But I think that it's so cute that you just can't tell him. I mean, hello, he's gay. What's the worst thing that he can do? - Turn me down. Ashley says quietly.

  • Hi ya, Philip! Nathan calls out when he spots Philip. - Be my date? Philip asks him? - Sure. He says. - Wanna dance? Nathan asks. Philip nods and they start dancing.

  • Everbody keep calm and nobody will get hurt. A voice cries and gunshots can be heard. Everybody gets down on the floor. - What is it? Nathan whispers to Philip. - You've gone pale. - I know that guy. Philip whispers back. - Huh? Nathan asks. - He shot me...! Philip murmurs quietly.

- What do you mean he shot you? Nathan whispers to me. - Could we carry this conversation on somewhere where he won't see me? I whisper to him and we sneak over behind a table. - Now, dish. He whispers. - Well, last summer, me and my boyfriend Ripley were at a store when he and two other guys burst in. I start "dishing". - He shot me because of the color of my skin. - Then we better hide here so that he won't recognize you. Nathan whispers. - Good idea. I say quietly. _____________ _____________ \ Not |_____________________________| A / ) Perfect | Chapter X - Part 2 of 2 | Sophomore ( /____________| The Prom III |____________\ |_____________________________| OPENING CREDITROLL "My hand around you, We're walking hand in hand, Towards another morning, Towards another world," "I look upon you, And though I just can't understand, I smile the widest smile, 'Cause it's all working out just fine," "The sound of your voice, The scent of your hair, The sparkle in your eyes, Light up a flair," "I see a fire, That just won't go away, I see a fire, That wants to burst into flames," "But then it dies out, It just disappears, As quickly as it came, Small droplets, small tears," "So, the bond has burst, The promise's been broken, At the top of the world, The forbidden word's been spoken," "So it's time to leave, Time to go, Let out a go, Follow the flow," "And so, I go," REGULARS Philip Wester Ashley Ericsson Piper Camfield GUEST STARS Nathan Hunnigan as "the CH-lookalike" David "Angel" Andromeda as "Angel" Derek Andromeda as "Derek" - Alright. The leader says and he scans the ball room. - We'll need someone to phone the police and call them here. Any volunteers? No reponse. - Well, let's find one then. He chuckles and grabs a girl my arm. He drags her onto the scene and hands her a cell phone and a wrinkled paper. - Dial 911 and read what that's on the paper. He instructs the trembling girl and she start dialing. She puts the phone to her left ear and there's a pause. Then she starts talking. - M-m-my name is Celia and I'm in the ball room of INSomnia High. She says. - We're having a prom right now. Five convicts on the run c-c-crashed it. T-they are keeping us all hostage. They want a car, free passage to the airpot, er, port, and five million dollars in unmarked hundred dollar bills. There's a silence and then Celia gives the phone to the leader. - They will be here s-shortly. She stammers. - Good. He says. - You may re-join your friends on the floor. Celia walks, shakingly, back to where she was lying before and lays back down. - This is bad. I whisper to Nathan. - If he sees me, he'll surely shoot me. - Well, let's just keep calm and quiet then. He whispers back. I've started sweating heavily now. I'm so nervous and scared. Usually, I'm not very scared of dying. I mean, what did I have to live for? But now that I finally feel good with myself, I wanna live. I wanna live! - What do we have here, eh? The leader says and points our way. I hurriedly duck behind the table and Nathan holds me as I start shaking. No! Not again! No! - Food! He exclaims and starts digging in on the food on a table a couple of feet away from the one that me and Nathan are hiding behind. - Whew. I sigh in relief. - All that we have to do is to stay still 'til they go away. Nathan whispers to me as he strokes my hair. - Don't worry. It'll all be over soon. He rocks me as I cower. I never laugh in the face of danger. I hide until it goes away. Something that I learnt from Xander (Buffy The Vampire Slayer). FLAMING SOUL - ANGEL - You sure of that he invited us to his prom? Derek asks me as we walk towards INSomnia High. Ah! I've soooo been looking forward to this. Hereditary High doesn't have proms for Juniors. Only Seniors. So, here we are, me dressed in a dark blue suit, dark blue pants, light blue shirt and dark blue tie and Derek dressed in all white, except for his tie, which is slightly gray. - Yes! I groan for the probably one hundred-fitfh time. There's a moment of silence as we pass some people. - Why couldn't we bring out boyfriends? He then asks. - My God! I exclaim. - You said the word "boyfriend"! - Yeah, yeah. He groans. - Look, I know that I've been kinda... er... shy about the word, but I don't know if this Robin-thing is for real yet. - "You're such a twat". I groan. - This from the guy who thought that Tisamisu was some kind of Asian massage. He says and shoves me playfully. - So what if I'm not a bookworm? I ask. - You're the geek. I am the... the...! - Redheaded pain in the ass? He asks and I frown. - Pfft! I say and stick my tongue out at him. - Sure, really mature. He groans. - Oh, c'mon. I groan. We reach the school, but something is wrong. Police cars are stationed outside... lots of them. I run up to one of the officers, followed by Derek, to pump for info... and maybe something else... I mean, hello! What a stud. And young and... oops. Off-track here. Gimme a break, brain. I'm 16. "Looking at linoleum makes me want to have sex". - Yes? He asks when I tap him on the shoulder. - We're supposed to be in there. I say. - Is there something wrong? Like, some fight or something? Why are you here? - There's a hostage situation. He tells us and I gasp. - I'm afraid that you'll have to wait out here and hope for the best. Now, we're negotiating with the criminals inside. Stay away from the ball room. You might be in danger if you're to close if there's a shooting. - A, a, alright. I stammer and usher Derek out of there. I don't stop until we've put quite some distance between us and the police. - Why did you push me like that? He asks. - And why stop here? - 'Cause now they can't hear us. I whisper to him. I then let there be a moment of silence for effect's sake. - We're going in. I then say. - What?! He exclaims so loudly that I have to put a hand in front of his mouth to muffle him. - Are you crazy? He asks in a lower voice when I remove my hand. - We can't just leave them in there. I whisper to him. - It'll be like in the movies. Some people will die in the shooting that will erupt and then the police will "apologize" and that's it, folks. And with Philip's bad luck, I bet he's gonna be the first one to get hit. - But how the heck will we get in? He asks. Silence. - And I'm not going! He then adds. - Oh, yes you are. I groan. - Alright, alright. He groans. - I know how we're gonna get in. I whisper to him. - There's a hidden door on the back of the school. It leads into the basement. - Alright, let's go then. He says. So, we walk five blocks to get to the back of the school without the police seeing us and I show him to the hidden door, which is blocked from view by some overgrown bushes. I feel the knob and sigh with relief when its open. It opens with a creek when I pull at it and we both sneak inside. - Just so that you know, if I die today, I'll never forget you. He whispers to me as we make out way down the long steps. We finally reach the basement and walk up another set of stairs that lead to the gymnasium. - My God!!!! Derek suddenly gasps when he enters the gymnasium. - What? What? I whisper. - Blood? Dead people? What? - Their gymnasium is twice as big as ours! He says in utter shock and I roll my eyes. - C'mon. I groan and push him to the exit of the gymnasium. We then make our way down the halls, as quiet as mice, and finally arrive at the corner of the ball room. I peer around the corner and look inside. - What do you see? Derek whispers to me. - There's three of them...! I whisper back. - And... oh my God! - What? What? He asks. - Don't tell me their cafeteria is twice as big as ours too! - Well, yes...! I say and he groans. - But the guy who shot Philip last summer is there, too. He's armed. - My God! Derek whispers. - Where's Philip? Is he okay? I scan the room. And, my God! - He's okay alright. I snicker. - He's hiding behind a table with a really fine guy. Philip is getting hugged by the guy. I'd change places with him anytime. - Neo, Neo, Neo. Derek reminds me and I turn to him and grin sheepishly. - He, he. I chuckle sheepishly. - You won't tell him I did that, will you? - Oh course not. He says and puts on a fake innocent face. FEATHERS RUFFLED - PHILIP - It seems as if we're safe. Nathan whispers to me. - He doesn't seem to be coming here. - Well, well. I suddenly hear the leader say above us. I turn around, wriggle out of Nathan's arms and my heart drops. There he is, standing right before me. The leader, Marvin Haley. - Isn't it the chink I tried to shoot last year? He chuckles. - Remember me? The guy you put in jail for ten fucking years! - Well, you deserved it! I spit at him and instantly regret it. He grabs me angrily and pulls me to my feet. - Oh, I failed last time. He whispers into my ear harshly. He pauses for a moment and spits in my face. - But this time around, I'll kill you, alright! He then says loudly as I wipe his spittle off. - I'm already getting punished for it. Why not kill you once and for all? _____________ _____________ \ Not |_____________________________| A / ) Perfect | Chapter X - Part 2 of 2 | Sophomore ( /____________| The Prom IV |____________\ |_____________________________| ANGEL - Oh God, oh God, oh God! Derek whispers into my ear loudly. - This is getting serious. We have to do something! - But what? I ask. - Ouh! Look! He whispers and points at something on the floor. It's a gun! Wait... a gun?! I pick it up. It is a gun! Loaded and all. One of those bozos must've dropped it when he entered the cafeteria. - So, what, we storm in there with this itty-bitty little gun? I ask him. - No. He groans. - We shoot them! - What?! I exclaim quietly. - Well, in the leg or something. He says. - Or in the arm. So that they won't be able to shoot back. Philip is a smart guy. He'll kick the leader down while we take the guards down. - Time to die, pretty boy. I can hear the guy holding Philip say and I make my mind up. - Alright. I say and nod and he nods, too. - Let's do this. We don't have much time. He'll shoot Philip soon. HANGING ON A THREAD - PHILIP Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Wait... this can't be it. I can sense it if I'm about to get hurt. But he's trying to kill me. What if I can't sense if I'm gonna die? Oh God! Oh God! He raises his gun and grins at me. The entire room is staring. I turn my head up and down, turn it, turn it, turn it, turn it, turn it around and all that I can see are people staring at me. Ashley, Piper and Nathan are all pale. And I close my eyes, accepting death. I mean, hello, like, tried to kill myself just recently. So, this will just be a lot more painful, but quicker. I hold my eyes closed and prepare myself. *BANG* Am I dead? Already? I don't feel a thing. Oh God, I'm dead. And I open one eye. Ouh! One of the guards are down, clutching one of his arms. He's dropped his gun. And Marvin is looking away. I quickly kick at his left knee and his legs buckle. I then kick at his right hand and he drops the gun that he's holding in it. I bend down and pick it up. - The table's turned! I say. Suddenly, I hear a shot, followed by another and turn around to see Derek lying down, with Angel crawling to him. The next thing I know, the police are here. They take my gun and, after questioning people to find out who that were involved, take the three thugs away. THROUGH ANGEL'S EYES - Let's do this. I say and he nods. I am and my aim is true. When I fire off, it hits the guard standing to the left of the entrance in the right arm and he falls to the floor, clutching it. I shoot a quick look over at Philip. He opens his eyes and thinks fast. He kicks at one of the thug's knees. - Let's go. Derek whispers to me and we storm into the room. I aim at the second guard, but he's gone. - Where'd he go? I ask. I scan the room quickly and spot him, holding a girl hostage. Must be why the people in the room didn't tell us. And he's aiming his gun at us! - Watch out! Derek exclaims and pushes me to the floor. I fall to the floor and the next thing I know, there's a shot. I look over at Derek and he's lying down. - You bastard! I shout at the thug, who've foolishly enough let go of the girl. - That's my brother! I fire a shot off and it hits the thug right in his left thigh. He falls to the floor and clutches his legs. People get brave and throw themselves over the thugs to keep them in place, leaving me free to crawl over to Derek. - Oh, bro, how is it? I ask as I crawl over to him. I grab him and start shaking him. - Speak to me, bro. Speak to me! How are you? At that moment, the police storm in the room. Over fifteen over them. I throw a quick look at him and then look back to Derek again. - I'll be fine if you sop shaking me. He groans and I start shaking him. - Sorry. I apologize. - I was just worried. I look at him. There's a bullet hole in his suit. - But you're hit! I exclaim. - How can you...? He puts a hand inside of his suit and pulls a copy of "Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix" out, with a bullet hole in the middle of it. - My God. I groan. - Knowledge is power. He chuckles. - And defense too, I guess. We both get up to our feet and run over to Philip, who's getting currently getting questioned by the police. - How are you? Derek asks him. - Shouldn't I be asking you that? He asks and Derek holds the book up while grinning. - Oh, I love Harry Potter! Philip exclaims. - We'll have to thank J.K. Rowling when the press interviews us later on. - Yeah, yeah. I groan. - Seriously, how are you? - A little shaken. He says quietly. - But I'm okay now. - Alright, people. The officer that was questioning Philip says. - Let's clear out. - Er, officer. I say quietly. Ouh! It's the hunky officer! Wait, gotta focus. - Yes? He asks. - Well, I was wondering, could you guys let us have our prom? I ask. - Please? I mean, it was me and Derek who saved the day and we didn't even get to sample the snacks. Please? I mean, you got the perps. Perps... funny word. - Alright. He says and smiles warmly at me. - I'll just have to ask my superiors if it's okay. Since no one but the perps got hurt, I don't think that they'll be in any hurry to clear the place. And that's how we got to have our prom, anyway! Well, not "our" as in mine and Derek's. But we got it, anyway. "I'm, what, what, what, what, what, what, Standing on a rooftop, shouting out," - This is so cool! Derek coos as we sample the snack-table. - They've everything. - Ah, Derek. I whisper to Philip. - Ever the horseman... as in eater, that is. And then Philip starts digging in too. - I forgot that he's a big eater, too. I sigh and Ashley chuckles. - Yeah. Piper chuckles. "I'm, what, what, ready to go, On a rooftop, shouting out..." - Now, let's dig in! Ashley asks and we all dig in. We're pigs, all of us, I guess. But at least we'll be full pigs. - Let's dance. Derek whispers to me when "Human" is on. " was a war, it's you who have won, While I was confessing it, you held your tongue..." - What? I exclaim. - Okay, we're gay. But we're brothers! - So what? He chuckles. - Let's shock them! "I'm only human on the inside, And if look could deceive..." - Er... how? I ask and point at Philip dancing with Nathan. - I just wanna dance, alright? He groans. - And the thought of dancing with a girl, brrrr. And he does mocks a look of horror. "I thought you'd come through, I thought you'd come clean, 'Cause you were the best thing, I should never have seen," - Alright. I groan. - But you owe me one. Big time. - Alright. He says. And we start dancing. "And I crash and I burn, Maybe someday I'll learn, I'm only human on the inside..." ASHLEY - Tell him. Piper whispers to me as we watch Philip and Nathan dance. - I... I...! I stammer. "I crash and I burn, Maybe someday I'll learn..." - Oh, you're pathetic. He groans. - Alright. I'll do it! I say. - On graduation day, I will. "I stumble and fall, Baby, I've done it all, I'm only human on the inside..." - Way to go! Piper says and pats me on the back. I instantly feel a knot in my stomach, but I ignore it. I'll do it! On graduation day, I'll tell him that I love him! "...only human on the inside..." See? Not really evil. No cliffhanger this time. Except for maybe the "I'm- gonna-tell-him-soon" thing, then, but still. Anyways, I hope that you'll like the next chapter. There are only 2 episodes left (NAPJunior11 + 12), so I'm gonna give you something really special. Not everybody will like it. Hope most of the... 12 people who are reading my story will. Anyways, see ya next week. I will be released Monday next week. And eps 11 and 12 will be released the Monday after that. Like Buffy! Something to look forward to every week (I hope). Alright, enough babbling. EMAIL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if just to say "Hi, I read your story". And remember, I get lots of junk mail so label the subject like "Hi, I read your story" or "NAP*" or something, okay? : ) All emails will get replied to. If they aren't, re- email me. Either I mistook it for junkmail, Hotmail screwed up or some evil virus designed to delete all of my emails concerning NAP*. Anyways, gonna stop babbling now. Bye! ENDING CREDITROLL Instrumental of the opening theme... EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Philip Wester CAST Andres Buckland as "the leader" David Morris as "thug #01" Eric Manson as "thug #02" WRITTEN BY Philip Wester CASTING BY Philip Wester MUSIC BY "Baby, I'm Ready To Go" - Republica "Human" - The Pretenders SPECIAL THANKS TO "Blue" All rights reserved for P.W. Inc. MMI (2001) Write to me at Just write to me if you want to flame me, give me comments, suggestions or just chat. Why not send some nudes too? And if you live in Stockholm, Sweden, and are 14-18, please, please, please email me about a date!!!!!!!! For all of those who read and give me feedback: Thank you! (English, well, duh!) Tack! (Swedish) Takk! (Norwegian) Tak! (Danish) Spatsiba! (Russian) Arigato! (Japanese) Gracias! (Spanish) Grazie! (Italian) Merci! (French) Cam on! (Vietnamese) Cap con cah! (Thai) Danke! (German) Dziekuje! (Polish) Dekuji! (Czech)

Next: Chapter 30: Not a Perfect Musical

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