Not a Perfect Love

Published on Nov 26, 2001


NEW DISCLAIMER: No disclaimer. Read the old ones! :^) No "Did you knows", no quotes, no nothing. Just a story!


I advice you to scroll down and read all of the chapter, never stopping before having read all of it or you might get confused and give me evil flame mails. :^)

Angel: Previously on Angel We Have...! Philip: Quit trying to advertise your show on my show! Angel: Hey! Don't touch that! No! Neo's gonna be so mad! Noooo!!!! Philip: It's just a candy bar... Piper: Anyways: The producers have realized that they made, like, a huuuge

mistake in the last double-episode, putting in a "Previously-on

-montage since both episodes in a double-episode are aired so that

the second episode is aired directly after the first, so, no

footae this time 'round. Ashley: Enjoy the season-finale! And remember: ALL: It ain't over 'til the queeny fag sings!


  • Can I check out? I ask Dr. Morgan. - I promise to take it easy and drink lots of fliud. - Well, I can see no greater physical damage, so that should be fine. Dr. Morgan says while looking though the charts that he's carrying. - Just promise to call us if you feel as much as a tingle in your right pinky toe, ok? - Sure. I say. I get up and look around for my clothes. Dr. Morgan apparentely understands and points at a closet in the far left corner of the room. I walk over there and open it. My clothes are there. I grab them and then go into the bathroom to change. I'll take it easy, alright. And then, on graduation, I'm gonna tell him and I won't have to worry about collapsing because of "mental stress" again. I finish getting dressed and walk out of there, nod "goodbye" to the good doctor and leave. As I walk down the hallway, following the signs pointing to the exit, I can hear voices. They are my friends'! - Philip, give him a chance. I can faintly hear Angel saying as I walk closer. - Why should I? I can now hear Philip's voice saying semi-clearly. - Please, just let me explain myself...! I can hear a strange voice saying. Silence. I walk faster as I can see the end of the hallway. - Get away from me!!!! That's Philip. I can hear some shuffling feet and then a honk and the screeching of tires. - Oh my God! I then hear Piper exclaim. - Philip!!!!! Oh God! I start running. I run and I run and finally reach the end of the corridor. I look around and see everyone standing outside, including a blonde boy that I have never seen before. But his back is turned to me, so I can't really make out his face. I run outside and Adrien emidiately positions himself in front of me, as if to block my view. - D, d, d, don't come any closer. He stutters. - You... you shouldn't have to see this. - See what? I ask and push him to the side. I run forward and freeze at the sight that greets me. There is Philip, on the ground, lying motionless in a puddle of what appears to be his own blood. - Oh God! I exclaim.

\ Not |_____________________________| A /

) Perfect | Chapter XII - Season Finale | Sophomore (

/| Aching Hearts |\


The driver of the car, a red corvette, comes out. She's middle aged, blonde amd wearing a red dress. And she's franctic. - Oh God, oh God! She keeps repeating over and over again. - Mom? A young boy's voice could he heard from inside the car. I look in through one of the windows and see a young boy and a young girl in the back seat. - Stay where you are, Sandy. The woman says. - And don't look. - Is he okay? The girl asks. - Melinda, please go get help. The woman instructs her son. - Oh my God!!!! A female voice can suddenly be heard shreaking. - Someone please call 911! There's been an accident!!!! Everything goes by so fast. I don't even have time to react to all of this before a team of nurses come out with a stretcher and load Philip onto it. They wheel him off and everyone follows, the woman, her children, my friends and the strange boy. But I just stand there, looking at the puddle of blood. Oh god. There's so much of it! I finally manage to tear my gaze away and run back into the hospital. Angel's standing there, waiting for me. He takes me by the hand and leads me to the ER. We arrive at a closed door with everyone standing outside. - How is he? I ask Alex. - They don't know. He answers quietly. - He's lost a lot of blood. Adrien butts in. - So... he might die? I ask, my voice cracking at the word "die". Silence... - I'm so sorry. The woman who hit Philip suddenly says, teary eyed. - He appeared out of nowhere. And... - We don't blame you. Angel said quietly. - We blame Brian. With that, he turned to glare at the strange boy. Now I get it. The dots are all connecting. This is the infamous Brian. Wait, what did Angel mean by "we blame him"? I grab Brian by the collar and shoves him into a wall. - What did you do to him?! I demand. - I heard him say "Get away from me". - Chill, man. Brian says and shoves me away. I manage to steady myself as Brian straightens his clothes up. - I just wanted to talk to him. He says. - But he didn't want to. So, he ran from me and didn't look before crossing the road. - Get out! I cry. - You're not welcome here. Family and friends only! - I want to be here when he wakes up. He says quietly and his gazes lowers itself to the marble floor. - Well, we don't. I say. - And neither does he. Silence... He finally hangs his head in shame and leaves. - I can't believe that guy! I snort when he's out of sight. - Don't be too hard on the boy. Angel says and puts a hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off. - Of course I'm hard on him! I spit. - He hurt Philip. Not just once, or twice, but thrice. He doesn't deserve to even be friends with a person as good as Philip! Suddenly, a high-pitched piercing sound comes from inside of Philip's ER- room. Everyone gathers at the window and so do I. My eyes widen in horror when I see the EKG that Philip's attached to. It's line is straight and it's emitting the sound. - What's wrong, mommie? Sandy asks. - Is he dead? - Don't say that. The woman says quietly. The doctor and nurses surrounding Philip are working franctically, trying to revive him. I can feel my pulse increasing and then... it all goes dim and I black out...

  • He's waking up! I can hear Alex voice exclaim as I slowly open my eyes. I'm lying on a sofa in the waiting room, with Alex and Adrien at my side. I look around and spot Angel and Piper talking to a nurse. The woman and her children are nowhere in sight. I guess they've left. - How are you feeling? Adrien asks me. - Weak. I say quietly. - Aw. Alex says. - Is this really the big jock of our trio? - Stop it. I groan. - You always tease me. Silence... - How's Philip? I ask after a while. - Stabile. Adrien tells me. - And awake. But he's too weak for us to visit. We'll have to give him some time. - He lost a lot of blood, didn't he? I ask quietly. - Yeah. Alex sighs. - They had to use six entire units in order to fully restore him. I get up into a sitting position and stand up. My brothers follow suit. We all walk up to Piper and Angel and they both smile at me when they see that I'm fine. - Are you feeling okay? Angel asks me. - Yeah. I chuckle. - This is just great. Fainting twice in one day. The nurse, probably having said what she had to say, leave and Piper turns to me. - She says that he's stabile now. He tells me. - And that he's recovering just fine. We should be able to visit him in just half an hour. I feel like I need to think and leave the group. I walk around aimlessly. I pass by the psych-ward. - I'm a cat! I can hear a guy saying and turn my head to see a middle aged and balding man sitting in a chair, playing with a ball of twine. - Curiousity killed me! Curiousity killed me! I shrug my shoulders and continue walking and somehow, I end up in the pediatric ward playroom. I sit down in one of the small chairs and let out a sigh. God! Could my life get any more complicated? Well, it would if I were Philip. I look around and there's this pre-teenaged boy sitting in a wheel- chair, looking sulky, sitting around in a corner. - Why the long face? I ask him and he turns to me. - I was in a car accident. He says between sniffs. Oh God. He's been crying. What am I going to do? I've never been good at cheering kids up. I can't even cheer myself up! - I'm sorry to hear that. I say. - Thanks. He snifs. - Will you be able to walk again? I ask him. - Yah. He says quietly. - Then why are you crying? I ask. - My mom...! He says quietly. - She died in the accident. - I'm so sorry. I say quietly and walk over to him. I give him a hug and when I break it, I can see that he's smiling. Or at least "half-smiling". - Thanks. he thanks me. - It'll be okay. I say quietly. - I promise. My name's Ashley, by the way. - Lynn. He introduces himself. - Do you have any relatives that can take care of you? I ask. - My father. He says quietly. - He's okay. But I'll still miss my mom. - She'll always be with you. I say and give him a big smile. And for the very first time, he smiles, too. Widely, might I add. - In your heart. I add. - Just keep keeping her alive in your heart. - Isn't that something that old people are supposed to tell you? He chuckles. - Yeah. I sigh. - He! He! He giggles. - I guess you're old enough to qualify for the "Old Geezer's Gang". - I am NOT old! I protest and he lets out a chuckle. - You are to me. He chuckles. - Feeling better? I ask him. - Yeah. He sighs. - Thanks. - You're welcome. I say. - I've gotta go now. Just remember, keep her alive, ok? - Ok. He says quietly. And I give him another hug before turning around and leaving. I return to my friends and brothers and we all sit and wait in silence.

\ Not |_____________________________| A /

) Perfect | Chapter XII - Season Finale | Sophomore (

/| Tears |\


They finally let us visit him and we all enter at once. Philip's lying in his bed, pale, but awake. - How are you? Angel asks him. - Oh, pretty good, considering the circumstances. He says weakly, almost whispering. - Where's Brian? - I chased him away. I tell him. - What is it, the third time that he sends you to the hospital? - Don't be too hard on the boy. Philip says and everyone goes silent. - What do you mean? I ask. - A wise friend of a friend of mine once told me to not be angry at people who can't live and let live and look into themselves, but to feel pity for them. He says. - And I do feel sorry for him. He'll never be happy 'til he's out. My heart sinks. Will I be? I mean, will I be happy when I'm "out"? Will I? - Who told you this? Angel wonders. - A guy named Wolf. Philip chuckles. - What was his real name? Alex asks. - Wolf. Philip chuckles. - He was baptized as "Wolf", you see, his father is German and his name is Wolfgang. - Wicked cool! Adrien exclaims. So totally him to say something like that. - I'm going to see him. Philip suddenly says and the entire room goes quiet. - I'm going to see Brian. Silence... - What?! Me, Alex and Adrien all exclaim in unison after about two minutes. - I have to face him. Philip says. - In order to get peace of mind. Good point. - Good point. I say quietly and go over and hug him. He hugs me back... hard. - Whatever happens, you know that I'll be there for you if you want to talk afterwards. I whisper into his ear. - I know. He says and smiles widely.


So, here I am, walking up the stairs that lead to the third floor of Deveraeu Dorm, towards room 412. I wonder what kind of sight that the sight that will greet me will be. Will Brian be having a party with his "friends" and Miranda, that bitch on heels? KNOCK KNOCK That's me. Knock, knock, knocking on Hell's door. - Coming! I can hear a strange male voice say. It sounds young, as if teenaged. Ah. Must be one of those braindead jock- friends of his. The door opens and there stands this muscular guy, about my age, brown- haired and hazeleyed, wearing a skintight top and a pair of skintight jeans. Oh my God! A queen! - Er... hi. I say. - Hi. He says. - Who are you? I ask nervously. - My name's Daniel. He says and shakes my hand. - Wait, this still is Brian's room, right? I ask. - Yah. He chuckles. - Then who are you? I ask. - His new roommate. He says. - Heard his left bailed. Apparantely, there was a huge fight and the roommate packed up and left for good. - Is Brian in? I ask. - He should be back any...! Daniel starts saying when I suddenly hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and am greeted by a shocked Brian. - Hi, Bri. I say cheerfully. - Hi, Phil. He says quietly and looks down.

  • So, you've come to talk? He asks. Here we are, sitting on a bench in Maple Park, looking at some ducks in a nearby pond. - Yah. I say. - I thought you might want to talk, too. Silence... - So, how have you been? I ask awkwardly. - Oh, fine. He says quietly. - I saw you the other day. I say. - With Miranda. And the team. - Oh, that. He says quietly. - They won't be speaking to me for years. I told them all about my real relationship to you. I mean, I told Miranda before, but she was too drunk to remember it. Now, they know it all. And so does the rest of the school. - You came out?! I exclaim. - You? Mr. "I'll-hide-my-boyfriends-photo-as-soon-as-someone-else-comes- along"?! - Yeah. He chuckles. - You were right. It feels much better now that I don't have to live in a big life, pretending to look at those braindead girls that "the guys" like to sit around and drool over. Besides, not all of my friends have abandoned me. Only some, most of them from the team. I guess they weren't real friends, after all. - You're still on the team, right? I ask. - Yeah. He sighs. - The coach is non-homophobic. And the homophobes don't give me too bad of a time. They made remarks, but not directly. They know that they'll be thrown off and expelled if they're caught fag-bashing. - So, what's up with your roomie? I ask. - I mean, he's so gay, he must be straight! - Actually, he is. Brian chuckles. - When I first saw him, I thought, "My God! If he's not Gay, then my name's Donald Duck!" And now, I'll have to change names. Anyways, he's straight. Weird to have such a queen look at girls and go "Ouh! Nice ass!" - Scaaary. I chuckle. - I take it that you have decided to forgive me? He asks. Silence... wind... ducks flying off... Eljiah Wood standing naked behind a big cherrytree?! My God! Wait... a flasher. And OLD flashed. Ewwwwww!!!!!! - I mean, I totally understand it if you decide not to. He says quietly and his gaze turns to the ground. - I wouldn't... I wouldn't forgive me if I were you. - Well, I am me and you are you, so I forgive you. I say and pat him on the back. - After all of the nasty stuff that I did? He asks. - Yeah. I say quietly. - Even though I've sent you to the hospital thrice? He asks. - yeah. I say quietly. - And even though I gave up my virginity to...! He starts saying when I wag a finger in the air, a-matter-of-factly. - Don't push it! I warn him and he lets out a chuckle. - Sorry. He apologizes. Silence... silence... ouh! Elijiah Wood naked again... wait, it's just Aaron Carter... ouh! Aaron Carter... wait... it's that flasher again! Ewwwww!!!!!! Gotta get better contacts! - So, how's it been? He asks after a while. - With the boys, I mean. - Oh, er, fine I guess. I chuckle. - I haven't found someone new yet. But I'm working on it. His name is Nathan. And he looks just like Charles Hunnam, y'know "Nathan" from Queer As Folk. - And this is a good thing? He asks. - He looks old! And fat. - Oh, not the American QAF! I chuckle. - The British! - Oh. Brian says. - Oh! Oh!! Oh, I hate you!!!! - He! He! I chuckle and grin as he glares daggers at me. - How is it that you always get the best looking boys? He groans. - You're the only boyfriend I've ever had. I say. - My point exactly. He chuckles. - Don't flatter yourself. I retort and he frowns for a moment and then smacks me playfully upside the head. - What's up with the Olsen Triplets then? He asks. - Working on any of them? - Nope. I chuckle. - They're all quite straight. But it'd be cool if they were all gay and we all had a biiiiig orgy. - Hmm...! Brian says and strikes a pose that makes it look as if he's thinking hard. - I'm choosing between "Ouh!" and "Ew!" here. - He! He! I chuckle. - Of course, they'll all be working me over and not be allowed to even look at each other. - In that case: "Ouh!" He chuckles and we both start laughing. - Philip!!!!!!! Julia comes running up to me and throws herself into my arms. Wait, what's that? Ew!!! - Watch it! I exclaim and push her away. I start brushing my chest off while jumping up and down frantically. - Ew!!! Girl-cooties!!! Your breasts touched mine! - Ehe. She groans and glares at me. - He! He! I chuckle. - Wait... you're talking to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Called-A-Human-Name? She then says and then glares at Brian, mouthing "Pig!" to him over at over again. - Yeah. I say. - I had to face my demon. - Good choice of words! She chuckles. - Don't be so hard on him. I say quietly. - He's changed. He's even out! - Yeah, I heard that. She says. - I guess that if Philip has decided to forgive you, then I can too. With that said, she walks up to Brian and they shake hands. - Now, I have to run. I say. - But I promise to keep in touch. Here's my number. I scribble my number down a piece of paper and throw it at them. They both jump on it and start wrestling on the ground for it, whisping up sand everywhere. - This is fun. I chuckle and watch them for a while. - A boy and a girl fighting for my number...! After about two minutes of watching this, I yawn and leave. I wonder who'll get it in the end.


Here we are, me and Piper in mine and Philip's room. I'm sitting on my bed, clutching my pillow, while he's sitting on the floor. - I'm so confused! I cry. - So, you're in love with a guy who likes guys too. Piper says. - What's the big? - The big is what if he turns me down? I ask. - Stop being such a big whimp! He groans. - Tell him and let if all out! Even if he turns you down, you can still be friends! - You're right. I say. - I'm gonna tell him. And the door opens. - Hi guys! It's Philip! He enters and flops down on top of his bed. - I'll just leave you two alone. Piper says and gives Philip a wave before leaving, closing the door after himself. Silence fills the room as I stare at the floor. I finally muster up enough courage and put my pillow down. - P, P, P, Philip. I stammer and look straight into his eyes. - What is it? He asks and I look away. I'm so nervous. I have to tell him now! My eyes water as I collect enough guts to look up again. - What's wrong, baby? He asks. He taps a button on his alarm clock and the radio starts playing. "Here's the photo I've been looking for. It's a picture of a boy next door." The music starts playing. - I... I...! I stutter. - Yeah? He wonders. "And I loved him more than words could say. Never moved it 'til he moved away." Vonda Shepard's voice keeps on singing. So... this is it. I'm gonna do. Gonna do it now! - Philip, I'm in love with you. I say. "Faded pictures in my scrapbook... just thought I take one more look..."


Instrumental of the opening theme...


Philip Wester


Danielle Bouquette as "Nurse #02"

Erica Nelany as "the Someone-please-call-911!-woman"

Haley Joel Osment as "Lynn"

Hannah Rex as "Nurse #03"

Jane Equeou as "Nurse #01"

Lyndon Manz as "Sandy"

Martin Morgan as "Dr. Morgan"

Mortimer Ashley as "Crazy Guy"

Serena Jackson as "Driver"

Sandra Hallin as "Melinda"

Winifred Ackran as "Nurse #04"


Philip Wester


Philip Wester


"Walk Through The Fire" - BuffyTVS The Musical

"How Soon Is Now?" - The Smiths

"Neighbourhood" - Vonda Shepard



All rights reserved for P.W. Inc.

MMI (2001)






This concludes Not A Perfect Sophomore. This was the final season. No more seasons will follow. No more!!!!!!!! And I mean it!

So, this is it. After 3 seasons, it's all finally over. Hope that you guys enjoyed it.

... ... ... ... Hey! Stop hitting me! ... ... ... Alright already! ... ... ... Okay, this IS the final SEASONAL episode. However, there'll be one final chapter. If this and all of the prior chapters were episodes, then the future chapter will be a movie, like Queer As Folk and Queer As Folk II.


Please, all of you readers out there. Send me an email. It doesn't have to be anything big. Just some short lines stating that you're reading NAPL/ NAPSummer/NAPSophomore. I'm going to make a list of all of the readers for the final installment. And even if you've emailed me before, email me again, just in case I forget to mention you, alright? :^) And I promise you, it's gonna be one killer of a series finale!

There will be no more lose ends, no cliffhangers, no more nothing. Watch out for the final chapter, A Perfect Ending, soon to be found on Nifty. Everything will gain closure; everything will end. Will you dare to read it? Only time will tell!

STILL! Email me, at least just a simple "hello", or else, I might go into a neurotic fit and never write again. Just think about it. No continuation of this crazy cliffhanger. Or maybe I'll just torture you like I did with the seasonal finales of seasons 1 and 2 :^P ;^) ;^) :^P :^) (see! I TOLD you that I was neurotic!)!

Abienot/Mata ne/Ses/Ha det/Hasta la vista/See you (again) soon!

Write to me at Just write to me if you want to flame me, give me comments, suggestions or just chat. Why not send some nudes too? And if you live in Stockholm, Sweden, and are 14-18, please, please, please email me about a date!!!!!!!! For all of those who read and give me feedback:

Thank you! (English, well, duh!)

Tack! (Swedish)

Takk! (Norwegian)

Tak! (Danish)

Spatsiba! (Russian)

Arigato! (Japanese)

Gracias! (Spanish)

Grazie! (Italian)

Merci! (French)

Cam on! (Vietnamese)

Cap con cah! (Thai)

Danke! (German)

Dziekuje! (Polish)

Dekuji! (Czech)

Next: Chapter 33: Not a Perfect Note

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