Not Another Love Story

By jhol7689 H

Published on Oct 14, 2010



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitioiusly, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

This story does contain sexual romance intimacy between two consenting teenage boys if this offends you or there for illegal then please leave. Thus said, this story is copyrighted, ©2010 It is therefore illegal to copy or use any part of this story on any other web site without my written permission.

Thankyou to my two wonderful editors and proof readers and I'd love any comments from you, you can email me here at

Sincerly your straight girl

zland :)

Hope you enjoy!

I'm lucky no one has guessed my secret yet, at least not that I knew of.

My name is Wade Dayton, and before November arrived I was just an ordinary sixteen year old, well mostly ordinary.

I was five when we moved from our hometown in Phoenix, Arizona, to the small town of West Port, Alabama. My brother Dane was ten and our sister Melinda was eight.

We hadn't lived there our whole lives though. Our grandmother had gotten sick and was being a little hard headed.

She refused to go into a nursing home; she had lived in her house from time she was a kid all the way up into her golden years.

The house held a lot of memories for her; her and grandpas wedding in the back yard, and the birth of my mom and her siblings in the bedrooms.

Though we moved to take care of grandma, our parents still had to work. Dad was a cop, one of the best on the force, and was quickly elected sheriff and mom was a doctor.

They decided that they made enough money to hire a nurse to take care of grandma. The nurse stayed with her till the day grandma died; a few days after I turned nine.

Even with grandma being sick and dying, I was happy that we moved to West Port; if we hadn't I would have never met my best friend/blood brother Austin in kindergarten.

I also got to meet Shelly, who was so beautiful, even back then, that she could have won Little Miss Sunshine.

Back to the present though. Dane has just left for college and Melinda has achieved her goal of becoming a cheerleader, and well I've been able to keep my secret well-hidden.

I should let you in on it now, I guess, make the story a little easier. I'm a homo and deathly afraid that it will get out.

Our family isn't super religious or anything like that, but I am worried about Austin finding out. Austin is always degrading gays; it's always 'fag this or fag that or look at this fag!'

If I had a list of things to never tell Austin, being gay would be at the top of it, because that would be like becoming his enemy or something.

I could see him pulling the 'you slept in my bed how many times?' and the 'we've been best friends for ten years and you pull this shit?'

Let's get one thing clear here; Austin could kick my ass anytime he wanted to. He's on the football team as linebacker, but that's not the whole reason. I'm a shrimp; a scrawny 115 pounds, if that.

Bringing up football actually leads me to the next part of my secret. Remember how I told you about Shelly as a Little Miss Sunshine? Well now she is practically Miss America.

She wears like a size two in clothing, her hair is so blonde it's practically white, and her eyes are the most dazzling shade of blue in existence.

Of course she's got two big C cups that most guys notice before anything else. That's why she started dating Rob when he asked her out 'He looked into my eyes' she said with a smile.

I feel horrible because even though he 'looked into her eyes,' it didn't mean squat!

Rob is big, muscled wrestler who also happens to be the assistant football coach.

He had been a member of the football team, but after training in tae-kwon-do, he quit the team and joined the wrestling team.

I guess you want to know why he started learning tae-kwon-do in the first place, right? He let his dad in on some thoughts he was having, you know more thoughts about boys instead of girls.

His dad wasn't upset about it; he just suggested that he get into some fighting or self-defense classes. Rob did just that, and ended up loving it even more than football.

How do I know all this? No I'm not a stalker by any means, it's just those thoughts and feelings he has towards boys had been coming up a lot, and they really spiked up when he got near me.

He told me all this one drunken night at a party that Austin dragged me to.

To say I was shocked would have been an understatement, even in my drunken state. Although he had hung out with Austin and I because of Shelly, he had always ignored my presence, as if I wasn't even there.

He played the straight, macho guy out in the open; displaying his affections for Shelly in front of us. And with the way he looked at her, you would have never guessed he wasn't completely into her.

I was so caught off guard that one, special night.

Flashback, December 2nd, Saturday night:

"Would you just quit complaining, and shut up already Wade? This party will do you some good; you need to socialize and get out of the safety of your four walls. Don't be such a pansy will ya?"

Austin said from behind the wheel of his new silver Honda. He had gotten his car after he received his license.

He had to practically carry me out of the house to go to the party, he almost had me on my knees begging to stay home, but he wasn't having any of that.

I was getting more agitated by the minute; I wasn't the social type by any means.

That's where being friends with Austin was an upside; it got me out of my shell, and no one ever messed with me because I had the whole football team behind me, thanks to him.

Dane had graduated from high school with a football scholarship.

He had been the quarterback his senior year, and some of his buddies hadn't graduated yet.

They were still on the team. Even with five years between us we were still close. You could tell he was a bit over-protective when it came to Melinda and I.

Before he left, he asked his friends to look out for me; I was touched.

Though I was friends with these big muscled guys, I wasn't even close in size. Even at sixteen, I hadn't hit my full growth spurt, so I was stuck being a skinny 5'5".

Dad says I take after my mom's family since she is short too, but I still have hope.

My nerves had shot up to ten by the time we pulled onto Candy's road. It was her party and the street was packed with cars.

She is one of the sweetest people you could ever meet. Since our school only held six hundred, it was kind of a family place; no real cliques so to speak, but if you asked who the most popular kid was, it would be Candy.

She once told me, 'You know Wade, you bring out the momma instinct in me,' Me being shy, I blushed and took it as a compliment.

After she told me that, I did start to notice that I brought out a protective instinct in people I was close to.

As we walked up to the door I let out a sigh, which I totally didn't mean to, because Austin started on me again.

"Sigh all you want, but we're here and we're gonna have a good time!"

Candy, being the awesome hostess, opened the door and greeted us with that dazzling smile of hers.

I did forget to mention that Austin has a huge crush on her. One of his famous quotes was, "Candy is gonna be mine, you can bet your ass no faggot is gonna have a chance with her!"

I rolled my eyes, but on the inside I shuddered and reminded myself not to slip up, that I'm in fact a homo.

"Howdy y'all." She reached out and latched onto Austin's wrist, dragging him inside. I let myself smile.

The music was blasting and I shook my head. Candy's type of music: 'Man I feel like a Woman' By Shania Twain.

To tell you the truth, I don't know what I was so scared about. I'll always be grateful for Austin kicking me out of my own home.

I had lost Austin and Candy some time during the night. I really don't know what got into me, but I had one drink after another.

By midnight, I was so wasted I could hardly walk, but I had to go to the bathroom.

I stumbled, well crawled really, up the stairs and into the bathroom only to be confronted by the King himself?Rob Hobson.

He seemed to be studying himself in the mirror, as if he were getting ready to shave.

At seventeen, Rob stood at 6'2" and weighed at least two hundred pounds, without an ounce of fat on his body.

His jet black hair was short and spiked, and he has the most amazing, dark chocolate colored eyes I have ever seen.

They are so dark, you could mistake them for black, and at the moment, they were locked right on me.

At first he was just kinda giving me a blank stare, and I held my breath, but then I felt like I was going to puke. I never heard the door close as I pushed my way to the toilet and it took me a minute to realize he had his hands on my waist.

For a second, I leaned back against his chest, and he studied me over my shoulder. Just in time though, I pulled away and upchucked whatever I had in my stomach, into the toilet.

I heard Rob laugh behind me, and I jabbed him with my elbow, but it didn't do anything to him.

Almost immediately I started to feel a whole lot better. I was a bit dizzy and the room was spinning a little and I couldn't feel my legs, but I wasn't feeling sick at least.

I took back my place against Robbie and he wrapped his arms around my chest. It shocked me for a moment, but I relaxed into his embrace and hoped he didn't mind the smell of alcohol.

He actually smelled brilliant.

"How much have you had to drink tonight?" He asked right into my ear, which at the time sounded like he was yelling, and I cringed.

"I don't know, I stopped counting after four." It came out sound much more slurred then I intended, but he somehow understood me.

"Did you come with Austin?" He asked a little more quietly.

"Yeah, but I don't know where he is now. I just want to go home." This was true, although I don't have a curfew since my parents actually trust me. I would've much rather being lying comfortably in bed with Rob, instead of on Candy's bathroom floor.

"If we don't catch up to him, I'll take you home." My eyebrows knotted together in confusion. This didn't sound like the Robbie Hobson I had come to know.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" The dizziness followed my eyes as I looked to meet Rob's chocolaty gaze.

"What do you mean?" He asked, looking confused.

"What do you mean, what do I mean? You've always ignored me, pretended like I'm not even in the room." I bit my bottom lip as he stared back at me. I involuntarily shuddered against him.

"You cold?" He asked, changing the subject, I shook my head; no longer being able to keep my neck twisted like it was. I let my head rest against his shoulder and closed my eyes.

His hand moved the hair out of my eyes. It's not a 'girly' look so to speak. I have dark brown hair that's almost reddish, and it likes to hang just in the middle of my eye sight.

"I don't mean to Wade, but you do something to me, that brings things up that I don't want to be brought up." Trying to not pass out, I barely made out what he said.

"I don't get what you're saying." I steadied myself once more to meet his eyes, and he stared back hard. Before I knew it we're both leaning into each other and going for the gold, that's when our lips met.

I can't tell you the emotions that ran deep throughout my entire body, because seconds after our magical kiss, I had passed out.

Present day:

It's the weekend before we start back to school from Christmas break, and every chance we get Rob and I are together.

He's getting worried that Shelly thinks something is up, because he's always getting twenty questions from her after we hook up.

The first lie he told her, was that he was sick, and he got flustered when she told him she was on her way over.

As desperate as he was, he dished out all the excuses in the book, 'my Mom has it covered, ' I don't want you getting what I have, ' don't worry about me.'

After much convincing, reluctantly, she stayed home and he came straight over to my place.

I didn't even have time to step back before he came charging at me, knocking me back against the wall, and taking my face in his rough hands.

We stared into the others eyes, reflecting each others looks of love and lust. His lips pressed against mine, while he put his leg in between mine as he took the lead.

"I missed you baby." He whispered, nudging his nose against my cheek. I let out a sigh into his neck.

"Robbie?" The only two people who can get away with calling him that are Shelly and I. His parents don't count.


"I love you." There was a pregnant pause, while his hand reached around my neck. I waited nervously; subconsciously chewing on my lower lip for him to answer

"I love you too." A smile spread across my lips, my heart was content.

Next: Chapter 2

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