Not a Perfect Love

Published on Dec 3, 2001







EEEEE NN NN DDDDD IIII NN NN GGGG EE NNN NN DD DD II NNN NN GG EEEE NN NNN DD DD II NN NNN GG GGG EE NN NN DD DD II NN NN GG GG EEEEE NN NN DDDD IIII NN NN GGG (Again, I say: I never claimed to be an ASCII-artist!) FANFARE!! So, here it is. See! I told you in Not A Perfect Note that this one wouldn't be long! : ) Hello, all of you readers out there. Thank you for keep reading so far. And here it is, the ending, the perfect ending. Well... judge for yourselves. All loose ends will be tied up and nothing will be left to the imagination... except maybe how the characters look naked. :^) Anyway, happy reading. And remember: Even though the story ends here, I'd still love to hear from you guys, even if you're reading this 1-2-3 years after it's posted. Drop me a line at I WILL keep that email adress forever and ever. And watch out for "Angel We Have Heard On High", comming to Nifty soon!!!!!!! (the new story will be posted in the same dir as NAP*). Also, read "Angel - A New Slayer", already out on Nifty in the Celebrity section. And as a special treat, I'm writing this installment in the so called "novel- format". Just read and you'll see. I'll write Angel We Have Heard On High the same way. __________________________________________________________________________ -||Not A Perfect Love || Not A Perfect Summer || Not A Perfect Sophomore||- __________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ____________ \ |_____________________________| / ) | | ( /____________| A Perfect Ending |____________\ |_____________________________| I HAVE AND WILL USE THE SONG "NEIGHBOURHOOD" MANY TIMES IN MY STORIES, SO HERE ARE THE COMPLETE LYRICS, FOR THOSE OF YOU OUT THERE WHO WANT THEM. Neighbourhood - Sung by Vonda Shepard (I call it "Billy & Ally McBeal's love theme) (Just like with "All The Small Things", I am the one who wrote the lyrics down after listening to it in MPEG-layer 3) "Here's the photo I've been looking for, It's a picture of a boy next door, And I loved him more than words could say, Never knew it 'til he moved away," "Faded pictures in my scrapbook, Just thought I'd take one more look, Every call when we were wrong, In the neighbourhood," "Here's the photo of the neighbourhood, Here's the corner where we stood, Here's a snapshot of dad's old car, Never got us very far," "Faded pictures in my scrapbook, Just thought I'd take one more look, Every call when we were wrong, In the neighbourhood," "And all those friends, Where did they go, I don't know," "And all those friends, We used to know, In the neighbourhood," How to "turn" straights. SLOGANS FOR CUTE BOYS: The Pokemon boys: Cute boys! Gotta catch 'em all! *PIKA!* The story boys: The never ending story... the search for the perfect guy. The Pepsi boys: Wits mean nothing, looks mean everything. The Coca-Cola boys: Enjoy! The VHS boys: For home entertainment only! The Pringles boys: Once you pop, you can't stop. The poker boys: A full house is better than three jacks. The Pampers boys: Easy! The L'Oreal boys: Because I'm worth it. And now... philosophy. WHAT'S SO GOOD ABOUT BEING GAY? 1: You get to have good taste in clothes and everything. 2: You get to dance like a queen without anyone judging you (more than they already might be). 3: You get something all straight boys want: girls lining up to be your friends. And, of course, there's the kissing boys part, which is really cool. Especially straight boys. Ricki Lake-style: IT'S NOT OVER, PREPARE FOR MORE, TODAY, THERE ARE SCANDALOUS SECRETS GALORE. THERE ARE GAY BOYS EVERYWHERE, SOME ARE UGLY, SOME ARE FAIR, SO, WHAT'S THE POINT OF THIS ALL? I WANT A BOY TAKE TO THE BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did it with 62 within the span of 24 hours and at least three of them were straight... ... ... what do you mean "I'm a slut"?! I just hugged them! What did you think I was talking about, you perverts?! __________________________________________________________________________ -||Not A Perfect Love || Not A Perfect Summer || Not A Perfect Sophomore||- __________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ____________ \ |_____________________________| / ) | | ( /____________| A Perfect Ending |____________\ |_____________________________| PHILIP & ASHLEY VOICEOVER: Previously ADRIEN VOICEOVER: on ALEXANDER VOICEOVER: Not RIPLEY & RILEY VOICEOVER: A PIPER VOICEOVER: Perfect VICTOR VOICEOVER: Love, ANGEL & NEO VOICEOVER: Not BRIAN & JULIA VOICEOVER A DOMNIQUE: Perfect THUNDERBOLT VOICEOVER: Summer, AQUA & IGNIS: and AERO & TERRA: Not MARION & JULIE VOICEOVER: A ROBIN & DEREK VOICEOVER: Perfect ZEIRA & ANASTASIA VOICEOVER: Sophomore... Philip is staring beyond Julia's shoulder in the lunchroom, at Brian. - You know, it's good that you're not the sun or your glasses would've burnt a hole through that cute blonde's crotch! She whispers into his ear. - Julia! Philip exclaims and then blushes. - It is really that obvious? He whispers to her, empathizing the word "that". - Get off of me, you...! Philip starts when he realizes that it's Brian who's lying on top of him. - Err... sorry. Brian apologizes and gets off of Philip. - Seriously, what room are you in? Philip asks. - 412. Brian replies. - No way! Philip exclaims. - That's my room! I guess we're roommates! - I think that I'm falling in love with you. Brian whispers into Philip's ear and kisses him. - What? Philip asks, confused. - Get away from me, you homo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brian cries. - Fucking chink! The leader thug swears and fires off. Brian throws himself in front of Philip and takes the bullet for him. - You actually did a selfless deed. Julia says. - Maybe you are human, after all. But I'll tell you this. If you screw up and hurt him again, they are going to be scraping of your green blood off of your bedroom wall, you hear me? - Well, it's a good thing that you two aren't friends or we'd have to kick your butt too. Neo laughs. - Well, we were, but then I found out that he was a fag and decided to just stop talking to him. Brian lies for the football team. Philip is lying on the ground, glaring at Brian. - Let's all do it together. Neo says. - It'll be our words against his. Everyone except Brian starts kicking at Philip. - Well, what are you waiting for? Neo asks. - I don't know...! Brian says. Then he starts kicking Philip too, delivering a hard kick that sends Philip whimpering and bleeding. - So you are stalking me! Philip exclaims. - I'm new to Hereditary High and we're in the same English class. Ripley says. - I don't know the way, so I've been following you to get back on campus. - Wanna, like, hang out sometimes? Ripley suggests. - Sure. Philip says and smiles widely. - I'm Philip. - I'm Ripley. Ripley introduces himself. - So, what do you want to do today, then? Philip wonders. - I don't know. Ripley says and then leans in and kisses Philip. - But.. you... why... how... when...! Philip stutters. - He just kissed me! Philip tells Julia. - And I was like, no, not again. I can't stand anymore heartbreak. So he kisses me again and I'm still protesting. But the little bastard just won't give up and just kisses me once more and then, I'm like screw everything! I've got myself a boyfriend and I'm not ashamed of it!!!!! - Philip, I have cancer. Ripley tells Philip. - You what?! Philip exclaims. - It's... it's a fast growing brain tumor. Ripley says quietly. - It is operable? Philip asks. - Please, tell me that it's operable. - No...! Ripley says quietly. - I'm sorry...! Ripley says. - No, don't be. Philip says. - It's not your fault. I whisper into his ear. - I love you. Ripley says. - I love you too. Philip says. - Philip, Philip, come quick! Julia exclaims. - Ripley... he's... he collapsed in the middle of litterature class...! - His condition is critical. A doctor foretells Philip and Julia. - He suffered a severe brain bleed. - These are my parents. Ripley introduces Philip and Julia to two Amish people. - What's wrong, honey? Philip asks Ripley. - They... they knew. Ripley sobs. - What?! Julia exclaims. - Apparentely, I've had the tumor since early childhood. Ripley continues sobbing. - It was operable back then, but they chose not to do a thing. "God gives and God takes", they said. And now, it's nonoperable. - What kind of people would do something like that?! Julia exclaims. - Amish people. Philip says slowly. - It doesn't look like you have to spend the night here. The nurse says quietly. - I don't?! Philip exclaims. - I'm sorry...! The nurse says. - He didn't make it. - No!!!!! Philip exclaims. - We have gathered here today to honor the memory of a young man named Ripley Hansson. The priest began. At one side of Ripley's coffin stand his parents and the rest of his family while Philip and Julia stood at the other, glaring at Ripley's parents. - May they burn in Hell. Julia whispers to Philip. - Ripley?! Philip exclaims. - I'm not Ripley. Riley says. - I'm his twin brother, Riley. - Philip...! Brian murmurs into Philip's ear, thinking that he's asleep. - I love you. - So... do you...? Brian asks cautiously. - Love you back? Philip asks him and Brian nods. - I guess. Philip says. - What about Miranda, the bitch on... I mean... Miranda? Philip asks. - Oh, I dumped her yesterday. Brian chuckles. - So, what do you say? We go out in public today at lunch. - No!!!!! Brian exclaims loudly. - I'm not ready to come out yet. - You don't like him, do you? Philip asks Julia. - No, I don't. She replies. - I'll never forgive him for what he's done to you. - That fag keeps hanging around me. Brian says. - He thinks that we're friends, just because we share a dorm room. - I'm glad that you feel that way. Neo chuckles. - So, want to go out with us and drink some beers tonight? - Sure. Comes the reply. - Brian, are you drunk? Philip asks Brian. - Yeah, so what? He slurs back. - Get away from me, you fag! Brian punches Philip, who flies backwards into a wall and falls unconcious. When he wakes up, he jumps to his feet and packs a duffel bag and leaves the room. - I've decided to give Brian a final chance. Philip says. - As your best friend, I must say that that isn't a really good idea. Julia says. Philip makes the friendship bracelets. He gives one to Brian and puts the other around his own wrist. As Philip skips merrily over to his and Brian's room, voices can be heard inside. Philip opens the door and freezes on the spot. - Philip! Brian exclaims breaks his kiss with Miranda. - I'm so sorry, Phil. Brian apologizes. - It wasn't my fault! She came over here, talking about how good we used to look together and then just kissed me! - I can't believe you gave him another chance! Julia groans. - What do you want? Angel snorts. - I want to apologize. Neo says to Philip. - And I'd like to become your friend. - You're what?! Angel exclaims. - A fag. Neo says quietly. - Kiss me. Miranda giggles. - Sure. Brian says and kisses her. The friendship-bracelet on his wrist burst free. - Brian, I love you. Philip sighs, back in his and Brian's room. Suddenly, the friendship-bracelet on his wrist burst free and falls to the floor. Brian's standing at Philip's desk, staring at the words "I hate you! I hope that you die!" written in blood on it. - Why? Zeira wonders. - Because he knew. Brian sighs. - It broke? Neo wonders. - I guess his did at the same time. Angel said and pointed at Philip's friendship-bracelet, which was lying on the floor. - But why? Dominique wonders. - Because I cheated...! Brian says quietly. - He did right in leaving you! Anastasia growls. - I don't blame him a bit! Zeira snaps. - I have to agree with them. Victor says. - Scum! Julia spits at Brian. - Why have you applied to an immediate transfer to another school? The principal asks. - Because I can't stand it here anymore. Philip says. - I'll grant your transfer. The pricipal says. Philip's sitting at the bus station. The bus arrives and he goes to find his seat and load the luggage up into the luggage compartment above of his seat. - Good bye, guys. He sighs. Ashley sits down next to Philip. - Ashley. He introduces himself. - Philip. Philip says and the two shake hands. - I attend INSomnia High. Ashley foretold Philip. - No kidding! Philip exclaims. - I just managed to get transferred there. - Which dorm room? Ashley wonders. - I don't have a roommate. - 452. Philip replies. - No kidding!! Ashley exclaims. - That's my room! Piper and Philip run into each other. - Piper. Piper introduces himself. - Philip. Philip introduces himself. Philip, Piper and Ashley dance to "All The Small Things". Ashley and Philip slow-dance to "Neighbourhood". - "And I loved him more than words could say. Never knew it 'til he moved away," The music keeps on going. - I know that you'll never love me. Philip says and places his head onto Ashley's shoulder - But you treat me like you will. And that's enough for me, knowing that you care about me, although you'll never care about me the way that I want you to. - Are you crazy?! Ashley exclaims. - No. Philip asks. - Why are you going back home to meet those nazi-parents of yours? Ashley asks. - I've gotta give them one more chance. Philip says. - Get out of this house at once! Helena cries. - You... can't have "that disease"!! - Fine, then. Philip snorts. - I'm never coming back! - They might cut off my "fundings" and I'll have to go back to study in Sweden. Philip says. - Oh, don't you worry about that. Ashley says and grins. - I'm loaded! - If those nazis cut your fundings off, I'd be glad to pay for your tuition. - You would?! Philip exclaims. - Sure. Ashley says. - I'll even pay your way through college. - Yo, Phil! Piper says. - This letter just came for you. He hands Philip an envelope, which Philip opens. He pulls a letter out of it and his eyes widden after reading it. - What is it? Ashley asks. - It's from my parents. Philip says. - They are invoking my mom's legal right as my legal guardian to recall me back to Sweden. - Wait, they can't do that, can they? Ashley asks. - We have to fight this. - There's one thing that we can do...! Philip says. - We can sue for conscent. If we can prove that I'm mature enough and that my parents are unfit, I can gain a premature age of conscent. - All rise for the honorable judge Miller. A man says and everyone in the court room stands up. - Where is your advocate? Judge Miller asks. - I have decided to represent myself. Philip answers him. - Isn't it true that...? Philip asks Helena. - Is it not true that...? Philip asks Helena. - Do you recall? Philip questions Helena. - Do I have to remind you of that you're under oath? Philip question Helena. The judge announces his verdict. - Never have I encountered a boy with such a strong mental state, resistance against influence and good at debating. It's a wonder to me as to why the boy didn't sue for emancipation earlier. My verdict should now be obvious. Petitioner's motion is granted. Congratulations, Philip. - Fag. Danny says to Philip. - Freaking fudgepacker. Did you spend you weekends getting it on with some other boy-slut again? - Shut up. Philip growls at him. - Not that kind of language in my class, Mr. Wester, please. Mr. Morris says. - What?! Philip exclaims. - That is it. Mr. Morris says angrily. - You have caused enough commotion. Please go and wait outside. - Mr. Wester, please come back in. Mr. Morris asks Philip. - I have looked for a reason to fail you for a very long time and I've finally found one. You started arguing with a boy in class and used foul words. - But he started it! Philip protests. - Well, who's the school board gonna believe? Me or some kind of fag? - So, this is all an issue about me being Gay, isn't it? Philip questions Mr. Morris. - I've always been a good student... always good at French. And now you're gonna fail me? Don't you think that people are gonna get just a tad suspicious? - Not if they look at your test scores. Mr. Morris says and throws a stack of paper at Philip's feet. Philip leans down and picks them up. - But these aren't mine. Philip protests. - This isn't my handwriting. - Looked at your tests and then forged your handwriting. Mr. Morris says. - Officially, you've gotten a failing grade at each and every test, up-to- date. Suddenly, Mr. Morris punches himself in the face. His nose starts bleeding. - Help! He screams. - Please! Stop! Stop hitting me! Stop! Mr. Harder and four students storm into the room. - What happened? Mr. Harder demands to get to know. - He beat me down after I told him that I was going to fail him. Mr. Morris says while pointing at Philip. - Wasn't me. Philip says. - I've heard enough. Mr. Harder says. - You are hereby expelled from Insomnia High until further notice. - You have to fight this, you know that, don't you? Ashley asks. - Of course. Philip says. - I'm gonna get my real tests back and prove that those two are liars. They - Mr. Wester is to be reinstated at Insomnia High, with a deserved A in French. The judge says. - Mr. Morris and Mr. Harder are to be fired with immediate notice. - Listen here, punk. Mr. Morris tells Philip. - You might think that you've won. But you never will. No matter where you go, we'll be there, us men. We don't want fags around. And we'll do whatever it takes to drive you away. You will never be free! - I can never win...! Philip thinks to himself. He picks the razor up and slits his wrists. - Philip! Ashley exclaims. Blood spills to the floor as Philip drops the razor, his wrists cut open. He tumbles to the floor. - Philip! Philip!!!! - I'm sorry. Philip apologizes while lying in his hospital bed. - Don't be. Ashley says. - Why are you here? Philip asks. - What do you mean? Ashley wonders. - Everyone I've ever cared about has left me. Philip sighs. - Either that or I've left them. - I will never leave you. Ashley says. - Thank you. Philip thanks Ashley. - For what? Ashley wonders. - For everything. Philip says and smiles. - So... you love him? Piper asks Ashley. - Of course I do. Ashley says. - We're best friends, roommates and...! - Don't play that song again. Piper groans. - You know it's more than that. You know it's true love. - D'you think he loves me back? Ashley asks. - That's an issue that has to be settled between the two of you. Piper says. - You're not gonna tell him, are you? Ashley asks nervously. - Of course not. Piper replies. - But I think that it's so cute that you just can't tell him. I mean, hello, he's gay. What's the worst thing that he can do? - Turn me down. Ashley says quietly. - Well, deal with it. Piper says. - Live... you can't live a sheltered life your entire life and get all grumpy when you're old, saying how bad things turned out. You've got to take chances. Or else, he might go and find somebody else before you get a chance to tell him. Don't make this into a soap. You love him, you don't tell him, get gets himself a boyfriend and you're stuck... 'til they break up. It's so... HBO. What are you, a masochist? - I'm so confused! Ashley cries. - So, you're in love with a guy who likes guys too. Piper says. - What's the big? - You're right. Ashley says. - I'm gonna tell him. - What is it? Philip asks and Ashley looks away. - What's wrong, baby? - I... I...! Ashley stutters. - Yeah? Philip wonders. "Here's the photo I've been looking for. It's a picture of a boy next door. And I loved him more than words could say. Never moved it 'til he moved away." - Philip, I'm in love with you. Ashley says. __________________________________________________________________________ -||Not A Perfect Love || Not A Perfect Summer || Not A Perfect Sophomore||- __________________________________________________________________________ OPENING CREDITROLL "Standing at the docks, A silent tear hits the ground, Mourning the love that I lost, The love that I'd just found," "Another morning, Another day, another chance, Another song, another tune, Another dance," "But I'm too sad to sing, Too sad to dance, Too sad to give in, And give love one more chance," "Am I just a coward?" "Reality bites and loves hurts, But what is the worst? To never love again or to be hurt?" "The choice is too hard make, To give and to take, To let go of love," "So, here I am, Back on the horse, Following the love's path, Opening up once more, Baring my naked heart," "And hurt strikes again, A stab in my heart, Lovers breaking up, Lovers apart," "A seabreeze through my hair, A wind in my heart, But why risk losing everything again? Why bother to open up, Only to be hurt?" REGULARS Philip Wester Ashley Ericsson Piper Camfield SPECIAL GUEST STARS Adrien Ericsson as "Adrien" Alexander Ericsson as "Alex" David "Angel" Andromeda as "Angel" Riley David Rawley as "Riley" _____________ ____________ \ |_____________________________| / ) | | ( /____________| A Perfect Ending |____________\ |_____________________________| EYES OF A RAVEN - PHILIP "What did you say?" I ask. I'm so confused... no... he can't be... not in me. I'm a gay guy and he's straight... right? I turn the radio off. Music doesn't really seem very appropiate at the moment. "I'm in love with you," Ashley repeats. "I have been ever since we danced at the Rocky House Of Horrors party. Well, I think I was in love with you before that, but I just hadn't realize it yet and I wanted it to last forever, the dance, that is. I...!" "Shut up!" I cry. "Just shut the hell up!!!" "What?!" Ashley exclaims. ____________ ____________ \ |_____________________________| / \ | | / / | Act I | \ /___________| Twice Bitten And Thrice Shy |___________\ |_____________________________| "Why... what... why?" Ashley stutters. "You... don't you have at least the tinciest winciest feelings about me? Please, tell me that you do. Please. I love you." "Stop saying that!" I cry. "I can't... I can't go through this again." "Go through what?" he wonders. "Dating a closeted football player who's never gonne come out," I say quietly. "I've already gone there and it's a big black hole that can't end in any other way than in tragedy. It's doomed, I tell you. Doomed. I can't... I won't go there again. I look down, at the floor, and shift my feet a little. "But... do you at least feel anything for me?" he asks. It's the dreaded question. No! Why did he have to ask that one! I can't lie to him... not now. "I love you." I say quietly and look up into his face, which brightens and a smile spreads across his face. "That's why it's so painful to tell you that we can never be together," I say and his face drops. "But...!" he protests. "No!" I say. This is so hard! I have to fight hard to keep the tears from flowing. Why did he have to love me? Unrequited love was enough, at least for me. "You're closeted and will probably never come out," I say. "'Least not in the near future. I can't live with that, knowing that I can't tell anybody." "Piper already knows." he says. Piper knows? And he didn't tell me? That bastard! Wait... gotta deal with this first. "He doesn't count," I quickly say. "Anyway, we can't be together. Not like this. Not with you closested and me open. I've already gone there, with Brian, and you know how that ended. It's a big swirling black hole that is destined to end in heartbreak." "Yeah," He sighs. "I guess." He looks down and shifts his feet a little. Silence... silence... I have to do this. I can't... I can't live like this. So, I make a decision. "I'm leaving," I say. "Next week... I'm moving out." "What?!" He exclaims. "What do you mean you're moving out?!" "I can't stay here," I say. "It wouldn't be fair to either of us. I'd lead you on, giving you mixed signals of that it could work out and I'd just cry myself to sleep knowing that I can have you, yet I can't." "Philip...!" he says quietly, but I put a finger on his mouth and shush him. "Hush, love," I say and smile. "It's for the best. No more heartache, ok?" He nods and a tear trickles down his face, followed by more tears. I quickly turn around so that he can't see the tears that are welling up in my eyes. No! I can't cry. I promised never to cry again a long time ago! And I hear a sob from him and the tears start falling. But I make sure of that it's a silent cry. I can't let him know... know just how much I love him. "I'm sorry." I sob. ____________ ____________ \ |_____________________________| / \ | | / / | Act II | \ /___________| Soul-Searching |___________\ |_____________________________| "How could you not tell me!" I yell at him. "Sorry," Piper apologizes. "He made me swear the secrecy. Besides, it was solely for him to tell." We are sitting by the fountain in the middle of campus and I watch as the water trickles out of the cherub's flute. "It just... took me by surprise." I sigh. "I'm right there with ya'," He agrees. "Or, at least I was... when he first told me." "What am I supposed to do?" I ask him. "I-I-I can't say 'yes'." "Why?" he wonders. "I just can't." I say quietly while looking down. "I've been there. I came, I saw, I got my heart broken. And I don't wanna go back there again." "Just because he's a jock?" Piper asks. "It's not just that," I say quietly. "He said so himself. He said that he wasn't ready to come out yet. So, we'd have to keep it all secret. And I don't want a relationship like that!" "I understand..." he says quietly. "Or at least I think that I do." "Anyways, I have to go now," I say quietly and take him by the hand. "I've got a lot to think about." ASHLEY "You finally told him?!" Adrien exclaims. So, here we are, the famous Ericsson Triplets that use to make our teachers crazy, the same triplets who pulled a "The-Parent-Trap" to get our parents back together, in Alex and Adrien's shared dorm room. We're all sitting on Adrien's bed, me huddled up at the headboard and them sitting side by side at the other end of the bed. "Really?!" Alex exclaimed. "Yah." I say quietly while looking down. "I take it it didn't go very well?" Adrien asks, noticing the gloom on my face. "No..." I say quietly while looking down. Alex puts a hand under my cheek and pull my face up so that I'm looking at them. "What happened?" he asks with pure love in his eyes. "He... he turned me down..." I say quietly. "He what?!" they both exclaim in unison. "Turned me down..." I say quietly and start sobbing. Tears run down my cheek as I let the flood of emotions that I have bottled up ever since Philip turned me down loose. I can't stop them! They keep coming and coming! "Oh, poor baby..." Adrien says quietly and puts my head on his shoulder. "There, there," Alex says and pats my back. "It'll be alright." "How can it?" I sob. "He turned me down! I opened up my heart and told him about my most inner desires and he turned me down!" "But why?" Adrien wonders. "I thought he loved you. You did!" "He does..." I sob. "Now you're losing me." Alex says. I pull myself together and disengage from Adrien. "He loves me... but he can't go 'there' again, get together with a 'straight' jock that's in the closet." "Then get out!" Alex ushers me. "Go out and cry out that you're in love with a man and that you're proud of it!" "We'll be right behind you," Adrien says. "Wearing T-shirts reading "My brother married another guy and all I got was this crappy T-shirt!" I let out a chuckle. Typical Adrien to say something like that, even in situations like this one. "But I'm not ready to. What if my friends don't like it? What if they stop being my friends when they find out?" "Then they're not real friends, now are they?" Alex asks. "Good point..." I say quietly. "Friends are supposed to stand by you, no matter what!" Adrien says and bangs his hand down on his nightstand. "Is it really worth it?" I ask. "Putting friends that I've know for most of my life in jeopardy for the sake of a guy?" "For the sake of a guy that you love!" Alex says, empathizing the word "love". "It's worth risking everything for! Some people search their entire lives to find their true loves. You've already found yours." "I... I have to go think about this." I say quietly and get up. I run out of there and run all the way to Maple Park. I flop down on a bench and look around. It's really summer. Blossoming flowers are everywhere and the sounds of chirping bird cannot be escaped. And here I am, in the midst of all of this happiness, gloomy and sad. Life will never be the same again, no matter what I decide to do. Should I go with him? Risk all that I've worked so hard to get, a reputation, good friends, the status of coolness, all for Philip, a guy I've known for less than one year? ____________ ____________ \ |_____________________________| / \ | | / / | Act III | \ /___________| Decisive Moments |___________\ |_____________________________| I decide to return back to our dorm room, praying to God that Philip's not there when I get back. Sure enough, he's not there. But there's mail. I decide to look them over as a distraction from my impending life-alternating decision. I open up the first envelope addressed to me. Ah, some flyer about cheap bikes. Then the next one... chupons. Then I open up the last one. It's a letter... on expensive paper and with a sigill. "Dear Mr. Ericsson, I am happy to be able to tell you that you have been accepted to NAPS, North American Player School, the leading Athletics high school of the entire United States. Although you will start on your Junior year this fall, we have found you qualified to attend NAPS. We are looking forward to seeing you this fall, Mrs. McGonnagall, headmaster of NAPS." This is amazing! Wait... NAPS is in California. That's across the country! I'll never get to see... wait... is that really that bad? I mean, he doesn't want to be with me. And even if I apply for a new roommate, it'll be painful to have clases with him and seeing him in the halls... especially if he gets a boyfriend. I wouldn't be able to cope with that. Should I stay? Or should I go? I don't know. Ah! I'm so confused!!! EYES OF A RAVEN - PHILIP "Ashley?" I ask as I enter mine and Ashley's room. He's sitting on his bed, his head resting in his hands. A letter is lying on the floor, at his feet. I look at our shared desk. The receiver is off the hook. I put it back on. "So... who did you call?" I ask quietly, trying to start up a conversation about anything but what that's going on. "I needed to arrange for something." he says quietly. "Have you changed your mind? Please... do 'we' have a chance?" "I haven't..." I say quietly. "I need more time." "I'm leaving at six tomorrow," he says. "I've been accepted to the best Athletics high school of the entire United States. And since I've got nothing to keep me here... I have already arranged for a transfer of schools. All I have to do is to be there, at my new school, in person the day after tomorrow... I'm leaving by plane at Caritas Airport tomorrow... gate 26... or do... do you know of a good reason as to why I should stay?" "No," I say coldly. "Do whatever you want." I felt an empty sensation at my last words. I don't want him to go! But it'll be better that way. He'll get to realize his dreams and I won't have to see him everyday, as a roommate, classmate and schoolmate. Or friend... It's a good thing I'm so good at hiding my feelings... no tears... no more tears... I promised myself that a long time ago. But I have to fight to stop them from coming. HEARTBROKEN - ASHLEY "Should I stay?" I ask him. "No," he says coldly and looks away from me. "Do what you want. And I feel an empty, stabbing sensation in my gut. That proves it. He doesn't really love me. He didn't even bat an eyelid while saying that. There was no pain in his eyes. But there is in mine. I'll go... he wants me to. I want to. I guess it'll be for the best... "Alright then..." I say quietly. "Will you at least come to say goodbye?" "No..." he says coldly. "Consider this goodbye. It would only be even more painful. So... goodbye." He walks over to his closet and pulls his backpack out of it and starts filling it with clothes. "Wait!" I exclaim. "Where are you going?" "I'm... I'm sleeping at Riley's tonight..." he says quietly while he's packing. "Less painful that way. I don't know if I could handle sleeping in the same room as you, knowing that you feel as you do..." EYES OF A RAVEN - PHILIP "Wait!" he exclaims. "Where are you going?" "I'm... I'm sleeping at Riley's tonight..." I say quietly and have to work really hard to surpress the tears. I can feel them just waiting to come out, but I somehow manage to keep them down. "Less painful that way," I continue while packing. "I don't know if I could handle sleeping in the same room as you. knowing that you feel as you do." "What, you don't trust me?" he chuckles nervously. I looked at him. "No..." That was such a lie. I trust him. But do I trust myself? No... not really. Not now that I know how he really feels. Oh, Philip, you idiot! How could you let your life get this complicated?! "I guess this really is goodbye then..." he says and I turn to him. I give him a weak smile and nod. He nods back. I close my closet up and close my backpack and swing it around my back. I then walk up to him, sitting there on his bed, and bend down and give him a big hug. It seems as if I just can't let go off him. I keep hugging him until I finally manage to let go of him, sniffing quietly to hold the tears back. I quickly turned around so that he doesn't see my tears and start walking away, towards the door. I stop in the doorway. "Maybe we'll meet again..." I say quietly without looking back. "Maybe..." he says. I exit and close the door quietly behind me. I can swear that I hear a small sob escape him on my way out. But I can't turn back. Not now. ____________ ____________ \ |_____________________________| / \ | | / / | Act IV | \ /___________| To Open Up One's Heart |___________\ |_____________________________| "Are you sure of that you're fine?" Riley asks me as I flop down on a chair. He's sitting on his bed, looking at me with pure concern in his eyes, whereas I, I'm sitting here, on a chair, clinging onto my overstufffed backpack. "Oh, I'm fine," I say and chuckle nervously. "All fine. Fine, fine, fine." A moment of silence follows. I turn to him and look directly into his eyes. "Are you sure of that you're okay with this?" I ask him and he nods. "You know, sleeping in the same bed, considering what me and your twin brother used to..." "Please!" he exclaims and stands up. "No more information! I don't want to get pictures painted up..." "Alright," I say and grin evilly. "Although, there once was a time when ice-cream was involved and..." "Oh God!" he exclaims. "Getting a picture here, getting a picture! Oh, you evil queen!" "He! He!" I laugh diabolically. "I am the God of evil queens! All shag... er shall worship me!!!" "Alright." he says. "The shag or worship part?" I ask. "Pick." he chuckles. Good Lord, the resemblance is striking! Even the same sense of humor! "Good Lord, the resemblance is striking!" I exclaim. "You even have the same sense of humor!" "We used to drive our teachers nuts back in Junior High," he chuckles and grins sheepishly. "We were somehow paired off in different classes, so we'd switch classes sometimes, just to drive our teachers nuts. We even cheated, too." "Oh my God!" I exclaim and stand up in mock shock. "Ripley cheated?! Call the press! Wait... how?" "Well, whenever we had hard tests, we'd memorize half of the tests each," he chuckles and I sit down. "One would go in and do his half of the test. Then he'd ask to be excused to go to the bathroom and we'd switch and the other would finish the test up." "How evil!" I exclaim. "And diabolical! And nasty! And baaad! And smart!!" "He! He!" he grins with a bemused look on his face. "I wish that I had a twin so that I could do that kind of stuff!" I whine. Another moment of silence follows as I remember why I'm here. "It hurts," I say quietly and he looks at me. I lower my gaze to the floor. "You know, when I think of him." "Which one?" Riley asks. "Both," I say quietly. "About what I had and what I can have, but don't dare to." "So, you truly love him then?" he asks me. I turn to look him straight in the eyes. "Yes." FOR THE LOVE OF PHILIP - ASHLEY "So, you truly love him then?" Piper asks me. "Yes," I say quietly while looking down at the mush that my banana split has becoming. Once more, we're sitting here, in the school cafeteria. Tomorrow will graduation. And I told him today, a day earlier than promised... only, he turned me down. So, I'm leaving. I have to say goodbye to everyone... "Are you really going?" Piper asks me. "Huh?" I ask and snap out of my trance. "Are you really going?" he repeats his question. "Ah, yeah." I say quietly and look out the window. I see couples walking happily together. Boys and girls, girls and girls and boys and boys. Why can't me and Philip be another addition to that mob of happy couples? Why?! "Have you told your brothers yet?" he asks me. "Yeah..." I say quietly and play around with my mushy banana split with a plastic teaspoon. "They were fine. They promised to visit me often." "You've made up your mind, haven't you?" he asks me. "I guess..." I say quietly. "I guess." EYES OF A RAVEN - PHILIP "Life's a show where we all play our parts. And when the music starts. We open up our heart." I'm watching "Once More, With Feeling", the musical episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I guess I'm really down since even Anya's part of "I've Got A Theory", a.k.a. "The Bunny Song", didn't do a thing to cheer me up. So, this is it. Today is graduation. It's already been. Oh, how lovely. A cheezy speech from the principal, issuing of scholaships and throwing of hats. And soon, it'll be time for Ashley to leave my life... forever. "Go to him!" Riley tells me. "Tell him how you really feel! I can see that you truly love him!" "But..." I protest. "Let's go." he says and stands up. "Where?" I ask. "To talk to someone who truly cares about you." he replies. ____________ ____________ \ |_____________________________| / \ | | / / | Act V | \ /___________| Reaching Out And Letting Go |___________\ |_____________________________| "Why did you take me here?" I ask Riley. "Like I said, to talk to someone who cares about you," he replies while dragging me down the countless graves until stopping in front of a familiar one. "It's him..." I say quietly and look down at the grave that is Ripley's. Ah, a fresh bouqet of lillies. I guess they really were close, these whacky twins. "So, we're supposed to talk to him?" I ask. "What for? He can't reply." "Then let's talk, you and me," he says and looks me directly in the eye. "C'mon, be honest. You love him. So why not just go to him?" "I can't do it." I sigh. "Why not?" he asks as the gentle breeze blows through my hair, making it clash against my face. I brush the strands of blue hair away and look at my hand, letting the sun reflect against the skin. "I... I can't do it again." I sigh. "Not with him. He's just like Brian. A closet case who's never gonna come out. I can't deal with that." "Why?" he asks. Why does he have to keep asking these questions?! I can alrady feel the tears start building up in my eyes. "Because... I can't go through with it, and that's all there is to it!" I cry. "But... I don't understand." he says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Don't you love him?" he asks. "Of course I do," I say. "That's why this is so hard." "But... it is true love, isn't it?" he asks. I think for a moment and then let a sigh out. "Yes...! It is." Silence... silence... was that a whale at the horizon?! "And he's never gonna come out?" Riley then asks, breaking the silence. "No," I say. "At least not while we're still in high school." More silence... yet more silence... was that the Little Mermaid riding on the back of the whale at the horizon?!?!?! "Does it really matter?" he asks. And a strong wind blows through the air, ruffling my hair as my eyes widden in realization. "Does it?" he asks. "No," I say slowly as my heart starts beating faster. "It... i-i-it really doesn't." "Then you must pursue it," he says. "Pursue love. You cannot abandon it. You will wake up one day and wonder about what could have been... how it would've been. And you won't know. You will never know, never know how it could've been if you had simply taken this chance." "But...!" I start protesting, but Riley puts a finger on my lips to silence me. "Live," he says and puts a hand on my shoulder. "For him, for Ripley. I know he would want you to be happy." We both turn our heads and look at Ripley's headstone... our bundles of flowers lying side by side at its foot. And a single tear trickles down my face... actually, it's several. But I prefer just saying "a single tear" since it's so much more poetic. And the inscription... Ripley Cole Rawley Devoted friend Super-super-nice "I will always love you, Ripper" "I love you," I whisper, as if Ripley were standing right besides us. "I will always love you." "He knows that," Riley says and hugs me from behind. "When he died, he knew that it was true love. He told me. He said that he loved you more than anything and that he trusted that you loved him so much that he could trust you with his life." And I look at Riley's hand... his arm... his wristwatch... oh my God! "Oh my God!" I exclaim. "It's already five thirty. The ship leaves at six!" And Riley grabs holds of me, looks me sternly in the eyes and opens his mouth to speak. "Run." he says and then lets go of me. And that's what I do. I run. I run as fast as I can. I've gotta get there before the ferry leaves of I'll lose him. I can't let him leave... not like this. I have to tell him that I love him. I run, not caring that I'm having a hard time to breathe, not caring that my face feels as if it's being burnt to ashes, not caring that I just stumbled on a root and hurt two toes. I run, downtown, towards the airport. I am about to run to gate 26 when I remember that it's an airport. I hurry over to a queue, which is strangely short. Within three minutes, it's my turn. "Which plane leaves from gate 26?" I ask her. "The one to Los Angeles, California." she says cheerfully. "Gimme a ticket." I say and fish out my credit card. Thank God I got one of those! "But it will leave within five minutes." she says. "I don't care!" I cry out. "It's very important that I get on that plane!" "Alright, then." she says and snatches the credit card from my hand. She pulls it through one of those credit card readers and then punches some digits into her computer. After about three minutes of fumbling, she finally hands me back my credit card, along with a ticket. "Thanks." i say before dashing off. I run and run and run and can spot gate 26. I can also see a plane leaving from it. "No, wait!" I cry out. I arrive at gate 26 and push my face to the window, breathing hard while watching the goddamn plane leave. It's already half a mile away the building, preparing to life off. And then it does just that. I breathe hard, catching my breath, having trouble standing up. And a man approaches me, an airport worker. "I'm sorry, were you supposed to be on that ship?" he asks me with genuine concern in his voice. "No," I gasp. "But someone I love is on it. And now, he's gone forever." ____________ ____________ \ |_____________________________| / \ | | / ) | Act VI | ( / |Ain't No Mountain High Enough| \ /___________| To Keep Me From You, Baby |___________\ |_____________________________| "I'm sorry, were you supposed to be on that ship?" he asks me with genuine concern in his voice. "No," I gasp. "But someone I love is on it. And now, he's gone forever." He looks strangely at me, then gets a look of realization and then smiles at me. "Sorry," he then says. "But I'm sure of that you'll meet again." With that said, he turns around and leaves. "I'm not so sure of that." I sigh. Suddenly, I hear shuffling feet and someone runs up to me. "Wait!" he cries out. He obviously hasn't noticed me as he's waving at the plane. And I turn my head to look at him and it's... it's Ashley! I just know that it's him and not one of his twins. How? I have no idea! "Ashley?!" I exclaim. "Philip?!" he exclaims in genuine shock. He obviously didn't think I'd be here. No wonder, after all I said about goodbyes being too painful, especially in our case. Silence follows as we stand there, face to face, just looking at each other. "Did... did you come to say goodbye?" he asks. "No," I say. "I didn't come to say goodbye." More silence... "'I just came to say I love you.'" I sing and his face lits up. "R-r-r-r-really?" he stutters. "Really, really." I say and smile. And he throws himself into my arms and starts kissing me all over my face. "Hey, hey, 'oxygen becoming an issue.'" I grunt and he lets me go. His face is all flushed and he's got this cute grin on his face. "Are you sure of that you want this?" he then asks me, the grin disappearing into a look of uncerntainty. "Yes," I say and the grin returns. "I really am." "Gratitude, for your attitude..." the music blares on as me and Ashley enter the decorated room that is Piper's dorm room. "But I'm falling at your feet. And I'm falling at your feet." "And here they come, Philip and Ashley!!!" Piper exclaims and everyone applauds. I can't believe that guy! He rounded people up for a party! Me, Ashley, Adrien, Alex, Angel, Piper himself and Nathan. And all of this just to celebrate mine and Ashley's one week anniversary as a couple. "Congratulations!" Alex and Adrien say in unison and Ashley grins at them. "I'll so give you for this!" he whispers to them. We have a really good time, just chit-chatting, when Ashley suddenly stands up and makes a hand motion for everyone to be silent. He then turns to me. I get the cue and stand up, too. Suddenly, in one swift motion, he pulls a small box out of his shirtpocket. He flips it open. Oh my God! A ring's in there! The most beautiful ring I've ever seen! With diamonds and emerald... oh! My birthstones! Wait... a ring?! "Will you marry me?" he asks me and slips the ring onto my finger. "I promise you that I'll come out. Right here and now. From now on, I'll make sure of that everyone I know knows that I love you and that we are engaged! Let's marry! Right after graduation, when we're both eighteen. Please, please say yes!" He puts the box down on the table and I can feel all eyes turn to me. "I... I... I...!" I stutter and then smack myself on the head to clear my mind. "I do." And a cheer goes throughout the entire room as Ashley sweeps me off my feet and plants a big kiss smack down on my lips. "Congratulations!!!!" everybody exclaims and I kiss him back. "This is the happiest day in my life!" Piper exclaims and everybody looks at him Even Ashley and I do. He grins sheepishly. "What?" he asks. "I have no life. I need those vicarious smoochies." Everyone burst out laughing and the party continues. Adrien skips over to the stereo and turns it on. "Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away..." George Michael's voice can be heard singing. "This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special." Alex raises his glass of soda and everyone follows suit. "For the happy couple!" he says. "For the happy couple!" everyone else says and we all take a swig out of our sodas. I grimace. I've never liked carbonated stuff. Makes me feel weird. But it's a happy occassion. So why not suffer a little? "So dear you are to me..." the song "I can't take my eyes off you" starts playing and Ashley stands up and grabs me by the hand. "Hey, Fiance, wanna dance?" he asks me with a big smile on his face. "Sure," I say and give him a gentle peck on the lips. "Fiance." We start slow dancing, head to shoulder and arms wrapped around each other. The others start clapping and cheering and I give them the finger. That brings forth a wave of laughter and I can't help but laugh myself. "I can't take my eyes off you," "I love you." I whisper to him. "I love you to." he whispers back. "I can't take my eyes off you," We lift our heads and kiss passionately, while dancing, and I can hear a wave of mock disgust and remarks going through the "audience". We break the kiss and stick our tongues out at them. "Aw, how cute!" Angel mused and everyone break out laughing. "I can't take my eyes off you..." ____________ ____________ \ |_____________________________| / \ | | / / | Final Act/Requiem | \ /___________| The End |___________\ |_____________________________| "Surprise!!!" What was that? I turn around to be greeted by the sight of the entire gang standing there, smiling at us. Aqua, Ignis, Aero, Terra, Robin, Neo, Derek, Thunderbolt, Zeira, Marion, Anastasia, Julia and Dominique. They're all there. Even Brian's there! Right there, behind Thunderbolt! "The surprise is on you!" Angel chuckles. "Whut?" Dominique wonders. "Can I tell them?" Angel asks me enthusiastically. "Sure," I chuckle and look at Ashley. "Why not?" Ashley nods and Angel lights up like a child on Christmas Day. "Ashley asked Philip to marry him!!!!" he cries out and all eyes turn to me, yet again. "When was this?" Robin asks quietly. "About twenty minutes ago." Angel says smugly. "What did you answer, Philip?" Julia asks me. "You better answered 'yes', or I'm gonna bash your head in!" "I answered..." I start saying and then go quiet for a moment for effect's sake. "Yes!!!!" "Oh my God!!!" all of the girls exclaim and run up to us and tear Ashley away from me. They shuffle him out of the room, screaming something about a "Bachelorettish Bachelor Party". "Wow, that was..." I say. "Intense." Brian finishes my line. "'Xactly." I say. A moment of silence follows. "So, are ya'll gonna throw me a bachelor party?" I ask. "Of course!!!!" everyone exclaims and huddle up around me. "Let the planning begin!!!" Derek shouts. "Well, FYI, the stripper's gonna be male!" I say. "Alright!" Brian, Derek, Robin, Neo and Angel say in unison. "I bet." I chuckle. "What about ya'll straights?" "Fine, I guess." Thunderbolt says. "And he's gonna strip down all the way," I say. "And I do mean all the way. And he's gonna have to get it hard and..." "Watch it!" Alex warns and everyone burst out laughing. "Now, let's celebrate!!!!" Angel cries and turns the stereo on again. "Ain't it funny how some things can just change your life..." "Party!!!!" Derek cries and everyone starts jumping up and down. "In the story of my life..." "So, it's settled?" Ashley asks me while we walk down Maple Park. "Yeah," I chuckle. "The wedding's on the same day as our high school graduation day. And the parties will be one week before that." "Promise not to screw the stripper?" he asks me. "You party poop!" I exclaim in mock disappointment and pout. "I was so looking forward to it 'til you said that." "Promise me!" he says gravely and I stick my tongue out at him. "Alright, alright, I promise." I groan. I look around. Ah. Happy couples everywhere. And now, me and Ashley are one of them. But... oh... look! Isn't that... "It's Brian!" I exclaim. And he's holding another guy by the hand. So... he's out! And suddenly, Brian kisses the guy! He's really out! Like so out! "Wish that it was you?" Ashley whispers to me. "Yeah," I sigh. "But I'm happy with what I've got." And he smiles. So, I kiss him. When we break the kiss, I see that Brian's looking at me. When he sees me looking, he looks alarmed, as if he fears that I'm gonna run away. But I just smile and mouth the words "Come here!" to him. So, he drags his boyfriend with him and they run up to us. "You... you're not mad?" Brian asks nervously. "For... for not... with you... but with him... er... I mean." "Yeah," I say, cutting him off. "I'm not mad." "I'm so glad to hear that." he chuckles. And I look up at the setting sun, disappearing behind the Empire State Building. "So, what's your boyfriend's name?" Ashley asks and the boyfriend blushes. "Oh, sorry," Brian says. "This is Willow. Willow, the Asian guy is Philip and Ashley here's his boyfriend." I glare at him. "Oh, sorry, fiance." he quickly corrects himself and I smile widely. "Pleased to meet you." Willow says and shakes my hand and then Ashley's, too. "So, how did you to meet?" I ask, curious. "Oh, it's quite a funny story," Willow says. "I was working in a video- store when he saw my nametag and remarked that I had the same name as Willow in Buffy The Vampire Slayer and that he knew someone who adored the show." "Oh, really?" I ask and leer at Brian. "So, you set us up." Brian sighs in defeat and bows his head. "You win. You were the matchmaker." "So, you're the Buffy-fanatic!" Willow chuckles. "Anyway, who's up for ice-cream?" Ashley asks. "All in favor, say 'I' and raise a hand." "I!!!" all four of us shout in unison and four hands go shoot up into the sky. "Let's go downtown, get some cones and then shock everyone by openly making out in Maple Meadow! "I'm up for that!" Willow chuckles. "Which parts of you?" I leer and he blushes. "Philip, you're so vulgar!" Brian groans. And I just grin. This truly is a perfect ending. And I don't care about tomorrow. If tomorrow does come, I will wake up in the arms of an angel; Ashley. Love's great... however, sometimes, it hurts... literally. "Ow!" I groan in pain. "Sorry." Ashley apologizes. He just accidentaly smacked me upside the head with his left arm. I mutter in the cutish way that only I can and they all laugh. I look down at the ring on my right ringfinger. "I will always love you...". Ripley's words. And I will always love him. "Live, for him." Riley's words ring in my ears. On my left ringfinger, alongside with Ripley's ring, is Ashley's, sparkling in the sun. So, maybe I will get hurt again, sticking my neck out like this. But for over 16 years, I was afraid of letting someone in. Now, in one single year, I've gone through a lot. And most of it has hurt. But I want a chance to go through the good stuff again. Sometimes, life makes you make choices, choices that will change you, change everything. Not everybody wants to change... but you have to. Change is inevitable. It's not what you do and change that matters. It's what you do afterwards. It's all a journey. In the end, you will not be the same as when you started it. It's what you do afterwards that makes you who you are. I will always love Ripley. But he would have wanted me to be happy... and I am. Finally. I truly am... Suddenly, I feel something. A hand, Ashley's. He's grabbed hold of mine and when I look at him, he's smiling at me. As we walk down the street, hand in hand, I notice people staring, but we ignore them. Love's great and love... And I slip on a banana peel and fall down and hit my tailbone... ...hurts... THE END ENDE FIN FINI FINITO SLUT __________________________________________________________________________ -||Not A Perfect Love || Not A Perfect Summer || Not A Perfect Sophomore||- __________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ____________ \ |_____________________________| / ) | | ( /____________| A Perfect Ending |____________\ |_____________________________| Here comes the... groom. Here comes the groom... Here comes the extremely thin, er, sexy groom... _____________________________________ | |\ | You are hereby invited to: | | | | | | Philip Wester's | | | & | | | Ashley Ericsson's | | | | | | WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!! | | | To be held on the 12th of June 2004 | | | (right after graduation) | | |_____________________________________| | \_____________________________________\| And so they lived together, happily ever after... Almost... ENDING CREDITROLL Instrumental of the opening theme... EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Philip Wester CAST Ariel Candra as "The Little Mermaid riding on a Whale" Marshall Matters as "Airport worker" Aero Elementar as "Aero" Anastasia Delia as "Anastastasia" Aqua Elementar as "Aqua" Brian Saunders as "Brian" Derek Andromeda as "Derek" Dominique Viscinzque as "Dominique" Ignis Elementar as "Ignis" Julia Hurl as "Julia" Neo Radeborn as "Neo" Robin Masters as "Robin" Terra Elementar as "Terra" Thor Damien Crouseau as "Thunderbolt" Victor Hansen Ericsson as "Victor" Zeira Hellraiser as "Zeira" Willow Rosenberg as "Willow" WRITTEN BY Philip Wester CASTING BY Philip Wester MUSIC BY "Cemented Shoes" - My Vitriol "I Can't Take My Eyes Off You" - Melanie Doane "Ain't It Funny" - Jennifer Lopez SPECIAL THANKS TO Aaron Puttick ( "A Fan" ( Armand A. Moyette ( Brian Wong ( Blue ( Cool Demon ( Danny ( D P ( Duy Pham ( Phill ( Garbage Fan ( Greg ( Hobbyboy ( Jade J ( Jana ( Jonathan Shane Hendry ( Laine ( Los Angeles ( M A ( Michael Deppner ( Mike Wright ( Omar Zahr ( Postmstr ( Prince Jake ( Ray Williams ( RMA ( Yoshio ( Wil ( Unknown ( Unknown ( All rights reserved for P.W. Inc. MMI (2001) TTTTTT HH HH EEEEE EEEEE NN NN DDDDD TT HH HH EE EE NNN NN DD DD TT HHHHHH EEE EEE NN NNN DD DD TT HH HH EE EE NN NN DD DD TT HH HH EEEEE EEEEE NN NN DDDD _____________ ____________ \ |_____________________________| / ) | | ( /____________| A Perfect Ending |____________\ |_____________________________| __________________________________________________________________________ -||Not A Perfect Love || Not A Perfect Summer || Not A Perfect Sophomore||- __________________________________________________________________________ For "fotos" from the series, go here: http:// THE END! (for real this time!) So, this is it, the final frontier, the end. Comments? Flames? Anything? Just mail me, please. I'm lonely and have no life. :^) Now, mail me, mail me, mail me! ...WAITING FOR A BIG ROUND OF CHEERS FROM THE "I-WANT-PHILIP-AND-ASHLEY-TO- GET-TOGETHER"-CROWD... Watch out for "Angel We Have Heard On High" and the upcoming special "Snow White And The Seven Queers", a parody of MANY fairy tales with the characters of TAA, NAPL, NAPSummer and NAPSophomore starring. I might write a final chaper in the NAP-series, "A Perfect Ending II", which will depict the last month of senior year and the wedding of Philip and Ashley, ending with a short depiction of Philip's, Ashley's and their friends' lives when they are 25. See ya around on AWHHOH and A-TNS! Write to me at Just write to me if you want to flame me, give me comments, suggestions or just chat. Why not send some nudes too? And if you live in Stockholm, Sweden, and are 14-18, please, please, please email me about a date!!!!!!!!!! For all of those who read and give me feedback: Thank you! (English, well, duh!) Tack! (Swedish) Takk! (Norwegian) Tak! (Danish) Spatsiba! (Russian) Arigato! (Japanese) Gracias! (Spanish) Grazie! (Italian) Merci! (French) Cam on! (Vietnamese) Cap con cah! (Thai) Danke! (German) Dziekuje! (Polish) Dekuji! (Czech)

Next: Chapter 35: Angel We Have Heard on High 1

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