Not Until You Love Me

By Happy Penelope

Published on Jul 10, 2001


Ok, so I'm sorry I took a little longer than expected for this. I hate summer. I can't write when I'm hot and irritable. My air conditioner is broken and the repairman is an ignorant ass that doesn't know his ass from the air conditioner. So I'm gonna stop bitching now and let ya get to the story. ::grin::

Disclaimer: Yeah, I know this is all true because Lance just left my bed and he told me all about it. Lance would never lie. ::grin:: Ha so not true. It's all fiction folks.

Justin leaned against the wall, his hand brushing JC's. They were waiting for Chris to get done listing the many reasons why he should have the single room. "Lastly JC always gets the single room and that just isn't fair. I deserve it for once." Chris whined, crossing his arms like a petulant child. Joey threw a pen at Chris, hitting him in the head. "That was your first reason too doofus." "Well it's a good one and it bears repeating." Chris said, tossing the pen back at Joey and hitting Lance instead. Lance winced, rubbing his forehead where the pen had stabbed him. "Damnit Chris, watch where you're throwing things." "He threw it first." Chris complained, pointing at Joey. Joey snorted, "Yeah, but at least I hit what I aim at." He said, rubbing at the mark on Lance's head. "I don't care. I still want the single room." Chris pouted, kicking at the carpet with the toe of his shoe. JC sighed, "Chris take the fucking room. I wasn't arguing with you to begin with." He shouted, in exasperation. Justin chuckled, dropping into a chair across from Lance and Joey on the sofa. JC sat in the other chair. "So what are we going to do about the other rooms? I don't care who I share with; I just wanna get some sleep." Justin grouched, yawning and rubbing his eyes. JC grabbed a key from Lance's hand. "I'll share with Justin." He stated, looking at Joey expecting a challenge. Justin glanced from JC to Joey. He wasn't sure what to do. Joey just shrugged, leaving the choice up to Justin. Justin sidled up to Joey, wrapping an arm around his waist. "Are you sure you don't mind hon?" He asked, giving Joey a squeeze and a peck on the cheek. "Come on Joey, you're sharing with me." Lance said, grabbing Joey roughly and pulling him away from Justin. Justin turned to face JC, only to see JC stomping out the door. "I'll see ya later Chris." Justin called over his shoulder. Chris flopped backward onto the bed. "Every time I think I've got those guys figured out, they go and turn everything around." He sighed.

The first thing Justin saw upon entering the room was JC lying on one of the beds. He laid flat on his back with no shirt and his legs spread wide. Justin thought he'd never seen anything so beautiful. He rushed into the bathroom, to stop himself from dropping onto the bed beside JC and tracing his ribs with his tongue. He pressed his back to the door, breathing heavily. His eyes and his fists were both clenched tightly closed. A pounding on the door behind him startled him.

"You ok Justin?" JC asked, concern evident in his voice.

Justin turned around, pressing his forehead to the door. "I'm fine; I'll be out in a minute." He said, wondering just how in the hell he was going to share a room with JC.

JC laid down on the bed, throwing his arm across his eyes. He wondered why Joey hadn't insisted on sharing a room with Justin himself. JC was also surprised that Justin didn't seem to mind. He thought that just maybe he might have a chance with Justin after all. JC swore to himself that if Justin gave him a chance he'd never let him regret it. He'd do everything in his power to make Justin happy for the rest of his life. JC's chest constricted as he vowed that even if Justin's happiness meant JC never being with Justin then that's what Justin would have. From now on Justin's happiness was his top priority. He didn't move when he heard the bathroom door open. He kept his arm over his eyes, but he could feel Justin's eyes on him.

JC uncovered his eyes to find Justin standing beside the bed looking down at him. "Is everything ok? Did you want this bed? I'll take the other if you want the one by the window." He offered, moving to rise from the bed.

"No stay." Justin said, placing a hand on JC's chest and pushing him back down on the bed.

Justin's hand was still on JC's chest as he returned to his previous position on the bed. JC's hand unconsciously grasped Justin's shirt, pulling Justin down with him. Justin settled on the bed, half on JC and half beside him. His hand stroked JC's chest. His eyes moved from JC's chest and stopped on his lips. His hand came up to trace the soft red lips. JC's tongue peeked out, touching the pad of Justin's finger. Justin groaned, leaning closer to JC. JC's hand moved to Justin's shoulder, pulling him closer. Justin's eyes met JC's. His head dipped, capturing JC's lips with his own. JC returned the kiss gently, not wanting to frighten Justin away. Justin pulled back slightly, his eyes locking on JC's once again. He gently nipped JC's lower lip before sucking it into his mouth. JC groaned, wrapping his arms around Justin and pulling him completely on top of him. Justin's tongue probed lightly at JC's teeth, begging for entrance. JC's mouth opened admitting Justin's wet hot tongue. Tongue's danced together, tasting, and touching. JC's hand made it's way down, grasping the hem of Justin's shirt and pulling it up. Justin spread JC's legs with his knee and laid between them, never breaking the kiss. Hips began grinding. Justin jerked away, finally noticing the pounding on the door.

"Come on you guys open the fucking door." Chris whined, pounding once again.

Justin groaned, rolling off of JC and off the bed. JC pounded his fists into the bed in frustration, wishing it were Chris.


Next: Chapter 19

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