Not Another Love Story

By jhol7689 H

Published on Feb 10, 2011


Sorry this took so long!! here is chapter 8. This story stops after chapter 11 after i post the last chapter does not mean it will be finished. Any ideas are welcome after i post chapter 11. I can't stand writers block. Thankyou to my editors. ^-^

I had gotten my night shirt on and was in the kitchen getting a snack when I heard the front door close.

Melinda came in took off her jacket and sat across from me on the stool.

"What are you making?" She asked pointing to the peanut butter jar in my hand.

"Pb and J why do you want one?"

"Yeah thanks. So tell me how you know Cody? You never told me." I sigh not facing her way but down at the sand which I was making.

"Austin had introduced us they play football together we all went out to eat a couple hours before the party Saturday night." I handed her the sand which and started making mine but not before I heard her sigh like a love sick puppy dog.

"Isn't he so dreamy Wade?" I narrowed my eyebrows together putting one hand on my hip like a sassy bitch would do.

"How would I know? I don't look at guys that way." Melinda looked down at the hand on my hip, lifted her eyebrow and went into a hysterical fit.

"Are you trying to tell me something?" She asked after calming down and pointed to my posture.

"I just said---" "Calm down Jesus." She said cutting me off then gave another sigh and laid her head down on the counter.

"I'm in love with him." She exclaimed and my eyes went wide and I wiped back around to face her.

"How can you be in love with him after knowing him for what a week!?" She sat straight up giving me an angry glare which if looks could kill I'd be a dead man.

"You don't know him! He's sweet he treats me right he isn't like all the other guys I've been with." I looked down at my feet feeling the guilt arouse in my gut. I thought God this was going to be so hard on her when she finds out how fake this guy is.

"I do know him and from what I've seen he's an arrogant cocky stuck up kind of guy. You want someone like that?"

"He's different with me! You'll see he isn't like the other guys and we're going to make it."

With that she stomped off to her room and I heard the door slam. I didn't mean to make her mad but if she could only see he was just using her she would know I wasn't trying to hurt her on purpose.

I felt guilty for enjoying that blow job I gave him earlier today and I couldn't stand him for using my sister this way.

I had to deal with this on my own and I knew at the end of all this someone was bound to get hurt and I'd give anything to keep that pain away from Robbie and Melinda.

*** After my argument with Melinda she spent less time at home, both our parents we're working extra hours at there jobs and Dane was out looking for one. Robbie was helping his Dad repaint there shed so this left an opening for Cody to get in my pants.

Cody had unexpectedly showed up at my house Friday night when I was the only one at home.

"Hey doll face." He said walking right past me without having invited him in. He was whistling Hound dog by Johnny Cash.

"What are you doing here? I thought you we're with Melinda." I said shutting the door behind me.

"It took some doing but I convinced her to have a girls night out she seemed upset about something you said." Grand thanks Melinda nice pay back.

"We had an argument." I said sheepishly with my voice cracking, Cody smiled wickedly at me.

"About me?" He asked knowingly and coming closer.

"About you she's in love with you." He chuckled, I couldn't stand that chuckle.

"For now she's going to keep thinking that, understand Wade in the end I do get what I want." His voice had became low and raspy and he was now standing a few feet away from me.

"I bet that's how it was for you your whole life." His smile grew wide and rubbed the side of my cheek.

"You are right about that. I have great parents and you could say our family has a lot of money. My Dad is a powerful businessman man and my Mother is a Lawyer so yeah you could say I'd like to follow in there footsteps." I took a foot step back and looked at him with disgust. Standing before me was a spoiled brat.

"You can't always get what you want Cody." He took me aback when he grabbed my wrist pulled me into him, lifted me up and over his shoulders just as Robbie had done.

"I do know for now that I am gonna get a piece of your ass tonight." He carried me up to my room sat me down on my bed and closed the door behind him.

"Start getting undressed." He commanded and by the tone of his voice I didn't argue and just did as he said.

"Do you have any condoms and k-y?"

"The first dresser under the socks." I mumbled trying to fight back tears. I couldn't have this happen I didn't want to cheat on Robbie but how was I going to stop Cody who was half my size?

"I want you on all fours." I did as he commanded without being able to hold back tears. I folded my arms and laid my head down trying to stop the flow of tears that we're now streaming down my face.

I thought of how many times me and Robbie have had sex in this room and how I was about to dishonor his trust go behind his back and cheat with the guy he can't stand. I heard him getting the condom out and I hurriedly wiped the tears off my cheeks which didn't help. I felt the bed dip and knew he was settling in between my legs and I prepared for the worst when there was a knock on the door and without my consent it opened and in stepped Dane.

The shock was written all over his face and just for a minute my heart stopped. His eyes landed on my tear covered face and anger was quickly replaced. I didn't even see it coming as Cody got charged at for the second time and they both fell on the floor.

I cried even harder as Dane attacked Cody much like Robbie had the night he had caught me in bed with him.

As soon as Dane had taken a breather Cody was up gathered his clothes and dashed out of the room in a flash.

"What the hell is this Wade!?" My brother screamed at me which only caused me to sob harder and curl up in a ball. I think he realized that screaming wasn't going to help any so he calmly sat next to me put an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him.

"Wade can you tell me what happened?" He asked, his voice sounding calmer and allowed me to gather up the strength to find my voice.

"Your gonna hate me." I chocked out in a sob as my body trembled. My brother shook me.

"Wade, Wade! Look at me." He shook me until I looked up at him and what I saw there shocked me because I didn't see hate or disgust I saw that he had his own tears in his eyes.

"Wade nothing you can tell me could make me turn away from you. We're brothers man and nothings gonna destroy my love for you." My eyes burned from crying so much and that said by my brother didn't help my rivers of tears but it did help make me realize that I could trust him with anything.

"I--I--I'm--g gay." He laughed a bit and rubbed my arms for support.

"I figured that much when I walked in the door and oh shit was that your boyfriend I just beat the crap out of?" It was my turn to laugh, I sat up and wiped my tears away.

"No I'm glad you came in when you did he was about to rape me." Dane sat up so fast I jumped back a little.


"That kid has been blackmailing me saying he was going to tell you guys about me if I didn't do what he wanted."

"I should have killed the bastard." He muttered under his breath, I could see him seething in anger.

"Dane he's dating Melinda to get to me." His eyes went wide and he started pacing back and forth, I continued.

"I do have a boyfriend but he isn't out yet so I can't name him." Dane stopped then turned to face me.

"Does he know about that guy you we're with?" I shook my head thinking how Robbie would take this.

"OK here is what we're going to do it's up to you to tell your boyfriend about this guy and I suggest that you do. I don't want Melinda anywhere near this guy so were gonna have to tell her whats up. He won't get the chance to tell Mom and Dad about your sexual orientation that's your right to come out when you want to. Things will be hectic for awhile but soon everything will fit in it's place. No matter what happens you will always have your brother behind you one hundred percent."

You could believe the amount of pressure that was just put on my shoulders but the love and support Dane was giving me was giving me strength and had brought more tears.

"Thank you for not turning your back on me." I said in a low tone, he rubbed my back for comfort.

"I understand why you were afraid to tell me but please know you can always; always tell me anything. Your my only brother and I'd do anything to protect you, I love you kid."

"I love you too. What are we going to do about Cody?" I asked sitting up. He sat straight up and put on his thinking face.

We sat for a few more minutes in silence and then he finally spoke up.

"I'd love to beat the shit out of him again but I don't think that will do any good." I shook my head with Dane still looking serious.

"My boyfriend already beat him up once when he caught him and me in bed." Dane's eyes widened and he turned to me.

"I thought you said he didn't know about that guy and it's happened before? What's this kid's name?"

"Cody and it was the night we took him to the party. I was drunk and he took advantage of me. My boyfriend caught him and beat him up just like you did. So violence doesn't do any good." Dane had his head down but nodded in agreement.

"I don't want you to worry about Cody anymore but who you do have to worry about is your boyfriend and Melinda. I know Melinda won't have a problem with you being gay but she will have a problem with this Cody kid screwing her over."

"We already got in a fight about this subject and I know she'll probably blame me." Dane looked up at me with a look of curiosity in his eyes.

"You don't have very much faith in our family do you?" I stood up abruptly and quickly realized that I was still naked and sat back down, blushing furiously.

"Dad isn't helping me believe in that." Dane sighed knowing full well what I meant.

"Mom and Dad have there own problems to work out but that doesn't mean they don't love us." I had a rebuttal for that one.

"They aren't home half the time anymore." Dane shook his head and just looked exhausted.

"There taking care of us they aren't going out and partying and just abandoning us Wade." "I know but Dad doesn't have any emotions does he?" I asked picking the small feathers on my purple comforter.

"I think Dad has some problems of his own but don't think our parents don't love us. Maybe one day Mom will sit you down and tell you there story like she did me when I was in the same state of mind as you, don't give up on them just yet Wade." I nodded and leaned in for one more embrace just to get that comfort I so desperately needed.

"I'm gonna go get in the shower." I said as always feeling dirty being with Cody.

"Okay but tomorrow after school we're going to have to tell Melinda so we can warn her about the jerk. That guys not coming an inch closer to my family as long as I'm around. I wouldn't out your boyfriend or anything like that but I would like to have a one on one talk with him." I smiled as I stood up with the blanket around my waist.

"What would you guys talk about?"

"Just give him that big brother talk I won't scare him to bad but enough to know I'm not playing around." I shrugged my shoulders and picked up the blanket so it wasn't dragging.

"I'll talk it over with him."

"Alright night bro."

"Night Wade don't let those bed bugs bight." I quickly snatched the pillow off my bed and chucked it at him and ran as if my life depended on it to the bathroom with him calling after me.

Next: Chapter 9

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