Not a Perfect Love

Published on Nov 26, 2001


NEW DISCLAIMER: No disclaimer. Read the old ones! :^) No "Did you knows", no quotes, no nothing. Just a story!

PHILIP VOICEOVER: Previously on Not A Perfect Sophomore

  • So, ready to dance? Philip asks me. - Yeah. Ashley says. - Let's do it!

  • So... you love him? Piper asks Ashley. - Of course I do. Ashley says. - We're best friends, roommates and...! - Don't play that song again. Piper groans. - You know it's more than that. You know it's true love. - D'you think he loves me back? Ashley asks. - That's an issue that has to be settled between the two of you. Piper says. - You're not gonna tell him, are you? Ashley asks nervously. - Of course not. Piper replies. - But I think that it's so cute that you just can't tell him. I mean, hello, he's gay. What's the worst thing that he can do? - Turn me down. Ashley says quietly.

  • Tell him. Piper whispers Ashley as the two of them watch Philip and Nathan dance. - I... I...! Ashley stammers. - Oh, you're pathetic. Piper groans. - Alright. I'll do it! Ashley says. - On graduation day, I will. - Way to go! Piper says and pats Ashley on the back.

FROM ASHLEY'S POV - Aah. Philip sighs as he arises from his bed and stretches out. - It's six o'clock in the morning. I groan after throwing a quick glance at the digital alarm clock on my bedside table. - What are you doing up already? - I'm gonna pay the computer lab a visit. He chuckles as he walks over to his closet, wearing only a pair of skimpy briefs that leave nothing to imagination. I can feel my bad boy rising and struggle to hide it as he bends over to take some clothes out. - Already? I ask. - Yeah. He chuckles. - You know wacky me and computers. - Well, alrighty then. I groan. - Just don't slam the door. I need my beauty sleep. With that said, I roll over, turning away from him and the door as my bed is closest to the far wall. - Alright. He chuckles. The next thing I know, there's a loud slam and everything goes silence. - Cute. I mutter and close my eyes to go back to sleep. _____________ _____________ \ Not |_____________________________| A / ) Perfect | Chapter XI - Part 1 of 2 | Junior ( /____________| Twice Bitten And Thrice Shy |____________\ |_____________________________| OPENING CREDITROLL "My hand around you, We're walking hand in hand, Towards another morning, Towards another world," "I look upon you, And though I just can't understand, I smile the widest smile, 'Cause it's all working out just fine," "The sound of your voice, The scent of your hair, The sparkle in your eyes, Light up a flair," "I see a fire, That just won't go away, I see a fire, That wants to burst into flames," "But then it dies out, It just disappears, As quickly as it came, Small droplets, small tears," "So, the bond has burst, The promise's been broken, At the top of the world, The forbidden word's been spoken," "So it's time to leave, Time to go, Let out a go, Follow the flow," "And so, I go," REGULARS Philip Wester Ashley Ericsson Piper Camfield SPECIAL GUEST STARS Adrien Ericsson as "Adrien" Alexander Ericsson as "Alex" Brian Saunders as "Brian" David "Angel" Andromeda as "Angel" Julia Hurl as "Julia" Nathan Hunnigan as "the CH-lookalike" Neo Radeborne as "Neo" Robin Masters as "Robin" - Only two days 'til graduation. Piper chuckles. - Well, at least from Sophomore year. Still have those nasty Junior and Seniors years left, but still. You promised to tell him! - I will, I will. I groan as we move forward in the cafeteria line. - Where is he, anyway? - Oh, he's out with Nathan. Piper chuckles. - Nathan?! I exclaim. - Yes. Piper grins. - Cute, tall, muscular, sexy voice, remember? - Yes. I groan. - Pfft! - Better hurry or the two of them might just become a couple. He chuckles. - Horrible thought! I exclaim in mock horror. - Eat now, mock one of your best friends later. He groans as the line moves forward slightly. PHLIP - So, how'd it go? I ask Angel as he comes out of the police station. - Good, I guess. He says and lets out a sigh of release. We start walking down the street, towards INSomnia High. - Are they gonna press any charges? I ask him. - Nope. He says with a wide smile. - I saved you. And besides, those little peabrains don't have enough wits to know that they can sue me. - Seriously. I groan. - Alright, the bastards got three years worth of retraction from their future sentences each. - How long will they be in? I ask. - Well, they did some stupid things on the way to the prom, so the one with the shortest sentence should be out in about... 25 years. - 25, 28, same diff. I chuckle. - Philip. A voice suddenly interrupt us and I freeze. It's as if time has frozen as I stand there. I turn around and face the owner of the voice and a cold feeling creeps down my spine. Suddenly, I can hear a song, a familiar song, and I know that it's just in my mind. "I touch the fire and it freezes me, I look into it and it's black, Why can't I feel? My skin should crack and peel, I want the fire back," - Please, say something. He begs. "Now through the smoke, (s)he calls to me, To make my way across the flame, To save the day, Or maybe melt away, I guess it's all the same," - Please. He says again. "'Cause I will walk through the fire..." I lift a hand, swing it around and deliver a hard slap across his face. He clutches it, his cheek burning red in pain, and looks at me. And I can see that he's in pain, not just pysical, but also psychologic. - Sorry. He apologizes. - I'm so sorry. - Well, sorry isn't enough, Brian! I cry and turn around. I grab Angel by the arm and start running. He gets the hint and soon, we're both running, away from Brian, my ex-bf. I saw him! With Miranda. And his "friends". I had come back to Hereditary High to visit Angel and talk to Julia for the first time since I left, but when I saw him, I just froze. I simply turned around and left. Of course, I called Angel later and told him why I didn't show up. Good thing I never told Julia I was coming 'cause I wanted to surprise her. - Whew. Angel says when we finally stop when we reach INSomnia High's campus. - That was a long and hard run. He's breathing heavily and his face is all flushed. I'm breathing heavilly, too, and I can only imagine the shade of deep red that my face must've taken. - I can't believe he spoke to me! I groan and sit down in the grass to rest for a while. Angel joins me and soon, we're both sitting there, panting and trying to catch our breaths. - How did he find me, anyway? I ask after a while. - I mean, Hereditary High is on the other side of town! Literally. You have to commute for 2 hours to get here! - Er...! Angel says quietly and I turn to look at him. - Whut? I ask. - I told him where to find you...! He says quietly. - He was probably on his way over here. _____________ _____________ \ Not |_____________________________________| A / ) Perfect | Chapter XI - Part 1 of 2 | Junior ( /____________| Somewhere Over The Rainbow... Flag! |____________\ |_____________________________________| - Say, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! I exclaim so loudly that Angel falls backwards, into the grass. - Well, you have to face him some time! He groans while he gets up. We both stand up and I grab him by the shoulders and start shaking him so that his head is flying back and forth. - I DON'T face people! I scream. - I prefer running from confrontation! And I DON'T like it when OTHER PEOPLE try to make ME face STUFF! Oops. Empathisition on the wrong word. - I mean ME face stuff. I quickly add. I let go of him and he takes a moment to steady himself. - Sheesh. He groans. - Please don't do that again. - Alright. I say cheerfully and he rolls his eyes at me. - Could you be any cuter after doing something bad? He groans. - Oh, but I would never do bad things. I say innocently. - Why? Angel asks and leers at me suspiciously. - "Because it's wrong." I quote Buffy and he groans. - I'm beginning to HATE that TV-series. He groans and I grin. - Mission accomplished. I say and then frown. - Wait. You must not hate Buffy! - Oh, I do. He groans. - "Oh, Angel, Angel, wherefore hate thou Buffy?" I rephrase Shakespeare and he lets out a small chuckle. - "Deny thou hard-on... I mean hard feelings and watch the DvDs with me tonight!" - Growl. He says quietly. - Don't frown. I groan. - You'll get more wrinkles. - What do you mean "more"?! He exclaims and grabs me by my shoulders. Now it's my time to have my head flying back and forth as he shakes me. - I do NOT have wrinkles!! He screams. - I am young! And sexy! And my ass is firm!! I reach out and grab his ass. - Yeah, still firm. I between shakes. He finally stops shaking me and lets me go. - But you've still got wrinklies, Angie. I say and he grabs me again. Uh-oh. Head goes flying, body goes shaking and I go groping. He lets me go and then settles in for a long glare. We then both look at each other, dart out tongues out simoultaneously and then pat each other the back, laughing. - You know, when one starts to get to know us, we're not really very normal and same people. Angel chuckles. - We're weird! - So what? I ask. - I'm weird, you're weirder, but after all, everyone's weird in their own and unique way. - Yeah, ev...! He starts saying and then glares at me. He grabs me and starts shaking me once more. - Whaddya mean "I'm weirder"?!?!!?!? He demands. He then lets go of me and we both smile at each other. - You ARE weirder. I say. - Am not! He protests. - Are too! I say. He makes a threatening motion with his armsm, reaching for my shoulders and I make a threatening motion, my hands reaching towards his crotch, back and he glares at me again. - You know, I have a boyfriend that can kick your ass. He says quietly. - What if I kick his? I ask. - Can I have it? - Ouh! He exclaims. - He! He! I grin. - Philip! Come quick! It's Piper! He comes running towards us and comes to a screeching halt right in front of us, almost running straight into us. - What is it? I ask. - It's Ashley! He says through breaths. - He... he collapsed. - Oh God! I exclaim. - How is he? I ask the nurse. - He'll be fine. She says. Here we all are, me, Piper and Angel, outside of Ashley's hospital room. Room 314 (hint! Hint!). I'm beginning to hate hospitals. Big gray buildings filled with despair (hint! Hint!). - Do you know what happened yet? Piper asks. - We're here! I suddenly hear two identical voices exclaim and Alex and Adrien come running. - I was just about to tell your friends that Ashley collapsed because of stress. The nurse tells them. - Stress? Adrien wonders. - Stress? Alex echoes, only a split second too late. - Yes. The nurse says. - Apparentely, it's not physical, but psychological. I'm afraid that I don't know more. You'll have to wait for Dr. Morgan to come. - Did you get to see him? Alex asks he. - Yeah. I say quietly. - Was he okay? Adrien asks. - Was he injured? Alex asks. - Yes. I say to Adrien and then turn to Alex. - And no. - Thank goodness. Alex sighs with relief. - But psychological stress. I say quietly. - What could've caused it. I look over at Piper and he looks weird. As if he feels guilty or knows something that we don't or as if he's hiding something, like a secret. - Oh, me? He asks innocently. - "I know nothing, nothing." - Dish. I groan. - Well, he's had a crush on someone for a long time now. Piper says quietly while shuffling his feet. - Ash is in love?! Alex exclaims. - I can't wait for him to get back to his feet so that I can tease him about it! Adrien chuckles. - Don't do that. Piper says. - Don't tell him I told you either. He wants it to stay a secret... 'til he's sure of that the feelings are mutual. - Alright. I say and smile widely. - I won't tease him... too much. - Please! Piper begs. - Hm... gimme a hug and I'll think about it. I say and he frowns. He walks over to me gingerly, hugs me and then glares at me. - Hm... kiss me and I'll...! I say, but Piper cuts me short. - Oh, shut up! He groans. - He! He! I grin. - "I fear you." He says. - Y'know, when you get to know Philip, he's not really very sane. Adrien says and wags his left index finger in the air a-matter-of-factly. - And these are news? Angel asks and I reach for his ass threatingly. - We settled that a loooong time ago. Piper says and then jumps behind Alex and hides. - Coward! I groan. - He! He! He grins smugly. - He! He! Angel, Alex and Adrien then all grin in unison. - Oh God. I groan. ASHLEY *FLASH OF LIGHT* - What do you want? Philip asks. - Er... this is my seat...! I say and point at my seat. - Oh, I'm so sorry. He apologizes and scoots over. I squeeze myself and my luggage in. - I'm just a little tense after... oh you wouldn't be interested. He says. - I've heard that it's better to talk about it than to keep it all bottled up. I say. - I don't believe in that. He says quietly. - Well, just tell me, anyway, then. I say. *FLASH OF LIGHT* - My boyfriend cheated on me, so I left him. He tells me. - He was my roommate too and I can't stand to see him again, so I moved out before he even had time to catch up with me after cheating on me. *FLASH OF LIGHT* - I attend INSomnia High. I tell him. *FLASH OF LIGHT* - No kidding! He exclaims. - I just managed to get transferred there. - Which dorm room? I ask. - I don't have a roommate. - 452. He replies. - No kidding!! I exclaim. - That's my room! - Well, hello, roommate. He says and cjuckles. - By the way, my name's Ashley. I introduce myself. - Philip. He says and we shake hands. *FLASH OF LIGHT* - Thank you. Philip says as he and I dance. - Thank you for what? I ask, bewildered. - For everything. He says and smiles. - For helping me get over Brian, for being so understanding of my sexuality, for being such a good friend and then for leading me on. Silence. Complete silence. - I know that you'll never love me. He says. - But you treat me like you will. And that's enough for me, knowing that you care about me, although you'll never care about me the way that I want you to. *FLASH OF LIGHT* - They might cut off my "fundings" and I'll have to go back to study in Sweden. Philip says. - Oh, don't you worry about that. I say. - I'm loaded! - You are what?! He exclaims. - My parents made a fortune in stock management, so my monthly allowance is, like, a thousand bucks. I say. - If those nazis cut your fundings off, I'd be glad to pay for your tuition. - You would?! He exclaims. - Sure. I say. - I'll even pay your way through college. *FLASH OF LIGHT* - So... you love him? Piper asks me. - Of course I do. I say. - We're best friends, roommates and...! - Don't play that song again. He groans. - You know it's more than that. You know it's true love. - D'you think he loves me back? I ask. - That's an issue that has to be settled between the two of you. He says. - You're not gonna tell him, are you? I ask nervously. - Of course not. He replies. - But I think that it's so cute that you just can't tell him. I mean, hello, he's gay. What's the worst thing that he can do? - Turn me down. I say quietly. *FLASH OF LIGHT* - Tell him. Piper whispers to me as we watch Philip and Nathan dance. It's strange that there's no music. - I... I...! I stammer. - Oh, you're pathetic. Piper groans. - Alright. I'll do it! I say. - On graduation day, I will. - Way to go! He says and pats me on my back. *FLASH OF LIGHT* "I am the son, And the heir," - Philip. I say quietly. - I love you. We're standing here, on campus. Everyone around us freezes and stares at us. I start to feel uncomfortable, waiting for Philip's answer. "You shut your mouth! How can you I go about things the wrong way?" - I don't know what to say...! Philip says quietly. - I...! "I am human and I need to be loved! Just like everybody else does!" - I l...! He starts saying when everything suddenly goes bright. *FLASH OF LIGHT* - His eyes are opening! I hear a strange female voice say. - Doctor, I think he's waking up! - He is, indeed. I hear an old and raspy strange male voice say. - Indeed he is. - Oh God! Thank goodness! Ah, Alex. Or was that Adrien? - Ashley, can you hear me? That's Philip. My head... it hurts. And my legs do too. I slowly open my eyes. Ah! It's so bright! Can't keep my eyes open for too long. Have to blink rapidly... can't think clearly either. They're all there. Adrien, Alex, Piper, Philip, Angel... Angel?! - Angel?! I exclaim. - What are you doing here? - Well, hello to you too. He snorts. - Oh, I didn't mean it like that. I apologize. - I just mean... you hardly know me. - Oh, any friends of Philip's is a friend of mine. He chuckles and gives me a wide smile. I smile back and suddenly find myself the center of a huge all-guy-group hug. If it weren't for my brothers, I think I would've enjoyed it sexually. Uh-oh. In a hospital bed and STILL thinking about guy-sex with Philip. I'm definitely gay and in love. - What happened? I ask the whiteclad middle aged balding man who looks like a doctor. - Could I please get to speak with Ashley alone? He asks the guys and they all nod quietly and leave. - Mr. Ericsson. The doctor says. - Yes, Dr...? I fish for his name. - Morgan. He answers. - I believe that you collapsed because of stress. And it was not physical, which means that it's mental. Have you been studying too hard lately? - No, I don't think so. I say quietly. - Do you have any idea of what it could be? - No...! I say quietly. Actually, I do. But I don't plan on telling a complete stranger my most inner secret. - Can I check out? I promise to take it easy and drink lots of fliud. - Well, I can see no greater physical damage, so that should be fine. Dr. Morgan says while looking though the charts that he's carrying. - Just promise to call us if you feel as much as a tingle in your right pinky toe, ok? - Sure. I say. I get up and look around for my clothes. Dr. Morgan apparentely understands and points at a closet in the far left corner of the room. I walk over there and open it. My clothes are there. I grab them and then go into the bathroom to change. I'll take it easy, alright. And then, on graduation, I'm gonna tell him and I won't have to worry about collapsing because of "mental stress" again. I finish getting dressed and walk out of there, nod "goodbye" to the good doctor and leave. As I walk down the hallway, following the signs pointing to the exit, I can hear voices. They are my friends'! - Philip, give him a chance. I can faintly hear Angel saying as I walk closer. - Why should I? I can now hear Philip's voice saying semi-clearly. - Please, just let me explain myself...! I can hear a strange voice saying. Silence. I walk faster as I can see the end of the hallway. - Get away from me!!!! That's Philip. I can hear some shuffling feet and then a honk and the screeching of tires. - Oh my God! I then hear Piper exclaim. - Philip!!!!! Oh God! I start running. I run and I run and finally reach the end of the corridor. I look around and see everyone standing outside, including a blonde boy that I have never seen before. But his back is turned to me, so I can't really make out his face. I run outside and Adrien emidiately positions himself in front of me, as if to block my view. - D, d, d, don't come any closer. He stutters. - You... you shouldn't have to see this. - See what? I ask and push him to the side. I run forward and freeze at the sight that greets me. There is Philip, on the ground, lying motionless in a puddle of what appears to be his own blood. - Oh God! I exclaim. To be continued... Write to me at Just write to me if you want to flame me, give me comments, suggestions or just chat. Why not send some nudes too? And if you live in Stockholm, Sweden, and are 14-18, please, please, please email me about a date!!!!!!!! For all of those who read and give me feedback: Thank you! (English, well, duh!) Tack! (Swedish) Takk! (Norwegian) Tak! (Danish) Spatsiba! (Russian) Arigato! (Japanese) Gracias! (Spanish) Grazie! (Italian) Merci! (French) Cam on! (Vietnamese) Cap con cah! (Thai) Danke! (German) Dziekuje! (Polish) Dekuji! (Czech)

Next: Chapter 32: Not a Perfect Junior 12

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