Not Until You Love Me

By Happy Penelope

Published on Mar 29, 2001


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Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync, and I'm sure I never will. I don't know their sexual preferences nor do I wish to, it's more fun to guess and make up stories about them. This story is all fiction.

Chapter Three ******************** JC left the dance floor in a state of confusion. Justin had kissed him lightly on the lips while dancing and then simply walked off, leaving JC alone. JC knew Justin was up to something, but what exactly he did not know. Justin wasn't gay or even bi as far as he knew, so why was he playing these games. JC decided to take the bull by the horns and confront Justin.

JC placed his hand on Justin's shoulder. "We need to talk."

Justin turned to JC. "Can't it wait? I was just leaving."

"I'll ride back with you." JC pushed Justin gently towards exit.

"Hey Lance, can you get Joey and Chris back by yourself?" Justin asked.

"Sure and while I'm at it I'll just cure world hunger." Lance answered sarcastically.

JC and Justin chuckled while heading for the exit.

The cab ride back to the hotel was quiet. JC thinking about the way Justin had been acting, while Justin was planning ways to get to JC.

Stepping off of the elevator, Justin looked at JC. "Do you wanna talk in your room or ours?"

JC quickly remembered someone should be waiting in his room. "Yours"

Justin sat on the bed watching JC pace back and forth across the room.

JC stopped in front of Justin, "What the hell was that tonight J?"

Justin looked innocently at JC, "What?"

"Dancing, touching my hand, the looks. What the hell are you up to?" JC demanded.

Justin smiled slyly to himself, "Josh we're best friends we dance together and touch each other every day."

"What is this payback for embarrassing you?" JC resumed pacing.

Justin began removing his shirt, " When did you embarrass me?"

JC turned to Justin, "When I said that about your ass. Why the hell are you taking your clothes off?"

Justin stopped midway in removing his jeans, "Umm, because it's late, I'm in my room, and I'm getting ready for bed. I wasn't embarrassed."

JC was perplexed. "Why weren't you embarrassed?"

"Why would I be embarrassed? I dream so much about your ass I forget what mine looks like; it's good to know it's still fine." Justin grinned.

JC stammered. "You what?"

Justin laughed lightly, "You heard me."

JC stared at Justin, "You...why.... I.... are you gay?"

Justin laughed uproariously. "Queer as a three-dollar bill."

JC was so shocked he moved to sit on the bed without looking and fell on the floor. "Stop fucking laughing and tell me what the fuck your up to." JC shouted at Justin, who was laughing even harder when JC fell on the floor.

"I'm sorry Josh. You should have seen your face. You fell on your ass." Justin wiping tears from his eyes offered JC his hand to pull him up.

JC accepted Justin's help grudgingly. "You've had your laugh, now tell me what's going on?"

Justin shrugged his shoulders, " Nothings going on, I'm gay, end of story."

"That's not the end of the story Justin. Why were you coming on to me tonight." JC asked exasperated.

"If you have to ask that, then you need to look in the mirror more often," Justin smirked.

"I'm not gonna sleep with you Justin, everything will be all weird when it's over." JC spoke sternly.

"Why? Are you a weird fuck?" Justin smiled wickedly.

JC growled in frustration, "One night stands between friends just lead to problems."

JC stopped while looking pointedly at Justin sitting on the bed. Justin brought his hand out and gently caressed JC's thigh. He knew he shouldn't, but he had dreamed of touching JC for so long. JC jumped away as if he were burned. Justin's hand on his thigh was so hot. JC felt like he was losing control, a feeling he could not handle. Justin stalked JC, pinning him to the wall without touching him. JC could not breathe. Justin's heat and scent were intoxicating, making him light headed. Justin was breathing into JC's e ar, sending convulsions through his whole body. Justin wanted so bad to feel JC, to hold him. He ached to touch his lips to JC's full red mouth. Justin yearned to love JC with his body and soul.

Justin whispered, "It wouldn't have to be a one night stand."

Justin's words brought JC out of the daze he was in. Pushing Justin away, JC moved to open the door.

"I don't do boyfriends Justin." JC sighed with his back to Justin.

Justin pressed his front to JC's back, sending hot breath into his ear. "You 've had the rest Josh, now try the best."

"Get over yourself Justin," JC gave a harsh laugh while leaving the room.

Justin threw himself down on the bed with a laugh.

"Let the games begin," Justin chuckled.


Next: Chapter 4

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