Not So Unlucky Break

By Random -

Published on May 10, 2001


This story is purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life characters is purely coincidental. The mention of the Backstreet Boys here is purely in a fictional sense, it makes no claims on their sexuality or behaviour.

Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who written in. The votes seem to be in favour of Brian, but you'll just have to wait and see!! Hope you like this one.

Keep them coming in!!

Not So Unlucky Break: Chapter 3

Was it going to be sexy or casual? I just couldn't decide. Will was too busy primping to pay any attention to my 'dilemma'. If I went for sexy, I'd just end up looking too dressed up, but if I was too casual I'd look like I didn't care....

'Beep beep'

I turned to my clock, '6:15'

"Oh shit!" I muttered. Had to leave soon. It was one thing looking a little over or under dressed, but being late...besides Wil would have had my head.

I don't know why I was making such a fuss, they were probaby just going to give me a cheque, which I was going to cordially refuse, then be on their way.

I had to make a choice so I settled on being just me. I slipped on my levi's (the new engineered ones), and a black fitted fine knit sweater top, and I must say I didn't look to shabby. My butt looked good, and the top did show off my oh-so-well defined pecs and biceps (the gay man's obsession with fitted clothing). Just as I was done fixing my hair, I heard the door bang.

"Dylan O'Leary, you get your hairy arse out here this instant!!" Will bellowed.

I don't have a hairy arse, thank you, but she got a thrill calling me that, so you get used to it.


I seemed to be stuck in a whirlpool of bad luck cause the traffic was nasty. We were barely moving for over 20 minutes due to some silly man driving into lamp post (he wasn't hurt, but it did hold up the traffic). By the time we got to the hotel, it was already seven. Not wanting to waste any more time, I drove up to the valet, and got him to park the car - Will was going to pay for it since I was broke.

Walking into the hotel, I realised that Kevin had forgotten to mention a very important detail...where we were going to meet. I started to walk towards the receptionist, hoping she'd buzz them or something, so I turned to Will and told her to stay put and see if she could spot them.

As I turned to her, she started pointing at me, which was a bit confusing.

"Wha..." Just as I opened my mouth, I felt my body slam into something. It was hard, but not concrete hard, and I heard an 'uumph' on I was quite sure I didn't walk into a wall. I was red from embarrassment. I turned slowly to see who I collided into, and lo and behold it was Kevin. Our eyes met again, his green eyes practically bore into mine, but it was broken by Willow.

"D, are you alright?" she asked.

Kevin Richardson, only 3 feet away, there was no way she wasn't going to get in there just in case our meeting only lasted a couple of minutes.

She shot me a dirty look, implying 'Why don't you introduce me'. Before I could, Kevin extended his arm, "Hi, I'm Kevin,"

I think his directness (he wasn't that direct, just friendly) got to Will cause she was blushing like a beetroot. She half smiled, and just momentarily looked away...god how flirty was she!!, "Hi, I'm Dylan's friend Willow,"

Was it my imagination of did their handshake last a million years? Either Kevin wasn't gay....maybe bisexual....or just a big flirt. Anyways, in retalliation, I decided to break their little moment and asked, "So, where's Brian?"

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and there he was. Dressed in a pair of khakis and a pale blue v-neck sweater, Brian looked amazing. He was your All American GAP poster boy. His blue eyes were sparkling as he spoke, "Dylan, how are thing?"

I was so lost in his eyes, I didn't respond, which made him repeat himself, and give me a puzzling look.

"Sorry man, I'm a bit tired I guess. I've been fine, work's been okay too. How about you? How long you staying in town?"

It was Brian's turn to zone out. His eyes were fixed on Willow and Kevin. I couldn't quite make out what was going on in his head, but his eyes betrayed a mild look of, what I thought was jealousy.

I lucked out then, Brian and Kevin were both straight, eyeing up Willow. I regretted bringing her along. Kevin and her were rapted in conversation until Brian interrupted,

"Kev, do you wanna go already?"

Looking at his watch, Kevin replied, "Yup I think so,"

I felt a little (okay alot) dissapointed. I was hoping to see them for longer.

When I'm nervous, I babble, and try my best to appear I'm okay about things, of course the harder I try, my feeling become all the more apparent.

"Oh, " I said trying to sound mildly dissapointed, but not overly concerned.

"It was nice seeing you," I couldn't think of anything else to say.

Willow was obviously dissapointed, and made no attempts at hiding it, which surprised me. I put it down as her not really caring since we weren't exactly going to see them again.

Kevin looked at me funny, "It was nice seeing you again too...umm do you need to go somewhere?"

Brian also turned to me, and (I don't think it was my imagination) I swear he looked a bit dissapointed too.

"Uh, I thought you guys had to leave," I replied.

Brian laughed, "Oh no, didn't Kevin ask you to dinner with us?"

"Dinner?" said Willow, her eyes brightening up.

"You guys are free right?" Kevin asked hopingly.

"Yes, of course we are," Willow screamed out, " I mean we'd love to," he continued looking really embarrassed.

We all started to laugh, and this made her blush even more. Realising Brian didn't know who she was I proceeded to introduce them. They started talking as we walked towards the exit to the limo that Kevin said was waiting for us.

Short one here, but I thought maybe instead of keeping you waiting to long, you'd appreciate a little something.

Next: Chapter 4

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