Not To Touch The Earth

By Dylan

Published on Jan 25, 2006



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Not To Touch The Earth

Hey, I'm Michael. I was never really interested in science and math. I'm really interested in Art, Philosophy, and Writing of all kinds. I never really believed in God, at one point in my life I did, but I don't know what happened, around the age of nine I didn't believe in him anymore. No, it wasn't the fault of the religion, I just feel that God is something like Santa Clause, or The Easter Bunny, something you grow past. Even if I did believe in God, I wouldn't abandon him because of the religion, I'd just worship God in my own way. Around the age of 13 I entirely stopped believing in God and everything that has to do with religion, for a while I had struggled with a religion that was right for me, everything from Buddhism to Satanism, and they all have faults. I am not an atheist, I just don't really care anymore. I stopped feeling guilty about masturbation, and sexual thoughts. With the help of Jim Morrison (lead singer of The Doors) and Friedrich Nietzsche (German Philosopher) I discovered my true self, and I became free. I now only feel guilt when nesscesary, when I have done something wrong, not over stupid things that my religion have led me to believe are wrong. Instead of running away form my bisexuality, I embraced it. If there is a heaven and hell, I will gladly go to hell. "No one interesting goes to heaven" - Friedrich Nietzsche, that in my opinion means that all the people who have dared to test the bounds of reality and go against what they were brought up to believe, do not go to heaven. Such as the original thinkers of Ancient Greece and Rome, Buddha, ect. I could go on forever. Now that I have explained a few things about myself, time to tell the story of which I have intended.

It was afterschool, a cloudy day. I was in a pretty good mood, art was my last class, and my favorite. I always leave art in a decent mood. I was walking through the park, I lived right next to it. Then I saw this boy, he was running and then he sat down with his knees raised and his head in his arms. I ran over to him to see what was wrong.

I sat down next to him, and I could see that he was crying. I put my arm around him. "hey, what's wrong?"

He sniffled, "I told my mom and dad a secret, and they kicked me out of the house...."

"What did you tell them?

"I..I..I can't tell you, you'll only want to run away from me..."

"hey, come on, look into my eyes, look. I wouldn't run away from you, its alright really, just tell me." I looked into his sad, innocent eyes as softly as I could.

"ok...fine....I told my parents I'm gay, and they got mad and they kicked me out..."

" so sorry...hey, come with me, lets go get something to eat, and we'll figure this thing out, my treat." I gave him a bright smile, and he grinned at me as he wiped his tears away. As we walked to the pizza parlor I couldn't help but stare at him, he was so cute.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"umm...Jeremy.." He said shyly.

We walked into the pizza parlor, "Jeremy, sit down, I'll order for us, im going to get a cheese pizza for us, do you want anything else?"

"No, t-thats fine" he said as I felt a warm smile come across my face.

I got the food and sat down, and we started eating. "Jeremy, I have an idea, if you don't mind it.

He looked up like a scared animal, "what?"

"If my parents don't mind, and they probably won't, you can stay at my house."

The biggest smile came across his face, he got up and hugged me.

"Thank you so much for this....umm...oh, sorry..."

"No, go ahead, I like hugs" I said as I hugged him back. We couldn't help but laugh.

After we were done eating we walked the short distance to my house.

"Michael...are you sure you don't mind the fact that im gay?"

"Why would I mind?" I said, as if everyone accepted it, that's how I am.

"It's just...that no one else seems to, the kids at school, they pick on me, and my very own parents, kicked me out of the house for it...."

"Jeremy....theres nothing wrong with it. Just because everyone thinks it is, doesn't make it. Homosexuality has been hated by Christianity and many other religions for as long as they have been around, and not to mention it being the butt of every joke. People just arent open-minded, thats all. Me? I think its perfectly normal." Jeremy just smiled at that.

I walked in the door and asked my mom and dad if it was ok if Jeremy stayed with us, they took it as if I was asking to go out to the mall or something. "fine" was all they said.

Me and Jeremy headed up to my room, and there was a problem. I had one bed. Now, I was perfectly fine with the thought of sleeping in the same bed as Jeremy, but Jeremy seemed very uncomfortable. I wasn't always bisexual, I slowly became as I got older. So I'm nervous around girls still, but im perfectly comfortable with guys. Jeremy, on the other hand was always gay, and hes comfortable around girls, and shy around guys. Jeremy never put up a fight of any kind about sleeping with me, but he just seemed uncomfortable, thats all.

Me and Jeremy hung out all day, talking about music, movies and religion/philosophy. I talked to him about my beliefs, and he seemed very interested. Jeremy believed in God, he believed everything that the church told him, and he also believed since he was gay, he was worthless. I gave Jeremy a new way of looking at things.

When both uf us were tired, it came time for bed. Jeremy looked nervous. But I stayed calm, trying to get him to calm down. I layed down first, and got under the covers. Jake did everything slowly, he got into a pair of my pajama pants, but left his shirt on. He was very careful getting into bed, I couldn't help but laugh to myself. He finally layed his head down, he didn't even look at me, he just stared at the ceiling. I flicked the light switch off, it was just above my bed.


"yeah Jeremy?"

"Are you sure you're comfortable with me in your bed?"

I leaned on my side and looked at him.

"Jeremy, I told you. It's perfectly fine." I smiled at him.

He didn't smile back, he was still uncomfortable,

I leaned over and put my arms around him. I put my head against his and just layed there.



I don't know why but I did it. I felt him and I needed it. I wanted to hug him so bad, so I did it. At first Jeremy's muscles were tense, and tight, but after a little I felt them relax. I kissed his mouth, and he kissed mine back, our mouths were soon attached. I started taking his shirt off, and we had to break our kiss to lift it over his head, but only for a moment, then we were inseperable again. I eased under the covers and started kissing his stomache, this is magic, this moment is beautiful.

I stretched the waist band of the pajama bottoms and slowly slid them down his smooth legs and then took them off. Jeremy had a full hard on, I giggled and then I felt warm inside, knowing that was for me. I grabbed his hard cock and ran my fingers up his shaft. He was beautiful. I started jacking him off, but that wasn't enough. I put my lips to the head of his penis, I heard him moan. I put my hands behind his lower back as I sucked on his manhood. I took my time, there was no need to rush. Everything went slowly, and smoothly. I soon heard Jeremy call my name, and I knew that was the warning that he was going to come, but I ignored it, I wanted to taste him, I wanted to experience all of this. In no time he squirted in my mouth, it was actually a little suprising even though I was expecting it, I guess it was the way it came out. I swallow it all, then I kept sucking on him for a little bit after that, then I came back from under the covers. By this time my cock was throbbing, I was so horny I was trembling. Jeremy knew what he had to do, and he looked overjoyed.

I sighed as I felt my shorts slide over my cock, it felt so good. He massaged his fingers against the inside of my legs, then eased them up towards my cock. His warm fingers on my shaft felt like redemption.

I felt like a god, I felt good, I felt free. He didn't even bother to jack me off, he swallowed my cock whole. I think I came about the same time Jeremy did. I called his name, even though I felt that he wanted to do the same as I did for him, just out of common courtesy. As I came in his mouth it felt like I was cumming in a waterfall, it was beautiful, I stopped breathing the whole time I orgasmed.

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