Not the Only One

By moc.loa@42tpircselpmis

Published on May 8, 2011


The Legal Stuff

This story is a work of fiction. Nothing mentioned in this story is true. This story will contain sexual situations between teenage boys. If thats not your cup of tea then leave now. This is my story and cannot be distributed without my consent. Got it! Then I Hope You Enjoy!

Before we get started I would like to thank my new Editor Lisa. She did a wonderful job with the story and I'm sure it will be a much welcomed change for you all. Keep reading and I'll keep writing.

Not The Only One

Chapter 8 - "No Night Is Perfect"


I opened the door to find Ryan standing there listening to his ipod with his eyes closed. It was clear that he didn't notice that I opened the door because he was lost in his own little world, bumping his head to whatever he was listening to. Studying his face made me realize that he does look a lot like that kid I saw exiting Mason's house a few years back. I started to tap Ryan on his shoulder when he opened his eyes.

"Took you long enough. I've listened to like three songs waiting for you to open the door," he said.

"Sorry, I just didn't hear you. But what took you so long, it's been like two hours?" I said back.

"We had alot to talk about, you know with my sister and all among other things."

"What other things did you have to talk about with him?"

"I'll tell you later but let's go work on the project and we can have the rest of the day to chill and just hang out," he replied.

We worked on our project for about two hours. We made great progress and we were a little ahead of schedule. At a little after 2:00, we had just finished when my mom and Kurt returned from the country club. I heard one of them coming up the stairs.

"Where's Ryan?" Kurt asked.

"In the bathroom. What's up!"

"You two last night" Kurt said with a chuckle.

"What?!" I asked confused.

"Me and your mom could hear you two having fun last night," he said with a slight smile on his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"It's ok Jaxson, your mom and I don't care. She's known for a couple of years but she only told me a couple of months ago because she wasn't sure how I would react," he said.

"So you don't care that I like both guys and girls."

"No if you're sure that you like both guys and girls."

"What do you mean if I'm sure?"

"I mean your mom told me that she walked into your room one day while you were busy. Later she did a little snooping on your computer history and she said your porn was 9:1 gay to straight. So I mean, if you're sure you like both than ok, but you should know that you don't have to hide who you are around us," he said.

"Mom's been on my computer!"

"That's beside the point but just remember be true to yourself but if you do ever decide to bring a girl home don't get her pregnant."

"Thanks Kurt, you're not such a bad guy. When you marry my mom this summer I'll be happy to finally call you dad."

"And I'll be able to call you son."

After he said that, Ryan came walking back into the room. Kurt told us to have fun as he left and gave me a wink.

"So what do you want to do?" Ryan asked.

"Lets play some video games and then we can figure something else out," I replied.


We played a couple different video games and before long it was after 5:00. We went downstairs and watched tv with Kurt while my mom prepared dinner. We were watching some movie on HBO when I looked over at Ryan and couldn't help wonder what the 'other things' he and Mason could have possibly needed to talk about. I was staring at Ryan a little too long when I realized he was staring at me with a smile on his face. I could see Kurt out of the corner of my eye watching us.

"I'm going to see if your mom needs help in the kitchen" Kurt said as he headed for the kitchen.


I kept catching Jaxson staring at me and I couldn't help it, so I stared back. Kurt excused himself from the room saying he was going to see if Mrs. Maxwell needed any help. I know that he saw me and Jaxson staring at each other and that's why he left. I heard their whole conversation when I was using the bathroom and I knew now that I had a chance with him. The only problem was to figure out how.

"Let's go to your room while they make dinner," I said, figuring I'd let natural instincts take over.


We made our way up the stairs and I was thinking that I would have to just go for it.

"You want to listen to some music or play a video game?" he asked.

"Let's play a game" I answered.

"Cool, what video game do you wanna play?"

"I know a game but you have to close your eyes," I said putting my newly formulated plan into action.

"What! Why?"

"Cmon just do it!"

"Fine but no funny business" he said sternly.

"Alright, I promise I won't do anything I don't think you'll like."

"Ok," he said as he closed his eyes.

With that I lunged forward and picked him up and threw him on his bed. I jumped on top of him and he opened his eyes and looked up at me.

"You made me close my eyes so you could get the first shot in a wrestling match," he asked.

"Kinda" I said as he struggled and I got his hands above his head.

"Alright you got me, I can't move" he said still trying to break free.

I just looked deep into Jaxson's eyes as I held his hands above his head.

"You ok," he asked but I said nothing and continued to stare into his eyes, hoping to see what I was looking for.

He stopped struggling and just stared back at me. I continued looking until I could feel in my heart that I had a chance. After about 5 minutes of staring at each other, I just went for it. I leaned forward and slowly pressed my lips to his. I didn't move my lips for about 10 seconds. Seeing no resistance, I pressed my lips harder to his and I licked his lips trying to gain entry. After the initial shock wore off, he parted his lips and my tongue went to battle with his. We started making out like two long lost lovers. We were probably making out for about 10 minutes before we were startled by his mom.

"BOYS DINNER'S READY, WASH UP AND COME DOWN," she yelled from down the stairs.

"OK MOM WERE COMING," he yelled back.

"We can eat and then have some more fun," I said.

"Yeah cool. You wash up first and I'll be there in a second."

"Cool," I said as I headed for the bathroom.


I can't believe what just happened. Did he really kiss me? Did we just make out? I thought he was straight! Does this make him gay? "OK OK Jaxson, get your head on straight he kissed you which means he likes you," I thought to myself.

I heard Ryan leave the bathroom so I made my way over to wash up. As Ryan was exiting he smiled at me and touched my cheek as he turned to go downstairs. I went to the bathroom, used the toilet and washed my face. After that I made my way down the stairs to find the three of them sitting at the table waiting for me.

"Took you long enough," Ryan said as I sat across from him.

"Sorry just had to make sure I was fresh before I came down," I said talking to everyone around the table.

"Ok let's eat," my mom said after we said grace.

The meal started out as a pretty quiet one, with just a few stray questions but nothing of any importance or significance. 10 minutes into dinner the conversation took a weird turn.

"So what did you and Ryan do after Kurt and I went to bed?" my mom asked, catching me off guard.

"Umm nothing," I said, knowing she knew the answer but wondering why she would bring it up while Ryan was at the table.

"No reason really, I just thought maybe you guys played hand tag or something," she said with a sly smile as I almost choked on my food.

"WHAT?!" I hissed.

"I was just assuming you two played tug a war or capture the flag or something," she said as her and Kurt laughed.

"What you mom was trying to say is she thought you guys took your cars for a spin," he said as they both laughed again.

I just sat there horrified thinking about why they would say all this with Ryan right here. All the time I spent thinking about how embarrassing they were being to me and Ryan, I never actually looked at Ryan to take in his expression. As I started to turn my head to look at him, Ryan actually spoke.

"Yes, Jaxson and I took our cars for a spin but we did not wash them or park them in the garage," he said as all three of them started laughing.

I was shocked that Ryan was so open and laughing with them that I just excused myself from the table and ran to my room. As I was running my mom called after me.

"JAXSON WE WERE ONLY KIDDING!" she yelled as I made it to the top of the stairs.


I went upstairs to find out how Jaxson was feeling after all the kidding me and his parents were doing at dinner. When I got to his room I found Jaxson with his face in his pillows.

"I'm sorry," was all I could muster to say as I suddenly got nervous.

"Whatever" he said barely lifting his head from his pillow.

"Your dad saw me listening in the hallway when you two talked earlier so when you were in the bathroom me, Kurt and your mom decided it would be fun to crack some jokes and make you squirm. I guess it wasn't a great idea and I'm sorry."

"I guess I overreacted a little but it wasn't funny to me because I wasn't in on the joke," he said.

"Admit it was a little funny," I said

"Shut up."

After that we talked about various things for a few hours. I told him I was gay and he said he likes guys but also likes girls a litle bit but prefers guys more. We talked about school and our futures. Then we started to talk about our make out session earlier.

"Did you like what we did earlier?" I asked

"Yeah I did!" he said with a smile.

"Would you like to do it again?"

"I sure would," he said again with a smile.

We started making out again and I guess Jaxson got a little courage because he started kissing down and nibbling on my neck. Before I even relaized what was happening, my shirt was being pulled over my head. Jaxson bit down on my nipple sending a shock through my body but coming out my mouth as a low moan. He continued to work his way down my chest and got to my bellybutton. He then blew into it, sending tickles through my body. He continued down until he came to my obscenely tented shorts. My six inches were so hard that I felt like I was going to cum if he even touched me. As much as I wanted to continue this I knew that I had to come clean and tell him about the past.

When I stopped Jaxson, he looked confused and asked if he was doing something wrong. I told him that I just had to tell him the truth about me before we went any further. I spent the better part of an hour explaining the times I messed around with Mason and how I lost my cherry to my uncle. Throughout the whole time, Jaxson had this expression of shock and disbelief on his face.

When it was over I couldn't contain my emotions anymore, so I broke down and cried. I couldn't help but think that a night that started out so perfect might end ths way. I cried for about 15 minutes before Jaxson said we should get some sleep. I though everything was ruined as we got under the covers. I turned on my side away from him and tried to just go to sleep and forget about all this for a little while. After about five minutes Jaxson scooted behind me in spooning position. He threw his arm around me and said,"I'm not mad"

Before I could come up with a response to what he said his shallow snoring signaled that he was sleep. I lay there for a few more minutes enjoying his body pressed against mine before sleep consumed me too.

End of Chapter 8

( I loved reading alot of the comments I got over the last two chapters telling me to continue. I'm glad I have a bigger audience then I thought so keep those comments comming! Next chapter is Coming Soon...)

Story Writtin By: SimpleScript Story Edited By: Lisa

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Next: Chapter 9

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