Not a Perfect Love

Published on Jun 21, 2001


Ok, so, here's the deal, see. I am the copyright holder of this story. It may not be posted anywhere without my conscent, nor is it allowed to use it on a paysite.

This is my first story involving boy-boy love, so it might not be the greatest of all, but hey, I'm only 16! Anyway, this story will not contain any sex, whatsoever. There might be scenes implying on that the characters do have sex, but if that is the case, the scene will not be graphically described.

This episode's quote is:

Taken from: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Season II Willow: "I eat danger for breakfast." Xander: "Strangely, she cowers in the face of breakfast."

"So it's time to leave, Time to go, Let out a go, Follow the flow,

And so, I go,"



Gym class again. As I walk down the hall, I can't help but think about Philip again. He kept his "promise". Ever since Fort Lauderdale, he hasn't said anything to me but "Hey!", "Hi!", "Yo!" och "Oh, it's you." And there he is again. This time, he pretends as if he doesn't see me and just keeps on walking. And I feel that empty feeling in my gut again, like a stabbing pain. Why? How could I be so stupid?! Now, I've lost a great friend... but can I really blame him?

NOT A PERFECT SUMMER Chapter 02 - Hesitation And Confrontation


I see him again... Brian. I just keep on walking, as if I hadn't seen him. I just wish that gym class could fly by quickly so that we won't have to run into each other and have another one of those awkward silent moments again. - Yo, Philip! I hear Ripley's voice call out and I run over to him. - You know, it's really freaky to hear a brit say "Yo". I giggle. - Yeah, but it's pretty freaky that you've got a waist and leg that girls would kill for. He retorts. - Touche. I chuckle. - So, is that Brian? He asks and points at Brian, who's looking the other way. - Yah...! I say quietly. - The guy who...! Ripley starts, but I hush him by putting my left index finger on his lips. - I knew that I shouldn't have told you about him. I mutter. - Hey, I'm here for you. He says comfortingly. - Want me to kick his butt? I look Ripley over and suddenly notice that he's got a body to kill for! Either that or to get around you! - Sure. I chuckle. - But you might get expelled. - Oh, that's right. He chuckles. - So, you're okay about this whole boy-boy-love-thingee? I ask him. - Totally. He says. - So it doesn't bother you that I just noticed your incredible bod and would kill in order to get it around me and that I'm plotting how to get you out of those pants as we speak? I whisper into his left ear. - Err... no. He says and starts getting nervous. - And you're okay with the fact of that I lay alone in my bed at night, massaging the little bad boy in my pants, thinking of you stripping, bending over and I just get an urge to...! I start leering at him but get interrupted. - You're freaking me out here! He exclaims, interrupting me. - He! He! He! He! He! I giggle. - Wait... did you mean all of those things? He asks. - Yes. I whisper naughtily into his ear. - Oh. He says and blushes slightly. - I've also got this other fantasy where you're lying on a table with this really big gherkin and you just...! I leer at him. - Hey! Getting an image! Getting an image! He protests. - Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I laugh. - Remind me not to fall asleep on you and to always lock my door at night. He chuckles. - Sure. I say. - I'll constantly remind you to fall asleep on me and never lock your door at night. - Oh, you moron. He chuckles. I feels great to have someone as understanding as he is. Much better than Brian. Speaking of the devil, where is that forcocked little schmuck? Oh, why do I even care? Live and let die... I mean live. Or do I mean kill? - Hey. I hear a voice call out. It's Brian. - Hey. I say back and look away. - Umm... what should we do? Ripley whispers to me. - Put your hand on my put and kiss me. I whisper back. - How should that help? Ripley wonders. - Well, if we can't make him unhappy, at least you could make me happy. I leer at him and get a glare back. - You know, I might just change my mind about this whole boy-boy attraction thingee. Ripley chuckles at me. - Well, I'm crossing my fingers for that you'll change your mind so that you get into the whole boy-boy attraction thingee. I chuckle.


Where is Philip? Ever since he met that Ripley guy, he's been spending most of his time with him, leaving no time to spend with me. Now, I'm not jealous or something, I mean, why would I? It's not like Ripley's gonna steal Philip from me, in any sense. But still... I look around campus and spot Philip and Ripley walking together, shoving and laughing at each other. - Oh there they are, those little lovebirds. I mumble and run over to them. - Oh, hi, Julia. Philip greets me. - What is that? He points at my skirt. It's an extremely short dark blue skirt, which I've accessorized with a white blouse and a black vest. - My new skirt. I declare cheerfully. - But I think that they show off my legs too much. And I think that they look fat. Do you guys think that they look fat? - Yes. They both say and nod in unison. My face instantly drops. - Well, thanks for the support, guys. I mutter at them. - Not everyone can have a metabolism like Philip, here. Ripley turns over to Philip and looks him over and then nod twice. - Yeah, I've noticed that you're extremely thin. He then says. - How much, or should I say "little", do you weigh, anyway? - About 50 kilos. Philip say and smiles widely. - Er... you're losing me here. Ripley mumbles. - Oh, you Americans are really such morons. Philip groans and rolls his eyes at Ripley. I try to muffle a giggle attack. - 50 kilos are about 100 pounds. And also, I'm about 165 centimetres high, which means about 5"7'. - Oh my God, you're thin! Ripley exclaims. - Yah. Philip chuckles. - I always beat the thinnest girls in class when it comes to waist and leg size. They all envy me for my thin waist and legs! With that said, he strikes a so called "girlie-pose", wagging an arm in the air and shaking his ass around as he moves. - If you dressed up as a drag-queen, I bet you'd be able to fool the entire school. Ripley chuckles. - Oh, don't go there. I laugh. - Yeah, 'cause if I dressed up as a drag-queen, I wouldn't only gool the entire school. Philip leers at Ripley. - I'd be able to get into your pants and make you enjoy boy-boy sex so much that you'd never want to go straight again! - Oh, you're so vulgar. I laugh. - Look who's talking, the Queen Of Peeping. Philip laughs. - Oh, you promised you'd never tell! I exclaim. - What are you guys talking about? Ripley wonders. - Julia here peeps into the boy's lockerroom at 3 p.m. every Friday. Philip foretells Ripley and I can feel my face go red. - Oh my God, that's when I have Gym Class! Ripley exclaims. - It is? Philip wonders. - Oh, how big is his wanger? - Oh, I'd say...! I say and place my index fingers so that they're about 5 inches from each other. Then, I let them drift and drift until they're about nine inches apart. - Oh my God, what are you, halfman halfhorse?! Philip exclaims and bursts out laughing. - Oh God. Ripley groans with his head down. But it's pretty obvious that he's blushing. - I think that I'll just have to join you this Friday. Philip chuckles, wiping away some tears from his eyes with his sleeve. Oh... that's when I notice his T-shirt. It's white with "Nobody knows I'm Gay" written with large black letters on it. He's also wearing a pair of extremely tight pants and a pair of white Nikes. - Oh my God, you've finally decided to come out! I exclaim. - Yeah. Philip chuckles. - I just thought that if more people gets to know that I'm gay, maybe more gay guys will approach me. - Well, talk about having an ulterior motive. Ripley chuckles. - Well, I'm horny, alright. Philip growls. I just can't stand it anymore. - Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I burst out laughing. Philip and Ripley soon join me and we all laugh away until we hear the bell ring and then hurry to our next classes.


  • Well, I'm horny, alright. Philip growls. I then look over at Julia and she looks like she's gonna explode at any second. And then, suddenly, she just burst out laughing. - Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh my god, it sounds like nails on a chalkboard! Then, Philip and I get caught up with the moment and start laughing too. I look over at Philip and notice how cute he looks when he's laughing. Oh my God! Did I just say, I mean think, that?! Suddenly, the bell rings and we all scramble to get to the next class. Julia runs off somewhere. I guess she's not having the same class as Philip and me, gym class. Fortunately, it's not Friday, today, so Julia won't be peeping in on us. As we change into our gym clothes, I can't help but look at Philip. His body... so smooth... well, maybe not on the legs, but the rest of him. And his clothes are so daring, I mean, a white shirt and a pair of extremely short shorts. Oh my God, what am I doing?! Looking at some guy changing and admiring his body! Oh wait, was that his "package" that I just saw? Oh, God, somebody stop me! Just kill me! - You know, you're drooling. Philip points out and I notice that I actually am drooling. It's running down on the floor and splattering over my shoes. - Eeeeeww! I exclaim. - So, what big-busted girl were you thinking of this time? Philip asks me and gives me a sly grin. - Would you believe me if I told you that it was you? Ask him. He gives me a weird look and then smiles. - You're just pulling my leg. He chuckles. - For a while there, you almost had me fooled. I'm so gullable.

  • Push-ups! Philip groans. I can see that he's trying the hardest, but that he also just can't bring himself to do push-ups. No wonder with those lean little arms I'd love to lick and, oh just shoot me! - You're getting that I'm-not-really-here-I'm-fantasizing-about-my-dream- slut-look again. Philip points out while poiting at me. - Oh, sorry. I say. - And I'm not fantasizing about some girl! - Ooh, sounds interesting. Philip leers at me. - You'd wish. I say. - I'd wish. I instantly think in my head afterwards. Oh my God, what's happening to me?! Are Philip's constant sexual innuendoes and comments finally getting to me? Has to managed to recruit me to the all boys team? No wait, he can't turn me gay! But then, why am I having all of these thoughts? No, this is not me thinking. It's just a phase, oh just listen to me. Maybe I'm just confused, or there I go again! What the heck am I doing?! - Class is dismissed. The gym coach declares and the room starts clearin up. I follow Philip to the dressing room, constantly throwing looks at his moving butt while looking around to see if anyone notices me doing it.

NOT A PERFECT SUMMER Chapter 02 - The Guy Who Shagged Me (In My Dreams)

Night. Philip's sleeping over in my room, surprisingly. It was me who suggested it. I really surprised the hell out of him and myself when I suddenly blurted it out. "Voulez-vous couchez avec moi ce soir". Finally, those French classes, in which Philip also is attending, come in handy. - What?! Philip had exclaimed. - Would you like to sleep over at my place tonight? I had hurriedly said. - Oh, would I pass up a chance to see you half-naked? He had chuckled. And so, here we are, sleeping in the same room. Me in my bed and he on the floor. Oh course, I've put down some pillows, a mattress and sheets so that he can have it comfortable. - Good night, then. He bid me. - Good night. I big back. I close my eyes and instantly fall asleep. Morning... sunlight is shining in through the single window of my single room. Thank God that I don't have a roommate of we wouldn't have had enough space for Philip to sleep. - Good morning, Rip. Philip bids me as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. I follow suit and then I go to the bathroom to relieve myself. - Aah...! Philip groans when I exit the bathroom. He enters and comes out about ten minutes later, all fresh and clean. I feel completely awake too. No more daze or anything. - So, what do you want to do today, then? Philip wonders. - I don't know. I say and shrug my shoulders. Then, suddenly, I feel as if I lose control over my body. I lean over to Philip and gives him a quick peck on the lips, totally surpring him. - But.. you... why... how... when...! He stutters when I break the kiss. - Hush. I shush him with a finger on his lips. I then remove my finger and lean back in and give him a deep kiss, a kiss that lasts forever. I try to get my tongue into his mouth. However, he resists. I can't understand why. - Aaah! I exclaim. I awake from the dream and throw myself into a sitting position. I'm sweating all over. What is that... a wetness... in my "neither regions". I look down and see that my briefs are covered in sperm. Oh my God! I'd just had a wet dream involving Philip!!!!!!!!!! - Mmm...! I can hear Philip sigh in his sleep as he turns over. I look at him and realize that I've fallen for him. He looks like an angel sleeping. But how? When did this happen? Maybe I've been gay all alone. I mean, I never felt anything special for all of my girlfriends, anyway. And Philip... when I'm with him, I always feel happy and my heart flutters each time our bodies make contact and I always blush deeply every single time that he comments on my body and/or cracks a joke about my sexuality.


  • Mmmm...! I groan. I feel a weight on me. I open my eyes and someone's sitting on me, kissing me! Wait! It must be a dream! I pinch myself. Ow! I pinch myself again. Ow again! It isn't a dream! But who is this... Ripley? I decide to give in and enjoy the kiss. We kiss for a really long time. He tries to get his tongue into my mouth, but I won't let him, not yet. When we finally break the kiss, we're both panting and trying hard to catch our breaths since the it had lasted for such a long time! - But.. you... why... how... when...! I stutter. My heart... it feels warm. Oh my God! Not again! I've fallen for him! But wait, this time it's different. He's fallen for me too! Or has he? Will he react just like Brian?! - Please don't hit me. I say and hold my hand in front of my face to protect myself. - Oh, don't worry. He says and smiles widely at me. That's when I realize it. He has fallen for me. I let my arms sink back to the floor and just stare at him. - No. I say. - I can't. Not again. I won't remove my shell and leave myself vulnerable so that my heart can get broken again. I won't! No matter how cute, sweet he is and no matter how much we've got in common or no matter how much he likes me! I won't! I mean, how long do these High School romances last anyway? Not that I would know, but TV has done it toll in influencing me. How long do they last? A week, a month, a year? Never for the rest of one's life... well, almost never. And what are the chances of me, the Prince Of Misfortune, for get a boyfriend in High School, with whom I will stay for the rest of my life? I'd say slim, if not zit. - What? He asks. - I just can't. I say quietly while staring at the floor. He then puts a hand under my chin and lift it up so that I'm looking him in the eyes. He smiles widely at me and then give me another kiss. - Please. I beg. - Don't do this. I can't...! I won't. He kisses me again and I give in. Oh, screw statistics! I'm queer, I'm here and I've finally found myself a boyfriend!!!!!!!

  • My God, he didn't!!!!! Julia exclaims, waaaaay too loud again. - Yes! I say. - He just kissed me! And I was like, no, not again. I can't stand anymore heartbreak. So he kisses me again and I'm still protesting. But the little bastard just won't give up and just kisses me once more and then, I'm like screw everything! I've got myself a boyfriend and I'm not ashamed of it!!!!! - I'd say. Julia says and motions to something behind her back. That's when I notice it. The entire campus is looking at me. Silence... it's so awkward, oh, God, just take me now! It feels like one of those westerns when tumbleweed blows through the empty streets of a ghost town. But then, everyone starts applauding and cheering at me! It's like in one of those teenage movies or series! Then, the "party" break up and everyone continue walking and doing their own stuff. - I can't believe that just happen. I gasp. - Me neither. Julia giggles. - But, hey, now, you're the only openly gay guy on campus. Except for, of course, Ripley, whom the entire student body will probably concockt that it is. - I don't think that concokt is the right word. I point out. - Oh you're such a verbal perfectionist. Julia groans and rolls her eyes at me. - It's my trademark. I say and strike a proud pose. - Except for, of course, my new one, the "I'm Queer" thing. - Well, at least you've got a boyfriend. Julia sighs. - Oh, that's right. I say and then strike and childish pose and stick my tongue out at her. - Neh! Neh! Neh! Neh! Neh! I've got something you don't have! Muahahahahaha! - Oh, you're so childish! She groans. - Well, so are you. I giggle. Ah... another day, just like yesterday. Only today, I'm actually happy. Life seems perfect... but it's been like that many times, only to be smashed into a million pieces the next day. Will that happen again? Will my heart be broken once more? I don't know and for the first time in my life, I don't care. Just for once, I want to experience true happiness, without any "Judgement Day"-thoughts in the back of my mind. - So, where will you guys go from here? Julia wondered. - I'm thinking a nice homemade romantic dinner with burnt food and blueberry pie as dessert. I mumble. - Mmm... sounds... horrible. Julia chuckles. - I know, but c'mon now. I say. - My cooking isn't really that bad. - It is. Julia says. - Oh, alright, it isn't. She says after a moment of silence. - Why are you planning on deliberately trying to food poison your boyfriend? This is not the Sims. You could actually dump him! - Oh, it's a test. I explain it to her. - If he still likes me and lies about how good it tastes, I'll know that he really loves me, or at least might love me in the future. - Oh, you just won't accept oblivious bliss, will you. Julia groans. - Nope. I say. - I'm not a believer. I want proof. - Well, let's just hope that he won't die of a massive heart attack after eating of your grease covered food. Julia chuckles.

Human - Remake by Philip Wester The original song was sung by The Pretenders

"I'm playing the game, But not as good as you, Sure, I am a little cold, But you're truly cruel,"

"I'm not born of brick, I'm not born of stone, Still, you had me fooled enough To take you on,"

"If lovers were one, It's never me who has won, While I am confessing this, You hold your tongue,"

"Now the damage's been done,"

"Well, there's blood in my veins, So I cry when in pain, I'm only human on the inside,"

"And looks can really deceive, It makes it hard to believe, That I'm only human on the inside,"

"I thought I'd come true, I thought I'd come clean, 'Cause I am the worst thing, You should never have seen,"

"We've gone to extremes, We've gone way too far, Should we really keep going, 'Til we break out hearts,"

"And we break our hearts,"

"Well, I bleed and I bruise, Is it something to you, I'm only human on the inside,"

"And looks can really deceive, It makes it hard to believe, That I'm only human on the inside,"

"We crash and we burn, Will we ever learn, We're only human on the inside,"

"We stumble and fall, Baby, we've done it all, We're only human on the inside,"

"Now the damage's been done,"

"Well, there's blood in my veins, So I cry when in pain, I'm only human on the inside,"

"And looks can really deceive, It makes it hard to believe, That I'm only human on the inside,"

"We crash and we burn, Will we ever learn,

"We stumble and fall, Baby, we've done it all, We're only human on the inside,"

So... I've decided to make remakes of my favorite songs and place them in the end of the chapters of Not A Perfect Summer. I hope that the copyright holders for the songs won't sue me. :^P ;^)

Write to me at For all of those who read and give me feedback:

Thank you! (English, well, duh!)

Tack! (Swedish)

Takk! (Norwegian)

Tak! (Danish)

Spatsiba! (Russian)

Arigato! (Japanese)

Gracias! (Spanish)

Gratzie! (Italian)

Merci! (French)

Cam on! (Vietnamese)

Cap con cah! (Thai)

Danke! (German)

Genkuyi! (Polish)

Next: Chapter 10: Not a Perfect Summer 3

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