Not So Unlucky Break

By Random -

Published on May 9, 2001


This story is purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life characters is purely coincidental. The mention of the Backstreet Boys here is purely in a fictional sense, it makes no claims on their sexuality or behaviour.

A big thank you to those of you who wrote to me. It is a great feeling to know that there are people out there who like my story. Please keep those emails coming in at, and I promise to reply to everyone of them. And a little warning, I love romance, so this will have strong romantic element in it, which means its a bit slower pace, but if you keep on reading, I promise to pick it up soon.

Again, please email me. If no one emails, us writers don;t know if we should continue.

Not So Unlucky Break: Chapter 2

"You want how much?" I don't think I had ever heard her shout so loud in all my life.

"Just a couple of hundred....I promise to pay you back as soon as I can," I stammered.

Willow, or Will as we call her, comes across as a 'sweet little thing', but underneath that gentle exterior is an amazonian warrior princess, so when she starts yelling, I know better then to argue, actually best thing is to run for cover. Then again, if you dig even deeper, she's all heart. She was the first person I had got to know when I joined the magazine, and we just clicked, and ever since then we've been best friends.

I was practically on my knees begging, "I'll do anything, anything at all, just please please lend me the money," I was playing it up, from the sweet puppy dog eyes to my little whiney voice.

"Uurgh, okay, okay. You know how I am when you do your little puppy act. But...there's a but here, I want to know how you broke your camera," She always caved in.

I explained the whole BSB incident to her, and well that left her speechless. Did I forget to mention I'm gay...well it's should be quite apparent now. Well, Will knows, and is really cool about it...hell she spends most of her time trying to set me up with random guys.

"Right, from what you told me, Kevin AND Brian were flirting with you, is that correct?"

"Well..." I bit my lower lip, "...I did take a pretty hard blow to the head, so I reckon it was just wishful thinking. I suppose they were just being nice to me, so the headline for the days paper wouldn't be 'Backstreet Boys Twice Shy: Accidental murder attempt at Young Hot and Talented Photographer'"

"Hah!" she laughed. "You so wish, I see it more as 'Photographer stalks Backstreet Boys: Get's his just deserts' Honestly, you young gorgeous and talented, Dylan you are delusional,"

I looked in the mirror, I'm too bad looking. I'm about 5'8", about 140 lbs, my body's pretty defined considering I work out about 3 times a week, golden brown hair, and blue eyes. Plus, I have to admit I have a killer tan, which is natural by the way. I attribute that to the fact that my mom's Arabic, and my dad's Irish.

"Stop staring at yourself, you know you're gorgeous, but everytime I say that I just end up feeding that already inflated ego of yours," she laughed.

"But seriously, if they did offer to fork the bill, why do you need my money. I'm not exactly rolling in dosh you know," Will wasn't always very tactful.

"No 1. I don't think they even remember me, and No.2 it's just lame," I sighed.

"Swallow that stupid pride of yours and call them, if you don't I will. Where's that card?"

"I'm not giving you the card," Just as I said that she pounced on me, and started jabbing my ribs, tickling me.

"Give it to me, or I promise you, you'll need to change your trousers soon," she screamed.

No matter how much I moved, she was firmly hooked on my back. I was in agony, I was laughing so hard, I tumbled to the floor, falling onto her. It was quite a sight, both of us entangled in each other, I guess if anyone saw us it would look like we were an item. We both in fits of laughter, and I was keeling over in pain from all the laughing.

I heard my phone ringing, but all out rough housing kinda messed up the place a bit and I couldn't quite find my phone. Will was still laughing her head off, this time from my haste in trying to locate my missing phone (I forgot to mention, I did find my mobile phone from the was in my pocket...silly me!). I eventually did find it, and just in time.

"Hello," I puffed. I was rather out of breath from all her tickling.

"Hi, umm is that Dylan O'Leary?" I could barely hear anything aside from Willows hysterical laughing, but there was something about the voice....

"Yeah its' Dylan. Can I help you?" I was still trying to place the voice. I gave Willow a soft kick to shut her up. Wrong move, that just got her more worked up, and she started singing.

"Um Dylan, its Kevin from the other day...." I interrupted him before he could continue.

"Kevin?" My voice was full of shock...I mean I was stunned. It was Kevin Richardson from the Backstreet cool was that!! I felt like a 16 year old all over again.

"You do remember," he chuckled. " I was just wondering if you got you camera fixed. Since we didn't hear from you, we thought we'd call,"

"We?" I asked.

"Oh yea, Brian also felt pretty bad about the camera, so we, you know, me and Brian...anyways,"

During all of this, Willow was being a complete pest, and I kept on kicking her (softly of course) to shut her up. I guess it got to her, and she decided to be a little mean. She started making obscene grunting noises, knowing full well it would embarass me, only thing she didn't know I was talking to a Backstreet Boy.

"What's that noise?" Kevin asked.

"DYLAN!" Willow cried out. I was mortified.

"Um, am I disturbing something...cause I can always call back...umm," Kevin clearly was getting the wrong picture, and was getting quite embarrassed.

"No, no....its just the TV, yeah," that was lame, I thought to myself, but that was the only thing I could think of. I think he bought it though.

After shooting her about a dozen dirty looks, she finally got the picture, and stopped.

"About the camera, it's all taken care off, so don't worry about it,"

Willow realising what the conversation was about, she mouthed a sorry, and slapped he hard in the leg.

"Get them to pay for it," she whispered.

"What was that?" asked Kevin again. He must have heard her. Mental note, teach Willow how to whisper!!

"Oh, it was nothing, just a friend of mine," I replied.

"Dylan, if I'm distrubing..."

"She's just being a pest, really, you're not disturbing anything," I tried to make it as clear as possible. Why did I care, it wasn't like I had to make it explicitly known to him that I was not with Willow, and was available...but that was what I was doing, or trying to do...lamely.

"If you say so," he laughed. "In any case, I won't take no for an answer. We'll be in New York for a couple of days, and we would like to meet up so we can sort out the camera thing,"

"Kevin, really," I said.

"Dylan, don't argue. Are you free tonight?" he asked.

I was quite taken aback. He wanted to meet me tonight. My heart was racing....who's wouldn't though. Here was a gorgeous specimen of a man asking me if I was free that evening...maybe...just maybe....I slapped myself. Earth to Dylan, earth to Dylan. He wants to pay you....I laughed to myself....I could deal with that too I though!

"Um...yeah...of course," what was I saying?

"Brilliant. Meet us at the Westin at about say 7pm?"

"Seven is good for me. Us?" I asked. Now that must have sounded dodgy. It was bad enough that it was like he was asking me on a date, but to seem bothered that we would be joined by someone....or worse he would think I didn't want us to be alone....

"Yeah, it'll be Brian and me. I gotta go...but see you at seven," he hung up.

"Brian and Kevin....mmm...Brian AND Kevin," I was letting my mind wander way too much now.

Did I actually expect anything to happen....they were both probably straight...then again they sing and dance for a living, how straight was that? I was excited over the prospect of meeting Kevin, but the mention of Brian made me feel like a giddy 16 year old.

"I'm too old for this," I said to myself.

"Dylan...Dylan....DYLAN!!" Willow screamed.

"What??" I shouted back.

"Finally, I've been trying to get your attention for the past 5 minutes you dope! Are you meeting them tonight?" she asked excitedly.

"Yeah, they want to pay me for the camera. I'm meant to meet them at the Westin at seven"

"Oh my god, that is soo cool. You do know I'm coming with you," she smiled.

Ahh, sweet Will. A tough cookie she was, but also a closet BSB fan. She had a thing for Kevin, so she wasn't going to miss this opportunity to meet him, despite the fact that he might me batting for the other side.

"Seven....Dylan....its five already. I have to get ready!!!! You too. Take a shower, get dressed, we leave in an hour. Go already!!" she shouted, shooing me into my room (I must have forgotten to mention that we're roomies).

I have to admit I was excited. It was probably going to be a five minute meet, but being able to see them again was nontheless pretty damn exciting.


Oops, the BSB didn't have a big role in this chapter...but they will. I promise. And i'd like to take a little consensus here, tell me who you'd like Dylan to get together with, Brian or Kevin. Hope you liked it. Send feedback!!

Next: Chapter 3

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