Not Another Love Story

By jhol7689 H

Published on Dec 31, 2011


Okay guys I have made a new years goal to finish this story and by goons I will!! Oh and by the way you guys HAVE to check out Untitled love story, it's about a 17 year old boy named Caleb who has cancer and is trying to keep it a secret from his family, friends and the two boys who are fighting for his heart. It is one of the top best jock/nerd love stories I've ever read, but Tutoring Jerry still tops it(: Here is the link

Sorry it's short but on with the story!!

Chapter 11

Cody's perspective

My name is Cody Hawkins but of course

you already know that. What you don't know is back in my home town

in Washington DC I was known as 'the king.' I received that name

from my friends because I was able to get ass left and right,

whether it be from sexy girls to straight guys who thought they were

the man but they were wrong. I'M the man and will always be number


I was caught off guard when I was told that our family was moving to

Alabama the home of red neck cowboys and there were probably tons of

farms and boring as hell. That ain't me at all I'm the complete

opposite. I like to party, drink, smoke weed, get laid and just go

crazy. Shit I've taken girls away from there lame ass boyfriends I

was the mack daddy pimp and everyone knew I was bisexual. I don't

care who you are as long as you got a tight ass hell I'll ride you.

That's my social life now let me get you into my home situation.

Since I was old enough to know what your dick was made for I had a

hint of what was going on with my Dad and all the different women he

would bring home when Mom wasn't around. Dad would spoil me rotten

so I'd keep my trap shut. I loved it. When ever Mom said no Dad went

behind her back and gave me whatever I asked for.

Mom was a workaholic and so was Dad but he was getting some ass on

the side, that was the second most important thing to him. The three

values were number one work, number two ass, number three family.

I was there only kid and I had always been a smart mouth brat who

always found away to get what he wanted and wouldn't take no for an

answer or I'd throw a fit.

To get the strong muscled body I got today I worked out at the gym

sometimes twice a day and when I was younger I was involved in every

sport you could think of. There was baseball, wrestling, track,

swimming, basketball but out of them I loved football I was the best

at it. To get my skin as tan as it is now I used to go to the

tanning salon a lot because I didn't wanna be totally white. It was

hard getting to look the way I do today but it was totally worth it.

Now back to the present I thought it was going to be boring as hell

out in the middle of nowhere far away from home with both my parents

working and I knew nobody in town.

For the next couple of weeks I took my time unpacked my room and

when school started and football season had just started I was

pumped. The depression was only short lived and the old me was back

with a vengeance.

I made friends with the snap of my finger and before you know it I

tried out for the football team and made it. The guys on the team

were at my side in a millisecond befriending me. I was pumped and

excited to be finding out there would be parties and we would be

going out and just having a time.

What I did not expect was to meet some guy that made my dick stir

just at the sight of him and he freaking looks like a skinny shrimp.

When my buddy Austin introduced us to each other and I had a chance

to see him up close my emotions were all over the place. No girl or

guy has ever done that to me before and for a second it scared the

crap out of me.

I noticed the way the kid looked at me you could see his eyes

undressing me. My gay dar kicked in and I knew immediately that he

was gay.

When we all met up at the restaurant I seriously hadn't considered

the kid having a boyfriend. When me and the guy had it out I knew

this was going to be a challenge because the gorilla had this

possessive pinch about him. I wasn't gonna give up the situation

though I had to admit the kid was hot with hazel green eyes and dark

brown hair with a style to it. His body was small, tight and

compound and the boiling feeling I had inside me was all the more

reason to want to hit that ass, it had to be good.

Next: Chapter 12

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