Not a Perfect Love

Published on May 16, 2001


Disclaimer: The following story is pure fiction and a mere figment of my imagination. Any resemblance to anyone, dead or alive, is pure coincidence. However, if such a resemblance exists, please email me and tell me all about it!!!! :^)

Hi guys. This is my first story. I can tell you right now that there'll be no sex. This'll simply be a love story, a little "spin-off series" of the sci-fi/fantasy novel that I am writing on my spare time.

Hope that you'll like it.

And now, with further ado, I mean without further ado, onto the story!!!!!!

NOT A PERFECT LOVE Chapter 05 - Betrayed, Bewildered And Bothered

  • So, it's a date. Philip said. - Yeah, see you tonight. Kevin said and then waved goodbye to Philip before running off. - Did I hear right? Julia, who'd just arrived at the scene, wondered. - Yep. Philip chuckled. - It's official. Me and Kevin are going to our first date tonight. He's gonna treat me to a dinner at a nice Chinese restaurant. - Congratulations! Julia congratulated Philip. - I'm so happy for you! - So how's it going for you and Derek? Philip wondered. - Pretty well. Julia said. - Well, then it's all good. Life just couldn't get any better than this.

  • What are you thinking about? Kevin wondered. He and Philip were sitting in an empty corner of a Chinese restaurant, eating away as they chatted. - About how lucky I am to have found you. Philip chuckled. - It's been really great. - You know, the night's still young. Kevin chuckled. - I know. Philip said. - But what are we supposed to do? It's a school night tomorrow. - Well, we could go down to the docks and see the ships sail that. Kevin suggested. - That could be fun. Philip stated. - Then, let's go! Kevin proclaimed.

A ship was approaching the docks from a distance. It was still only a dot at the horizon. Sea urchins were flying across the sky as Philip walked by. - The evening breeze is so nice. Philip sighed as he and Kevin sat on a park bench and watched as the ship slowly approaching shore. - So, how's school going? Kevin asked Philip. - That's such a cliche question. Philip giggled. - Well, I can't come up with another one. Kevin sighed. - Well, how about, "wanna make out"? Philip suggested. - Sure. Kevin said. - I was just kidding. Philip chuckled. - Someone might see and...! He didn't get to finish that sentence. Kevin put his lips to Philip's and they started kissing. But Philip wouldn't open his mouth to let Kevin's tongue in. The two broke off the kiss and Kevin looked a little disappointed. - I want to save it. Philip said. - Out relationship is still fresh, so I'll save my first kiss involving a tongue for a special occassion. - You've never kissed anyone with your tongue? Kevin laughed. - Hey, don't mock me! Philip warned Kevin. - I want to save it. For my one true love. - Well, what are you waiting for? Kevin chuckled. - Oh, get serious. Philip chuckled.

  • Bye. Kevin bid Philip goodbye. - Bye. Philip said. With that said, Kevin entered his dorm building and Philip started walking towards his own. - I've never felt this happy before. He thought to himself as he approached his dorm building. Suddenly, he remembered that he had a gift to give to Kevin. He fished a necklace out of his pocket. It was made out of pure silver and on it hung a cross that had four points that were all equal to length. - I better go back there and give it to him right now, before he goes to sleep or something. Philip thought to himself and turned around. He entered Kevin's dorm building and looked at the list of residents that was taped onto the wall. - Kevin... Kevin... Kevin...! Philip mumbled and found three Kevins. - I guess I'll just have to knock on all three doors. Philip sighed. He went to the first Kevin's door and knocked on it. A short boy with brown hair, black eyes and a glasses opened. - Oh, sorry, wrong room. Philip apologized and the boy closed his door with a growl. He went to the next Kevin's door and knocked on it. A girl with chestnut hair and hazel blue eyes opened. She was only wearing a bathroom. - Who are you? She wondered. - I'm a friend of Kevin's. Philip foretold the girl. - I'm Philip. Who are you? - Carla His girlfriend since two years. The girl introduced herself. - Oh, then I've got the wrong Kevin. Philip said. - I'm sorry. - Carla, who is it? Came a male voice and someone walked up behind Carla, turned her around and gave her a kiss. - Oh, just someone who's looking for a friend named Kevin. Carla foretold the person. - But he says that he's got the wrong Kevin. - Well, maybe I can help. The person said and opened the door. Philip felt as if his heart broke into a million pieces when he saw that the person who hda just kissed Carla was in fact Kevin, the Kevin that he knew and loved.

Chapter 05 - Lies

  • Kevin! Philip exclaimed. - Philip! Kevin exclaimed. - I'm... I... so... sorry...! - You bastard!!! Philip cried and turned around and started running down the hall, towards the exit. He sobbed and cried as he ran down campus, towards his room. When he got there, he flung the door open, only to see Brian and Miranda lying in bed together, under the covers, but still, obviously naked. - Oh no, not that, not now. He thought and closed the door and dashed off. - Philip? Brian called out, but Philip was long gone. - Was he crying? He thought to himself. Philip stopped in front of a door and knocked on it. Julia opened it and her eyes widened when she saw that he was crying. - Philip, what happened? She wondered as she ushered Philip into her room. She carefully closed the door behind them and then lead Philip to her bed. Philip laid down on it and Julia took a seat right next to him. - Tell me all about it. She said. - He's got a girlfriend. Philip sobbed. - Who? Julia wondered. - That bastard Kevin. Philip sobbed. - He kissed me and then we went home. I remembered the necklace that I had bought for him, so I went to give it to him and his girlfriend was in the room. - That bastard! Julia cried. - What did you do? - I just ran. Philip sobbed. - I ran back to my room, my Brian was there with Miranda, naked and in bed. So I came here. - Didn't you kick Kevin in the balls or something? Julia wondered. - He deserves it. - The thought crossed my mind. Philip gave out a slight chuckle and stopped sobbing and crying. - But I chickened out. He started wiping off his tears with his fingers and then managed a smile. - There, there. Julia comforted Philip. - Tomorrow is a new day. - I feel like I could just punch someone so that he would feel as bad as I do. Philip said. Suddenly, Brian burst into the room, wearing only boxers. - I was so worried about you. He said. Julia jumped to her feet and walked over to Brian. She then grabbed him and presented him to Philip. - Here, punch this! She proposed. - Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Philip laughed. - See that you're alright. Brian said and let out a sigh of relief. - Well, weird, but at least alright. - I'm fine now. Philip sighed. - What happened? Brian wondered. He sat down next to Philip and put his left arm around him. - He had a girlfriend, that bastard. Philip said bitterly. - Want me to beat him up? Brian suggested. - Naah. Philip said. - I'm not that vengeful. A long moment of silence followed. - You know, you can let go now. Philip chuckled and broke the silence. - Oh. Brian said in realization and let go of Philip. - Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Philip laughed and Julia and Brian just stared at him. A moment of silence followed and then the three of them looked at each other and broke out in laughter.

  • Philip. Kevin called out to Philip as Philip was walking down campus. But there was no reply. Philip continued walking, as if he hadn't heard Kevin's call. - Philip? Kevin called out again and ran up to Philip. Put a hand on Philip's shoulder, but Philip immediately shrugged it off. - Just leave me alone, will ya'? He growled. - I want you to know that if I ever talk to you again, it'll be because you're either dying and I want you to know how much I'm rejoicing or because I'm dying and i want to spit you in the face before I die. - C'mon, you don't mean that. Kevin said. - I do. Philip said coldly. Kevin was stunned. Philip just glared at him and then turned around and continued walking, leaving the stunned Kevin in the middle of campus. A crowd soon formed between the two and when Kevin had regained enough of his senses to move again, Philip was long gone.

  • Come on. Julia whined. - You should get out there, back on the market again. - I don't want to. Philip said. - Just think about it. My only big crushes ever turned out to be a straight guy and a cheating bastard of a guy. - Don't give up on men because of that. Julia giggled. - Getting your heart broken is a part of being in love. But when you find that special someone who'll stand by you in good times and bad times, who's kind and gentle, who prioritizes you in front of everything else, you'll know that that's the guy you'll want to spend the rest of your life with. - Well, what if I never find a guy like that? Philip wondered. - Well, then you could always turn straight. Julia leered. - That does it, let's hurry down to the meat market!! Philip shouted. - He! He! He! He! He! Julia giggled. The two left Julia's room and walked down the hallway, towards the exit. - And what do we do if we see that nasty Kevin? Julia asked. - Kick him right in the balls! Philip proclaimed. - Yeah! Julia shouted. - Yeah! Philip shouted. The two then stopped and looked around and when they had made sure that no one was there, they looked at each other and nodded. - Yeah!!!! They both then shouted in unison.

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Next: Chapter 6

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