Not Another Love Story

By jhol7689 H

Published on Dec 20, 2010


Authors Note: I just want to say thankyou for all your emails. Your reviews are what helps me keep writing. I do have a couple more chapters but until I find a full time editor there won't be anymore posts. So far these chapters have been edited by my friends Lisa and NightOwl but I am unable to reach them so idk what to do!!!

Anyway here is chapter five and i will respond to every single email i get, i live for them:) Thanks!

The night hadn't gone anywhere near I thought it would, I figure Aaron would be the one to give me a hard time I'd get wasted and feel jealous that Shelly and Robbie were up in one of the bedrooms.

Instead I do get wasted, end up in bed with Cody Robbie comes out to Shelly and beats the crap out of Cody and I end up going home.

When I get through the door I'm surprised to get a greeting from dad who usually isn't home at this time.

"Hi son how was your day?" I close the door behind me and just kind of stand there.

The relationship I have with my Dad is complicated to say the most. Before Dane left for college he was the one to have Dad's attention. More so I think it was because they had a lot in common and there for communicate better with each other.

Dad was never one of those kind to be all 'Wade why can't you be like your brother? It wasn't even awkward to be in the room alone with the man.

I knew he loved me, I have memories as a child that I used to cuddle with him. In fact I still like to cuddle with Robbie after we have sex.

I had wondered so many times what Dad would think if he knew his little boy liked to take it up the ass. Would he disown me? Would I be forced to leave the house or sent somewhere? To me it wouldn't make a difference if he ended up ignoring me because that's what I was used to with our relationship.

An example when Dane was actually home to eat dinner with us, I didn't get what the big deal was between men and football other than the men who did play football were really sexy in there tights.

Dad and Dane ended up in a conversation about football, Mom was still at work. Dane had tried to get me included in there conversation being the caring brother that he was. Dad wasn't interested in what I had to say though, he was never one to ask how school was or what I was up to that weekend or how my Day was. Now can you understand my surprise?

"It was fine Dad what about yours?" I asked making my feet move into the kitchen and sat down at the bar across from him.

"Busy were have you been?" At this point I was totally thinking OK what happened to my Dad where is he?

"I was at a party with Austin." Dad who was leaning against the counter looked up from his newspaper which he usually doesn't have time to read in the mornings because he's in a rush, back at me.

"Were you drinking?" He asked using a stern tone and I wasn't sure if I should tell him if I was or not. I was defiantly sober by this time so why risk getting into trouble?

"Nope." He uses his index finger to indicate that I scoot closer and I turn beat red knowing I've been caught. He smells my breath which reeks of alcohol.

"Why did you lie to me?" He sets his paper down completely and folds his arms looking directly in my eyes.

"Well I'm sober now I was drinking earlier uh sir." He looks down at the counter then back up at the clock which reads ten after midnight.

"Go to bed me and your Mother are going to be discussing having a curfew for you from now on." I hadn't realized it but I had been holding my breath during the times he spoke, I released it once I told him good night.

"Night son."

Once in my room I shut the door behind me turned my lights off and crashed on my bed.

Guilt had still lingered around in my mind, I kept telling myself that I had been intoxicated when me and Cody had sex but to be totally honest at a time there I wanted it as bad as he did. While this was all going on Robbie was being faithful and breaking up with his girlfriend my best friend to be with me.

Robbie didn't deserve me by any means but what was between Cody and me it was just sex, with Robbie there's defiantly a love connection.

In away I was glad Shelly new about us, it was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and also if anybody new Robbie better than I did it was Shelly.

The phone ringing is what got me up Saturday morning. I was the only one there, Mom I knew just left for work, Melinda hadn't come home last night and Dad was in the same vote as Mom.

I was expecting it to be Robbie or Austin but was equally happy when it was my brother Dane.

"Hello?" I answered sleepily sitting up using my elbows.

"Little bro! Get ready I'll be at the house in ten minutes and we'll go out to breakfast I doubt Mom is there."

"Correct she left about two hours ago but nobody told me your we're coming home?"

"That's because nobody nose now go take a shower I know you stink."

"Screw you."

"Not in a million years." I chuckled and hung up the phone. I grabbed a towel out of the hallway closet and jogged downstairs to unlock the door for Dane and took a good quick shower.

I was just wrapping the towel around my waist after I had turned the water off and stepped into my room when a pillow was thrown my way.

"God dammit Dane!" Being Dane he was laughing his ass off as I quickly picked up my towel and held it tight around my waist as Dane was turning red from laughing so hard.

"Ass hole." I say not attempting to hide my own smirk. You could tell I was Dane's little brother. We both had the same hazel green eyes, his hair was a darker brown than mine but just plain flat. The main difference was that he was a lot bigger than I was muscle wise.

He stood at 6'1 and weighed a good 170 pounds, before he left every Saturday was his little schedule to go to the gym lifting weights for about an hour.

He invited me every time but to me I was stuck the way I was and in my mind lifting weights would probably kill me.

"So why are you here?" I ask as I search through my closet for an outfit.

"What your not happy to see me?" I roll my eyes at the dramatic tone of his voice.

"Jerk off, of course I'm happy to see you but why are you here?" He sighed while I slipped on a pair of jeans and put on a gray T-shirt.

"I'm just taking a break from college more like a semester. I may have a scholarship but I'm failing a couple of classes and it's causing me some major stress."

"Don't you think Dad is gonna be a little upset?"

"A little ha! I know he's gonna be pissed and I know I'm going to be in for a lecture but he has nothing over my head. I'm thinking about renting an apartment downtown and getting a part time job at the mall."

This was a bit of a shock to me Dane loved football as much as I loved guys. He could raise his grades up it just takes time to learn the material.

"I could help you out Dane I mean with the classes you don't have to drop out." I said as I had just put my shoes on and we both headed downstairs.

"Thanks for the offer Wade but in time I realized college just isn't my thing."

"I know how much you love football you dedicated your whole senior year into achieving that sport and your just gonna throw it out the window?" Dane grabs his keys and we leave the house locking the door behind me.

"Wade I'm already going to get a lecture from Dad I don't need it from you OK?"

"Sorry." I mumble climbing into his Red Toyota truck, he's had this truck since his sixteenth birthday and it's still in good shape.

"No I'm sorry I didn't mean to bite your head off but I'm nervous enough as it is let's just have a good time OK?"


Going out to breakfast was a great idea and it gave us a perfect opportunity to catch up. I got a little antsy when he asked if I had a girlfriend yet and I quickly averted the question back at him after shaking my head.

"I've dated plenty of girls and actually fell in love with one but I had found out from the guys that she had been cheating on me the whole time, the bitch." I could tell from the look in his eyes that it had hurt him and I wondered if that was the real reason he was dropping out of college.

"Dane are you dropping out because of your grades or this girl?" He looked up to meet my eyes I felt so bad for him, he just seemed lost.

"I don't know Wade both maybe." I nodded feeling the need to drop the subject I didn't want to be the one to get Dane depressed more than he already was.

Later that day we got some ice cream sat and watched the skaters at the park and decided we had better head home.

Both Mom and Melinda we're home, Mom was cooking dinner and Melinda was on the phone.

"Dane!" Melinda shouted and said she'd call who ever back was on the other end of the phone. Mom had come out of the kitchen whipping her hands on the red apron she had around her neck.

Melinda all but knocked Dane over with her power hug but Dane was big enough to hold her up.

"Hi honey what are you doing home?" Melinda had stepped aside and let Mom give him a kiss on the cheek.

"That's what I've come to talk to you guys about when is Dad coming home?"

"Not until midnight which reminds me Wade your new curfew is ten pm." I nodded not minding the time change as I said before Austin had been the one dragging me to those parties.

"Well I'd like everyone here so I don't have to repeat myself but to let you know ahead of time it's not good." Mom looked worried and went back into the kitchen.

"You can tell your Father tomorrow but why don't you tell us after dinner?" Dane nodded then caught up with Melinda.

Dinner was a nice occasion for a change, me and Dane exchanged many jokes which some had grossed Mom out and Melinda just looked annoyed.

After dinner me and Dane washed dishes while Melinda cleaned off the table.

Like any family meetings we've had in the past we met in the living room which filled with silence until Dane retold what he had said to me.

Mom didn't look to happy but she didn't look as if she'd blow up either.

"Well Dane I know your Father won't be OK with this but it's your decision and your life. You can sleep on the couch or in one of the guess rooms or if you'd rather prefer your brother's room. After you left we had turned it into a junk room, we weren't expecting this."

Dane clapped his hands in between his legs and looked down at the floor for a minute of two then seemed to come to a decision.

"What do you say Wade? We haven't had a sleep over in years." I nodded and we got ready for bed in a playful manner as if we were kids.

He kept poking me in the back hard causing me to jump and I'd sock him in the shoulder knowing it wouldn't even cause him to flinch. Once in bed he tickled me until I had tears in my eyes.

"Say uncle!"

"No!" I had almost came to peeing my pants so I gave in and we told each other goodnight.

It was great having my brother back home.

Next: Chapter 6

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