Not Until You Love Me

By Happy Penelope

Published on Mar 29, 2001



Feedback:I totally love and appreciate. Please send to

Disclaimer:Don't know Nsync or any other celebrities mentioned. Don't know sexual preferences, this is all a fiction and part of my wild imagination.

Chapter Four ***************** "Hey Justin, wake up, breakfast will be here in a few minutes," Lance said, shaking Justin's shoulder.

Justin woke with a smile on his face after dreams of JC, "Morning Lance."

Lance turned from his laptop to look at Justin, "Better take your shower before the others get here."

"Yeah I'm going. So, this is a day off why did we all have to get up early?" Justin asked mid yawn.

"I just thought it would be nice if we could all spend some time together today. I figured we should start with breakfast because otherwise we wouldn' t see JC until at the least early afternoon." Lance stated just before a knock on the door, "Ah room service, you better hurry up before Chris and Joey get here. I'm sure they can smell the food already."

Justin wondered why Lance would think that JC would sleep late. He knew JC had come back early from the club because he rode with him. "Lance what makes you think Josh would sleep late this morning?"

"After I got the inebriated idiots to their room I bumped into JC's evening entertainment." Lance sighed in disgust.

Justin stopped mid search for clothes, " What do you mean entertainment? He came back to the hotel with me last night."

Lance went to the room service cart and began looking under covers, " I don' t know where he found him, but the guy was definitely coming out of JC's room half dressed."

Justin felt nauseous and his chest constricted. He rushed to the bathroom before Lance guessed something was wrong.

"Ok Justin you have to get it together. Josh isn't ready for you yet. You'll win just stay calm." Justin encouraged himself in the mirror. "He will love me; I just need to show him how."

Justin decided to take his time in the bathroom in hopes that everyone would eat and then leave. As he was finishing his hair he was startled by a knock on the door, "Justin come on out and eat we saved you some." Joey's friendly voice shouted.

"I'll be out in a little bit Joe; I'm not really hungry." Justin hoped that Joey would not hear the hurt in his voice.

"Let me in I gotta tell you something." Justin knowing that it was an order not a request opened the door.

The younger man quickly closed the door after admitting Joey, "Joe I'm really not in the mood to hear about some chic you picked up last night."

"That's not what I wanted and you know it. Now what in the hell happened last night?" Joey demanded.

Justin turned and sat on the countertop, "Nothing; I told Josh that I want him."

"You call that nothing?" Joey was astounded, "What did he do? What


Joey was puzzled by Justin's sudden laughter. "Hell's bells one minute you look like someone stole your favorite North Carolina jersey and the next minute your laughing like a loon. Are you on something?"

The curly haired man finally controlled his laughter enough to answer; "He fell on his ass."

"Maybe you shouldn't have just blurted it out." Joey snickered.

Justin gave a sad sigh, "Joey; this isn't going to be easy."

Joey hugged Justin, "I know Curly. Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Oh Joey, I want it so much sometimes, it hurts to breathe just thinking about it. I see him with some guy and it feels like my chest has been crushed. I can't just stop loving him because he wants me too."

Joey continued holding Justin and stroking his back, "Is that why you're hiding in here? Did he tell you to stop loving him?"

"I didn't tell him that I love him. He's not ready." Justin's reply was muffled in Joey's shirt.

"God getting a straight answer out of you is like trying to figure out what people think is so cute about Chris." Joey teased, glad to hear Justin chuckle lightly.

"Maybe they've always wanted a pet monkey." Justin laughed.

Joey gently pushed Justin out to arms length, "Now J tell me what's got you so upset this morning."

Justin inhaled deeply trying to steady himself; "He was with someone last night. Lance saw him leave Josh's room."

"Justin, you knew that would probably happen."

"I know, I just didn't want to know. It hurts too much. How can I face him knowing he turned me down last night and went to someone else?" Justin asked dismally.

"You are going to go out there and eat. Don't act any different. If anybody says anything about the guy last night just ignore it. If JC notice's you're upset by that it will just scare him off." Joey said sternly.

Justin pulled away from Joey, "I can't Joey. He doesn't want me. He could have anyone he wanted. What would he want with me? Nothing obviously, he turned me down last night. What's wrong with me? Look at all of the fans that want me. Why can't Josh want me?"

Joey gave an exasperated sigh, "Justin; there is nothing wrong with you. You can sing and dance like nobody's business. You're smarter than any of us; you just don't let on because you don't want anyone to feel stupid. You're kind and compassionate. Your more loyal than JC deserves. I may not be gay, but even I can see you're just plain gorgeous. We know he likes your ass, just give him time to realize that he likes everything else too."

"Ok, so I'm just going to go out there and act like I don't know that he was with someone last night. I'm going to show him that I'm fucking hot and make him want me just as much as I want him. He likes my ass I can work with that. I mean we all know I have one fine ass," Justin turned to see his ass in the mirror.

Joey laughed and pushed Justin toward the door, "Oh things are definitely back to normal. I've got my narcissistic Juju baby back."

Next: Chapter 5

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